Fortune telling using ordinary cards for an ex-boyfriend. Fortune telling on cards for a guy is very interesting

Card fortune telling- old and known method lift the veil over the present and future. Many people, especially girls, who have some uncertainty in their personal lives, resort to this method of “searching for the truth.” After all, thanks to fortune telling, you can find out how the “object of adoration” treats you.

How to tell fortunes about a guy on cards: method one

To tell fortunes about feelings young man, mix the deck well and remove top part with your left hand towards you. It is very important at this moment to concentrate all your attention on the chosen one: imagine his appearance, habits, voice.

  • Place all the cards into piles. Moreover, their number must match the guy’s name. For example, if you are telling fortunes for Alexander, then there should be 8 stacks, for Sergei - 6.
  • Look at the bottom cards of each pile. They must match the “suit” of the beloved: red cards are suitable for fair-haired guys, black ones are suitable for dark-haired guys. Set the “wrong” piles aside.
  • Carefully fold the remaining cards, without mixing them in any way. Now you need to arrange them into the number of stacks corresponding to diminutive name chosen one or his nickname. For example, to tell fortunes about Alexander, you need to make 4 piles (Sasha).
  • Take any of them and arrange them into two identical piles.
  • After that, take the next one and do the same. As a result, you will end up with two identical stacks of cards.
  • At the same time, remove the top card from each pile and look at them.
  • If the value matches (two jacks or two sixes), then put them aside - from these doubles we will recognize the future.

After both piles have been turned over and all paired cards have been selected, you can begin the interpretation.

What do duplicates mean:

  • Sixes are marriage. If you are lucky and you get all four, then such a set speaks of the devotion of the chosen one.
  • Sevens - a quick meeting with your lover. Two couples - a romantic date.
  • Eights - conversation. Two pairs of eights - a disagreement is possible.
  • Nines - love. Four cards - incredible love.
  • Tens – interest. Two pairs of these cards warn of the chosen one’s prudence.
  • Jacks come up for troubles. Two pairs mean a lot of fuss.
  • Ladies are hope. Two couples fall out to gossip.
  • Kings symbolize friendly relations. Two couples - kinship of souls.
  • Aces fall to intimacy. Two pairs of these cards speak of violent passion.

For such fortune telling, you will need a regular deck of 36 cards. It is desirable that it be new. And in general, if you are thinking about guessing in the future, then get yourself an individual deck. You can predict the fate of your girlfriends if you wish, but it is not recommended to give it to anyone.

Method two

Thanks to this fortune telling, you will be able to find out how your lover feels about you, as well as what kind of relationship awaits you in the future. Choose a king who will represent your chosen one:

  • The suit of diamonds suits a young man;
  • Clubs - to a respectable and wealthy chosen one;
  • Chervovaya - for a married man;
  • Spades - to a stranger.

Place your king in the center of the table and place the other three at the top. Shuffle the deck well. Now you need to deal the cards into three “foreign” kings. Place the last one face down on your chosen one. Shuffle the deck again and repeat the layout. This “procedure” must be carried out three times. Now look at the cards that you debugged for your king and begin to interpret the layout:

  • Ace speaks of strong feelings in a partner, but you need to wait a little until the situation improves.
  • A lady is a bad sign. It means that you have a rival. If this card was drawn first and is closest to the king, then your position is very difficult.
  • Jack warns you against making hasty decisions. Your "king" is not the best the best option. This person is either selfish or doesn't love you at all.
  • Ten is not the best best card for a woman in love. It symbolizes only friendly relations. Maybe it’s worth finding another object of affection?
  • Nine speaks of strong feelings, but happiness will not come to you too easily. Most likely you will have to face obstacles. We must try to maintain this connection at all costs.
  • Eight predicts a serious conversation at which your future together will be decided.
  • Seven symbolizes surprise and unexpectedness. An offer will be made to you soon.
  • Six indicates that the person does not deserve your love and affection. Relationships will not bring you happiness, even if you become his chosen one.

Method three

The previous methods of fortune telling are suitable for girls who have decided on their chosen one. But what if you have several candidates for this role? In this case, it is worth playing a solitaire game called “Four Jacks”. To do this, select four of these cards and wish for a chosen one for each of them. After this, mix them well and place them face down in front of you in a horizontal row.

Take the remaining cards and shuffle well. Place them face up under each jack in a row. As a result, you will get an 8*4 rectangle. Remove adjacent cards of the same value in each vertical row. But do not mix them, but place the matched pairs under the “gentleman” in whose row you found them. It is also necessary to remove the first and last card in each horizontal row if their value matches. After this, collect the rest, mix and repeat the layout three more times. After that, take the pairs from under your jacks and open the gentlemen. All that remains is to explain what each of them is experiencing:

  • Sixes represent the road, which means the jack wants to pay you a visit.
  • Sevens talk about wanting to meet.
  • Eights predict a serious conversation.
  • Nines mean love.
  • Dozens are seriously interested in your person.
  • Queens mean that the jack has a chosen one, and nothing awaits you here.
  • Kings symbolize jealousy.
  • Aces speak of all-consuming passion.

Such simple options Fortune telling will help you deal with the feelings of your chosen one. The main thing is, do not despair if the result does not suit you, because the cards only speak of opportunity, and you are the master of your destiny.

Fortune telling allows you to shed light on events that will happen in the near and distant future. You can contact otherworldly forces with questions about the relationship between a guy and a girl: is there sympathy or is it better to break up? There are many options for telling fortunes about your betrothed: on cards, using wax, a flower, a mirror or strangers. True methods will allow you to find true love and find happiness.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    Love fortune telling on the cards

    A deck of playing cards will help you do right choice. This method cannot be called simple, but it is very popular and true. Cards don't lie, so you need to take a playing deck and lay out four jacks. Assign each of them male name. It is recommended to write down the correspondence between suit and name, since they can easily be confused, then fortune telling will not bring the desired result. The jacks should be thoroughly shuffled and placed face down. Then put one random card on each of them. Similar actions repeat with the entire deck. There should be 8 vertical rows. You need to select the resulting pairs of cards. Their meaning will have a special meaning for each jack:

      • Sixes - a young man is looking for a meeting, wants to talk to a girl.
      • Sevens - the guy is very homesick and will come soon.
      • Eights - a serious conversation will take place with the object of adoration.
      • Nines - the feelings are mutual.
      • Tens - shows friendly sympathy for the girl.
      • Ladies - you shouldn’t count on reciprocity; the guy has another lady of his heart.
      • Kings - the chosen one is very jealous and distrustful.
      • Aces - two halves merged into one.

      How to find out the name of your betrothed and see his face?

      To find out the name of your soulmate and see his image, you need to resort to simple fortune telling at home. They can be done using improvised means.

      Before going to bed, you should write a few men's names on separate pieces of paper and put them under the pillow. Go to bed, and in the morning take out one of the pieces of paper. The written name will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

      Another option is fortune telling with the help of passing men. You need to stop the first person you meet and ask him to introduce himself. The chosen one will have the same name.

      Simple methods of telling fortunes about a guy

      There are several options for telling fortunes about your betrothed.

      Fortune telling with chamomile

      You can also tell fortunes about a guy using a daisy. To do this, you need to take a flower and, tearing off the petals, say: “He loves, he doesn’t love, he will come, he will kiss, he will press him to his heart or he will send him to hell.” You should mentally pronounce the name of your lover. The last flower petal will tell about future events and the guy’s feelings.

      Using a mirror

      Such fortune-telling is one of the oldest and most truthful ways of predicting one’s destiny. It needs to be done at night. There should be only one fortune teller at home so as not to disturb the mystery of the event. You will need two identical mirrors and a pair of long candles. They need to be placed opposite each other and candles placed. The image will resemble a long tunnel in which the face of the betrothed will certainly appear. You need to look carefully in the mirror and wait. The chosen one will come sooner or later.

I will lay out my fate on the cards,

I’ll tell myself a lot about everything.
Every evening the tablecloth is red - and again
I wonder and wonder about love...

Where does love go? Disappears, dissolves in the darkness, leaving behind non-healing scars. How to stop her, hold her and never let her go? If people knew the answer to this question, they would be happy. It is very difficult to keep her, but finding out whether the person you have feelings for loves you is possible and even very simple!

Fortune telling with playing cards for a guy

The fastest and easiest way to find out if the object of your love has any feelings for you is to spread the Three Kings cards. The king corresponding to the type of guy is laid out in the center of the table. At the top we lay out the three remaining cards face up in any order. Then we take the cards remaining in the deck of 36 pieces and begin to lay them out one on top of the other in a fan, in turn on each of the three cards. Lay out the cards face down. We place the last card on the central one.
Then we collect the cards laid out on the top three kings, mix them and lay them out again. We repeat this only three times. Don't forget to place the last card in the center. As a result, we have three cards laid out on the king, which lies in the center of the table. Let's turn them over and look:

  1. Ace - your boyfriend is experiencing strong feelings in relation to you, you just need to wait a little.
  2. Queen - be careful: the lady is a 100% rival, if she is first in the count, it means that everything is serious there.
  3. Jack - your chosen one is simply a Moor: jealous and very selfish, selfish and ambitious. Whether you need it - decide for yourself.
  4. Ten - the young man has only brotherly feelings for you.
  5. Nine - the guy loves you, but in order for you to be together, you need to make every effort, don’t sit idly by!
  6. Eight - expect a very serious conversation with your loved one.
  7. Seven - a meeting that takes place on Thursday or Sunday will not lead to anything good.
  8. Six is ​​a dummy, you, alas, cannot have anything.

At all, fortune telling for men's love is very common among girls and women. A very interesting fact is that most women, having laid out the cards and learned how a man treats them, continue active actions aimed at attracting him, even if the cards showed that nothing will work out there.
Other women and girls, on the contrary, seeing a clue to their destiny in the arrangement of the cards, abruptly change their plan of action, often switching their attention to someone else - and receive a lucky bonus!

Fortune telling with cards for a guy's love - see tips

What clues can there be when you spread the cards?
If you get a queen, jack and ten together, then turn one hundred and eighty degrees and run away from him!

  • Ace and nine - you have a ninety-nine chance out of a hundred that you will be together with your loved one.
  • Cards with numbers eight and seven - you can only have friendly relations.
  • It is very interesting if two or three jacks appear: the first of them is your betrothed. Two or three ladies - your friend is involved in bad intrigues against you. Two or three aces - this year or within three months you will get married!

When I have a baby- fortune telling about the possibility of becoming a mother is also very common among the fair sex.
All cards are shuffled. A question is asked. We begin to lay out one card at a time, picture up, from left to right. We lay out every seventh card face up, the rest - face down. There were five cards in total face up. Let's look at them. If among these cards there is a queen and a six, you will soon become a mother! It is undesirable to see a nine and an ace in a five of cards: there may be a miscarriage.

When we pick up a deck of cards and ask a question, we involuntarily attract our destiny to the cards. The main thing is to correctly read what the cards tell you.

5 fortune telling on playing cards for a guy + 5 online fortune telling + 7 useful tips.

Fortune telling is one of the favorite pastimes of unmarried girls, and not only in our country. Since ancient times, young ladies have gathered for Christmastide to celebrate their marriage year.

They were guessing different ways, but using cards infrequently. This was already the sphere of activity of professional sorcerers.

Today, fortune telling on cards for a guy is available to every free girl who is looking for help. higher powers in building a personal life. The variety of fortune telling options will pleasantly surprise you.

If you cannot be called an experienced fortune teller, then it would not be a bad idea to listen to the advice of fortune tellers who predict fate long enough to increase your chances of receiving a truthful answer from a deck of cards.

How to effectively tell fortunes about a guy using cards

You can tell fortunes both on regular playing cards and on tarot, which depict plot pictures that make it easier to interpret the layout.

Today we will not raise the topic of tarot, since it is quite extensive and requires a separate discussion. We will limit ourselves to fortune telling options that are carried out on ordinary playing cards with the fulfillment of some mandatory conditions.

Tips to help you effectively carry out fortune telling on a guy:

  1. The 36 cards that you use for divination for the first time must be new. Having purchased a deck, let it be saturated with your energy - hold it in your hands for a while, sit on it, sleep on it, hide it under your pillow, etc.
  2. Use fortune telling cards solely for its intended purpose. Do not give them to play games, solitaire or anything else. And don’t play with them yourself, otherwise they will start lying.
  3. Don't let someone else guess with your cards. You yourself can cast a spell on your girlfriends, but they shouldn’t cast a spell on you with your cards. Magic items must have one owner.
  4. Choose the right day and time. You can't guess by big numbers Christian holidays, during pregnancy, illness, menstruation. Best days– Wednesday and Friday. Best time– late evening or night during the waxing moon.
  5. Ask questions correctly. With the help of card fortune telling, you can get answers to many questions regarding your personal life, but they need to be asked as accurately as possible, indicating the guy’s name, and not replacing it with the pronoun “he”.
  6. Follow all instructions regarding a specific fortune telling. You should not change or simplify anything at your own discretion. If the layout seems too complicated to you, choose the one that is simpler, but improvisation is inappropriate in this matter.
  7. Do not turn a magical ritual into everyday life. When you sit down to tell fortunes, it is advisable to create the appropriate atmosphere: stay alone, turn off all electrical appliances, light candles, etc. You also shouldn’t ask the cards for advice too often: once a week is the maximum you can afford.

How to choose the right guy and yourself from the deck during fortune telling with cards?

If you are looking for a specific guy, then his personification needs to be selected from the deck. The young man will be more likely to be a jack (if the young man is very young) or a king if he is older or the instructions require it (for example, there are fortune telling for 4 kings).

Next you need to decide on the suit. Jacks are selected according to their external similarity: blond - diamonds, brown-haired and fair-haired - hearts, brunette - cross. The Jack of Spades is selected when we're talking about about some dangerous person.

With kings, the situation is a little different; age and marital status are taken into account more:

  • young guys are kings of diamonds;
  • older ones and those who are divorced are hearts;
  • middle-aged and married – crusaders;
  • elderly and dangerous - peak.

But external resemblance can also be taken into account when distributing kings. In general, act as your heart tells you.

Sometimes in fortune telling you need to choose your personification.

Of course the girl will be a lady:

  • fair-haired and young (under 25 years old) – diamond;
  • older or with darker hair – heart;
  • a married brunette over 30 years old is a cross.

It is better not to choose the Queen of Spades as your image at all, even if you are a burning middle-aged brunette, because she usually symbolizes the enemy, regardless of the color of her hair and her age.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a guy: different options

There are so many that it is almost impossible to list them in one article.

For beginners, I chose the 5 most simple layouts, which every girl can easily cope with.

As your skills grow, you can move on to more complex fortune telling, choosing your favorite ones, the results of which seem most truthful to you.

Fortune telling for a guy's name

This divination on a specific guy with an emphasis on his name is carried out like this:

  1. Count how many letters are in the name of the young man you want to tell fortunes about. Let's say his name is Stepan - that's 6 letters.
  2. Choose from the jack deck what will represent your young man.
  3. Under this jack, in order, begin to lay out the cards into 6 piles, face down.
  4. When the deck is finished, take the stack that is behind the last card and place it on the remaining 5 stacks.
  5. Continue this process until you have two stacks of cards.
  6. Take a card in a row from the first and second pack, looking at their image and, if paired cards are served, put them aside.
  7. Continue until all cards are gone.

Now all that remains is to look at the decoding of the resulting pairs:

The guy feels sympathy for you and thinks about how best to express it
He's eager to see you
A declaration of love is just around the corner
The guy truly loves you
His interest is serious, but there is no guarantee that it will develop into something more
He is angry with you for something, you should not deepen the conflict
Be careful, you have a rival
The guy is jealous and afraid of losing you
He desires you passionately

Fortune telling about events that await you with a specific guy

You need to spell as follows:

  1. Choose a card personification of your loved one (jack or king) and, calling him by name, place him in the center of the table.
  2. Shuffle the deck thoroughly and remove it with your left hand towards your heart.
  3. Place 4 cards clockwise in a cross around the king or jack.

Important! If this makeshift cross contains paired cards, such as sevens, you can make another cross by placing the cards diagonally towards the jack or king, so that it is surrounded by eight cards.

Now let’s look at the table for the meaning of the resulting layout:

SixesYou will have to travel - together or separately, when you have to separate for a while
Many romantic meetings
A difficult conversation, a quarrel, which, if not extinguished in time, will lead to separation
Successful long-term development of your novel
He cares about you, but there is no feeling of love yet. Whether it will depend on your behavior.
It is unlikely that your relationship will end well and last long.
Another girl may interfere in your relationship if she is not stopped in time
When there is a crisis in your relationship with your boyfriend, count on the help of your friends
A long-term passionate romance with this guy is guaranteed

Guessing a guy's feelings

In this divination, we will find out what the young man feels for you by laying out the cards in the form of the letter “H”:

But first, you need to find the card embodiment of your guy without pulling him out of the deck.

After shuffling the cards thoroughly, start laying them out in the letter “H”, saying the following words:

Continue the layout until the hidden jack or king falls out. Now look at what phrase he fell out on. If it’s 1, 4, 5, 6, then the guy’s love is strong. If it’s 2 or 3, then the young man has not yet decided what he feels for you. And with 7 everything is already clear - his heart is occupied by someone else.

Fortune telling for a man

Fortune telling on cards for the future of a girl and a guy

Make a guess for yourself among the queens in the deck, and for a guy among the kings that you like, without getting them.

Shuffle the deck as usual, removing half of it with your left hand.

Then start laying out the cards, face up, 9 in a row, removing cards of identical suit - both in horizontal and vertical rows (leaving the hidden queen and king) and moving the rest towards each other so that there are no empty spaces .

Repeat this until there is nothing left to clean.

Now look whether the hidden lady and the king are nearby. If you are nearby, you can be together. If not, then you need to look at the meaning of the pictures that are between you. These are the obstacles to your love.

Separation due to your departure or boyfriend's travel
Unpleasant conversation
Unexpected meeting
Uncertain feelings of a young man
A guy's fear that exceeds his interest in you
Empty troubles
Feelings for another girl
Fear of someone else competing for you
Events that will change your life (ace of the red suit means the events will be pleasant, black - unpleasant)

Fortune telling about the past, future and present with your boyfriend

Fortune telling should be done like this:

  1. Make a wish for a guy's incarnation among the kings, and your own among the ladies.
  2. Shuffle the deck well and slide it towards you with your left hand.
  3. Place cards 3 in a row in a fan-like pattern until the deck runs out.
  4. Look where your lady ended up.
  5. Next, see the interpretation of the layout, taking into account the fact that the row above you is your past, the pictures in the same row with you are the present, and below you is the future. In this way, the meaning of cards in only three rows is deciphered.


Also consider where the king that represents your boyfriend fell. If:

  • in the same row with you or in that fan that symbolizes the near future - good, your relationship will be strong and long-lasting;
  • in the past (all rows that are higher than your lady) - most likely, nothing good will come of it;
  • in the future, but far away (all the rows below your lady) - there are chances for a happy ending, but difficulties will arise.

Fortune telling with cards for a guy is a way not only to pass the time in an interesting way, but also to lift the curtain on your future. But remember that you can completely trust anyone magical rites it is forbidden. You should build your life, including your personal life, independently, guided by your mind and heart.

The most common type of fortune telling is fortune telling on regular playing cards for relationships and love. To perform a love ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 playing cards.

A simple way to tell fortunes with cards

This method of fortune telling with cards about love is ideal for an inexperienced, beginner person. At the very beginning, you should, of course, decide which guy you want to perform the ritual on. Next, carefully shuffle the deck of 36 playing cards and remove some. Place the card that is at the top face down in front of you, and repeat the ritual 5 more times.

As a result, you will have six playing cards face down in front of you. Now you can turn them over and find out the meaning of each of the 36 cards individually.

The first card means what your chosen one is thinking about, the second - what is in the heart of your beloved guy, the third - what events will happen in the life of the chosen guy in the near future, the fourth - what is he dreaming about, the fifth - what is he afraid of, and the sixth - is there any on this moment The chosen guy is in a love relationship.

Decoding fortune telling

The meaning of the cards of the spades suit:

  • Ace is bad news;
  • The king is an influential person;
  • Lady - ill-wisher, enemy;
  • Jack - empty worries, wasted time;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Nine - illness in the near future;
  • Eight – travel or visiting;
  • Seven - melancholy;
  • Six is ​​a long journey.
    • Ace – new home;
    • The king is an adult man;
    • Lady - native woman;
    • Jack - trouble;
    • Ten – plans for the future;
    • Nine – sincere feelings;
    • Eight – a quick meeting;
    • Seven - upcoming conversation;
    • Six is ​​the road.

  • Ace - excellent news;
  • The king is a young friend;
  • The lady is a faithful friend;
  • Jack - obstacles;
  • Ten - dreams will quickly come true;
  • Nine - strong love;
  • Eight – casual conversation;
  • Seven - a long-awaited and imminent meeting;
  • Six – travel in the near future.

This ritual of fortune telling for a guy using 36 playing cards is best done by the light of two candles.

Find out about the future of relationships using cards

In the case when the beloved is already nearby, any woman will still always be interested in the question of how their relationship will develop in the future. And the answer can also be obtained using playing cards. To do this, you will again need the already well-known deck of 36 cards.

You need to select a king and queen that will symbolize you and your boyfriend. Your card should be placed on the right, and the man's card on the left at a sufficient distance. After mixing the remaining ones, proceed to the layout.

Place two cards to the left of the king and to the right of your figure, which will symbolize what each of you keeps secret. Next, there are two cards under the main ones, and two above the main ones, which mean the near future for you and how you treat each other accordingly.

To the right and left of the first piles laid out, you should put two more cards, which symbolize possible obstacles in your life together. Two cards placed on top of the main ones will reveal your deepest secrets. Place one more card on the bottom of the king and queen, they will symbolize your true feelings to each other. And three times you need to lay out two cards between the figures that will describe your past, present and future relationships.

Decoding the layout

Spades suit value:

  • Ace - the relationship will end soon;
  • The King is a noble friend;
  • Lady - rival, mistrust;
  • Jack - unpleasant worries;
  • Ten – cooling;
  • Nine – illness;
  • Eight – mistrust;
  • Seven - scandal;
  • Six is ​​a long journey together.
  • Ace - marriage;
  • The king is a secret lover;
  • Lady - you or his girlfriend;
  • Jack – serious problems of an intimate nature;
  • Ten – shared experiences;
  • Nine - your relationship is very strong;
  • Eight - recognition of the secret;
  • Seven – secret dates;
  • Six - Honeymoon or mutual sympathy.
  • Ace - news;
  • The king is a young bachelor;
  • Lady - you or your friend;
  • Jack - experiences;
  • Ten – friendly interest;
  • Nine – light flirting;
  • Eight – joint plans;
  • Seven - fun;
  • Six - a short journey together.

Club suit meaning:

  • Ace – workload;
  • King - boss or colleague;
  • Lady - boss;
  • Jack – problems with finances;
  • Ten is a gorgeous present;
  • Nine – romance at work;
  • Eight – upcoming conversation about money;
  • Seven – meetings at work;
  • Six – business trip.

A few final words

If you do not have experience in conducting fortune-telling rituals using 36 cards, any, even the simplest layout, may seem confusing and incomprehensible to you. It will take time and patience to learn to hear the cards, understand them, and discern what they want to tell you.

Experienced oracles and mediums advise women to perform rituals on the so-called women's days– Wednesday and Friday, when the cards are more inclined to tell the truth. But on Sunday it is better to refrain from any fortune-telling.

Also, under no circumstances should you cross your arms or legs during the ritual, as this can disrupt the flow of information. During the session, you should completely relax and focus your attention on the issue that interests you.

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