Geography of the United States of America. Extreme points of South America. Relief and geological structure

The main body of the United States (48 contiguous states and federal district Colombia) is located in the central part of the North American continent. The length from east to west is 4,662 km, from south to north - 4,583 km. Two states are located separately from this territory - Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska occupies the extreme northwestern part of the North American continent (together with the adjacent islands). Hawaii is located in the central part Pacific Ocean. The United States also owns a number of island dependent territories, such as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Spanish: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, English: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) and the US Virgin Islands (in the Caribbean), Midway, Guam, Wake, American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands (in the Pacific Ocean).

US area (not including dependent territories) is 9,522 thousand km², which makes them the third largest state in the world after Russia and Canada. The USA has access to the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans. The total length of the US coastline is 19,924 km. The total length of the US land borders is 12,034 km, of which 8,893 km are in Canada (including 2,477 km of the Alaska border) and 3,141 km are in Mexico. The United States has a maritime border with Russia (the demarcation takes place along territorial waters in the Alaska region).

Geography of North America
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North America, the third largest continent in the world, includes 6 countries (some sources also include countries in North America Central America and the Caribbean, however, in our directory they were placed in a separate section for clarity). In addition, North America includes the world's largest island, Greenland.

Located in the northern and eastern hemisphere, the region is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast by the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, and to the west by the Pacific Ocean.

Mountains, foothills, and plains of North America

Alaska Range

These mountains of south-central Alaska extend from the Alaska Peninsula to the border with Yukon Territory (Canada). The highest point in all of North America is located here - Mount McKinley (height - 6,194 m).

Coast Range

Mountains along the Pacific coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. They also extend along the western border of British Columbia in Canada, and the southern tip of Alaska, all the way to the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak Island.

Great Plains

The Great Plains of North America slope east from the Rocky Mountains, and extend to the edge of the Canadian Shield and the western borders of the Appalachian Mountains. This land, is generally flat, with large areas without trees and valleys with shallow rivers. Small hills and mountains occur in the Ozark Plateau (Missouri) and in the Boston and Ouachita Mountains northwest of Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. sand hills and remnants cover areas of north-central Nebraska.

Appalachian Mountains

The Appalachians, approximately 2,600 km long, stretch from central Alabama (USA) through the New England states and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Quebec.

Significant chains of the Appalachian Mountains include: Cumberland (Tennessee), Blue Ridge (Virginia), Allegans (Pennsylvania), Catskill (New York), Green Mountains (Vermont), White Mountains (New Hampshire) .

The highest point is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina (height - 2,037 m).

Canadian shield

A plateau region found in eastern and northern Canada and the Great Lakes region of North America, consisting primarily of rugged and rocky terrain and large areas of coniferous (evergreen) forest. Additionally, the northern regions along the Arctic Circle are rocky, frozen tundra. The highest elevation is supposedly 500 meters.

Cascade Mountains

A mountain range extending from northeastern California through Oregon and Washington. Major peaks include Mount Hood, Rainer, and St. Helens.

Continental Divide

In North America, the Western Continental Divide is an imaginary line running through a series of mountain peaks across North America that divides the continent into two major drainage areas.

Atlantic lowland

This large area in the southern and southeastern United States extends to continental shelf, and is generally characterized by plains with forests different types. Coastal areas contain estuaries and streams, swamps, swamps, etc.

Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains are approximately 3,000 km long, stretching from American state New Mexico, further across the western United States, and on all the way to the northernmost borders of British Columbia in Canada.

The largest mountain ranges in this chain include: Absaroka, Bear River, Beaverhead, Big Belt, Big Horn, Bitterroots, Canadian, Clearwater, Columbia, Front, Guadalupe, Laremy, Lemley, Lewis, Lost River, Medicine Bow, Monashee, Auhee, Purcell , Sacramento, Samon River, San Andres, Sangre de Cristo, Southwatch, Shawshone, Steans, Stillwater, Swan, Tetons, Unita, Wallowa, Wasatch, Wind River, Wyoming, Zuni.

The highest point in the Rocky Mountains is Mount Elbert, located 15 kilometers from Leadville, Colorado. Its height is 4,399 meters.

Sierra Madre

The Sierra Madre includes two large mountain ranges and one smaller one. The Sierra Madre Occidental runs parallel to the Mexican ocean coast, with some of its peaks exceeding 3,000 meters. The Sierra Madre Oriental runs parallel to the coast Gulf of Mexico, some of its peaks also exceed 3,000 meters. The Sierra Madre Sur is located in the southern Mexican states of Guerrero and Oaxaca.

Brooks Range

Mountains in northern Alaska. The highest point is Mount Isto (height - 2,760 m).

Rivers of North America

Hundreds of rivers and their tributaries flow through North America. Some of the largest and most significant of them will be listed and described below.


This Texas river originates in the northern part of the state in Stonewall County, and flows south to Brazoria County, and then to the Gulf of Mexico. Its length is 1,351 km.


Rising in the Rocky Mountains of northern Colorado, the river flows southwest and ends in the Gulf of California. Its length is 2,333 km. Over the centuries, the river has formed many canyons along its meandering path. The most famous of them is the Grand Canyon, in northern Arizona. Along the entire route of the river there are 30 power plants, as well as dozens of dams and reservoirs.


This wide, fast-flowing river begins in the Canadian Rockies in southeastern British Columbia in Canada, then flows south through Washington State, then forms the natural border between Washington and Oregon. It ends in the Pacific Ocean and is 1,857 km long. Hydroelectric development in the river basin brought inexpensive electricity to residents of the Pacific Northwest, but greatly impacted salmon spawning and the migration of native fish.


It is Canada's longest river and divides the Northwest Territories. It flows mainly northwest into the Mackenzie Gulf and Beaufort Sea. This river of historical significance was discovered by Alexander Mackenzie, and along its route are lush green forests and dozens of lakes. Its length is 1,800 km. When combined with its tributaries, the Slave, Peace, and Finlay, its total length is 4,240 km, making it the second longest river in North America, behind the Mississippi/Missouri River system (which is 6,236 km long). .


This main river North America and the United States, with a length of 3,765 km. It flows from northwestern Minnesota south to the Gulf of Mexico, near the city of New Orleans. It is an important transportation artery, and if connected to its main tributaries (the Missouri and Ohio rivers), it will become the third largest river system in the world, with a length of 6,236 km.


This river originates in southern Montana in the Rocky Mountains, and flows first north, then southeast, through the heart of the United States, ending in the Mississippi River, north of St. Louis, Missouri. It is the longest river in the United States (4,203 km).


Formed by the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Ohio River flows generally southwest. It forms the natural border between Ohio and West Virginia, between Ohio and Kentucky, and part of the border with Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. It ends in the Mississippi River in Illinois and is 1,569 km long.

St. Lawrence River

This river flows northeast from Lake Ontario into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is 1,225 km long and can be used by deep-sea vessels between the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes. It includes several man-made canals, locks and dams, and is considered one of the most important trade routes on the planet.

Rio Grande

This is one of the most long rivers North America (3,034 km long), it begins in the San Juan Mountains in southern Colorado, then flows south through New Mexico. It forms the natural border between Texas and Mexico as it flows southeast to the Gulf of Mexico. In Mexico the river is known as the Rio Bravo del Norte. The waters of this river, used by both countries as drinking water, are becoming increasingly polluted as settlements, surrounding the path of the river waters, increase in size, and dump more and more sewage and pesticides into the water.


This river in British Columbia, Canada, begins in the Canadian Rockies, then flows in different directions (mostly south), then finally turns west to end in the Strait of Georgia, south of Vancouver. Its length is 1,368 km.


This river, which flows in central Canada, originates in northwestern Saskatchewan, then flows east to Manitoba, and on to Hudson Bay. It flows through a series of lakes and is famous fast current. Its length is 1,609 km.


This river originates in the southwestern part of the Yukon Territory of Canada, and then flows northwest across the border into Alaska. This massive river then continues southwest through central Alaska, ending in the Bering Sea. Despite its length (2,035 km.), and the fact that, for the most part, this river It is navigable and freezes from October to mid-June.

The USA is located on the continent of North America. The territory of the country is conventionally divided into three parts: continental - located in the center of the continent, the Alaska Peninsula and the Hawaiian Islands. Geographical position USA: washed to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by waters Caribbean Sea, more precisely, by the waters of its Gulf of Mexico. The country's coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and southwest. Northern Arctic Ocean washes the Alaska Peninsula from the north and northwest. The Hawaiian Islands are located about 4000 km from the mainland in the Pacific Ocean. The world's highest active volcanoes are located on the attols of the Hawaiian Islands.

Geographical location of the USA quite profitable: natural conditions diverse and generally favorable for life, natural resources are also rich and varied. There is access to three oceans, which has a beneficial effect on transport and economic relations with other countries. Western Territory The USA is occupied by the Cordillera mountain system. They are represented by long mountain ranges separated by plateaus and valleys. Rocky Mountains - longest Mountain chain. The highest point of this chain is Mount Elbert, its height is 4,399 km. And the highest point on the continental territory is Mount Whitney (4,421 km). The highest point in the entire country is located in Alaska. This is Mount McKinley, its height is 6.193 km. In the south of the Cordillera there is the wide Colorado Plateau, with many beautiful canyons. In this place there is a famous national park The Grand Canyon, or Grand Canyon, as well as the Yellowstone Canyon, where the famous Valley of Geysers is located.

The Appalachian Mountains are located in the east of the country and stretch along the Atlantic coast. Mount Mitchell is the most high point in this mountain system, its height is 2.037 km. The Appalachians are divided by the Hudson River into northern and southern parts. To the southwest of the Appalachian Mountains lie the Atlantic, Mexican and Mississippian lowlands. The Atlantic lowland is separated from the mountains by the “Line of Falls”.

West of the Appalachians are located central plains, in the center of which are the Great Lakes. This is the most large system freshwater lakes on the North American continent and throughout the world. It applies not only to the USA, but also to Canada. The total area of ​​the great lakes is 245.2 thousand km2. The largest lakes in this system are Michigan, Superior, Huron, Ontario and Erie. The Niagara River flows from Lake Erie and flows into Lake Ontario. Not far from the fall site is the most powerful waterfall in North America - Niagara Falls. It consists of three waterfalls, which are called Horseshoe, Veil and American Falls. The height of the waterfalls is about 50 meters, and the total width is more than a kilometer. The largest river in the country is the Mississippi. Its main tributaries are the Ohio, Tennessee, Missouri, and Arkansas. The length of the Mississippi River is 3950 km. Rivers are of very important transport importance and are used for irrigation and hydropower. Geographical location of the USA influences the topography of the country, which is meridional in nature. The western part, in which the Cordillera mountains are located, is arid. This territory is characterized by water shortage, because... resources groundwater severely exhausted. IN Big pool, on the Columbia Plateau and the Colorado Plateau, there are steppes, semi-deserts and deserts.

The eastern territory is flat and humid, receiving from 500 to 2000 mm of annual precipitation. All central part- flat, with a temperate and subtropical climate. Hawaiian Islands and southern region Florida have tropical climate, and Alaska is subarctic and temperate.

Geographical location of the USA affects soil and plant zones; they, like relief and climate, change in the meridional direction. The northeast is occupied mixed forests, located on soddy-podzolic soils. Region deciduous forests on red soils and yellow soils it is located to the south. And the southeast is an area of ​​subtropical pine forest. Characteristic for south Florida a tropical forest and mangroves. The central and great plains are located on fertile soils. These areas are used mainly for arable land and pastures. The Cordillera, like all high mountains, is characterized by pronounced vertical zonation. Coniferous mountain forests are gradually being replaced alpine meadows. Sequoia trees are sometimes found in these forests. In Alaska, tundra and forest-tundra predominate, and in the southern territory - taiga. The country has a huge number of picturesque places, many nature reserve parks have been created. Preserved in Alaska and the Cordillera wild fauna. However, most of the country's forests are artificial. These forests are mostly planted in a second or even third circle on the site of previously predatory-cut ones. In total, forests make up about 30% of the entire territory of the country.

South America: geographical location. Two continents - South and North America - form a single part of the world under common name America. These continents are connected to each other by the Isthmus of Panama, through which the navigable Panama Canal was dug in 1920, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. South America is located in Western Hemisphere and is washed by the waters of the Pacific (in the west) and Atlantic (in the north and east) oceans. The area of ​​the continent is approximately 18 million sq. km. South America is shaped like a triangle, tapering towards the south. Length South America from north to south along 70 degrees west. — 7350 km, and from west to east along the 10th degree north latitude. — 4655 km.

Extreme points of South America:

  • Northern - Cape Galinas 12°25′ N, 71°39′ W
  • Western - Cape Parinhas 4°40′ S, 81°20′ W
  • Eastern - Cape Cabo Branco 7°10′ S, 34°47′ W
  • South - Cape Froward 53°54′ S, 71°18′ W

In the east the continent is washed by waters Pacific Ocean, in the north and west - Atlantic. Coastline very weakly cut. Only in the southeast there are several not very large bays: La Plata, San Matias, San Jorge and Bahia Grande. To the north is the only Caribbean Sea.

Relief and geological structure.

The relief of South America is represented by plains and plateaus in the east and mountain ranges in the west of the continent. The relief of the eastern part is based on the ancient South American platform. Large low-lying plains formed on it - Amazonian, Orinoco, La Plata, composed of strata of marine and continental sediments. The shields (elevated sections of the platform) are associated with the Brazilian and Guiana highlands with a height of 500 to 2500 m. Faults earth's crust divided the highlands into separate massifs, cut by gorges.

In the west of the mainland, the Andes, or Andean Cordillera, stretch for 9,000 km from north to south, separating the rest of the continent from the Pacific Ocean. This is a folded region of Alpine age; is a continuation of the North American Cordillera and consists of parallel ridges. Between the ranges are the Central Andean highlands and plateaus. Mountain-building processes in the Andes have not been completed, so earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent here.

Largest peaks : Aconcagua – 6960m(Argentina), Ojos Del Salado— 6880m (Chile), Tupungato- 6800m (Argentina-Chile), Huascaran - 6768m (Peru), Ankouma - 6550m (Bolivia), Illimani - 6402m (Bolivia).
Largest volcanoes : Llullaillaco – 6723m(Argentina-Chile), Sahama— 6520m (Bolivia), Coropuna- 6425m (Peru), San Pedro - 5974m (Chile).


The geographical location and configuration of the continent determines how much heat it receives throughout the year. South America - wettest continent on the ground. A lot of moisture comes from Atlantic Ocean trade winds. Way to go air masses The Andes are blocking the Pacific Ocean.

South America is located in equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical And moderate climatic zones.

Most of the Amazonian lowland and the northeastern coast of the mainland are located in equatorial belt. Air temperature throughout the year is +25-28 °C. The amount of precipitation is from 1500 to 3500 mm, in the foothills of the Andes - up to 7000 mm.

Subequatorial belt The Northern and Southern hemispheres connect on the east coast, bordering the equatorial climate zone. There is seasonality in the distribution of precipitation here. A large amount of them – 2000 mm – falls in the summer. The rainy season in the Northern Hemisphere occurs from May to December, in Southern Hemisphere– from December to May. Air temperature +25 °C. Winter comes with the arrival of tropical continental air. There is practically no precipitation; air temperature +20 °C.

Tropical climate zone.

Located only in the Southern Hemisphere. Air temperature +20 °C. It is divided into two types of climate. Humid tropical climate is formed in the east and southeast of the Brazilian Highlands under the influence of trade winds bringing moisture. There is less precipitation than in subequatorial belt. Towards the west, the amount of precipitation decreases and forms dry tropical climate. Big influence It's cold here Peruvian Current. A temperature inversion occurs: the air is saturated with moisture, but very cool, resulting in no precipitation. This is the coastal desert Atacama.

Subtropical zone located south of 30°S. sh., within its borders three types of climate are formed. On the West Coast subtropical Mediterranean climate with dry, cool summers (+20 °C) and humid warm winter(+10 °С, cloudy weather prevails rainy weather). As you move deeper into the continent, the climate becomes continental subtropical. There is only 500 mm of precipitation. Forming on the east coast subtropical humid climate : summer temperature in January is +25 °C, and winter temperature in July is +10 °C, precipitation falls up to 2000 mm per year.

Temperate climate zone located south of 40º S. Forming on the West Coast marine temperate type climate: warm wet winter(+5 °С), humid cool summer (+15 °С); precipitation – up to 2000 mm or more. In the eastern part of the belt - temperate continental type climate: colder winters (0 °C), warm summers (+20 °C). Precipitation – 300 mm.

Formed in the Andes alpine type climate. Here climatic zones replace each other by law vertical zoning. At the foot of the mountains the climate is no different from the surrounding areas. As you rise, the temperature and precipitation patterns change.

Sushi waters.

South America is rich inland waters. Most rivers are fed by rain; some receive water from melting snow and ice in the mountains. The largest river flows through the continent river Earth Amazon(6400 km). The area of ​​its river basin is equal to 7 million km2– this is almost 40% of the continent’s territory. Being in a zone of high humidity, the river is full of water all year round. The river floods twice a year: in May during rains in the Southern Hemisphere and in October-November in the Northern Hemisphere.

Unlike the Amazon River Orinoco(2730 km) and Parana(4380 km) have bright pronounced seasonality drain. The flood period on the rivers occurs in the summer wet season. Flowing from the Andes, the rivers in the upper reaches form waterfalls. On one of the tributaries of the Orinoco there is the most high waterfall peace - Angel (1054 m); Iguazu Falls is located on one of the tributaries of the Paraná.


The name of the country comes from the continent of America.

The capital of USA. Washington.

US area. 9629091 km2.

US Population. 321.2 million people ()

US GDP. $17.42 trl. (

US location. The United States is the fourth largest country, located in the territory from to, from in the east to and the Rocky Mountains in the west. The territory of the United States includes Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, and a number of islands in the western Pacific Ocean. In the north it borders with, in the south - with. Alaska is separated from the strait and has borders with Canada.

Administrative divisions of the United States. The state includes 50 states (48 contiguous, as well as Alaska and Hawaii) and the federal (capital) district.

US form of government. A republic with a federal government structure.

Head of State of the USA. President, elected for a term of 4 years.

Supreme legislative body of the United States. Congress, consisting of two chambers: the Senate (elected for 6 years) and the House of Representatives (term of office - 2 years).

Higher executive agency USA. Government - The Cabinet of Ministers, appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate.

Big cities USA. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Miami, Detroit, Dallas, San Diego, Boston, Houston, Phoenix, Atlanta, St. Louis, Buffalo, Cleveland.

Official language of the USA. English.

Religion USA. They profess Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism.

Ethnic composition USA. 84% are from , 12% are African-American, 3% are from Asia, 0.8% are Indian.

US currency. US dollar = 100 cents.

USA climate. in the USA for the most part and continental. In Alaska (climate), the average January temperature is -25 °C, on the Florida Peninsula -+20 °C. average temperature July on the west coast ranges from + 14°С to + 22°С, on the east - from + 16°С to + 25°С. At American resorts almost all year round Summer reigns. Temperatures below 0°C in winter are observed throughout the entire territory except California, Florida and Hawaii. The most rain falls on Hawaii (10,000 mm per year), the least on Mojave (less than 100 mm).

Flora USA. a third of the country's territory is occupied. Thus, in the south of Alaska there are extensive coniferous forests The rest of the state is covered predominantly with mosses and lichens. The central part of the country is characterized by mixed vegetation (spruce, pine, oak, ash, birch, sycamore). For the north east coast characterized by cedar, pine, deciduous forests. To the south, the vegetation acquires a subtropical character - magnolias and rubber plants appear here. The Gulf Coast is covered with mangroves. The western part of the country is a region of deserts and deserts, characterized by yucca, shrubs and subshrubs. Desert areas are home to many cacti and succulents. Citrus fruits and various palm trees are common in California. The Sierra Nevada is considered the land of the giant sequoias.

Fauna USA. Animal world also varies by region. Thus, in the northern regions live bears, lynxes, deer, ground squirrel. The coast of Alaska is home to walruses and seals. In the east there are grizzly bears, deer, foxes, wolves, skunks, badgers, a large number of birds, including pelicans, flamingos, kingfishers, there are also alligators, and many snakes. On the Great Ones one can find mainly ungulates and herds of bison. The mountainous regions are inhabited by elk, pronghorn, Mountain goat, thick-horned, bears, wolves. In desert areas - reptiles, small mammals, rodents.

and lakes USA. The main rivers are the Missouri, Columbia. Colorado. Largest lakes- These are the Great Lakes bordering Canada: Erie, Ontario.

sightseeings of USA. In New York - Rockefeller Center (15 skyscrapers), British Empire Building, Radio Corporation of America Building, St. Patrick's Cathedral (19th century), New York Public Library, Grand Central Station building, Headquarters, Empire skyscraper State Building (102 floors), Immigration Museum, New York State Theater, Metropolitan Opera Building, Cleopatra's Needle Obelisk, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum contemporary art, Museum of the American Indian, Museum of African Art, Museum of the City, Museum of the Sea and much more. Natural attractions include mountain ranges and bay coasts.

Useful information for tourists

Americans are proud to be citizens of the world's most best country in the world, they do not like stiffness either in clothing or in manners. A European may be surprised by their simplicity appearance- they prefer comfortable clothes, address each other simply, informally, even if there is a difference in age and social status between the interlocutors.

Americans are very concerned about their health and the health of others, which is why there are designated areas for smoking in restaurants and bars. Do not smoke in taxis, airports, train stations, and even on some streets you can be fined for smoking a cigarette.

As for communication in an informal setting, receptions in the USA are a common thing. This is a favorable opportunity to talk about family and hobbies. It is better to bring a bottle of good wine as a gift. In the United States, tips are a legal form of additional remuneration in the service sector. It is distributed in taxis, at airports, in hotels, in restaurants. The porter is paid an additional 0.25-0.5 dollars per seat. A bellhop (“beltooy”) in a hotel earns somewhat more (0.5-1 dollar per bed). It is customary to give tips to the head waiter, receptionist, and maid. Tips for waiters and taxi drivers are equal to 10-15% of the bill.

You should never offer money to a police officer or government official. This attempt may be classified as a criminal offense.

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