The influence of the partner's line on the nature of marriage and the definition of the profession of the future spouse. What does the line of influence predict?

I quote this article posted on the site of Yulia Romanova (see the list of friends on my site)

There is an answer to this question - and it gives it, just one of the spheres of palmistry - the sphere of love - marital relations. I’ll make a reservation right away that although this area is one of the most interesting to study and more visual, it also requires a very deep study of palmistry, a comparison of all the signs belonging to it, generalization and analysis, systematization and generalizing conclusions. It is generalizing - because, in itself, the sign does not always carry reliable one hundred percent information about relationships in marriage.

Therefore, I warn beginners who have just begun to comprehend this science from hasty practice and rash conclusions, since the most important thing in palmistry is not to harm people who have entrusted their palm and fate to you. I count on the article for mid-level specialists, since I will not give a decoding and “chew” all generally accepted concepts, main lines and partly the signs encountered on the lines.

Now, you can start. The article will focus on the bulk of the lines of influence (LP) to the line of fate (LSd), the rest of the LP going to the line of the heart, along the hill of Venus, the line of marriage - I will not take into account (although with a full analysis of the hand they must certainly be taken into account , for creating complete picture marital relations).

During my three years of practicing palmistry, a lot of information passed through me regarding those very lines of influence. The most controversial turned out to be information from books and articles on palmistry, because different authors all interpreted differently.

I consider the wording of Vladimir Finogeev to be more acceptable and proven in practice, in which I will partly refer to him.

I propose to take as a basis its wording:

The line of influence is not a person or people, it is the structure of the program that provides acquaintances and the development of relationships, therefore several people can enter one line, and several lines can actually represent a connection with one person.

But as in any line there is a row important features that must be taken into account in the analysis, namely:

On the passive hand, the entry of the line of influence into the line of fate does not reflect physical proximity, there are great emotional experiences, love, etc.
On the active hand, the entry of the line of influence into the line of fate, tells us about physical proximity. In my practice, this sign was encountered in relationships, without much emotional attachment between partners, that is, partners embraced and were interested in each other only physical desires, sex, etc. Usually, lines - hand in this case, I painted very thin and barely noticeable.
It is necessary to compare the thickness of LV and LSd. The rule is simple - the thicker the LP, in relation to the LSD, the partner in the relationship will dominate and turn out to be a stronger personality than the owner of the hand. If, on the contrary, the LP is barely noticeable, then the partner will turn out to be a weak personality and will entirely depend on the owner of the hand, both materially and morally. Ideally, the equilibrium is equal in strength to the LV and LSD lines - partners here are rather “equal” and have the same emotional impact on each other.
If after the entry of the LP into LSD, the line of fate becomes thinner and comes to naught, then marriage brings disappointment in the partner, and nothing but problems, both moral and emotional. Often such relationships are reflected negatively in the career of the owner of the hand.
If after the entry of LV into LSD, the line of fate becomes stronger and partially goes to Jupiter, then the relationship in marriage is stable and brings emotional and material satisfaction to the partner. Marriage is usually good emotionally, and does not necessarily have a strong material connotation, because the hand reflects, first of all, the feelings of partners.
The longer the LP before entering LSD, the longer the relationship with the partner before marriage and vice versa.
These are the main "commandments" when reading the LP, which must be taken into account in any analysis of relations. Next, I will focus on the behavior of the LP, consider the features of the line, and later I will tell you how to determine the profession of a future partner. To save time and space on the site, I will show everything in the pictures, because if you upload each supporting photo to the picture, I'm afraid that I will use up the entire resource of the site. At the end of the article I will show the most illustrative examples that I have.


1. LS enters LS from the side of Ulnar
Acquaintance will happen on your own or with the help of friends. In my practice, in most cases, the beginning of the LS indicates the time of acquaintance, and when the infusion into LSD occurs, the beginning life together partners. I draw your attention to the fact that partners do not always confirm the time of acquaintance, I explain this by the fact that when a future partner “appears on the horizon”, he is not regarded as a future spouse. But the time of the beginning of cohabitation is confirmed by everyone without exception.

2. LV enters LS from the thenar side (LV)
Acquaintance with a partner will take place either with the help of parents or through an acquaintance at work. The sign always works and there is an example in my first article on the line of influence.

3. LV cuts LSD
Relations will take place, but there will be a break in relations in the future. The sign is ambiguous in the sense that it does not specify exactly when the break in relations will occur - it can be in a year or five years. In this case, analysis of the whole hand is necessary.

4. LV cuts LSD but flows into LV
Relationships start on the road. In the future, there will be a gap, because the LV cuts the LSD. Time is counted in LSD.

5. LV pour into LSD, but start on the Mount of the Moon
The relationship will be stable, the love partner is a foreigner.

6. LVs are poured into the LS and are “covered” from above by a line coming from Venus
The example is cool and works almost always. The interpretation is simple, there will be relationships, but the partner is either married or has someone as a wife, as an option, a civil marriage (for male hands, the interpretation is vice versa). I warn you right away, experience is needed in the definition, because you can confuse the top line with the decision line, which speaks of the estimate of work, because they also cut LSD.

7. LV makes a fork, one part of the LV goes up, the other cuts the LS
A fork is always a problem of choice ... choice in a relationship ... The part that cuts says that the relationship is short-lived and doomed to break, the upper end of the line indicates the time the relationship will continue, that is, when the break will occur. In practice, such a sign is found in people who are married to have a mistress (ka).

8. LV goes in the sector of the Sun and from top to bottom
I didn’t check the sign myself, but in theory it says that the relationship will begin in an elevated place, for example, on a mountain, on an airplane, etc. ... If someone has examples, let's look at it.

9. There is an island on LV
The combination of lines speaks generally of a problematic relationship with a partner. Relationships are problematic both during dating and marriage. Be sure to check on other lines responsible for marriage!

10. LV cuts LSD and heads for Jupiter
Marriage is doomed to break, because the partner in marriage pursues selfish goals, for example, enrichment at the expense of the partner and the destruction of his life. This sign works, but in evidence this fact, you need to look for additional signs, eg breaks or islands on the LV., LG and LS.

11. LV in a semicircle crosses LSD - unrequited romantic love. In practice, such a sign usually happens up to about 18-20 years old, while there is a need for romantic feelings.

12. LV before reaching LSD turns around and moves away from LSD
Everything is clear here, there were feelings, for some time there was a craving for each other, but after that a sharp cooling of feelings. To date events, we build perpendiculars on LSD and calculate the age.

13. LV stops the line coming from the field of relatives
There will be no marriage, parents prevent this union. LP is blocked - the relationship will not go beyond the dating-courtship phase.

14. On LV "sign of the hill"
On the female line denotes abortion. Moreover, V. Finogeev claims that the man is at fault in the abortion .. perhaps coercion comes from him.


Well, we got to the most interesting, determining the profession of a partner, his well-being, the main character traits, hobbies of the future partner by his hand.

This topic, or rather its verification in practice, did not arise for me immediately. First, in books, I read that you can determine the profession of a future spouse by your own hands, then I thought for a long time, compared the facts, but then ... as they say, it dawned on me.

And it dawned on me by chance, after reading in again Finogeev's articles, began to dig in his palms and found what he was looking for, signs on the LP. At first, I attributed all this to a sick imagination, but later, during practical tests, I realized that it works, and how!

The essence of the definition in the partner's profession is that on a number of drugs there are certain signs that indicate both the main character traits and the partner's profession.

Here, of course, more precise definitions it is Finogeev himself who gives the signs. I immediately warn you that in many hands there are no lines of influence to LSD at all, people walking and are married and it is not possible at all to determine the profession of a partner by hand.
Other hands have LP, but they are “closed” for analysis and this definition is also not possible.


But here you need to see the signs and know what they mean. Interpretation by Vladimir Finogeev:
Right triangle responsible for the professions of Venus (for example, doctors, nurses, teachers, florists, hairdressers, etc..)
A triangle with a cross inside or a squeezed circle speaks of the professions of the Sun (journalists, art historians, public figures, in general people art)
Triangle (simple) - speaks of the professions of Mars (military, police, FSB, in general, about people who have a risk in their profession)
A horseshoe or a regular cross (plus sign) speaks of the professions of Saturn (for example, an accountant, industry, etc., in general, in those areas where perseverance, analysis, etc. are needed ...)
The corner on the LV gives us the professions of Mercury (engineer, scientist, IT specialist, i.e. those areas where "liveness of mind" and sociability are needed).
Squeezed cross - speaks of the professions of the Moon (writers, travelers, social sphere, etc..)
But I want to say that the interpretation of these signs is very arbitrary, because it is impossible to say with a high percentage of probability about exactly what this partner will do.

In practice, I also encountered contradictions, for example, seeing the signs and interpreting them as written, I “got” not into the profession, but into the partner’s hobby. For example, I can give a case - interpreting the LP and seeing a triangle on it, I accepted the official interpretation - the partner is related to law enforcement agencies, having received a negative answer and starting to figure it out, I realized that this sign expressed her husband's craving for extreme sports .... risk - and it turned out that the husband has a rank in parachuting and occasionally skydive.

According to this interpretation, I will give a twofold one, and I will show with examples,
what it looks like.

1. On the LV island.

My tested example. Works almost always. On this basis, I define people who belong to law enforcement agencies by profession - these are the military, police, FSB, etc. This sign almost always happens both on the hands of the military and it is very pronounced, and on the hands of their wives. On the hands of their other half, the sign of the island is not expressed so clearly, but nevertheless it can be seen quite clearly. There is a condition, the island must be dated LV from 12-14 years old and go up to 22-23 years old. Why exactly an island on LZ? If we approach the interpretation psychologically, then the island is always limitations, losses, spiritual discomfort, etc. As a former military man myself, I can confirm this wording, in terms of military wives - the spouse does not get enough of what she expected from marriage - this is, for example, with her husband: outfits, unscheduled duty, readiness, lack of days off, full dedication to service - in addition to the desire of the military himself and it turns out that family life fades into the background, and the husband's career comes to the fore.

The husband is at work all the time - therefore, the wife's hand, not receiving due attention, begins to draw islands, that is, dissatisfaction in relationships. You will find this “mark” even on the hands of women who, for a long time, have been divorced from a military partner and married, for example, to an accountant. The hand documents EVERYTHING!!!

2. Square on LV
Moreover, the square can be located anywhere on the line, or adjacent to it. On the one hand, a square is a sign of protection, but on the other hand, it is a sign of some kind of restrictions.
In this case, the square tells us that the partner will have connections in the criminal environment, or will be related to crime. If we find a cross in the square, then the partner will be from prison or may get there in the future.

3. A line departs from LV and is directed to Mercury

The partner will be rich and provided.

4. On the LV star

Interpretation repeats top description. In my practice, the sign was found on the hands of a girl who met with a wealthy young man.

5. Right triangle on LV

The partner is related to the professions of a doctor, nurse, teacher.

6. On the LV corner

The partner's professions are in the field of engineering, science, IT, etc…

7. LV intersects with VIA LASTSIVA

The partner has a craving for sensual pleasures, eg alcoholism, drugs, excessive sexual needs - promiscuity. If you take health, then your partner may have allergic reactions.

8. Triangle on LV

Professions of a partner from the spheres of law enforcement agencies. A person's craving for unreasonable risk is possible, excessive aggressiveness may be present in the character. In case of disobedience, immediate suppression of the partner by any means.

9. On the LV, a cross in a triangle (maybe a squeezed circle)

Partner art critic, journalist, artist, etc.

10. Compressed cross on LV

Social partner, traveler, writer, dreamer, etc.

Now I will show how it all looks on "live" examples.

I want to repeat once again - you should not draw conclusions on the basis of one sign alone. This information is more likely to be auxiliary than basic; it can only complete the picture. ALWAYS LOOK FOR CONFIRMATION ON OTHER LINES!

If anyone has interesting examples, exhibit, we will practice together.

Best regards, Konstantin (kostya)
See Julia's site in my section

There is an answer to this question - and it gives it, just one of the areas of palmistry - the sphere of love-marital relations. I’ll make a reservation right away that although this area is one of the most interesting to study and more visual, it also requires a very deep study of palmistry, a comparison of all the signs belonging to it, generalization and analysis, systematization and generalizing conclusions. It is generalizing - because, in itself, the sign does not always carry reliable one hundred percent information about relationships in marriage.

Therefore, I warn beginners who have just begun to comprehend this science from hasty practice and rash conclusions, since the most important thing in palmistry is not to harm people who have entrusted their palm and fate to you. I count on the article for mid-level specialists, since I will not give a decoding and “chew” all generally accepted concepts, main lines and partly the signs encountered on the lines.

Now, you can start. The article will focus on the bulk of the lines of influence (LP) to the line of fate (LSd), the rest of the LP going to the line of the heart, along the hill of Venus, the line of marriage - I will not take into account (although with a full analysis of the hand they must certainly be taken into account , to create a complete picture of marital relations).

During my three years of practicing palmistry, a lot of information passed through me regarding those very lines of influence. The information from books and articles on palmistry turned out to be the most controversial, because different authors interpreted everything in different ways.

I consider the wording of Vladimir Finogeev to be more acceptable and proven in practice, in which I will partly refer to him.

I propose to take as a basis its wording:

The line of influence is not a person or people, it is the structure of a program that provides acquaintances and the development of relationships, therefore several people can enter one line, and several lines can actually represent a connection with one person.

But as in any line, there are a number of important features that must be taken into account in the analysis, namely:

  • On the passive hand, the entry of the line of influence into the line of fate does not reflect physical intimacy, there are great emotional experiences, loves, etc.
  • On the active hand, the entry of the line of influence into the line of fate tells us about physical intimacy. In my practice, this sign was encountered in relationships, without much emotional attachment between partners, that is, partners embraced and were interested in each other only physical desires, sex, etc. As a rule, the lines - the hand in this case, drew very thin and barely noticeable.
  • It is necessary to compare the thickness of LV and LSd. The rule is simple - the thicker the LP, in relation to the LSD, the partner in the relationship will dominate and turn out to be a stronger personality than the owner of the hand. If, on the contrary, the LP is barely noticeable, then the partner will turn out to be a weak personality and will entirely depend on the owner of the hand, both materially and morally. Ideally, the equilibrium is equal in strength to the LV and LSD lines - partners here are rather “equal” and have the same emotional impact on each other.
  • If after the entry of the LP into LSD, the line of fate becomes thinner and comes to naught, then marriage brings disappointment in the partner, and nothing but problems, both moral and emotional. Often such relationships are reflected negatively in the career of the owner of the hand.
  • If after the entry of LV into LSD, the line of fate becomes stronger and partially goes to Jupiter, then the relationship in marriage is stable and brings emotional and material satisfaction to the partner. Marriage is usually good emotionally, and does not necessarily have a strong material connotation, because the hand reflects, first of all, the feelings of partners.
  • The longer the LP before entering LSD, the longer the relationship with the partner before marriage and vice versa.

These are the main "commandments" when reading the LP, which must be taken into account in any analysis of relations. Next, I will focus on the behavior of the LP, consider the features of the line, and later I will tell you how to determine the profession of a future partner. To save time and space on the site, I will show everything in the pictures, because if you upload each supporting photo to the picture, I'm afraid that I will use up the entire resource of the site. At the end of the article I will show the most illustrative examples that I have.


1. LS enters LS from the side of Ulnar

Acquaintance will happen on your own or with the help of friends. In my practice, in most cases, the beginning of the LP marks the time of acquaintance, and when the infusion into LSD occurs, the beginning of the partners' life together. I draw your attention to the fact that partners do not always confirm the time of acquaintance, I explain this by the fact that when a future partner “appears on the horizon”, he is not regarded as a future spouse. But the time of the beginning of cohabitation is confirmed by everyone without exception.

2. LV enters LS from the thenar side (LV)

Acquaintance with a partner will take place either with the help of parents or through an acquaintance at work. The sign always works and there is an example in my first article on the line of influence.

3. LV cuts LSD

Relations will take place, but there will be a break in relations in the future. The sign is ambiguous in the sense that it does not specify exactly when the break in relations will occur - it can be in a year or five years. In this case, analysis of the whole hand is necessary.

4. LV cuts LSD but flows into LV

Relationships start on the road. In the future, there will be a gap, because the LV cuts the LSD. Time is counted in LSD.

5. LV pour into LSD, but start on the Mount of the Moon

The relationship will be stable, the love partner is a foreigner.

6. LVs are poured into the LS and are “covered” from above by a line coming from Venus

The example is cool and works almost always. The interpretation is simple, there will be relationships, but the partner is either married or has someone as a wife, as an option, a civil marriage (for male hands, the interpretation is vice versa). I warn you right away, experience is needed in the definition, because you can confuse the top line with the decision line, which speaks of the estimate of work, because they also cut LSD.

7. LV makes a fork, one part of the LV goes up, the other cuts the LS

A fork is always a problem of choice ... choice in a relationship ... The part that cuts says that the relationship is short-lived and doomed to break, the upper end of the line indicates the time the relationship will continue, that is, when the break will occur. In practice, such a sign is found in people who are married to have a mistress (ka).

8. LV goes in the sector of the Sun and from top to bottom

I didn’t check the sign myself, but in theory it says that the relationship will begin in an elevated place, for example, on a mountain, on an airplane, etc. ... If someone has examples, let's look at it.

9. There is an island on LV

The combination of lines speaks generally of a problematic relationship with a partner. Relationships are problematic both during dating and marriage. Be sure to check on other lines responsible for marriage!

10. LV cuts LSD and heads for Jupiter

Marriage is doomed to break, because the partner in marriage pursues selfish goals, for example, enrichment at the expense of the partner and the destruction of his life. This sign works, but in order to prove this fact, you need to look for additional signs, e.g. breaks or islands on the LV, RL and LS.

11. LV in a semicircle crosses LSD - unrequited romantic love.

In practice, such a sign usually happens up to about 18-20 years old, while there is a need for romantic feelings.

12. LV before reaching LSD turns around and moves away from LSD

Everything is clear here, there were feelings, for some time there was a craving for each other, but after that a sharp cooling of feelings. To date events, we build perpendiculars on LSD and calculate the age.

13. LV stops the line coming from the field of relatives

There will be no marriage, parents prevent this union. LP is blocked - the relationship will not go beyond the dating-courtship phase.

14. On LV "sign of the hill"

On the female line denotes abortion. Moreover, V. Finogeev claims that the man is to blame for the abortion. Perhaps coercion to him comes from him.


Well, we got to the most interesting, determining the profession of a partner, his well-being, the main character traits, hobbies of the future partner by his hand.

This topic, or rather its verification in practice, did not arise for me immediately. First, in books, I read that you can determine the profession of a future spouse by your own hands, then I thought for a long time, compared the facts, but then ... as they say, it dawned on me.

And it dawned on me by chance, after reading Finogeev's articles once again, he began to dig in his hands and found what he was looking for, signs on the LP. At first, I attributed all this to a sick imagination, but later, during practical tests, I realized that it works, and how!

The essence of the definition in the partner's profession is that on a number of drugs there are certain signs that indicate both the main character traits and the partner's profession.

Here, of course, it is Finogeev himself who gives more precise definitions of signs. I immediately warn you that in many hands there are no lines of influence to LSD at all, people walking and are married and it is not possible at all to determine the profession of a partner by hand.

Other hands have LP, but they are “closed” for analysis and this definition is also not possible.


But here you need to see the signs and know what they mean. Interpretation by Vladimir Finogeev:

  • The right triangle is responsible for the professions of Venus (for example, doctors, nurses, teachers, florists, hairdressers, etc..)
  • A triangle with a cross inside or a squeezed circle - they talk about the professions of the Sun (journalists, art critics, public figures, in general people of art)
  • Triangle (simple) - speaks of the professions of Mars (military, police, FSB, in general, about people who have a risk in their profession)
  • A horseshoe or a regular cross (plus sign) speaks of the professions of Saturn (for example, an accountant, industry, etc., in general, in those areas where perseverance, analysis, etc. are needed ...)
  • The corner on the LV gives us the professions of Mercury (engineer, scientist, IT specialist, i.e. those areas where "liveness of mind" and sociability are needed).
  • Squeezed cross - speaks of the professions of the Moon (writers, travelers, social sphere, etc..)

But I want to say that the interpretation of these signs is very arbitrary, because it is impossible to say with a high percentage of probability about exactly what this partner will do.

In practice, I also encountered contradictions, for example, seeing the signs and interpreting them as written, I “got” not into the profession, but into the partner’s hobby. For example, I can give a case - interpreting the LP and seeing a triangle on it, I accepted the official interpretation - the partner is related to law enforcement agencies, having received a negative answer and starting to figure it out, I realized that this sign expressed her husband's craving for extreme sports .... risk, and it turned out that the husband has a category in parachuting and periodically jumps with a parachute.

Therefore, I will give a two-fold interpretation, and show with examples,
what it looks like.

1. On the LV island.

My tested example. Works almost always. On this basis, I define people who belong to law enforcement agencies by profession - these are the military, police, FSB, etc.

This sign is almost always found both on the hands of the military and it is very pronounced, and on the hands of their wives.
On the hands of their other half, the sign of the island is not expressed so clearly, but nevertheless it can be seen quite clearly.

There is a condition, the island must be dated LV from 12-14 years old and go up to 22-23 years old.

Why exactly an island on LZ? If we approach the interpretation psychologically, then the island is always limitations, losses, spiritual discomfort, etc. As a former military man myself, I can confirm this wording, in terms of military wives - the spouse does not get enough of what she expected from marriage - this is, for example, with her husband: outfits, unscheduled duty, readiness, lack of days off, full dedication to service - in addition to the desire of the military himself and it turns out that family life fades into the background, and the husband's career comes to the fore.

The husband is at work all the time - therefore, the wife's hand, not receiving due attention, begins to draw islands, that is, dissatisfaction in relationships.
You will find this “mark” even on the hands of women who, for a long time, have been divorced from a military partner and married, for example, to an accountant. The hand documents EVERYTHING!!!

2. Square on LV

Moreover, the square can be located anywhere on the line, or adjacent to it. On the one hand, a square is a sign of protection, but on the other hand, it is a sign of some kind of restrictions.

In this case, the square tells us that the partner will have connections in the criminal environment, or will be related to crime. If we find a cross in the square, then the partner will be from prison or may get there in the future.

3. A line departs from LV and is directed to Mercury

The partner will be rich and provided.

4. On the LV star

The interpretation repeats the above description. In my practice, the sign was found on the hands of a girl who met with a wealthy young man.

5. Right triangle on LV

The partner is related to the professions of a doctor, nurse, teacher.

6. On the LV corner

The partner's professions are in the field of engineering, science, IT, etc…

7. LV intersects with VIA LASTSIVA

The partner has a craving for sensual pleasures, eg alcoholism, drugs, excessive sexual needs - promiscuity. If you take health, then your partner may have allergic reactions.

8. Triangle on LV

Professions of a partner from the spheres of law enforcement agencies. A person's craving for unreasonable risk is possible, excessive aggressiveness may be present in the character. In case of disobedience, immediate suppression of the partner by any means.

9. On the LV, a cross in a triangle (maybe a squeezed circle)

Partner art critic, journalist, artist, etc.

10. Compressed cross on LV

Social partner, traveler, writer, dreamer, etc.

Now I will show how it all looks on "live" examples.

I want to repeat once again - you should not draw conclusions on the basis of one sign alone. This information is more likely to be auxiliary than basic; it can only complete the picture. ALWAYS LOOK FOR CONFIRMATION ON OTHER LINES!

If anyone has interesting examples, exhibit, we will practice together.

A person is not alone, next to him there are people who influence his life. This husband is also important role playing relationship with parents. Close friends or relatives are important to him. If people have had an impact on life, this is displayed in the form of many lines located on the hill of Venus. Palmistry gave them the name - the lines of Influence.

We are not talking about numerous acquaintances and friends, a person’s connections can be extensive, but only about those people who have become part of a person’s life and have greatly influenced it. Therefore, there are many such dashes on the hand if a person does not resist other people's influence. There are not so many people who resist exposure, but they do exist. They are not pressured by the opinion of close relatives.

The horizontal lines on the hand show negative connections, hostile interference in the fate of a person, and the vertical ones are relationships in which there is mutual assistance.

The more vertical lines, the more next to him relatives and friends on whom he depends. They should not be confused with the line of Mars, it is responsible for improving health, for the supply of strength.

Many or few lines

Lines of Influence can be either horizontal or vertical. Since they are located on the hill of Venus, they are called the grid of Venus. They enhance the quality of this area of ​​​​the palm, first of all, this concerns sexual desire. Therefore, the hillock of Venus, dotted with dashes, has people who are known for their sexual desires they have connections with the opposite sex. If there are many, then this person is influenced by other people. These are very sensitive people. Each line is an influence, an impact on life, the fate of people, a sign of connection.

If the line of Influence on the hill of Venus is small, then this person does not have strong drives. He directs his energy of the hill of Venus to another area: he loves beauty, art, chooses luxurious clothes and exquisite entertainment. He does not want to start a serious relationship, does not feel a strong attachment, he does not have a strong connection with his relatives. This is also a sign that this person is independent, both in actions and in thoughts.

If the lines of Influence are well colored and deep, then the impact of this person on life is enormous. If they are thin, small, then the effect is not so strong. Sometimes they can be strong at the beginning, but gradually become thinner and more inconspicuous, move away from the line of Life. This is a sign that this person will gradually lose its influence, disconnection. If they become thicker, then this person will greatly influence the owner of the palm in the future.

Lines of relatives and spouses

Palmistry is a science that not only states facts, but also tells about the future.. But for prediction, you need to understand which line tells about this or that person. How to find out from the many lines of Influence which one is the line of the mother or husband on the hand?

Palmists say that a person important in this period of life is located close to the line of Life. Most often this is the influence of the mother, because she plays a huge role in a person's life. Then there may be a dash of a father, a brother, and other connections, that is, the more significant this person is in the life of the owner of the palm, the closer the dash on the hand, denoting him, will be to the line of Life. Understand that we are talking about a relative, simply. Then the lines of Influence begin at the very base of the line of Life.

Many people get married between the ages of 20 and 30. Then new lines of Influence arise, as evidence of a connection, denoting a spouse. As soon as people become close, this dash also turns into one of the most important on the Mount of Venus. Then it is clearly visible, deep and quite long.

But this is only on condition that the marriage is successful. If this is not the case, the dash of the spouse is poorly represented. A person tied the knot, but does not worry about this event, because he has no real feelings for his soulmate. He may not dissolve the marriage, because he does not want to do this because of children or a sense of duty, to find connections on the side.

The line of Influence of the spouse begins a little lower on the line of Life, since he appears in a person's life at a certain age. If it is weak, and the dash of the parents is longer and deeper, then the influence of the parents will be stronger than the spouse: the mother-in-law can suppress the daughter-in-law with her authority. If she walks next to the line of Life, not moving away from it throughout, then the relationship is strong, they are connected by love.

Sprouts, signs on the line that affect fate

Lines of Influence do not look the same on the hand, they end with a sign, they are interrupted. palmistry pays great value little things, because this also affects the fate of the owner of the palm, the state of health, his connections.

Line of Fate and Line of Influence

The line of fate is one of the main lines on the hand.

Palmistry is not just scraps of knowledge, it is the ability to read a person’s hand, combining all interpretations into one. The lines of Influence are closely related to the lines of Destiny. By their locations, you can tell a lot of interesting things about the relationship. First of all, you need to compare the thickness of both lines. If l. Influences will be thicker l. Fate, then the partner is the main one in the relationship, if on the contrary, l. Fates are thicker, then the role of leader went to the owner of the palm. If they are the same on the hand, then the relationship will be equal.

If she enters L. Fate, after which the latter becomes thinner and disappears, then this marriage will be problematic, it will bring only disappointment. This will have a bad effect on the career of the owner of the palm. If, after she enters l. Fate, she will become stronger, and then head to Jupiter, then the relationship promises to be stable, both emotionally and financially, the spouses will satisfy each other.

If it does not reach l. Fate, then it is better not to wait for a serious relationship, it will be a fleeting acquaintance. If it crosses l. Fate is a sign of a future break. If after crossing l. Fate she headed to Jupiter, then the partner married out of selfish goals. He wanted to get rich at his expense and ruin his life. If l. Influences pour into l. Fates, but do not begin on the hill of Venus, but on the hill of the Moon, then a successful marriage with a foreigner is ahead. If she pours into l. Fate, but a dash is clearly visible from above, also coming from Venus, which, as it were, covers the place of confluence - the partner has another woman (man), i.e. he is either married or lives civil marriage. This points to a love triangle.

Profession of the chosen one

These dashes on the hand will tell about the relationship, the partner. But famous soothsayer Vladimir Finogeev writes that one can determine his profession by the signs on the line of Influence (triangle, horseshoe, etc.). But this is a conditional interpretation, palmistry is not exact science, it is impossible to know one hundred percent what a partner will earn a living.

  • If a right-angled triangle is clearly visible on it, then this person has the profession of Venus: he is a doctor, nurse, florist, hairdresser, teacher, etc.
  • If a triangle can be seen on a person’s hand, inside which a cross or a squeezed circle is visible, then this is a sign of the professions of the Sun, that is, your chosen one is a man of art, public figure or a journalist.
  • A simple triangle is evidence of the profession of Mars: a policeman, military man, FSB officer, etc.
  • There is a cross (plus sign) or a horseshoe - these are the professions of Saturn, where perseverance, the ability to analyze, such as an accountant, are needed.
  • Not a triangle, but a corner - the professions of Mercury, requiring alertness of mind and sociability, i.e. scientist, engineer, etc.
  • If the cross is a little squeezed, then this is a sign of the Moon's profession - travelers, writers, etc.

The topic of our conversation today about palmistry will be very interesting - we will discuss the line of influence on the hand. In the life of each of us there are people who have significant influence on our fate: for all of us, these are, first of all, parents, then spouses, close friends, patrons, former lovers- in a word, everyone who in one way or another has a certain impact on our lives. It turns out that the strongest connections can be seen right in the palm of your hand. Let's figure out how to do it.

Location of lines of influence

Many people wonder where the line of influence runs on the hand. In fact, in the palm of your hand, it is most often not one, but several at once, and you need to look for them on the hill of Venus, i.e. in the space around thumb. Sometimes the lines of influence are called the grid of Venus. They look like dashes, thinner and smaller than the main lines. They can be directed both vertically and horizontally. Do not confuse the line of Mars with the strip of influence, which also runs along the Mount of Venus.

Main meaning and number of lines

In palmistry, the lines of influence show, as we have already said, people who have had or will still have a strong impact on the fate of a person. Do not judge by their number of friends and acquaintances. Agree that many people can have a wide circle of contacts, but at the same time only a couple of people may well turn out to be really important and close from the environment. Ordinary friendships are not reflected on the hill of Venus - only those people who really influenced fate are imprinted here.

If a person has very few lines of influence or none at all, it means that in life he is guided only by his own principles and never falls under the influence of someone from his environment. This is an extremely independent person who does not take into account the opinion of his relatives, friends, love partners, and builds his life completely independently. The more such lines on the hand - the large quantity a person met this person in life, on whose opinion or relationship with which he depends.

Also, by the number of strips of influence, one can judge the relationship of a person with people in principle. The hill of Venus is responsible for our connections, and often precisely for connections with the opposite sex, therefore, a tubercle completely dotted with lines can also show a person’s increased sexuality and many intimate contacts, but this can be said for sure only by analyzing all the others.

The brightness and width of the bands matter. More pronounced, clearer usually show really strong influence, and small, thin and barely noticeable - not so global impact. The lines of influence on the hand, by the way, can fade and disappear over time, when, for example, you broke off contact with some important person from the past and now he can no longer affect your life. If the strokes, on the contrary, become more noticeable, the influence of this person will only grow stronger in the future.

Vertical and horizontal strokes

The value of the line of influence on the hand largely depends on its direction. If it goes vertically, it means that the person with whom this trait is responsible for the connection had a positive impact on fate, brought many joyful and joyful things to life. important points. Horizontal stripes, on the contrary, speak of negative impact hostile interference. Such lines of influence are usually imprinted on our palms by sworn enemies who are plotting serious intrigues.

Lines of influence near the line of life

The line of influence on the hand near the line of life speaks of the most important connections, the closest people. Our parents are imprinted here (provided that the relationship with them is really close), brothers and sisters, and other relatives. The closer the trait of influence is to the life furrow, the closer the person is. Also define kinship you can at the beginning of the dash: if it starts at the very base of the life line, then this is definitely someone from the family or relatives.

The one who is lucky to build happy long relationship, the line of influence of the spouse is necessarily imprinted on the palm - it begins at a segment corresponding to the age of marriage or starting a romance, and has a rather long length. If a person did not start a relationship out of love or simply does not consider his spouse a part of his life, he will not have such a line at all.

Strokes of influence far from the life line will show important people not from among relatives: these may be the closest friends, mentors, other important people, acquaintance with whom is firmly imprinted in the memory, taught a lot.

Signs and marks

Now let's talk about what signs and marks are important for the line of influence on the hand.

  • A break in one line of influence at its junction with another, also a pronounced furrow, may indicate that the influence of one person has become stronger, and because of this, the connection with another has been broken.
  • The line of influence that crosses is a bad sign, talking about some unpleasant moments associated with the person who owns this trait.
  • Breaks in the line of communication with a loved one will show the periods in which you stop communicating with him, for example, due to moving or for some other reason, but if the line continues after the break, the separation will only be temporary.
  • The star sign at the very end of the line of influence shows the death of this person or parting with him, which will bring you a lot of pain. The cross is read in a similar way, but it is more often associated with illness, death than with severe separation.
  • If a person whose trait is visible in your palm interferes very actively in your life, many small lines will depart from her line.
  • Islands show tense moments, relationship problems, and if small horizontal strokes extend from such an island, reaching the life line - loved one there will be health problems. If, on your own line of fate, at the place of its contact with these horizontal lines, an island has also formed, you yourself will also have to get sick. Such signs are often found in people who are caring for seriously ill relatives or disabled people, and at the same time they themselves lose vitality because of this stress.
  • By geometric shapes often judge a person's profession. Usually, such a sign is found only on the trait of a spouse, however, sometimes the line of influence on the hand and one of the other important people is “decorated” in this way. The right-angled triangle speaks of a common profession (doctor, teacher, hairdresser, nurse, etc.); regular triangle - police, military service, government bodies; circle inside triangle journalistic activity, public relations, creative activities; a horseshoe or a small cross resembling a plus sign - an accountant; a squeezed cross - a writer, a traveler, a corner - engineers, scientists, other "Mercury" professions.

Trait of Influence and Destiny

It is also worth paying attention to how far the dash you are interested in is located from the line. If she enters the strip of fate, merges with it, which makes the latter more noticeable and thicker - relations with this person will affect your fate in an exclusively positive way. If a feature of influence enters the furrow of fate, after which the latter is interrupted or becomes more subtle, this will be a negative experience. The intersection of such a line with a fateful line is a sign of a break in communication. If the furrow of influence does not affect the stroke of fate at all, the person will have a temporary effect. Perhaps this will be only a passing acquaintance, which, nevertheless, will give you something important.

That's all you need to know about the lines of influence on the hand of beginner palmists. If you liked our article, try to examine your palms and find the most important connections, then share your experience in the comments.

Man acts as a collective being who cannot live alone, outside of society. Other people have a very strong influence on his life - from the closest (parents and relatives) to work colleagues and unfamiliar friends. When this influence is strong enough, a line of influence appears on the hand, which we will talk about in more detail in this material.

The photo above demonstrates that the lines of influence can be located on the arm in different parts of it. Moreover, in each case they will have different meaning, namely:

  • in the case of being located next to the line of Life on the hill of Venus, this refers to the influence of the spouse, as well as blood relatives and often children;
  • next to - such lines will tell about the influence of a spouse, life partner;
  • next to the line of the Heart - a partner affects you, the line can also talk about a lover;
  • the lines of Influence, extending from the lines of Life and Destiny, are of the most significant interest. In the first case, we can talk about the strong influence of some native person or husband/wife, depending on how far the line is from the line of Life.

In the case when the beginning of the line falls on a point that corresponds to the index and finger of Saturn (corresponding to the age of 20 years - acceptable for concluding a marriage union), then we can talk about the influence of the husband.

And when the line of Influence departs from the starting point of the line of Life, it will tell about the powerful maternal influence on the individual.

  • it may happen that at the end of the line of Influence on the hill of Venus there will be a crossbar, a star or a cross - this is a very bad sign that speaks of the death of a loved one;
  • when there are many lines of influence on the hillock of Venus, one can judge by how close they are to the area of ​​​​the thumb: the lines of influence of the husband are located as close as possible, and then - the mother and then - the father;

When a person becomes independent, the lines of influence on the hillock can weaken and disappear completely, or they are strongly removed from the line of Life.

  • The lines of influence heading towards the line of Destiny, in most cases, speak of people with whom you must contact during a certain period of your life. This may mean both a happy love affair and a life lesson that a person must go through, drawing the necessary conclusions for himself.

If the partner is really “your” person, the line of influence will enter the line of Fate and you will follow the same life path. Otherwise, the line of influence will cross the line of Fate or may even be at a certain distance from it (talks about false hopes).

Number of lines of influence on the hand

Lines of influence can be either vertical or horizontal. Those lines that are on the hill of Venus are called the "grid of Venus." They are designed to make stronger the qualities of this line on the hand, first of all, this refers to the sexual desire of a person.

Therefore, if a person has a lot of different lines on his hand on the hillock of Venus, this will speak of his “love of love” and numerous connections with members of the opposite sex. Also their a large number of talks about the fact that a person is strongly influenced by the people around him. Such people are distinguished by increased sensitivity and susceptibility to what is happening in their lives.

If there are not very many lines on the hill of Venus, then the person does not suffer from serious inclinations. He was able to direct his energy of this hill in a different direction - he prefers beautiful clothes, art, gourmet entertainment and so on. He does not seek to establish a serious relationship, is not able to experience strong affection, plus he does not have a strong connection with relatives. But this is a kind of big plus - after all, this speaks of strong independence, which manifests itself both in thoughts and in actions.

As for the thick lines of influence well shown in the palm of your hand, they will tell you about the strong influence of other people that they have on the individual. And in direct proportion - the smaller the line, the less will be the degree of influence from the outside.

It can also happen that the line is initially quite thick, and then gradually fades away - it becomes thinner and moves away from the line of Life. This indicates that the influence of a person on a person’s life will initially be very large, but will gradually subside and may even disappear completely. But the situation can change and vice versa.

What will tell different signs on the line of influence

Lines of influence can be different kind, and also end with a variety of characters. Various little things are necessarily taken into account, even very insignificant ones, because they are very important. Let's talk about them in more detail:

  • The line of influence on the hand is very strong and long, but ends, reaching another similar line - having the same characteristics. The latter emerges from the base of the thumb and goes to the line of Life. This may indicate a break in a love affair due to the fault of relatives.
  • A strong line of influence that reaches the line of Life and crosses it is also not very auspicious sign. This is evidence of strong feeling jealousy, which will greatly spoil your relationship.
  • The line of influence is not continuous, but intermittent. This indicates either a temporary separation, or that a loved one will not affect your life for some time for some reason.
  • A strong line of influence ending in a star. An extremely unfavorable sign is a predictor of the death of a spouse or one of the relatives. A very painful separation is also possible, when a person does not die, but completely disappears from your life.
  • The line of influence ending in a cross - here the situation is similar to the previous one. But the difference lies only in the fact that in the first case, the news will be shocking, unpredictable, and in the second, the person will already be morally disposed to this (a long-term illness, for example, may take place). Of course, in such situations, at first, relatives prefer to fight and not give up, they make a lot of efforts to cope with the disease, but, unfortunately, this does not always end in success.
  • Island at the end of the line of influence - indicates different problems in relationships. Moreover, they can refer to the period of acquaintance, and already to the subsequent life together.

In the case when small horizontal lines begin to emanate from the island, this will indicate a weakening of the health of a loved one. Because of these problems, serious inner experiences will follow.

Line of influence and line of fate

In palmistry, all lines have a very close connection with one another. The line of influence touches the line of Fate very strongly, based on their relative position you will be able to learn a lot of information about your relationships.

First of all, the thickness of the lines is compared - if this indicator is greater at the line of influence, then your partner takes a leading position in the relationship. The situation is exactly the same and vice versa. The most harmonious option in this case is when the lines are the same relative to each other, because then we can talk about equal relationships.

In the case when the line of influence crosses the line of Fate and after that the latter becomes thinner, disappears - we can talk about a very problematic marriage, fraught with a bunch of different troubles. Plus, such relationships will negatively affect the career of the person being studied.

If, after the entry of the line of influence, the line of Fate, on the contrary, intensifies, and then goes to Jupiter, you will be in a very happy, harmonious and emotionally stable relationship with a good material background.

If the line of influence does not reach the line of Fate, you can not count on serious relationship. And its intersection of the line of Fate will indicate an imminent break.

In the case when, after crossing two lines, the line of influence goes to the hill of Jupiter, we can talk about marriage for selfish reasons.

When the line of influence flows into the line of Fate, but originates not from the hill of Venus, but from the hill of the Moon, a successful marriage with a citizen of another state is ahead.

Finally, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material on this topic:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

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