Ekaterina Polyanskaya: biography, personal life, family and children, photo. Ekaterina Polyanskaya: The wedding with Kobzon was like a nightmare! Family of Joseph Kobzon

This beauty needs no introduction. Former model agency "Red Stars", with which she collaborated for ten years, the face of "Givenchy" and "Tiffany", model Valentina YUDASHKINA... Today Ekaterina POLYANSKAYA is a famous designer, owner of the company "Feeric". Naturally, during our interview Katya kept turning the conversation towards the latter fashion trends and a glorious modeling past. I was more interested in the period when my interlocutor was the daughter-in-law of Joseph Kobzon.


- Ekaterina, when you married Andrei Kobzon, many were probably jealous?

Don't think. This is not the kind of supermarriage that anyone would envy.

- How did your romance begin?

We met and got to know each other. Then I flew to Milan, and Andrei constantly called me - that’s how it started. I was fascinated by him: among all the dirt that surrounded me in the 90s, he was like a pearl: very kind, open. For two years we existed in civil marriage, “were homeless” (they didn’t want to live with their parents, and his apartment was being renovated). In general, in the beginning it was difficult time, almost starved. They came to dine with their people.

- Did Joseph Davydovich really not help you?

At that time, Andrei positioned himself in such a way that he was separate from the family. He had a very specific relationship with his dad. At first I didn’t even feel that the Kobzons had anything to do with us. Although I knew everyone and communicated. Thank God, then Andrei made peace with his father.

- Joseph Kobzon did not object to the fact that his son chose a Russian girl as his wife, and not a Jewish one?

Andrey himself is not a Jew in the generally accepted sense. He was raised by a Russian pious woman - his nanny. She baptized him in Orthodox faith, secret from everyone. Andrey has a lot of Russian spirit. His sister Natasha is a real Jew. It all depends on upbringing.

- So, you didn’t celebrate your wedding according to Jewish tradition?

It was a Russian wedding. We checked at the Metropol. Joseph Davydovich gave me some kind of ring. I have had Nice dress from Yudashkin, and this is the only bright memory of this day, which reminded nightmare. About a thousand people kissed me, after which I came down with the flu for two weeks. Of course, I wanted to marry Andrei - I was in a very precarious position, we converged and diverged. I wanted to strengthen the relationship.

There was no love

- Why did you return it during the divorce? maiden name- Polyanskaya?

I became Kobzon when I became pregnant (by that time Andrey and I had been together for five years), for the sake of the children. But to live under such famous surname complicated - raises many questions.

- Reason for divorce - love left?

Was she there at all? We were connected by friendship, which is why we stayed together for so long - eight years. Andrei is fixated on himself, he allowed himself to be loved rather than loved himself. And I was always ready to support, listen, help. But over time I began to understand that this was not enough for me. Life passes, but there is no feeling of happiness: I was truly happy only twice - at the birth of children. At first, the thought that I was respected as a person helped me to hold on. Well, when I realized that this was not the case, I realized that nothing was holding us back at all.

- Your mother didn’t ask you to wait with the divorce?

She begged me to wait for the sake of the children and cried. And now he says everything is for the better. Andrei and I decided to divorce within a year. It was during that period that I realized that children should be born out of wedlock - there will be no problems later. Andrei threatened to take my daughters away from me, and I replied: “Take them.” Just what are you going to do with them? You need to feed them, take them for walks, put them to bed.”

- Do you allow your husband to see your daughters?

After the divorce, the girls see him more often than when we lived together. He loves them very much. Five-year-old Anita took after their breed: she is white, but very curly - the spitting image of Andrei's mother. Polina, she’s seven, is my copy.

- Tell me, why did you give birth in Israel? Grandfather Joseph Davydovich insisted?

This country has the best medicine in the world. Plus, children born in Israel automatically receive a second citizenship and all the benefits due. My husband and I recognized ourselves as Jews according to our documents, accepted second citizenship and went to give birth.

I won’t leave with Dima

- I heard your new lover- famous football player of the capital's Dynamo Dmitry Bulykin?

Yes, this is my boyfriend.

- Did you start dating while you were still married?

Of course not. I don’t accept cheating and until I end one relationship, I don’t start another. Dima and I met at one event and at first we were just friends: I had a family, he had a girlfriend. There was not even a hint of something more. Then he dated my friend for some time. And when I broke up with my husband, Dima and I somehow got along right away. It’s as if two halves have found each other.

- Why don’t you formalize the relationship?

I do not need it. Official marriage is important only in the case when one of the spouses dies, in others it gives nothing.

- There are always a lot of young fans hanging around Bulykin. Aren't you afraid of competition?

Before me, he lived with the same girl for quite a long time. Now there are no reasons for jealousy yet. And in the future... I don’t know. After all, Dima is six years younger than me.

- How does he treat your daughters?

For a long time he did not want to meet them, he avoided them. And when I decided that everything was serious with us, I made contact with the girls. They love him madly. My daughters now live in the country with my parents - I built this house myself, with my earnings. Andrey did not want to deal with this. Well, when Dima and I finish renovating the apartment, we will move the girls to us.

- If Bulykin is offered a contract, will you go abroad with him?

He was planning to leave two years ago, but in the end he chose a contract in Russia. Now I understand that it’s because of me. As a result, he currently has big problems. If he decides to leave, I will come to him. But my life and my children’s are connected with Russia.

- There is a luxury Hummer at your entrance. Your car?

Andrei gave it to me for my birthday. I once said that I saw the car of my dreams, and my beloved gave me a surprise. Then it turned out that with such a car you need to have category C, you had to take an exam. But traffic cops rarely stop my car - there are few such models in Moscow.


* Ekaterina POLYANSKAYA born in 1973.

* Graduated from a pedagogical school (department of “Service Labor”), a pedagogical institute (specialty “Teacher of Drawing and Drawing”). Second higher education - MARCHI in the specialty " Landscape design».

* Manages the Feeric company, specializing in sewing exclusive toilets. Ekaterina herself prefers to work on evening dresses (cost - from 20 to 80 thousand rubles).

Katya about her career in the fashion world:

I worked as a model for about ten years. I came into this business in the early 90s completely by accident. Previously, scouters walked around Moscow, looking for girls for modeling agencies. One young man literally stalked me and approached me several times with an offer. As a result, I just felt uncomfortable Once again refuse and I came to the Alexander Borodulin Fashion House, co-owned by the famous Petya Listerman. This was almost the only office that supplied girls to the West, to good French and Italian agencies. But in Russia, as I later realized, it was a pimping enterprise.

Andrey with his daughters

From the biography and personal life of Andrei Kobzon it is known that he was not left alone for a long time. At one of the parties, he met his future wife and almost immediately fell in love with her. She is a Korean – Anastasia Tsoi. She is a very active and purposeful person. Andrei actively sought her favor, and the girl surrendered under his pressure.

Andrey was in no hurry to introduce future spouse with parents, expecting their negative reaction. But after Nastya became pregnant they had to tell everything. His father Joseph Kobzon was shocked. But after meeting the girl in person, her parents changed their attitude and accepted her into the family.

Andrey Kobzon with his son

In the middle of winter 2008, Andrei became a father for the third time. Anastasia gave birth to his son Mikhail. But even after the birth of the child, the couple was in no hurry to officially register their marriage. Both considered this step just a formality.

Andrei Kobzon at his father's funeral

Almost all relatives and friends prophesied long life happy couple. But a few years later they broke up. Couldn't even save the marriage joint child, the spouses stopped understanding each other and began to quarrel. Relations between them remained normal, they communicate to this day. Andrey often sees his son.

On this moment From the biography of Andrei Kobzon, nothing is known about his personal life. He hides information about the most secret things very well. Perhaps soon we will learn about new love Andrey.

There were three marriages, he only had two children. Both children are from last wife the famous artist Drizina Nineli Mikhailovna. The eldest son was named Andrei. He was born in 1974. In his numerous interviews, Kobzon repeatedly said that he had difficult relationships with children at their young age. The difficulties were associated with the artist’s complex and intense touring schedule. There is a known case when the singer found five diaries of his son at once, full of twos and threes. Unable to bear it, Joseph flared up and told Andrei that he forbids putting his name on such school notebooks. This led to a protracted conflict.

Joseph Kobzon with his wife Nellie, mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna and children

A well-known fact is that neither the daughter nor the son of the artist wanted to follow in the footsteps of their illustrious parent. Despite the fact that Andrei was fond of music in the past, it never became his life’s work. Rather, it was a light hobby. At one time, he was a drummer in the group “Resurrection”, performing with Andrei Sapunov and Alexei Romanov (musicians of this group). This was followed by short work in Moral code. Despite all this, Andrei graduated from the Music Institute in Hollywood; in those years, his father hoped to instill in his son a love of music. However, this did not happen, and Andrey was much more attracted to the world of business. He became the head of the Giusto nightclub. He currently owns several restaurants and also works in real estate. The young man has two daughters from his first marriage, and a son from his second. He tries to spend all the time he has from work with his beloved children.

Andrey Kobzon at Sati Casanova's birthday

Daughter of Joseph Kobzon Natasha ( full name Rappoport-Kobzon Natalya Iosifovna, born in 1976) became an organizer; she is interested in working in the field of public relations. Her family life well known to the press, she is very prosperous. She has a very warm relationship with her husband and already has four children.

Natalia Kobzon

So, today Joseph Kobzon has two grandchildren (one son, two daughters) and five granddaughters. The last grandson was born quite recently (in 2010). And Natalya decided to name him in honor of her grandfather. By English name the child sounds like Joseph, in Russian - Joseph, full name Rappoport Alain-Joseph. In addition to the baby, Natasha's family includes Ornella-Maria, Michelle, Idel (the first granddaughter, born in 1999). Andrey's family includes Polina, Anita and Mikhail. This friendly family always maintains relationships with each other, despite the fact that each family member has a busy schedule.

Andrei Kobzon, practically nothing is known about his biography and personal life except famous parents. Although many are probably interested in who the son of the great singer became, whether he is worthy of being the successor of the legendary family.

Boy's childhood

Andrei was the first child in the family of Mikhailovna, whose maiden name was Drizin. For the singer, this was already the third marriage; his previous spouses did not give the man children.

The boy grew up hyperactive and hooligan, easily got into fights, could break glass, besides, he hated everything Soviet, did not like to march in formation and read chants, and hated the school uniform. At first my parents didn’t think anything of itof both meanings, attributing everything to children Sky pranks.

However, they had no time, their father was busy musical career, and the mother followed her husband everywhere, and even at that time a sister, Natasha, had already been born.

Andrei's nanny Cook and his blood grandmother were involved in raising Andrei, but to no avail. It was felt that the boy lacked communication with his father, and he was also very jealous of his parents and his sister. The girl demanded more care, but is it possible to explain this to a teenager, too? little man. The only activity that brought him pleasure was lessons at a music school.


Somehow, but Kobzon Jr. finished his tenth year, his parents wanted him to become a diplomat, and only Vladimir Spivakov managed to convince Joseph Davydovich that his son had a talent for music. As a result, the guy graduated from college in America, and later became a drummer in the group “Sunday”.

    Do you like the Kobzon family?

But this happened not thanks to the famous surname, Andrei was selected on an equal basis with other participants, and was accepted solely on the basis of his abilities. Subsequently, the musician, along with the rest of the team, moved to the “Moral Code”.

The guy is proud that he had the opportunity to work with such musicians as:

  • Alexander Buynov;
  • Vladimir Presnyakov;

When the young man was only 21 years old, he opened his own club “Giusto”; its regulars were fans of electronic and dance music. Later, this establishment became a nightclub, and getting there to the common man almost impossible.

Relationship with father

According to Andrey’s recollections, at the age of 3 he was given to understand that the surname Kobzon was a brand, and his entire biography and personal life would be examined under a magnifying glass. By and large, Joseph Davydovich was not involved in raising his son; he did not go to meetings at school, not wanting to blush for bad behavior son.

As an adult, his father did not believe in Andrei’s musical talent. In addition, they have different attitudes towards work, for example, the singer did not understand how he could lie on the beach for a whole month, swim in the ocean and do nothing, while his son, on the contrary, loves to relax and indulge in idleness.

Clashes also arose regarding the issue, Joseph Davydovich tried to make adjustments, give instructions, and young man, I didn’t like it, as well as interference in relationships with my wives. Kobzon Sr. loved to teach how to work correctly, what should be done, so the man preferred to keep the details of his life secret from his father.

Wives and children

Although Andrei Kobzon does not like to share details of his biography and personal life, something is still known. The guy met his first future wife, fashion model Ekaterina Polyanskaya, at a very young age. But then male pride rose up in him; he must provide his beloved woman with a comfortable existence, so he went into business. A couple of years later, Kobzon Jr. already opened his own restaurant “Maxim” and a jewelry store.

The result was magnificent wedding, and soon the newlyweds had their first daughter, Polina, and 2 years later, Anita was born. However, over time, the spouses' feelings faded, and they quietly separated.

After the divorce, the man met the charming Anastasia Tsoi, the girl captivated her with her versatility, she managed to work as a fashion model, taught yoga, and also acted in films. Having achieved the beauty’s favor, the businessman was in no hurry to tell his father this news; he was afraid of his reaction to the bride’s nationality.

Only in the last month of pregnancy, Andrei introduced his mother to his father, his chosen one.

Learning that he would have a Korean grandson threw the singer into confusion, but his son’s bride turned out to be friendly and well-mannered, and he accepted her as my own daughter. In 2008, Anastasia gave the man a son, Mikhail, however, and after that he was in no hurry to do official proposal, and for a girl, had no marital status special significance. In the end, they got married, their wedding passed quietly and unnoticed, as did the subsequent divorce.

The couple realized that, apart from their son, nothing connected them anymore, so the separation was painless, but they managed to maintain friendly relations.

Now Andrei Kobzon admits that he is a loner by nature and married solely at the insistence of his parents, however, unexpected turns have already taken place in his biography so many times that it is not surprising if changes soon occur in his personal life.

At one time, the only heir to the legendary family married a pretty Korean woman. However, hasty, but, full of passion, the marriage was not saved even by the birth of the couple’s first child.
As it became known, Anastasia Tsoi and Andrei Kobzon divorced three years ago.

Andrei Kobzon and Anastasia have been married for a little over three years
Andrei Kobzon met his chosen one - actress and poetess Anastasia Tsoi - in 2007, and introduced his beloved to his parents only a year later, when the girl was in prison. recent months pregnancy. As the singer’s son later admitted, he was afraid of his father’s reaction. In 2008, the newlyweds had a boy, Mikhail.

In 2008, the oriental beauty gave Joseph Kobzon a grandson.
Myself National artist rarely, but still admitted that he doted on his charming daughter-in-law. And in 2011, Anastasia and Andrei unexpectedly divorced. The divorce proceedings were as quiet as the wedding. In the same year when family life oriental beauty and the heir to the famous family began to crack, the girl met the young actor Alexei Smirnov. The VGIK student, like the aspiring actress herself, was among the hosts of the international debut film festival “Spirit of Fire,” where they were invited by the famous film director Sergei Solovyov.

After the divorce, Anastasia found new happiness in her arms young actor Alexey Smirnov
Anastasia and Alexey still prefer not to advertise their relationship, only occasionally forgetting about the close attention of the public. So, during one of the parties, inflamed by dancing and wine, ex-daughter-in-law Joseph Davydovich forgot about the conspiracy for a while and disappeared into the arms of her new lover.
IN exclusive interview Anastasia commented on her divorce and admitted that she had kept her ex-husband and his family a good relationship. According to the girl, their 7-year-old son has no idea that his parents have divorced.
- My son is my love! - Anastasia admits. - I try to devote every free minute to him, which is why I don’t study at GITIS. full force. We have maintained an excellent relationship with the child’s father. And thanks to the fact that he is simply wonderful, noble, very good man, and because we have a child. He lives in the country, and we and mine ex-husband We mostly live in the city. But as soon as possible, we go to see him and spend the weekend together; on children’s holidays we also all get together, so he doesn’t even realize that, in principle, something is wrong.
When asked if her heart is free now, Tsoi smiles embarrassedly, but does not admit her feelings for Smirnov. “My heart is free,” Anastasia snaps briefly, continuing her answer with poems of her own composition.

The actress was introduced to her new boyfriend in 2011 by film director Sergei Solovyov

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