What is a debit card – its advantages and disadvantages. Sberbank of Russia debit cards for individuals

Most best bank

Tinkoff Bank

I have been a client of this bank for about 3 years, I am very pleased, it’s easy to open a deposit, reissue a card, resolve any issue without leaving home! People who know how to value their time will understand me, just call instead of wasting time in endless queues at the offices of other banks! Thank you very much for the excellent service, saving client time and the desire to remain the best!

Anastasia, Moscow

Debit card from Lokobank


I opened a debit card at Lokobank, I didn’t understand anything on the website, there were a lot of letters, too lazy to read) I went to the Smolensk branch. I sat there for probably an hour and a half, choosing a tariff for myself, I chose it)) We compared everything with the girl and chose what would be better for saving. At the same time, I also consulted on deposits. Thank you very much for the excellent service and for your patience, you rarely see this in banks!!

Tone4ka, Moscow

For translations

I met them with polite service, which is so rare in Russian banks; in general, there are few well-mannered people left. I was trying to get a regular debit card for transfers. I didn’t want to do it online, it’s more reliable and simpler, and it’s easier because you can ask all the questions at once. Well, everything, as expected, two weeks later I received the card in my hands and linked my phone. It is important to me that a person who...

Evgeny Korzhevsky, Moscow

Return Money, the ATM did not dispense cash when withdrawing due to a technical fault

Moscow Credit Bank

On February 13, 2019, I withdrew cash from an ATM of PJSC MKB in the Kuntsevo Plaza shopping center, located at: Moscow, st. Yartsevskaya, 19 (hereinafter referred to as the ATM), in the amount of 8,000.00 (Eight thousand) rubles. The ATM did not dispense cash; the cash withdrawal operation was carried out using my current account statement. By telephone, MKB PJSC was informed that the ATM had a technical error status and was then transferred to...

Vera, Moscow

Quick solution to the problem

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

They quickly made a new Maximum card to replace the lost one. I contacted the branch on Mytnaya on April 3, on the morning of the 7th I received an SMS that the card was ready and went to pick it up the same day. There was a small queue, in total it took me about 25 minutes. I would like the issue with the queues to be resolved, but overall I am more than satisfied with the services of UBRD and their attitude towards clients. Thank you!

Firuza, Moscow

About reliability and convenience

I have been a client of the bank since the beginning of the 2000s (since Investsberbank, since 2008 - OTP). I met the branches of the head bank in completely different countries Europe, incl. in the post-Soviet space. I used ATMs there and paid for purchases and services with a card. During this time, I did not encounter any difficulties when interacting with the Bank, changing cards according to the expiration date, making deposits (by the way...

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Do you want to receive real bonuses in the form of money? Then this article is for you. We will talk about debit cards, find out what they are, and give arguments for their use. Consider the review best cards with interest on the balance and cashback. We will give advice on use and selection.

1. What is a debit card in simple words

Debit card(English "debit card") is a plastic card of a specific bank, which is linked to the holder's account. You can use it to pay in stores, withdraw cash from ATMs, and pay online payments (utilities, aliexpress, online stores)

Basically, all debit cards are personal. Each has a specific validity period, after which it is automatically blocked. As a rule, banks issue reissues free of charge.

Since the card is tied to bank account, then you cannot withdraw more than you have. However, the account can still be taken into the negative. For example, when paying for SMS notifications, debiting monthly or annual services, as well as when withdrawing money from ATMs of other banks.

For ease of use, SMS notifications (SMS banking) are almost always connected to debit cards. This service is activated voluntarily. Its cost is usually 60 rubles per month. Thanks to SMS notifications, you can monitor your balance. This greatly increases the level of security of your funds.

To withdraw money from ATMs or make payments in stores, you must enter the card PIN code. Only the owner knows it. Even bank employees do not know this number. It must not be shared with anyone.

The holder of a debit card has access to an online account where you can view reports, send money by interbank transfer, etc.

2. What does a debit card look like?

The debit card is a piece of plastic measuring 54x86 mm with rounded edges. The front of the card contains the following information:

  • Unique card number. For registered ones, it consists of 16 unique digits. In the anonymous ones out of 18. The number is not secret information and can be entered when paying in various services.
  • Holder's name (written in Latin)
  • Expiration date (month and year)
  • Type of payment system (Visa, Master Card, World)
  • PayPass icon. This makes it possible to make contactless payments. In most cases, banks issue cards with this feature

3. What is interest on the balance?

There is a class of debit cards that charge interest on the balance. This is an additional bonus and depends entirely on the bank that issued the card. The interest rate may change periodically depending on the key rate of the Central Bank.

Interest will be accrued on the funds in the account. Actually debit card will be a deposit from which you can always withdraw money without losing interest.

For example, the interest on the card balance is 10% per annum. You topped up your card on the 1st day of the month with 100 thousand rubles, and on the 27th day of this month you withdrew all these 100 thousand rubles. In this case, at the end of the month you will be credited 739 rubles. This amount for 27 days: 100000 * 0.10 * 27/365.

Charges accumulate daily. You can put an amount on the card every day, then withdraw it the next day, then put it in again (every other day). As a result, you will be accrued interest only for half a month of 15 days.

There are debit cards that offer very high interest on your balance. They are equal to interest, like a bank deposit.

All money on debit cards is insured under the DIA program. Therefore, if the bank’s license is taken away, you will receive the entire amount, but not more than 1.4 million rubles.

4. What is cashback on debit cards

There are different options for accruing cashback on debit cards. Only a small part of banks charge it.

The idea of ​​cashback is as follows: You pay for purchases with a debit card. A percentage of the amount spent is returned at the end of the month. For example, at Tinkoff it is 1% on all purchases.

Many banks provide cashback only on certain categories of goods. For example, airline tickets, cosmetics.

The benefits of receiving cashback are obvious. In fact, without doing anything, you get back 1% of all purchases. If you pay with a card without cashback, you will not receive any payments.

5. The best debit cards with interest.

Each bank offers different debit cards. However, few offer their customers debit cards with interest, cashback and free service, but nevertheless there are a couple of options. Let's look at these cards

5.1. Tinkoff debit card

5.2. Debit card "Polza" (HomeCredit Bank)

The “Polza” debit card from HomeCredit Bank appeared relatively recently and immediately became one of best offers On the market. Card class "Platinum". Let's look at all the features of the "Benefit" card in the table.

The debit bank card of HomeCredit Bank "Polza" is one of the best offers on the market. We recommend it to anyone who wants to manage money effectively.

One of distinctive features This card is that it gives cashback even when paying utility bills, internet, and mobile phone top-up.

Each card has a payment system at its core. There are not so many of them:

  • Visa International (Most Popular)
  • Mastercard (Second most popular)
  • Maestro
  • American Express
  • PRO100

In addition, each of the payment systems has its own subtypes of card significance:

  • Electron
  • Classic
  • Platinum
  • Silver

Platinum and Gold debit cards are the most “prestigious”. They have greatest number opportunities. For example, for hotel bookings, online payments, and use abroad. These cards are the most expensive to maintain.

1 Convenient way to withdraw funds. You don't have to go to the bank and stand in line to withdraw some cash. ATMs operate 24 hours a day and are located in many retail outlets.

2 Allows you not to carry cash with you in the store, count all the change, etc. It's extremely convenient.

3 Interest accrual on the balance. Taking into account the accrual of interest on the balance and cashback, debit cards are not only convenient, but also profitable to use.

Imagine that you are buying a tour to Europe worth 120 thousand rubles. By paying for this purchase with a Polza debit card, you receive money of 3,600 rubles (3% of the amount).

4 Payment online. Many goods are purchased online. Bank cards are one of the main payment options. So sometimes it's the only way payment.

8. Debit card protection and security

Previously everything bank cards had protection in the form of a “protective tape”. But this is an outdated technology that is not used anywhere.

On this moment All issued bank cards have a special chip, which is much less likely to break and has a higher degree of protection.

You can withdraw money online from a debit card only if you fully know its details: the name of the holder, its number, expiration date and security code CVS. If someone finds out this data, it is recommended to block this card, otherwise there is a high probability of funds being stolen from it.

When withdrawing money from an ATM, protection occurs by entering a PIN code. It must be carefully hidden and not shown to anyone. Attackers can forge card data and cash it out, but to do this you need to know the PIN code.

Many people know about these points, but still become victims of scammers. Almost all thefts occur due to gross violations of security rules.

9. Answers to frequently asked questions

A credit card differs from a debit card primarily in that its main purpose is the ability to quickly borrow money. The bank that issued the card makes it possible to pay for purchases with a card with a limit of a certain amount (usually up to 100 - 200 thousand rubles). A grace period is given during which you can pay off this debt without paying any interest.

Each bank has its own grace period. Typically this period is from 30 to 60 days. If the loan is not repaid within this period, fines and interest will be charged. They are quite big. Therefore, it is better not to let this happen.

It is not possible to withdraw cash from a credit card without interest, unlike a debit card. If you still withdraw them, then a commission (3-5%) is immediately deducted from you.

In appearance, a credit and debit card are no different.

Debit and credit cards have different purposes, so choosing which is better is difficult. If the goal is to store money on a card and pay for it, then a debit card is more convenient.

If you need to buy something urgently on credit, then a credit card is the ideal option. It will allow you to take out an interest-free loan for a short period without unnecessary trips to the bank.

It is important to understand that withdrawing money from a credit card is highly discouraged! Large fees are charged for this.

Overdraft allows you to pay for purchases in an amount that exceeds the balance on the card. In other words, you take out a “loan” that you can later repay.

Not every debit card has an overdraft service. Usually you can turn it off to protect yourself from going into the negative.

There are cards that allow you to go into the negative without interest for some period of time (usually 30-60 days). The loan is given for this period without any overpayments. However, if you do not repay the debt within the agreed period, then fines (and hefty ones at that) are automatically assessed. You can thus overpay 3-10% of the original debt amount. Therefore, it is better not to joke with overdraft.

9.4. I lost my debit card, what should I do?

If your debit card has been lost, please contact us immediately. hotline with the bank that issued it and block it. If it ends up in the hands of “craftsmen”, they will be able to write off all the money from it.

The bank will reissue the card, but most likely for some kind of fee, since the reissue is due to the user’s fault.

If the ATM “ate” the card and does not return it, then you need to contact the bank that owns the ATM. More often than not, they do not return and have to be reissued after that.

Watch also the video about debit cards

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Quantity used in Everyday life bank cards are constantly growing. One of the most popular types of this payment instrument is deservedly considered a debit card. It represents a personal financial document, which is intended for storing funds in a specially created account and performing non-cash payment or replenishment operations.

Diagram No. 1. Share of debit and credit cards in the Russian financial market

The popularity of debit cards is due to several factors. The most significant can be identified following features of the payment and financial instrument in question:

  • tariffs set by banks for debit cards are lower than for credit cards;
  • the terms of service imply the impossibility of spending funds exceeding the amount actually available on the card;
  • efficiency of financial transactions, most of which are carried out instantly;
  • free registration option provided a large number banks;
  • accrual of interest on the account balance provided for certain types of debit cards.

Often, a debit card is issued to credit wages, pensions or benefits. Some enterprises include in the social package provided to employees the production of such a financial instrument and its use for making various calculations between the company and the employee. Low level tariffs and the inability to spend more than what is in the account, makes debit cards an extremely convenient and effective payment instrument. If the conditions of the issuing bank provide for the possibility of accruing interest on the balance of funds, it also becomes beneficial for the owner.

Debit card service

One of the main elements of advertising campaigns carried out by banks when issuing debit cards is the obligatory mention that the tariff for their service is either low or non-existent. This is rightly considered one of the main advantages of this type of card. However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that there are many varieties of debit “plastic”, among which the following trend can be traced: the more reputable the card, the higher the cost of servicing it. There are practically no exceptions to this rule.

Free debit cards

It should be understood that when banks talk about a free debit card in advertising, they do not mention the annual service fee. In some fairly rare cases, even this is not charged, but usually this applies to the most primitive plastic options - an unnamed instant issue card. As a rule, it is issued in the form of an incentive when receiving a large loan or during any promotion. Examples of such free cards are MasterCard Maestro, Visa Electron and Pension Sberbank-Maestro. The functionality of such products is also very limited.

Maintenance cost

Obviously, a debit card that provides the owner with a full range of functionality is rarely free. However, in most cases it remains main feature of the financial instrument in question - tariffs for servicing debit plastic are lower than the rates established for credit. The specific amount of the service fee varies widely and depends mainly on the functionality provided. For example, in debit cards issued by Sberbank, the tariff can range from 60 rubles/year for the simplest ones to 10,000 rubles/year for premium varieties of the product.


The popularity of bank debit cards is largely due to the fact that in most cases the procedure for issuing them is extremely simple. Usually it is a set of simple client actions:

  • choosing a bank based on the proposed conditions and existing requests and requirements;
  • visiting a bank branch or filling out an application online on the credit institution’s website;
  • receiving a plastic card.

Naturally, upon registration, the client is provided with a corresponding agreement, which contains service tariffs established by the issuing bank.

Applying for a debit card online

An increasing number of various operations in modern conditions carried out using the Internet. This is easily explained by the fact that this approach allows you to save a lot of time, in addition, it is much more comfortable and convenient than conventional procedures that require personal presence at the bank office and manually filling out various documents. The vast majority of bank clients do not experience problems with access to the Internet, so they try to carry out all operations online, which is quite logical and expedient.

Filling out an application

The application for a debit card is a short questionnaire. The level of detail is determined by the type of plastic chosen by the client. Obviously, when applying for a free instant card (at Sberbank or VTB it takes 10 minutes to issue one), the bank requests a minimum of information. If you wish to receive a more functional product, the client must provide the following information:

  • Full name, telephone number and email address for communication;
  • the name that appears on the card;
  • passport details and registration address, as well as actual residence.

In addition, the bank in some cases requests the client’s type of activity and, almost always, asks to indicate a code word.

Getting a debit card

After the card is issued, a bank employee contacts the client by phone or via email specified in the application. Currently, there are two ways to obtain a card: by personally visiting a branch of the issuing bank or by delivery using various courier services. As a rule, the choice of method depends on the level of the financial instrument being drawn up. Obviously, it is irrational and simply unprofitable to deliver the simplest and least functional cards by courier.

Debit cards from different banks

Almost all domestic banks issue a wide variety of debit cards. Their number is quite large, which makes it difficult to choose the most attractive and profitable option. In addition, clients can focus on different characteristics of the financial instrument in question: one requires a minimum cost of servicing, the other prefers the highest interest accrued on the balance, etc.
Taking into account the above, the most popular types of debit cards at the moment are:

No. Card name Issuing bank Main settings
1. Visa Premier Sberbank The period of use is 3 years. Service tariff - 4.9 thousand rubles/year. Access to online systems am Sberbank. Free SMS notification. Discounts on purchases - up to 3%. Linking to electronic wallets.
2. Smart Card Opening The period of use is 4 years. Cash back - from 1 to 1.5%. Interest on balances - 7.5%. Service tariff - 299 rubles. (for expenses exceeding 30 thousand - free of charge).
3. Visa Signature SKB-bank Cash back - 1% (but not more than 50 thousand rubles) Interest on balances - 7.9%. Free SMS notification. Free insurance when traveling abroad.
4. MasterCard Black Edition Moscow Industrial Bank The period of use is 2 years. Service tariff - 3.5 thousand rubles/year (with a turnover over 100 thousand rubles/month - free). Cash back - from 1 to 10% (depending on purchases). Interest on balances - 8% (if the account has more than 300 thousand rubles)
5. Platinum Experience Card VTB 24 Production price - 500 rubles. Cash back - from 1 to 5%. There is no service charge. Withdrawing money through VTB24 ATMs is free.
6. TinkoffBlack Tinkoff Bank Service tariff - 99 rub./month. Cash back - from 1 to 5%. The interest on balances is from 3 to 7%. Free SMS notification.
7. Visa Platinum Capital Rosselkhozbank The period of use is 3 years. Service tariff - 4.5 thousand rubles/year. Interest on the balance is from 1 to 5%.
8. Planet Premium Promsvyazbank The service fee is free for the first year, then RUB 599/year. Overdraft up to 600 thousand rubles. Free SMS notification. Insurance when traveling abroad.
9. MasterCard Platinum Alfa Bank Interest on balances - 8%. Free SMS notification. When traveling abroad - insurance, ticket booking and similar services. Currency conversion at preferential rates. Free delivery by courier.
10. Customer card Rosgosstrakh Instant card. Service is free. Cash back - from 1 to 3%. Access to Mobile Banking.

Table No. 1. The most popular debit cards in Russia.

The above list of debit cards shows their diversity, especially considering the fact that not all conditions and parameters are shown in the table.

Debit cards with accrual

One of the parameters inherent a large number debit cards, is the ability to accrue interest on the balance of funds available on it. This is an important advantage that clients first pay attention to when choosing the type of payment instrument in question. The table above shows examples of several cards with this feature. The amount of interest accrued is usually lower than on deposits. However, it should be taken into account that the client has the opportunity to withdraw funds on the card at any time, which is impossible to do with bank deposit money.

Advantages of debit cards with interest accrual

It is the combination of the possibility of withdrawing funds with the accrual of interest that is the main advantage of such debit cards. In other words, the client receives not just an electronic plastic wallet for storing funds, he is given the opportunity to increase them. However, in some cases it is not enough favorable conditions. For example, Rocketbank plastic card allows its owner to receive 8% per annum, with interest accrued every month, which is also very convenient. The popularity of debit cards is largely based on the possibility of earning interest on available funds.

Debit cards with cashback

The second extremely attractive and beneficial property of many debit cards is the so-called cash back. This term means the return of part of the funds paid using the card to its owner. Providing such an opportunity to debit card holders has become a vital part of numerous advertising campaigns, which ultimately became very effective and profitable for issuing banks. The number of debit cards they issued has increased dramatically and has made cash back a mainstream phenomenon.

Benefits of debit cards with cashback

Moreover, a large number of people showed interest in a new way to increase their own turnover. commercial companies working in the most various areas activities. As a result, cash-back transaction costs are now, in most cases, shared between the issuer and the participating business (co-branded cards). In this case, everyone wins:

  • the client receives the product at a discount, often quite significant (in some cases -10% or more);
  • the bank gets an excellent opportunity to advertise the payment instrument being issued;
  • a commercial organization increases its turnover through additional sales.


By issuing debit cards, banks try in every possible way to interest customers. Therefore, the proposed tariffs can vary within very serious limits. Most often the client is charged the following fees:

  • for service. Typically the fee is charged once a year. Its size very much depends on the specific conditions of the bank. In some cases, the client is exempt from payment if a number of requirements are met, for example, the amount of monthly turnover or the amount of the account balance. In this case, the bank prefers to benefit from the use of the client’s funds, which is quite logical;
  • for various services. The most frequently used service is SMS notification. Some issuers provide it for free. Often the client is offered different kinds insurance (free or at a discount), connection to online banking systems, etc.;
  • for withdrawal. In most cases, replenishing a card is free, but withdrawals are accompanied by a commission, the size of which depends on the method and amount.
    It is quite difficult to list all the possible service programs that banks offer to clients, especially since new similar products appear almost every day. This is due to the high level of competition existing in the domestic market banking services, which ultimately benefits consumers.

Types of debit cards

There are several characteristics by which one can classify the huge variety of debit cards currently issued:

  • by affiliation with the international payment system: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, MIR;
  • by level of prestige: electronic (entry level), standard, gold and platinum.

In addition, debit cards may vary in the functionality they provide, technical capabilities, number of issuers and payment scheme used.


The Visa payment system (along with MasterCard) is deservedly considered the most famous and widespread not only in Russia, but also in the world. Almost all domestic banks provide the opportunity to issue a Visa card, and the presence of an extremely wide range of existing offers allows any potential client to find a financial product that suits his needs. The entire line of Visa cards is represented on the Russian market, from the simplest Electron to the premium Gold or Platinum.

Diagram No. 2. Share of payment systems in the Russian card market


The MasterCard payment system is almost always and everywhere adjacent to the Visa described above. This is quite logical and easy to explain - they are clear leaders compared to others existing systems. A client can order a MasterCard card from any domestic bank, and the product line is similar to that issued by Visa. The main difference is that the payment currency in Visa is the US dollar, while in MasterCard it is the euro issued by the European Union. Such a difference is absolutely unnoticeable if the client opens a ruble account. The remaining conditions offered by both systems are almost identical.

American Express

The American Express payment system is much less popular in Russia. However, in Lately it is becoming more active in the domestic financial market. And the most noticeable role in this is played by the two main banks that are its partners in Russia - Russian Standard and Sberbank. Given such serious support, it is not difficult to assume that American Express debit cards, aimed mainly at the premium segment, will take their rightful place in the Russian banking services market.


THE WORLD is national system payment cards (NSCP). It was developed during 2015. The reason for the emergence of the domestic NSPK was the introduction of financial sanctions, as a result of which the activities of global payment systems in Russia were significantly limited. Based on the results of the competition, the World map was chosen for the best NSPK. The system is currently undergoing active testing in various banks. Debit cards were issued by MDM Bank, Gazprombank, Svyaz Bank and several other credit institutions. If the results are favorable, it is possible to transfer budget expenditures to maintenance in this system.

Chip debit cards

One of the important developments in recent years has been the invention of a special chip for use in various bank cards. It is gradually replacing the magnetic track that was supplied with previously issued bank plastic cards. The microchip significantly increases the security of using the card for a wide variety of transactions. Reading data from a magnetic tape is quite simple, but it is almost impossible to do this if the card has a chip. Therefore, it is quite obvious that in the near future almost all bank cards will be issued in exactly this form, until another, even more reliable way protection.

Gold debit cards

The main differences between gold cards are that they provide their owners with a number of different privileges. The specific list depends on the issuing bank and payment system. Most often, gold card owners receive:

  • a large limit on cash withdrawals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.);
  • participation in insurance programs;
  • discounts when receiving services from certain retail chains or other commercial organizations;
  • additional service for booking tickets, hotel rooms, tables in restaurants, etc.

Obviously, the final amount of bonuses can be a very large amount. However, the fee for servicing a gold debit card also often reaches several thousand rubles per year.

Platinum debit cards

This type of payment instrument belongs to the premium segment. Price annual maintenance for such a card often amounts to several tens of thousands of rubles. In this case, its owner receives:

  • an increased limit on cash withdrawals, significantly higher than the limit set for a gold card;
  • participation in insurance and discount programs that provide high level services and serious discounts;
  • personal manager and dedicated telephone line, working around the clock.

The list of privileges provided to the owner of a platinum card is limited only by the imagination of the creative employees of the issuing bank. Often, clients are offered the most exotic and original opportunities, which is not surprising, given the cost of annual service and the bank’s interest in such cooperation.

Co-branded debit cards

The popularity of cash back, which has become especially noticeable in last years, led to the emergence of special co-branded debit cards. They are a combination of the functions of a regular bank card and a discount card. The main advantages provided by such cooperation between the bank and its partner, which are most often cellular operators, airlines and large retail chains, were noted above. The specific benefit for each participant depends on the conditions provided by the card and can vary greatly.

Benefits of debit cards

The near ubiquity of debit cards would not be possible without the many benefits they provide to cardholders. They concern all areas of the client’s activity and begin directly with registration. A passport is sufficient to make a debit card. Obtaining a credit type of payment instrument is accompanied by the need to provide many documents, including those confirming the client’s solvency. Naturally, the benefits of debit plastic do not end there.

Schedule No. 1. Number of bank cards issued in Russia


Modern security systems make it possible to ensure the safety of funds on the card. No less attention is paid to ensuring reliable protection when the client performs any financial transactions, including payments using online systems. Equipping the card with a microchip, development and implementation of new computer security systems guarantee a high level of security. An important element of this system is the ability to quickly block a card if it is lost or stolen.


A significant portion of issuing banks, when issuing debit cards, include in their service package the accrual of interest on account balances. Another way to benefit from the banking product in question is a cash-back operation, which is also provided by a fairly large number of plastic cards. The combination of these two possibilities makes the use of a debit bank card extremely profitable and attractive for the client, since the importance of the financial factor in modern conditions is almost impossible to overestimate.


Possession of a plastic debit card allows its owner to save quite significant amounts. This may happen:

  • as a result of participation in various discount programs, the number and level of which is determined by the status of the payment instrument;
  • when using cash back, which is actually also a system of discounts;
  • due to the absence of fees for card registration and maintenance.

The high level of competition that has developed in the domestic banking sector forces financial institutions Constantly develop and put into practice new ways to attract and interest potential customers. Often they are expressed in a reduction or zeroing out of tariffs for the production and servicing of cards.


An important difference between a debit card and a credit card is the impossibility of spending more than what is actually available in the account. The absence of a loan and overdraft does not allow the owner of a payment instrument to fall into a kind of dependence on borrowed funds from the bank, which is inherent in a large number of credit card owners. This is not only much more profitable, but also allows you to clearly control your own costs and expenses. The latter circumstance is extremely important in the current conditions of a sluggish financial crisis and a constant shortage of funds.


Owning a debit card provides the owner with extremely broad functionality:

  • making purchases both in real stores and in various online services;
  • storage of funds in non-cash form;
  • saving financial resources thanks to cash back and discount programs;
  • receiving profit in the form of interest accrued on account balances.

Obtaining such a number of opportunities does not require any excessive effort or cost, since the procedure for issuing a card is very simple, and the cost of service is either small or non-existent.

Disadvantages of debit cards

The number of disadvantages inherent in debit cards is much less than the number of undoubted advantages. However, it is necessary to know about them in order to minimize possible losses.

Firstly, in most cases a fee is charged for servicing the payment instrument. It is debited from the client regardless of whether he used the card or not. Naturally, you should carefully read the agreement with the bank and study the tariffs it offers in order to try to reduce possible costs.

Secondly, all cards have a cash withdrawal limit. The limit may concern a daily amount or a monthly amount, and the specific amount depends on the type of plastic. Therefore, it is recommended to clearly understand exactly how the card being issued will be used in order to choose the most suitable and least expensive option.

Thirdly, a debit card is inferior to a deposit in some aspects. This addresses two important issues:

  • the bank has the right to unilaterally review the interest accrued on the account balance;
  • funds placed on the card are not included in the program compulsory insurance deposits.

The few disadvantages listed are both quantitatively and qualitatively inferior to the long list of advantages that owners of debit cards receive. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the popularity of a convenient and profitable financial payment instrument will only grow in the future.

Most people who decide to open a debit card for any specific purpose try to find free debit cards so as not to pay the bank for servicing this seemingly simple and now accessible banking product.

Indeed, many banks now offer debit cards with free annual service. But at the same time, in most cases there are certain pitfalls that an ordinary client may not immediately know about.

That is why, in this review, we will consider the best free debit cards offered by domestic banks in 2019. Moreover, in the description of each card we will try to reveal all the nuances and features of the card, pros and cons and much more.

Best Free Debit Cards in 2019

So, below are the TOP 5 of the best and most profitable debit cards, which are issued free of charge and do not have an annual service fee in their tariffs. We present exactly those cards that today are extremely popular among bank clients, have positive and numerous reviews on the Internet, and also have favorable rates and conditions with completely zero or conditionally free service.

The best free debit card of 2019

One of the most popular cards at Tinkoff Bank is the Tinkoff Black debit card. This card will excellent option to store money on it for savings and for everyday payments in stores.

The main advantages of the card:

  • The card is issued in the premium categories MasterCard, VISA or MIR Premium.
  • You can issue a ruble or currency card (euro, dollar).
  • Cash withdrawals from ATMs and transfers to other banks are free.
  • Free issuance of up to 5 additional cards for all family members or for yourself. Moreover, you can issue different payment systems for one account. For example, for payments within the country you can issue a premium MIR card, and for payments abroad MasterCard Platinum.
  • Online registration and free shipping bank specialist.
  • Interest on the card balance is up to 7 percent per annum.
  • Cashback for purchases in certain categories up to 5%, as well as for purchases from Tinkoff Bank partners up to 30%.

At first glance, a card of a prestigious category and with such advantages cannot be free. And to some extent this is true, since the card costs 99 rubles per month.

But there is methods and conditions for using a debit card for free:

  1. The Tinkoff Black card will be free if you have a bank deposit (deposit) in the amount of 50 thousand rubles or more or a loan for the same amount in Tinkoff Bank.
  2. Another way to use it for free is to keep a minimum balance of 30 thousand rubles on the card for a month.
  3. Well, the most popular way is after receiving the card, just call or write to the bank with a request to transfer to non-public tariff 6.2 in which there is no card maintenance fee. Only existing bank clients are transferred to it. You can familiarize yourself with this tariff.

As you can see, making a card free is quite easy and simple, but you can start by simply opening the card following a recommendation, and then after 3 months take advantage of other free conditions. The card is perfect for depositing salaries and for other purposes.

Free universal debit card with interest and cashback

One of the most popular debit cards in Russia today is the Rocketbank card. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is produced and serviced free of charge, and delivered by courier also free of charge. Using the card it is possible to make transfers to other banks without commission. In addition, every month the bank offers to select stores in your city where you can receive cashback of up to 10%.

And of course, what’s a debit card without interest on the balance? It is 5.5 percent here.

A special feature of this bank is that it serves clients only remotely through a mobile application for Android and IOS. For those who have not heard about the Rocketbank brand, I will say that it belongs to the state financial corporation Otkritie and the QIWI group. This indicates the maximum reliability of Rocketbank. And don’t forget that the bank is a member of the DIA, and all funds on the card are insured by the state.

Profitable debit card with free issue and service from Home Credit

In 2018, Home Credit Bank introduced a new debit card “Polza”, which is currently one of the most interesting maps for storing your funds and payments in stores.

For storing funds, the card is advantageous in that it accrues interest on the balance of up to 7% per annum. And for payments in stores, the card is interesting because it has a “Benefit” bonus program, which allows you to receive bonuses (cashback) in certain categories and partner stores of up to 10%.

The card is issued absolutely free. Also, there is currently a promotion where there is no annual maintenance for the first year. From the second year, if you keep a minimum balance of 10 thousand rubles on the card, then the card will also be free, if less then 99 rubles.

The amount of 10 thousand rubles is not that big to keep it on the card under high percent and receive free card service for this.

Free universal card "Halva" from Sovcombank

Another profitable debit card where you can profitably store your own funds and withdraw from any ATM in the world is the installment card from Sovcombank. The Halva card is a card with a credit limit that allows you to make purchases in installments for up to 12 months.

But in addition to this function, it has debit functionality, which allows you to use the card as a debit card. The balance of your own funds on the card is accrued at 6.5% per annum, and if certain conditions are met, the interest rate can be increased to 7.5%. In addition, you can withdraw funds in the amount of up to 100 thousand per month at any ATM in the world without commission. The card definitely deserves to be issued, even because it is absolutely free. More details about the map can be found in separate review on our blog.

Opencard debit card with no annual fee and free delivery

I’ll say right away that you can use the card for free under certain conditions, which are also not difficult to fulfill. But more on that below.

Why is it worth getting a debit Opencard from Otkritie Bank:

  1. Large reliable bank TOP-10.
  2. Income on the balance of funds up to 5 percent per annum.
  3. Cashback on everything up to 3%. No need to search for specific categories or stores. Pay with it everywhere and get a stable 3 percent cashback!
  4. Commission-free withdrawals from ATMs and transfers to other banks.
  5. Free delivery at any time and place convenient for you.

So, in this review we tried to answer the question of many, “Where can I get a free debit card?” and reviewed the most profitable and interesting bank debit cards that are worth getting this year. So, the choice is now yours, but I would recommend that you try several debit cards from this list at once in order to understand from your own experience which card will be most suitable for you. Moreover, they complement each other and allow you to earn a lot of rubles from cashbacks.

The age of advanced technology and the developed global banking system have long offered its customers many different services and cards. It’s easy to get confused in this variety, but you should still know some basics. You can accurately answer the question of what a debit card is by understanding the nuances.

What is a bank debit card?

Bank payment card, which allows you to make various payment and banking transactions within the amount in your account - that’s what a debit card means. Its peculiarity is that the user spends only his own funds. You can get such a card as early as fourteen years old. This does not require income certificates or other similar documents.

What is the difference between a debit card and a credit card?

There are no external signs of difference and all bank cards look almost the same. Both types are payment instruments. Difference between a debit card and a credit card:

  • allow you to use only your own funds;
  • Often banks provide the service of calculating interest on a certain balance at the end of the month on a debit card.

What is a debit card? On credit card there are funds from a banking organization that the client has the right to use under certain conditions, then puts them back on the card, only paying interest on the use of credit money. Credit cards also have limits on cash withdrawals. There are no such limits on a debit card.

What is the difference between a debit card and an overdraft card?

There is such a type of card as a debit card with. At the moment when your own funds are available for use on a payment card, a card with an overdraft allows you to take out credit funds. There is no need to fill out anything additional. Borrowed funds in a certain size (this point is discussed during registration) and are so located on the map.

Pros and cons of debit cards

Payment cards are issued much more often than credit cards. Among the disadvantages, I would like to note that interest is charged for cash withdrawals. If you use overdraft money, then interest rate will be high. Pros of a debit card:

  • cashless payment in any store;
  • payment for services through Internet resources or bank terminals;
  • you don’t need to carry a thick wallet with you, you can just take a thin “piece” of plastic with you;
  • a safe way to store money.

There is also the opportunity to carry out banking transactions without leaving home and exchange currencies. Banking applications for mobile phones - you don’t need to stand and think about how much money is on the card, you can make a couple of movements and you will receive an SMS with the available amount of funds on the card. The right to use an overdraft means that you do not need to obtain an additional loan.

Types of debit cards

The main key to a bank account is a debit card. When you pay with such a payment card in specialized stores, you receive bonuses, which you can then also spend when making purchases. In simple terms, such a card is a real opportunity to avoid a lot of troubles in the modern pace of life, because thanks to it, you won’t have to stand in lines and prove something to someone.

Types of bank payment cards.

  1. Ready debit cards are issued instantly.
  2. Standard - as a rule, issued as part of salary projects of various organizations.
  3. Electronic ones have minimal commission costs for servicing.
  4. Virtual: their purpose is online shopping, they have a low cost of service.
  5. Affiliate.
  6. Gold can be issued as a salary package, helping to save large sums of money.
  7. Platinum - for VIP clients, the user receives maximum services.

How to use a debit card?

Some of the payment cards have a function such as charging interest on the balance of funds. You can easily set up the function of adding funds to your piggy bank when making purchases or when funds are deposited into your account, a certain amount immediately goes into it. How to top up a debit card - through the terminal of the relevant bank.

  1. Insert payment card into the card reader.
  2. Dial your PIN code.
  3. Select on the screen the option to top up the card with availability or by number.
  4. Deposit money. You should not deposit more bills than the terminal can currently accept.

If you don’t have a card with you, select the same option on the screen as in the previous paragraph, dial your card account number, enter the amount for which you need to top up, and deposit money. You can easily transfer money from one card to another using online control of your personal account. This is the advantage of a debit card.

How to close a debit card?

Bank cards must be closed properly. The system is designed so that even if the expiration date has expired, the organization can continue to provide paid services and as a result, the person becomes a debtor. How to cancel a debit card?

  1. Contact the banking institution with an application to close the account.
  2. The bank must issue a certificate stating that the account has been closed.
  3. If you change your mind about getting a card, then the easiest option is not to show up to pick it up. By law, employees keep the cards with pins for several months and then destroy them.

What does a debit card mean? A kind of wallet that provides a number of advantages. However, you need to carefully read the conditions of banking organizations for issuing and closing any cards. Often, it’s easy to get a card, but closing an account later without problems is problematic in some institutions. Read the contract carefully and watch what you sign so that you don’t end up in an unpleasant situation.

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