Atlantis: a beautiful legend or reality? Secrets of Atlantis. The Vanished Continent

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Guardians of the cultural heritage of lost civilizations will open a secret repository in Egypt and show the existence of highly advanced science and technology in the distant past. On their television screens, earthlings will see the stunning successes of a civilization that existed many millennia before us. The conclusion from this discovery will be: “You can bring the same destruction as these ancient peoples.” The inscription on the pyramids reads: “People will die from ignorance of the true world or from the inability to use the forces of nature.”

“Unfortunately, the present time completely corresponds to the last time of Atlantis,” says the book “Hierarchy” from the “Living Ethics” series, “the same false prophets, the same false savior, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. We are proud of the crumbs of civilization, just as the Atlanteans knew how to fly over the planet in order to quickly deceive each other, temples were also desecrated, and science became the subject of speculation and discord. The same thing happened in construction, as if they did not dare to build firmly. They also rebelled against the Hierarchy (Light) and were suffocated by their own egoism. They also upset the balance of underground forces and through mutual efforts created a catastrophe.”

How did humanity get to this point?

Our ancestors - the Aryans - received their knowledge from the Atlanteans. E.I. Roerich wrote in letters to her students: “Arya-varta means “country of the Aryans.” This is the ancient name of northern India, where the first immigrants from Central Asia after the destruction of Atlantis."

E.P. Blavatsky writes that “the civilization of the Atlanteans was much higher than the civilization of the Egyptians.” And their “degenerate descendants” - the people of Plato’s Atlantis - “built the first pyramids in this country even before the arrival of the “Eastern Ethiopians,” as Herodotus calls the Egyptians.”

Atlantologists often mention the Great Atlantean Crystal. What kind of Crystal is this? Edgar Cayce reports that the Atlanteans discovered the secret of concentrating solar energy using a crystal with magnetic properties. The large stone was a cylindrical crystal with many facets. Its top caught solar energy and concentrated it in the middle of the cylinder. In 1933, several small stones of a similar shape were found in Yucatan (Central America), but people did not understand their purpose.

The Great Atlantean Power Crystal still rests at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Bermuda Triangle area, which is why so many ships and planes disappear there. The giant crystal - the highest achievement of Atlantean civilization - was created when the Atlanteans were able to harness solar energy with the help of small crystals. Cosmic Teachers helped them find a powerful quartz vein, which, by its size, could reflect all the rays of the Sun and Moon. The Atlanteans were able to extract this block of quartz from the Earth, then process the edges with such precision and subtlety that they reflected every ray that fell on it. The crystal was used both day and night.

After the first catastrophe (800,000 years ago), which rebuilt the planet's continents, the Atlanteans began to use the giant crystal for aggressive purposes. Their pride reached the point that they decided to conquer Asia, located on the opposite side of the globe. When the rays of the crystal were directed through the center of the Earth, an explosion of incredible power occurred and the continent of Atlantis sank.

The current civilization (Fifth Root Race) is also parasitic and also consumes vitality planets, only not for subtle material purposes, but for purely physical ones. This is a civilization of pragmatists who recognize only gross material values. The current society is a consumer society. Life is becoming more and more unnatural, soulless and mechanical. The black magic of rhythm, sound, lighting effects, and video images works. Sophistications in video technology can reproduce a complete simulation of everything. The world becomes ghostly, illusory. People stop experiencing real feelings. But among the gray mass of thoughtless inhabitants there were always other people who created immortal masterpieces of art, climbed mountain peaks, went to the stake for the sake of Truth. There were and there are! This is a different, real humanity of the Future!

“All bright, unprejudiced consciousnesses will be saved and taken, as in the days of Atlantis, to safe places. Of course, every reorganization of the world brings with it great opportunities, therefore, although time is threatening, it is still beautiful and constructive. We just need to do our best to help lay the foundations for the future bright construction, which is already so close - closer than many believe, seeing destruction and decay all around,” writes E.I. Roerich.

In 1938 E.I. Roerich, quoting the Cosmic Teachers, wrote:

“The present century is reminiscent of a certain time of Atlantis. Then they failed to find balance, but if now they know about the same discrepancy, then some of the most living peoples can find the necessary correspondence. It will not be where the pendulum is dead, but where it swings extremely. They understand the importance of the common good. This formula has not yet been pronounced, but it is already maturing in the depths of consciousness. Service, first of all, is not rituals, but service to humanity. For many centuries words about cooperation have been spoken. Ideas often outpaced material possibilities, but now people have found many useful devices, and the time comes when we need to remember the common good.”

Only together, helping each other, can we rise up to a new stage of development. We are all descendants of the Atlanteans, both physically and spiritually. Our genetic ancestors were Atlanteans, our spiritual monads were once embodied in them. And the memory of Atlantis is needed so that its history is not repeated. If we do not protect the Earth, then chaos and savagery will reign for hundreds of thousands of years as a result of cataclysms. And the people of the Sixth Race - beautiful, tall, strong, sensitive, possessing abilities inaccessible to us - where will they have to incarnate? And is it really possible that the smile of Gioconda and Bach’s toccatas, Pushkin’s poems and Tchaikovsky’s symphonies, the landscapes of Roerich and Kuindzhi, the masterpieces of Indian architecture will be irretrievably lost to the world? Will we be able to prevent this?

It seems that we will be able to, but now only with the help of the Forces of Light solar system. There is every reason to believe that a revival of spirituality is taking place. This is, first of all, a manifestation of mass interest in High knowledge, forbidden for many years, an appeal to religions, a search for spiritual path and perfection.

Pyramids and great dedications of the ancients.

Secrets of the pyramids

The colossal triangular structures of the Giza Pyramid seem to fall from the sky, like the rays of the sun. The pyramid was the main Temple of the Invisible and Supreme Deity. It is not an observatory or a tomb, but the first structure that serves as the repository of all the secret truths that are the basis of all arts and sciences.

Raymond Bernard, initiated into the secret teachings of the Rosicrucians, writes in the book “The Invisible Empire”: “In the Main Pyramid of Atlantis, the College of Sages, the guardians of secret knowledge, met. Much later, only one pyramid reproduced the Supreme Pyramid of the Atlanteans, and then on a different scale - this is the Pyramid of Cheops.”

The Atlanteans knew the nature and power of some cosmic forces, especially earthly tellurgical currents. The harmonious control of these forces allowed them to prevent geological disasters. The pyramids fulfilled this role, especially the Main Pyramid. And through her the whole Earth became an effective receiver of cosmic forces.

In Edgar Cayce's predictions regarding Atlantis we read:

“It is in the pyramids of Egypt that the history of Atlantis is found. Copies of all documents of Atlantis about its history and civilization were transferred to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the Hall of Chronicles - in a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River. It is located underground. The storage facility contains the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. When this Hall is discovered, tables and books will be found there, left for posterity by the Atlanteans. Decorations of the altars of their temples, seals, surgical instruments, medicines, fabrics, etc. will also be found there. musical instruments and much more".

The information is also found in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's left front paw and covers the entire history of mankind up to 1998 AD. Cayce called the Cheops pyramid the “Pyramid of Understanding.” It, according to him, was created using levitation, i.e. universal laws that allow iron to float in the air. In this pyramid is the Hall of Initiation, and the purpose of the pyramid is much higher than as a “burial place.” Inside the pyramid there are mathematical and astronomical calculations of when the Earth will complete its cycle, since a reversal of the poles is possible. The appearance of the Messiah will bring about changes on Earth. There are indications in the pyramid about what these changes will be. They are all encrypted.

Something has not yet been heard about the discovery of the Hall of Chronicles under the pyramids in Egypt...

On the Yucatan Peninsula in South America, another prophecy predicted, a temple of the goddess Ishtar would be discovered, where chronicles, tables, and books of the Atlanteans were also kept. And nothing has yet been heard about this predicted discovery, which is obviously absolutely sensational. Or is it simply not done yet? Or is there more to come?

But here are predictions about other archaeological finds, where the well-known theme of the Great Power Crystal is played out. Records of how to create such a Crystal are found in three places: first, in sunken temples under the sediment near what is now known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida; secondly, in the Hall of Chronicles in Egypt; thirdly, the records were delivered by the Atlanteans to Yucatan. In the future, they will be discovered in Yucatan and transported to the State Museum in Pennsylvania, USA. Some of them will end up in Washington and Chicago.

And one more thing: the Atlanteans possessed forces that, combined with the forces of electricity and expanding gases, could cause explosions of colossal power... Records of systems producing such energy will be found near Bimini. Well, sunken temples and walls in these places have already been found.

Sphinx of Egypt

Another object of the Giza Plateau is no less interesting. This is the Sphinx of Egypt, known from photographs all over the world, and everyone can easily recognize this mutilated image. The only thing the world doesn’t know is why and when the Sphinx was carved from a giant block of dense limestone, and who turned the lonely rock into a statue of such gigantic proportions?

King Thutmose of Egypt freed the Sphinx from the oppressive sand. But little remains of the former beauty of the Sphinx. Time was kind to the Sphinx, but the evil hands of men turned out to be more merciless. This once beautiful face has been disfigured beyond recognition. The nose was recaptured by the fanatical Muslims who conquered Egypt in the 7th century, so that the followers of the Prophet Mohammed would not fall into idolatry. The beard, a symbol of divine power, was recaptured by Napoleon's soldiers who conquered Egypt in 1798. They chose the face of the Sphinx as a target for firing from cannons. Now the Sphinx's beard is in the British Museum. The absence of a beard has upset the balance of this entire structure, carved from a single rock, and partly from separate stones, and it is collapsing.

There are still holes on the Sphinx's body in the shoulder area, like scars. It was Colonel Howard Wise who pierced it with long iron drills with chisels at the ends in order to check whether it really consisted of solid rock or whether there was emptiness inside the Sphinx. He delved 9 meters into the body and was disappointed to find no emptiness there. But at that time, three quarters of this sculpture was still buried under huge masses of sand.

And when the monuments of antiquity were not guarded as strictly as they are now, pieces of the mouth of the Sphinx and the remains of the nose “as a souvenir” were carried around the world by his admirers. As a result, his kind and “blessed” smile turned into half-sad, half-spectacular.

Some of the travelers could not resist the temptation to immortalize themselves by carving their insignificant names on the body of the Sphinx. The paint that covered the Sphinx was destroyed by the elements. But his greatness remained.

The ureus, which rises above the head of the Sphinx, is not only a sign of royal power, but, above all, a symbol of the power that is given to a person over himself. The supposed ureus on the head of the Sphinx was considered to be a finger of huge sundial. It was also believed that He, along with the Pyramid, was used to determine time, seasons and precession.

For almost 200,000 years it has stood in the same place, and its unblinking eyes with different feelings look at the myriads of people passing by. Dressed in different personalities, the same spirits pass by, some accelerating their path forward, and some reversing it...

To many, the Sphinx seems to be a gloomy symbol of Truth, which man can never find. For some, he is a “silent idol.” But “those with ears” heard him well at all times.

The Sphinx is the main statue of this Earth. It was dedicated to the Sun, because physical light is the shadow of God and the substance of this rough material world closest to God. His eyes look exactly at the very point on the eastern horizon from where God Ra, the Sun God, begins his daily march.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world,” says the ancient wisdom inscribed above the Temple of Initiation. The Sphinx of Egypt can help in this knowledge. Listen, O man, to his whisper, and you will hear: “You exist. You are eternal. You are immortal. You are free. Nothing can destroy you. You are the true cause and witness of changes and all transformations of consciousness. Know yourself, O man!

The famous American occultist philosopher Manly Hall writes:

“There was the following theory: “The Sphinx of Giza served as the entrance to the sacred underground chamber in which initiations into secret teachings took place. The entrance, now blocked with sand and debris, can still be found between the front paws of the lying colossus. In the past, the entrance was closed with bronze gates, the secret springs of which were known only to magicians. The reverence of the people and religious fear guarded the gates better than armed guards could have done. In the belly of the Sphinx, galleries were laid leading to the underground part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so intricately intertwined that anyone who tried to enter the Pyramid without an accompanying person inevitably returned to the starting point after long wanderings.”

The bronze door described above has never been found, and there is no evidence that it ever existed. The past centuries have left noticeable marks on the colossus, and therefore it is quite possible that the existing entrance is now hopelessly closed.

The Sphinx is the symbol of the great cycle of our current Manvantara. In the Sphinx, of course, it is not difficult to recognize the sign of the Zodiac - Leo, and in the human face - the symbol of the Hierarchy and the spirits at the head of others. Pyramids are a symbol of the six Logoi. Measurements of pyramid passages can even give dates for many important events of our time.

Fierce debates, measured discussions, assumptions, myths and versions - all this has been exciting humanity for many centuries. Mysterious land called Atlantis, haunts neither pundits nor researchers who love to fantasize. Atlantis did not pass by, the lost world, and the common man in the street. It seems that today every second person has heard about this mysterious island, about the fact that in ancient times there was a lost Atlantis, a civilization that had no equal in technological and scientific development, in the culture of life. Its Atlanteans were inhabited by a free people, but not without human vices, which, in the end, destroyed the mysterious empire. It is believed that the secrets of Atlantis rest somewhere at the bottom of the world's oceans. Let's try to figure out whether this is true or not.

Atlanta and their appearance on the pages of history.

In 428 BC, in one rich and noble family, in the city-state of Athens, a seemingly ordinary boy was born, who received the name Plato. The child's father was Ariston. His family takes its roots from the legendary king Codru. Mother - Periktiona, great-great-granddaughter of the no less great Solon. Not Atlanteans, of course, but very revered and important people, both by the standards of Athens and by historical canons.

The child grew up alive in every sense; he was sociable, cheerful and inquisitive. Surrounded by all sorts of benefits, he did not know what hard work and need were, spending most of his time on physical exercise and education. Having matured, the young man wanted to develop not only his body, but also his mind. You and I know that the result of this decision will be the Atlanteans and many other discoveries no less important for history, philosophy and other sciences. However, the guy had yet to understand his own thoughts, ideas and plans. At the age of 20, fate gave young Plato a chance to answer many questions that tormented him, among which were the Atlanteans: at this time Plato met Socrates, the greatest philosopher of antiquity, fell under the influence of his ideas and became his faithful student and follower.

All these events, which later gave birth to the Atlanteans, take place against the backdrop of the Peloponnesian War, which has shaken the ancient world since 431 BC. The last battle of this long war took place in 404, when the troops of Sparta entered Athens. Thirty tyrants seize power in the city; freedom of speech, democracy and the right to choose are disappearing from the lives of local residents. But only a year passes, and the hated regime of tyranny collapses. The invaders are expelled from the city in disgrace, returning its independence. Having defended its freedom and independence, Athens, the city where they first started talking about the Atlanteans, regained strength and influence among other Greek settlements.

Victory is given to Athens, the city where the Atlanteans were “born,” with heavy losses: many famous, noble and courageous men die. Among the dead were many friends of Plato, the “father” of the Atlanteans, a future leader, thinker and activist. The young man finds it difficult to cope with the loss and promises himself to change this cruel world. To come to his senses and escape from the darkness of days alone, Plato, who discovered the “Atlanteans” to the whole world, goes on a long journey. He goes to Syracuse, then he visits the colorful villages and cities of the Mediterranean. At the end of his journey, our hero, who discovered the Atlanteans to the world, ends up in Egypt. Plato has a special interest in this country and its people - here long years trained by his great ancestor, Solon.

The excellent upbringing, manners and education of young Plato, the man to whom the Atlanteans owe their fame, impress the local elite. Some time later young man introduced to representatives of the highest priestly caste of Egypt. It is difficult to say exactly how this acquaintance influenced the views of the future great philosopher, to whom the Atlanteans owe their place in history, but Plato returns back to Athens as a completely different person. It is quite possible that it was in Egypt that Plato learned who the Atlanteans were and how human civilization actually developed. By the way, the priests of Ancient Egypt were revered not only by the local people, but also by the entire ancient world, as keepers of the most valuable information about the distant past and the peoples who inhabited the Earth. Who knows, maybe the Egyptians really knew who the Atlanteans were, how they lived, and how their story ended.

Long decades passed, but Plato did not tell in any of his works what the great priests of the pyramids told him, whether they told him about the Atlanteans or discovered some other secrets ancient world. Plato's teacher, Socrates, has long gone to another world, and the philosopher himself has aged, turned gray and become much wiser than in his youth. During this period, he already introduced his own philosophy and opened a corresponding school, which over time turned into an academy. However, the Atlanteans are still not open to the scientific world. Plato's influence on the minds of young men and even elders is invaluable; he is revered as one of the greatest minds that ever lived in Athens and Greece. But the philosopher is tormented internal conflicts. He struggles with the desire to tell the whole world what ancient Atlantis was, to discover the true history of the human race. And now, half a century after visiting Egypt, Plato writes two of the most important dialogues in his life - Critias and Timaeus. A similar unique genre of conducting philosophical treatises was introduced by Plato himself. In it he asks questions and answers them himself. This method, in which the Atlanteans will be revealed to the world, better reveals the whole essence of doubts and inconsistency of judgments tormenting a person.

Atlanteans are finally becoming a world-famous phenomenon. It is in Critias and Timaeus that Plato talks about a mysterious land that existed about 9 thousand years ago, about a land that was inhabited by the Atlanteans, about a land that does not exist now. It is a huge island with mountainous terrain. The mountains surrounded the perimeter in a ring, which was once inhabited by Atlantean people; their land smoothly passed into gentle foothills, and those, in turn, into a wide plain. It was here that the Atlanteans lived, it was here that they built their life, science and civilization.

Atlantis is a land of great minds and no less great miracles.

The secret city, at one time opened only to Egyptian priests and young Plato, was called Atlantis. The people who inhabited it descended from the god of the seas and oceans himself, Poseidon. It is believed that the progenitor of Atlantis, Poseidon, allegedly once turned to Zeus for help, he asked the supreme god to give him a place on earth. The king of all gods responded favorably to the request of the god of waters and allowed him to settle on a huge island, Atlantis, with a fertile climate, but mostly with rocky and infertile soil for crops.

Here Poseidon met local residents, Atlanteans. First, he became acquainted with the small people who inhabited the great and mountainous Atlantis, and then, in peace and tranquility, he began raising sheep. At first he suffered from loneliness, but soon one of the neighboring families of Atlantis had a daughter. She turned out to be a girl of extraordinary beauty and intelligence, her name was Cleito. God took her as his wife, and after a while they had five twins, all boys, beautiful, smart and healthy, like gods. What else could you expect from a girl for whom Atlantis was her home, and from the almighty god of the seas, oceans and waters.

When the children grew up, the island, Atlantis, was already divided into ten parts. Each son received a small part of the land, on which he became the ruler. The best piece of land went to the eldest son and at the same time the wisest, Atlan. It was in his honor that the ocean surrounding Atlantis on all sides was named Atlantic.

Very soon the island, or rather its seventh and largest part, the lost city, Atlantis, turned into a densely populated state, an empire. The people who inhabited this state, Atlanta, built huge cities with amazing architecture, created magnificent examples of sculpture, and brought luxurious temples into reality. The most majestic of them was the temple of Kleito, dedicated to the father of Atlantis, Poseidon. It was located in the center of the island, on a hill, and was surrounded by a wall made of gold.

To protect themselves from external enemies, the Atlanteans built a serious defense system. The plain was surrounded by two water rings and three earthen rings. Numerous canals were dug across the entire island, Atlantis, connecting the ocean waters with central part sushi. The main, wide canal ended near the marble steps of Atlantis, which led to the top of the hill, that is, to the temple of Poseidon.

Having become stronger and stronger, the population of Atlantis created the strongest army in the history of mankind. This army consisted of 1,200 ships with a crew of 240 thousand people, whose homeland was Atlantis, and ground forces of 700 thousand people. For comparison, this is twice the world average today. All these people of Atlantis needed to somehow feed, clothe and put on shoes. In most cases, funds were found on the side: the Atlanteans built their economy and politics on waging constant and bloody wars that could bring profit.

Successful conquests further strengthened the city-state; Atlantis has become stronger than ever. It seems that there could no longer be a single enemy who could provide worthy resistance to the aggressor. But the universe does not like the proud; it did not forgive pride and Atlantis: proud Athens stood in the way of the island people.

Plato wrote that 9 thousand years ago Athens was a powerful state that could not be compared with the current state of affairs. However, Civilization-Atlantis was strong and it was impossible to defeat such a large army alone. The philosopher's ancient ancestors turned for help to the neighboring states that inhabited them at that time. Balkan Peninsula. An unprecedented military alliance was created, the main task of which was the destruction of Atlantis, or at least the weakening of its military power, in order to conclude a peace treaty.

On the decisive day of the battle, the allies who were opposed by Atlantis were afraid to engage in battle, betraying their neighboring alliance. The Athenians were left alone with a million-strong army of Atlanteans, the number of which continued to grow and grow. The courageous Greeks rushed into battle without fear or hesitation and, in an unequal struggle, nevertheless lost to the aggressor. It seems that everything is victory, Atlantis has gained the upper hand, and the time has come to blow the horn victoriously, but then the gods intervened in human affairs. The great and immortals did not want Atlantis to become higher than the land of Greece they controlled and cared for.

Zeus and his closest associates have been closely monitoring Atlantis and the people who inhabited this land for centuries. If at the beginning local population did not evoke negative emotions among the celestials, then centuries later the situation changed radically. The Atlanteans from noble, highly spiritual and moral people gradually turned into selfish, greedy, greedy for power and gold, depraved individuals, brazenly and shamelessly ignoring basic human laws and values. The lifestyle and general situation in which Atlantis found itself, thousands of years after its settlement, caused a sharp negative reaction among those whose status was supposed to monitor the purity and morality of human civilization.

Atlantis was on the edge of the abyss. Today, in our humane and progressive 21st century, fallen and base individuals are treated quite tolerantly, for many of us such behavior has become the norm, but in those distant times the mentality was completely different. The pantheon of supreme gods and demigods decided to destroy the entire continent; Atlantis was to be wiped off the face of the Earth. This is what the celestials did - quickly and unnoticed by most people.

Atlantis was drowning, both in its own greed and literally. The earth opened up and stormy ocean waters poured onto the land. The mysterious island has plunged into an eternal abyss. Proud Athens was also unlucky. The wrath of the gods, who did not forgive their charges for the loss, was no less cruel than the fate to which Atlantis, a once powerful and beautiful civilization, was doomed. The gods unleashed a catastrophe on Greece and the neighboring lands; the state of Athens was just as erased from the map as Atlantis. , mired in her own sins. There were no Athenians left capable of celebrating the fall of the aggressor, Atlantis, everyone fell, everyone died.

The secrets of Atlantis, a civilization that disappeared in the pages of history.

This information can be gleaned from two extensive dialogues revealing the secrets of Atlantis, written by Plato at the very end of his life. It seems nothing special - there is no direct evidence based on serious Scientific research, no references to any ancient manuscripts or authoritative sources. At first sight secrets of Atlantis, like the ancient civilization itself, is a funny myth, a fairy tale. However, in spite of everything, the secrets of Atlantis and the legends about this civilization survived not only the philosopher himself, they survived centuries, millennia, giving rise to a huge number of discussions, theories and assumptions.

The main opponent who opposed the existence of this nation and dispelled the secrets of Atlantis was Aristotle, who lived from 384 to 322 BC. Aristotle was the teacher and mentor of Alexander the Great. He was one of Plato's main students, who began studying at the Academy in 366 BC and completed it in 347.

For almost 20 years, this venerable man, who in every possible way dispelled the secrets of Atlantis, listened to the speeches of philosophers, himself preached the theory of eternal good, and treated both the works and statements of his mentor with great respect. As a result, Aristotle expressed disagreement with Plato’s dialogues, calling them the delirium of an old man. Allegedly, the secrets of Atlantis are not secrets at all, but a rebellion of the fantasy and imagination of an honorable elder.

This negative reaction continued. In Western Europe in the middle of the centuries, Aristotle had unquestioned authority. His judgments and theories were accepted as the ultimate truth. Therefore, one can imagine that until the end of the 8th century, the beginning of the 9th century, although they talked about the mysterious land, about the secrets of Atlantis, they spoke with reluctance, with an eye on the representative adherents of the philosophical concepts of Aristotle, one of the greatest, if not the most important philosopher of Ancient Greece.

What is the reason for such an attitude towards the mystery of Atlantis, towards the existence of this civilization? Why did Plato's honorary student, Aristotle, categorically reject the possibility that Atlantis city existed and flourished for several millennia? Maybe he had irrefutable evidence at his disposal that left no trace of the mystery of Atlantis? But there is nothing in the writings of the venerable husband that would point to this evidence. On the other hand, it is also impossible to dismiss Aristotle’s judgments. He was too authoritative a man and a philosopher to turn a blind eye to what he said and wrote.

To understand everything, you need to imagine the learned men of the past, shrouded in dreams and an unclouded gaze aimed at the future, as mere mortals, people who are characterized by envy, greed, selfishness and other things that do not fit in with philosophers and such respectable men.

Who was Plato, who gave birth to the secrets of Atlantis, exciting the minds of even modern scientists? Plato was the darling of fate, the favorite of fortune. He was born in rich family, since childhood I have not known worries, lack of attention and need for money. Thanks to his origin, he received all the benefits of life easily, with a wave of his hand. Without any effort, he created the Academy, surrounded himself with fans and people who sincerely revere him. All doors were open for him in Athens. He could shout at the top of his lungs that the sunken city, Atlantis, exists, and they would believe him. Today, such people are usually called masters of life, golden youth and oligarchs, but before, such concepts did not exist, however, a prejudiced attitude towards the rich and wealthy of this world could be traced even before our era.

And who was Aristotle, who did everything possible to dispel the mysteries of Atlantis brought by his mentor? The son of an ordinary doctor at the court of the Macedonian ruler, already by birth doomed to a miserable existence in poverty and social helplessness. From childhood he knew, if not need, then at least the need for money and livelihood. Each new step upward was given to him with great difficulty. Only thanks to his perseverance, willpower, determination and efficiency, which the Atlanteans themselves would envy, this man achieved everything he deserved: money, fame, respect.

Carefully hidden hostility and envy towards a prosperous and caressed mentor in life ultimately played the worst joke on Aristotle that the human mind and fate are capable of. Atlantis, the lost civilization, became his Achilles heel. He forgot everything good and good that his mentor did for him; if he did not betray Plato, then he certainly desecrated him eternal memory your doubts and mistrust. After all, in the end, the secrets of Atlantis might not have interested Aristotle at all, however, he not only turned his attention to them, he considered it his duty and obligation to refute the latest works of Plato. God will be his judge, but the truth is that with all his efforts, Aristotle did not have a single fact that could refute the statements of his mentor. The Atlanteans remained unproven, but also not refuted, no matter how hard the envious student tried.

Lost Atlantis and the mystery of its existence.

For two millennia, the question of the mysterious continent either came to life in the minds of individual researchers, or faded away under the influence of militant antagonists of Plato’s instructions. The most serious opponent who countered any evidence of the presence of the mystical and lost Atlantis on earth, for a long time was the church. The servants of the Lord considered the official date of the creation of the world to be 5508 BC. Plato, in his theories, climbed into the darkness of centuries, indicating a time interval of 9 thousand years, when, according to the church, there was no Earth, no people, no universe, much less some lost Atlantis could not physically exist.

It was only in the second half of the 9th century, when the church split and its influence began to wane, that lost atlantis may exist, they started talking again, and then in a whisper. The first who again loudly began to talk about the possibility that the lost Atlantis took place in the history of human civilization was Elena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) - theosophist, researcher, writer and famous traveler. Being a gifted, talented person, a bright and extraordinary personality, this amazing woman categorically asserted that the lost Atlantis existed, and Plato was not mistaken when talking about this mysterious island. True, there were discrepancies in her theories with Plato’s version of Atlantis; the researcher assigned her two continents at once - one in the Pacific, and the other, located in Atlantic Ocean. In her understanding, the remnants of the once great and ancient empire turned out to be the islands of Madagascar, Ceylon, Sumatra, individual islands of Polynesia and the famous Easter Island.

Many other researchers followed Blavatsky, furiously arguing about where the lost Atlantis was located, and about the very fact of its existence on the map of antiquity. However, the researchers were unable to present anything concrete, evidence-based and definite to the scientific community.

Beautiful, but as many thought mythical legend, the world of Atlantis, came to life and developed rapidly only at the very end of the 19th century. This is the period of the beginning of powerful progress, both scientific and technical. It is no wonder that it was in this era, when more and more new resources appeared at people’s disposal, that interest in adventure arose again in the minds of many. And the lost Atlantis in their eyes became exactly that adventure. In fact, humanity has just entered a new phase of its existence. Heavy and light industry, science, which showed great interest in what this lost Atlantis really was, technology, finance - all this required increasingly advanced means of communication not only between individual cities and countries, but also between entire continents.

In 1898, a significant event took place in history around the lost Atlantis and research aimed at finding it. This year, a telegraph cable was pulled underwater from Europe to America. And suddenly, for some unclear technical reasons, it broke off; as a result of which one of the ends sank to the very bottom of the ocean. They lifted it as usual with steel cats. The surprising thing is that along with the cable, an unexpected surprise was also pulled out of the water, presumably related to the lost Atlantis: These were small pieces of glassy lava, stuck between the legs of the mechanisms used to lift the cable.

Luck or not, at that moment there was a geologist on the ship, and a very, very experienced specialist. In addition, he was familiar with what the underwater city of Atlantis was and knew firsthand about the hype around it. He took pieces of a strange rock, the origin of which was almost immediately associated with such a phenomenon as the lost Atlantis, and took them to Paris to his colleague, the French geologist Termier. He carefully studied the presented samples and soon made a detailed report at the Oceanographic Society in the capital of France.

As you might guess, his speech was truly sensational and the main topic of this speech was the lost Atlantis, which at that time was the main bone of contention in the research world. In fact, Termier stated with full responsibility that lava takes this form only when it hardens in air. In an underwater eruption, it would have been completely different and would not have had a glassy, ​​but rather a crystalline structure. Thus, the conclusion naturally suggested itself that once upon a time, in the vast waters of the Atlantic, somewhere between Iceland and the Azores there was a land, it is obvious that we're talking about not about some unknown island, but about such a phenomenon as the lost Atlantis, which disappeared in the depths of the world's oceans.

It seemed that the question of the presence and location of the mysterious continent should be resolved by itself. It would be time to open a bottle of expensive champagne and celebrate such a serious and important discovery for science as the lost Atlantis, but that was not the case. To make it clearer what exactly the catch is, it’s worth going from afar and telling about everything in order.

Atlantis is a lost world, a bone of contention for the scientific community.

The status of a discoverer in that era was almost the main, cherished dream of the entire life of every respectable man of science. So, in 1900, an English archaeologist named Evans conducts excavations in the Cretan city of Knossos and, surprisingly, finds traces of the most ancient civilization in the entire Mediterranean. He calls it Minoan, but at the same time claims that Atlantis, the lost world famous in scientific circles, and his Minois are one and the same.

In his research, the archaeologist refers to a layer of ash discovered in the sea soil, the age of which exceeds three thousand years. The island of Santorini is located 120 kilometers from Crete. It was here, according to Arthur Evans, that Atlantis, the lost world famous in scientific circles, was located. In 1400 BC, the Santorini volcano exploded. The entire middle of the island sank to the bottom of the sea, destroying Atlantis, a lost world that excites the minds of scientists. But what about the fact that Plato’s works speak of the age of Atlantis, a lost world that is at least 5 thousand years older than the remains of the civilization discovered by Evans. It's simple, according to Evans, Plato was simply mistaken, indicating 9 thousand years instead of 900 years.

Throughout the century, scientists different countries tried to steal the palm from each other, competing in their inventions, ingenuity of mind, and pseudo knowledge about the ancient world. Wherever their tireless searches took them. Mysterious Atlantis, the lost world, famous in scientific circles, was found on Canary Islands, and off the coast of Iceland, and predictably in the central waters of the Atlantic Ocean. But all to no avail. No one has been able to indicate the specific location of the mysterious ancient continent. Atlantis, the lost world, was not discovered, and what’s more, researchers were unable to find even one single piece of evidence or clue that could indicate the location of the mysterious island.

Disputes about the mysterious Earth, about what the lost city - Atlantis is, do not subside even today. Theories appear and disappear, legends are born and die, and with them more and more scientists, archaeologists and historians climb to the research Olympus, and then fall from it. Some of their assumptions are very similar to the truth, others are more like a fantastic story or a good invention of a sick mind. This story is one of these: the basis of the entire Atlantis, the lost world, was a certain huge crystal that accumulates and transforms the energy of the universe into the more familiar earthly one. Was this crystal artificial or natural origin- unknown, or maybe deliberately kept silent. This source of endless energy was kept in the central temple of Poseidon under the watchful supervision of the best, chosen warriors.

The crystal fully satisfied all the everyday and other needs of the people whose homeland was Atlantis, the lost world, but they did not want to be content with little. Being aggressive and warlike by nature, the inhabitants of the ancient empire used it as the most powerful weapon, destroying and burning the lands of their enemies.

Nowhere and no one around had such a means of protection that could protect them from the power of the crystal, and very soon all the neighboring states were enslaved by power-hungry invaders. The mysterious Atlantis, a lost world, turned into a majestic empire, its borders expanded and expanded until they reached the endless steppes, beyond which lay the no less endless China.

Atlantis is the homeland of conquerors.

The process of taking over a new, unknown country and race was slow, and ancient atlanteans decided to send a powerful beam of energy across the entire planet. Choking with impatience and greed, people who believed that Atlantis was their home, hurriedly went to the crystal and the main custodian activated the energy weapon.

A pillar of hellfire hit the rocky ground. But instead of piercing the earth like a knife through butter, it split Atlantis itself into several parts. The foaming waters of the ocean quickly rushed onto the island, sweeping away everything living and inanimate in its path. Ancient city, Atlantis, sank to the bottom of the ocean in the blink of an eye. All the Atlanteans disappeared along with her, taking the greatness and heritage of their civilization into oblivion. This is such a legend, a colorful legend. It is clear that it is based on real facts. All this, most likely, is the invention of some researcher tired of fruitless searches.

Centuries and millennia have passed, and the question of whether the ancient civilization of Atlantis existed or not is still unanswered? Perhaps the most serious and demonstrative theory was put forward by Thor Heyerdahl, the famous Norwegian traveler. He drew his attention and the attention of the scientific world to the similarities between the ancient cultures of Asia Minor, Egypt, Crete and the ancient civilizations that inhabited Central America. Indeed, if you reject skepticism and look at all this from the outside, these cultures have many similar features. Atlanta, or rather their empire, was a state where the cult of the sun occupied no less important position in society than the cult of Poseidon, who was the father of the inhabitants of this city. We can observe the same thing in Central America, Asia Minor and Crete. The sun god was also worshiped there, and marriages between family members were practiced to preserve the purity of the family. We don't know what it was like ancient language Atlantis, but we can note that the writing of the cultures of Crete, Central America and Egypt are like two peas in a pod.

An important similar factor are pyramids, sarcophagi, mummification, and masks. These pagan symbols and examples of art, unusual for European states, were often found in Egyptian, Asian and American settlements. Again, we do not know whether Atlantis was the pride of the pyramids, we only find common features between seemingly different ancient empires at first glance. In addition, it has long been proven that there was once a connection between the American and European continents. We all once lived on one large continent, why shouldn’t it be the same Atlantis that researchers have been unsuccessfully searching for for two thousand years now?!

Could it be that Atlantis was not destroyed, but was simply reborn in the Egyptian pyramids and in their American counterparts? Who knows?! Perhaps we will get an answer to this question in the very near future. Now we, like the entire scientific world, can only assume that Atlantis existed, and was not an invention of the old mind of a philosopher from Athens.

For more than one generation, researchers have been debating the existence of Atlantis, a powerful ancient state that disappeared from the face of the Earth once and for all. Interest in this topic arose after the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato saw the light of day. It was Plato who first wrote about Atlantis, described the ancient civilization, the strength and power of the Atlanteans. Whether this was a deliberate and skillfully created myth, or whether we are dealing with a description of real facts of the ancient history of human civilization remains a mystery. Neither before nor after it was possible to obtain and find evidence of the existence of the Atlantean state. The mysteries of Atlantis remain unsolved to this day, forcing historians to put forward new hypotheses and researchers to look for the location of the disappeared island-state on the map of the planet.

The Atlantean civilization is a source of controversy

Today, a huge number of works have been written about the disappeared mighty civilization of the ancient world, starting with poetic essays and literary descriptions, ending with serious scientific treatises. In each individual case, one has to deal with a huge set of assumptions and hypotheses that the ancient world looked different from what the world map looks like today. Another new hypothesis gives rise to a new myth, which instantly acquires new details, assumptions and details. Another thing is the complete lack of facts that can answer the question: whether Atlantis existed in reality or not. This meager research material remains the preserve of science fiction writers and atlantologists. Skeptics believe that the history of Atlantis is an artificially created phenomenon in modern historical science.

The problem of Atlantis must be considered in two aspects: from the point of view of the historical epic, and using a scientific approach. In the first case, you have to deal with evidence base and materials whose existence is never disputed by anyone. The palm in this area belongs to the works of Plato. The ancient Greek philosopher mentioned the powerful state of antiquity in the dialogues “Critias” and “Timaeus”, which were compiled on the basis of the diaries of another prominent ancient Greek scientist philosopher Solon, who was Plato’s great-grandfather. With the light hand of Plato, the name of the ancient state appeared, and its inhabitants began to be called Atlanteans.

In his notes and books, the ancient philosopher relied on the legend according to which the ancient Greeks fought with the state of the Atlanteans. The confrontation was ended by a grandiose cataclysm that led to the destruction of Atlantis. According to the ancients, it was this catastrophe that led to the island city of Atlantis disappearing from the face of the planet forever. What kind of catastrophe on a planetary scale led to such consequences is still not known and has not been proven. Another question is that in the scientific community there is currently a point of view that 12 thousand years BC. The world really suffered a major catastrophe that changed the geography of the planet.

Plato's dialogue “Timaeus” quite accurately indicates the location of the country of the Atlanteans, and is full of descriptions of the details of the culture and life of the Atlanteans. Thanks to the efforts of the ancient Greek philosopher, the disappeared civilization is being persistently searched for in the Atlantic Ocean. Just one phrase, “opposite the Pillars of Hercules,” recorded by Plato, indicates the location of the legendary country. There is no more accurate data on the location of the mysterious ancient state, so many researchers on this topic believe that Atlantis could have been located in any other part of the ancient world.

The inconsistency of many facts set out in Plato’s works raised a number of questions for subsequent generations. The main secrets of Atlantis are as follows:

  • Is there a high probability of the existence of such an island? large sizes, traces of which are almost completely absent today;
  • what catastrophe that occurred in ancient times could have led to the instant death of a large state;
  • could a civilization exist in such ancient times with such a high level of development, which is attributed to the Atlanteans by ancient and modern researchers;
  • why today there are no real traces from the past indicating the existence of Atlantis;
  • Are we descendants of the highly developed Atlantean culture?

How did the contemporaries of the ancient Greeks see Atlantis?

By studying Plato's works, we can briefly summarize the information that has reached us. We are dealing with the history of the existence and mystical disappearance of a large archipelago or large island, which was located in the west of the then ancient world. The central city of the superpower was Atlantis, which owes its name to the first king of the state, Atlas. The island location explains the government structure of the empire. Probably Atlantis, like many cities of ancient Greece, was a union of island rulers united under imperial leadership. Perhaps there was a different government system in Atlantis, but in Plato’s dialogues the names of the kings are given, after whom the other islands of the empire were named. Therefore, ancient civilization took the form of a union or confederation.

Another question lies in Plato’s detailed description of the life structure of the mysterious power. All the main buildings and structures of the state are located on the central island. The Acropolis, royal palace and temples are protected by several rows of earthen ramparts and a system of water channels. The interior of the island is connected to the sea by a huge shipping canal, so we can safely say that the power of Atlantis was focused on achieving sea power. Moreover, according to Plato’s version, the Atlanteans worship Poseidon (ancient Greek god, ruler of the seas and oceans - brother of Zeus). In Plato, the temples of the Atlanteans, their architecture and the arrangement of their homes shine with luxury and wealth. Reaching the shores of Atlantis, surrounded on all sides by water, and the path to the island lay only by sea, was not an easy task for sailors of that time.

In his narratives, Plato is very keen on describing the improvement of the Atlantean capital. The most interesting thing in this aspect is that the descriptions of the ancient Greek philosopher strongly resemble the descriptions of other ancient Greek cities found in other ancient sources. The described infrastructure, weapons, ships, religion and lifestyle of the inhabitants of Atlantis look like the height of human perfection and a model of well-being.

The mystery of Atlantis in Plato's descriptions is present at every step. Isn’t it surprising that people live far from the centers of civilization known to the world at that time, yet they have enough high level development, can make long sea voyages, trade with everyone around them, eat spices and other crops. The Atlanteans have a powerful army and a large fleet capable of entering into confrontation with the armies of the ancient states of the Mediterranean.

This should be the end. Only Plato was able to describe the life and structure of the legendary state so clearly and in detail. There were no other sources that would point to similar facts, no, and perhaps there will not be. Neither the Sumerians nor the ancient Egyptians said anything about a large state in the Western Hemisphere. The ancient ruins of the Indian civilizations of North and South America are silent about interaction with the mysterious and powerful state. Could there have been such a powerful civilization in the central Atlantic many years ago, about which there is still no real evidence?

Secrets of Atlantis: myths and legends versus real facts

Some researchers continue to feed the world illusions that Atlantis really existed. Following the lead of Plato, who pointed out the exact location of the island, researchers in search of Atlantis are checking the territories in the area of ​​​​the Azores Islands, in the Bahamas. This is facilitated by the consonance of the names of the Atlantic Ocean and the legendary island.

According to one version, Atlantis was located in the Azores region. Studies of the Ampere seamount, located on the way from Europe to America, and the neighboring areas of the Atlantic mid-ridge have not yielded any results. Geological and morphological structure The seabed does not give reason to believe that a large geological formation existed in ancient times in this area of ​​the earth’s crust. Even a gigantic cataclysm that wiped out such a large island or archipelago from the face of the earth would leave behind indisputable evidence. If the island sank as a result of a successive chain of earthquakes and floods, then its remains could still be found today.

Modern scientists do not have information about the major geological and tectonic catastrophe that befell the earth in ancient times. The biblical data about the global flood that befell the Earth and humanity takes us to a completely different era. All information, events and facts that speak in favor of the existence of Atlantis in this part of the globe do not stand up to criticism if we rely on the theory proposed by Plato.

Supporters of another hypothesis, the Mediterranean one, have more compelling evidence in their favor. However, here too there are a number of points that cause controversy. What were the real boundaries of such a powerful union, and where such a large island or small continent could be located. The western border of the world known to people of that time runs along the Pillars of Hercules - now the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic. Why, with such an eventful and crowded environment, did the ancient world not have cartographic data on the location of a large state that influenced the political and economic structure of the world? On maps drawn up by the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Egyptians that have survived to this day, known areas are limited to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Many Atlantologists increasingly agree that a civilization of similar proportions could have existed in the Eastern Mediterranean, within the explored sphere of political and economic interests of ancient states. The disappearance of the island and the death of the country of the Atlanteans can be linked to the catastrophic eruption of the Santorini volcano, which erupted around the 17th century BC. This hypothesis takes place, since it was during this period that the Cretan power flourished. According to this theory, the volcanic eruption not only destroyed half of the island of Thira, but also destroyed numerous city-states that existed in the region. If we put aside the question of names and the connection to Plato’s statements about the Pillars of Hercules, such a picture of the ancient world has a right to life.

In this context, the version about the existence in ancient times of a powerful state competing with the ancient Greek city-polises fits perfectly. The facts of the strongest cataclysm of that time were also noted in ancient sources. Today, volcanologists and oceanologists reasonably consider this version of the death of Atlantis to be quite real. Scientists have found evidence that the Minoan civilization actually had enormous military power and had a high level of development, allowing it to confront the Greek states.

Sparta and Athens are located 300-400 kilometers north of the islands of Thira and Crete, which are ideal for the location of the Atlantean state. The explosion of a volcano, which destroyed a mighty power in one night, destroyed the balance in the world that had existed until that moment. The consequences of such a large-scale disaster affected all of Southern Europe, North Africa and the coast of the Middle East.

Versions in favor of another location of the legendary power today have no basis. Researchers are increasingly linking the existence of Atlantis with Plato's philosophical view of existing world. This is echoed by other sources in which the land of the Atlanteans is associated with other mythical territories and states that existed in the imagination of the ancient Greeks.

Hyperborea and Atlantis - ancient mythical states

To the question of where to look for Atlantis today, the answer may sound prosaic. You have to look everywhere. It is possible to rely on ancient sources only in cases where the question is raised about the cultural heritage that has come down to our times. In the sense in which we perceive Atlantis today, as an imaginary country and highly developed civilization, the ancient Greeks at one time imagined Hyperborea. This mythical country, located in the far north, a thousand kilometers from the shores of Ancient Greece, was considered by the Greeks to be the habitat of the Hyperboreans, the descendants of the gods. Is this the Atlantis that Plato wanted to tell the world about when writing his treatises?

The Hyperborean lands, according to modern scientists, should have been located on the territory of the present Scandinavian countries: in Iceland or Greenland. The Greeks directly pointed out that even Apollo himself, the sun god, was considered the patron saint of this people. What kind of lands are these, do they really exist? It was assumed that Hyperborea was a fictional country for the ancient Greeks, where perfect and powerful people lived and the gods rested. The country that Apollo regularly visits may be the same Atlantis - the state to which the ancient Greeks strove in their development.

03/23/2010 — Valentina

Archaeologists and anthropologists.

Archaeological finds from different years, found all over the world, confirm the fact that giant people lived on Earth in ancient times.

There is evidence of finds of the remains of giants in almost every part of the world: Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, the Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, and the islands of Oceania.

In 2008, near the city of Borjomi, in the Kharagauli Nature Reserve, Georgian archaeologists found the skeleton of a three-meter giant. The skull found is 3 times larger than the skull of an ordinary person.

The remains of giant people were found in Australia, where anthropologists found a fossilized molar 67 millimeters high and 42 millimeters wide. The owner of the tooth was supposed to be about 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms. Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

In China, fragments of the jaws of people whose height ranged from 3 to 3.5 meters and weighed 300 kilograms were found.

IN South Africa, at diamond mining, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Anthropologists determined the age of the skull to be about 9 million years.

Stone Age burials have been discovered in the Gobero region of the Sahara. The age of the remains is about 5000 years. In 2005 - 2006, about 200 burials of two cultures were found in the region - Cythian and Tenerian. The Kithians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years ago. They were tall, exceeding 2 meters.

Many giant fossilized bones were discovered in one of the mountain valleys of Turkey. The fossilized human leg bone is 120 centimeters long, judging by this size, the person's height was about 5 meters.

On the shores of Lake Titicaca in the Andes, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, rises the city of giants - preserved ruins , the oldest known modern world cities. Archaeologists have discovered that in this area of ​​the Andes, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, there are marine sediments stretching for 700 kilometers, which indicates the original location of the port of Tiahuanaco on the shores of the sea gulf. In Tiahuanaco, a mysterious monument has been preserved - the “Gate of the Sun”, covered with hieroglyphs that indicate the astronomical cycles of the planet Venus.

Helena Blavatsky

Theosophist, writer and traveler formed a classification of existing earthly civilizations - Indigenous Human Races:

I race - angelic people,

Race II - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

V race - Aryans (WE).

In her book The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the “root race” of humanity. The philosopher Rudolf Steiner argued that in the inhabitants of Lemuria are called “the ancestors of people.”

IN Chinese province Henan, Lushan is home to the tallest statue in the world - the Vairocana Buddha statue.
The statue rises 153 meters, and the Buddha figure is 128 meters tall. The construction of the statue coincided with the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001.

Nicholas Roerich

Scientist, artist, mystic philosopher wrote about the Bamiyan statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the drowning of their continent, took refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures illustrate the Doctrine of the gradual evolution of Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its etheric body was imprinted in solid, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts the “Later-Born”. The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born of a father and mother, the last offspring of which are depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was still smaller in size, although gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends last.”

Many legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans, in all ancient written sources: the Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, they talk about giant people.

Why did giant people disappear on Earth? What are the reasons for the death of Atlantis? They wrote about this: Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa in the Akashic Chronicles, theosophist in The Secret Doctrine, seer , philosopher and esotericist Helena Roerich, philosopher-mystic Nicholas Roerich, professor and many other scientists, philosophers, esotericists.

Helena Roerich

In the book “Agni Yoga” she wrote: “Unfortunately, the present time corresponds to the last time of Atlantis. The same false prophets, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. Now we are proud of the crumbs of civilization, and the Atlanteans also knew how to rush over planet Earth in order to quickly deceive each other. Temples were also desecrated, and science became a subject of speculation and contention. The same thing happened in construction; they did not dare to build firmly. They also rebelled against the Divine Hierarchy (Cosmic Teachers of humanity) and were suffocated by their own egoism. Also violated balance of the Earth’s underground forces and through mutual efforts created a catastrophe.”

Aren't current events reminiscent of those distant times?

The development of science and technology occurs much faster than the spiritual development of society and careful attitude people to nature and to each other.

The Great Initiated Teachers say that the energy emitted by humanity is needed for the correct movement of the Planet. When this energy becomes poisoned, it weakens Earth and thus disturbs the balance of many luminaries. The waves of vibrations change, and the Planet loses some of its self-defense. This is how humanity controls its own destiny, but every person is responsible for what happens on the Planet.

There is a theory that greek island Santorini was part of Atlantis. You might be thinking, how can an island in the Mediterranean have anything to do with a continent in the Atlantic Ocean? According to legend East Coast Atlantis reached the shores of Spain and Africa, and the western coast extended to Caribbean Islands and the Yucatan Peninsula. The Bermuda Triangle and the Sargasso Sea were also parts of Atlantis. Several islands were adjacent to the continent, one of which was Santorini, in much the same way as Catalina is adjacent to the coast of California (only Santorini was further from Atlantis than Catalina from the coast of California).

Plato's two dialogues Timaeus and Critias are the only written sources of the time that speak of Atlantis . This dialogue is written in the form of a conversation between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timaeus and Critias, in which Timaeus and Critias tell Socrates what they know social devices. This conversation may confirm that the Greek island of Santorini was part of Atlantis.

The dialogue tells the story of the conflict between the Atlanteans and the Athenians, which occurred some 9,000 years before Plato's times. It is clear that from those days there are no records left, especially about Atlantis. Some fragments of Aristotle's works have been preserved, but the full text of the works of this great master has not survived to this day.

Many of the works of the time were destroyed in the fire at the Library of Alexandria, but even they provided limited information because much of the information was transmitted through oral tradition. (It is refreshing that we have full confidence in the Bible insofar as it relies on oral preliterate tradition, but when it comes to

Atlantis or Lemuria, skeptic scientists immediately appear...)

The continent of Atlantis appeared about 500,000 years ago, its civilization reached its peak about 15-12 thousand years ago. Unlike Lemuria, whose culture contributed to the development of spirituality, Atlantis was a continent of sciences, arts and technology. And if Lemuria was destroyed as a result of the natural processes of Mother Nature, the intelligent Atlanteans themselves destroyed their home as a result of experiments in the field of atomic energy and nuclear physics.

As a result of such experiments with electromagnetic energy, the continent disappeared under water, and most of the citizens of Atlantis died - only a few managed to escape, landing in Spain, Egypt and Yucatan. The Atlanteans seemed to lack the awareness that they were polluting the atmosphere through their industry; if we, modern people, treat the same to the globe, then we may fall into the same trap. Absolute power truly corrupts absolutely.

Atlantis: facts and evidence

  1. A pyramid explored by Dr. Ray Brown on the seabed near the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by four divers who also discovered houses, domes, rectangular structures, undetermined metal tools, and a statue holding a crystal with a miniature replica of the pyramid. Metal tools and crystals were brought to the surface and taken to Florida for further analysis. The crystal was found to increase the energy flowing through it.
  2. The remains of roads and buildings on Binini Island were discovered and photographed in the 60s by the expedition of Dr. Manson Valentine. Similar underwater ruins were photographed in a coral reef area in the Bahamas. Similar remains of structures were discovered and photographed in Morocco at a depth of 15-18 meters under water.
  3. A huge pyramid with 11 chambers and a large crystal at the top was, according to Tony Bank, discovered at a depth of 3000 meters underwater in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
  4. In 1977, Ari Marshall's expedition reported that a huge pyramid was found and photographed near Say Reef in the Bahamas at a depth of about 45 meters. This pyramid is approximately 195 meters high. Life-giving, but around the pyramid the water was bright white, it flowed out of the hole in the pyramid, then the water was green, in contrast to the usual dark water at depth.
  5. The flooded city, about 640 kilometers off the coast of Portugal, was found by a Soviet expedition led by Boris Asturois, its buildings were made of solid concrete and plastic. He said: "The remains of the streets suggest that monorail trains were used for transportation." A statue was raised from the bottom of the sea.
  6. Heinrich Schliemann, the man who discovered and excavated the ruins of the famous Troy (historians considered it a legend), according to his contemporaries, handed over to scientists a vase made of an unknown metal recovered during the excavation of Priam's treasures. A seal in the Phoenician language was found in it, according to which this vase was a gift from the king of Atlantis, Kronos. A similar vase was found in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.

There are supposed to be more facts, but you already get the idea. Obviously, numerous studies indicate the presence of ancient civilizations about which we know nothing.

The Atlanteans experienced three cataclysms throughout their history: the first about 50,000 years ago, the second about 25,000 years ago, and the third, which destroyed their civilization, about 12,000 years ago. Some Atlanteans considered these misfortunes to be warnings that continuing such a lifestyle would mean destroying their civilization. Unfortunately, these “doomsday heralds” were in the minority, and therefore no one heard them.

“The story of how various continents were inhabited by this highly developed civilization is amazing, but after many years of development, it ended its existence approximately 11,500 years ago as a result of a terrible planetary catastrophe that changed the face of the Earth and hid most of the land under water. The key to the history of the world before the rise of our civilization is to be found in the Sumerian texts."

Many believe that what happened to the Atlanteans is much like what I once said on television: a change in the tilt of the axis affected some of the Earth's masses, and this led to the splitting of the continents. Atlantis and Lemuria sank lower, and as a result, a significant part of the land was under water.

The Atlanteans experimented with electromagnetic energy and gravity, which became main reason destruction. Usually a change in the poles is accompanied by small earthquakes, volcanic explosions and movements of the earth's masses, but this time it was the largest in the entire history of the Earth (which explains the appearance of the story about Noah and global flood). Much of this story of “flooding the whole earth with water” can also be found in Sumerian texts.

Secrets of antiquity. Atlantis: the lost civilization.

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