Designer renovation of apartments in European style. Small apartments in Europe: features of design solutions. Light and spaciousness in the interior

It's very difficult to pick out the first time precise definition, characterizing the European style in the interior, because anything can come to mind: from laconic design to romantic and frivolous. Each European country has unique characteristics and features that, one way or another, influenced the formation of this direction.

Rules for interior design in European style

Objectively speaking, the European style was not created as an independent movement. This is a kind of combination of several directions that appeared in Europe.

European style is subject to constant changes under the influence of modern trends, but in the design world there are a number of rules with which you can create the perfect interior.

Rule 1: develop a concept for future design

“In the beginning there was a concept” - these are the words with which you should begin the process of creating a project for a future interior in a European style.

Design is not born spontaneously. It is included in a certain idea or philosophy, which will subsequently be reflected in the interior. You can take as a basis the style of one of the European countries, a certain set of objects, colors, and special finishing materials.

Although the concept will limit you within the chosen idea, in the end you will be able to create a custom design that will not look like another copy of the IKEA showroom.

Rule 2: prefer an open plan

European style in the interior of an apartment is similar to, because characteristic feature Both directions are open plan. You can choose your own option for combining rooms, but we will give advice - do not combine such private rooms as a bedroom and a nursery with other rooms, let there be secluded corners in the house for privacy and personal matters.

In the European style, the kitchen and dining room, dining room and living room, hall and living room are most often combined. Use various design techniques to visually zone an open-plan interior: contrasting color combinations, combinations of different materials and textures, tricks with furniture and lighting.

Rule 3: dominance of functionality and minimalism

European style in the interior involves creating the most functional space. The furnishings are carefully thought out to eliminate useless items. A room devoid of unnecessary details in combination with an open plan will look especially spacious and free.

A minimalist setting has another undeniable advantage - it is much easier to maintain order in a room that is not overloaded with unnecessary furniture.

European-style interior design is functionally logical and consistent. For example, it is no coincidence that Europeans choose an island kitchen layout, because the island can be used both as a work surface and as a full-fledged dining table.

Rule 4: focus on environmental friendliness

Europe has long been embraced by the fashion for environmentally friendly and natural materials. They are the ones who bring a special atmosphere of comfort to the European style. The amazing beauty of marble, the unique texture of wood and the fascinating patterns and veins on natural stone make these materials independent decorative elements.

Modern trend recent years– eco-furniture made of wood and epoxy resin, as well as interior items made of natural materials. Such products are extremely popular, and collections from brands such as Max Lamb and Alcarol can be found at the world famous furniture exhibition Salone del Mobile in Milan.

The trend of recent years is furniture made from sawn wood

Rule 5: choose a calm color scheme

When planning the color scheme for a European-style interior, remember that preference is given to light colors. A warm palette of pastel shades is predominantly used. Modern designers prefer to decorate interiors in white, which allows them to visually make the room more spacious and lighter.

European style also includes neutral colors. Noble dark shades are most often chosen as accents. In the process of interior design, they try to use various patterns and ornaments with restraint.

Rule 6: convenience or beauty?

European-style furniture is designed to make the surrounding space as useful and comfortable as possible. Therefore, when choosing items for design, focus on their functionality. In the European interior there is no place for grandma's chests of drawers, bulky sideboards and useless coffee tables. They were replaced by transforming wardrobes, storage consoles, modular sofas and armchairs.

It is not at all necessary to pedantically select items in order to create a set. European style looks organically combined with furniture from different brands and from different collections; the main thing is to follow the concept and achieve a harmonious and holistic design.

An unusual combination of different chairs is a great way to liven up the interior

Despite its laconic appearance, modern furniture has incredible functionality. In addition, it is distinguished by high European quality.

But what about those who don’t want to choose between beauty and convenience? Believe me, furniture from leading European designers will give odds to extravagant models.

Rule 7: a few words about lighting

The European-style interior does not tolerate poor lighting. It is necessary to think over a competent lighting scheme that will allow the light fluxes to be evenly distributed throughout the room.

For this, various light sources are used. Diffuse lighting is created with the help of ceiling lamps and chandeliers, and floor lamps, wall sconces, spotlights and table lamps are responsible for illuminating secluded corners.

Rule 8: placing emphasis

Correctly placed focal points are a distinctive feature of the European style in the interior. Most often, a design has one visual center around which the composition is built.

You can add a dynamic effect and diversify a monochrome interior in soothing colors with the help of accent trim, furniture in contrasting colors, original lamps or colored accessories.

But when choosing bright shades as focal points, do not forget that European style is all about minimal flashy tones, so you should carefully introduce additional colors into the design.

When you decide to decorate your home in a modern European style, do not forget that this direction requires a thoughtful approach and restraint in details, and then you can achieve brilliant results.

When starting a renovation, the owners want to update and refresh the interior, to realize their ideas and dreams. The design of an apartment or house is a reflection inner world man, his life principles. A European-style kitchen is suitable for practical housewives who can easily part with unnecessary things, value space and simplicity in their surroundings. There are several directions - from rustic to modern urban. You can introduce details of German, British, French culture into the interior, but the main thing is to understand their common features.

Kitchen in in this direction– this is space and light, of which there should be a lot. Large windows, bright artificial lighting, white decoration give a feeling of freedom and cleanliness. A minimum of cabinets and kitchen utensils, nothing superfluous - this is the embodiment of European practicality. Various products are used in the design. If the interior tends to be rustic, then natural materials are appropriate. For modern urban design, you can choose a combination of natural and artificial surfaces.

An open layout of the home is welcome, that is, combining a kitchen with a dining room and living room. In such a room it is easier to achieve spaciousness and good lighting, to place everything you need, using space sparingly. Zoning of the room is done using a dining table, workplace or small closet. If there is a partition, it should be low or transparent so as not to impede the penetration of light. These are tips for the kitchen-living room, but even in a small room you can implement the ideas and general style inherent in European homes.

Color palette

White is an ideal color for this trend in interior design. You can combine it with a light palette:

  • gold;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • gray;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • turquoise.

In a large kitchen, bright accents are allowed. In a small room it is better to use only pastel colors. Instead of white, you can use beige, cream, light gray, or olive as a basis. This is a color scheme for finishing ceilings, walls, and floors. Furniture is selected depending on the overall tone. Main palette: gray, white, brown. Color accents of yellow, black, blue colors are possible.

European style kitchen decoration

The choice of materials depends on the direction of the interior - rustic or urban. Combining concepts is also acceptable. Modern European design can be combined with minimalism, with which it has much in common, with loft and modern. Then elements from these directions will be introduced into the decoration of the room.


The most suitable material Ceramic tiles are a practical, environmentally friendly and durable coating option. For a small kitchen it is better to choose light colors floors, in a large room the tiles can be dark brown, blue or even black. White color on the floor looks beautiful, but it is difficult to care for, all drops and stains are immediately visible, and in the kitchen it adds more work to the housewife. Therefore, the rational choice is beige, gray, olive shades. The tiles can be plain or have a simple, dim pattern and texture.

Parquet flooring, laminate and linoleum are also allowed by style features. Wood on the floor brings warmth and coziness to the design of the room. It is desirable that it be present in the furniture for a harmonious design of the room. Light shades such as walnut, hornbeam, oak, ash, olive, and beech are most suitable for European-style interiors.

Linoleum is the most a budget option. For the kitchen, it is better to choose a coating of medium thickness and high density. The texture and texture of the material make it more practical and attractive, and also increase wear resistance in comparison with smooth linoleum.


A distinctive feature of the European style is high baseboards, which can be made from floor tiles, wooden or plastic panels. This is an interesting design move and a practical solution, because these places get dirty the most, and the tiles are easy and quick to clean. Also special attention deserves an apron. It is traditionally made of ceramics. Small and large slabs, unobtrusive designs and patterns on them are allowed.

The rest of the wall surface is painted in the simplest and most practical way. Can also be used:

  • washable wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass;
  • wall panels.

Brickwork or its imitation, borrowed from the loft, will become an interesting element of the kitchen. It is advisable to choose a monochromatic material or with an unobtrusive, discreet pattern. The walls must be washed well to maintain order. Think about the pedantic Germans, the prim British, the elegant Italians. They value cleanliness and their time, so materials should make cleaning easy.


Simplicity and practicality, wide application white- all this is combined with the most ordinary painting of the ceiling. But to use this option, the surface must be perfectly flat. This means you should invite a professional plasterer or cover the top of the room with plasterboard. Stretch ceilings are also suitable for haute cuisine.

Multi-tiered structures and large relief elements in the European style are not used. The transition from a horizontal surface to a wall can be decorated with a small rounding, a simple plinth or molding. For stretch ceilings, special PVC plugs are used to avoid gaps. An interesting solution for the joint is a plain fabric cord.


In the European style, a variety of fabrics is not welcomed; their quantity is reduced to the necessary minimum. At night, the windows are covered with blinds or plain simple curtains. In apartments on the upper floors you can do without them. During the day, nothing should prevent natural light from entering the room, so curtains and blinds are moved to the walls.

Furniture and lighting

The kitchen set, like all other interior elements, is subject to general rules style: simplicity, functionality, monotony and restraint. For a small cooking room, cabinets with glossy and mirrored fronts with hidden handles are suitable. For large rooms, you can choose matte surfaces. The classic solution is plain cabinets, but elegant, neat designs are allowed, for example, gold on a white or beige background, or relief.

Tabletop and work zone can become accent elements made of dark wood, stone or other material. Furniture should be chosen to be multifunctional so that its quantity can be minimized. All unnecessary and rarely used items from the kitchen are removed to the pantry, mezzanine or trash. This can be difficult, but the resulting space and lack of clutter of dishes gives a feeling of lightness and comfort. All the necessary items are at the hostess's fingertips, so nothing gets in the way of enjoying cooking and family dinners.

The absence of unnecessary furniture allows light to pass freely through the room. Glossy and mirror surfaces reflect and enhance it. European style requires good lighting. This can be realized with the help of spotlights, chandeliers or lamps on the ceiling, additional lighting in cabinets, on walls and in the work area.


Decorations for a European-style kitchen should be simple and few in number. Ideal options:

  • indoor plants in light, plain pots;
  • a picture in a regular frame, for example, metal or wood;
  • poster on the wall or photo wallpaper;
  • vase with flowers on the table.

The decor can also include gadgets and all kinds of equipment from a microwave oven to kitchen scales. Textile and knitted items, ruffles, fringes, and antique items are not welcome, except in an interior that is closer to rustic. IN modern design There should be objects of simple shape, light colors made of glass, metal, wood. Modular paintings, candles or stylized lamps can become an interesting and stylish decor.

Photos of European-style kitchens in the interior


If the owners are ready to remove everything unnecessary from the kitchen, let them in Fresh air and light, European style is what they need. This great option for a modern studio apartment. But even an ordinary room can be decorated with taste. In interior design, preference is given to light pastel colors and practical finishes. Furniture should be simple, but stylish and not cheap, made from high-quality modern materials. And most importantly, a kitchen decorated in a European style should have a lot of light, natural and artificial, and free space.

Do you remember what the ideal of the recent interior past was? All these countless European-quality renovation options, similar friend to each other like two peas in a pod. Meanwhile, the European style in the interior is much more interesting and diverse than the common ideas about it. Let's look at European interiors objectively, highlighting their features and common features, and then decide how good these design options are for our apartments and houses.

In fairness, we note that there is no independent, separate, European style. There is a mix of different trends, modern or historical, some details of which have taken root especially well in the interiors of Europe. However, these details can be changed completely painlessly, which happens regularly. Let's say that the European style of today is not at all similar to itself five years ago. It would be more correct to talk about current trends in the design of urban interiors in the vastness of the western and northern parts of the continent, since Eastern European trends live according to their own aesthetic laws. What is the European style in the interior, updated today?

  • Open floor plans have gone from being a nice new feature to being mandatory element. Studio apartments, cottages, separated only by horizontal interfloor partitions - this is the reality of today.
  • Expanding space is not limited to just demolishing walls. Floor-to-ceiling windows with no sign of curtains continue the theme of openness to the world. However, the realities of today are somewhat different from the pictures in fashion magazines, and not only curtains, but even wooden shutters are increasingly appearing on windows, which have become a real hit in many European countries this season. It can be predicted that the era of openness will gradually give way to much greater privacy and isolation.
  • The key symbol and meaning in European interiors is comfort. How the owner understands him is the tenth thing. The main thing is that the person and his family feel comfortable in the space that is being designed. The standardization of life gives rise to a similar attitude to this issue in different countries, therefore, historical interiors that were previously very different acquire many common features.

  • For a modern European, comfort is, first of all, high technologization of living space, minimalism, environmentally friendly features and a simple, clear layout with a minimum of decorative details that can be easily replaced with others. This love for minimalism is easily explained by our lifestyle.
  • People mostly rent houses and are ready to move at any moment, so they don’t care too much about surrounding themselves with massive and low-mobility interior items. In addition, the free woman of Europe is not eager to spend a lot of time on household, hence the desire for a minimum of things and a maximum household devices, making life easier.
  • European style in the interior is characterized not only by a minimum of things and lightness of space, but also by a very restrained color scheme. Pastel shades and achromatic colors, especially gray, are popular here. The necessary dynamics are achieved by using bright and rich color accents that can be quickly changed. In this case, you can painlessly change the general mood of the room. For example, a bright, active red color is replaced by a delicate light green, and the room takes on a light spring mood.

  • European-style finishing materials are distinguished by a reasonable compromise between price and quality. Preference is given to natural and practical materials. Those that are too expensive are replaced by imitation. For example, instead of natural wood, laminate or parquet boards are used, artificial stone is used instead of heavy stone, and textile wallpaper is used instead of fabric tapestries, which are too difficult to use.
  • Combinations of textures play an important role in the formation of European style images. Matte, smooth surfaces are used for the background. Floor, ceiling, walls, furniture - all this should be simple shapes and smooth structures. To make your images more expressive, you can use accessories or elements of rustic, uneven, expressive textures. For example, a bouclé bedspread, decorations made of untreated wood, a blanket made of thick wool, decorative elements made of unpolished metal.
  • It is advisable to disguise all functional details of the interior, unless, of course, you have chosen an industrial version of the European style. For everyone else, you should remember that you should not display pipes, communications, dishes, and household items. Restraint has characterized the European style of recent years, although this feature is beginning to blur under the influence of the detailing that Eastern European and Asian interiors bring.

  • One more important feature of the European style should be noted. It is laconic not only in details, but also in architecture. Right angles, high ceilings, smooth planes, the absence of complex and intricate shapes - this is the look of today's European interior.
  • In any interior of a modern European city you can find features of minimalism, country, and Scandinavian styles. The middle class prefers contemporary and grunge, eco and classic; young people choose loft and fusion, industrial and punk. Constructivism, light urban style and practical functional direction are popular. All this influences the formation of modern European interior fashion.

  • To decorate the ceiling, choose stretch fabrics, lay parquet boards on the floor, and the walls can be partially painted and partially covered with wallpaper. Combination is also trending different types wallpaper in one room. The main requirement is that they must be in harmony with each other and not tend to the foreground.

  • Lovers and connoisseurs of natural beauty can not restrain themselves and decorate the walls with panels made of bamboo, cork or other natural material. This is quite in a modern European style. You can pay tribute to stone textures and decorate one wall with decorative tiles or artificial stone. A fireplace niche will look especially good in this design.
  • You can choose a calm color scheme, with a light, peaceful background, and a few bright accents. Gone is the trend of choosing neon, over-the-top colors for emphasis. bright colors. Nowadays only natural colors are used. Chocolate and green can be a good choice for a cozy living room, while floral and floral ornaments and accessories are suitable for a bright and dynamic living room.
  • The floor can be decorated with a carpet; dense, high-pile products are popular, or, on the contrary, even, smooth, similar to thick knitted fabrics.

  • The windows in such a living room also need to be decorated, although in many European interiors this is neglected. The best option would be practical roller blinds. They will do their job especially well if you decide to include a window sill in the general space of the room and organize, for example, a resting place on it. Fans of classic solutions can choose curtains with eyelets made of thick material. They look great, and at the same time, are highly practical and functional.
  • You can choose storage locations either open, in the spirit of Scandinavian interiors, or completely closed, built into the plane of the wall.
  • Furniture for a living room in a European style will need smooth shapes, without excessive decorations. It can be asymmetrical, with an intricate outline or with unusual legs. However, the requirements for smoothness, minimalist finishing and high functionality remain relevant.

In this room, the European style has taken root very convincingly. Apparently, the secret of such popularity is the practical and comfortable design of the room. How to create a bedroom interior in a European style?

  • In the design of the ceiling there are very diverse solutions. Decorative beams are very popular. They are an echo of the cozy country style, and have taken root in modern versions of Scandinavian or Mediterranean styles. European bedrooms are often decorated with multi-level ceilings with a variety of lighting.
  • The floor should be smooth and pleasant to the touch. It is quite natural that wood or its imitation is most often used to decorate it.

  • Those who love a variety of designs and ornaments can realize their inclination by decorating part of the walls with floral or plant patterns, selecting furniture elements in accordance with their tastes. Against a restrained pastel background, these details will look especially cute and expressive.
  • The bedroom requires good window decoration. High-quality light insulation is the key to normal rest and sleep. You can use a classic curtain composition of day and night curtains, or hang short curtains made of thick fabric, securing them to an expressive metal or wooden cornice.
  • A European bedroom requires careful selection of textiles. Its quality is important. It is preferable to turn to good natural materials, they are a luxury item for European interiors. As for colors, the trend now is monochromatic, deeply colored textiles in thick, dense tones. For example, chocolate, purple, pine green, burgundy and even black. The second trend is very restrained shades, close to white. For example, the color of champagne, vanilla, baked milk, pearl. For fans of bright and shocking colors, we recommend paying attention to textiles with voluminous patterns. Looks very realistic and refreshing.

  • As for the central character of the bedroom interior - the bed, it can be very, very minimalist, low, consisting of practically one mattress. A more luxurious bed is also quite appropriate; various variations on the theme of wooden and forged metal designs are especially popular now. Modern beds for a European bedroom have distinct features of retro or eco style.
  • As for lamps in European interiors, they occupy a very significant place in the design. We can say that the main creative function is left to them, so they can be as intricate as desired, for example, in a modernist spirit, in the form of balls made of gilded wire, or in an exquisite oriental style.

A separate room for cooking is becoming increasingly rare in Europe. Family houses are equipped with it, but city apartments are content with only special zone, which contains the necessary appliances for storing and heating food. Even the hob is losing ground, replaced by the microwave oven. However, in our interiors the kitchen still has the same important place as before, so those who are determined to embrace the European style can easily apply its basic principles to the kitchen.

  • The calm and restrained color scheme of the room can be accentuated by rich natural shades and complemented by the shine of metal elements.
  • It is difficult to imagine European cuisine without the most modern technical equipment. A set of latest generation household appliances will not only make life easier and more convenient, but will also make the entire appearance of the kitchen more dynamic.

  • Furniture can be made of natural wood or its skillful imitation. Retro or country style features, to which Europeans are partial, are very appropriate here. For example, a beautiful brass set, imitation of aged surfaces, the use of massive and solid dining furniture with carved legs.
  • As for finishing materials, you can safely choose the most modern, lightweight and easy to use. For those who like to combine practicality, fashion and environmental friendliness, we recommend paying attention to the modern possibilities of ceramic tiles. This material has all the required characteristics.

European style in the interior consists of many borrowings and quotes. Its distinctive features are pragmatism and functionality, interchangeability of elements and attention to a few details. He lacks warmth and personality. A European-style interior is easy to create in any room, and this makes the style attractive to those looking for simple and inexpensive solutions.

European style has gone through a lot of changes throughout the history of its existence. However, almost everyone likes its modern interpretation. It is fashionable, stylish and very comfortable. home distinctive feature stylistics – almost complete absence of walls. Such studio apartments are now very relevant and that’s it large quantity people remodel their ordinary homes in this way.

Creation of a European interior

To introduce European style into your apartment or house, you must fulfill its basic requirements:

  1. In no case should you overload the interior with furniture, especially with bulky cabinets. Let all the furniture be more of a decorative character. Ideally, one room should be set aside as a dressing room and all things should be stored there (for example, in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings you can turn an ordinary storage room into a dressing room). If you do not have the opportunity to equip such a room, try to choose compact wardrobes.
  2. Using armchairs and a sofa from one set in the interior is boring and banal. This design is long gone. Let the chairs be completely incompatible with the sofa in shape and color.
  3. Give preference to mobile and transformable pieces of furniture. With their help, you can easily change and refresh your interior.
  4. The European style is characterized by a combination of light doors and dark floors.
  5. Try to choose a light baseboard for the walls to match the light doors. Moreover, the plinth should be wide enough - about 10 cm. This is not only a stylish solution, but also a very practical one.
  6. It is best to decorate the bathroom, room and toilet with small, light tiles. In this case, light does not necessarily mean only white. European style welcomes the use of mustard, brick, light green and other non-standard tones in the bathroom interior.

Living room in European style

Decorating a living room in a European style is quite simple. First of all, it must meet three main points:

  1. All upholstered furniture should be beautiful, very comfortable and made in light colors.
  2. The decor for the living room should be simple, but elegant and sophisticated.
  3. It is important to use only natural materials in the interior.

The entire living room interior is built around an object. This could be, for example, a beautiful coffee table surrounded by a sofa and a couple of armchairs. This solution will be very comfortable, because in the living room you will gather with family and friends, and such an arrangement of furniture will make communication as comfortable as possible. Don’t forget to add some “zest” to the design. It will be a wonderful decoration a large number of bright sofa pillows.

The second option for the center of the interior is a fireplace. A fireplace will make any room very cozy and homely, and this is the most important thing for the central room of the house. If you decide to opt for a fireplace, you will have options to choose from. First, you can install a real wood-burning fireplace. This option is for residents of private houses. The advantages of wood-burning fireplaces are difficult to overestimate, because they provide both soft light and cozy warmth. Secondly, you can purchase an electric fireplace. This decision Suitable for city apartment dwellers. A high-quality electric fireplace is practically no different from a real one. Thirdly, you can get by with a simple fireplace imitation. Of course, this option does not look very convincing, and it does not provide warmth with light, but you can create an imitation of a fireplace with your own hands, and it will fit perfectly into the interior.

European style kitchen

When creating a kitchen, just like when creating a living room, there will be special rules:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully consider the zoning of the room. European stylistics pays a lot of attention to zoning. And for practical purposes, this is a very useful procedure. Even the smallest kitchen, with the right approach, can accommodate everything you need.
  2. Next, you need to optimize the storage system. Of course, there is a lot of stuff stored in the kitchen: Appliances, stocks of cereals, vegetables and more. Each item on this list should have its own, strictly defined place.
  3. And finally, you need to choose compact and practical furniture for the kitchen.

Decorating the kitchen area involves painting the walls and doors in light colors. The floor should be in contrast to the walls. When finishing the floor, you have two options - ceramic tiles and moisture-resistant laminate (specially designed for kitchen areas). As for the ceiling, it should be light and smooth. It is better to give preference to some modern option, for example, a two-level plasterboard ceiling or a suspended ceiling.

Don't forget to pay enough attention to kitchen lighting. In a European interior, it must be very bright and include at least several lighting fixtures.

The ideal lighting option is a built-in light in the ceiling. This is very easy to implement if you choose one of the modern ceiling options listed above. Decorative lighting should be present on cabinets and shelves. It is beautiful and practical, as it makes working in the kitchen easier. It is very convenient and economical to make such lighting using LED strips. Above the dining table you can place either one large chandelier or several hanging identical lamps.

And, of course, a European kitchen should be equipped with last word technique. All elements of technology should be thoughtful, practical, and, if possible, built-in. As a rule, a standard European-style kitchen includes: an electric or gas stove with an oven (it is important that the oven has a wide range of various additional functions), a refrigerator and freezer, a hood, a microwave, a dishwasher, and small household appliances ( toaster, multicooker, bread maker, coffee maker, steamer, etc.).

If you look at European interiors through the prism of photographs or films, you may get the impression that European residents make do with a minimum of partitions and walls. However, this is not entirely true. As a rule, the housing of Europeans is one spacious room divided into functional zones by means of light shelves or changing the tone of the wallpaper, and other design highlights. Isolated rooms are gradually becoming a thing of the past - the bedroom, study, kitchen, living room are being transformed into a single space. Lightweight partitions have replaced solid walls, glass barriers and sliding screens have appeared... In large spaces, a shower or toilet can be “hidden” in the depths.

The term studio has become synonymous in Europe with an apartment in which there is no catering unit and is inhabited exclusively by young people. Unlike modest Western models, our studios are designed to order and are more like luxury housing than an inexpensive room for a student.

A large room (at least 30 sq.m.) can be divided into two zones: a bedroom and a dining-living room, in which an electric stove, a sink, and a refrigerator can be transformed in a closed niche. The main advantage of the design project is the free use of the entire apartment space.

In fact, it is possible to turn almost any room suitable for habitation into a studio, even a modest house on six acres and a tiny apartment. Using architectural techniques, it is easy to visually increase the studio area, make it comfortable and bright.

Advice from experts on European-style interior design:

  1. 1. Try to choose white doors. Light colors make the space airy and light, they are able to decorate the room, and do not appear foreign object. This especially applies to apartments with small areas when, for example, up to three doors lead into the corridor, try to veil them. This does not mean that the floor should be light in color. The dark floor goes perfectly with light doors; the white plinth looks very presentable against this background.
  2. 2. Along with white doors, a high plinth (from 10 cm) in light shades expands the space and perfectly protects the walls. Needless to say, washing or repainting the plinth is much easier than changing wallpaper or refreshing the paint on the wall.
  3. 3. European interiors should not be overloaded with cabinets and other accessories for storing things; decorative furniture is the best option. By equipping a storage room or dressing room in your apartment or house, you will solve this problem by moving rarely used and bulky items there. This method of arrangement will only require a small chest of drawers or an elegant cabinet for storing the clothes needed at a given time of the year (if the dressing room is located next to the bedroom, then a closet will not be needed). Living room for: sofa, armchairs, ottomans, decorative shelves and TV area and other non-bulky accessories that fit into the interior. If it is impossible to allocate space for a pantry or dressing room, sliding wardrobes are very effective - they are spacious, do not take up space and are less noticeable.
  4. 4. Don’t buy sets (a sofa and armchairs of the same color), it always looks unstylish and boring. A European-style room looks much better when the armchairs and sofa are of different tones, but in harmonious color shades. For example, for a gray sofa, a bright armchair is suitable - purple, bright blue, orange. The second chair can be upholstered in fabrics decorated with ornaments, the main thing is that both colors are combined; the options are “checked” and “striped.”
  5. 5. Tiles of small sizes and uniform light shades are most suitable for bathrooms. Sizes 20*20 cm, 7*15 cm, 10*10 cm are perfect. Some designers say that the tonality does not have to be light, in this case everything needs to be carefully thought out and played up - for example, mustard yellow, brick burgundy or dark green colors. Tiles are usually laid to the ceiling only near the bathroom (the most wet zone) away from the bathroom, the tiles are brought to a level of about one and a half meters, and the wall above this level is painted.

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