Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing a secret wedding with his young lover. Is Fyodor Bondarchuk marrying Paulina Andreeva? Bondarchuk marries Paulina

He is 49 years old, she is 28. He left his beautiful wife and left the family. She was the mistress of Vladimir Mashkov. Love relationship The almost cult director Fyodor Bondarchuk and the young actress Paulina Andreeva cause a storm of reproaches and caustic assessments. The curious public is indignant, but does not stop studying in detail the latest news about the exciting novel and carefully examining provocative photos on Instagram. The wedding of Bondarchuk and Andreeva, according to rumors, was supposed to take place in September 2016, but the event did not happen. So, will they get married or not?

Polina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk: the first spark in a relationship

The director and actress were never just friends - their relationship immediately began with love magic, with a spark. Bondarchuk and Andreeva began to look at each other in a special way in the fall of 2015. Young actress- graceful and stunning - captivated the audience with both talent and slender legs, and lace underwear at the play “Number 13D” at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Paulina Andreeva in the play “Number 13D”

Fyodor Sergeevich was also struck on the spot. The fire in a long marriage has long gone out. Paulina lit a long-awaited spark in the eyes of a mature man. The love relationship between Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk began to develop at lightning speed.

Love of Andreeva and Bondarchuk: does the age difference interfere with happiness?

Spiteful critics believe that 20 years is a huge age difference, and love between Bondarchuk and Andreeva is impossible. Celebrity experts do not agree with the verdict of envious people. Fashion critic Alexander Vasiliev noted that Bondarchuk suits the youth style of clothing. IN torn jeans and fashionable hats, the man looks much younger than his years.

Before the wedding, the famous TV academician is actively losing weight and tirelessly showering his future young wife with fabulous gifts. The couple has already decided that the wedding ceremony will be modest, quiet, but tasteful. The proposed location for the celebration is hot, love-inducing Spain. Paulina already has a unique ring worth 4 million - the road to happiness is open to her. The age difference does not prevent Bondarchuk and Andreeva from blossoming with love, making crazy plans and living actively.

Wedding of Bondarchuk and Andreeva: are they getting married or just getting ready?

The ex-wife of the sex symbol of Russian cinema, Svetlana Bondarchuk, after the divorce, posted a provocative photo on her microblog showing her, Fedor and their daughter Varya. Family idyll? The beautiful couple decided to reunite? There will be no wedding - Bondarchuk and Andreeva will not get married?

Bondarchuk family, photo from Instagram

Rumors spread online: Bondarchuk has come to his senses and is begging Svetlana for forgiveness. In fact, there is no “thaw” in the relations of the once exemplary family. The couple broke up elegantly and without scandals, and their former love cannot be returned. Svetlana and Fedor continue to communicate in a friendly manner solely for the sake of the children’s peace of mind. Rumor has it that the film director's former life partner long ago gave her heart to one of her many admirers.

Photo from Instagram of Svetlana Bondarchuk

At the closing ceremony of the Kinotavr film festival in June 2016, Andreeva and Bondarchuk officially appeared as a couple.

Bondarchuk and Andreeva appeared together for the first time

The other day a couple in love appeared in a Georgian cafe Rezo Gigineishvili. The stars had a wonderful time in the company of friends, not hiding their glowing eyes from anyone.

Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk spend the evening with friends. Photo from Instagram of director Rezo Gigineishvili

Bondarchuk admits in an interview that he is “fooled” by his new passion and is ready to marry her tomorrow – this fall, for sure! Bondarchuk and Andreeva will definitely get married - everything is decided, although Paulina does not dream of a white dress and is in no hurry to go to the registry office. The girl is waiting for the hype around her to die down.

When will we see photos of the wedding of Andreeva and Bondarchuk?

Psychic Mohsen Norouzi clearly sees future photos luxurious wedding Bondarchuk and Andreeva. The beautiful couple will soon formalize their relationship. The clairvoyant claims that the beautiful Paulina will try on the veil in the fall. The holiday will be held secretly - without the involvement of the press. The union of a brilliant actress and a strong film director promises to be strong and happy. The lovers will work on their own bright projects and delight the audience with their talented works.

Paulina Andreeva in the TV series “The Thaw”, which brought fame to the actress

According to the psychic, the fragile girl will give her famous husband a daughter. True, the medium warns that young Paulina will have more than one whirlwind romance ahead.

Psychic Mohsen Norouzi

The attractive actress is not thinking about motherhood yet. The girl does not want to give up bright roles and successful career. The master of Russian cinema assures journalists that he does not intend to organize a grand feast in honor of the upcoming event of the year, but photos from the wedding of Bondarchuk and Andreeva promise to be interesting.

Latest news from the life of Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk

At the end of September, a gala presentation of Alexander Rodnyansky’s film “The Duelist” took place. Philip Kirkorov on personal page on Instagram he shared a touching photo in which the singer is captured with a beautiful couple in love.

Fyodor Bondarchuk's friends and colleagues have a positive attitude towards his muse. Paulina's relatives (according to Catherine's passport) warmly welcomed the new family member into their home. The actress's younger brother shared on the page in social network a memorable joint photograph with the film director.

Paulina Andreeva's younger brother Boris with Fyodor Bondarchuk

Close people and acquaintances are happy about the happiness of the couple in love - everything except own son Fyodor Bondarchuk - Sergei. Non-conflict and balanced Seryozha unexpectedly reacted sensitively to both his parents’ divorce and upcoming wedding father.

Sergei Bondarchuk Jr.

According to latest news from the life of Bondarchuk and Andreeva, the adult child Fyodor gave his father an ultimatum - us or her. Sergei believes that when a father breaks off relations with his mother, he automatically abandons his own children. Fedor hopes that he will be able to improve relations with his son, make him friends with Paulina, start new life no offense or omissions. Bondarchuk often has to drop by to see his ex-wife Svetlana in order to please his upset child.

According to the latest news, Bondarchuk organized a joint “conciliatory” vacation for Paulina and her son. Despite the claims of Sergei, who is saddened by the divorce of his parents, preparations for the wedding are in full swing. Bondarchuk admitted that he had already chosen the organizer of the upcoming ceremony. The director's fiancee is not worried about the important day in her life. Maxim magazine included the actress in the honorary list of the sexiest beauties in Russia. The fatal lady has too much to do - she simply has no time to worry about wedding lace.

Bondarchuk and Andreeva say “no” to Instagram, “yes” to real life

Neither Fyodor Bondarchuk nor Paulina Andreeva are keen on life on Instagram. The film director's fiancee has opened an account on a social network, but is in no hurry to be active on her page. All her personal data and personal photographs are closed from prying eyes. But ex-wife Bondarchuk constantly pleases fans with new photos. After a divorce, a lonely lady often films revealing outfits, taking seductive, piquant poses. Judging by the personal microblog of a divorced woman, her life is still fun, male attention she is not deprived at all. You need to look for personal photos of Andreeva and Bondarchuk on the Instagram of their star colleagues.

Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk: novel or game?

    Neither Fyodor Bondarchuk himself, nor Paulina Andreeva, new passion they haven't said anything yet. So far there are only rumors in the press and on the Internet that he divorced his wife after such long marriage That they lived to see their grandchildren was precisely because of this young actress. There is no information about the wedding anywhere.

    Some printed publications and the Internet are indeed filled with such rumors about the upcoming wedding of Fdor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva.

    But in fact, Fyodor Bondarchuk, his relatives and the comrades around him are surprised by these rumors, since in their opinion this is very exaggerated information.

    There are still other languages ​​that claim the affair between Bondarchuk and Andreeva. After all, Fdor is divorced and free, and the young actress Paulina would happily marry an experienced director in order to advance her career.

    Indeed, all the newspapers wrote that Fyodor Bondarchuk was marrying Paulina Andreeva. It turns out they have been dating for half a year. Moreover, Bondarchuk only recently divorced his wife and is ready to go back to the registry office.

  • So far, at the beginning of April 2016, Bondarchuk was divorced and had not yet married anyone.

    Naturally, Fedor’s heart is occupied again and this is Paulina Andreeva, who is an actress and quite successful. A few days ago, information appeared that the couple was preparing for a wedding, but again this was all at the level of rumors; Fedor and Paulina themselves did not report anything. They also say that the celebration will happen soon.

    I also thought that he would marry again, but it turned out that this was not true. His close people denied these rumors. Maybe he will get married in the future, but for now he doesn’t seem to be planning to. He only recently divorced his wife Svetlana. Fyodor Bondarchuk is really dating the star of the series Method Paulina Andreeva, there are even rumors that he divorced his wife because of her, but they are not going to get married in the near future.

    I don't know who to believe and who not. I personally received this news on my phone today for my 7-day magazine subscription. In which it is directly stated that Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing for a wedding with the young actress Paulina Andreeva.

    He won't marry anyone yet, these are all rumors. So far, it is only known that he is having an affair with the young, beautiful, famous and popular actress Paulina Andreeva. And there is now a lot of gossip and speculation around this.

    One of the most unexpected divorces occurred between Fyodor Bondarchuk and Svetlana after 25 years of marriage, they remained in good relations, raising grandchildren. Rumor has it that the successful actress Paulina Andreeva became a homewrecker, but neither she nor Bondarchuk say anything. According to rumors, there will be a wedding soon, and Paulina herself insisted on a divorce. Maybe someone planted a canard in the media.

    Together with Svetlana, Fyodor Bondarchuk has been married for quite a long time since 1991 - 25 years. But since then, as the couple claims, the relationship has not become so strong and it turns out that they did not get along in character. Now they both officially announced their divorce in March of this year (03/19/16).

    The famous director has had an affair with actress Paulina Andreeva since last fall.

    This is how Fyodor Bondarchuk himself speaks about her:

    In 7 days they report that the wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and the film actress who played in Law and Order, Thaw, Grigory R, ​​Single Status will take place.

    Perhaps the wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva will really take place? We'll wait and see until they announce the wedding themselves. In the meantime, the actor and director just got divorced.

    IN Lately The divorce of Svetlana and Fdor Bondarchuk, who decided to separate after twenty-five years, is being actively discussed online marital relations, and naturally, the director’s fans couldn’t help but look for the reason for this. Apparently, the reason was discovered in the person of the young and very talented actress Paulina Andreeva, who, according to Bondarchuk, attracted him while still a student, and then the girl for quite a long time was in a relationship with the famous actor Vladimir Mashkov, with whom she broke up, supposedly, for the sake of Fdor Bondarchuk (more details here), about preparations for the wedding - here. However, no comments have yet been received from Fdor and Paulina.

    So far, the exact fact who Bondarchuk will marry is not known. Yes, maybe he won’t marry at all. You can live civil marriage and the stamp in the passport does not essentially change anything, except for the division of property.

    The Bondarchuk couple divorced after twenty-five years life together and they were considered a great couple.

    Now there is a lot of talk that Fedor and Paulina Andreeva are together, but this is speculation, and no one has yet confirmed this information at all.

    When this director says that he will get married and name his chosen one personally, then it will be possible to believe in such information. And the media can invent and guess at their own discretion.

Unexpected details


Said: "She's gorgeous"

Bondarchuk saw the young actress Paulina Andreeva at the theater, where his friends invited him. And then he admitted that she made a stunning impression on him. “I saw absolute beauty on the stage of a conservative theater. Paulina is gorgeous! Wow!"

Bondarchuk attended performances with Paulina’s participation several times, employees of the Moscow Art Theater told us. Chekhov, where the actress plays. - He himself approached Andreeva, wanting to get to know each other better. It’s hard to resist him, even for such a beauty.

In the party they said that Bondarchuk, captivated by the beauty of the girl, said: “She will be mine!”

The heroes themselves - Bondarchuk and Paulina - have so far refrained from commenting on their relationship.

Andreeva knows her worth,” Mosfilm casting director Marina Ievleva told KP. - When she was not yet famous, she came to castings as a prima: she held her head high. I mentally called her a shark. It was clear that she understood that she was good. I wasn't afraid of failure. I know that both directors and artists tried to court her, but she kept her distance. She said that she was in no hurry to get married - she was waiting for her fate. Everything is serious with Bondarchuk. Of course, he is a winning match for her - he is both a director and a producer, and he is not poor...

Fedor was married to Svetlana for 25 years.

There will be no wedding

Relatives of Bondarchuk and Andreeva ask not to rush things: they say that nothing has been decided about the couple’s marriage yet.

- Did Fedor invite you to the wedding? - KP asked Fyodor Bondarchuk’s mother, actress Irina Skobtseva.

I don’t know anything about this and I don’t give interviews,” she cut off.

Fyodor Bondarchuk is not getting married! He did not make any statements about the wedding,” said Fedora’s daughter-in-law (wife of his son Sergei) Tatiana Bondarchuk. - Only about his divorce.

- Is there an affair between him and Paulina?

Can not say. If Fedor Sergeevich wants, he will make a statement himself.

“She would have told me if she were getting ready to get married,” she assures younger brother Paulina Oleg. - And our parents don’t know. There are no weddings planned yet.

- But did you see her together with Bondarchuk?

No... But I don’t see my sister often, I live in St. Petersburg, and she lives in Moscow. There are three children in our family: Paulina, me and my brother. My brother is now also studying to become an artist. She gives him professional advice.

- Who came up with such a rare name for her?

Mother. Not in honor of anyone - just.

- In one performance, Paulina is on stage in underwear, in one of the films she is completely naked, and even in intimate scenes. Didn't her parents blame her?

No, this is work. She's not shy.

In the film "Locust" Paulina's partner was Pyotr Fedorov.
Photo: still from the film

Sexy beauty

This actress with an exotic name was born in St. Petersburg into a family of businessmen. At the insistence of her parents, she entered the local journalism department. But after studying for two years, she quit and went to Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, she began to make her way.

One of her first major film works was the erotic film “Locust” (released in 2015).

Her friend, actor Grigory Dobrygin, advised her to cast Paulina in the film,” says “Locust” director Yegor Baranov. - He invited producer Alexander Tsekalo to pay attention to her. He went to the theater to see her play, and we invited Andreeva to the casting.

- Did Paulina captivate you with her ideal figure?

This is an important factor, considering that we were going to shoot a film with erotic scenes. But it was important that some kind of spark arise between the heroes. It was in the tandem of Paulina Andreeva - Pyotr Fedorov that she appeared.

- Was it difficult to film the sex scenes?

Not easy. We showed lovemaking as a dialogue. To make Paulina and Peter comfortable, they rehearsed first in clothes, then naked. We kept a minimum number of people on set and always gave the actors enough time to set up.

- Did Paulina have affairs on the set?

No. Only friendly relations.

Didn't like the role of a mistress

The affair between Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva, according to the crowd, began last fall. Famous director looked happy and seemed to be flying on wings. As his friends say, if not for the tough character of Paulina herself, Bondarchuk would have been quite satisfied secret romance with her.

But Paulina is not the kind of girl who will be content with little, their mutual friend told KP. - Bondarchuk gave her a diamond set - good. She moved to live with him in one of his apartments - good. Any young actress would dream of being in her place. But Paulina is one of those ladies who makes it clear: I won’t settle for anything less. She is not satisfied with the position of her mistress; she wants the maximum from Bondarchuk. And the status of a legal wife as well. They say that it was she who pushed the director to make radical changes. Not wanting to lose his beloved, he went for a divorce.

Relatives gave an ultimatum

Svetlana and Fedor have two children - a 25-year-old son, Sergei, and a 16-year-old daughter, Varvara.

“I met with the son of Fyodor Bondarchuk, Sergei,” his friend told KP. - He is terribly worried about his parents’ breakup. And I thought that the Bondarchuks separated peacefully, but this is not entirely true... The situation is difficult. Father lives with new lover. But when he told his family that he was going to legalize his relationship with Paulina, the children were indignant. In fact, they gave him an ultimatum: if you marry her now, then live with another family, give birth to new children and new grandchildren (Bondarchuk has two granddaughters - Sergei’s daughters), and we will somehow do without you... Fedor did not expect this. Son Seryozha is a gentle person, non-conflict, and never contradicted his father. And then he said: if their feelings with their mother have faded, that’s one thing. But to marry someone almost the same age as Sergei - well, no!

Fyodor's relatives are sure: blind passion speaks in him. And they hope that in six months the director will come to his senses. The only woman, who always devotedly and truly loved him, is his wife Svetlana.

By the way, he has not yet formalized the divorce,” continues Sergei Bondarchuk’s friend. - As for the wedding with Paulina, Fyodor canceled it. Although it was really planned!

Svetlana Bondarchuk tries not to show that she is suffering. She went with her friend Olga Slutsker to the Maldives: they say that everything is fine with her. But this is bravado - family friends think so.

Paulina seems to be worried about the position of Bondarchuk’s relatives. In the theater lately she has been seen tense and nervous.


"Fedor is gloomy"

The other day we were gathering as a group at his Moscow restaurant “Golden” (it belongs to Fedor), one of Bondarchuk’s business partners told KP. - Someone asked with a laugh: when are we going to go to your wedding? But Fyodor, usually cheerful, reacted sharply. He said: “There’s no question of a wedding, where did they come from?” Suggested changing the subject...

Fyodor looked completely different from what a happy lover should look like. Gloomy and terribly upset. All evening I picked at my plate with a fork without any appetite and didn’t really eat anything. And the reason bad mood obviously not in business - things are going wrong there...


“Paulina can even hit you with a turnip!”

Paulina Andreeva is a young lady of undeniable beauty, says director of the series “Method” Yuri Bykov. - The decision to cast her in the film was made by three of us: producer Alexander Tsekalo, me and the actor main role Konstantin Khabensky. She accommodated everyone. I got into the film in an absolutely classic way - with the help of auditions.

She understood that she was given a chance to work in an extraordinary series. She's not a stupid girl. And he is not a conceited person. This can be seen from her current filmography: she does not act in everything, she refuses almost everything that does not suit her purely dramatically.

- So the girl is serious?

Paulina is a tough person, a core person. I don’t envy those people who get in her way. She is far from a fragile girl. Knows how to stand up for himself. Even in a physical sense. She can hit a turnip - that's one hundred percent!


Fyodor Bondarchuk knows nothing about his own wedding

The director's relatives deny information about his upcoming marriage to actress Paulina Andreeva. And my film colleagues confirm

“I don’t know about any wedding of Fedor,” Tata Mamiashvili, Bondarchuk’s daughter-in-law, told us. - Moreover, I’m sure that Fedor himself doesn’t know about the “upcoming wedding.” However, no matter how theatrically surprised the members of the famous acting family, in the film community they say something completely different. “Paulina and Fedor are a couple, they have been dating for several months,” they told us in the film crew of the film “Status: Single,” in which Andreeva starred. - Rumors about their wedding were not born out of nowhere. Moreover, it is possible that they are thinking about a child...”


Psychologists: Katya Andreeva became Paulina either because of childhood complexes, or to stand out from the crowd

Komsomolskaya Pravda visited the school where the future star studied

“Paulina Andreeva? No, we don’t remember.” This is the same answer from former classmates and fellow students intrigued the correspondents " Komsomolskaya Pravda" It usually happens the other way around: former acquaintances vying with each other to share memories of school years, are proud that they sat with such a bright personality at the next desk. But they also can’t say much about Katya Andreeva, which is the movie star’s name from birth.

A famous Russian director who recently announced a divorce from his wife is marrying a young actress.

“There’s no special Paulina - she’s gorgeous, that’s all! I first saw her at “Number 13D”. I was simply blown away because some kind of absolute beauty performed in a conservative theater. Stunning! Wow! It was a strong impression", - director Fyodor Bondarchuk spoke about Paulina Andreeva relatively recently.

And then rumors appeared that Bondarchuk was ready to walk this “chic and stunning” 27-year-old actress down the aisle.

According to sources close to the director, they have been with Paulina for about six months. That is why his 25-year marriage with Svetlana was dissolved. Allegedly, it was Paulina who raised the issue of the director’s divorce so that he would demonstrate the seriousness of his attitude towards her. And he obeyed.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

As it became known, the romance between Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva began last fall.

The actress became famous after starring in TV series "Thaw" And "Method". She also appeared in the first Russian erotic thriller "Locust".

Andreeva has already attracted the interest of not only directors and film producers, but also fashion designers, and has also been included in various ratings of the sexiest celebrities.

Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing for his wedding with Paulina Andreeva

So far, neither Fedor, nor Svetlana, nor Paulina have commented on the rumors that it was Andreeva who insisted on the divorce.

On March 29, Paulina appeared alone at the awards ceremony of the Association of Film and Television Producers.

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