The meaning of the Perth rune in magic and fortune telling is inverted and upright. The meaning of the rune in an inverted position

Rune Perth is the 14th in the Elder Futhark. It is considered one of the most mysterious runes. The ancient pagans saw in it a symbol of colossal changes and great feats. We invite you to study the Perth rune in as much detail as possible by reading our article.

General meaning of the Perth rune

Photo of the Perth runes

Rune Perth corresponds Latin letter"R" or the Russian sound "P". You can see what the Perth rune looks like in the photo.

This runic sign symbolizes the knowledge of personality. More specifically, the spiritual aspects of such knowledge. Like many other symbols, the rune can have two positions: upright and inverted. Accordingly, the meanings will be completely different.

The appearance of the Perth rune in layouts, as a rule, tells a person that he is moving along the right path, and any obstacles that arise only correct his movement in the right direction. This is a positive rune, symbolizing deep spirituality and a person’s connection with his higher self.

The appearance of the Perth rune in a fortune telling may also indicate that a person has some kind of supernatural abilities or is endowed with well-developed intuition. Moreover, the person himself may not know this. But by engaging in spiritual self-development, he will be able to reveal all his unique abilities in the near future.

Reversed rune Perth and its meaning

Photo of the Perth rune in an inverted position

The ancient Celts always had great respect for this sign. They associated it with the process of the birth of the world and all life on earth. However, the inverted Perth rune has a completely different, opposite meaning. It, so to speak, breaks the connection with the original source, and it is this feature that black magicians often use. With the help of the Perth rune in an inverted position, you can send misfortune to a person, knock the ground out from under his feet, forcing him to do a number of stupid and rash actions.

The appearance of the inverted Perth rune in layouts speaks of a certain confusion and disorientation of a person. It can also indicate qualities such as selfishness, stubbornness and even cruelty. In other words, such a person is not a creator, but rather a destroyer.

If the inverted Perth rune appears in fortune telling, then this signals that a person should look for a “pest” in his immediate environment. It is quite possible that this pest will be a woman - a lady offended by life, who takes revenge and intrigues everyone around her.

The meaning of the Perth rune in love fortune telling

Rune Perth in a love reading is a good sign

As a rule, people think about fortune telling when something is not going well in life. Problems in the family, lack of progress at work, failures in love, etc. With the help of fortune telling, they hope to solve all these problems.

What does the appearance of the direct Perth rune in love readings indicate? Its meaning in this case can be double. But overall, it is a positive sign. The direct Perth rune suggests that everything will work out well in a relationship with a certain partner. However, for this you will have to be active, take a step towards positive changes. The rune says that relationships should not remain static, they should develop and lead to something. And if the love relationship between partners is “stagnant,” then you need to add something fresh and new to it.

Perth reversed indicates relationship problems

What does the appearance of the inverted Perth rune mean in love readings? It's not very good sign. And its appearance suggests that the couple has some deep and unresolved problems, hidden conflicts. If the Perth rune appears in an inverted form in the layout, it means that you cannot escape a serious and possibly unpleasant conversation with your soul mate. After all, something is definitely preventing the development of your love relationship. And you need to deal with this: namely, sit down and talk frankly with your partner. By the way, it is quite possible that one of the partners secretly dreams of renewing their previous relationship. And this is precisely the root of the problem in relations today.

If we consider the appearance of the rune in a deeper sense, then it is worth noting one more important point. The Perth rune testifies to certain shortcomings or problems of a person, inherent in deep childhood, which prevent him from opening up in love relationships. These may be negative internal attitudes. Among other things, the rune foreshadows rapid and dramatic changes, which, if correct behavior both partners should lead to happiness and harmony in the relationship.

The meaning of the Perth rune in career fortune telling

Fortune telling is always a risk. Risk of receiving an unwanted and unpleasant response. However, many people resort to fortune telling when it comes to love or career.

The sacred meaning of the Perth rune is providence

The Perth rune in career scenarios is not as clear as in love scenarios. Here everything is much more complicated. First of all, its appearance hints that a person needs some kind of transformation, that he should be transformed. What does it mean? It may be necessary to use new approaches to work, or even find a completely new goal. Apparently, it is no coincidence that this sign often falls on those people who in the near future will decide to radically change their position or field of activity. And this decision may not yet be formed in the human brain. But it has already arisen in the depths of knowledge and very soon it will “break through” with clear and obvious insight.

In general, this is what it is key value of this rune in career fortune-telling. The Perth rune, by and large, is providence, “God’s hand,” which is designed to guide a person on the true path.

The reversed Perth rune in a career reading makes you leave the burden of old mistakes behind.

The inverted Perth rune in career scenarios tells a different story. Thus, she calls for a detailed analysis of recent events and her actions. For example, problems at work (financial or otherwise) are likely to be related to decisions made recently. That is, something went wrong, somewhere there was an error serious mistake. And one should look for this mistake in the past - this is what the inverted Perth rune says. And she can also tell a person that it’s time for him to throw a heavy load off his shoulders. past mistakes. After all, with such baggage it is simply impossible to move forward and reach new heights in business and affairs.

The meaning of the Perth rune in health divination

In health scenarios, the position of the rune is also important. The direct Perth rune indicates excellent, truly “heroic” health. Even if a small, fragile girl sits at the magic table and tells fortunes. Having seen the direct Perth rune in the layout, you don’t have to worry about your health. At least in the near future. In addition, the rune also acts as a kind of amulet that protects against injuries and all sorts of ailments.

An interesting point: the direct Perth rune and its appearance in the reading is great news for women who want to get pregnant. After all, this is the rune of generation. And she says that nothing will interfere with the conception process in the near future!

In a health reading, Perth reversed means an imminent illness.

What does the inverted Perth rune mean in health readings? Unfortunately, it promises an approaching illness. Repentance and awareness of your past sins and misdeeds will help you protect yourself from it. Only in this case can the disease recede. The appearance of an inverted Perth rune can also tell a person that he has lost contact with higher powers, his spiritual patrons.

The combination of two runes Perth and Eyvaz does not promise anything good man. This is a very alarming and dangerous combination. Having seen it in the scenario, you should refuse any operations and focus on cleaning your aura. Until this happens, recovery will not be possible.

Rune of the day

Short-term fortune telling is also widely popular. They help to “look” into the future on important days for a person, to find out about the outcome of a particular event. For example, a person is getting ready for an important exam or an important interview in the morning. Of course, he will want to know if fate will be favorable to him today?

Perth as a rune of the day does not always promise good luck or success. However, its appearance always indicates the correctness of what will happen to you on this day. The saying “everything that is done is for the better” is very appropriate here. What does this mean in practice? For example, you were denied employment for a seemingly good job. No problem! After all, in this way, fate prepares you for a more respectable and highly paid position. And all this will happen in the near future.

The appearance of the Perth rune upside down during short-term fortune telling does not bode well for a person. Alas, this sign is not associated with the successful outcome of any business or enterprise. In other words, no matter what you plan to do, everything will go wrong. Perhaps, to get out of such a vicious circle, you simply need to deal with old debts.

The Perth rune also promises a meeting. Moreover, I will meet with an ill-wisher. This could be an envious person, an old enemy, or a gossip generator. On such a day you need to be extremely attentive and careful. And it is important to remember that this or that ill-wisher appears in your life for a reason. Most likely, this is a chance for you to atone for your past sins.

Combinations with other runes

The runic environment on the Perth rune has a strong influence

As you know, combinations of runes are extremely important in fortune telling. And if in isolation the Perth rune predicts one thing, then in combination with other signs its meaning can change significantly. Let's list all possible combinations of the Perth rune with other runes and indicate the meanings of these combinations:

  • Perth +: gift of imagination;
  • Perth +: deep intuition;
  • Perth +: inappropriate boasting;
  • Perth +: success in occult sciences;
  • Perth +: success in tactics or strategy;
  • Perth +: fate or fate;
  • Perth +: variability of luck;
  • Perth +: shaky position in society;
  • Perth + : hostages;
  • Perth +: chasing “pie in the sky”, futile efforts;
  • Perth +: bad luck;
  • Perth +: lucky chance;

    An important point: if both runes fall upside down, this only enhances negative meaning one or another combination.

    The use of runes in magic

    The Perth stone rune is known for helping a student (that is, a person who begins to study or master something) achieve unprecedented success. But there is one important “but” here: a person must make an effort. Without real effort and effort on the part of the student, the rune is unlikely to help unleash creative potential.

    The Perth rune is a kind of key that opens the doors to the world of higher powers and supernatural abilities. It is no coincidence that for novice magicians, meditation on this sign is mandatory.

    Establishing contact with the rune is not easy. After all, you need to catch that subtle thread that connects a person with his higher, spiritual “I”. Having caught this thread, you can be sure that the rune will remain with you forever. It will help to maximize a person’s potential, realize all his abilities and talents.

    An important point: it is strictly not recommended to use the Perth rune if there is at least a little anger and aggression in the magician’s soul. The fact is that the rune is capable of transforming and redirecting energy. For the same reason, it should not be used in love spell rituals without proper experience.

    The Perth rune is a rune that accumulates knowledge. With the right approach, it contributes to progress towards the intended goal. The rune also helps to make the hidden visible. First of all, we are talking about hidden knowledge, abilities that a person previously did not even suspect.

    Are you earning enough?

    Check if this applies to you:

    • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
    • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
    • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
    • all promotions go to someone else;
    • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

    Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Mysterious and magical rune Perth The elder Futhark has long been respected among the Scandinavians. She symbolizes new life: rebirth from the ashes. This is a transition to more high level spiritual development.

Rune Perth improves personal characteristics person, helps to comprehend magical secrets nature, to penetrate the deep secrets of the world order.

The symbol is associated with dramatic changes in fate - your whole life may be destroyed, but you will still remain a winner. A lot of new opportunities will open up for you to realize your inner potential.

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The Higher Powers are giving you a unique chance to show what you are capable of. Throw the past back and forget about it. Live in the present moment and don't forget about a future full of happiness and success.

General meaning and description of the Perth rune

Existing titles: Perth , Perto , Pertho , Peord or Peorth .

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There is a lot of incomprehensible and unsolved hidden inside each of us. The Scandinavian runic sign helps you understand your personal world.

The symbol constantly accumulates knowledge - this is necessary to achieve a specific goal. If you don’t give in to laziness and continue to explore the world, everything will work out. You will achieve any heights.

Direct position of the rune

The mysterious rune contains many mysteries that are still inaccessible to understanding. But soon the veil will open, and a person will learn what was previously unknown.

When the Perth line appears in a reading, it is a sign that you will find what you have been looking for for so long. Perhaps it will be a long-lost item or a solution to a troubling problem. In any case, you will have complete access to new information from a previously unknown source.

In fortune telling, a person’s abilities in the occult sciences and mediumistic abilities are associated with a symbol. Intuition works very well for such people - their sixth sense tells them the right direction.

The dropped alignment predicts that surprises await you. And they will be unpleasant: health problems, problems in work or personal matters.

Another interpretation: an unsuccessful attempt to engage in the occult. A person may not calculate his strength and, without normal preparation, will want to plunge into the world of magic. As a result, there are serious problems relating to mental reality.

Perth: meaning in love and relationships

The rune itself cannot specifically answer love questions, so the adjacent symbols should be considered:

  • Union with hints at your ideal sexual compatibility. When Uruz falls in reverse position- this means that nothing binds you except the bed. There can be no talk of spiritual intimacy.
  • If a woman gets a couple Perth -, this indicates her popularity among members of the opposite sex. And in the near future, many expensive gifts await her.
  • In combination with Teyvaz the symbol suggests that you need to be more careful. It is likely that your partner has another object of sympathy.

I wonder what the Perto rune means in an inverted position? In this case, the magic of runes warns that your secret (which you do not want to share with your loved one) may become a reason for separation.

Together with Isoi the symbol says that your feelings will cool down. And it gives hope that with both sides you can come to a compromise.

Perth: uses in magic

IN magic circles They know that the rune of the ancient Scandinavians helps to realize hidden talents. It relieves you of difficult thoughts and unpleasant memories. Supports during the transition to a higher level of spiritual development.

At first it may seem that Perto stops the flow of time and slows down its progress. This happens in order to say goodbye to the past and prepare for the future.

This symbol denotes magical initiation, as passing through a state of death (loss, division) in order to be reborn in a new quality. The Perth rune indicates something hidden, a secret or a gateway to the hidden or unknown. The rune has a distinct female character and is associated with Frigg (Scandinavian goddess of fate, knowledge and power, wife of Odin).

Scandinavian rune: Perth (Perto) - meaning, description and interpretation.

  • Name: PERTHO, PEORD or PEORTH - “Hidden” in the figurative meaning of the female womb, but also a cup (glass) for dice(T. Willis). Hidden (Gothic), Womb (English, Norwegian, Icelandic).
  • Action Perth: transition to a qualitatively different state;
  • Character: energetic;
  • Essence: reversible rune.

Perth rune images

  • The fetus turns into a child during childbirth;
  • The boy undergoes initiation and becomes a man;
  • A student who receives a diploma becomes a specialist;
  • At her wedding, the bride becomes a wife;
  • Man accepts new faith renouncing the old;
  • During sleep, the soul flies away from the body and dreams;
  • The transformation of a caterpillar into a pupa into a butterfly;
  • After pollination, the flower becomes a fruit;
  • A piece of dough in the oven turns into bread;
  • Transforming a car in a press into a cube of scrap metal;
  • A piece of clay is turned into a cup on a potter's wheel;
  • In a sawmill, wood becomes planks through the sawing process;
  • During a revolution, the monarchy becomes a republic;
  • Transformation of a star into a black hole.

The deep meaning of the Perth rune

Symbolically, the Perto rune is a state of a person of poor (inappropriate) quality. In a certain role, an actor is allowed or receives some limited opportunities. Therefore, in order for qualitatively new opportunities to become available, the actor must change the role. After a certain period of time, you should begin to perform completely different, previously inaccessible acts. As a result, the actor finds himself in a new role and a certain status.

When a person feels approaching own death, he becomes cheerful in a sense. When a person meets death, a strange joy appears in his soul, as if he were touching an incredible secret, completely different from life. People rarely think about the function of death as liberation.

The literal and figurative meaning of death means the acceptance of true values, awakening and good spirits. If during his lifetime a person did not think about this and relied on life, he will never try to fix something. If he is struck by the thought that he has only a year or a month left to live, he will immediately begin to live more seriously. Sometimes death plays strange games with people. There are known facts when great people had a serious impact on society after death.

A disconnection of creative principles from the vain body, its various complexities and principles begins to occur. And man becomes a myth. And death is nothing more than a meeting with the inexplicable and unusual, incomprehensible, after separation from something long familiar (heavenly experience).

No matter how strange it may sound, but when a person remembers his death, because no one is eternal, he begins to live in full force. The greatest horror seizes people when they begin to feel with their whole being that physical death is not so terrible, much more terrible when our ideas, our hopes, so carefully cherished by us, all that we believed so vividly begin to die.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The realization comes that things didn’t turn out the way they started. A year passes, and now a different “I” looks at the world with different eyes, and the person who was before is already dead. That other “I” didn’t just give up something. The structure of the psyche was completely changed. The whole complex of ideas about the world and about one’s essence has become different.

That is why esotericism or occultism is permeated with persistent reminders of one of the critical roles death in human life. People become initiated when they understand that death is always near, it follows you relentlessly. And, of course, death has its rights. At any moment, she can take away hers, any illusions, any events, from any person.

We do not have any rights to conduct dialogues with death, just as insects cannot argue with bulldozers. It is impossible to understand the laws of death and the logic of its actions. And therefore it can make a person happy or sad. Unpredictability and unknowability are its main qualities. And the more enlightened a person becomes, the easier it is for him to accept the fact of dying. Immediately some parts separately, and later the whole thing.

What we do may look wrong, angular, poor or unsightly. But the moment we realize that death can get rid of imperfection, we gain a little freedom.

Use in magical practice

The magical meaning of the Perth rune: bringing secret possibilities to life. Help in overcoming the past, repressing difficult memories. The rune greatly facilitates the transition to new level consciousness, the student upon initiation becomes a master and moves to a new level.

At a certain point, the Perth rune can stop the flow of life to which you are accustomed and turn it into a game where losing and winning are approximately equal. In some cases, the Perth rune in relationships helps women in “searching for themselves” and fully realizing their roles as mothers and women.

The meaning of the Perto rune is a symbol of magical initiation, it can assent and facilitate processes qualitative changes(internal initiations) - at all levels. Under a certain set of circumstances, it acts like the Hagalaz rune, breaking the closed chains of your thoughts and the events that they cause.

If you use the Perth rune in a magic chain, you can cause an act of psychic death. It breaks apart cause and effect and emotional connections between events from the life (past and future) of a person. For some situations this will be beneficial, but for others it will burden personal karma. This rune must be used with great caution.

Interpretation of the Perth rune for fortune telling


The Perth rune has a meaning, interpretation and description: secret, intimate, esoteric, magic. What is lost will be found. Answers to questions, the situation will become clearer. Honor, profit, help from friends.

Surprises, unforeseen events, victories and discoveries. Secrets are revealed. A new, non-standard approach to solving a problem. A call to clarify hidden motives and resolve certain mysteries.

If a person is gambling, the rune embodies playing with Fortune. In this situation, you have to put everything on the line. If a person is a fatalist, the arrival of the inevitable in its various forms.

Everything that is happening now, the whole process, is hidden, mysterious, difficult to comprehend. Be patient, perceive all its depth and subtleties. You cannot become a direct participant in this transformation, you can only be present near it.

You will achieve very great success, but it won't be easy at all. All regrets about the departed will burn away. Renewal of the Spirit is the most important stake in this process. During the transition to the higher paths of life, higher power everything will be done for the person. He just has to be worthy of the gift of ascension.

Upside down

If the Perto rune is inverted, the meaning is sectarianism, black magic, careless occult experiments, clouding of reason. The first wrong step will lead to collapse. Painful consequences for those who entered someone else's gate, took someone else's keys, spent someone else's money.

You cannot identify the cause-and-effect relationship of past events; you do not understand yourself and the situation that is happening around you. Inverted rune Perth meaning in love: betrayal, a break occurs between partners. Adventurism and excessive haste, but before that you will not be able to get what is destined for you, fate is closed.

Today the time has come when humanity loves to talk about nirvana or samadhi, as well as the Absolute. There are certain individuals who are convinced that they have a vertical channel to the Absolute. In fact, it is difficult to imagine what kind of catastrophe will follow for those who touch such Forces. Praise be to heaven, who do not hear our dialogues about such things. If we imagine for a second that the Absolute touched the speaker, there would be nothing left of the person, only ashes.

If, nevertheless, the Perth rune is inverted, the attention of the Absolute has been attracted. You can even feel great, like brushwood that was honored to be burned before everyone else.

We often suffer, thinking that someone needs our suffering. In fact, suffering arises from impurity. If your drain is clogged, you are not suffering, right? You don’t debate whether it needs to be repaired and cleaned, but call a professional. When such a traffic jam arises in the soul, we look for hidden meaning. But everything is simple, you just need to understand that you can easily get rid of garbage by doing some mental work.

In fortune telling for the future

  1. The situation is direct: you will receive a win, you will find out what is hidden, and you will receive help from luck. Fate will decide the outcome for the patient or the healer. The direct Perth rune in a relationship may indicate that a child will be conceived in a married couple. If you involve magic and esotericism in your business, you will succeed.
  2. The Perth rune is inverted: it will be possible to get rid of the past in all its manifestations. Gaining the opportunity to live here and now, without looking back at the past.


  1. IN upright position The Perth rune is also a game. If you can trust the situation, are endowed with courage and luck, you will win. But if you are preoccupied with something, trying to be clever or make a plan for what is happening, you are doomed to failure.
  2. Reversed position: in this moment your destiny can be created by any action you take. Be careful! Almost every desire you have can create a chain of causes and effects that you will need to unravel in the future.
  1. The position is straightforward: don’t miss the chance, rely on luck!
  2. The position is inverted: weigh every step, action, pronounce words with meaning, talk. Right now, the foundation of your future is being laid.

Advice will definitely come from the depths of your soul, in an unusual form. Calmly watch what is happening under the Perth rune.

The Perth rune (Perto) occupies the fourteenth place from the twenty-four-digit Old Scandinavian alphabet of runes - the Elder Futhark, it is the sixth rune from the second Aett (group of runic magic). Perth has been linked in the past with a mysterious game of dice. Luck seemed to await those who did not know the laws of the Universe, but experienced masters had knowledge of all possible permutations and combinations. Perth primarily means uncertainty and fear of an unknown future.

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    General interpretation of the Perth rune

    Perto was and remains one of the most difficult runes to interpret; it is associated with fate and its many laws. She predicts rebirth, some connections that seemed to be broken long ago, but they will be reunited. It symbolizes returning with new strength, completing long-planned tasks and bringing old ideas to life, a feeling of rebirth, filling life with energy. There will be a desire to live and work, which has a good effect on newly started business.

      This is not predestination, but the laws to which the Scandinavians obeyed on the principle of causality, this is a function of what was: there is a part of fate that remains unchanged, and the gods themselves are subordinate to it, there is another part over which we can exercise free will, in which we can change the course of events by working on ourselves.

      Key concepts of the rune: uncertainty, chance, surprise, meaninglessness, fortune telling, luck, risk; endless possibilities, the unknowable, coincidences, occult abilities, revelation of one's destiny, initiation, foresight, a sign of the unknown future.

      Rune in fortune telling

      Although on a scale real life people don't think about it, they live in the Multiverse and an unknown world. Humanity lives according to certain axioms - people are dependent on gravity, sunlight. They are mainly physical world, where assumptions are often made. Perto is a rune of fortune telling, which in one way or another concerns all people; this wonderful ability is revealed either in a psychological or magical context.

      Fortune telling is an incredibly broad component of interaction with the Universe. Space gives people the opportunity to make certain guesses: people will never be able to stop guessing whether a completely silent mind or perfect enlightenment is unacceptable. Science will never come close to exhausting questions - there will always be more of them than answers in any kind of knowledge.

      Perto represents the same thing as the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot cards.

      • Perto is a rune that symbolizes the interaction of free will and external limitations and shortcomings. She hints at joyful life path without barriers or obstacles. Perto is associated with the game of dice for a reason. These can be thought of as two forces that govern the universe. They are present in almost every aspect of the past transmitted to man. Chess is a consequence of ancient memories, while chess pieces represent the dark gods and the light ones.
      • Perto is the rune of memory, problem solving and esoteric knowledge. This rune gives people access to the secrets of nature and harmony. This allows you to differentiate between worthwhile and unimportant things. Perto has a connection with the empty Wyrd rune: they both answer the question “what will happen?” A person has a choice: either face his fate by receiving the best hand of cards that was offered to him, or skip our turn.” Spiritually, Perto involves revealing a secret. This also applies to pregnancy and childbirth.
      • In one of the songs of the Valkyrie - Merkstave, the rune means a time of stagnation and lack of growth. Time moves slowly and you shouldn't expect too much from the future at this time.


      This rune is a symbol of the cup, in the upright position it represents fertility, everything secret and hidden. Karma, fate or the so-called “divine predestination” will strongly manifest itself in the life of the questioner. Fate is complex and impossible to understand, this rune indicates the precise order and sequence behind seemingly random events. Fate is a powerful and unknowable force that must be respected and yielded to in many ways.

      Higher forces aimed at unexpected changes are in the background and influence a person at this time. These powers can be considered either positive or negative, depending on the additional runes located nearby. Likewise, changes can be determined both in good side, and in bad times. Perto reminds us that such a “black and white” interpretation is a simplification of fate.

      The changes Pertot refers to carry with them infinite complexity and subtlety. To classify changes in simplified terms of “positive” or “negative”, one must try to understand fate: what a person will do and what mistake will be fatal. When analyzing the meaning of Perto, it is necessary to remember that fate is not so simple, and it is almost impossible to predict the event. What appears to be true may turn out to be false, and vice versa. Only fate will tell. Other possible literal meanings of Perto are drinking or gambling.

The meaning of the Perth rune (Pertr or Petra) is traditionally reduced to the image of a bowl, or, as K. Meadows believes, a bag, in particular a shamanic bag for runes. This is an image of a stone as a foundation, and a stone that stands at a crossroads and explains which road will lead to what. The meaning of Perth is also connected with the image of an eternal fighter, a wanderer seeking the truth.

  • Perth rune meaning: cup, revelation of secrets, enlightenment, lot
  • Rune transliteration: ETC)
  • Icelandic rune name: Perþ, sometimes Plastur
  • Old Norse version: Perþu
  • Norwegian, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon name: Pertra (Peordh and Perthro options available)
  • The name of the Perth rune among the Celts: Pailt
  • The name is known among the Goths: Pairthra

The meaning of the Perth rune is often associated with mystery and its inevitable revelation; it is an image of some transcendental and at the same time transcendental truth. Here we can draw an analogy with one of the basic alchemical principles - as above, so below.

The meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position

Direct Rune Perth indicates successful changes, less often - natural, more often - unpredictable (although in essence we're talking about about the same phenomena). Something will become known, something important. This could be the discovery of inner potential or help from friends, winning the lottery or profit, a worthy reward for the efforts invested.

The Perth rune in a relationship always indicates strong feelings, it may well not be love, but an all-consuming passion, or both. In any case, this is a bright flame, which does not necessarily go out as quickly as it suddenly flared up. In love, the Perth rune, which has taken an upright position, may indicate the return of an important person to you. But this is not necessarily a lover, quite possibly a friend or relative with whom you have not communicated for a long time, although you are quite close.

In spiritual terms, the meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position indicates a sudden breakthrough in the field of your ego; perhaps you were able to finally surpass yourself, rise above what was not allowing you to develop. Again, often we are talking about an unexpected breakthrough, which, however, does not cancel out long-term preparation and work on oneself, in fact, being its direct consequence.

If fortune telling occurs for a specific person, then the Perth rune (photo of the statutory outline and direct position - above) speaks of developed intuition and unique esoteric abilities. One way or another, the meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position always has a powerful positive connotation, you will find what you lost - an ideal partner, spiritual path, your dream job or just a long-lost trinket that is very important to you.

The meaning of the Perth rune in the upright position gives an unambiguous interpretation - this is a time of change, but you need to remain calm in order to make the most of the situation. This does not mean that you cannot succumb to bright and sudden emotions, on the contrary, you can and should, the main thing is not to forget why it’s all for. And one more thing - let go of the past, the time has come.

Rune Perth in relationships advises listening to intuition, trusting yourself and others. However, the saying “trust, but verify” comes in handy here. It is very important not to be surprised not only by external changes, but also by the metamorphoses that will occur within you. This is natural, moreover, predictable.

The meaning of the Perth rune in reversed position

The meaning of the Perth rune in an inverted position indicates the same revelation of the secret, some changes, but in a completely different way. This is disappointment, pain from the past that has not yet left you and does not want to leave you, this is failure in any form - from betrayal by a friend to the financial fraud of your employees.

The reversed Perth rune in a relationship can indicate several situations. It may be a lack of passion, a feeling that is too weak, which is easily overshadowed by distance or minor problems. This can be outright deception, a lie in any form. This can be the breakdown of your ideal when you see your partner as he really is, and you don’t like it. The inverted Perth rune in love carries a strong destructive imprint, but does not specify the ending.

Inverted Perth (photo above) indicates the need to literally rethink everything around you, and you should start with yourself. Because even the betrayal of loved ones is directly or indirectly related to your actions. You have probably lost your support, having abandoned one thing (on your own or forced) in favor of another, a new one, which still remains the future without becoming the present. Or maybe it is not going to become such? Ask yourself main question- what is the truth? For you?..

Live here and now, there is no other option. The meaning of the Perth rune in a reversed position often concerns the past, which needs to be gotten rid of. Once and for all. Don’t rush what’s happening, don’t forcefully change the world around you, calm down.

There is a time for everything and the inverted Perth rune will help you understand this. This is in no way the end, but the completion of one of many turns, in other words, the road continues there, around a sharp turn, you just need to slow down and smoothly enter it. Perth reversed advises you not to forget that your destiny is in your hands. And it has always been like this.

The use of the Perth rune in rituals

Outside of the fortune-telling aspect, the meaning of the Perth rune allows it to be used to search for what is lost. And this can be anything - from a talisman for searching for your destiny to immanent meditation that allows you to find a specific object.

The Perth rune is often used in rituals to heal and restore health (also associated with the image of searching for the lost). This rune helps to achieve well-being; it does not bestow good luck, but it can help in enlightenment, understanding something hidden (intentionally or spontaneously).

The use of the Perth rune in runescripts

In runic records, the use of the Perth rune is extensive, for example - it is often combined with Soulu in order to achieve a speedy recovery, or to understand the real reason ailments. Supplemented with the Dagaz rune, this combination will allow you to obtain a powerful healing runescript, and it can heal not only the body.

By combining the Perth rune with Ansuz, you can strengthen your esoteric abilities, dive deeper into meditation, but then, just in case, it is better to supplement the runescript with the Kenaz rune, which will not let you get lost, or the Raido rune, which will help you find the right path to the goal of your spiritual quest. By the way, in combination with Raido, Perth can become an excellent travel amulet.

Together with Olgiz, Pert acquires powerful protective functions, which can be supplemented with the Odal rune for working with housing, or the Inguz rune when working with a person. The meaning of the Perth rune is difficult to overestimate; it is a strong, favorable and in many ways universal image, which is truly in demand in many life situations.

Interpretation of the Perth rune in the context of the shamanic tradition

The statutory outline of the Perth rune is indeed similar to the drawstring pouch mentioned above. It is important to grasp the image here - before asking for the runes, the shaman removes them from the bag, performing a kind of ritual of turning to the sacred, to the power that contains all the answers, but this power is meaningless outside of human perception.

Shamans often drew a parallel between the meaning of the Perth rune and the mother’s womb, from which new person. That is why Perth is traditionally considered a feminine, soft, in a certain sense, a passive rune. In this sense, Perth is also associated with the world of stones and minerals. This is the earth's surface, mountains and fjords, this is the basis that holds us and allows us to push off in our quest.

The meaning of the Perth rune is closely connected with the subconscious, because the rune itself is inextricably linked with the image of the heritage, the knowledge that past generations left us. This is a space-time universe that has always been, is and will not go anywhere, even if we are blind and deaf to see and hear it. Even if we are dumb to answer him.

K. Meadows compares the Perth rune with iron, which can be melted and given any shape - chain mail or spears, a spoon for food or a propeller, but iron still remains iron, its original properties do not disappear anywhere, they are only supplemented, changing in that number on a purely chemical level.

The meaning of the Perth rune is also closely related to the “layeredness” of reality, to the understanding of this structure and its correct perception. In the sense that understanding is meaningless in itself if it is not used in any way. Knowledge is power only when it is put to use. Also, knowledge of runes in itself does not make a person a shaman, it does not elevate him and does not give him anything. But when runes are used, when they come to life in a person’s hands to help others, including helping them understand themselves, then the person becomes a runic shaman.

The Perth rune teaches us to distinguish between the reality that is the same for everyone, and the reality that each of us creates for ourselves and sometimes (in fact, very rarely) lets loved ones, truly loved ones, into it. This is pure creativity, without boundaries, stereotypes and conventions.

  • Perth rune potential: disclosure of a secret (potential), unexpected, but always only a manifestation of a cause-and-effect pattern
  • Basic esoteric qualities: strength and reliability as a basis, identification and interconnection, intuitive understanding and disclosure of oneself and the world around
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: helps you understand who you really are and accept yourself; also applies to any other object (not just a person)
  • Calling the Perth rune: don’t be afraid of changes, get ready for them, and in your travels never forget where you started

The meaning of the Perth rune in an upright or inverted position always prepares us for something. This rune helps to find, find, but in no case stop there, but continue moving - with new strength and new knowledge. It gives impetus to ideas, helps to realize them and teaches you to see the essence of things.

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