Elena Sanaeva: biography and personal life of the Soviet actress (photo). Vsevolod Sanaev Sanaev Vsevolod family

After the publication of Pavel Sanaev’s book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard,” the heroes of the story began to be identified with members of the young writer’s family. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that the book was fiction, not autobiographical. In fact, Vsevolod and Lydia Sanayev lived together for 55 years, happy and at the same time difficult. Famous actor For many years I was with my wife, who was seriously ill. “Together in sorrow and in joy” is just about them, who overcame all the trials fate had in store for them.

Meeting with the beautiful

Vsevolod Sanaev was born into a working-class family, where 12 children were born almost one after another. True, half of the babies died in early age. Vsevolod did not excel in his studies and after the sixth grade he already worked at the Tula Harmony Factory. But his dreams were always far away. A boy from a working-class family, having seen the Tula Moscow Art Theater production of “Uncle Vanya” on the stage of the Tula Theater, simply fell in love with the theater.

A new shock for him was the news that one of the managers of the factory where he worked was attending a drama club. Vsevolod began to come to rehearsals, but it was difficult to get involved. But in the evenings after work, he now hurried to the Tula Drama Theater, where he grabbed any job. The agile young man was noticed, and he even appeared on stage a couple of times with short remarks. And then one of the actors advised Vsevolod to study.

And he went to study in Moscow. His parents were categorically against it, but neither persuasion nor maternal tears could keep Vsevolod Sanayev. At first he studied at the workers' faculty, then entered the theater technical school, then - GITIS. After graduating from GITIS, Vsevolod Sanaev was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater troupe.

Happy touring

Very quickly the young actor became one of the leading actors of the famous theater. At the same time, he began acting in films. First there was a cameo role in the film “Volga-Volga”, then he played in Pyryev’s film “Beloved Girl”, and real success came to Vsevolod Sanaev after filming in “Optimistic Tragedy”.

On tour of the Moscow Art Theater in Kyiv, the actor met a student of the philology department, Lydia Goncharenko, who studied and at the same time worked in the city prosecutor's office. The stately beauty had no shortage male attention, however, Vsevolod Sanaev quickly won her heart: a month later she was already boarding the Kyiv-Moscow train with him.

Through trials

The couple lived in a small room in a communal apartment, rejoiced at the appearance of their son Alyosha, and made plans. But then the war began. Vsevolod Sanaev first left for filming, from where he returned only two months later. He sent his wife and son to be evacuated to Alma-Ata. There, little Alyosha fell ill with measles and diphtheria. The two-year-old baby could not be saved. And Lydia Sanaeva began to make her way to her husband, not remembering herself from grief.

They met in Borisoglebsk. And after nine months, their daughter Elena was born in Kuibyshev, who will also choose the profession of an actress, and will also become the wife of Rolan Bykov. But that will come much later. As a child, Elena was not distinguished by exemplary behavior and caused her parents a lot of trouble.

Lydia Antonovna, who lost her first-born, almost constantly carried her daughter in her arms, even when she was already quite a big girl. She did not take her eyes off her daughter and fulfilled all her whims. At the same time, Lena was simply unbearable. She never let her mother leave her side and could throw a tantrum for any reason.

One day a girl put a piece of sugar she picked up on the ground into her mouth and fell ill with hepatitis. Lydia Sanaeva was completely exhausted, diligently caring for her daughter. She gave her medications and prepared broths minute by minute, making sure that Lena did not eat anything forbidden.

The daughter recovered, but then a new misfortune came: Vsevolod Sanaev had a heart attack. Again hospitals, injections, IVs. Against this background, Lidia Antonovna began to cry often, she had all the signs of fatigue and depression. When she carelessly told a political joke in the kitchen of a communal apartment, one of the neighbors reported on her. An inspection came to the apartment, and Vsevolod Sanaev’s wife rapidly developed a persecution mania.

The atmosphere in their home has changed a lot. Sergei Mikhalkov, to whom Lidiya Sanaeva turned, first stood up for her before the authorities, and then helped arrange her in good clinic. This is not to say that the treatment did not help, but the actor’s wife was now constantly in a state of depression.

In joy and in sorrow

Vsevolod Vasilyevich tried as best he could to defuse the home atmosphere. He tried to smooth out his wife’s constant dissatisfaction, turning her nagging into jokes. He appeared in the house and it was as if a small source of light and heat was lit. But sometimes his patience ran out.

Once he even told his mother, who came to visit them, that he wanted to break up with Lydia, he couldn’t stand it. But the mother sternly shook her head, stroked her son’s hand and said: “The Sanayevs don’t act like that.” They talked about something for a long time, sitting in the kitchen. But when his colleagues suggested that the actor divorce his wife, now Sanaev shook his head, explaining: he could not leave the woman who bore him two children and gave him her youth.

Questions about divorce were never raised again. The actor simply helped his wife not to fall apart completely: he joked, took her for walks when he had time for this, fed her. True, when he had to leave for filming, Lidia Antonovna cried and persuaded him to stay, she was afraid to die without him. At the same time, with strangers, the actor’s wife was reserved and kind; all the neighbors loved her for her warmth and sympathy. And her loved ones often suffered from her mood swings.

When Elena gave birth to her son Pasha, she often had to ask her mother for help. She happily took care of her son, but at the same time accused her daughter of going to filming instead of taking care of the child. Pasha often stayed with Lena’s parents, and later it took her a lot of effort to win her son away from her own parents. They just loved him very much, although they were quite strict with the boy.

Fortunately, when Elena married Rolan Bykov, he managed to unite the whole family in some unimaginable way. At first, Vsevolod and Lydia Sanayev met him with hostility, but later they succumbed to their son-in-law’s charm. Since then, all strife regarding Paul has ceased.

Lydia Antonovna was diagnosed with cerebral sclerosis and slowly faded away. The daughter patiently looked after her and mentally asked for forgiveness for all the insults she had once caused to her mother. Lydia Sanaeva passed away in 1995, and 10 months later Vsevolod Sanaev left this world. They went through all the trials together for a long time lived under the yoke of his wife's illness. Vsevolod Vasilyevich was ready to carry her in his arms and feed her with a spoon. If only his Lydia was alive. He was never able to come to terms with the loss.

The daughter of Vsevolod and Lydia Sanaev followed in the footsteps of her father, like others famous actresses. They grew up in creative environment, often attended rehearsals in the theater and on the set, and saw the difficulties an actor has to face. However, nothing could make them give up their dream. Our famous actresses were real daddy's daughters, having inherited both his father’s talent and passion for the stage.

What does it look like the world in the eyes of the boy who became an object family feuds? The child experiences loneliness, pain, and sometimes guilt. All this weighs heavily on his soul and does not go away without a trace. This was the childhood of the director, actor and screenwriter Pavel Sanaev. In my first work of art he left reviews about his experience. “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” is not a memoir or memoir, but an attempt to forgive loved ones for the pain they caused him out of love and weakness, selfishness and selflessness.


Pavel Sanaev - successor acting dynasty. In the sixth grade, he played one of the main roles in his stepfather Rolan Bykov’s film “Scarecrow”. The film was dedicated to the difficult relationships among teenagers. In this film, Pavel's mother played a role school teacher. For the aspiring actor, participation in the filming of Rolan Bykov’s film was not only the beginning creative path, but also getting to know the environment social world. Before his first appearance on the set, Pavel felt acute. The fact is that the boy for the first years of his life was protected not only from communication with his peers, but even from the maternal love he needed.

How the book came about

In high school, Pavel began to create some literary sketches. He supplemented and corrected what he had written, and only eight years later a full-fledged work of art was ready, which was called “Bury me behind the baseboard.”

Reviews of the book were both positive and negative. Some believed that Sanaev's story was an entertaining work, not without black humor. Others saw in the colorful and very unpleasant images the author’s desire to take revenge on his family for the grievances caused. Still others wholeheartedly pitied the boy who found himself in such unbearable conditions.

Despite the fact that the book depicts the parents of Elena Sanaeva, that is, the grandparents of the author of the sensational book, it should be remembered that the story “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” is not a documentary, but a work of fiction. Reviews of the book, as about the writer’s desire to denigrate his relatives, can hardly be called objective. The writer changed the names of close people. The main character's name is Sasha Savelyev. Mother - Olga. My stepfather doesn't have a name at all. His grandparents call him nothing less than a bloodsucker dwarf.

Grandma's image

Sanaev wrote a book, the material for which was his own experience. The image of the main character - an eccentric and unbalanced grandmother - is taken from life, but supplemented with elements fiction. This woman terrorizes eight-year-old Sasha with her love and boundless care, and he finally comes to the conclusion that death will soon overtake him, and therefore he suddenly gets the idea that it is necessary to leave a small but clear will, in which the only requirement will be “Bury me behind the baseboard."

Vsevolod and Lydia Sanaev did not leave reviews of the book that their grandson wrote, because they passed away before it was published. The work of fiction ends with the death of the grandmother. In real life, Lydia Sanaeva died several years before the publication of her grandson’s book. The author himself once admitted that he would never have been able to publish his story during her lifetime.

Lidiya Sanaeva

The story begins with the chapter “Bathing”. The reader already understands from the first lines that the book is not dedicated to a kind and affectionate grandmother. Although she does not deprive her grandson of care at all. Throughout the story, the grandmother prophesies many troubles to her grandson, wants to “rot in prison” and predicts an ambulance painful death. The woman utters curses and curses without looking up from her duty. She cooks for Sasha diet breakfast, arranges for him difficult bath procedures, stuffing him with pills. In general, she does everything so that the boy does not die as early as she would like...

Both in the book and in the interview, the author of the story claims that in it he did not tell the whole truth about his early years. Grandmother actually chose much harsher expressions. But there is no point in providing such ugly details. After all, the book is not about madness, but about love, which kills, maims, and inflicts an indelible mental wound.

The grandmother reminds her grandson every day that he has very little time left to live. Although she loved him madly. Regular conversations about illness and death cannot but affect the perception of the world around us. Sasha, despite his young age, began to think about death as something quite ordinary. And, of course, it does not occur to him that the behavior of himself loved one in his life is somewhat different from the standard characteristic of a mentally healthy person.


At the end of the nineties, Pavel Sanaev managed to publish his work in one of literary magazines. Only in 2003, the story “Bury me behind the baseboard” appeared in a separate publication. Reviews of the book were varied. Childhood memories contain humor and sadness. They can be liked, and they can be irritated. But there can hardly be any doubt that the book was created by a talented person.


In 2009, the story “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” was filmed. Sanaev left extremely negative reviews of the film. The author of the cult book did not like the film, first of all, because the actress who played the main female role did not cope with the task. This is undoubtedly the director's fault. Svetlana Kryuchkova - outstanding Soviet and Russian actress- played the grandmother on one note. Every person who read the work could not help but admit that created screen image has little in common with literature. The actress herself stated in an interview that many important episodes were cut out at the insistence of the film's producer.

They initially planned to cast her daughter in the role of Lydia Sanayeva. But after the author of the story and script refused to work, everything changed. Another actress was invited to play the main role. Subsequently, Elena Sanaeva admitted that it would be unbearably difficult for her to play her own mother.

Vsevolod Sanaev

Sasha Savelyev's grandfather is a gentle man and inferior to his wife in everything. Its prototype is Vsevolod Sanaev, a Soviet actor, known for the films “Moscow is Behind Us,” “The Return of St. Luke,” “Forgotten Melody for Flute” and others.

Sasha's mother's father plays important role in the story “Bury me behind the baseboard.” Reviews of Pavel Sanaev's film differ somewhat from the opinions of viewers and film critics regarding the book of the same name. Anyone who has read Sanaev’s autobiographical story, as a rule, disapproves of Sergei Snezhkin’s painting. But the grandfather of the main character in the film was played by the outstanding actor Alexey Petrenko. And the image he created on the screen is perhaps not inferior to the literary one.

It was with the help of this character that the writer was able to show the scope of the grandmother’s tyranny and madness. Most of the work is devoted to depicting attitudes and life in the house in which Sasha lives. And if explosions of aggression and inappropriate behavior the grandmother's boy cannot interfere due to his age, then her husband is theoretically capable of this. But he keeps silent more and more, curries favor with her, and meekly fulfills all her demands. And only once, he explodes and leaves the house. Only to return again a few hours later. He is unable to overcome domestic tyranny. The protagonist’s mother also lacks the strength and perseverance for this.

While reading the story, the grandmother, despite all her oddities, evokes pity. Its tragedy lies not only in mental disorder, but also in the indifference of the husband, who in his youth did not pay due attention to his wife. She fought alone for the life of her first child. But the boy died, and a few years later Olga, Sasha’s mother, was born - a sickly and stubborn girl. My father was increasingly absent on tours and on creative business trips. He didn’t even notice how his wife turned into an elderly hysterical woman.

Elena Sanaeva

This actress is the prototype of Olga - Sasha's mother. children Soviet period First of all, she was remembered for her role as Alice the Fox in the film, in which she played a fairy-tale role in a duet with her husband.

The image of Olga is depicted using the boy’s inner experiences in the story “Bury me behind the baseboard.” The book, reviews of which from critics are often devoted to the excellent artistic style of the author, has not been adequately filmed to date.

In the film directed by Sergei Snezhkin, Sasha’s mother, for unknown reasons, is more reminiscent of a depressed, weak lady who, instead of fighting for her son, drinks cognac with her lover. After which the couple breaks into a dance. The heroine of Svetlana Kryuchkova evokes much more trust. Even despite her hysterical screams and peculiar curses. she shows, albeit rather peculiar, care for the boy.

What does Pavel Sanaev himself think about the film? “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard,” which received extremely enthusiastic reviews, was criticized by the author of the story. Initially, it was assumed that Sanaev himself would direct the film. But at the last moment, the author of the work refused, because he was not sure that he would be able to devote as much effort to creating the picture as was spent on writing the book. The producers had to look for another director. It was Sergei Snezhkin, whose opinion differed from the position of the scriptwriter not only regarding the cast. Snezhkin also significantly changed the plot.

The film, based on Sanaev's script, features wonderful actors. But even their talented acting could not save the picture, which the author of the story called “chernukha.” The film contains naturalistic details that, according to critics, are unnecessary. And most importantly, not complied with main idea Pavel Sanaev. The image of the grandmother in the film is too clear.

What do the leading actors in the film “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” think about the film adaptation of Sanaev’s work? Reviews of the film by actors are varied. Performer leading role claims that her image was significantly changed as a result of editing. who played Sasha’s mother, did not share her impressions of filming the film. However most of viewers believe that the director’s choice in favor of this actress was not the most successful.

Dwarf bloodsucker

This character is almost not present in the book, but is still central. It was because of the bloodsucking dwarf that the mother abandoned her son. And it is because of him that the sick old woman is forced to nurse the sickly “rotting” boy. At least in this case early years The tyrant grandmother convinces her grandson. But Sasha had already seen this creepy dwarf once, and did not find anything repulsive in him.

Pavel Sanaev dedicated the story “Bury me behind the baseboard” to his stepfather, director and actor. Critics' reviews of this work may sometimes have been unfavorable. It is not proper for a person from a family of celebrities to wash dirty linen in public. But the author portrayed the image of the stepfather, who later turned out to be far from creepy, with deep respect and love. Sanaev described him as wise, talented and understanding in his first story. This is how the writer portrayed his stepfather in a work of fiction about the misadventures of Razdolbay. The book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard - 2,” the reviews of which were not so stormy, nevertheless took its rightful place in modern literature.

Book by Pavel Sanaev " Bury Me Behind the Baseboard"caused a sensation among the reading public. The prototype of the main character was Pavel’s grandmother, the wife of the artist Vsevolod Sanaev. “She loved us, but she loved us with such tyrannical fury that her love turned into a weapon mass destruction“,” Pavel recalls in an interview...

The limit to tyranny was set by Rolan Bykov, the second husband of Elena Sanaeva. Only he had enough strength of character to resist his domineering mother-in-law. Recently, a film based on the book was released, where Svetlana Kryuchkova played the grandmother.

And a new edition of “Plinth” came out of print, supplemented by three previously unpublished chapters. We met with Pavel to separate fact from fiction.

Pavel Sanaev

From 4 to 11 years old, Pavel Sanaev spent in the house of his mother’s parents. Elena Sanaeva worked a lot, went to filming. And one day I met Rolan Bykov. It was love at first sight. And from the very first day together, Rolan Antonovich insisted that Pavel live with his mother.

Grandmother spoke out strongly against it. My daughter didn’t like her romance with Bykov Sanayev at all. “Rolan Antonovich had the nickname “king of the departers.” There were legends about his adventures and ability to easily part with women, recalls Pavel. “Bykov’s ex-wife, Lydia Knyazeva, called my grandmother.” In the film "Aibolit-66" Knyazeva played the monkey Chi-chi when Roland and Elena were already together.

“Roland will ruin your daughter’s life,” she warned. However, the gloomy forecast did not come true. Not only did Bykov become good husband, he reconciled the family and helped the parents find mutual understanding with their daughter.

Pavel Sanaev with his mother and stepfather. Photo from the archive of Pavel Sanaev.

Started writing in 8th grade

- What are these three new chapters?

I started writing my first stories very early - in 8-9 grade. Some turned out to be successful, and later became chapters of the book, such as “Cement” or “Bathing”. And some didn't work out at all. These three chapters did not work out, they remained on the table, and I did not include them in the book. And today I rewrote it and included it in the deluxe edition.

These texts are united by one theme, which was left behind the scenes in the book. After all, the main characters are grandmother, mother, grandfather, and the boy is a passive observer. Learns lessons, gets sick. And in these three chapters it turns out that he was also a bandit. He makes and invents something all the time.

- Builds a rocket out of cast iron tubs.

And he makes two gas masks, dreaming that someday a gas will burst in their house. And if it doesn’t break through, then maybe he’ll open it himself. And the grandmother will be writhing from suffocation in the kitchen, and he will come up to her in a gas mask, look at her with wise eyes from under the gas mask glasses, give her a second gas mask, she will put it on, come to her senses, the gas will dissipate... And the grandmother will finally praise him . It turns out that I had such an interesting life as a child!

Bykov didn't urinate on his grandfather's car!

- Elena Vsevolodovna Sanaeva was supposed to play the grandmother in the film adaptation of the book. And you had to film. Why didn't it work?

On the one hand, such a role is a gift for any actress. Mom really wanted to play this role. On the other hand, it's hers birth mother, mentally ill person. There is some kind of panopticon in the fact that the daughter will play her sick mother. Rolan Antonovich (Bykov) had such a case. When he was filming the film “The Nose,” he came up with this shot with the monument to Peter I: a rearing horse in the pouring rain.

Elena Sanaeva

They brought in watering machines, drained a lot of water, the night - unearthly beauty into the hole in the lens. They stopped the shift, let the cars go, the operator came up to him and, almost crying, said: “Roland, I’m sorry, but my diaphragm was closed.” Well, that means Gogol doesn’t want this, Rolan Antonovich decided. The situation is the same here. There was no need for me to film it and for my mother to play it.

- But you both didn’t like Sergei Snezhkin’s film.

What upset me most: the film, which is a thousand steps away from the book, was perceived by some as real life, and say: well, you see how Sanaev lived: Bykov urinated on his car. It is unpleasant. Even more unpleasant are hasty conclusions.

One journalist, without specifying the information, decided that it was my script. And she wrote, they say, “Sanaev walked through his star family, portrayed everyone as monsters, and was not even ashamed to portray Rolan Bykov, who raised him, as a monster.” If she had inquired, she would have found out that the script was written based on my book by Sergei Snezhkin. Written absolutely without my participation.

Vsevolod Sanaev

And in the book, the character in whom you can guess Bykov is trying to normalize this family. And in the end everything works out thanks to him! In the film, all the “plus” signs are changed to “minus”... There is no understanding of the images at all. For example, in the very first scene, when the grandmother sees a mouse nailed by a mousetrap and begins to set fire to her grandfather.

The “bookish” grandmother is sincerely heartbroken with pity for the mouse. And then we understand that her child is a “bastard” because she is afraid of losing him. The boy stumbled, and she is terrified that he will break something. And in the film, the grandmother is only looking for an excuse to peck out the brains of her loved ones. If there was a reason, we’d turn off our brains. And the whole picture is made in this key.

But there may be a plus here. The grandmother, played by Svetlana Kryuchkova, has a right to exist. After all, there are such people too.

Svetlana Kryuchkova played a completely different grandmother.

“And I kept expecting that the boy would eventually be slammed by his grandmother somewhere or that he would freeze to death...

It would be a good idea for a director to use such a move. There is my script on the website plintusbook.ru. Initially, the project was launched according to this scenario and in my production. But then a sticky situation arose. There is a mechanism for launching a film through Goskino.

A script is submitted, a year passes, and then the launch is announced. I was working on “Kilometer Zero” when the studio called: “Pavel, you have a script for “Plinth.” Come on, we'll get you started. I thought: how great, now I’ll finish one picture, and then immediately another... I hurried and agreed.

Elena Sanaeva in the film "The Adventures of Buratino"

Further work on “Kilometer Zero” dragged on for six months. Then the project “At the Game” arose. And I realized that making a film adaptation of “Plinth” was terribly uninteresting for me. I will not be able to tell “with a twinkle” a second time what I have already told once. Besides, I've made two films and I want to move forward technically too, and not just film two actors in an apartment.

I refused the film adaptation, left the script to the studio and was glad when they invited Snezhkin. I hoped that he would film what was written in the book, and not settle his own scores with the Soviet regime and release black stuff under the name “Plintus”.

Until the age of 11, Pavel rarely saw his mother...

I told my mother about the book

- Pavel, why didn’t you show the book to your grandfather?

He simply would not understand the difference between a book and life. He would say: “How?!” I couldn’t drop the reflector in the bathtub!” He would take everything at face value and be offended.

- Isn’t everything pure coin?

60 percent fiction. Grandmother did not utter piercing monologues under the door and did not die when they took me away. And a lot of things actually didn’t happen. I told my mother some stories from my life with my grandmother after they had already taken me and Roland. For example, just about swimming. I told her to make her laugh. And, of course, he thought of something to make it funnier for her. And then I tried to write it down.

Vsevolod Sanaev with his grandson

I wrote it and saw the effect: everyone laughs, everyone is curious. I began to write further. In addition, after talking with my grandmother in more mature age, I learned from her about the war, about the fact that she lost her first child. I began to understand that she was not just a mentally ill tyrant, but a person broken by circumstances.

Lidiya Antonovna Sanaeva lived tragic life. A powerful, active person, she devoted herself entirely to her family, but never received a profession. In an interview with one of the magazines, Pavel admitted that his grandmother may have been intellectually superior to his grandfather. “I’m learning the role with Seva, he can’t even put two words together, but I’ve already learned everything by heart!” - she told her friends. During the evacuation, in Alma-Ata, Lidia Antonovna lost her one-year-old son. Daughter Lenochka was born after the tragedy. And at the age of five she caught infectious jaundice: she found a lump of sugar in the yard.

Elena Sanaeva

The girl was treated by the best homeopaths. One day Lydia told a political joke in the communal kitchen. A few days later some people came asking about her. Lydia Antonovna was terribly scared. She developed persecution mania. She destroyed the gifts her husband brought from abroad. She broke a bottle of perfume and cut up her fur coat. Even on the bus she imagined she was being followed.

Vsevolod Vasilyevich had to admit his wife to the clinic. She was treated with insulin shock. This is when a person
A high dose of insulin is administered and he falls into an induced coma. Unfortunately, more humane methods were not used in Soviet clinics.

How Bykov reconciled Sanaeva with her mother

- How did grandma’s fate turn out? Her character in the book dies. And Lydia Antonovna lived a long life.

In the story, the thread connecting the grandmother and grandson is severed. In reality, this thread has stretched. My grandmother could no longer take me back, I lived with my mother, it was decided. But she could meet me near school, take me home and tell me on the way what a scoundrel and traitor I was. Then she weakened and for the last 7-8 years of her life she simply cried from morning to night. But it is very important that last years she reconciled with both her mother and Rolan Antonovich.

Rolan Bykov and Elena Sanaeva are one of the most beautiful couples in Soviet cinema. Photo from the archive of Pavel Sanaev.

When my grandmother developed pulmonary edema, the ambulance doctors were at a loss. Rolan Bykov ordered them to take his mother-in-law to intensive care. She lived in the hospital for another three months and allowed her daughter to take care of herself. “Their painful relationship was redeemed by the love that my mother gave to my grandmother,” recalls Pavel.

A healthy grandmother would never allow anyone to take care of her. After the death of Lydia Antonovna, Vsevolod Vasilyevich did not survive his wife by much. First, he went on a cruise along the Volga, and his daughter made renovations in his apartment. But when he returned, he became sad and died a few months later.

“Turns out you're not an idiot!”

Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bykov were made for each other. He was 43, she was 29. Love helped them overcome not only the age difference, but also all the slander of “well-wishers.” “For me it was not in the nature of a woman. God specially invented you and sent you to me,” Rolan Antonovich told Elena. “I am sure,” Pavel recalled, “that without Rolan Bykov’s mother, the fate of many actors awaited them, who burned in the fire of their own temperament. Vysotsky, Dahl... Rolan Bykov could well continue this sad list.”

- Pavel, as a child, your grandmother “twisted” you against Bykov. Having seen him in person, you recognized him as a “cool guy.” How did you like him in the book?

Rolan Bykov in the film "Two Comrades Served"

He did not perceive the book as a description of himself, his mother or his real grandmother. He perceived it as literature. I remember his reaction to what he read. He was truly shocked. After all, he only read the first chapters, and I didn’t show him the whole thing until I put the finishing touches on it.

Very often parents support their children. But this is not always 100% sincere. Like, “Son, you did everything very well.” But you don’t know for sure whether you’re really great or whether your family and friends just praise you, and then you’ll face real world and you'll get hit in the face... I knew that Roland would never praise for nothing, so his sincere shock was the highest assessment for me.

- How did it all start?

At school we wrote essays. The teachers said all sorts of correct phrases, that our party is building a socialist society that will be advanced, and so on. I wrote an essay on the topic “One day of our Motherland” - “prosperity... in a single impulse... advanced power... all efforts are united...” and all that. This essay remained on the table in a notebook, already beautifully rewritten from the draft.

Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bykov in the film "The Adventures of Buratino"

Rolan Antonovich read it, was horrified and said that either I was an idiot or a victim of the educational system. He said, “I have to find out for myself. That's why I'm asking you. Here’s a turtle made of shells, write whatever you see fit about it.” I was confused, but he said: “As a person involved in childhood psychology, I need your help, Pasha. Please, write!” And at that moment I had a task - to win the respect of Rolan Antonovich.

I didn't play sports, couldn't bring it home gold medal. The airplanes that I glued were a worthy activity until I was 13 years old, and I was already 16. And I decided to use this turtle as a chance - I wrote a humorous sketch. Rolan Antonovich read: “But this is a different matter, this is great! You're not an idiot, it turns out." We had a portrait of Meyerhold hanging on the wall: let's talk about him now.

I wrote, he said: well, that’s even better. And after two or three such essays, I thought: well, now I need to try something more serious. And to suit the mood, I wrote my first story, “Bathing.” That’s where it started, thanks to Rolan Antonovich.

- Was he a strict stepfather? Did you scold or punish?

Didn't scold, no. But Rolan Antonovich simply nagged me for my loafing, and that was more than enough. He was a very powerful man. Not authoritarian, but authoritative. If I came home late, he sat me down and explained that I was losing my starting position in life, that I was wasting my time, and so on - I sighed, lowered my gaze, and understood: something needs to be done about this, somehow to please him, so as not to nag...

When I wrote the story and realized that it was getting his approval, a month later I thought: I need to write more so that I can take a walk in peace later!

“My wife is also younger than me!”

-Are you going to have your own children?

I want three. This is a mutual desire of my wife and I. We'll wait a little for her to finish her studies and, I think, we'll get started.

- Is she much younger than you?

I don’t notice that we have any difference at all. She is an amazingly wise person, and it is a great pleasure for me to communicate with her. And consult. Even if I know in advance what to do, I still sometimes consult, just to once again enjoy her wisdom.

Pavel Sanaev with his mother

October 21, 2018

The famous director was considered by many to be an incorrigible ladies' man - but he turned out to be a monogamous man. Bykov believed that the meeting with Sanaeva was sent to him from above.

Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bykov. Source: Globallookpress.com

On October 21, actress Elena Sanayeva turns 76 years old. Long years the center of her life was famous husband, director Rolan Bykov. And after his death, she began making films herself - to finish what her husband had started...

Love at first sight

Elena Sanaeva in her youth. Source: Globallookpress.com

The director of the famous “Aibolit-66” was not a handsome man, but this did not interfere with his success with the opposite sex. Short, with a peculiar appearance and poor diction, he had incredible charm and charisma. Bykov's first wife was Youth Theater actress Lydia Knyazeva, with whom he lived for about ten years, until the mid-60s. After his divorce, many women dreamed of becoming mistresses in his house, as Bykov himself said, they tried to marry him more than once, and a couple of times he was even ready to “give up.” But every time something stopped. There were many romances, Rolan Antonovich even began to feel like an incorrigible womanizer - but the meeting with Elena Sanaeva changed everything.

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“You are my beauty.” How the role of Baba Yaga helped Inna Churikova get marriedInna Churikova is considered by many to be one of the main “ugly beauties” of Russian cinema. “Is it a boy or a girl?” many asked after the release of the film “There is no ford in fire.”

Before meeting Bykov, the actress had already been married. The first time she went to the registry office shortly after graduating from GITIS, in 1967, four years later the couple had a son, and two years later they divorced. As the actress herself recalled, she and her husband, engineer Vladimir Konuzin, were simply different people. After the divorce, Elena developed serious relationship with a man much younger than her, but then chance intervened in everything.

The 29-year-old actress met 43-year-old Rolan Bykov on the set of the film “Docker”, in which, according to the script, they turned out to be husband and wife. Sanaeva was involved in another film and was late for the start of filming. Bykov demanded that the actress be replaced; Maya Bulgakova had already flown to the set. Elena's father famous actor Vsevolod Sanaev, National artist The USSR, then tried to dissuade her daughter from the idea that she had to come to the shooting and “at least look” everyone in the eye.

She not only showed up on the set, but immediately starred in the first scene. The kiss with Bykov, which was not in the original script, but on which Rolan Antonovich unexpectedly insisted, both of them remembered for the rest of their lives. He began talking about love immediately after they met - as Sanaeva recalled, she had never heard such passionate and ardent confessions from any man. Rolan Antonovich made a marriage proposal a year later, on the set of the film “A Car, a Violin and a Blob Dog,” where Sanaeva came to visit him. When they were having dinner at a restaurant with colleagues, he got down on his knee and asked Elena to become his wife.

"God invented you..."

Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bykov on the set. Source: Globallookpress.com

more on the topic

Soon Bykov and Sanaeva began to live together, although they signed only after more than ten years. Elena looked much younger than her age. Bykov, who, on the contrary, looked older than his age, was very infuriated when strangers called the actress his daughter. For his sake, she changed her hair to look more mature, went against her parents - these were far from the only sacrifices on the part of the actress, but she never regretted anything. Ex-wife Rolana Bykova told her parents about the loving nature of her ex-husband and bags of letters from fans. The Sanaevs were against this relationship, but their feelings turned out to be stronger than their admonitions. And then the power of this love forced them to change their minds regarding the director, although this took years.

Bykov admitted that at the time of their meeting he no longer believed that he could fall in love. “God invented you and sent you to me,” he told his wife. The director and actor hated the film that connected their destinies; he called the role in “Docker” almost the only one he was ashamed of, but what did it matter when, thanks to it, fate gave him main woman in his life!

At first, the couple lived with Rolan Antonovich’s mother. Elena Vsevolodovna’s son remained with her parents: the actress was persistently convinced by both her mother-in-law and, especially, her mother, a powerful woman who loved her grandson with a selfless, tyrannical love, that he would be better off with them.

Rolan Bykov. Source: Globallookpress.com

Elena Sanaeva found herself between two fires. On the one hand - her mother-in-law, jealous of her son, on the other - her own mother Lidia Antonovna, who suffered because she was unable to protect her daughter from a man who could ruin her life, and who made every effort to protect grandson. Pavel Sanaev later described this dramatic story in his book, on which a film was subsequently made. He recalled that Lydia Antonovna loved her loved ones with such “tyrannical fury” that her love “turned into a weapon of mass destruction.”

Without her son, Elena Sanaeva suffered terribly, saw him constantly - fortunately they lived nearby, but all attempts to change the situation were unsuccessful. Until the age of 11, Pavel remained with his grandparents. When he finally began to live with his mother and her new husband, at first the boy was opposed to Bykov (not without the efforts of Lydia Antonovna). But gradually their relationship improved. The famous director had a huge sense of responsibility for his loved ones - and he felt responsible for Pavel as for his own child. Over time, Rolan Bykov’s relationship with his mother-in-law warmed up; Lydia Sanaeva finally realized that her son-in-law loved her daughter and grandson with all her heart, and accepted him.

Pavel Sanaev with his wife.

Vsevolod Sanaev was born on the outskirts of Tula, back in imperial Russia, in a large working family. It is known that his parents introduced him to the theater at a young age.

Realizing that somewhere next to simple workdays there is real magic, a little boy was drawn there. However, he didn’t even dare to think about trying himself as an actor: the grown-up children in the Sanaev family, and there were 12 kids in total, had to quickly master working professions and quickly begin to help their parents feed themselves.

Vsevolod did the same. While still a schoolboy, he became an apprentice to his father, who worked in a factory where accordions were made. The boy assembled and tuned instruments, and at 16 he became a master himself. However, the teenager dreamed of something completely different.

The first bells

Remembering the atmosphere of the theater he felt as a child, he decided to try himself on stage. At first he came as a listener to the Tula theater "Sickle and Hammer", then he began to act.

Believing in himself, the boy was inspired by the idea of ​​entering the theater, but his parents, accustomed to hard labor, were hostile to the child’s ideas and even quarreled with him when he was going to the capital. However, he left anyway.

Sanaev entered the theater department of the workers' faculty in Moscow, then there was a theater technical school, life from hand to mouth and constant part-time jobs in order to somehow make ends meet. But the young man strictly followed the path he had once chosen. After technical school, he entered GITIS, and only after that began to appear on the stage at the Mossovet Theater.

Lidochka: once and forever

While the aspiring actor was honing his skills, he also went on tour. From one such tour - to Kyiv - the young man brought the slender, emotional, spiritual Lidochka Goncharenko.

It is known that Lydia Antonovna almost ran away from her home: her parents simply did not believe in the seriousness of the relationship with the handsome metropolitan actor, who was going to take their trusting, amorous daughter so far away. To leave with her sweetheart, Lida quit her philology department and said goodbye to her parents. They both seemed to know even then that they would live in happiness all their lives, even though it would be hard for them to get it.


The first test was living in a communal apartment. At first, the young couple in love did not lose heart: there is a roof over their heads and crazy devoted love, a baby was born - Alexey, there is a piece of bread, and oh well. But the anecdote recklessly told by Lydia in the common kitchen played a cruel joke on her: many were jealous of the young, cheerful neighbor, who had also grabbed the handsome actor. Someone reported “to the right place.”

After the denunciation, the actor’s wife was subjected to real interrogations. Impressed by what had happened, she could not come to her senses for a long time, began to carefully monitor what she said, became withdrawn, was depressed, became depressed and acquired persecution mania, which was later officially admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Trial by war and death

The serious illness of his wife also brought down Vsevolod Vasilyevich. Now he had a double responsibility: Lidochka needed care, food, and for this she needed money. He changed several theaters, but everything was not the same, and then he discovered cinema for the first time. The wife managed to help, but depression and outbursts of emotions will haunt her for the rest of her life.

After the improvements came even more Hard times: The war has begun. After her announcement, Sanaev found himself on tour, and his wife and son were evacuated. There the child became seriously ill. Alyosha died in the arms of his mother, distraught with grief, for several days, and she understood that she could do nothing to help him.


When the couple was reunited, grief brought them even closer together. According to the testimonies of relatives, it was difficult for the family that lost their son to be together, but being apart was even worse. The Sanaevs religiously followed the oath of allegiance, being together in both sorrow and joy. Their prayers were answered.

After some time, Lydia Antonovna became pregnant again. The born daughter will be famous actress- Elena Sanaeva. However, as a child, she caused trouble for her mother: at a young age, Lena suffered from jaundice. For the mother, this was another test: having just lost her child, she thought with horror that the same thing could happen to Lenochka.

Blow by blow, fate destroyed the delicate psyche of an already naturally anxious and impressionable woman. Their daughter in frank interview one day he will tell that his father did not want to come home: it was hard to be with Lydia, and once he admitted that on tour he often told fans who were looking for his attention that he loved and was devoted to his wife and daughter.

How are they without each other?

Elena Vsevolodovna said in her interview that by the age of 75, her father’s health had deteriorated greatly. However, he suffered a heart attack, as he later admitted, so as not to leave Lida alone. How is she without him?

Lidia Antonovna died in 1995, when Vsevolod Vasilyevich was already diagnosed with lung cancer. The body of the actor's wife was cremated, and the ashes were at home. Elena Sanaeva later admits that she was deliberately in no hurry to bury her mother and wanted her to stay at home so that her dad would not rush after her to the next world. She will tell you that there was a special connection between her parents: “They grew into each other,” Elena Vsevolodovna will say.

However, Sanaev survived only ten months without his wife. He died at home, in his bed. Next to him were his daughter and son-in-law Rolan Bykov. A few days before his death, Vsevolod Vasilyevich admitted that he did not want to live.

The famous Sanayev couple is buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, in the same grave.

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