Is the girl suffering from a breakup? Why does an ex-girlfriend write after a breakup or an ex-boyfriend

Why is the first date so important? This is a chance to reproduce the effect of familiarity and the feeling of novelty. On the first date, your goal is to demonstrate the changes and make your ex fall in love with you again.

Speaking of the first meeting, we mean any direct communication. It doesn't have to be in person. It could be a text message or a phone call.

Correspondence is the most difficult format. It seems that texting is easier than meeting in person, but it's not. A lot needs to be conveyed here in a very short message. Every letter, every smiley is important. For example, one or two brackets is big difference. For competent correspondence, you need to be very pumped. Therefore, as a first move, I suggest calling.

To first call was successful, consider a few points:

Firstly, find a reason. Anything but "when you get your things out of my apartment!". Maybe this is some kind of common cause, something related to parents, friends. A lead will always give you confidence, but you can call just like that. Many are afraid to take the first step because of the question: “why are you calling me?”. This can be answered succinctly: "I wanted to." Do not make excuses and do not come up with an obviously fake reason. If you communicate normally, the initial negativity on her part will decrease.

Secondly, get ready. The call, where you beautifully present your changes to her, will work as a bait, after which she herself wants to meet with you. The main rule: in a conversation, you must demonstrate your changes. Think ahead about what you will say. The success of the enterprise depends on this by 80%. The call does not last long, so it is very easy to fall down. Rehearse cool stories. And don't forget to test your stories on other girls. If they listen carefully, laugh, then everything is fine. They yawn and change the topic - change the story or bring it to mind funny jokes. Stories should not be false. You should be interested in what you are talking about. After the first curtsy and on-duty questions about how she's doing, move on to one of the stories. If she starts to giggle, ask questions - you are moving in the right direction. And when your story smoothly develops into a dialogue, we can assume that the first telephone conversation went well.

Thirdly, show the changes. Before dialing her number, remember why your relationship fell apart:

skewed the balance of importance,

there were unfulfilled needs,

her expectations were not met

lost interest?

Go through all these points. Think about what ingredients could add heat to your Molotov cocktail.

If you are still suffering and, most likely, there is a skewed balance of significance. So, show your independence and self-sufficiency. For example, tell her about your hobbies and hobbies, where she is not, and you are cool. But this should not be from scratch, but real examples from your life. Maybe you started waking, or traveling, or collecting stamps - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you are interested in it. Let her understand that you are fine without her. You don't sour. You have favourite hobby. And everything is not like before, when you are sticky to her and always wanted to be there. This is very important rule seduction. In the matter of return, the axiom works: the more you shy away from yourself, the more it will shove from you.

Paragraph "loss of interest" is solved by the same means as the skewed balance of significance. Make your life cool, and she will want to join it herself.

When it comes to unmet expectations and unfulfilled needs, it's more complicated.

The trouble is that with a simple promise to improve, you will not achieve anything. Most likely, she hears these communications for the hundredth time. And, of course, he no longer believes in anything. The only thing that can soften it is your actions. For example, you didn't consider her need for attention. A classic of the genre: the girl first asks for attention, then demands and repeatedly says how bad she is and lacks love, and the man perceives this as a brain drain and distances himself even more so as not to listen to complaints. In the end, she decides that he no longer loves her, packs her things and leaves. So, in the very first conversation after parting, shift the focus from yourself to your loved one, not to her. Ask her how she's doing. Remember some important little things - how is the dog, did she pass the exam, did she go to the dance. Let him see that you are attentive. Demonstrate the quality that she was trying to squeeze out of you in a relationship. Approximately 70% of breakups are due to unjustified expectations. So, tell stories about how you made a promise and kept it. And in one of the conversations, promise something, for example, send her a cool movie or make a selection of her favorite music, and do it so that she can see that the situation is changing.

Many are afraid that this is an investment. Yes, an investment. Dangerous road, but you don't have many options. Before, I had to worry. You will have to invest in any case, because if you do not get in touch, her confidence that you are a goat will increase. When she is very angry with you, the pause smoothly turns into a chronic form. It’s really bad when a girl doesn’t even want to talk. You just have to wait and monitor her social networks from a distance. Maximum - you can write a softening letter. Just do not lie in wait for her at home or work - this will worsen the situation. If she blacklisted you and after a couple of months she still doesn’t want to talk, most likely this is the end. Humble yourself and next time do not repeat these mistakes.

Fourth, call when her resentment lessens. You can call right away only when the girl has no particular grudges against you. And she, in principle, is ready for dialogue. If, after a breakup, she uses your photo as a dartboard, give her time to cool down. As a rule, strong resentment arises when parting on points No. 2 and No. 3 - due to unjustified expectations and unfulfilled needs. When a girl thinks that you ruined her life (and often it is), get ready for the fact that she will leave for quite a long time. Minimum 2 weeks. If after a few weeks you called, began to wonder how things were going, offered to help, and got it, what a goat you are, gently end the conversation. The main rule here is to avoid open conflict. Like, you understand her emotions, you see that she is not in the mood and you will call some other time. In this case, dial it in another week. It's entirely possible that your previous attempt softened it up a bit anyway. After all, if you are interested in how she is, offer help, care, show her significance, resentment may begin to subside.

Fifth, The first conversation should be no longer than 10 minutes. Even if the communication is going great, set a stopwatch. It is better to underfeed yourself to her than to overfeed with a rotten conversation. There is always a danger of getting lost in a conversation, getting stuck for a couple of hours and slipping into confessions about how much you miss. Say goodbye on a positive note and call back in a week, extending the conversation by 5 minutes. And so on increasing: the first conversation - 5-10 minutes, the second - 10-15, the third -15-20. If the conversation is more or less building, you need to move on to steer your relationship into balance and create a desire to get closer to you. And during the third telephone conversation it is possible to offer to meet.

On your first date the maximum goal is to reproduce the effect of acquaintance and arouse interest and a sense of novelty in the girl. An invitation to meet should be casual, as if the word had to. If there is a reason, great. To convey something, for example. And you can just - "let's take a walk." Just do not need officialdom. No roses, expensive restaurants, candlelit dinners. Everything should be easy and at ease - two met interesting person have a good time. Let her not get the feeling that you are dreaming about your meeting and planned it for three months (even if this is true). If you broke up because of a severe imbalance that is not in your favor, you can even cancel the date. But such a risky step is possible only when the interest on her part is obvious. Still cancel the meeting yourself when she says that it will be necessary to call additionally, to coordinate everything again. It almost always means she has other plans. In these cases, you can once and prodynamite. This will raise your worth in her eyes.

In the summer, the most neutral form of a date is a walk in the park. In winter, dragging a woman in the cold, of course, is not worth it. Let it be a democratic cafe. And again, build communication in the same way - tell about your interesting life and demonstrate new qualities. She needs to see that things can be different with you now. Let her see that you are cool, interesting, then she herself will want to be with you again. And this is a different balance and a different quality of relations. The first date should last no longer than an hour. 45 minutes is best. It is often inconvenient for men to just turn around and say: “Well, that's it. I went". Arrange with a friend to call you, like, something urgent for work, and retreat. She must miss you. There is a good saying - lovers are not ex. So during the first date, watch out for unconscious sexual cues from her. This is, first of all, a reduction in distance. If she bends down, turns her toe to your side, puts her hand close, it means that she is drawn to you and everything is fine. Just don't get stuck and start hitting on her on the first date. Give her the opportunity to fall in love again. On the second date, you can take the hand and kiss goodbye. On the third, if the girl gives clear signals of interest, you can safely move on to sex and start building your new relationship.

The discussion of the problems of the love sphere will never stop, as the next generation faces the same or new problems than the previous one. Options for solving "eternal" problems remain the same or new ones are created. And the solution of new problems requires ingenuity and even help. What to do to get the girl back?

Not only site readers psychological help site may be wondering how to get back their loved ones, but also readers. Quite often, men also intend to return their ladies, who for some reason left them, went to other gentlemen, or even invented a ridiculous excuse.

Naturally, you will have to find out the reasons in order to somehow help yourself in the process of returning your beloved. However, the most important should remain mental and physical health the man himself. No matter how beloved your partner is, you will still not be needed by anyone if you are not healthy, strong, smart and self-confident.

Often, guys and men in an attempt to return their loved ones suffer psychologically and physically. Appetite is lost, the world becomes dull gray, past entertainment is no longer encouraging. A young person can even become addicted to alcohol or drugs, get acquainted with a bad company, get into criminal showdowns. You should not lose heart, oppress and criticize yourself, harm your health and forget about moral satisfaction, even if your loved one does not want to return.

As they say, there are many beautiful women on this planet. In the meantime, let's talk about how to return the one and only ...

How to get your girlfriend back?

Let's just say that it will not be easy to return the beloved girl. However, if there is a strong desire to do it, then everything is possible. It is only necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions that has always helped men return their women:

  1. Find out the reason for her departure. This is, if not mandatory, then a desirable item that should be followed. To get your ex back, you first need to understand what prompted her to leave you. Why is this needed? To eliminate this reason and show your beloved that nothing else prevents you from being together.

A girl leaves a guy for a reason. If she leaves at the beginning of the relationship, then most likely she simply did not see her chosen one in the new guy. If the break in relations occurred after a long time of their existence, it means that there is something in the guy or he does something that the girl cannot come to terms with. She left not just like that, but because.

If you want to return your beloved, then you have to figure out the reasons that prompted her to do this. What does not suit her in a guy, because of which she decided to leave him? It should be understood that this reason is very serious (it is not a whim of a girl), otherwise she would not have left. It is this reason that stands between a guy and a girl.

The guy should understand the reasons for the breakup at the initiative of the girl. If she did not say this directly, then we can roughly guess what the problems were. This is done by:

  • Analysis of the last (or last) quarrels. Why was the girl unhappy?
  • Analysis of all dissatisfaction and criticism of the girl. Usually they talk about a couple of qualities that a girl is constantly dissatisfied with.
  • Analysis of complaints that were disclosed to the boyfriend or other people. The girl must have complained about her boyfriend. What did she not like about him?

All this should be eliminated in yourself or in your behavior, in order to later show the girl that she no longer has any reasons for not being with you.

  1. Be what she wants you to be. Unfortunately, the girl does not agree to be with you the way you are. Here a choice arises that the guy must make personally for himself: “Do I agree to become what she wants to see me, or will I remain myself, but in this case I won’t be able to return my beloved?”

This choice should be made not for someone else, but for yourself. You must decide which path you will take next. The way you are now does not suit your girlfriend. If you remain yourself, then forget about her return. If you still want her back, then you have to become the way she wants to see you. Moreover, you must become so for the entire time of the relationship that you want to spend with her, and not just for a couple of days, while "showing off her eyes."

  1. Accidentally meet an ex. You need to meet so that you can talk a little with the girl. At the same time, it is forbidden to bore, talk about your love, beg to return, talk about how bad you feel without her, etc. All this will only push her to think that she did the right thing by leaving you. Your communication should be friendly. At the same time, your task should be to demonstrate a life where you are successful, surrounded by female attention, feel good, improve, including removing those shortcomings that your girlfriend was previously outraged by.

Be narcissistic, self-confident and ambitious. At the same time, thank the girl for the relationship that you had, because it was they who pushed you to change the shortcomings in yourself that she was unhappy with. Push the girl to the idea that you have changed, and that a contender has appeared in your life, which you are considering to build new ones. serious relationship. This will make the ex think about what she can lose if she does not return to you “new”, “without flaws”.

How to get a girl back after a breakup?

If there was a breakup, it will be easy to return the girl after that, following the recommendations given above. However, before proceeding with the return of the former, you should think about some questions:

  • Why do you want the girl back? Many guys succumb to this desire only because they are used to relationships. They don't really like or need the girls who left them, they just got used to a certain way of life that they want to return. Here the reason may be fears or unwillingness to be alone. In any case, all these reasons are not a reason for the return of the girl. It can be returned, but the relationship will not bring joy.

In this category of motives, because of which one should not resume past relationships, include the opinion of friends and relatives and the desire for revenge. All this will not lead to anything good. The girl can return, only time will be spent on relationships instead of looking for her beloved.

  • What are you willing to do for the relationship? It is customary to say: "Return the old relationship." It would be correct to say: "Build a new relationship with former partner". "Former" relationships have already shown their unviability, failure. If you return them, it means that soon you will come to parting again.

It is necessary not to return, but to create a new one. This can be done with an ex-partner if you love him. When the girl returns, you can simply offer her to live differently, and not the way you had before.

How to return a girl if her feelings have cooled?

They say that love lasts up to 3 years, and then people just stay together. Often love subsides before the specified period, and the girl leaves. Here arises the problem of the girl's return when her feelings have already cooled down. Is it possible to solve this problem?

The fading of feelings natural phenomenon especially in relationships. The fact is that never two people, in whatever relationship they may be, will not be able to live together without conflict. The more often and more seriously quarrels happen, the more it hits the feelings of partners. For some, love passes within a month. life together and others for many years.

Quarrels kill feelings no less than life's problems that need to be addressed. If the partners are not ready to solve problems, fight difficulties and maintain relationships at all costs, then they break up. If a guy sees the need to get the girl back, then he shouldn't make any mistakes.

  1. First you need to calm down. The emotions that have arisen due to parting will only interfere. It is necessary to understand own feelings, to realize personal desires that prompt the return of the girl, and also to understand her value, whether it is necessary to return her. Next, you can find out the reasons for the separation in order to eliminate them.
  2. We communicate with the girl in a friendly way. There should be no reproaches, threats, hints, insults and other things. Such actions will only push the girl away - but you don’t want that, do you? We communicate with the girl disinterestedly. You can't talk about your love.
  3. Offer the girl your help. Unobtrusively take an interest in her life, interests and current events. Do not get into the girl's life, but show that you are always ready to listen and support her.

In the meantime, live your life. If a girl notices that you are devoting yourself to her, this will push her away. Why? The answer to this question is not important, the main thing is the fact. Girls fence themselves off from those who run after them, think, devote all their time, and are interested in those who ignore them, are not interested, are cold.

How to get a girl back if she left for another?

Sometimes girls do not go on a solo voyage, but to other guys. This hits hard on the ego of a guy who is still trying to resolve the issue of how to get the girl back if she left for another. Here again, we remind you to spend your time returning for the sake of building love, and not for the purpose of revenge.

If the girl went to another, it means that the one who wants to return her is worse in some way, bad. A girl needs certain qualities, behaviors and material things in a relationship. If she doesn’t get something in one relationship, then she looks for it in another. If the other guy gives the girl more than the previous one, then he leaves. Here we can conclude: in order to return the girl, you need to start giving her everything that she needed, but did not receive before.

The former partners must have had something in common. It can be sex, common interests, the same plans and goals. For some reason, the guy and the girl were together. It is on this “community” that communication can continue.

When meeting and communicating in a friendly way with a girl, it is necessary to demonstrate to her the following:

  1. You are better than you were before.
  2. You have become better than her current partner.
  3. She calls you exclusively positive emotions so you are always friendly with her.
  4. You do not remember the past, but go to a new future.
  5. You are still as attractive and interesting as it was at the beginning of a past relationship.


It is quite possible to return the girl who left and even went to another. For starters, you need to decide on own desires and motives not to waste time on unnecessary person and senseless actions. Better spend it on yourself and move in new life, which should eventually lead you to a new girlfriend.

To get your ex back, you have to do the most important thing - change. You have been abandoned the way you are now. In order to be returned to you, you must become a slightly different person. It's good if you manage to become what your girlfriend wants to see you - without the flaws that made her leave, with the virtues that she would like to see in you.

Probably, there is no such adult person who in his youth would not know the bitterness of separation. The most difficult thing is to survive depression after a breakup. Someone falls into "anabiosis" and closes himself from all people, someone sobs and calls endlessly to his ex-beloved, and someone needs a complete break with friends and parties.

Anyway, gradually heartache recedes, feelings are dulled, and only one question remains - how to behave with the "former" after parting with random meetings? Spit after him? Give a reason for jealousy? Punish him? Or pass by? There is something in every person when it seems to him that what happened is not the end point, and I really want to put it myself.

How do men behave after breaking up with their girlfriend?

Breaking up is a double-edged sword. You can throw yourself, but you can also be thrown. It rarely happens when a couple comes to the same opinion that it's time to leave. They kiss goodbye and part ways with a cold heart. In any case, for someone who has fallen out of love, such a turn of events will be a real stress.

men it’s not typical to “cry into the vest” to friends. Well, if only in a frank conversation with the best and most devoted friend, so that he picks up words of comfort for him. In any case, the abandoned guy will not be easier than the abandoned girl, most likely even harder. After all, he needs to somehow hide his emotions, but it would be right to throw them out completely.

Then let him throw out all his inner negativity through physical strength. Only, of course, do not get involved in a fight with the first person who comes across, but somewhere in the gym to “let off steam”. For example, "knead" a pear, or run a few laps around the stadium.

It is for this reason that it is not worth it for men whose character is cool to “get drunk” with alcohol. The body is still under stress, and God forbid someone will say a “crooked” word to such an aggressor, everything can end badly and criminally.

Some guys, after breaking up with their girlfriends, make old connections if they were lost during meetings with an ex-lover. They, as it were, rewind the film of their life, and begin life from that former point. The very status of an “abandoned boy” is not pleasant for them, therefore, in his old company, he tries not to talk about his passed stage of separation.

It will be much easier for a guy if they will quickly find a replacement for their former passion. Especially if there are no obligations “behind”: official marriage, children and joint years life with his ex-girlfriend. Having failed in a previous relationship, he is unlikely to immediately fall in love with another lady, but he will want to take a walk. Even for his ex to know about it. Let her understand that she was not such a queen.

If he has to meet her again by chance, then basically the guys demonstrate a Nordic character: calmness and endurance. Of course, serious passions rage in his soul, but he will be able to curb them. And even if the girl offers him to return everything back, the man is unlikely to agree to this. At least not right away. To step on the same rake - well, no! It’s better then to tie the ax to the handle!

How do girls behave after breaking up with their lover?

If a lady was abandoned by her boyfriend, then she is unlikely to hide all her tears in her pillow. She will gather the entire army of her girlfriends, and tell the whole story of parting so that she seems in their eyes an innocent victim, and he is a disgusting monster. All the nuances of her personal "blunders", she will try to hide.

It is the first saving "pills" for an abandoned girl - these will be angry comments about her boyfriend from girlfriends. “Here he is a goat!”, “Yes, he will regret it!”, “Yes, yes, he will crawl on his knees!”, “Yeah, and you wipe your feet on him, spit, and go on!”. Such phrases for a sobbing lady will be like a balm for the soul.

The girl's suffering is a catastrophe on a universal scale. If the couple failed to part in a civilized manner, then some kind of revenge plan may arise in the head of the young lady. Well, at least a little, but you need to somehow "annoy" this reptile!

For example: if he found a replacement for her, then by all means quarrel his girlfriend with him. And so that they threw it, and not vice versa. Let him stay in the same skin. The insidiousness of a woman knows no bounds. She will find a loophole to tell her rival about all his “skeletons in the closet”, tell all the intimate details, and how disgusted she was in sexual pleasures with him. Even if there was nothing, she would come up with some of his perversions.

By chance meeting with former lover, the girl turns on a local amateur actress. Especially with a large crowd of people, for example in a nightclub. Ladies, after breaking up with a man, usually behave defiantly so that he will definitely pay attention to her. She begins to attract the attention of surrounding men, willingly responds to their courtship, deliberately laughs loudly, throwing her head back. In general, she shows with her whole appearance how indifferent she is to the former, although her soul is groaning from tears.

But when all passions boil over, and everything is forgotten, the girl will again be ready for new love. And if she succeeds, then at another unexpected meeting, she will not have to do such performances. She just walks by indifferently.

How to behave in order to part in a civilized manner with a loved one?

  • it is advisable to take sedatives on days of depression;
  • do not humiliate yourself - do not call or write to the former. If he refuses to meet, the state of despair will only intensify;
  • set for yourself the main goal - to forget the one who left! Get out of sight all his photos, pages on the Internet, phone number;
  • feel sorry for yourself and loved ones who worry about you;
  • do what you love, fill your head with all sorts of nonsense, just don’t think about the past;
  • pamper yourself in everything, and do not refuse anything;
  • try to fall in love again.

And now that the wave of passions has passed, learn to live in a new way as if nothing had happened. In a chance meeting, look at the person who left you with different eyes. This is just a person from the past who once caused you some kind of feeling. Funny now, right? Well, on the other hand, you have already passed the first life lesson with excellent marks.

Hello! If you are reading this article, it means that you have recently undergone major changes in your personal life. Breaking up is always hard, regardless of who made the first proposal to break up. Today I want to talk with you about how to behave after breaking up with a girl, if she was the initiator, and if you yourself left, but she continues to call you and wants everything back. Sometimes it really pays to give a relationship a second chance. But more often than not, you cannot step into the same river twice.

She initiated

Do you know why she did it? What was the reason for this decision? She found someone else, or just doesn't want to be in a relationship, maybe she's in a relationship right now. important point in a career and amorous affairs only distract? In order to understand what to do next and how to deal with her, it is important to understand the reason for your breakup.

As you understand, there are two options: try to return the relationship and forget her, try to start a new life, find another young lady. Both options have a place to be, you just have to decide what you and your ex-madame want.

If you do not want to renew the relationship, but she loves, writes to you, says that she misses you and cannot live without you, then here you need to be tactful and accurate. Firstly, you hurt her so much, and now she is too vulnerable and sensitive to your every word and action. It’s better not to pick up the phone at all and do not answer if you are not sure that you can be calm and polite with her.

Secondly, because under the influence of some magic of a young lady, you can succumb and end up in the same bed with her, which will not solve the problem in any way, but will only aggravate the situation. Sex with an ex has never brought anyone to good. Better find yourself a new girl.

Who is right, who is wrong

In a relationship, both people are responsible for the breakup. Even if she cheated on you or left for another. Of course, it seems that it was you who was betrayed, that she is to blame for everything, such a bitch, ruined your life. Only now, if you think carefully, it becomes clear that you had a hand in her betrayal. Perhaps she did not have enough attention, care on your part. Think about it and try to fix it in your new relationship.

Precisely because the responsibility lies with both of you, in no case should you resort to insults, rudeness and caustic remarks. Better keep silent, save face, remember that you must always remain a man. And pouring mud on your ex-girlfriend is the very last thing. Even if she allows herself something like that.

Is it possible to tell a girl directly that you no longer need her and you don’t want to see her? Yes. Sometimes this is the only way to convey to some young ladies that everything is over with you. Just choose the right words.

This should not be done over the phone, and writing a message would be cowardice. You need to say things like this in front of a person. Be calm, do not raise your voice, calmly explain why your relationship ended, say that she will definitely find another person and be happy.

The advice of friends usually comes down to the fact that you need to go to a bar, get drunk well, forget everything and find yourself a new girl. Perhaps this is not such bad advice, so as not to fall completely into depression. Just remember that you will not last long in this mode. Focus your energy on something useful and important.

Who was the initiator and why did you split up? How many relationships have you had?

All the best to you!

In order to remain friends after breaking up with a girl and do everything right, you should read the information provided in this article and pay attention to other thematic articles on this site.

How to forget a girl you broke up with after a long relationship

After a long relationship, it can be very difficult to forget the once beloved girl. Or maybe you don’t need to cross out your past so categorically, because there were also in your relationship and happy Days? So why should they be forgotten?

As Y. Antonov sings:
"New meeting the best remedy from loneliness.
But don’t forget about what happened…”

The bitterness of separation will pass by itself over time, but it is thanks to your former beloved that you have found yourself now.

The behavior of a girl after breaking up with her beloved guy on her initiative

A girl who broke up with her beloved boyfriend, even if she herself was the initiator of the separation, still experiences pain. Her thoughts return to the event for quite a long time, and there may even be regret about the lost feeling and pity for the former lover.

Unlike guys, girls do not keep their anxieties and feelings in themselves - they can pour them out, if not to a friend, then to their mother, or simply cry into a pillow.

How do men cope with a breakup with a woman they love?

Men experience parting with the woman they love more painfully than the weaker sex. They try to keep all their feelings to themselves. Mentally strong guys find psychological relaxation in sports, physical or mental stress, and weaklings find alcohol and revenge on all the girls in the world, starting many novels at the same time.

Parting with a girl or woman how to survive and what to do, what to write to her, say and give

Surviving a breakup with a girl will be easier if you do not continue to deify your ex girlfriend and descend from heaven to earth.

Of course, it is best to sort things out face to face, but sometimes there are situations when a meeting is impossible for some reason. Then you can smooth out the separation by calling or writing a letter.

In any case, you should try to avoid mutual recriminations and thank your partner for the happy moments in your life. Sometimes, a bouquet of flowers, a small souvenir or a modest gift can help smooth out the pain of parting. However, at the same time, you need to be firmly convinced that the girl will adequately evaluate your act and will not perceive it as an attempt at reconciliation.

How to forget a girl you broke up with but want to get back

Every breakup is pain. But life is so interesting that once your current experiences may seem ridiculous to tears. But that's sometime later. And now you need to put up with it, and since such a responsible step has been taken, do not attempt to return anything. There will be no more love.

Life has taught a lesson and you need to draw conclusions from it in order to avoid the current mistakes when meeting with another beautiful stranger.

Parting with a girl the right words prose, via SMS

Parting is the prose of life. And a person who has not experienced the bitterness of loss is not found in everything wide world. To make it clear to the girl that, despite the break with her, you value her as a person, you can send an SMS with the following content:

“Parting is necessary at least in order for the one who comes to meet you to come. Be happy with him."

What else to read