Water bodies of the world: features of use, regime and laws. Water bodies of the world. Use of water bodies What water bodies can be

Kirov regional state educational autonomous institution "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Nomination "Natural Local History"

Research project on the topic:

Water natural objects city ​​of Urzhum

Completed by students of grades 11a and 9b

KOGOAU "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Feofilatova Anastasia and

Lelekova Yulia

Head teacher of geography

KOGOAU "Gymnasium of Urzhum"

Busygina Olga Gennadievna

Urzhum, 2011


1. General physical and geographical characteristics of the study area.

1.1.Geographical location.

1.2. Geological structure and relief.

1.3.Climatic conditions.

1.4.Hydrographic network.

1.5. Soils.

1.6. Flora and fauna.

2. Characteristics water bodies.

2.1. Kabanovsky pond.

2.1.1. Geographical position.

2.1.2. Basic morphometric indicators of the pond.

2.1.3. Hydrochemical studies.

2.1.4. Soils.

2.1.5. Plants and animals.

2.1.6. Assessment of local contamination with solid waste.

2.2. Kuntavka River.

2.2.1. Geographical position.

2.2.2. Basic morphometric indicators of the pond.

2.2.3. Hydrochemical studies.

2.2.4. Soils.

2.2.5. Plants and animals.

2.2.6. Assessment of local contamination with solid waste.

2.3. Popovsky Pond.

2.3.1. Geographical position.

2.3.2. Basic morphometric indicators of the pond.

2.3.3. Hydrochemical studies.

2.3.4. Soils.

2.3.5. Plants and animals.

2.3.6. Assessment of local contamination with solid waste.

2.4. Springs of the village of Popovka.

2.4.1. Spring No. 1 (Transparent).

2.4.2. Spring No. 2 (Spring).

2.4.3. Spring No. 3 (Hermit).

2.4.4. Spring No. 4 (Forest).

2.4.5. Spring No. 5 (Economic).

2.5. Springs of the village of Kotelki.

2.5.1. Spring No. 1 (Mutny).

2.5.2. Spring No. 2 and No. 3 (Impatiens).

3. Conclusion.

Bibliographic list.


The hydrographic network of the Urzhum region is well developed. This is explained by both climatic and hydrogeological conditions. Therefore, the territory of the region is rich in surface and underground waters.

Climatic conditions favor significant surface runoff. The following rivers flow within the city of Urzhum: Urzhumka, Shinerka, Kuntavka. The main type of nutrition is snow and rain. The annual precipitation in Urzhum is 534 mm. In addition to surface nutrition, great importance groundwater plays a vital role in the life of rivers. Which is closely related to the hydrogeological conditions of the area. Aquifers exist in Quaternary sediments. They are confined to river valleys and ravine-gully systems. In Quaternary deposits, one aquifer is observed with a slope towards the river. Tertiary sediments in the area are either anhydrous or low-water.

Snow cover plays an important role in annual runoff. Long winters contribute to the accumulation of snow. And the number of days a year with stable snow cover reaches 150 days. Average height snow cover is 50 cm. The maximum water reserves in snow are 146 mm.

The expenditure part in the water balance of the region is evaporation, which reaches 400 mm per year.

Thus, we can say that the rivers of the district receive their main nutrition from melting snow in the spring. The rivers of the region are predominantly snow-fed, which reaches 65%. In second place is ground nutrition.

Therefore, water consumption is uneven throughout the year. Approximately 60-80% of the annual runoff occurs during the spring flood period.

The largest groundwater seeps are found in the southern part of the city in the “gray stones” area, as well as in the area of ​​the asphalt plant and the river valley. Shinerka.


Search and mapping of water bodies in Urzhum.


Water natural objects of Urzhum.

Object of study.

Hydrographic network of Urzhum.

Subject of study.

1. Morphometric indicators of water bodies

  • Width

  • Depth

  • Water consumption

  • Current speed
2. Hydrochemical features of water bodies.

3. Vegetation and fauna.


Conducting a comprehensive study of water bodies in Urzhum.


  1. Analyze the literature on the topic.

  2. Carry out work on site:

  • Investigate morphometric indicators of water bodies

  • Conduct hydrochemical studies of water bodies

  • Determine soil and vegetation cover in the area of ​​water bodies

  1. Plot the studied water bodies on a map.

  2. Draw conclusions.

The location of water bodies near or on the territory of the city contributes to their anthropogenic pollution.


  1. Expeditionary

  2. Analytical

  3. Cartographic

  4. Field studies

  5. Ratings


Before you start studying inland waters, we became acquainted with the general physical and geographical characteristics of the area.

1.1. Geographical position

Urzhumsky district is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, located in the southeast of the Kirov region. It borders in the north with the Nemsky and Nolinsky districts, in the west with Lebyazhsky, in the southwest with the Mari-El Republic, in the south with Malmyzhsky district and in the east with Kilmezsky. The area is located primarily on the elevated and dissected right bank of the Vyatka River, although part of the territory is located on the wooded lowlands of the left bank of the Vyatka. The study area is located in the central part of the Urzhum region.

1.2. Geological structure and relief

The Urzhum region is located on an uplift of the platform, an anticlise, its depth is 1800 m. The platform is covered from above by a sedimentary cover. The Vyatsky swell stretches across the entire Kirov region. It is represented as a system of Vyatka dislocations extended over the Kirovo-Kazan aulacogen.

The Urzhum ledge (a feature of the structure of the crystalline basement) is eastern part Vyatka dislocations, has dimensions of 90 by 60 km. It is covered with layers sedimentary rocks, which formed a gentle fold - the Urzhum swell, the axis of which stretches almost meridionally along the watershed of the right tributaries of the Vyatka-Urzhumka and Buya.

The relief of the Urzhum region consists of flat watershed spaces and gentle slopes, lowlands in river valleys. In the east of the Urzhum swell there is the Shurminsky trough (Shurma lowland).

The Urzhum uplift (corresponding to the shaft of the same name) is distinguished by its dominant heights of 100-150 meters. Wide, well-developed valleys of the Urzhumka and Buya rivers, as well as their tributaries, are separated by flat watersheds (with heights of 130-180 m), which did not experience glacial treatment in the Quaternary.

The valley network of the Urzhum uplift is well developed both in width and depth. The absolute heights of the valley incisions are 65-130 meters. The entire right-bank part of the area is dissected by a dense network of ravines. The left bank of Vyatka is a fluvioglacial outwash plain.

The main relief-forming factors are: erosion-accumulation activity of rivers, abrasion and accumulation in lake reservoirs and peat formation processes.

1.3. Climatic conditions

The territory of the district belongs to the southeastern agroclimatic region southern zone areas. This zone is well provided with heat, but not sufficiently provided with moisture. Average temperatures in January are minus 14.2 C; July plus 18.5; average annual plus 2 C. Annual precipitation is 534 mm. Of these, 420 mm falls on the warm season, 220 mm on the cold season. The Budyko radiation dryness index, calculated from the observed values ​​of the radiation balance and the amount of precipitation adjusted for under-registration with a precipitation gauge, is equal to 0.97. This value is close to optimal and is characteristic of the boundaries of forest and forest-steppe zones. However, increased dryness summer season allows us to classify the southern regions of the region, starting with Urzhum, as arid.

1.4. Hydrographic network

The rivers of our region belong to the Caspian Sea basin. The main river of the Vyatka region. Its length is about 1370 km (within the region 70 km). The largest right tributaries of the Vyatka in the region are the Bui, Urzhumka, Engerderka, Turechka, and Kizerka rivers. The left tributaries are Kilmez, Nemda. The lakes in the region are small in area and numerous; Lake Shaitan, located in the Buyskaya forest dacha, can be especially highlighted. Shaitan lies in a round karst basin.

1.5. Soils.

Due to the location of the region in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests, the soil cover is a complex of sod-podzolic, gray forest, sod and sod-carbonate soils. Soddy-podzolic lands account for 64% of arable land. They are common on flat watersheds of poorly drained interfluves, on watershed slopes composed of lighter-textured rocks under leaching conditions. In terms of their properties, these soils are similar to light gray forest soils and are close to them in terms of agricultural production indicators.

Soddy-carbonate soils are formed on the elluvia of carbonate Permian rocks. They are common on watershed slopes adjacent to the steep sides of river valleys and asymmetrical gullies; they also form on girder slopes. These soils are characteristic of the Urzhum uplift and are also found in the Shurma lowland. Their share of arable land in the region is 6%. Almost continuous plowing caused widespread erosion processes.

1.6. Flora and fauna

The territory of our district is located in the northern zone of coniferous-deciduous forests. The vegetation is unique; elements of the flora of the European and Siberian taiga and European forest-steppe are found here. The area is classified as sparsely forested, its forest cover is 35%. The most common are spruce (23%) and pine (25%) forests. Small-leaved forests of birch and aspen are widely represented (40%). There are broad-leaved tree species: linden, oak, elm. Shrubs are common in the area: buckthorn, hazel, hawthorn, rose hip. The area is also rich in wildlife. There are: wolf, bear, wild boar, squirrel, fox, muskrat, badger, mole, weasel, otter, hare. Among the game birds you can find: wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridge. Beavers live on the rivers of the region. Rivers and lakes are rich in fish.

2. Characteristics of water bodies.

2.1. Kabanovsky pond.

2.1.1. Geographical position

The pond is located north of the city in the village of Kabanovshchina. It is located in the river valley. Kuntavka is of anthropogenic origin. From the south it adjoins the village of Kabanovshchina, in the east it is limited by a bypass road.

2.1.2. Basic morphometric indicators of the pond.

When examining the lake, we measured the length and width, determined transparency, took water samples for chemical analysis, and described the aquatic and coastal biota. During desk processing of the results, the relative transparency, surface area of ​​the water surface and volume were calculated. water mass.

Maximum depth 12 m

Lake length 700 m

Maximum width 140 m

Surface area = 700 m *140m /2 =49000m

Volume of water mass = 49000m2 * 12m = 588000m3

2.1.3. Hydrochemical studies of Kabanovsky pond

The water temperature, measured during the study of the lake on June 15, 2010, was +18° C on the surface, and +15° C at a depth of 1 meter. This change in temperature with depth indicates direct temperature stratification. Chemical analysis water was carried out in the laboratory of the gymnasium.

Organoleptic indicators of water.

    Putrefactive (at a temperature of 60 degrees)

  • On the side – noticeable pale yellowish, on top – slightly yellowish.

  • Slightly yellowish (with a water column height of 10 cm), yellowish (with a water column height of 20 cm)

  • Good.
Chemical composition of water.

    The indicator (litmus) showed that pH = 6.
Chloride concentration

  • After adding silver nitrate, there was no cloudiness or sediment in the water. This means there are no chlorides.
Sulphate concentration

  • After adding to water of hydrochloric acid and barium chloride a slight cloudiness appeared. This means that the concentration of sulfates is 10 mg/l.
Phenol concentration

  • After adding bleach, the “pharmacy” smell did not appear. This means there are no chlorophenols.
Concentration of hydrogen sulfide and its salts.

  • Lead paper was placed in water, which did not darken. This means that there are no hydrogen sulfides or salts.
Iron concentration

  • After adding hydrochloric acid, potassium thiocyanate, and hydrogen peroxide to the water, its color did not change. This means that the iron concentration is less than 0.05 mg/l.
Nitrite concentration

  • After adding Griess reagent to the water and heating it to 70 degrees. The color of the solution became slightly pink. This means that the maximum permissible concentration for nitrites is 0.003 mg/l.
Concentration of ammonia and ammonium ions

  • After adding Nessler's reagent to the water, the color of the solution became slightly yellow. This means that the maximum permissible concentration is 0.25 mg/l.

  • After adding sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate to the water, the color of the solution became pale pink. This means that the oxidability is 8 mg/l.
Nitrate concentration

  • 50 ml of water was evaporated and disulfophenolic acid, distilled water and a solution of 10% ammonia were added. The color of the solution became slightly yellow. This means that the maximum permissible concentration for nitrates is 3 mg/l.
Conclusion: Water is not suitable for drinking, high surfactant content, acidic reaction.

ABOUTassessment of water quality according to the biotic index

Object of study: Kabanovsky pond.

Were found.

The reservoir is moderately polluted - inhabited by freshwater and bivalves, larvae of stoneflies, hornflies and caddisflies, leeches. The reservoir is ecologically moderately polluted, because it contains a small number of individuals of the key species.

This is due to the fact that there is little anthropogenic impact.

2.1.4. Soils

On the northeastern shore of the lake, we laid out and described a soil profile. Exploring it, four soil horizons were identified:

Ao - turf, 3 cm;

A - humus-accumulative, 19 cm;

It was established that the soil on the shore of the pond was turfy, medium-deep, loamy.

2.1.5. Plants and animals.

Plants and animals are closely related to the aquatic habitat and form a single whole - hydrobiocenosis.

Floristic list

  • Plantain plant (Alisma plantago-aquatica);

  • Horsetail (Equisetum);

  • Chicory (Cichorium);

  • Red clover (Trifolium praténse);

  • Great burdock (Arctium láppa);

  • Sedge (Cárex);

  • Mowing (Aegopódium);

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum);

  • Plantain (Planto);

  • Buttercup (Ranunculus ácris);

  • Meadow geranium (Geranium pratense);

  • Forget-me-not (Myosotis);

  • Mouse pea (V. craccaL);

  • Horse sorrel (Rúmex confértus);

  • Far Eastern Sverbiga (Bunias orientalis).
In Kabanovsky Pond, thickets of Elodea forming roots are clearly represented. Here, in summer time 12 meters coastal zone is covered dense thickets Elodea. The plant is completely in the water and only the inflorescences, at the end of summer, protrude above the surface of the water surface.

Species composition of animals: the pond is inhabited by freshwater and bivalve mollusks, larvae of stoneflies, mayflies, flies and caddisflies, dragonflies (demoiselles and dragonflies), leeches.

2.1.6. Assessment of local pollutionty solid waste.

The assessment was carried out according to the methodology (Appendix No. 1).

Characteristics of the territory.

Visibility of some pollution, some chemical pollution, dust, possible mechanical damage to 5% of plants, minor damage to grass and soil cover, changes in the species composition of plants characteristic of this type of area.

Research results.

Total: 79

40-100 pieces of garbage - high degree of contamination. Conclusion: Kabanovsky Pond has a 4th degree of pollution.

2.2. Kuntavka River.

2.2.1. Geographical position

Location of the observation point: flows through the village of Terebilovka, north of the city of Urzhum, flows into the Urzhumka River.

2.2.2. Basic morphometric indicators of the river.

Water flow determination upstream Kuntavka rivers andmeasuring river flow speed(Appendix No. 2).

Date 06/09/10.

The distance between the upper and lower gates is 10 m.


Distance from shore m.


Left 0.75





Left 1.5





Right 0.75




The highest speed is 0.4m/s.

Lowest speed 0.32 m/s.

Average speed 0.35 m/s.

Measuring the depth of the river.


Distance from shore.m

Depth, m.

The edge of the left bank.




Point 1




Point 2




Edge of the right bank




W1=((0+0.1)/2)*0.75=0.038 m 2

W2=((0.1+0.15)/2)*0.75=0.094 m 2

W3=((0.15+0)/2)*0.5=0.038 m 2

Q=0.17*0.35=0.06m 3 /s

Definitionwater flow of the lower reaches of the Kuntavka River.

Measuring the flow speed of the Kuntavka River.

Date 06/09/10.

The distance between the upper and lower gates is 7.5 m.


Distance from shore m.

Measured float running time, s.

Average running time of floats, s.

Current speed at a given distance, m/s.


Left 0.75





Left 1.5





Right 0.75




The highest speed is 0.37m/s.

Lowest speed 0.27 m/s.

Average speed 0.32 m/s.

Measuring the depth of the river.


Distance from shore.m

Distance from adjacent depth measurement point.m.

Depth, m.

The edge of the left bank.




Point 1




Point 2




Edge of the right bank




Measuring the area of ​​the living cross-section of a river bed.

Intermediate areas:W=((h1+h2)/2)*b

h1,h2 depths at adjacent measuring points.

b-distance between two neighboring points.

W1=((0+0.2)/2)*0.6=0.06 m 2

W2=((0.2+0.1)/2)*0.6=0.09 m 2

W3=((0.1+0)/2)*0.8=0.04 m 2

W=0.06+0.09+0.04=0.19m 2

Calculation of water consumption.

Q(water flow)=w(river cross-sectional area) v(average water speed)

The regime for using water bodies of the Russian Federation is established in industry regulations regulations– in the RF CC, federal and regional laws. Legal relations arising in this area may also be regulated by presidential decrees.

Earth Resources

The world's water bodies occupy a vast area of ​​the planet. They include seas and oceans, glaciers, snowfields, rivers, swamps, and lakes. Fresh water bodies in the world are considered the most valuable. There are quite a few of them on the planet. In Russia, one of such freshwater objects is lake. Baikal. All the Earth's aquatic resources form the hydrosphere. Currently, there is no unified approach to defining its boundaries. There are different opinions in the literature regarding the interpretation of the very concept of the hydrosphere. Traditionally, it is considered the water shell of the planet, located within the crust, including seas and oceans, underground water bodies, snowfields, glaciers, rivers, lakes, swamps, and ponds.

Hydrological cycle

All water bodies are directly or indirectly connected to each other. They are united by the global hydrological cycle. In simple words it is called the water cycle. Its key element is river flow. It closes the links of the oceanic and continental cycles. The river has the largest flow. Amazon. It is 7,280 km 3 /year. Over the past 50 years, the mass of water in the planet's hydrosphere has remained generally unchanged. At the same time, the amount of content in some water areas changes. This is due constant redistribution water in nature. Global warming has a special impact on the state of the hydrosphere. It provokes the melting of glaciers and permafrost. Due to global warming, the water level in the World Ocean has increased significantly.

Legal aspect

The use of the planet's water bodies is regulated by international law. They establish rules for navigation, fishing, and the flight of aircraft over water areas. International law establishes such a category as neutral waters. Within their limits, special provisions apply. The rules are established for all states and are mandatory.

Water bodies of the Russian Federation

Their classification is established depending on morphometric, physical-geographical and other features. Water bodies are divided into underground and surface. The latter include:

  1. Seas or their individual sections (bays, straits, estuaries, bays, etc.).
  2. Canals, streams, rivers and other watercourses.
  3. Ponds, lakes.
  4. Swamps.
  5. Reservoirs, flooded quarries.
  6. Snowfields, glaciers.
  7. Natural outlets of underground water (geysers, springs).

This category also includes lands within the coastline. Groundwater bodies include groundwater basins and aquifers.


Coastlines are defined for:

  1. Seas - relatively constant water level. If it changes periodically, the boundary is set along the line of maximum low tide.
  2. Reservoirs, ponds - relative to the normal retaining water level.
  3. Swamp - along the border of peat deposits at zero depth.

The coastlines of underground facilities are established in accordance with the legislation on subsoil.

Public access

Surface water bodies that are municipal/state owned are publicly accessible. Every citizen has the right to satisfy his household and personal needs with their help free of charge. The Code and other federal laws may provide for special rules. The use of water bodies is carried out in accordance with the standards for protecting the lives of citizens. They are approved in the manner determined by the Government. In addition, the use of water bodies for domestic and personal needs is regulated by rules established by local government structures.


Special rules may prohibit:

  1. Withdrawal of water for domestic and drinking supplies.
  2. Bathing.
  3. Moving jet skis, small boats and other technical equipment used for recreation.
  4. Watering hole.

In cases stipulated by federal and regional legislation, other prohibitions may be established. Information about restrictions on the use of publicly accessible facilities is communicated to residents of the relevant localities by local authorities through the media. Special warning and prohibition signs are also installed along coastlines. Notification of the public may be carried out in other ways.


The strips of land bordering publicly accessible water bodies are 20 m wide. The exception is the coastline of canals, streams and rivers, the length of which is no more than 10 km. The width of the boundary strip of land in these cases is 5 m. The coastline of swamps, snowfields, geysers, glaciers, springs and other water bodies is not defined. Every citizen is given the right of free access to the coastline. The population can use it without the use of mechanical vehicles for staying near them, moving, as well as for exercising sports or recreational fishing, mooring of watercraft.


Water bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation belong to the state. However, the law establishes a number of exceptions. Flooded quarries, ponds located within the site that is the property of a region of the Russian Federation, a legal entity, a citizen, municipality, belong to the relevant entity. Other rules may be provided for in federal legislation. The ownership right to the above-mentioned objects of a citizen, region, municipality, organization terminates simultaneously with the alienation of the corresponding plot within the boundaries of which they are located. In this case, the norms of the Civil and Land Codes apply. It is not allowed to alienate water bodies without taking away the land within which they are located. Such plots are not subject to division if this would require dividing a quarry or pond. If the river bed changes naturally, the Russian Federation's ownership of it does not cease.

Main uses of water bodies

Water areas may be provided to satisfy several or one purpose to one or more entities. Water bodies can be used for:

Energy facilities and infrastructure can be installed in water areas. The implementation of fishing is regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation (Article 51). The use of water bodies does not cease with the natural change of river beds, unless otherwise follows from the content of the legal relationship or from the provisions of the Water Code. Rights are acquired by organizations and citizens in the manner established by the Code, as well as by subsoil legislation. The latter applies to underground facilities.

Termination of rights

It is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Water Code and subsoil legislation. Forced termination of rights is permitted on the following grounds:

  1. Inappropriate use of an object.
  2. Operation in violation of Russian legislation.
  3. Failure to use the facility within the time limits provided for by the decision on its provision or the water use agreement.

Forced termination of rights when it is necessary to exploit water areas for municipal or state needs is carried out by executive authorities at the federal or territorial level within the framework of their competence and in accordance with legislative provisions.


In accordance with the announcement, one party - a state or municipal government institution - undertakes to provide the subject with a water body for use on a reimbursable basis. The lease rules established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are applied to the agreement, unless otherwise provided for in the Civil Code and does not contradict the content of legal relations. The agreement is considered concluded from the date of its registration in the register.

The agreement must contain information about:

  1. Object. Among other things, its boundaries and parts within which the relevant activities will be carried out must be described.
  2. Types, purposes, conditions of use of the object or its zone. Here, among other things, the volume of permitted resource withdrawal is indicated.
  3. Period of validity of the contract.
  4. The amount of payment for the use of the object or its part, the terms and conditions for paying the agreed amounts.
  5. Procedure for termination of rights.
  6. Responsibility of the parties for violation of the terms of the agreement.


Water resources are an invaluable wealth of each country individually and the entire planet as a whole. The rules of international and domestic law establish the procedure and conditions for their operation. The key task of the government of any country is to ensure that resources are maintained in proper condition. For this purpose, laws are adopted that restrict the free use of objects and prohibit harmful activities near them. Currently, the problem of wastewater discharge into water bodies has become of greatest relevance. To solve this problem, laws were adopted at the state level providing for the responsibility of entities that negatively impact environment. Industrial enterprises are now required to install wastewater treatment plants and pay environmental fees. In addition, the law provides for fines for entities that systematically violate the rules for using water bodies.

The Russian Federation is a country rich in water resources. A large percentage of the world's water reserves are located in Russia. The state's marine area consists of 14 seas. Thanks to the seas, the country has developed shipping, oil and gas production, fishing and many other industries.

There are more than 2 million fresh and salt lakes in the Russian Federation. The most deep lake is located right here. Baikal contains 90% of the national fresh water reserve. Swamps also play an important role; peat is extracted from them.

Seas of Russia

Russia's 14 seas belong to three oceans and the Caspian Sea. Each of them has an important state industrial significance. The White, Chukotka, Azov, Black, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese, Baltic, Caspian, Kara, Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea stand out for their importance in the transport, resort and industrial sectors.

The country's northern seas serve as the main source of seafood. The Black and Azov Seas are visited by thousands of tourists every year. All seas differ from each other in natural conditions. Each is unique in its own relief, bottom shape, depth, temperature and origin...

Largest lake (sea):

Seas of the Atlantic Ocean:

Seas of the Arctic Ocean:

Pacific Seas:

Rivers of Russia

The country occupies a large geographical part Globe, where it spreads a large number of rec. On the river banks there are many big cities. More than 3 million rivers are important for the life of people, animals, birds and plants. The size of many rivers impresses with their power and beauty. One of the most long rivers The lands are considered to be the Lena and Ob rivers. Rivers have many vegetation zones, serve as home to many species of flora and fauna. The reservoirs are also rich in fish species that can be eaten...

Large rivers of Russia:

Lakes of Russia

There are more than 2 million unique, beautiful and valuable lakes in Russia. The most large lake world - Baikal. It is home to many rare species of animals and plants. The water of Lake Baskunchak has medicinal properties, its healing effect benefits people's health. Lotus Lake amazes with its picturesque nature.

Each lake, regardless of its size and location, is very important for the country. Amazing reservoirs serve as a place for tourists to relax, attract the attention of fishermen and are national treasure states. Economic importance lakes are increasing every year. Salt lakes have become a source of production table salt. Many ships sail on Lake Onega and Lake Baikal...

Large lakes of Russia:

Reservoirs of Russia

A large number of reservoirs in the country, including artificial reservoirs, are divided into river and lake types. These reservoirs are used to generate hydropower and thermal power. At the same time, reservoirs are responsible for water supply to the population and have important water transport significance. Fish are bred and caught in many reservoirs. They also produce inexpensive electricity. Dry areas find their salvation in water from such systems.

The Far East suffers from floods, so artificially built reservoirs limit water flows and save people from disasters.

The Asian part of the Russian Federation has more than a hundred reservoirs, and the European part has more than a thousand. The total area of ​​the country's reservoirs is approximately 1 million square meters...

Large reservoirs in Russia:

Unique water resources are important for every person. Cleanliness depends on every resident of the country water resources. The problem of water use in Russia is the most important factor. The economy, social sphere and National security. Therefore, water resources should be conserved and protected from pollution.

water body– a natural or artificial reservoir, watercourse or other object in which water is permanently or temporarily concentrated.

That is, a water body is a natural or man-made formation with a permanent or temporary accumulation of water. The accumulation of water can be both in relief forms and in the subsoil.

There are three groups of water bodies:

3) Watercourses– accumulations of water in relatively narrow and shallow depressions on the Earth’s surface with forward movement of water in the direction of the slope of this depression. This group of water bodies includes rivers, streams, and canals. They can be permanent (with the flow of water all year round) and temporary (drying out, freezing).

4) Reservoirs– accumulations of water in depressions of the earth’s surface. The basin and the water filling it are a single natural complex, which is characterized by slow water movement. This group of water bodies includes oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and swamps.

The set of watercourses and reservoirs within certain territory form a hydrographic network.

5) Special water bodies– glaciers (moving natural accumulations of ice) and groundwater.

Water on Earth is in liquid, solid and vapor states; it is included in aquifers and artesian basins.

Water bodies have catchment area- part of the earth's surface or thickness of soil and rocks from where water flows to a specific water body. The boundary between neighboring watersheds is called watershed. In nature, watersheds usually delimit bodies of water on land, mainly river systems.

Each water body belonging to a particular group is characterized by its own characteristics natural conditions. They change in space and time under the influence of physical and geographical factors, primarily climatic factors. Regular changes in the state of water bodies that collectively form the hydrosphere are reflected in it to one degree or another.

Distinguish surface water bodies consisting of surface waters and lands covered by them within coastline, And underground water bodies.

Surface water bodies include:

1) seas or their individual parts (straits, bays, including bays, estuaries and others);

2) watercourses (rivers, streams, canals);

3) - reservoirs (lakes, ponds, flooded quarries, reservoirs);

4) swamps;

5) glaciers, snowfields;

6) natural outlets groundwater(springs, geysers).

The coastline (border of a water body) is determined for:

Seas - along a constant water level, and in the case of periodic changes in water level - along the line of maximum ebb;

Rivers, streams, canals, lakes, flooded quarries - according to the average long-term water level during the period when they are not covered with ice;

Ponds, reservoirs - according to the normal retaining water level;

Swamps - along the border of peat deposits at zero depth.

Groundwater bodies include:

1) groundwater basins;

2) aquifers.

The boundaries of groundwater bodies are determined in accordance with the legislation on subsoil.

There are also such natural formations of a transitional nature, which do not have the characteristics of a water body, but have the “possibility” of harmful effects. An example of such formations are, in particular, “breathing” lakes. The essence of the phenomenon lies in the unexpected and rapid (sometimes in one night) appearance and disappearance " big water» in relief depressions, swampy and meadow lowlands (sometimes with an area of ​​up to 20 km2).

“Breathing” lakes are observed in the Leningrad region, Prionezhye, Novgorod region, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, and Dagestan. Suddenly appearing near settlements and various communications of the lake flood them.

Depending on the range of water users, water bodies are divided into:

1) Public water bodies– publicly accessible surface water bodies that are in state or municipal ownership.

Every citizen has the right to have access to public water bodies and use them free of charge for personal and domestic needs, unless otherwise provided by the Water Code Russian Federation, others federal laws. A strip of land along the coastline of a public water body (shoreline) is intended for public use. The width of the shoreline of public water bodies is twenty meters, with the exception of the shoreline of canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers. The width of the shoreline of canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from source to mouth is no more than ten kilometers, is five meters.

2) Specially protected water bodies– water bodies (or parts thereof) that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, as well as aesthetic, recreational and health value. Their list is determined by the legislation on specially protected natural areas.

Water bodies form the basis of water resources. Hydrological methods of measurement and analysis are used to study water bodies and their regime.


The Civil Code contains provisions that make it possible to determine how general signs real estate objects, as well as an approximate list of real estate objects.

Immovable things (real estate, real estate) include land plots, subsoil plots, separate water bodies and everything connected with the land, i.e. objects whose movement without commensurate damage to their purpose is impossible, including forests, perennial plantings, buildings, and structures. Immovable property also includes aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, and space objects subject to state registration. The law may classify other property as immovable things (Article 130 of the Civil Code). Real estate objects are divided according to several criteria (details in the diagram).

Thus, the main features of real estate are: firstly, a strong connection with the land, and secondly, the impossibility of moving the corresponding object without disproportionate damage to its purpose. However, these characteristics are not inherent in all real estate properties. Such real estate objects include: land plots, subsoil plots and water bodies, which are named in the Civil Code and are independent real estate objects.

Russia is one of the most water-rich countries in the world. More than 20% of the world's reserves are concentrated in rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers and snowfields, as well as in underground water bodies. fresh water. We have water bodies whose uniqueness is recognized throughout the world.

Those lands that are located under water bodies are called lands of the water fund. These are lands occupied by water bodies, lands of water protection zones of water bodies, as well as lands allocated for the establishment of right of way and water intake protection zones, hydraulic structures and other water management structures and facilities (Article 102 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation).

Water feature. Concept

Water body - a natural or artificial reservoir, watercourse or other object in which permanent or temporary concentration of water has characteristic shapes and features water regime.

Water bodies are seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs, groundwater canals, ponds and other places of permanent concentration of water on the land surface (for example, in the form of snow cover). Water bodies form the basis of water resources. Many sciences study water bodies. Hydrological methods of measurement and analysis are used to study water bodies and their regime. From an ecological point of view, water bodies are ecological systems.


Water bodies are classified depending on the characteristics of their regime, physical-geographical, morphometric and other features. Despite the fact that the basis for the classification of water bodies is natural science, the classification itself has important legal significance, since its legal fate depends on the concept and types of a water body; in addition, one of the principles of water legislation is the regulation of water relations depending on the characteristics of the water regime objects, etc. Water bodies are divided into:


Inland sea waters;

Territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation;


Surface water bodies consist of surface water and the land covered by it within the shoreline. A special place is occupied by the protection of surface waters in Russia. Russian water legislation regulates relations in the field of use and protection of water bodies in order to ensure the rights of citizens to clean water and favorable water environment; maintaining optimal conditions water use; quality of surface and groundwater in accordance with sanitary and environmental requirements; protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging and depletion; conservation of biological diversity of aquatic ecosystems.

According to the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the use of water bodies for drinking and domestic water supply is a priority. For these water supplies, surface and underground water bodies protected from pollution and clogging must be used. It is prohibited to discharge waste and drainage waters into water bodies:

Classified as specially protected;

Located in resort areas, places of recreation for the population;

Located in spawning and wintering areas of valuable and specially protected fish species, in habitats of valuable species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.

The procedure for developing and approving standards for maximum permissible harmful impacts on water bodies is established by the government of the Russian Federation.

TO surface waters relate:

1) seas or their individual parts (straits, bays, including bays, estuaries and others). According to the generally accepted definition, a sea is a part of the World Ocean, more or less isolated by land or elevated underwater terrain and differing from the open part of the ocean in its hydrological regime. In the Water Code of the Russian Federation, by “sea” the legislator understands the internal sea waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation. Internal sea waters of the Russian Federation are waters located towards the coast from the baselines from which the width of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation is measured. Inland sea waters are integral part territory of the Russian Federation. The territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation is a sea belt with a width of 12 adjacent to land territory or internal sea waters. nautical miles(Federal Law No. 155-FZ dated July 31, 1998 “On internal sea ​​waters, territorial sea and adjacent zone RF");

2) watercourses (rivers, streams, canals), characterized by constant or temporary movement of water in the channel in the direction of the general slope;

3) reservoirs (lakes, ponds, flooded quarries, reservoirs) are characterized by a state of slow water exchange;

4) swamps - an excessively moist area of ​​land on which there is an accumulation of undecomposed organic matter, which later turns into peat;

5) natural outlets of groundwater (springs, geysers);

6) glaciers (moving natural accumulations of ice of atmospheric origin), snowfields (stationary natural accumulations of snow and ice, preserved on the earth’s surface during the entire warm period or part of it).

Groundwater bodies are a concentration of hydraulically connected water in rocks, which has boundaries, volume and features of the water regime (regulated by subsoil legislation). Groundwater bodies include:

1) groundwater basins (a set of aquifers located in the subsoil);

2) aquifers (concentration of water in cracks and voids of rocks that are in hydraulic connection). The classification of aquifers (first second and other aquifers) is approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) groundwater deposit - part of the aquifer within which there are favorable conditions for the extraction of groundwater;

4) natural outlet of groundwater - the outlet of groundwater on land or under water.

All water bodies on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, are internal waters.

Transboundary (border) water bodies. Surface and underground water bodies that mark, cross the border between two or more foreign countries or through which the State border Russian Federation are transboundary (border) water bodies.

Public water bodies are water bodies that are in public, open use.

At public water bodies, general water use is carried out in the manner established by the Water Code.

Restrictions on the use of public water bodies are permitted if this is expressly provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Water bodies that are in federal ownership, as well as separate water bodies that are in municipal ownership, are water bodies of public use, unless otherwise provided for in water protection, environmental or other interests by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Isolated water bodies owned by citizens or legal entities can, in accordance with the established procedure, be used as water bodies of public use only under the conditions of registration of this restriction of ownership of isolated water bodies in the unified state register and payment of remuneration to the owner.

Water bodies that, in accordance with the Water Code, can be used by a limited number of persons, are recognized as water bodies that are not in general use.

A strip of land along the banks of public water bodies (towpath) is intended for public use. Everyone has the right (without the use of transport) to use the towpath for movement and stay near a public water body, including fishing and mooring watercraft. The width of the towpath cannot exceed 20 meters.

Water bodies of special use. Water bodies of special use are water bodies that are used by a limited number of people.

The provision of water bodies for special use is carried out in the manner established by the Water Code. Providing water bodies for special use excludes them from public use.

A towpath and general water use can be established on water bodies of special use, under the conditions provided for in Articles 20 and 88 of the Water Code, respectively.

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