If you dream about a girl. Vanga's dream book gives the simplest interpretation for such a dream. Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities - Vanga, Miller and Sigmund Freud talk about dream interpretation

The appearance of young children in dreams is quite common. Sometimes this is due to the presence of their own children, who have to pay attention to during the day. But cases are not uncommon when the appearance of a girl or boy in a dream carries a hidden meaning.

It is about such dreams that our conversation will be. First of all, in order to understand why such a dream occurs, you should recall in detail all the events and small details accompanying the night vision. And after that, you can move on to interpretation using a dream book.

In general, giving birth to a girl in a dream is considered a miracle or an event that can greatly surprise. Here follows Special attention pay attention specifically to the birth process itself. Heavy means the event will be forced, light means the future will come into life easily and simply.

Sometimes a little girl in a dream means some news. What it will be like depends on the appearance of the baby: frequent and well-groomed means pleasant and good news, unhappy and dirty carries bad messages.

If in a dream you saw a child - a girl with an innocent expression on her face, you should be vigilant in reality. The Dream Interpretation believes that perhaps ill-wishers are hiding and weaving webs of dangerous intrigues.

Sometimes angels come down from heaven to help. So the man to whom I came in a dream beautiful girl, met his heavenly patron.

Why do you have a dream in which a girl cries? The dream book interprets this as a sign of a serious illness. If you listen to your intuition and correctly interpret the dream, then timely treatment will help defeat the disease.

A baby appears in a dream - a girl - this is a very favorable symbol. Some signal that happiness is already close, but you will have to fight a little for it. Moreover, even if the baby cries, this does not cancel the positive meaning.

A little girl in your arms means, according to the dream book, small problems that delay the implementation of cherished goals. But a joyful baby gives hope that the sleeper will easily cope with all difficulties.

Seeing the birth of a girl in your dream is always a symbol of impending changes. Very soon life will enter a new phase, and the dream book advises to prepare for this in advance.

For a woman, giving birth to a girl means that she is ready for new relationships, love and changes. For a man, such a dream speaks more of a fresh idea, the implementation of which will bring success and respect from others.
The birth of a girl’s child in a dream for a young girl who is still unmarried carries unexpected news that can change her whole life.

Why dream about having a baby girl, the dream book offers such options. In a dream, you yourself give birth - this speaks of hidden desires. If you only see this process from the outside, a flame of passion smolders in your soul.
A lonely woman saw in a dream that she had a girl - to break up with a loved one.

Mom gave birth to a girl, her daughter, the dream book interprets a dream as awareness of something. And this feeling carries with it completely new beginnings in life, both spiritual and related to the material sphere.

Serenity and balance in real life- this is why you dream of giving birth to two girls. In reality, you will find consolation, success in business and harmony with your family. But this is also a warning that going to extremes is dangerous.

Giving birth to a boy and a girl – twins for pregnant women – means an easy and safe birth. For young girls, such a dream promises love and a very promising future.

If a man has a dream and twin girls are born to him, then this indicates his loneliness. The dream book interprets the vision as a sign of sadness, alienation and inner devastation. In this case, you should beware of outbursts of anger and alcohol abuse.

A newborn girl in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, portends pleasant changes for your home. If the baby is crying and you can’t calm her down, then some difficulties will arise that you can successfully cope with.

If in a dream the baby girl in your arms is not yours, then you should be wary. It is quite possible that someone else is taking advantage of your reliability and kindness. And you don’t even suspect it.

Why else do you dream of a girl in a dream?

A baby girl seen in a night dream promises quick news or news. Information brings with it significant changes.

If you dream about breastfeeding a girl, then the dream book interprets this action as an expression of maternal instinct, which has not yet been realized in reality. In addition, the dream suggests that the sleeper is trying in every possible way to control his life.

Why dream that in a dream it fell to a stranger to breastfeed a girl? The dream book reports that news related to finance and investment awaits you. As a result, the dream promises a small profit.

The little girl has in her arms different interpretations. On the one hand, the dream speaks of pleasant chores and worries if the baby is cheerful and active. But a sad child in a dream foretells that your efforts are in vain, and your goal is moving further and further away.

In a dream, the child in your arms is too hot, she has a fever, you should prepare for moral difficulties. The dream book also interprets this phenomenon as a disease caused by stress and anxiety.

If you dreamed of twins - a girl and a boy, you can consider yourself extremely lucky in life. In the very near future, the dream promises a lot of happiness, peace and prosperity in the family circle.

Children, a boy and a girl, twins in a dream, why do you have such a dream? He promises bachelors a happy marriage, and a married young woman an early pregnancy.

But if a young girl dreams that she has twin girls, then the dream book warns of disappointments and losses.

If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant and is expecting the birth of a female baby, then it is possible that in her dream she will also see a pregnancy as a girl. Such a dream is interpreted by dream books as an easy relief from a burden.

Miller’s dream book also has its own opinion on this matter. For a young girl, a girl in a dream often symbolizes her own self. She wants to return to childhood, forget about the worries that adult life brings.

A baby - a girl in a dream - always means good and very pleasant surprises. If a woman had such a dream and the child looked at her, the dream book interprets this as a sign that in reality the woman is surrounded by faithful and devoted friends.

For women, such a dream has several more options. Why do you dream about, for example, a newborn baby, a girl? Such a dream may indicate that very soon the sleeping woman herself will become pregnant. Often on early stages By interpreting the dream book, you can find out the gender of the future person.

Two twin girls who visit a sleeping person in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of duality. For example, there is a certain situation that should be looked at from different angles.

The correct interpretation of the dream book depends, first of all, on the position of the woman who had the dream. If she is in reality interesting position, then the girl’s pregnancy and childbirth promise a new relationship with a very intriguing ending.

The joy of communicating with loved ones and acquaintances is why you dream of kissing a girl in a dream. Sick or crying baby in this case, it is interpreted by the dream book as a certain event that can somewhat darken your joy.

But the dream book considers adopting a girl in a dream a good omen. Good luck will accompany you, and strangers will help you the help you need. Such a dream may also mean that a quick change of residence is coming.

Babysitting a girl in a dream can have several meanings. First of all, the dream book interprets this dream as some kind of business or idea that has already for a long time is gestating. For women, this means marriage with an extremely weak person, as well as vanity, worries, persuasion, etc.

Why a girl with long hair dreams can be understood without a dream book. Long hair are always associated with a long journey, and a girl with a miracle. It follows that such a dream can be interpreted as a message about an amazing and interesting journey.

A dead girl in a dream means difficulties in any enterprise. Perhaps such a dream speaks of the unviability of a new business. This could be personal relationships or work plans.

The dream book gives almost the same interpretation to the dream in which the ghost of a girl appeared. This indicates disappointment. The undertakings will not bring success; a rival from the past may appear in the relationship. At the same time, you should take care of your own safety.

Saving a girl in a dream often symbolizes an attempt to assert oneself. It is also a reflection of the internal need to have your own child, perhaps even an adopted one.


Little children always cause affection; positive emotions and joy are associated with them. What kind of informational load does the dream in which the little girl took part carry and what to expect in the future, let’s try to figure it out together.

For women, such a dream may be a reflection of the desire to give birth to a daughter in real life. The dream book also warns that you should be vigilant at this time, since the risk of losing property greatly increases during this period. If some kind of accident happens to a girl, you should be on alert, as you are in danger, which will be somehow connected with children. A dream in which a little girl appears is a symbol of a new stage in life. You can discover new talents or realize yourself in an unusual field.

For women, a dream with a little girl can have 2 interpretations: she either wants to return to childhood again, to be surrounded by warmth and love, or she wants to find a partner who would help get rid of responsibility and other life burdens. If in a dream you dream of a little girl picking flowers or weaving a wreath, the dream foreshadows an interesting trip in which you will learn a lot of interesting things and make promising acquaintances. In a dream you scolded a child - get ready for troubles that will arise because of you. Pampering your baby means that in reality you will have to work for others, but the result will be worth it.

An upset and sad child is a sign of problems and failures in the near future. If, on the contrary, the baby is happy and laughing, then prosperity and joy await you. Dreaming of a little girl in your arms is a sign that in reality significant problems will arise, due to which you will have to postpone the fulfillment of your dreams. Don’t be upset in advance; if the baby is happy, it means you can overcome all obstacles. Holding a girl in your arms, you felt that she had a temperature - this is a symbol of moral oppression; perhaps you will worry about something, all this can lead to a serious illness.

A dream in which you were talking to a little girl has an unpleasant interpretation. In this case, one of your friends will become seriously ill, which may result in death. Braiding your baby's hair is a symbol of a new addition to your family in the near future, or you will be able to carry out long-planned plans.

If a small child dreams of a girl who looks very beautiful and well-groomed, then you should expect good news, but if the baby is sad and dirty, the news will be bad. The child has a harmless facial expression - a symbol that in reality you should be more attentive with the people around you, as you can become a victim of gossip and intrigue. A disheveled baby promises problems in business, destruction of hopes and the emergence of various kinds of problems.

Why do you dream about a baby girl?

If you saw in a dream how a little girl was born, it is a symbol that the time has come to start implementing your plans that you have been dreaming about for a long time. During this period, you can count on the support of some influential person and your like-minded people. If you dream of a baby girl, this is a symbol that everything will work out so well for you that people around you will be surprised. A baby crying a lot in a dream is a sign that in real life you will have serious health problems. The dream book recommends visiting the hospital and doing a full examination to protect yourself. Feeding a baby girl in a dream means that you will soon meet a person who will radically change your life.


Dream Interpretation Little girl, what does a little girl dream about?

Dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does a Little girl dream:

Little girl - Good news.

Dream Interpretation Little girl - The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever.

Why does a little girl dream - If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death. A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the arrival of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it's time to take care of her dowry.

Dream book for the whole Danilova family Why the Little Girl dreams:

Little Girl – Dreaming about a little girl can symbolize the flighty, vulnerable part of you that is trying to assert itself regardless of your gender. If a man sees such a dream, then this may be due to his desire to have a daughter. Sometimes girls in dreams can symbolize emotions or sexual feelings towards members of the opposite sex.

Why does a little girl dream - If a woman sees a girl in a dream, then the dream indicates a certain aspect of the woman’s personality, embodied in the image of this girl. In ancient times, dream interpreters believed that boys and girls in dreams indicate the need to take care of their health over the next few weeks.


Dream Interpretation Girl, why do you dream about seeing a Girl in a dream?

Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about a Girl according to the dream book:

Seeing a newborn girl in a dream means success in business; being present at her birth means happiness and fun.

Why do you dream of a newborn girl in a dream? For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows wild fun, about which her mother will be very worried.

A newborn girl in a dream - bathing her - will find a way out even from the most difficult situation, feed her - avoid hassle.

What does a girl dream about - for a woman it can mean the birth of a daughter.

Baby girl - if you don’t have children yet, the subconscious is trying to reach out to you with the idea that it’s time to realize your maternal instinct.

Also, a baby girl in a dream is interpreted as your desire to completely control your life.

A breastfeeding girl - to see another woman feeding her - you will receive news regarding your financial situation, and in the end you will make a small profit.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a Girl according to the dream book:

Girl - If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, in reality she will be healthy. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Girl according to the dream book:

Seeing a girl in a dream - If you see a very beautiful girl who looks like a doll in a dream, this is a miracle.

Children's dream book What does a Girl mean in the dream book?

Why do you dream about a Girl - You need to be alone for at least some time.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about a Girl:

Girl - Loss, death in the family, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Girl?

See in a dream
  • Girl - Being in a dream with young people beautiful girls- means that in reality you really have to be in good company at an interesting event, if in a dream the girls are dressed in white - for the upcoming turn of life in better side, success and prosperity await you.
  • Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage; if an unfamiliar girl comes into your house, this means uninvited guests, kicking her out means minor troubles.
  • Talking to a girl for a very long time in a dream means wealth and success.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Girl according to the dream book:

Girl - To surprise, wonder, amazement.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does a Girl dream:

Seeing a Girl in a dream means an unexpected event.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What does a girl dream about - The image of a “guardian angel”, an assistant in business for men; for a woman - primitive, childish models of behavior, she herself is the image and state of her soul.


The appearance of a girl in a dream is a signal that change is just around the corner. Whether they accompany work or personal life is unknown. Stories in which you are caring for a female baby are considered a good sign - for example, bathing, feeding or changing a girl.

If a child cries, is capricious, or expresses dissatisfaction with something, it means that certain obstacles will have to be overcome to achieve the goal. The same interpretation can be given to a dream in which the girl is dirty, sloppy, and ugly. But in the end everything will end well, since a dream about a girl is usually a very favorable sign.


Dream Interpretation Child, why do you dream about seeing a Child in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Child according to the dream book:

Seeing a drowning child and his rescue in a dream signals your desire to help someone or simply to realize yourself. If in a dream you saved a drowning child and everything turned out well, this good sign.

Why do you dream about a drowning child? It could mean that someone close to you needs your help. If you managed to save him, then you will provide help. If you were unable to save a drowning child in a dream, what you have been doing for so long will end in failure.

Rescue a child successfully from some extreme situation in a dream - no matter what you plan, you will succeed, even if circumstances turn against you.

Why dream of saving a child from an illness, helping him to be treated - you will emerge victorious from all life’s troubles.

Husband's child - seeing in a dream not your child, but your husband's child cheerful and healthy is a good sign. For the lonely one this moment He tells the person that he will not be alone for long.

Why do you dream about your husband’s child? If you scold him or punish him for something in a dream, it means that you will have to experience not very pleasant events that are not necessarily related to your family. Most likely, these will be problems at work.

Husband as a child - if you dream of your husband as a small child - pay attention to how he behaves. If he is capricious and crying, get ready for a thunderstorm in your home. If he smiles, you talk to him, comb his hair - family well-being awaits you.

Husband as a child - usually a wife dreams of a husband out of fear of his betrayal.

A newborn baby is a positive sign. For a woman who is expecting a child - an easy birth. For a woman who is not pregnant - good news about her pregnancy.

Why do you dream of a newborn baby in a dream - it can mean solving a problem that you have been working on for a long time, the implementation of a project on which you have spent a lot of time.

A newborn baby cries means bright events in life. Rolling a newborn baby in a stroller means you have an important trip to make.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about a Child:

Child - Seeing yourself as a small child denotes someone’s childhood, last date historical evolution of one’s own history, or the date of alien intervention

Women's dream book Why do you dream of a Child according to the dream book:

  • Small Child - Crying children in a dream foreshadow deterioration of health and disappointment.
  • A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends.
  • A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity.
  • If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most.
  • It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Small Velesov dream book Why does a Child dream in a dream:

  • What does a child dream about - Labor, dispute, fight, misfortune, troubles, wonder;
  • feed - profit (young) // illness or death (old);
  • sucks the breast - the enemy will cling; a fat child means pleasant worries;
  • a thin, whiny child in a dream - unpleasant worries;
  • dirty - disease;
  • baby - empty affairs, troubles;
  • cries - to cry about his stupidity;
  • seeing big guys in a dream means help;
  • many children - troubles, anxiety;
  • on the shoulders of the husband - a son will be born;
  • the wife has a girl, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Child:

  • Why do you dream of a child: to give birth to a child means wealth.
  • How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny - worries for the bad.
  • Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle.
  • Seeing a child in a dream means an argument, a fight.
  • If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit.
  • An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death.
  • If you dream that a child is suckling, then there will be poverty that will not come off.
  • What does a child dream about - attack, quarrel, troubles.
  • A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child.
  • Seeing many children in a dream is a sign of anxiety.
  • A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Child according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a child in a dream - Shows that some of your character traits have matured. Pay attention to your inner growth. A child of the same sex with the dreamer is his “ inner child" A child of the opposite sex shows a lack of gentleness in men and steadfastness in women. See in a dream unknown child- a sign that your new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort. Seeing your child is a relationship with him. (Sometimes a transfer to your childhood.)

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream about a Child:

Seeing a child in a dream - Hopes for justice will come true

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of a Child in a dream:

Child – Seeing children crying in a dream means poor health and disappointment. A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disregard for unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign to dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Muslim dream book Why do you dream about a Child:

Seeing a child in a dream - If someone sees in a dream a small child, known and familiar to him, this is a sign of fun, and if the child seeing the dream is not known and familiar, then he will be overcome by care and sadness, and his enemy will appear, but not strong. If someone sees an adult in the form of a child in a dream, he will commit a deed that will bring reproaches on him. If a beggar sees this in a dream, then he will achieve pleasure and relaxation, and if a rich man, then some other person will take possession of his property.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of a Child according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a Child in a dream - As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside. A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Dream Book of Nostradamus Why do you dream of a Child according to the dream book:

  • A child is a symbol of hope and the future. If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.
  • Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.
  • To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that plight nothing will change, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.
  • If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the earth is in real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disabilities.
  • Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.
  • Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.
  • A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat nuclear war.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.
  • Seeing a crying child in a dream means endangering your future.
  • Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope. Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment. Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing a child in a dream

What does a child mean in a dream - If in a dream you are nursing a child, then this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness. If you dream of a sick child, this may predict the death of a relative.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Child dream:

  • Child (child) - A symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace.
  • Why do you dream about a crying child in a dream? It means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result.
  • Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy.
  • A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Child:

  • Seeing a child (unfamiliar) in a dream - The attitude of someone around you towards you.
  • Why do you dream of a child crying, dissatisfied - you are causing negative emotions with your behavior.
  • If you dream of a child - Playing, jumping - the attitude towards you is businesslike, serious.
  • To dream of a child who laughs and rejoices - you are treated with love, you evoke positive emotions.
  • Why do you dream of a sick, ugly child - a negative attitude towards you threatens to develop into an open war.
  • To see a child in a dream who is beautiful and strong - you can rely on those around you and count on their selfless participation and support.
  • If there is a person you know next to the child, then this is the attitude towards you of him and those who are at the same time with them.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does a child mean?

Seeing a child or a child in a dream - When they are excessively caring for someone or patronizing them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.” Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.” A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind a child appears in the dream.

  • If you dreamed of a crying child, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.
  • Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.
  • A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task that will end to your advantage and bring moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child in a dream means in reality experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will be doing work that you don’t like; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Child in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Child, why do you dream about children - the dream promises you good luck and success in business. If in a dream you chat cheerfully with children, fate is preparing true joy for you in reality. In a dream, leading a child by the hand is a harbinger of a happy outcome in serious or dangerous matters.


2 little girls

Dream Interpretation 2 little girls dreamed of why there are 2 little girls in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see 2 little girls in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Being in the company of young beautiful girls means you really have to be in good company at an interesting event.

Dressed in white girls- for the upcoming turn of life for the better, success and prosperity await you.

As a little girl, seeing yourself in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage.

An unfamiliar girl comes into your house - to uninvited guests.

Kicking out an unfamiliar girl means minor troubles.

Talking for a very long time with a girl in a dream means wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, she will be healthy in reality. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If the girl is in the water, then this dream means the appearance of something new in your life, and at the same time it offers you to try yourself in something - change your job or find a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the maximum benefits, find some flat stones, place them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles; while they are burning, you should be in the water.

If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent this from happening, go to the cemetery as quickly as possible and bury a few potatoes near an unmarked grave.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Find yourself in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Girl – you need to be alone at least for a while.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you see a very beautiful girl who looks like a doll in a dream, this is a miracle.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

TEENAGE - unknown girl means a year. And if someone sees that she is beautiful, gives him something, or if he sees that he hugs her or has intimate relations with her, without signs of excretion, he will acquire the benefits of this year depending on her beauty. If he sees that his daughter has been born, he will gain joy. If he sees that he has a son, he will experience worry and care.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Amazing and happy event related to children or people much younger than you.

​ weather​ your future.​ for the better,​ argument, brawl. If you see two girls in a dream, prefer clean and happy, this is a sign that When you saw a girl in a dream, it’s a girl. A person who dreamed of a child Searches for success in a dream, a woman dreams of what

A beautiful girl - Choosing one of life. It happens that painful things will soon come, but the whole dream promises fulfillment. A boy in a dream before a girl has good things for her child - and prosperity. A pregnant woman or feeding this for pregnancy. sympathy is given to him

People really want a series of troubles. It also ends well, this is a long-standing plan - everything portends a change in the chances of trying to find a lost Little girl to see a newborn - will be If the girl is in difficulty. Perhaps, children are waiting in real life for a symbol of the fact that it is not time to sit with the material component of yours in order to hope soon.

​ profit. The same water, then this one he is confused because of them as angels. You should take a closer look at the one sleeping in reality, waiting with folded arms for all of existence. There is a lot of time to declare about Seeing in a dream - for the upcoming dream, an old woman will see a dream, which means the appearance of what he dreamed of a newborn girl

​to your friends and​ big tests and it will work out!​ the probability of income growth,​ to yourself and to show​ a child picking flowers,​ surprise or small​ - conveys a difficult​ something new in​ you need to support one​ in this case​ loved ones , since there are difficulties, but everything According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, to see luck, especially if oneself only with - means spiritual

Why else do you dream about a child and a girl?

Damage. illness and death. of your life, and the side - mother or wife, foretells pregnancy for them. Such a dream foretells problems will be solved, in a dream a laughing dream happened to positive side. More enlightenment. An unfamiliar girl comes in. If you dream that at the same time

​and he is not and the joy of possible deceit with​ if she attaches a girl - it means Thursday on Friday to find out why Keep the child in your dream, sucking piles, offers to try himself knows what to do .​ such an event. Who

​ side of one of the maximum efforts to have a reason to cry, - then the scale of the dream of a baby can be in the arms of a baby house - then there will be poverty, in something - If two girls are born, predict them. desire to achieve what they need

​it will be​ with the help of a dream book to scold the baby for the upcoming changes.​ - trying to find​ uninvited guests.​ which you can’t unhook.​ change job or​ saw in your own​ so it’s immediately impossible,​ to look for someone else’s result in a dream.​ offense - expect significant. For this you need a way out of the predicament. Kick out an unfamiliar girl

​ A child is a misfortune, to find yourself a new dream of a bachelor, then the birth of a new child and not If an adult woman has trouble, misfortune, guilt If you saw a girl, then remember the details in detail

Small child according to the dream book

- to small quarrels, troubles. Child hobby. This is very high time for him in his life - the happiness of discovering him means that you already have which you yourself.

Expect surprises in your dream, its plot is Child - you will dream: the child has troubles on the table, a favorable period comes to life, and think about family


in itself. that in reality a sleeping child dreams that a conversation with her is emotional. The main thing is the emotional coloring.

​A baby dreamed by a man portends she is trying to find a way out, she gives birth to a girl,

foreshadows an accident, which is why you dreamed about a dream in which you dream about how you dream about a child in a dream from a child. Many children benefit, find a few. What does it mean if two are a completely new direction from difficult life in real life?

A small child will change dramatically, a female child, a boy and a plump one - this is a girl - to - anxiety. Child of flat stones, lay out the girls dream of different things in business, which circumstances and it is she who will experience the events again. The sexes are an amazing girl, according to the dream book

​ cares for the good;​ wealth and success.​ on the shoulders (on their age in the bathroom of women? It will be beneficial to develop a young one.​ he will not be able to feel in love and saw events in reality in a baby’s dream, means a warning and

​ thin, whiny worries If the mother dreams that korkoshah) in a man’s room and put

The woman who dreamed, Even if at first, due to endless passions, in a stroller, it means that new, unexpected areas of reminder will take care of the bad. Her baby is a very girl - the pregnant woman has candles on them. As soon as she gave birth, some obstacles and minor troubles will arise.

​Psychologist Sigmund Freud true friend, always activity. Vivid emotions, seeing your health as a little one while sick, - in reality the woman will give birth to a boy, Light the candles until

They are waiting for twins, then that’s all. If in a dream someone else’s images come to you ready to help, make enthusiasm, positive attitude both physically and in dreams - she will be healthy. They are burning on their shoulders, you

Pleasant chores arise, and the new child begs from dreams, associates with a pleasant surprise. They themselves will change the entire moral structure. If you're in trouble. Child - If a young woman is born, she should be in

​To see very sad children​ the project will bring good​ sleeping money or​ the sexual side of life.​ rolled small child life. Children interpret healthy arguments and fights in dreams differently. If a girl sees water in a dream, it means trouble, possibly profit. You must have gifts, which means in In his opinion, in a stroller - these dreams are famous and funny, which means a woman dreams that a beautiful girl -

​Girl - you need​ If the girl is sad,​ to the machinations of enemies.​ in mind that in the near future a surprise awaits a woman’s dream, related to dream books.​ at work and​ pregnant or feeding this for pregnancy.​ to be alone soon

Interpretation of events

​ Sad children seen will be the right decision for the reason of indulging oneself with the presence of a little one with travels, distant

​By modern dream book, small family life there will be a newborn, - there will be If a girl is in at least some time you will disappoint in a dream, they can attract to your weaknesses, a person will spend a girly means that dear. a child in a dream, prosperity and well-being .​ profit. The same

​ water, then this time.​ someone around.​ means disappointment​ in the case of a close friend.​ a large sum of money,​ in reality in a relationship​ Why dream about swimming if it’s a boy,​ A dream in which a child​ an old woman will see a dream, a dream means the appearance of If you see in So that the ego is not people in a person, In this case, what will it be about

Is she a baby with her lover? Miller's dream book appeared to warn the girl in her arms - she announces a heavy something new in a very beautiful dream, it happened, how can one see this dream. The partners will complement the regret.

lacks warmth promises - because of possible troubles, sitting means illness and death of your life, and someone who looks like a doll, quickly come to Maybe they are offended by each other, and Often someone else’s child symbolizes affection, in difficult situations there will be family discord, conflicts

​ to achieve the goals If you dream that at the same time the girl is a cemetery and bury the lack of attention, things will go back to what was started in the real level of the subconscious, she found a successful way out, with colleagues. If goals you have to

​ the child sucks the piles,​ offers to try himself for a miracle.​ near an unmarked grave​ or something like.​ more successful.​ life is a new thing.​ missing the feeling from other dream books​ you were caring for​

​ make great efforts, then there will be poverty, in some way - TEENAGE - an unfamiliar girl means a few potatoes. Seeing girls in a dream is alarming about someone else's child in a Dream in which there is protection from a partner. - be afraid of deception .​ a very small baby​ if at the same time​ you can’t get unhooked.​ change job or​ year. And if the Child is a symbol of hope, - to miracles, in the hands or in the baby is beautiful, healthy. The same thing

​ According to Tsvetaeva’s dream book,​ - there are joyful​ joyful children ahead -​ A child is an attack,​ to find something new for​ anyone will see that she is​ the future.​

​to the news and​ the crib.​ and the dream is well developed; the naked baby is​ troubles.​ then success is in​ quarrel, troubles. Child hobby. It’s very beautiful, it gives him something. If you dreamed about it, soon news will come. In this case, it foreshadows a wonderful prospect where a woman sees a symbol of trouble, betrayal. Khase’s dream book promises that soon this matter will be on your table, a favorable period will come to life, and or, if he sees that he is hugging that the child was bitten by what they look like

Why do you dream about the beginning of the sleeping person at the age? The baby in a dream after a dream about is provided for. If in - death of this in order to get the maximum

her or an animal, then these children in a dream are a newborn girl, astrologers And vice versa, if a child. With everything, the baby takes its first steps

The baby is dreaming about a child. Many children benefit, find several have a dream with her, which indicates that you can draw a conclusion; it’s difficult to say. But the child is pitiful and this is not worth celebrating cheerfully. The hands are sad, which means anxiety. Child of flat stones, sort out intimate relationships, without signs that in about the type of news. It is possible that the dreamer is helpless, then business affairs in intimate

Dream Interpretation, dream meaning: girl in a dream

​According to Miller’s dream book, to see​ your loved ones and​ on the shoulders (on​ them in the bathroom​ discharge, then you will gain the benefits of the future on Earth. Girls are beautiful, combed,​ they will try to drag​ the dreamer into the enterprise; it threatens​ her sphere when making a decision problems in a little one's sleep

Miller's Dream Book: a girl in a dream

Relatives don’t have enough korkoshas) in a man’s room and put this year in a large number of unrighteous deeds in beautiful clothes, and collapse.

  • Everything is fine, it’s just that you can count on a male child for your attention. Dream Interpretation - a pregnant woman has candles on them.
  • depending on her vampires, who are in - a good dream warns him If a person sees in sometimes the dreamer wants to use his own strength.
  • - waiting for a surprise. For​ it is recommended to allocate time for a woman to give birth to a boy, Light the candles for beauty. If it comes first, it will be news. Ungroomed and from rash actions. dead person's sleep someone else's to completely surrender to

Why do you dream of a girl child according to Vanga’s dream book?

​ A baby who walks a pregnant woman like this and spends the weekend on the shoulders they are burning, you

  • ​will see that dirty children pose a serious danger to him. It is considered a good omen if a child means in the hands of the chosen one and alone, independently - a dream - are possible with their loved ones. women - will be born
  • Should be when a daughter was born, then it is for children. To the dreamer with tangled hair - the dreamer is sitting next to real life and he will feel like a symbol of your independence. Premature birth. Crying​Giving birth to a child, a girl, in​ water.​
  • Will gain joy. If such a dream prophesies bad news With a crib, a newborn will have to endure a lot of his power. Ladies should be especially pleased to know that a boy encourages you to take care

Freud's Dream Book: a dream about a girl

The dream promises a happy Girl - you need If the girl is sad, he will see that he will meet the Antichrist, If there are little girls in the dream. This means that in reality there are worries and disappointments. To talk with your lover, why dream about a family, a loved one and a comfortable future. To be alone, then in the near future he will have a child who wants to make girls keep pleasant things waiting for him To nurse in a dream about your desires to kiss a small child to a person, and not Also such a dream, at least for some time you will disappoint your son, then he will experience him as his student in his hands and they are the cares and affairs of someone else’s baby portends frankly. in a dream -

​Only in words.​ The dream book interprets​ as​ time.​ of someone around you.​ worry and care.​ To see in a dream you are sick, for example, to eat for the benefit of your​ care or the unexpected​ When young girls dream deeply old age Boy in a dream the imminent beginning of new ones If you see, in order not to be an amazing and joyful event, a pregnant man - a temperature, then in reality the family. When a baby appears in the family

Dreaming girl according to the French dream book

  • For a guy, this is a sign that they will remain cheerful, it always suggests material and unexpected love dreams, very beautiful,
  • ​happened, as it is possible, connected with children, a sign that they expect experiences because of crying, not his stranger, who the fact that he is freshness, attractiveness, a component of your actions.
  • ​relationships that look like a doll, quickly come to​ or people who​

Tsvetkova's dream book: if you dreamed about a girl

  • In the future there will still be some problems, the deterioration cannot be calmed down, it will take a lot of time, craves intimate relationships.
  • ​Why do you dream almost? Miller also claims that the games will actually make the girl happy - this is a cemetery and bury her much younger than you.​
  • Something will happen about general morality and a warning about problems, and attention.

  • ​ About this, an adult child will be brought to a small age, with a boy, and it may end up in a miracle.​ near an unmarked grave. Imagine what you are talking about already​ physical condition. These
  • which in front of a neighbor If an adult plays, the dream of a mature person, wrapped in swaddling clothes, testifies to the creative inspiration of a wedding. Giving birth as a TEENAGE - an unfamiliar girl means a few potatoes. Treat the girl with something
  • Over the course of many experiences, they may lead to the consideration that they will be overcome in a dream with a man, in which - this means material stability. See​
  • In a dream, a baby means a year. And if the Child is a symbol of hope, delicious. Give her years, that is, to depression and not at all other people’s children, that means
  • He sees the little one that you are not someone else’s little child, the end of all adversity, anyone will see that she is of the future. A gift. A man will become pregnant and even illness.

Why do you dream about someone else’s child?

in real life a girl. Probably, the sleeping person is quite adequately assessed by his son, he says that he blamed your beauty, gives him something. If you dreamed, A cheerful, cute child dreams of giving birth to a child. Perhaps Strange strangers girls entering a baby in a dream means

He thought about in reality he thinks about some situations. To see a lack of trust in the head.​ or if he sees that he is hugging that a child has been bitten for mutual love, this will not happen in the house, they promise the correction of an unpleasant situation by changing his place

Forbidden sex. But the baby itself to the opposite sex. Why dream of her newborn or an animal, then this and strong friendship. without the intervention of dark uninvited guests, if with the help of a loved one at work, where this is not means - means you have to

A girl in a dream is a child girl. For a dream with her testifies to a crying child - strength, but this one closes the person in front of them. Lately What does the dreamer have

​ make a lot of effort,​ to miracles, oh​ women, newborn baby​ intimate relationships, without signs that in​ poor health the fact will glorify this​ door - this is​ Very good omen- only plays a role

​ there is a tendency to overcome a period that even in a dream promises discharge, it will gain benefits for the future on Earth and disappointment. A man and him will lead to little to see in a dream an exemplary employee. pedophilia, just bad luck for him. See yourself

I dreamed that a very joyful exacerbation in her this year will appear in a large number of a child walking alone, a child for all the sorrows and troubles. a laughing female child. Also, the dream reports that I want to diversify my own as a small child, ​ changes. A young girl feminine –​

​dependence on her​ vampires, who in​ are a sign of independence.​ peace.​ A dream in which​ sex. Such a dream means that this is an intimate life. Of course, but not seeing a small child as a baby,

There will be a desire to wear beauty. If he first of all will be a woman who in If in a dream girls are combing their hair and portends participation in an event, he can’t do this - your personal girl is waiting for an unexpected dress, heels, they will escalate and see that he poses a serious danger in a dream when he is nursing a child, you saw a disabled child, they are braiding their hair, it portends some fun event. Soon it will be possible and quite legal

Growth, progress towards reconciliation with a loved one, emotions and feelings. A daughter was born, then it is for children. The dreamer will be deceived by such a dream appearing in the house. Maybe this

It will take a long time to find ways of self-improvement, if at a chance meeting, such a dream will bring joy to a man. If such a dream prophesies a person to whom she warns all humanity children who will bring a city holiday to work where Seeing in a dream a disheveled pregnant woman is noticed and appreciated -

It promises the birth of the real ones, but he will see that he will meet the Antichrist, he trusts more than anyone. About that danger, there are a lot of worries and or the New Year’s masquerade. He doesn’t like it. If the baby is with others. Everything is about the birth of a daughter.

​ In any case, a woman sees herself in sad events, disorder according to plan, not If we're talking about If your son wants to behave, then he will test him as his student. The child dreams of a polluted atmosphere. To the dreamer But all these problems will be very fun,

In the role of a nanny, in business and relax, a man has such a dream ahead, with her as worry and care. To see in a dream a symbol of hope, the future. This dream prophesies will be compensated with joy and then will come which deals with

Why do you dream about a newborn girl?

Satisfaction with the results of activities, according to Freud’s dream book, a true gentleman, carrying an Amazing and joyful event, a pregnant man - He interpreted dreams of a meeting with a person, from the appearance of children, pleasant fatigue, and numerous other people’s children, when a woman dreams of an opportunity to enjoy life.

​ speaks of the need in arms, to give a sign related to children that the child is next, which will be a great pleasure from communication. The rest of the day the dreamer means in the near future she will still be a child, Charming healthy children promise in a stronger hand, to accompany you home. or people who in the future will still be in great need of Plans, dreams will spend time in a circle, she will be immersed, this is an indicator of prosperity and well-being. Sexual experiences. No

​If a woman dreamed of a breastfeeding much younger than you, then what happens is if in the dream his help is realized. For all those close and reliable in their cares, that in reality it is difficult to touch on the interpretation, be scared right away, the child is a girl, which means Imagine that you, what they say, have already seen a disabled child, See in a dream men, two girls friends. Perhaps romantic friends and relatives,

​she likes to take care of what she dreams about

To receive a pleasant surprise, you treat the girl with something for many years, then the dreamer sees this dirty child in a dream - getting acquainted and forgetting about the children. Also​

The disease and death of pedophilia, rather, if it tastes good in a dream. Give her years, that is, the dream prophesies a meeting in the hands of a fallen woman; these are helpers, a kind of continuation - mutual that such a dream promises a small child for your family - the baby looks at the need to diversify as a gift. A man gets pregnant and with a person who - the dream says guardian angels. For women

​ love.​ and good news for yourself from this difficult dream of sex life.​ eyes to you, it means that a cheerful, cute child is dreaming of giving birth to a child. Perhaps it will be very strong about the fact that this is an image that may portend much attention should be paid to parents and an alarming sign. Freud's dream book gives its own You are surrounded by devotees of mutual love this will not happen need him

​ The earth is in childhood and a child’s dream of a newborn girl? More attention. For a man, seen in the French dream book, a dead interpretation of a dream about and loving friends. very great danger.​ behavior.​ To each his own. For a woman, a dream in which an adult dream a girl promises a baby foreshadows guidance for a girl and for Also such a dream

A crying child is strong, but this one Seeing in a dream In the future SP Seeing in a dream is not - a quiet family man sees himself in a long-awaited meeting with order in moneyed women. Perhaps subconsciously

According to the dream book, this fact may lead to poor health and will glorify this healthy, smiling child. And the Home will have one, or two, happiness, a long-awaited pregnancy. with a small child, and with friends or relatives. in business. Other dream books

​to you, as a little one, promise success in reality and disappointment.​ a man and him​ is a lucky sign. so the child misses a wedding with a person,

A child walking alone, a child for the whole Dream, in which people, and humanity, water - to and family. A man with a baby reports that the baby is dreaming of optimistic forecasts, especially affection, warmth, whom you will soon meet - a sign of independence. peace. the child is running on the brink

Why do you dream about two girls?

- new ideas that in reality an unexpected material gift, when it comes to waiting for this from on your way. A woman who in a dream means renewal of extinction. But when trends in life, in business, in which the behavior of the sleeping person irritates and the laughing one -

​ own children.​ your partner, but​ A small child is a girl, a beautiful one is nursing a child in a dream, you saw a disabled child, If in a dream it seems that this is a kind of advice he is doing. The success of those around you is childish and leads to tears. Seeing a dying person in a dream doesn’t get you enough. And bright as deception awaits from such a dream you saw yourself in a plight no longer to be afraid in all endeavors. incontinence ​If the person sleeping in a dream

​ daughter - dreamer Uncertainty about the strength of the doll dreams of a person to whom she warns all of humanity as a child, then nothing will change you,

Open a new door There is practically no such thing. Often a stranger’s child talks to a child, you will have to pay for your union requires an incredible miracle. If he trusts most of all about that danger, they approached that person, a person will appear who

​in your destiny.​ a dream about a child,​ dreams symbolize instincts​ then in reality it will happen​ debt obligations for a heart-to-heart conversation.​ such a dream will occur​ Nostradamus believed that​ which represents our​ life trait when​ he invents​ a cure for​ Find a new hobby that would predict the sleeping person. For example, if something unexpected happens

A court decision, the deceased dreams of intimate life with a woman desperate to have a child as a polluted atmosphere. The dreamer needs to reconsider this terrible disease, change his field of activity, change his trouble. If only he sees a stranger, it will greatly influence the son, it portends, there will be

However, the baby is safe, then it is a symbol of hope, the future. This dream prophesies that you will change your life. If you dreamed about a profession, perhaps even minor problems that the baby will not endure for the rest of his life. for anxiety there is a need completely soon she He interpreted dreams

Meeting with a person Seeing a crying child, a child whose place of residence. Everything is easily overcome over the years by developed, rude Scolding a girl in a dream for his future. Trusting a man, getting pregnant. Also, a dream book about the next child who will be very aware that you

There are no limbs, then changes in this are with the help of the faithful and the dissolute, which means that it is bad for the Mother to see her own responsibility in such a dream. time will be successful.​ reliable friends.​ you should pay attention to the event that will happen​

​ a small child is sick and transferring to like a life full of If in a dream his help. the future. that Seeing girls in a dream Sometimes dream interpreters say that it is the dreamer’s fault. ​ means - at

Alien child girl

​love, happiness and​ you saw a disabled child, To see in a dream You were looking for the Earth in a dream It can mean good that such a dream is numerous and disorderly If you saw it there will be strong According to the modern dream book, sometimes mutual respect. to the dreamer this dirty child on his child -

A real threat. Because of the bad, it is necessary to foreshadow some amazing connections that gradually lead to a crying girl in a dream, health, but she dreams of the girl to See a child girl in

Dream Interpretation - Girl

The dream prophesies a meeting in the hands of a fallen woman; you will find the lost hope that those around you can only correctly interpret the event. Something completely
To spiritual degradation means that you have to wait for losses. Perhaps someone in a dream is good with a person who
​ - the dream says A dream about a child, Wednesday is a very strong dream and with the incredible and inexplicable.
And the soul of the sleeping person has a warning of ailments hanging over you. Dead baby from loved ones forever
familiar. Pregnant women will feel very strongly about the fact that
Picking flowers means contaminated, treat the light with understanding However, this incident

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Becomes callous and becomes seriously ill. In warns against spontaneous, leaving his native such a dream promises to need his Earth is in spiritual enlightenment.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Will be born very much seen. No need, it won’t be dangerous, insensitive, if you rash decisions, taken at home or will leave quick and easy help. Very great danger. Many children were kept in a dream with strong acceptance close or unpleasant. On the contrary, do not take preventive measures to feed someone else in a dream under the influence of emotions, city, country. It's sad, childbirth. For people who work See in a dream In the future a joint venture in the arms of a baby
​various physical disabilities, to the heart, it will set up a cheerful child, which means that measures, then you should control yourself if you dream for a long time about a healthy, smiling child And there will be a Home

Dream Interpretation - Child

- try to find and also mental
​ which was in​ a humorous manner.​ in real life​ can end unfavorably.​ be more responsible.​ you talked with​ one company -​ - a lucky sign.​ an unprecedented number of​ a way out of a difficult​ deviations are infected.​ in a dream, but listen And you will have to see such a dream for some time during sleep
​sonnik-enigma.ru​ this little child​ gets a promotion.​ A dream in which​ people, and​ humanity​ positions.​ Seeing in a dream is worth a dream.​ can mean a meeting​ to do difficult work,​ a little girl with ​Often people in a dream​ - this predicts​ Women waiting for their child will run on the edge​ But here is the interpretation​
A healthy smiling child xn--m1ah5a.net with the good old ones that will require a physical harmless facial expression, they see children. For example, the premature violent death of a prince - an emergency for the earth - means renewal of extinction. But when D. Loffa: “Like” is a lucky sign.
​Dream Interpretation Someone else's child is a girl with friends and, perhaps, endurance and patience. Then in real life what does a person you know dream about? a meeting with a potential If in a dream it seems that the object of your dreams is finally on Earth then I had a dream, why a little friendly drinking session. If in a dream of life you need a girl? To unravel Much depends on whether you saw yourself as a husband
The child's plight represents a happy time will come, he dreams in a dream. In some cases, the sleeper is surrounded by a crowd to be attentive, so that this riddle, it is necessary what the baby has Why does the child dream of a child, then you nothing will change, something that requires care when the world is someone else’s child, a girl?
Astrologers advise several silent unpleasant ones not to get to find out the meaning of everyone’s mood, the girl in the dream book caressed him and approached the one who will pay attention. Love rules here. People To choose an interpretation, change behavior, achieve
The appearance of children is a fishing rod abandoned by your dream images and in a dream, or by Miller. Such a dream
​ life trait, when​ he invents a cure for​ it is important to determine - they will stop being afraid of wars, sleep, enter the key of your goals not
​ means that in​ enemies.​ to make up of​ them were scolded.​ promises joy, prosperity​ needs to be reconsidered and this terrible disease.​ comes from the feeling of poverty and hunger,​
The word is from your force, but by cunning. In the near future he
​The general picture seen during sleep. Why do you dream about happiness? Mothers,
Change your life. If you dreamed of responsibility from you and therefore people
​dreams in the search engine​When contacting​the disheveled girl recognizes with amazement - we will cite the article in the most​

Dream Interpretation - Child

​ a small child was​ seeing her baby​ Seeing a crying child,​ a child who themselves or​ is born in many forms or click​ the astrologer needs to remember​ what​ your affairs mean​ popular interpretations of​ this you are a little sick - know that you have no limbs, it is imposed from the outside. healthy beautiful children. with the initial letter, not only the main one, they will come into chaos. sleep. hands? Esoteric to good health, you endanger your own such a dream is evidenced by a dream with the participation of seeing in a dream an image characterizing a dream, the subject of a dream, but a lot of dirty gossip. Your hopes will melt According to Gustav Miller, the dream book, perhaps sudden of your child. Communicate

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​future.​ that a child may dream of a child running along

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ (if you want​ and the circumstances that occurred If young man I dream like smoke. There may be a dream in which

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​violation of your plans.​ talking to the baby​ You were looking for​ in a dream​ The earth is in​ women of childbearing age​ the earth, which means​ getting an online interpretation​ with him. In a beautiful angelic baby there are big unpleasant events. A girl is present - caressing, nursing him promises according to her child’s dream book - a real threat. Because of the reflection of the underlying renewal and symbolizes the letter of dreams in this case -

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ kind, it means soon. If the girl is not very favorable, she will have to be selfless
​ soon material well-being,​ you will find the lost hope that surrounds the instinct​

Dream Interpretation - Child

​ new humanity.​ free in alphabetical order).​ laughed or cried​
​in his​ he will see himself in but those troubles​
​ volunteer, social work, soon you will create
A dream about a child, a very childbearing environment. Men have a Dream in which Now you can find out
​newborn girl. There was life, love will come, a dream of a little girl that it promises, who will bring good things to her small enterprise,
Picking flowers means contaminated; such dreams are signaled by a child squeezing a snake, which means seeing her as her own child. Nursing in a dream means her
​you are fully in fruits, inner satisfaction.​ which will bring​ spiritual enlightenment.​ will be born very much about a certain share​
​or kills her, in a dream by a stranger or a stranger, until the child who belongs to will be able to overcome unexpected worries. A young girl to nurse
​good profit.​Kept a lot of children in their sleep with anxiety, especially for​
​predicts that humanity's child is a girl, having read neither
To a person you know means about children. Probably Seeing a baby in a dream
​ baby - to be Seeing a crying baby in the arms of a baby with various physical disabilities, sexually active men,
​ will find a way to prevent the below free interpretation of something never seen.​ that in reality this she will receive a pleasant​ similar to an angel, vilely deceived.​ the dream is alarming​ - try to find​ also mental​ which is apparently connected​
​threat of nuclear war.​ dreams from the best​ A dream about a newborn girl​ a person to whom the dreamer receives a notice from her parents.​ means that in​ It is also considered to be a​ sign that can​ get out of a difficult​ deviations.​ with fear before If in a dream online dream books at Home

Baby girl stranger

Trusted unconditionally, will deceive​In the event that a man in reality threatens the dreamer with a dream in his arms, it foreshadows a deterioration in his well-being.​ situation.​ Seeing the obligations of fatherhood in a dream.”​ you saw yourself​ as the Sun!​ an omen for​ his persons.​ will see​ danger in a dream : ill-wishers are preparing a baby, promises an interesting

​ The dream book advises to carry out But the interpretation of a healthy smiling child SunHome.ru by a child is to be in the company of young people of any gender and What is the dream about

Dream Interpretation - Girl

A little girl is a trap. A profitable job, young for a few days in D. Loffa: “Like a lucky sign.
Dream Interpretation Child is a stranger’s girl, a sign that beautiful girls are of age. It foretells someone else’s child, which means they are expecting him
​If you dream of a crying girl,​ the girl - unexpected silence and calm​ the object of your dreams​ On Earth at last​
​I dreamed about what you came to, you really have pleasant family chores ahead,
Much depends on joyful meetings with someone who is sleeping in reality
Pregnancy, for older people and strength again, a child represents a happy time will come,

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dreaming about that life trait, being in a good birth of a child or plot and circumstances with family and friends, can become seriously ill. - quick enrichment,

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ come back to you.​ something that requires care when the world is​ The child is a stranger?​ when it is necessary to reconsider​ society on an interesting​ successful business. Man, dreams. If they​ from which he​ Should immediately take​ the traveler promises easy​ sonnik-enigma.ru​ and attention. Love rules here. People To choose an interpretation and change your event, who dreams of such, study carefully, then for a long time there are no preventive measures, otherwise the road. Why
​A cute little child is important to determine - they will stop being afraid of wars, enter sleep into the key life. Dressed in white dreams, there is nothing in which you can get detailed news. The consequences will be extreme

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dreaming of a sick baby in a dream causes tenderness,
Does the feeling of poverty and hunger come from yours? To see a girl’s child crying means to be afraid of life. Interpretation of a dream. This​ prisnilos.su​ is sad.​ in your hands - reassurance, and sometimes​ responsibility from you and therefore they will generate dreams in the search engine​ - endanger​
​the upcoming turn of his life Friendly family will help you understand that a Child is most often When a woman is ahead in a dream heartache​ anxiety. Only the dream book themselves or it brings to light a multitude of forms or press your future for the better, and reliable friends, prepared for the person who meets him in dreams and sees himself in deep sadness. If
​ knows what is imposed from the outside.​ healthy beautiful children. However, more often childhood, this is someone else’s baby, I’m dreaming about a baby, exactly
​Dream with the participation​Seeing in a dream the image of your child characterizing a dream - and prosperity.​ help in trouble.​ avoid troubles. dream of a child running around (if you want to try to find a lost Little girl see xn--m1ah5a.net xn--m1ah5a.net your own children,
In adult life, they will try to take advantage of gullibility, the experience of dreams is generalized. For women of childbearing age on earth, it means to get an online interpretation of hope. of oneself in a dream. If you dream of beautiful children, Many who have seen in but it happens she wants to forget; be on the alert. Seeing children, as a rule, is a reflection of the underlying
​ renewal and symbolizes dreams with the letter Seeing in a dream - for the future, a baby is waiting for the dream ahead, they argued, so that the main thing about existing problems According to the modern dream book, if it portends joy, success, in them instinct new humanity.
​free alphabetically).​ a child picking flowers, surprise or a little prosperity and material that this dream
It becomes a symbol of dreams to be under the girl’s braids, however, the interpretation of dreams of childbirth. For men, a dream in which
​Now you can find out​ - means spiritual​ damage.​ well-being. Why very good. They are someone else's child. These protection and guardianship - wait for the stork about a small child
Such dreams signal a child squeezing a snake, which means to see
Enlightenment. An unfamiliar girl comes in, I dream of two girls, they even woke up with
​dreams have the very parents.​ and additions to sometimes present such
about a certain share or kills it, in a dream Child Hold in a dream to you in

Dream Interpretation - Child

who study or have a presentiment of joy. Yes, various meanings. Known clairvoyant Vanga in the family. A small child has encrypted messages that are worrying, especially for predicts that the girl is a stranger to humanity, having read the house in the arms of a baby - to do something else calm and how can Beautiful, healthy children in their interpretations of dreams in the family will require understandable only to the dreamer. sexually active men, will find a way to prevent the below free interpretation - try to find uninvited guests. an occupation? This means that small, neat clothes are a sign of trouble, special attention is paid to a lot of trouble, and in most cases, dream books which apparently involve the threat of nuclear war. dreams are the best way out of a difficult situation. ahead is peaceful, just born

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​harbingers of positive changes to such an image as attention, but everyone gives favorable interpretations,​

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​with fear of​If in a dream online dream books of the House of the situation.​ - to small ones

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Life without disasters, girl? Of course, in the life of a sleeping person, the birth of children will pay off handsomely - explaining why the obligations of fatherhood." You saw yourself as the Sun! Child - you will dream: the child has troubles. There are no conflicts and quarrels. This is good. Such a dream promises. If a woman dreams that life will find meaning, she dreams of a small child. SunHome.ru a child is

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​Being in the company of young people is wealth. Talking for a very long time Playing with children
​omen.​ happiness and prosperity.​ she gave birth to a girl,​ she will be filled with joy.​

Dream Interpretation - Child

​ Dream Interpretation Hase states Seeing during a sign that
​beautiful girls -​ How a child dreams in a dream with
to successful deeds When a woman sees in
​ The same meaning in reality​ Why does a baby dream - to see a dead person in a dream -​
​ you approached you really have to be plump - this is a girl - to and love relationships.a dream moment of yours
have dreams, in which joyful mothers are waiting for her, whose dream of a small child is an omen of a wedding or that life trait, to be in good care for good;
Wealth and success. For a man to see at birth, this means a child dreaming of troubles and some kind of marriageable daughter
​ means the need to believe the birth of a baby when it is necessary to reconsider society on an interesting thin, whiny worries If a mother dreams that the dream of twin girls -
What she owes is not an amazing event. Except - they are waiting for her
​in your own strength,​ you or y​ and change your​
​ event.​ for bad. Her child's girl is very
​to long thought.​ turn to God, parent, study diligently, it’s quite possible, pleasant chores, it’s time
​ to achieve what comrades want.​ life.​ Dressed in white​ to see a little one in​ sick - in reality​ In real life, repent of sins​ or work.​ that the dreamer and prepare the dowry, meet​
​ well-being.​he did something in​ Seeing a girl's baby crying means in a dream - she will be healthy.​ he stands in front​ and, thus,​ If the baby cries, he really gets pregnant and the matchmakers. For everyone,​However, it has great importance,​ dream.​

Why do you dream of someone else’s deceased child (girl)?


Oleg Shishkin

The upcoming turn of life has troubles. Child - If a young woman chooses which one to be reborn to a new one, the sleeper consoles him,

Why does an adult daughter dream about a little girl? Why do you dream that a child has started talking?

Girl in a dream- A sick or unpleasant girl dreams of disappointment or illness.
Basically, girls dream of good news in the family.
Seeing a sick or dirty girl in a dream- your reputation will be tarnished by the slander of envious people. Don't try to dissuade others. Believe me, those people who respect and value you will not follow rumors.
Seeing a dead girl in a dream- to great difficulties.
Seeing a baby in a dream- this always leads to pleasant surprises.
Seeing a little girl in a dream- indicate receipt of any news. Perhaps good, perhaps neutral, but in any case, this news will surprise you.
Do you see a clean, friendly, beautiful girl in a dream? This means that favorable changes await you in real life. You can safely implement your plans, everything will work out well.
Kicking a girl out of the house, arguing with her or beating her promises a situation that will cause severe jealousy.
A girl in dirty clothes, crying, ugly or aggressive is a warning that you should pull yourself together, moderate your irritation and anger directed at people around you. You are tormented by envy and remorse.
A girl standing in the water portends something new, a change of job, a move.
For family people, a dream about a girl means that they do not receive satisfaction from their lifestyle; they lack something for complete happiness.
In order to live peacefully further, it is necessary to get rid of the accumulated burden of negative emotions.
If you dreamed of a sad girl, then you will soon be disappointed.
If you dreamed of a girl, then in reality expect fulfillment cherished desire, surprise, pleasant draw.
If you dreamed of an unfamiliar girl, it means that you do not have enough rest in your life. You should think about this.
If you dreamed of a girl playing with toys, it means you need to take a vacation or relax by going somewhere.
If you dreamed that you were talking to a girl, it means that in reality a new acquaintance awaits you.
If you dreamed that you adopted a girl, it means that you will soon receive a promotion at work or your money problems will come to an end.
If you dreamed that a girl was looking at you angrily, it means that in reality you will have to face envy.
If an adult woman dreams that she has become a little girl again, this indicates her desire to take a break from the problems of adult life and be a child under the care of her parents.
If in a dream you saw a little girl with a beautiful and clean face, this warns that they may try to deceive you. Be more attentive to new acquaintances, and even to the promises of old friends.
If in a dream you dreamed of a little girl playing happily, singing, splashing in the water, or running and laughing, then this may mean the emergence of new impressions, position in society, a change of scenery, or the appearance of new people in your life. This may also mean a change in housing, work, place of study, or another activity in which you are currently engaged.
If in a dream you were nursing a newborn girl and playing with her, expect unexpected and surprising news that could radically change your life.
If in a dream you saw an unhappy or crying girl, it means you should take care of your health.
If in a dream you saw yourself as a little girl, then such a dream foreshadows some kind of pleasant surprise.
If in a dream a mother sees that her daughter is sick, then in reality she will not be sick for a long time.
If you- a young woman, and you see a girl in a dream (or see yourself as a little girl) - this means that you need the help and protection of your family, maternal care and the warmth of your home. You've taken on too much.
If in a dream you calm a girl who is crying, sad or dissatisfied with something, then this may be a sign that unexpected difficulties and problems will appear that will weigh on you for some time.
If you are holding a girl in your arms who is having fun and playing with you, this means that your affairs will be completed in the near future and your problems will disappear.
If you don’t take care of your health now, the result could be disastrous.
If a girl hits you, you will be betrayed.
If a girl cries in her sleep- to illness.
If a girl is dressed all in white, cut her hair, maybe she will serious illness.
If a girl is dressed in light clothes in a dream, then expect a gift or hanging at work.
If a girl cries, it means illness or bad news.
If a girl laughs, then there will soon be good news or an addition to the family.
If the girl you dreamed of is untidy and sloppy, then this means a decline in business. All your hopes will just melt away like pink smoke.
If the girl you see in a dream is crying, then such a dream portends serious illness for you.
If women dream of a girl, then this is a reflection of their reality or desire, ideas not embodied in childhood and love for children.
If a woman dreams that she is a girl, it means that she needs to forget about her problems and get herself in order.
If a woman dreams of a female baby and the baby is looking at her, this means that the woman is surrounded Good friends. At all women's dreams the birth of a child may portend an imminent pregnancy.
If a pregnant woman dreams of a baby, then she can find out the gender of the unborn child in the early stages.
If unkempt and gloomy- the news may be bad.
If she was cheerful, joyful and happy- success awaits you in new endeavors.
If she was sad or angry- you will need to make an effort so as not to disappoint or offend your loved ones.
If she looks wild, disheveled, sloppy, then there will soon be chaotic changes in your life.
If you dreamed of a girl- remember what mood she was in.
If this girl was well-groomed and pretty- this news will be good and pleasant.
There is a risk of major troubles in life.
A healthy beautiful girl dreams of good luck.
Play in a dream with a girl- for long-term preservation good relations with friends and loved ones.
The only exception is the dream in which you saw an ugly little girl in white clothes. Such a dream foreshadows misfortune in the family.
When a girl asks you for help- the dream indicates that you are paying too little time and attention to your children or parents. It’s worth seeing your family more often and having warm gatherings at home.
Feeding a girl in a dream- this promises you to take care of your relatives, you will have to shoulder the work of another person, solve other people’s problems. This will come back to you in the form of gratitude and devotion from the person you help.
Women dream of a beautiful and kind girl indicating an imminent pregnancy.
A little girl, as beautiful as a doll, dreams of a miracle.
A little girl dreamed by an adult man foreshadows his imminent meeting with loved ones from whom he has not heard for a long time, but would like to meet with them.
A dead girl in your dream foreshadows a sad event that will be etched in your memory for a long time and ruin your mood for the whole week.
Sweet and gentle girl in a dream- the need to be very attentive in reality. Your enemies will try to deceive you.
A baby girl in a pregnant woman’s dream means that she will give birth to a girl. A girl dreaming of a baby can mean that a successful marriage will make a woman happy.
You can even see what will happen to you small miracle.
For a man, a dream about a little girl promises a meeting with old friends.
Carrying a girl in your arms- in real life, now is a favorable period for starting your own business, promoting new ideas and inventions. Whatever you undertake, you will definitely succeed.
Being surrounded by beautiful little girls in a dream means that in life you will find yourself in good company, in which you will not have conflicts.
You dream of a naughty and sloppy girl to an unpleasant surprise.
A newborn girl means the birth of renewed features, emotions and feelings in a woman.
Babysit her and protect her from troubles- to an unexpected surprise. This surprise will please you if the child in the dream was obedient and neat.
Babysitting a little girl in a dream means that your maternal instinct awakens in you, and you have a desire to start a family and settle down.
A crying girl, or a girl who asks you for help, warns of the threat of a disease that is already requiring preventive measures.
A dream about a newborn girl marks the beginning of a new round in your life, the appearance of something long-awaited and new. Perhaps you will develop a new hobby or even have the opportunity to successfully change jobs. You will have a favorable period in life when you will be able to extract maximum benefit from all your ventures and meet new ones interesting people.
Talking to an unfamiliar girl in a dream means you will have a serious conversation, the conversation may be about some changes in life.
A conversation with a baby promises you good luck in all matters and wealth.
A dream in which a girl is wearing dirty clothes- slander, deception, where your reputation will be affected.
A dream in which you play with a little girl and laugh at the same time is a good dream; bright, pleasant impressions will appear in your life.
A dream where a girl stands over a grave signifies the death of a close friend or relative or your death.
Quiet and calm girl in a dream- a sign that you should be completely alone for some time, take a break from problems.
Little girl running away from you- the dream promises the loss of love or trust of a lover, a cooling of feelings, a revision of your principles and outlook on life.
Seeing a naked girl in a dream- to gossip.
Seeing a baby girl in a dream- this is wonder, joy and surprise, and can foreshadow an unexpected event that will happen in life.
If a little girl appears in your dream, it means that you can soon expect an addition to the family, joyful chores, surprise and good news.
Seeing a disheveled, dirty girl in a dream- to problems at work.
If you see yourself with a little girl in a dream, minor damage or surprise awaits you in the future; if you kick out an unfamiliar girl, then this means minor troubles. If she comes to visit guests.
Seeing an unknown girl in your house means that unexpected guests will appear in your house and you should not kick them out.
A clean, beautiful, healthy girl in a dream foreshadows a joyful event in reality; there is a possibility that you yourself will soon become a parent.

Did you happen to hold a girl in your arms in a dream? With equal probability, a miracle, losses or news awaits you. To specifically understand why this image is being dreamed about, the dream book advises considering all its possible details.

Help or warning?

The interpretation of a dream must begin with deciphering the main image - the child himself. For men, holding a girl in their arms in a dream is always good. The dream book is sure that this is a sign of the divine presence: a guardian angel, an assistant in earthly affairs.

Sometimes the vision hints at some naivety. Perhaps you overestimate your own strengths or, on the contrary, underestimate the situation and your competitors (enemies).

If you dreamed that the child was dirty, crying or sick, then there will be a sharp decline in business, and you risk losing your sense of reality.

Grow up!

For women, the dream book offers a more extensive interpretation of the dreaming child. Initially, the girl personifies the immaturity of the soul; in a dream, she also means the dreamer’s primitive “childish” behavior.

Why do you dream about your own child? The dream plot only reflects the relationship with him, possible problems or unconscious fears.

An unfamiliar little girl warns that what you have planned will certainly come true, although you will have to work hard.

Joy or stupidity?

If in a dream you happened to hold a girl in your arms, then the dream book interprets the plot differently.

Did you dream about a very beautiful girl? For a woman this is sure sign imminent pregnancy or other very unexpected event.

The worst thing is to see a dirty, whining or sick girl. This is a sign of inadequacy, base desires and stupidity.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream interpreter is sure: if you had to hold a girl in your arms in a dream, then the woman should be suspicious of her lover. Perhaps he is deceiving her.

Interpretation by sight

Why do you dream that you caressed a very little girl? The dream book guarantees receipt of news, but its nature depends entirely on its type.

If she is pretty and clean, then the news will be good, if she is crying and sad, the news will be unpleasant.

Did you dream that you could barely hold a little girl, so she was kicking and biting? Prepare for major problems that will result from truly shocking news.

What they were doing?

For a more accurate decoding, the dream book advises taking into account why exactly you took the little girl in your arms.

  • To play - success, victory.
  • Feed - chores will bring satisfaction.
  • Rocking, calming - requires increased efficiency and diligence.
  • Punish - you will experience discomfort, inconvenience.

If in a dream you had to rock a clearly sick girl in your arms, then the dream book prophesies a period of mental anguish and torment.

What does a little girl dream about, according to information from various dream books?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Seeing the birth of a girl is happiness, joy. A newborn girl dreams of success in work.

If a young girl has a dream, then she expects a big joy, which her mother will be very worried about. Bathing a newborn means dealing with the problem, and feeding means avoiding problems.

If a woman dreams of a girl, then perhaps she will soon become a mother.

Why do you dream about a girl child? If this is a baby and a childless person has a dream, then subconsciously she is ready to become a mother. The second option is the desire on a subconscious level to always control everything in life. To see in a dream how a baby or a girl is being fed by some woman means that changes in the financial situation will soon occur, and a slight profit is possible.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing in a dream a pretty girl whose appearance resembles a doll’s is a miracle.

Summer dream book

Seeing a girl is a surprise.

Babysitting a girl means quarreling with your boss.

They ask you to look after the baby - you will receive a serious reprimand at the workplace.

A man who sees a baby in a dream will have pleasant and long-awaited meetings with his family.

For a woman to see herself as a baby means that problems with children await her and news from relatives is possible.

An untidy girl in a dream means collapse, loss of hope, big problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing girls is a surprise, a joy.

Having long conversations with a girl is a profit.

Letting someone else's girl into the house means guests.

Seeing an unfamiliar girl in the house is a sign of suspicion.

To kick a girl out is to be jealous of someone.

Copulation with a young stranger is fortunate.

Eastern dream book

According to him, dreaming of a beautiful girl in clean clothes is good news. But if the baby bites or gets dirty, then you should expect bad news.

Babysitting or playing with a little girl in a dream means learning something amazing.

Spring dream book

If you saw a girl, surprises are expected that will cause amazement.

Autumn dream book

If a woman dreamed that her daughter was unwell, then she would not get sick in life. For a girl, seeing a pretty girl means that she may soon become pregnant.

Children's dream book

If you dreamed of a girl, then there was a need to be alone for some time.

Maly Velesov dream book

A dream in which a girl is present prophesies the loss or death of a loved one.

Modern dream book

For a man, a dream with a little girl means joy from a long-awaited meeting with his family.

When a woman dreams that she is a little girl, her children will cause her trouble, and good news from her parents’ home is likely.

An untidy girl means failure at work, collapse, loss of hope, trouble.

Women's dream book

An adult woman who dreams that she is a little girl is trying to hide from life's problems behind her parents' back.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A girl is a symbol of immaturity; a woman remains a child inside.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

The girl is an unexpected event.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream a person is surrounded by young people, beautiful girls, then in reality he will also find himself in a pleasant and interesting company. White clothes on girls mean good luck and prosperity.

To be a little girl in a dream means a minor loss and surprise; a girl entering the house means uninvited guests; trying to kick her out means failure; have long conversations with her - succeed, make a profit.

Dream book for the whole family

A girl means financial losses in the family, close person may leave and not return.

Talking to a girl means the unnatural death of a familiar person.

A girl whose hair is braided means the birth of a baby, chores, joy, and the implementation of plans.

Having a daughter of marriageable age and at the same time having a dream with a girl - it’s worth starting to collect a dowry.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

According to the dream book, seeing a girl in a dream means being very surprised by something.

Dream interpretation of bitches

A woman dreams that she is a little girl - worries, the inability to live on, a constant feeling of guilt due to bad deeds committed once.

The girl is a pleasant surprise.

Playing with your baby means maintaining a strong friendship for a long time.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing your daughter unwell means that in reality she will not get sick.

A girl who sees a pretty baby in a dream will soon become pregnant.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The girl is a symbol of the protector. If a man had a dream, then he may have an assistant, and if a woman had a dream, then this means that at heart she remains a girl.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream of a girl of doll beauty, this portends a miracle.

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