The choice is predetermined: a Muslim woman’s thoughts about fate. The unusual life story of Enver Abdurakhmanov Returning to his homeland

About Me

My name is Khadijat, I am 24 years old. Born and raised in Dagestan. Graduated from DSU, Faculty of Law, in this moment I work at the Federal Cadastral Chamber. In addition to official work, I’m setting up my small business, for which I have big plans.

I love a variety of music, dancing and everything connected with it. I get inspired by reading literature, going to theaters, museums and cinema - this, let’s say, gives me a certain inner, spiritual comfort and harmony.

Well, I get the greatest pleasure from traveling! For me, traveling means living! As they say, the soul requires space, new emotions and extreme sports.

Thanks to my parents, who revealed all the colors of the world to me and passed them on to me. good hands, the person with whom I continue to feel like the only one and with whom I go through life at the same rhythm.

About style

Speaking separately about style, I single out several stars and celebrities who have a lot to learn from, such as Victoria Beckham (their family, by the way, is an example of an ideal marriage for me), her sophisticated images and strict presentation evoke admiration. I would absolutely love to buy one of her bags! Mira Duma and her interesting, varied looks, I often want to try them on myself.

I like brands such as Chanel, LV (with their timeless bags), VB, Kenzo, Celine, Max Mara Weekend. Among affordable brands, like many girls, I single out Zara; I really like things from Massimo Dutti. I note that fashion in our country is developing rapidly, there are many affordable Russian stamps, which are in no way inferior to the above.

I can say about myself that I simply love combining incongruous things! The main rule is that clothes should be comfortable and not restrict movement. I don’t adhere to a specific style, as such, so my style is a direct reflection of my inner world and moods.

As the world-famous designer Yves Saint Laurent said: “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.”

I can’t say that I would never wear this or that thing, as they say, never say never. Fashion is an unpredictable thing, you can’t promise it! Only if something is vulgar, then no, but otherwise there are no restrictions.

About the city

IN last years There has been a big stylish “leap” in our city, so to speak. Previously, it was quite sad to watch girls inappropriately dressed and wearing makeup, and boys who had two types of clothes - a tracksuit and jeans with a shirt for going out. Now the situation has changed, and it is mostly pleasant to watch young people. The style has become more interesting bright colors They weren’t lost, but they learned to combine them, and people developed a sense of proportion.

More and more often I meet girls in comfortable and stylish shoes with natural make-up, or without it at all, with well-groomed hair. natural hair, beautiful interesting manicure. And the same guys began to understand fashion.

As for establishments, there are now more than enough of them in Makhachkala. Among those cozy places where you can relax, eat delicious food, unwind and even do some work, I highlight such as the recently opened Pirosmani restaurant, which boasts its colorful Georgian menu, and the Giardino cafe, famous for its excellent desserts. I really like to sit in Aroma, where the homely atmosphere prevails and the food is very tasty. But I think everyone still has their own preferences in this regard.

Of course, I am a patriot, and I madly love my hometown, but I, like many residents, would like to see it clean and tidy, I would remove pointless and ugly buildings, create more parks and flower beds throughout the city, so that mothers can walk with their children more often and breathe fresh air. We also lack a good large shopping and entertainment center with interesting shops and a large cinema.

But what we can really be proud of is the traditions, customs and hospitality of the people! Beautiful scenery of mountains and the Caspian Sea. We really can’t take this away from us!

Finally, I would like to thank the site team, it was truly a pleasure to work with you! I wish everyone well and peaceful skies above their heads!

Prayer therapy
Bioenergy therapist
Spiritual healing
Removing negative information and influences
Intuitive vision, clairvoyance

Winner of the first international prize in the field of esotericism and healing in the category “Ethnic Esotericist” 2014

SESSIONS of extrasensory diagnostics and energy information correction:

Biocorrection (diseases of varying severity)
Removing evil eyes, damage, curses
Solving personal and psychological problems (eliminating psychological attachments, clearing negative emotions)
Modeling positive situations
Solving problems in interpersonal relationships, harmonizing relationships with the opposite sex, family relationships
Elimination of insomnia, depression, fears
Elimination of necrotic connection


I was born in Dagestan. Since 1986 I have lived in St. Petersburg, and also conduct receptions in Moscow.

My abilities go back centuries. My mom filmed everything negative programs from people through prayers, eggs and water. She helped everyone who needed her help. And there were a lot of them! My brother also followed in my mother’s footsteps. He healed the most seriously ill patients with energy.

Unlike my peers, I understood that I had some kind of power that was incomprehensible to me at that time. I could tell everything about a person on cards, until I was warned twice in a dream - quiet female voice on the right said: “You can’t guess.” And my late mother warned me what fortune telling on cards meant for me. Since then I have parted with the cards. By applying my hands I could relieve any pain. But for a long time I refused to work in this direction.

I became interested in finding out about myself, who am I? Why me? Then I started attending some courses and seminars. Some were interesting, some turned out to be not mine, since people tend to remember something that is closer to their spirit. And here I realized that each person must bring his own experience, his knowledge, which is given to him from above.

In the process of working with a person, it turned out that knowledge and help that is suitable for some people does not help others. Everyone is given their own individual from above. And therefore, when I start working with a person, I am open to everything new that may appear in this work.

I often see prophetic dreams. There are answers to specific questions posed. When did it happen in my life stressful situation, my abilities have increased even more. Clairvoyance and clairaudience opened up. People who are in my field admit that they are getting better: fears, depression and much more disappear.

Then an idea came to me: what if I consciously help people? Happened!

Through clairvoyance I can identify a cause-and-effect relationship through viewing events of the past, present, and future. I establish the reasons that led to failures in life (at work, in the family). I identify all negative forms of influence on a person that are magical in nature, such as damage, the evil eye, curse and other forms. Help in neutralizing them.

I provide assistance in solving various life situations: betrayal, leaving the family, returning good luck, financial and business issues, eliminating binge drinking, drug addiction, eliminating necrotic attachments. Exorcism. I practice searching for missing people, as well as missing documents, etc. I will predict where to find your destiny.

Prayers and energy work to attract good luck and success!

I work via Skype, over the phone and in person. There are no boundaries for energy and prayers.

Tell friends:
Number of impressions: 10774

  • Program: Hot spots, Migration and law

20th of December Polish authorities notified Chechen blogger Tumsa Abdurakhmanov, who is in Poland and asked for political asylum there, with the intention of deporting him to Russia. The Border Guard Service handed him a corresponding notice.

Obviously, with this development of events, Tumsa will be detained at the Moscow airport and transferred to Chechnya. The authorities of this republic will remember him for his sharp criticism of the regime Kadyrov. Most likely, they will try to force him to publicly repent.

However, in the case of Tumsu Abdurakhmanov, the matter will not be limited to torture and public repentance. A criminal case has been initiated against him on false grounds. Abdurakhmanov was accused of having allegedly left Syria and joined the “ Islamic State» (IS, international terrorist organization, banned in Russia).

December 28th starting at 11:00, members of the Memorial Human Rights Center will hold a meeting outside the Polish Embassy in Moscow(st. Klimashkina, 4) a series of single pickets, protesting against the inhumane decision of the authorities of this state.

Let us recall that Tumsu Abdurakhmanov, born in 1985, lived in Grozny and worked as a deputy general director at Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electrosvyaz". IN November 2015 he was forced to leave his homeland due to a conflict with Islam Kadyrov - former head of the administration of the head and government of Chechnya. Once, seeing Abdurakhmanov, this official drew attention to his supposedly “Salafi” beard - in Chechnya everything connected with this movement in Islam is prohibited. Kadyrov more than once publicly stated about this in a strict form, and his word in the republic is law.

So, January 11, 2014 Kadyrov attacked the custom of wearing an unconventional beard, shaving off the mustache and the style of dressing of some young people, which, according to the head of the republic, reveals their belonging to non-traditional sects of Islam in Chechnya: “ They wear beards in different ways, they roll up their trouser legs into socks... There are some kind of Satanic messages on the phones»; « if some youth shave off their mustache and grow an unwashed beard - this is likening the shaitan"(ChGTRK "Grozny", "Vesti", January 31, 2014, translation into Russian). " These people are devils- says Kadyrov. - If you don’t like something in his behavior, then he should be detained, and if there are videos with Satanic messages on his phone, they should be imprisoned"(ChGTRK "Grozny", "Vesti", January 11, 2014). This is exactly what they did with Abdurakhmanov. The situation for Tums was aggravated by the contents of the phone, which the official took from him: the phone contained caricatures, photos and videos ridiculing the policies of the authorities of the Chechen Republic and the Russian Federation. Abdurakhmanov was twice taken to the territory of the government complex, where Islam Kadyrov and other officials of the republic interrogated him, accused him of extremism, “wrong” political and religious beliefs, and threatened him with torture. After the second round of such “conversations,” Tumsu, having outwitted his “opponents,” fled the country.

First he went to Georgia and asked for asylum there. As soon as Chechnya learned about his departure, a criminal case was opened against him and he was put on the federal wanted list - he allegedly went to Syria in November 2015, where he joined the Islamic State.

Obviously, this accusation is revenge for disobedience. As far as we know, Tumsu has never been to Syria and has no plans to go there. This is easy to check and prove. First, Abdurakhmanov went to Georgia, where he stayed for a long time, and from there to Poland. The criminal case against him is fabricated. After his departure from Russia, Islam Kadyrov, his bodyguard, and also the head of the Grozny police wrote and sent voice messages to him via WhatsApp messenger. Magomed Dashaev- the latter threatened that “ won't let him live in peace" In Chechnya, pressure began on his relatives and friends - they terrorized Tumsa’s colleagues and his mother, relatives, and interrogated neighbors. Members of Tumsu's family (wife, children, brother and mother) left Russia and managed to avoid the fate of hostages. Meanwhile, senior officials continued to call Toomes ( ; ; ) and put pressure on his distant relatives to force the fugitive to return.

The story of Abdurakhmanov on our website.

Since Tumsu left Russia, he has given numerous interviews to the media. He outlined not only his own history, but also described the situation in Chechnya, talking about gross and cynical violations of human rights. Moreover, Tumsu created video blog, which quickly gained popularity. Abdurakhmanov became one of the most active and consistent critics of the Kadyrov regime. He was included in the number nine winners of the competition for the best regional video blog, which was held by a Russian oppositionist and public figure Alexey Navalny. Tumsu's publicity and active position undoubtedly made his position even more vulnerable.

Although we may not agree with all of Abdurakhmanov's public statements, he did not say or do anything criminal.

However, he was denied asylum in Poland, as he had previously been denied in Georgia. The authorities of both countries admit that there is a high probability of persecution of Tumsu in his homeland, but they believe that he is a threat to them - without, however, explaining what exactly this threat is. As far as we know, there is no reliable information that Abdurakhmanov committed any illegal actions, both on the territory of Russia and abroad.

Russian and international human rights organizations continue to report numerous cases of illegal detentions, abductions and disappearances of people, their detention in “secret prisons” where they are deprived of all rights, persecution of dissenters (both political and religious reasons), torture, falsification and fabrication of criminal cases, extrajudicial executions in Chechnya. December 20, 2018 The OSCE recognized all of the above facts of systematic flagrant violations of human rights in Chechnya with the full connivance of the federal authorities. This document was the result of an investigation conducted within the framework of the Moscow Mechanism, which was initiated against the Russian Federation for the first time.

I would also like to recall the case Zaurbek Zhamaldaeva, deported from Poland in 2013. IN July 2015 unknown persons kidnapped him in Moscow, after which he went missing. A week before, security forces detained his 18-year-old wife in Chechnya, interrogated, threatened her and her small child and demanded to reveal Zaurbek’s location. Unable to withstand the pressure, the woman said that he was in Moscow.

Ignoring the above facts and the opinion of competent human rights activists, the Polish authorities decided to hand Tumsa Abdurakhmanov over for execution. Obviously, in his homeland he will face not only imprisonment on a fabricated criminal case, but, at best, humiliation and torture.

The decision to extradite Abdurakhmanov is a direct violation of the human right to asylum, which is unacceptable for a democratic European state, which is Poland.


Arguments of Georgia and Poland in refusing asylum to Tumsu Abdurakhmanov.

October 31, 2016 Abdurakhmanov received a response from the Ministry of Georgia for Refugees, among other things it was stated there: “The Ministry considers that you satisfy the grounds for granting refugee status provided for in Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and Article 2 of the Law of Georgia “On the Status of Refugees”. refugee and humanitarian process,<…>but there are serious reasons to believe that your stay in Georgia, due to significant circumstances, is contrary to the interests of the country.”


1st of February Tumsu learned that he was wanted by Interpol. This was written on the official website of the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic. IN mid February Abdurakhmanov's lawyer helped him draw up a statement to the Interpol commission for monitoring files.

April 23 The Tbilisi court upheld the decision of the Ministry of Refugees. At that time, Tumsu learned that he had been removed from the international wanted list while his application was being considered.

July 11 Abdurakhmanov went to Poland with his wife and children. His brother and mother were already in Germany by that time. While still in Georgia, Tumsu wrote an application for asylum. He described his story in detail, on four pages, and, upon landing in Warsaw, handed over the documents to the border guards. But he was immediately detained.

July, 12 The Warsaw City Court decided to place him and his family in a guarded center for foreigners. During the trial, Tumsu learned that he was in the Schengen Information Base II (SIS II), where he was included allegedly at the initiative of Germany. This became clear when the commandant’s petition was read in court border service Warsaw airport about placing him in a guarded center. According to Tumsu, the commandant indicated in the petition that he tried to cross the border illegally, and surrendered to the authorities only after being detained. In fact, Tumsa was detained after he surrendered and asked for asylum.

August 16 Abdurakhmanov, who was still in the closed center, was finally excluded from the list of wanted persons by Interpol, recognizing the statement of the Russian Federation as contrary to the Constitution of the organization. It should be noted that, according to lawyer Tumsu, he is the first Chechen who achieved this without having the status of a political refugee.

In September Tumsu wrote an appeal to the Office of Foreigners in Poland with a request to explain to him exactly when and why he ended up in the SIS II base. He was told that he was no longer in this database. It was not possible to find out why he was included and excluded from there.

December 6 Abdurakhmanova was first refused asylum in Poland on the grounds that, having evidence of his innocence (marks in his passports about crossing borders), he did not have to fear a conviction in Russia. This argument shows that Polish officials do not understand the realities of Russia, and Chechnya in particular. There are cases where even the most indisputable alibi did not prevent the courts in Chechnya from imposing severe convictions. The possibility of an unfair verdict or extrajudicial execution is not taken into account by officials at all.

That same month, Abdurakhmanov filed an appeal with the Refugee Council.


Jan. 7 Tumsa and his family were transferred to an open camp for foreigners. Polish law requires that an asylum seeker be released from a closed camp after six months if his case is still pending and no final decision has been made.

September 25 Tumsu was refused in the second instance. At the same time, Poland provided his family with additional protection (unlike refugee status, it exempts the government from paying benefits and is granted for two years). The main reason for the refusal is the petition of the Polish Internal Security Agency (ABW), according to which Tumsu is a threat to the country's security. According to ABW, Abdurakhmanov may have contacts with extremist organizations.

Analysis of it public statements does not make it possible to exclude that part of Russia’s arguments in his criminal case are based on real facts. The Refugee Council does not claim that he has committed a crime, but believes that his activities condone those who commit such acts“, - it is written in the refusal. At the same time, there are no links to specific materials and statements by Tumsu.

The Polish authorities also took into account the criminal case filed in Germany against Tumsu’s brother, Mokhmad Abdurakhmanov, - allegedly for distributing terrorist symbols and scenes of violence.

Mohmad reposted Deutsche Welle on his Facebook page ( Deutsche Welle, DW) on the supply of weapons to IS militants through third countries. The publication is illustrated by a photograph in which two militants armed with machine guns are wearing hats with the symbol of the Islamic State. At the same time, they have no complaints about DW. The second publication in question is

” and funny commercials on television, is a brilliant performer of comedic and witty roles. The owner of a bright creative individuality, an acting gift, the highest professionalism, a sea of ​​​​charm and spiritual beauty - Rukiyat Abdurakhmanova very soon becomes everyone's favorite.

Waiting to meet this amazing person, I admit, I hoped to see her the same as on stage. My expectations were justified, Rukiyat turned out to be very cheerful in life, emotional person with a wonderful sense of humor. Our conversation with her was about the everyday life of an actor, Avar khinkal and the unfulfilled end of the world.
– Rukiyat, do you consider yourself an accomplished artist?
- Of course not. In general, this is probably not for me to decide, but for the audience. What I regret is that after finishing theater university did not seriously engage in her real profession, but went into show business, hosted concerts, tried herself in a singing career, etc. Although I had far-reaching plans, I planned to go to Moscow, I received offers more than once, from which, as they say, wings grew behind my back. But my relatives carefully trimmed these same wings for me, arguing that I would not go to Moscow alone, but only with my other half, which I did not have at that time. Maybe unfortunately, maybe fortunately. (Thoughtfully) Maybe it really wasn’t fate? Everything that happens is for the better.
– What do you think about yourself as a person?
– Very sentimental, overly emotional, straightforward. I can also easily lose my temper and run off somewhere far away; I can take offense at a person and immediately forget about the offense. I always do everything my own way, I live relying on my intuition, which, by the way, is very developed for me. I believe that it is better to do something and regret it than to do nothing at all.
I am constant, I like to experiment, learn something new, study. In general, I’m not marking time.
– Maybe these qualities contributed to your choice future profession?
– I became an actress not because of something, but in spite of it. Apparently, the stars aligned themselves this way, as fate had destined for me.
In the family, I am the youngest child, spoiled, and this despite the fact that my birth was unplanned. My childhood was probably the happiest, for which I am eternally grateful to my parents. Until a certain age I was quiet and calm child, but this did not last long.
- So, in early childhood you were a good girl from a good family, and ended up growing up in...?
– A noisy, exuberant, energetic teenager. The ground was literally burning under me (laughs). Friends told my parents: “Something will come out of her, something extraordinary will definitely come out!”
This “something” did not take long to arrive. While still at school, I attended all kinds of clubs in order to throw out my energy in a peaceful direction. She graduated from the School of Young Philologists, after which she could safely enter the Faculty of Philology. But at the family “consultation”, the debate about my future profession flared up in earnest. Dad (now deceased) decided that I would make a good surgeon. Can you imagine? Me and the surgeon? (My mother also dreamed that I would enter the normal faculty (emphasizes the word “normal”). And so the debate would continue until our family friend Khabib Gadzhiev intervened with a proposal to enter the theater department. Immediately, it was as if some kind of light bulb turned on in me “I want to be an artist!” I declare, standing in the “hands to side” pose. Realizing that it is pointless to argue with me, my family gives up.
On the day of the exams, while other applicants were sweating through memorized sketches, I stood calmly at the entrance to the sports complex until I realized that I had even forgotten my documents at home. I didn’t have the keys with me, and I had to literally break into my apartment through the second floor window. The exit back was, as you might guess, the same.
As I rush into the hall and meet the selection committee, it turns out that I’m already late. But after much persuasion, I was still given the opportunity to prove myself. The jury consists of eminent cultural workers. They ask me: “Well, show me what you have prepared.” I told them: “What, did you need to cook something?” In general, I almost drove them to hysterics (laughs). After completing several tasks, they finally accepted me.
– What role did your theatrical career begin with?
– I played the negative character Sameda Ibragimovna, a very strict and hateful teacher, wearing glasses and a strict suit. It was the play “What is my fault?” Directed by our beloved director Salih Imangolov (now deceased). I for a long time played some bitches, the directors believed that these roles were good for me, consoling me with the fact that positive role It's easier to play than a negative one.
I also remember that after the play “Testament” women came up to me and said that they were angry with me throughout the performance and were even ready to pull me by my hair! (laughs).
And I tell them that this is the highest praise for an actor that you can ever hear!
– Yes, yes, that means the role was really a success!
“That’s right, that means I lived it well.” Even in negative heroines I try to find and positive traits.
It can be very disappointing when many people say: “Are our theaters still open? And people come there? You need to be interested in the culture of Dagestan, your nationality, and we, the actors, in turn, do everything to bring it to the masses.
– What role do you dream of? And which role played is the most successful for you?
– I think that I haven’t played it, the most successful one yet. And I dream... well... I don’t even know.
– Is there really no big acting dream? Men usually dream of Hamlet, women should probably dream of Ophelia?
– Well, I’m no longer at that age to play Ophelia or even Tatyana Larina. But even though she hasn’t become a mother yet, she would play Medea with great pleasure.
– Is it necessary to the young actor Should he grab everything that is offered to him, or can he allow himself some choice?
– Roles are usually not sought by actors, they are given by directors. There are also acting assistants who select types. At first you have to grab onto almost everything, but you have to grab it headlong. That’s what I’m saying, would I really choose the roles that I play? Of course, as some kind of Khan’s, exemplary daughter, that’s someone, but as a grumpy old woman or a loser, that’s me...
– Well, you yourself admitted that not everyone can play a negative hero.
- All that remains is to amuse yourself with this.
– Do you agree with the opinion of psychologists that mostly people come to the theater...
– (Rukiyat interrupts me) Mentally ill? (laughs).
- Not at all, people are closed in on themselves in order to somehow liberate themselves.
– You know, we actually had students who were brought by their parents purposefully in order to rid them of their complexes.
And what’s most interesting is that studying in the theater changed them in better side.
– I know that, in addition to acting abilities, you also have good vocals and have even tried yourself in a duet with songwriter Khadis Sabiev?
– Yes, I had such an experience. The fact is that after graduating from university, instead of continuing to realize myself as an actress, I went to the stage and hosted concerts. Soon I was paired with the well-known Khadis Sabiev, who soon invited me to sing a duet. The duet “You and I,” although it was well received by the audience, did not last long, about a year.
– In life, do you use the professional skills acquired in the theater?
– Off stage I’m a useless actress. Well, imagine how you can work around the clock? Although, being in a duet with Hadith, it helped a lot.
– In the project “Mountaineers from the Mind” you are constantly experimenting with images; isn’t it difficult to transform so quickly? How did you meet Eldar, Gadzhimurad and other actors? How do you work with them?
- Great job. Adam Budagilov, a DJ at the Priboy radio station, introduced me to Eldar. At that time he was just looking for a girl to film. They immediately came up with a pseudonym - Masliat Magomedovna - and presented me as a girl from the people. People liked it. This is how my story in “Highlanders” began. The fourth part of this project is planned to be released by the end of January. Then we went and got funny commercials, which were also well received by the audience.
– A kind of “Jumble”, only with the participation of adults?
- Yes, yes, you have no idea how long I was haunted by the image of the girl from the sunflower seeds advertisement, where I say: “Murtuz, buy me Soyuz sunflower seeds.”
– Is filming advertising somehow different from regular film filming?
“Here, as they say, you won’t run wild like in the “Highlanders” or in the theater. Sometimes you get the hang of it, but the director stops you right there. interesting place! In advertising, all information needs to be placed within some kind of framework. And that makes it more difficult.
– Feeling that not all potential has been used?
– Yes, I want to live the role as on stage, but time does not allow it.
– How do actors generally live, I mean financially? Does acting bring you enough money to live on?
– In the theater, the salary, like all state employees, is once a month. To say that I live on it would be a lie. Naturally, my main income comes from holding concerts and filming commercials.
However, I can safely say that, despite financial questions, I am proud to work in the only Avar Theater in the world. There are many Russian theaters, but in order to preserve the culture of our small homeland, you still need to try. After all, as they say, man is not fed by bread alone.
– Does show business impose any obligations on you?
– It’s generally difficult to impose any obligations on me (with feigned indignation). In general, none, the only thing is that you need to work.
– Name your craziest prank.
– (Thinking)... My whole life, like myself, is sheer madness, since something extraordinary often happens in life. For me this is the norm, for others it is out of the ordinary. I think there will be different things! Well, for example, I can easily cut my hair like a boy or change my hair color from blonde to brunette. Although after the last such prank I look at myself in the mirror and think: “It seems like me, but somehow not native.” And then she became blonde again. I feel like her. Blonde is a state of mind.
– Are you a goal-oriented person or do you go with the flow?
– Definitely, I don’t go with the flow, but to say that I set global goals for myself and go head-to-head towards my goal, sweeping away everything in my path, is also not about me.
– Do you have an impossible dream?
– I don’t bother about it. I am convinced that everything in life is relative. I can always literally pull myself out of any difficult situation “by the ears.” When I'm sad, I think that there are people who have it worse than me. And immediately strength appears, because my family and friends give me them with their presence in my life. And in this I consider myself the darling of fate.
– Do you manage to do a lot in life, cinema, theater, probably, and in your personal life everything is arranged?
– Also one of the crazy things I’ve done in my life (laughs). The funny thing is that the marriage proposal is mine future husband did it to me on the first day we met. He first saw me on TV in a duet with Hadith and immediately, as he admits, fell in love. Five months later we got married. I've been married for three years now. He has nothing to do with show business, and I consider this a plus. Spouses should have their own interests. He is a sportsman. Sport is his way of life, what he lives by. It seems to me that the worst news for him will be that the gym is closed!
– Tell us about your creative plans. What are your hopes and what are the prospects for their realization?
– As they say, I won’t make God laugh. Everything is the will of the Almighty. There are many plans and ideas, everything has its time. The most important thing for me is a certain peace of mind, harmony in the family. Being a good wife in life is still more difficult than playing on stage. But I think I cope well with this role. Until he got married, my husband believed that his mother cooked Avar khinkal best. And my friends were outraged that at first I hid my culinary abilities.
– People say that even a beloved wife’s scrambled eggs are the most delicious!
- No I do not agree. But what about the statement that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? And to be honest, I myself love to eat delicious food. Quantity is not important to me, but quality is what matters most. And I can always find something to kill the worm with.
- So you are an esthete?
– An absolute esthete, as well as an optimist.
– Besides scripts, do you read anything else, do you have time? What book made a lasting impression on you?
– To my great shame, I read less often. I used to read without stopping. I'm watching more and more today good films. And even many of the works that I read are very interesting to see in film adaptations. For me, the film “Eugene Onegin” with the participation of Hollywood actress Liv Tyler was a discovery; I watched “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov. And in general, I really love good cinema.
After watching Elizabeth Taylor's film novel Eat, Pray, Love, I had a reassessment of values. Everything seems so banal, and yet I began to engage in soul-searching, fear arose about whether I was living the right life, or whether it was right. He didn't let me go for a long time.
– Admit it honestly, were you afraid of the end of the world?
– I’ll say more, I celebrated my birthday on this day. Yes, yes, December 21st. I was going to celebrate it in a narrow circle, but after the guests arrived I realized that the concept of “narrow circle” was not for me.
As for the end of the world, I was generally surprised at how gullible and manipulable our people are. In general, all's well that ends well!
– Rukiyat, thank you for the conversation and finally tell me how you will meet New Year. Your wishes to our readers.
– New Year is a truly wonderful holiday that takes us back to childhood, youth, and even if it is not Muslim, it is still kind and very bright.
I will meet him with my family and loved ones. And I wish all the readers of Makhachkala News that all their dreams, peace, goodness, and prosperity come true. Let the light always burn in your homes and hearts!

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14.12.2018 Makhachkala news

On December 12, the acting head of the city of Makhachkala, Murad Aliyev, held a personal reception of citizens at the capital’s administration.
12.12.2018 Administration of Makhachkala

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