Deer horn mushrooms are edible. Description of the fungus deer horns (yellow horns), places of distribution. Rules for collecting horned animals

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Phallomycetidae (Veselkov)
  • Order: Gomphales
  • Family: Gomphaceae
  • Genus: Ramaria (Ramaria)
  • View: Ramaria flava (Deer horns)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • Rogatik yellow

  • bear paw

  • Deer horns

  • Coral yellow


The fruiting body of Ramaria yellow reaches a height of 15-20 cm, a diameter of 10-15 cm. Numerous branched dense bush-like branches with a cylindrical shape grow from the thick white “stem”. They often have two blunt tops and irregularly truncated ends. The fruit body has all shades yellow color. Under the branches and near the stalk the color is sulfur-yellow. When pressed, the color changes to wine-brown. The pulp is moist, off-white, marbled in the core, and does not change color. Outside, the base is white, with a yellowish tint and reddish spots of varying sizes, most often found in fruiting bodies growing under coniferous trees. The smell is pleasant, a little grassy, ​​the taste is weak. The tops of old mushrooms are bitter.

Spore powder is ocher-yellow.

Habitat and growth time

Deer horns grow on the ground in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests in August - September, in groups and alone. It is especially abundant in the forests of Karelia. It is found in the Caucasus mountains, as well as in Central European countries.


The Staghorn mushroom is very similar to the golden yellow coral, the differences are only noticeable under a microscope, and also to Ramaria aurea, which is also edible and has the same properties. IN early age is similar in appearance and color to Ramaria obtusissima, Ramaria flavobrunnescens is smaller in size.


The word flava in the name of the mushroom means “yellow.” Coral fungi are considered basidiomycetes. They form spores on the fruit layer, on the outside of the “knots,” everywhere. Most corals are good, but among them there are also poisonous ones.

This ramaria is considered an edible mushroom, but certain precautions must be taken when consuming it. First of all, only young specimens should be collected and the base should be used, as the twigs are bitter. Ripe mushrooms are not edible at all due to their bitterness.

This amazing specimen is found in forests from time to time. He is very unusual and even a little exotic due to his appearance. This name, of course, is associated with its unusual appearance and shape. After all, it is very similar to deer horns or corals. Because of such an unusual shape and color, many mushroom pickers pass by these amazing specimens.


Deer antler mushrooms look very exotic and unusual. As mentioned above, they are similar to corals. The color of these mushrooms varies from light yellow to bright orange. Young specimens have light and delicate tones, but older specimens look a little brighter.

By weight, the deer antler mushroom can reach a size of about one kilogram. And in diameter and height up to 20 cm. It is interesting that at first they grow in width, and then begin to grow in height. That is, from one copy you can prepare dinner for a large company.

Taste qualities

The taste of this mushroom is legendary. They say that it tastes incredible, although it belongs to the fourth category. Deer horns are incredibly tender, pleasant and slightly similar in taste to chicken or shrimp. Of course, if they are well prepared for this.

Also, only young mushrooms are tasty. Old specimens are bitter and unpleasant. Alas, even soaking and heat treatment cannot remove their bitterness. Therefore, you should not collect them, but rather look for young mushrooms.

Deer antlers are used for cooking, soups, salads, pies, and they are also used as a filling for any dish. More, deer horns pickled, fried, stewed, and there are many more different ways to prepare them.

On the Internet you can find a bunch of the most different recipes to prepare these mushrooms. They are all very tasty and interesting.

Where does the mushroom live?

This mushroom is a rare specimen, so it is not found often. Although, if you find a place where they grow, you will probably meet not just one representative, but a whole bunch. Sometimes, in one place you can collect a whole bag of these mushrooms. They can grow in a bunch or in a circle.

Deer antlers live in middle lane Eurasia and North America. In Russia it can be found in Siberia, near Caucasus Mountains. They prefer pine forests, but they are also found in deciduous forests. They grow on healthy or dead tree trunks.

Interestingly, its taste depends on what tree this mushroom grows on. They say that deer antlers that grow on linden and oak trees are considered the most delicious, but those on pine and cedar trees are less tender.

This mushroom has no poisonous counterparts, but there are conditionally edible ones.

Classification of mushrooms


  • Horny bunch (color from soft red to rich brown).
  • Coral-shaped hedgehog (color white, cream).
  • Rogatik is purple (color varies from dark purple to deep lilac).
  • Amethyst horn (purple color).
  • Rogatik is golden yellow (light yellow color).
  • The mushroom is formidable (color cream, slightly brownish).
  • Rogatik is yellowish (color is dirty pale gray-yellow).
  • Rogatik comb (white color).
  • Mushroom cabbage (color white with a yellowish tint).
  • Mushroom noodles (color white - pink).
  • Horny bulavastik truncated (brownish color).
  • Sakhalin Horntail (ocher color).

Conditionally edible:

  • Rogatik is dull (the color is dirty - cream, ocher).
  • Spruce hornet (color yellowish-brownish, slightly ocher).
  • The horn is beautiful (pink, ocher color).

These listed mushrooms are replicas of staghorn mushrooms. They are all very similar, both in taste and appearance. It is difficult to distinguish them from each other.

If you accidentally confuse edible with inedible, you will immediately feel it, because they will be too bitter and tasteless. This only threatens you with a spoiled mood.

Mushrooms “deer horns”, or coral-shaped hedgehog mushrooms, are also known to many mushroom pickers under the names coral mushrooms, coral-shaped hericia or lattice-shaped hedgehogs. Latin name this edible mushroom from the genus Hericium or Hericium – Hericium coralloides.

Botanical description

Full description Hericium coralloides can be found in the Red Book of Russia, where the coral-shaped hedgehog is listed as a rare species. “Deer horns” are distinguished by a very beautiful exotic appearance. In the coral-shaped hedgehog it is difficult to distinguish the cap and stem, therefore, when characterizing and describing this species, we can only talk about the fruiting body as a whole. The fruiting bodies of Hericium coralloides look a bit like coral branches.

The above-ground part of hericia is very decorative, multi-branched, snow-white in color. Relatively long spines 10-20 mm high, thin and quite brittle, cover the branches of the fungus almost to the very base, most often located on the lateral side. The average diameter of the fruiting body does not exceed 25-30 cm.

Pulp initially white, but as the fungus grows and develops it acquires a characteristic yellowish color. Elastic in its raw form, after culinary processing she becomes harsh. There is no pronounced mushroom aroma. Fruiting occurs from June to October.

Deer horn mushrooms: description (video)

Where does it grow?

Most often the fungus grows on trunks, branches and hollows deciduous trees, as well as on stumps. Most often it can be found on aspen, oak or birch. In the territory southern regions The hedgehog prefers to colonize the wood of elm, oak and linden. IN temperate latitudes most often found on birch and aspen. In our country, “deer horns” can be found in almost any forest zone, except for the forests of the most northern regions.

Poisonous or edible

The mushroom of the species Hericium coralloides belongs to the category of edible mushrooms. The fruiting bodies have such an unusual appearance that they are inedible and poisonous doubles Hericia does not have them. Nutritionally and chemical composition, as well as pharmacological value, Hericium coralloides is highly similar to the relatively common combed hedgehog.

In 100 g raw pulp contains:

  • potassium – 254 mg;
  • phosphates – 109 mg;
  • sodium – 8 mg;
  • calcium – 6.7 mg.

In addition, the composition of mushroom pulp is enriched with all free amino acids, except methionine and tryptophan, and also includes a significant amount of ketones, lipid substances, phytoagglutinin and sterols.

Hericium coralloides is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is used to treat stomach and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as to improve function respiratory system. Pronounced antitumor and immunostimulating effects are noted, as well as antigeriatric effects and hypoglycemic activity of mushroom pulp.

Cooking methods

The vast forests of our country abound with all kinds of mushrooms. However, not every fan quiet hunt I'm lucky enough to meet a coral-shaped hedgehog. From "Deer Antlers" you can prepare very a large number of very tasty and incredibly healthy dishes.

You can cook perfectly different ways. Dried coral hedgehog can be soaked and then boiled or fried in batter. Very tasty and aromatic mushroom dish it turns out if fruiting bodies“Reindeer horns” are marinated in a sauce made from oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar, as well as salt and lemon juice.

Mushrooms: varieties (video)

According to experienced mushroom growers and amateur mushroom pickers, the coral hedgehog does not have a pronounced taste, therefore, regardless of the cooking method, the culinary impression of it is quite mediocre. The main advantage of “deer horns” is their extraordinary beauty.

Seeing such a mushroom in the forest, not everyone will dare to pick it. This is due to its very unusual appearance. But it is worth noting that deer antlers - edible mushroom, and you can prepare it in different ways.

One glance is enough to understand why “forest bread” has such strange name. The mushroom grows vertically, It grows in width due to numerous branched processes. from the outside, they surprisingly resemble deer antlers or sea coral. Thanks to this, the fungus has other popular names: coral-shaped hedgehog, horned grass or coral. The color also adds similarity: light yellow, light brown, beige, deep orange or even purple. Pigmentation depends on the place of growth, characteristics environment and age.

It only takes a little effort to separate the tender pulp into several pieces. A fresh cut quickly begins to acquire a burgundy hue, so the horns should be collected as quickly as possible.

Reindeer horns are an edible mushroom and can be prepared in many ways.

Places of growth, timing and characteristics of collection

It is listed in the Red Book, so you can only find deer horns in some regions. This Far East, Western and Eastern Siberia, and also Karelia and the Caucasus. Due to the characteristics of its growth, hedgehog is unpopular in the central part of Russia; most people do not even know about this type of “forest bread”.

But, despite its rarity, mushroom pickers often find places where the coral hedgehog forms large rows or voluminous rings. Prefers damp and dark places in deciduous or pine forests, This is where the most delicious specimens grow. It can also be seen on the stumps or roots of any trees, regardless of their species.

Corals are collected in summer and autumn, and in the Caucasus even in winter months. You should choose small mushrooms of light colors. The older the cattail, the more inedible it is, as it acquires characteristic bitterness and hardness. You can judge the age by the shade of the mushroom: they show more orange pigment. It is rarely affected by worms, but the horns should be carefully inspected when harvesting to detect their presence.

Gallery: mushrooms and deer horns (25 photos)

What does a deer horn mushroom look like (video)

About the edibility of deer horns

Interestingly, because of these taste differences in adults, some believe, but this is not so. Properly prepared deer horns are quite unusual, but harmless and tasty. They belong to the fourth category of mushrooms (and inedible ones are not included in the classification at all).

The fourth category is assigned to rarer mushrooms that are inferior in their taste qualities varieties from higher levels. They are preferred by gourmets or experienced mushroom pickers. But this does not mean that you should avoid the horns; you just need to better study the features of this mushroom.

Deer horns belong to the fourth category of mushrooms

Taste qualities of deer horns

There are only two very opposing opinions about the taste of the mushroom - either very bad or great. As already noted, this depends on the location and age of the coral. Due to the heat treatment, the texture of the staghorn becomes denser, tougher and less stretchy, and at the same time a little loose. Adult specimens are unpleasant to chew, and their taste is incomprehensible: sour-bitter and spicy.

But connoisseurs know that young deer antlers are unique. Depending on the cooking method, they may resemble tender chicken breast or shrimp meat. Of course, this adds a special exoticism to the dish. The pleasant aroma can stimulate the appetite, so the mushroom is recommended for those who suffer from its absence.

Young deer antlers are unique

How to cook delicious reindeer horns

Rules for successful dishes:

  1. Rogatik is not used in pickling and canning. His positive traits deteriorate quickly, it is advisable to consume them in the first 3-5 days after collection.
  2. The only storage method that is acceptable is in the form of pickles.
  3. The most delicious mushrooms- only collected ones. Simply fry or boil them, and then add them to the main dish as a side dish.
  4. Don't add a lot of seasonings. They will overpower the wonderful natural flavor of the mushrooms.
  5. Due to their structure, deer horns are considered one of the dirtiest mushrooms. They should be washed at least 3 times in running water, carefully monitoring their appearance. But even this is often not enough, so you should boil the mushrooms for 5 to 30 minutes, and then drain the broth. This way you can be sure of the purity of the product.

How to collect reindeer horn mushrooms (video)


Any housewife can prepare it, even one who has never encountered these mushrooms before.

  • Water – 3-4 l;
  • deer horns - 300-350 g;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • greens, onions, salt, sour cream, garlic - to taste.
  1. Prepare your slingshots. After pre-cooking, be sure to rinse them again.
  2. Cut the potatoes into strips and the carrots into thin circles.
  3. Place the vegetables to cook over medium heat along with the bay leaf.
  4. When the ingredients are half soft, add the reindeer horns and butter.
  5. After 15 minutes, add herbs, onions and garlic if desired.
  6. Wait until the water boils again, add salt to the soup and turn off the gas.

The dish is especially tasty with sour cream. This is a light and nutritious soup that is often eaten cold in the summer.

Any housewife can prepare reindeer horns mushroom soup, even those who have never encountered these mushrooms before

Cream soup

Delicate texture and rich taste are what distinguishes this dish.

  • Chicken broth – 1 l;
  • chicken meat - optional;
  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • boiled mushrooms – 300 g;
  • butter – 40-50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • cream 10% fat – 0.5 cups;
  • starch – 1 tsp;
  • seasonings, salt - to taste.
  1. Let's prepare the fry. Heat half the butter and a whole spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom.
  2. Add onion, cut into thin rings. Sprinkle starch on top.
  3. The cooked onions should be golden brown. Take it out onto a plate.
  4. Place the chopped cattails in a frying pan with the remaining oil. After 5-10 minutes, turn off the heat and add the onion.
  5. Boiled potatoes in chicken broth You need to grind it in a blender along with meat and butter.
  6. IN ready-made puree pour in the broth and slightly warmed cream.
  7. Heat the cream soup, but do not bring it to a boil!
  8. Add spices.
  9. Pour the dish into a plate, put onions and mushrooms in the middle, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Delicate texture and rich taste - this is what distinguishes reindeer horns cream of mushroom soup

Black rice - 500 grams
Dried reindeer horn mushrooms - 50 grams
Dates - several pieces
Lollipop - 1 piece weighing 10 grams
Ginko biloba seeds - 2 pieces
Walnut - 4 kernels
Roasted peanuts - a handful
Salt - half a teaspoon

How to make black rice porridge with deer horns
1. Wash black rice, soak in cold water for 10 hours in a volume of water 5-7 times the volume of rice.
2. Wash the deer horns, soak them in cold water, and set aside for an hour.
3. Wash the soaked mushrooms again, remove the hard stems, and cut the rest into medium pieces of any shape.
4. Rinse the dates and remove the pits.
5. Peel the gingko biloba seeds.
6. Chop the walnuts and break the kernels into several medium pieces.
7. Peel the peanuts with your hands.
8. Drain the water from the rice and rinse it.
9. Pour fresh water into a saucepan at the rate of three glasses of water per glass of rice, add rice.
10. Place a saucepan with black rice over moderate heat and wait until it boils.
11. Add deer horns, candy, dates, gingko biloba seeds to the rice, Walnut, peanuts, mix.
12. Switch the heat to low, keep on the burner for 50-60 minutes with the lid ajar, stirring occasionally.

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