Where in Europe is it warm in January? What is the warmest country in Europe to visit? Hot countries of Europe

Tourists traditionally associate Europe with summer vacation, both beach and excursion. Some people come here in winter, but mostly to go skiing to the mountain resorts. Few people know that southern regions Europe is quite suitable for excursion holiday and in winter. Winters here are mild, often there is no snow at all, temperatures range from +5 to +15 degrees and, in general, the weather is more like our autumn weather. We bring to your attention an overview of places in Europe that, in our opinion, are worth visiting in winter. There are much fewer tourists during the off-season, which means sightseeing will be much easier. How to save on entrance tickets to the top attractions of Europe, read here: A calm excursion holiday, a mild climate without the excruciating heat, as in summer months, and as a result, a sea of ​​new impressions and sensations. So, where to go in winter?

Option number 1: Rome and its surroundings in winter

The eternal city of Rome is beautiful at any time of the year, but you will agree that without crowds of tourists you are more likely to appreciate the grandeur of this city. The Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Vatican - in the summer months, all these places of worship are usually dotted with tourists, and the queues stretch for many meters in front. In addition, in summer temperatures sometimes go off scale, which does not add to the charm of the city. In Rome in winter, free from traffic jams and queues, you can easily experience the entire cultural program of the city. In December and January, it is mostly sunny and dry here, the temperature stays between +10 and +11. Snow - extremely a rare event, there are rains, but, as a rule, they do not last long.

But in February it is better to stock up on a raincoat. The temperature in February is still relatively warm, but the amount of precipitation is significantly increasing, so an umbrella, and sometimes a raincoat, will not be superfluous. Italy is a fairly long country, which means that weather conditions vary. To the north of Rome the amount of precipitation and cold days increases, to the south it decreases proportionally. And this means that such wonderful places, like Naples with its unique historical heritage, Pompeii, an excursion to Vesuvius, Amalfi and other southern provinces will pleasantly surprise you with sunshine and warm maritime climate. Read about how to travel by train in Europe here: In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Rome is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>


Serge Vincent/flickr

Option number 2: Sicily in winter

Sicily is the southernmost part of Italy, and even in winter the climate here is favorable for travelers. The island's mafia heritage is a thing of the past; today it is a paradise resort with many attractions, both architectural and natural. The Etna volcano alone is worth it! The weather ranges from +8 to +15 degrees, sunny days interspersed with light short rains. Overcast skies mainly occur in mountainous areas, while dry weather prevails in cities and on the coast. Snow falls only in the mountains. And in January, and especially in February, there are more sunny days, the length of the day increases, which is favorable excursion tourism and a relaxing holiday in the mountains. Sicily in winter is truly a pleasant place to travel. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Sicily is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Giuseppe Giacoppo/flickr

Option number 3: Malta in winter

Malta is geographically located close to Sicily and has a similar climate. December is the most suitable month to travel to Malta. It's usually not here until Christmas. cold weather. The temperature ranges from +10 to +18 degrees. In Malta, winter weather is dominated by sunny weather with occasional short showers. In January-February it becomes cooler, the temperature stays at +10, it rains more often, but they are also interspersed with on sunny days. In general, we can say that winter in Malta is mild, warmer here than in any other part of Europe.

In-the-know tourists come to Malta in winter to see the unique architecture of the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino with their own eyes, as well as to enjoy the natural attractions without the crowds of beach tourists. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Malta is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>


Josef Grunig/flickr

Option number 4: Andalusia in winter

Andalusia is an authentic region of Spain, where, like no other place in Europe, the beauties of Christian and eastern worlds. The Moorish heritage is very noticeable here, and the architecture will unmistakably indicate the past of this place. The region is not so far from the coast of Africa, which means that the climate here in summer is hot, dry, and sultry. Only die-hard lovers of hot weather will be able to feel like fish in water here. For others, there is also a way out - to come in winter, when the climate is mild and sunny, and the temperature stays around +15, +20 degrees. Agree, perfect weather for a leisurely stroll through the narrow streets of Seville or through the labyrinths of Granada's Alhambra.

The region of Andalusia itself is heterogeneous and is divided into several parts. The Costa del Sol is dominated by modern buildings, many hotels, it is a full-fledged modern resort with fashionable hotel complexes, restaurants, cafes, the elite of many countries come here, incl. and our compatriots. Costa de la Luz is a historical area. There are also beautiful sandy beaches marked with blue flags, but the emphasis is on visiting such ancient and beautiful cities as Cadiz, Jerez and others.

The interior of the region is the driest and hottest, so exploring this part of Andalusia is best done in the off-season. And you can see a lot here: the famous Seville, Cordoba, Granada and many small, but no less remarkable towns are located here. Another part of Andalusia, the Sierra Nevada, is a mountainous area where snow falls and the temperature sometimes drops below 0 degrees. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in Andalusia is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Hernán Piñera/flickr

Option #5: Algarve in winter

The Algarve is the southernmost resort of Portugal, famous for its unique coastal landscapes of red and yellow shades. Sandy beaches they are protected by rocks, so the Algarve enjoys sunny, windless weather all year round. Most January and February in the region are sunny, temperatures warm up to +17, precipitation is unlikely. December is generally considered the driest month of the year. In addition to the peculiar coastline, in the Algarve, towns that preserve the unique atmosphere of the region deserve attention. It is worth visiting, for example, both Faro and Lagos. From here it is worth going to the famous Cape San Vincent. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in the Algarve is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Luis Ascenso/flickr

Option #6: Athens in winter

Athens, being the center of Greek civilization, is very popular among tourists who love history, because this city, like no other, is imbued with this very history. It's no secret that summer Athens is flooded with tourists, the streets are scorching hot and dry. In winter, the climate here is mild and conducive to long walks. December is a warm but rainy month, the temperature stays around +10. In January-February there is less precipitation, and all of it is in the form of rain. Snow falls here extremely rarely. In general the weather is intermittent bright sun and short showers. For an excursion holiday, the temperature is comfortable, not hot or cold, there are significantly fewer tourists, which means there is a chance to get to the main attractions without exhausting queues. In addition, interesting events and festivals are held here in winter. About public transport Europe, read here: In winter, the cost of living in hotels in Athens is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Léa-Ly Roussel/flickr

Option #7: Split, Dubrovnik in winter

Winters here are humid and warm, in contrast to the dry summers. And there is always something to see, because the cities of the Mediterranean coast of Croatia are historical places that have suffered a lot over the centuries, but have their own charm and still attract tourists. Winter temperatures range from +10 to +15 degrees. On the coast, winter is warm, windless, and snowless. IN central regions The country may experience a small amount of snow. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Split and Dubrovnik is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Tejvan Pettinge/flickr

Option number 8: Montenegro in winter

Montenegro – comparatively small country, and its climate does not vary too much from city to city, so it makes sense to say that throughout the mysterious country of Montenegro, winter is mild and warm, many sunny days, windless and snowless on the coast and little snowfall in the mountains. Many people come to Montenegro in winter to ride in the mountains, but it’s also worth going on excursions to coastal cities, because at this time of year there are significantly fewer tourists, and historical streets, cozy restaurants and bars are at your disposal. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Montenegro is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Dmitry Kalinin/flickr

Option #9: Canary Islands in winter

The islands that belong to Spain, but are located at a distance from it, are more similar in climate to Africa than to Europe, and this is not surprising, because the Canaries and Africa are located at the same latitude! It's warm and sunny here all year round, and swimming season does not end, just some kind of paradise! The air temperature even at winter months It stays around +23, +25 degrees. You will only need outerwear if you are going to the mountains. On the coast you can easily sunbathe and swim. In addition, the island offers an extensive excursion program, and the mild warm climate will only contribute to pleasant walks among the extraordinary landscapes of the island, more similar to the landscapes of other planets than to earthly landscapes. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in the Canary Islands is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website Booking.com—>

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Francesco Crippa/flickr

As you can see, Europe is favorable for walking and relaxing even in winter, you just need to know the places. On larger territory In southern Europe, the climate is mild and pleasant, and there are fewer tourists than in the spring and summer. Europe is diverse, and some people prefer ski resorts somewhere in the Alps, some Christmas markets in Munich or Prague, but we wanted to show you that the winter months are also suitable for excursion holidays, this is the period when you can see much of what is obscured by the ubiquitous tourists in summer. In this regard, answers to the question: “Where to go in winter?” There’s a lot, you just have to choose the direction you’re interested in!

Practical and eventful travels to you!

I really love warm weather and on harsh and cold winter days I don’t leave the house unless I have to. I drink hot tea to somehow warm up. However, you can do the smart thing and fly to warmer climes. But, as you know, most tourists are drawn to Europe, which is rich in architecture and traditions. And in winter, the weather in many European countries is quite cool, so it’s important not to make a mistake!

Where in Europe is it warm in winter?

To enjoy sunny days and favorable weather even in winter, we will highlight TOP 3 warm European countries:

It is in the countries presented above that it is warm and comfortable even in winter. I will dwell in a little detail on each of these countries.
So, - this is a country where the culture of Europe and South America. Rich cultural traditions and vibrant people with passionate personalities, as well as warm and pleasant weather all year round. It will undoubtedly be cool for swimming in winter, but long walks are the key to a successful holiday. Tourists simply must visit Madeira Island, on which Ttemperature is+18-28 °C depending on the time of year. It is on this island in winter you can swim in natural pools formed by lava.

Another very comfortable country for a winter holiday is. Her southern part in winter it continues to delight with warmth and sun. average temperature wherein +20 degrees. In the Balearic Islands and Andalusia you can experience all the beauty of Spain in winter. Walking through the picturesque streets and the charm of local cities will not leave you indifferent.

is another country with warm climate in winter. The weather is especially warm in the south of the country, in particular in Naples and on the island. TTemperature values ​​are about +13-16°C. Winter days in Italy are mostly sunny, making them perfect for a vacation. In February, the warmest winter month, they hold carnivals and a host of other events, so many tourists and locals gather here. It is worth saying that even In winter you can get a great tan in Italy!


Even in winter in Europe you can enjoy warm weather and treat yourself to an unforgettable vacation. The sun, walks, local cuisine and culture will brighten up the holiday of any tourist.

Hiding from the cold in Europe in winter will not be any problem, but with beach holiday can be serious problems, and it is possible that you will not be able to find a suitable place. Spain is considered one of the warmest European countries. In this country, it is worth paying attention to the southernmost Mediterranean coast of the country - the Costa del Sol. Some experts call this coast the warmest place not only in Spain, but throughout Europe. This coast originates near the famous Spanish city of Malaga and stretches to the Strait of Gibraltar. In Russian, the name of this region sounds like the Beach of the Sun. This is the most expensive and prestigious region of Spain, where the most fashionable hotels and residences of many world stars are located. The climate in this region is very mild, there are much more warm and sunny days than in other Spanish regions. Even in winter time The air temperature does not often drop below 20 degrees. Sea water temperature, depending on weather conditions It could be 14-15 degrees, or it could even reach 20. Usually tourists don’t swim at this time, and if they do, it’s mostly Russians, and foreigners look at them and are surprised.

There are many interesting and comfortable resort towns on the coast, but I advise you to pay attention to the city of Benalmadena, which is located twenty kilometers from Malaga. The sun often shines at this resort and even in winter the air temperature does not often drop below 25 degrees. Taking into account your requests and wishes, you should like this place. The beaches of this resort stretch for nine kilometers, and they distinctive feature It is not only the purity that counts, but the color of the sand. The sand here is neither white nor yellow color, but gray. The advantage of this sand is that it warms up much faster than any other sand. This place is equally popular with both young people and married couples.

Also in this place, everything is in order with entertainment, just look at the Tivoli World amusement park, which attracts not only with various attractions, but also with concerts and exhibitions regularly held on its territory. The park's restaurants serve excellent Spanish cuisine, and the bars serve authentic Spanish sangria. So in such a place you can have a good time, have a drink and have a hearty meal.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit the local aquarium, which can delight you with a wide variety of inhabitants depths of the sea, as well as the largest collection of sharks in the world. If you are interested, you can go to the local penguinarium and dolphinarium. If you want to get into the mountains and see what mountainous Spain is like, you should use the cable car - Teleférico de Benalmádena, which has a length of 5565 meters and takes tourists to a height of 771 meters (at this height is the top of Mount Calamorro). From this peak you can see the Mediterranean coast in all its beauty, and if you are lucky with the weather, you can also see Gibraltar.

The city offers a variety of attractions, many of which are religious in nature, including one of the most popular tourist attractions, the Stupa of Enlightenment. This is a real Buddhist stupa, the height of which is 33 meters. This stupa is a symbol of harmony, peace, prosperity, etc.

Getting to Benalmadena is not difficult. First you need to fly to Malaga (you can do this by direct flight or with transfers), and from Malaga you can take a taxi, train or bus. A taxi will cost at least 20 euros, but the train and bus are much cheaper. Travel time by train will be about 30-40 minutes, depending on the train you choose (trains depart every 20 minutes).

But here it all comes down to money, and if Spain seems like an expensive option for you, then you should pay attention to Cyprus. It is a very popular tourist destination not only in summer but also in other seasons. True, the likelihood that in December or any other winter month you will have the opportunity to swim in the sea is extremely low. Or rather, you will have such an opportunity, but the water temperature in the sea in winter does not exceed 13-14 degrees, which is in no way suitable for swimming. Depending on the resort, the daytime air temperature in Cyprus is around +10 +15, and the night temperature drops below 10 degrees. There are not many people on the beaches, but those who are come there to sunbathe (the sun at this time is absolutely safe and there is no need to fear any burns).

Before making a choice in favor of Cyprus, you need to choose the right resort, since in some places winter is accompanied by strong winds and rains. This weather is extremely unpleasant and tourists have to wrap themselves in warm jackets and raincoats. To avoid such a “wet” season, it is best to go in February. This month the temperature gradually begins to rise and the number of sunny days increases. One of the best climatic conditions in the Paphos area, where already in March daytime Warm, summer weather sets in.

There will be no problems with housing in Cyprus in winter, there is a wide choice, prices are much lower than in summer. It’s best to go on vacation with friends, then you can rent a villa with everything you need for comfortable rest(if you're lucky, there will be a heated pool). The main entertainment during this period in Cyprus is sightseeing and excursions. It turns out to be a good option for active rest, but in terms of weather conditions Spain looks preferable.

A number of other countries can also be considered, but now it is very difficult to say with 100% certainty that a particular resort in December or another winter month will have the most comfortable temperature.

Where can you relax in Europe in winter so that it is both warm and not expensive? Where there is no snow - 10 ideas for traveling to warm European resorts!

Snow, frost, bad weather and too little sunlight can make even the most optimistic people sad, and for those who don’t like the winter cold, there’s nothing to even say. We will not write about distant exotic countries, vacations in which cost thousands and thousands - we have prepared for you an excellent list of places where you can spend your winter vacation interesting, pleasant, comfortable and at the same time quite budget-friendly. There are many places in the world where you can easily escape the usual winter and “recharge the batteries” of your mood and vitality for at least a few months

We catch the sun and warm winter in Europe and nearby!

1. Winter holidays in Egypt

This is a paradise for those who love hot weather and warm seas. The season lasts all year round and good weather It's guaranteed to be here from November to March. In November average temperature the air here rises to 25-27, and in December - to 22-23 degrees. The sea warms up to 20 degrees and above. This temperature lasts in January and February, and in March the air warms up to 26 degrees and the water to 21.

2. Southern Morocco

The climate of Morocco is very diverse - the coastal zone is milder and cooler compared to the center of the country, while the Mediterranean climate predominates in the north. It's worth keeping this in mind when planning a trip to Morocco, especially in winter. November and December - good months to visit the country. The air temperature fluctuates between 20-23 degrees, and the water in the ocean warms up to an average of 19 degrees (from January to March - up to 17).

3. Madeira in winter

Madeira is called the “Island of Eternal Spring” due to its very mild climate and comfortable temperature, which stay here all year round. The average temperature on this beautiful Portuguese island ranges from 18 to 25 degrees. In November and December you can count on 19 - 21 degrees, and from January to March it stays between 18 - 19 degrees. The only downside to this blissful winter holiday in Madeira is the possibility of precipitation, but this is more than compensated for by the magnificent views and wonderful sights.

4. Djerba, Tunisia

The picturesque Tunisian island of Djerba, located in the Mediterranean Sea, is connected to the mainland by a causeway. The climate is very pleasant and sunny weather reigns here all year round. Average annual temperature air fluctuates in the range from 16 to 31 degrees. In November and December, the weather here is pleasant, and the temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees, and in January and February - from 16 to 19 degrees. The sea water is also conducive to swimming, especially in November, when it warms up to 22 degrees. In the winter months it is a little colder - about 16-18 degrees.

5. Holidays in Cyprus in winter

Cyprus is another place that is ideal for a break from the snow and cold. Although it is not as hot as Egypt, it is equally beautiful and interesting. Most importantly, in Cyprus you can also go skiing in the Troodos Mountains ( ski season lasts from December to March). In Cyprus, the average annual temperature varies from 17 degrees in January to 31 degrees in August - the warmest month. From November to February, the air temperature in Cyprus warms up to 22-23 degrees in November ( sea ​​water- up to 22), in December up to 18-19 degrees (water temperature is about 19), and in January and February up to 17 degrees (water temperature is about 17-18). Unfortunately, it often rains during this period, so it’s worth setting yourself up for a more excursion holiday.

6. Antalya, Türkiye

Antalya is a very popular resort among tourists, and the Turkish Riviera is, as they say, “bursting at the seams” in the summer months. So, maybe it’s worth coming here at the end of autumn, when there are not so many vacationers, the climate is pleasant, and the nature is incredibly picturesque? In November, the air temperature is around 21 degrees, and the sea is still quite warm. In December, January and February, Antalya is already a little colder - the air is about 15-17 degrees, and the sea is 14-16 degrees. In addition, in winter it rains quite often here, especially in December - for almost half of the month the weather will not please you with dry, warm days.

7. Canary Islands

Canary Islands, like Portuguese Madeira, are called “islands of eternal spring.” Thanks to the mild climate, you can relax here all year round. The Canary Islands can be divided into two climatic zones: green and fertile north, where it often rains, and hot sunny south. This is a good place for travelers who like to soak up the beach, and for those who like excursions and sightseeing.

Average Maximum temperature throughout the year it fluctuates from 20 to 28 degrees (in winter, on average, 23 degrees in November, and about 20 degrees in January-February). The water temperature in the ocean in winter is, on average, 19 - 22 degrees. But remember that in Fuerteventura it is usually strong winds- this is a paradise for surfers, but there will be no unpleasant surprises in the form of rain, while showers can catch you in Tenerife (on average about 6-7 days during the month).

8. Lebanon

While temperatures in the eastern desert areas can reach 20 degrees (but the nights are quite cold), on the coast the climate is reminiscent of the winter in Cyprus we described.

9. Israel and Jordan

The weather in these countries during the autumn and winter months is a cross between Cyprus and Egypt. Please note that in the resort of Eilat, located on the Red Sea coast, there is practically no cold weather. In addition, the sea water temperature is often even a couple of degrees higher than the air temperature! On average, in the winter months the air often warms up to more than 20 degrees during the day, but at night the thermometer can drop to 10-12 degrees.

Another excellent resort is Aqaba (Jordan), where even in winter it never gets colder than 22 degrees. In addition, there are many beaches.

10. Malta and Sicily in the south

The surroundings of Syracuse in Sicily (Costa Orientale) is a part of the Italian coast, where even in December the most warm temperature water. The climate in winter is mild (average temperature is about 15-16 degrees), but the amount of precipitation in the winter months is quite high.

With the onset of cold weather, many travel lovers begin to wonder where in Europe it is warm in winter. There are not many warm places in this part of the planet in winter. Of course, there are Italy, Spain, Portugal, but also Greece, Cyprus and Malta. However, even in these countries with access to Mediterranean Sea, not hot, but warm weather persists, which excludes beach holidays.


It's no secret that winter in Spain is one of the warmest in the world. European countries. The beaches of Costa de la Luz and Costa del Sol are where it is warm in Europe in winter. From Spanish the names of the beaches are translated as “Coast of Light” and “ sunny Beach" respectively. These places prove their name by the ideal sunny weather, because even in winter, rainy and cloudy days are very rare, and the temperature ranges from 15 to 16 degrees. Not only young people, but also married couples will have fun here, because a wide range of entertainment is offered to tourists: dolphinariums, oceanariums and amusement parks. Spain also includes the famous Canary Islands, located in Atlantic Ocean, Balearic Islands, which are located in the Mediterranean.

The warmest place in Europe in winter

The Canary Islands are believed to maintain the highest temperatures of any European destination during the winter. Throughout the winter on islands off the coast West Africa, there are about two hundred hours of sunlight, that is, each day there are approximately seven hours of sun. It is easy to get sunburned in these places, as the temperature remains quite high throughout the winter (20 degrees).

It is recommended to give preference to islands such as Gran Canario, Palma and Tenerife. The Canary Islands are quite popular among tourists, so you definitely won’t get bored here. All kinds of activities and entertainment, as well as numerous sightseeing excursions, will diversify your holiday.


When wondering where to go to Europe, where it is warm in winter, tourists remember the island of Madeira. It has the mildest climate of any place in Portugal. The air temperature in winter can reach 25 degrees, and the ocean water temperature is 19 degrees. Popular activities include funicular rides to tropical garden, lunches at a fish restaurant, walks around the market. You can try it at local establishments delicious dishes from fish and meat, complementing them with wine prepared using ancient technologies. Besides the island of Madeira, there are other worthwhile places in Portugal, such as the Azores archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean.


Italy is a particularly picturesque place in Europe. It's funny that temperatures can vary significantly between different Italian cities. The warmest Italian region where Europe has the warmest winters is Sicily. In January, the temperature on this island reaches +20 degrees. Sicily is the sunny corner of Europe, as the sun shines here 330 days a year.

Warm weather and a mild climate will allow you to enjoy the sights and admire the lush vegetation that covers the island in January. Almond trees blooming in pink and white look especially beautiful in winter. The island's topography is rocky and hilly; the highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna, is also located here. By the way, those who want to go skiing can safely go to the mountains, where two ski resorts are located.

Popular places in Italy for winter holidays are the mainland cities of Naples and Sorento, where temperatures reach 13 degrees. At the same time, in Venice and Milan it is only +6 degrees, and in Rome +11. At this time of year, traveling around Italy will cost much less.


Particular attention should be paid to the most densely populated and largest greek island Crete, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea. In January, the water temperature reaches 15 degrees. The largest flow of tourists occurs from April to October, however, even in winter you can have a good rest here. In January you can enjoy walking and cycling. It is recommended to go to the southern part of the coast, as the temperatures there are higher. In winter, you can visit interesting historical places without crowds of tourists, as happens in summer.

The Greek island of Rhodes will delight you with decent weather in the winter months, two seas, interesting geographical location and, of course, its attractions. The sun is observed here 300 days a year. In winter, the weather is quite sunny and mild, and the temperature is reminiscent of early Moscow autumn.

Cyprus and Malta

Often, in search of a place to relax during the winter holidays, tourists look to Cyprus and Malta. The temperature here during this period of the year reaches 16 degrees. Tourists are offered various interesting excursions to historical sites. Malta is a place in Europe where the sea is warm in winter (water temperature reaches 17 degrees). Some wait for the winter period to go to Malta to get acquainted with local cuisine and traditions. Friendly local residents They are happy to help tourists understand the local culture.

Now you know where in Europe it is warm in winter. Take everything you need with you and go on a wonderful trip. By the way, in winter, prices for housing, excursions and everything else in the places listed above are much cheaper than in tourist season, so this trip will also be economical. Another advantage of traveling in winter is the absence of crowds of tourists near attractions and queues at museums.

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