Gro demobilization uniform. The difference between GRU special forces and airborne special forces. New special forces uniform from Yudashkin

Special forces are military special forces trained according to a special program and designed to carry out special combat goals and tasks. It is obvious that these units, among other things, must be the most mobile, maneuverable and resilient, and in this matter the fighter’s equipment plays an important role.

Special forces in full combat readiness

Features of the special forces uniform of the Russian Army

Among ordinary people who do not belong to military service, there is a strong opinion that military uniforms are different highest quality and the best wear resistance. And this is not without reason! After all, the main features of the special forces uniform are to ensure maximum comfort for the wearer.

Regardless of what climatic conditions turns out to be a serviceman, the special forces uniform is obliged to minimize possible inconveniences of weather conditions, be it heat, cold, gusty wind or pouring rain. In addition, despite the external bulkiness, the suit should not constrain or impede movement, allowing you to quickly respond to any unforeseen situation.

Thus, the main principles that workwear must meet are practicality, convenience and functionality. In these matters, without a doubt, the main role is played by the fabric from which it is made.

A popular material among many workwear manufacturers is rip-stop (RIP-STOP), which is based on heavy-duty nylon threads woven crosswise, which guarantees the durability of the product. Suits made from this material are durable, frost-resistant, waterproof, windproof, not flammable from sparks and do not fade in the sun, and are also relatively lightweight.

Another purpose of special clothing is camouflage, allowing a soldier to blend into the surrounding area and remain unnoticed by the enemy. Camouflage clothing is divided into three categories:

  • single color ( shining example- winter white or plain sand, called “sand”);
  • camouflage (on the fabric there are two or more colors representing some kind of pattern);
  • clothing using additional camouflage materials.

Types of special forces uniforms

The special forces uniform, regardless of the military unit, is universal and is divided into the following options:

  • summer tactical special forces uniform;
  • winter special forces uniform.

According to purpose, the form is classified into:

  • field;
  • everyday;
  • front door

The field uniform is the main option used during combat operations, field exercises, as well as in dealing with emergency situations. Its style and color depend on the task at hand. Casual is intended for daily use.

The front dress is worn exclusively on holidays and vacations, as well as on the occasion of special events. A distinctive and memorable element of the dress uniform is the beret, the color of which is determined by the military unit.

The elite of the special forces are considered to be fighters in maroon berets, who, for the right to wear a beret of this color, undergo strict qualification tests.

In addition, the following types of forms are distinguished:

  • special;
  • protective;
  • labor type.

One of the striking examples of a special type of uniform is a jumping suit, called the “Mabuta” suit, which is considered the best option for hot climates due to the special composition of the knitwear, which allows air to pass through. This uniform proved itself in Afghanistan and is still associated with GRU special forces.

At the core protective look lies OKZK (combined arms integrated protective suit), designed to protect the skin and mucous membranes of a soldier from harmful emissions and environmental influences.

Special forces - OKZK uniform (combined arms integrated protective suit)

The MPA-24 special forces uniform, made using ventilation inserts that reduce sweating at the moment, is popular as a work casual look. physical activity. Due to its practicality and functionality, this suit (for example, the SOBR uniform) has become widespread among the mass consumer and is especially loved by fishermen and hunters.

Russian GRU special forces uniform

The main task of the GRU is to ensure the state security of our country, often serving on enemy territory. Most of these formations are considered classified.

Due to this field uniform- GRU special forces camouflage does not have distinctive or characteristic features. It may be completely identical to the uniform of another military unit.

The GRU special forces field uniform has no distinctive or characteristic features.

This is a historical circumstance: back in Soviet time Special forces soldiers were assigned to combat units, which, in order to hide their location from the enemy, were carefully disguised as other types of troops.

In addition, in the intelligence community there are often cases when officers, working undercover, specially dress in the uniform of privates. The GRU dress uniform differs from the field uniform by the presence of a tunic and a white shirt.

Special forces camouflage for field conditions

The field uniform of fighters in most cases has a camouflage coloring. Special forces camouflage is a camouflage coloring of fabric that makes it difficult to identify an object. To achieve this goal, there are two camouflage functions:

  • deforming (for example, the Alpha special forces uniform);
  • imitation.

The deforming function is achieved by violating the integrity of the perception of the object through the use of contrasting colors in camouflage, which distorts the outline of the silhouette.

A clear example of the deforming function of camouflage is a set of uniforms for the special forces of the Russian Mountain Troops, called the “Gorka” suit, which is made using large contrasting elements.

Special forces uniform of mountain troops

Camouflage uniform Russian Army and special forces are endowed with an imitation function, which is achieved by merging the object with the background through the use of a color palette characteristic of the field operations area.

As for the camouflage color, in order to perform the above functions it must meet two requirements:

  • match the color often found in the area (the object literally blends into the background);
  • be unpleasant or unnoticeable to the human eye (so that the gaze does not intuitively stop at the object).

Special forces - uniform (photo)

Today, camouflage colors mainly use shades of brown and marsh, khaki, olive, gray, black, and also use the following texture and color schemes:

  • KZS Coloring-57(“Border camouflage”): olive or marsh background with angular spots of sand, gray-silver or khaki (FSB special forces uniform);
  • "Butane"(“Amoebae”): colors may vary, the principle of the scheme is that dark spots and an amoeba-like pattern are applied to a light background;
  • VSR-93(“Birch”, “Watermelon”): oblong dark green and brown spots are applied vertically onto a light green background;
  • VSR-98(“Flora”): differs from VSR-93 in that the spots are located horizontally;
  • EMR(“Russian figure”, “Russian pixel”): in this color scheme, small (“pixel”) spots that perform a simulating function are distributed in such a way that they form groups of large spots that perform a deforming function;
  • "Undergrowth": sharp angular spots of marsh and black colors are applied to a light background;
  • "Raster undergrowth"("Raster"): a twisted brown net is superimposed on the color scheme of the original undergrowth;
  • "Tiger"(“Reeds”): applied on a light background dark stripes, horizontal in the “Tiger” version or vertical in the “Reed” version.

Uniform care

The most important element of valiant military bearing is impeccable appearance. It's no secret that military uniforms require careful care. In regular and especially solemn situations, wearing dirty, wrinkled, unkempt clothes is strictly prohibited. Russian special forces uniforms must look impeccable.

It is recommended to wash and iron field and casual uniforms according to the information indicated on the tags. It is better to entrust the care of your dress uniform to dry cleaning.

“A soldier doesn’t need extra property!” - these words of a famous song can be the motto of those specialists who are developing a set of equipment worn by military personnel in combat conditions or in exercises simulating such.

But with all the minimization of the soldier’s needs, the warrior must have everything necessary to complete the assigned task. This is especially true for the issue of equipping fighters in those units that are commonly called special units. Sometimes too much depends on their actions.

It turns out that a special forces soldier needs quite a bit. And the further you go, the more things are needed in battle.

All these items, each of which can be used at the most critical moment of the battle, are generally called equipment.

Concentrated Experience

One might assume that the very first item on the list of things needed in battle is weapons. This is, of course, true, but machine guns, machine guns, pistols, grenade launchers, flamethrowers and other deadly things are highlighted in absolutely separate category, and do not apply to equipment.

But uniforms, shoes, hats, backpacks, body armor, flasks and much more can be designated by this word. An ordinary ordinary soldier should be dressed comfortably, in accordance with the time of year and climatic zone, in which the service takes place. But there is also special troops. We will talk about them.

Of course, special elite units of any army are entitled to equipment appropriate to the complexity of the tasks they perform. Special forces equipment is the embodied concentrated military experience of mankind, accumulated over many centuries in conjunction with the latest technological achievements.

Suvorov equipment

In ancient times, troops transported everything they needed in convoys following army columns. Foragers, sutlers and other heroes of military supply carried out the difficult mission of obtaining and delivering everything without which the army could not wage war. Soldiers on the march, as a rule, carried weapons, a certain amount of ammunition and a knapsack or bag in which simple military belongings were placed. During Suvorov's campaigns, the Russian army, distinguished by its special mobility, took a slightly different approach. The soldier had to have with him everything necessary to survive and even help a comrade in trouble. The weight was considerable, but the principle of increased autonomy generally justified itself. The equipment of Russian special forces is formed taking into account the continuity of this tradition.

Wartime special forces

Modern equipment even the most ordinary soldier is much more functional than the equipment of a soldier from World War II, Korean, Vietnam, Afghanistan and most other wars of the twentieth century. In the USSR, the issue of military supply was treated rather simplistically, believing (and not without reason) that our soldier was already good, and would give a head start to any other simply due to his endurance, unpretentiousness and readiness for inconvenience. Yes, in the Soviet Army they really did without carbide lamps (which were in everyone’s backpack German soldier), toilet paper, condoms and many other items unnecessary in battle. In the duffel bag there were spare footcloths, a change of linen, some crackers and dry rations (if the suppliers had gone the extra mile), as well as the “letters from mother and a handful” sung by poets. native land" But even during the difficult war years, special forces equipment took into account special, complicated combat conditions; special shoes and lightweight clothing were used in it, which kept them warm in the cold and cool in the heat. After all, a front-line reconnaissance or saboteur most often faced a long, dangerous journey through enemy rear areas. Every gram counted, every kilocalorie of food counted. And stealth and noiselessness were also required.

The main requirement for the equipment of a reconnaissance saboteur during the war years was not its convenience, but the ability to camouflage a fighter on the ground. The scientific approach to this issue was still just being formed, but certain developments already existed.

Intelligence services of the post-war era

IN post-war years Attention to issues of ammunition has only increased. Since Stalin's times, a number of intelligence services have been created in the USSR, each of which had its own departments, independent of each other. Such an organization of information support for the country's leadership, despite departmental disunity, is completely justified. You can compare information obtained from different sources and draw conclusions about their reliability. Today it is difficult to judge which of the departments was the most effective, but there is no doubt that, along with the all-powerful State Security Committee, the Main Office made a significant contribution to the defense of the Motherland on invisible fronts Intelligence Directorate Ministry of Defense. Each of these services, modestly called competent, had special divisions. The requirements for their employees were not just high, they could be called unique. And, of course, the country supplied them with everything necessary to carry out especially important tasks. The equipment of the special forces of the Soviet intelligence services was created in secret institutions, and experienced saboteurs who had gone through more than one war served as consultants in them.


An Army intelligence officer may work abroad illegally, with or without diplomatic cover. In this case, he wears a good civilian suit, speaks the language of the country in which he lives, without an accent, and tries in everything to be like its ordinary citizen. they were even forbidden to wear Sunglasses, so as not to correspond in any way to the cinematic image of the “red spy”. It’s another matter if such an officer performs a special mission during hostilities. The equipment of the GRU special forces was equipped differently depending on climatic conditions and the nature of the tasks. For example, in the tropics, an indispensable item of clothing was the so-called “net”, woven from a special rope. Mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, even having pierced clothing with their stings, could not reach the skin with them, and the air gap contributed to better heat transfer. The shoes were also special, with a heel on the toe, in order to mislead possible pursuers (of course, not very experienced ones) regarding the direction of movement. The equipment of the GRU special forces included a special saboteur jacket, the tailoring of which was based on the rich experience of army intelligence.

What else is meant by the word “equipment”?

There is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing. This English proverb is quite suitable for special forces uniforms. Special forces equipment, however, is not only jackets, boots and pants. Conventionally, it is divided into several functional sections, although many of them overlap. So, for example, a “survival knife” can be classified as a weapon, protective equipment, and special elements. In addition to clothes, equipment Russian special forces and special units of other countries includes means of protection, communications, navigation, life support, as well as a first aid kit, satellites and special devices. Some of these equipment groups are worth considering individually.

Vietnam experience

In Vietnam, Americans first wore Kevlar body armor. Movies about these tragic sixties, both documentaries and fiction, indicate that ordinary GIs wore dirty green cotton uniforms and metal helmets, sometimes covered with fabric or mesh covers so as not to glare in the sun. American special forces equipment was more complex and advanced. The uniform had a spotted bulletproof vest that protected from fire lethal weapons, the Green Berets had individual communications equipment (ICS), which helped to better coordinate the actions of units.


The helmet, which everyone has become accustomed to since the First World War, was originally designed to protect the soldier’s head from saber strikes and stone fragments, and not at all from bullets or shrapnel. The first attempt to give it the ability to withstand the effects small arms associated with the world-famous “horns” of the German helmet. German inventors planned to attach additional armor plates to them. The bullet really didn’t take the helmet, but they couldn’t withstand the blow, and the soldier died anyway. Modern special forces equipment includes a helmet, usually made of heavy-duty polymer; it is much lighter and more comfortable than metal. Experts consider the American Op Score helmet to be the most advanced product at present, which takes into account the possibility of wearing (also an indispensable attribute nowadays) a walkie-talkie headset along with a microphone. This helmet has mounts for infrared night vision and other gadgets. Its replicas are known (for example, the Russian “Armakom”).


Equipment of Russian special forces during Afghan war left much to be desired. Comfortable trousers and jackets were a good solution in southern climatic conditions, but shoes (boots or heavy ankle boots) turned out to be of little use in the mountains, and special forces soldiers were more willing to wear ordinary sports shoes, sneakers and sneakers on combat missions. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely solve the boot even today, although good models, light and durable, already exist (for example, safety shoes from the Russian manufacturer Faraday are very good).

American ACS

The equipment of Russian special forces has become more advanced in recent years, but it still does not fully satisfy military personnel either in terms of quality or quantity. In this area, the Americans have gone far ahead, the model developed by CRYE field uniform ACU does not restrict movement and has ergonomic pockets. In general, she is just what you need for a fight. The sewn-in knee pads and elbow pads are very successful, and flame-retardant textile materials are used.

The stand-up collar fits tightly around the neck, preventing dust from getting under the jacket. The pockets are sewn at an angle to make it easier to remove items hidden there.

Russian special forces fighters like this kind of forethought. Our uniforms are sewn taking into account foreign experience.

Russian analogues

It should be noted that the US defense budget is several times greater than the funding allocated to the Russian Defense Ministry. Today, American special forces equipment seems to be the most convenient and versatile, but it also costs accordingly. Nevertheless, the military personnel of the RA special forces units purchase the most necessary components themselves, knowing that the success of the operation, and sometimes their very lives, often depends on the equipment.

Thus, the best fit for our conditions is the “A-C-U” cut (translated as “army combat uniform”) in the “surpat” coloring, developed by Russian designers taking into account the color scheme appropriate to our climate. “Multikam” camouflage was created in the USA for mountain-desert conditions.


Modern full equipment special forces is impossible without the main means of bulletproof protection - body armor. It consists of two main types of elements, armor plates and a cover containing them, a kind of “sleeveless vest” with large pockets on the back and chest. In addition, the body armor serves to attach pouches, additional equipment and equipment. The fighter knows in which compartment he has what, it is convenient for him to get machine gun magazines, grenades and other necessary things in battle.

Special forces "fashion"

It is difficult for an uninitiated TV viewer to even guess how complex the special forces equipment is. The photo of soldiers of special forces units amazes with the multitude of mounted pouches, built-in technical means and devices. Basically, all this is fixed on the so-called “unloading”, which frees up the hands and reduces the weight of the backpack, and at the same time protects the fighter. According to the latest “fashion”, it should be modular, that is, consist of several functional elements.

What will the new special forces equipment be like? Maybe Russian inventors and designers will be able to surprise the whole world with their achievements in this area?

Fighters prefer non-standard stocks, sights, body armor and boots. Military personnel of the special forces units of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops and SOBR of the Special Purpose Center (TSSN) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agreed to tell the newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" why American colors are popular in Russian special forces, how effective domestic body armor and night vision devices are, how they select combat equipment and weapons.

In recent years, the main characters of television reports and photographs from the North Caucasus have become soldiers of various special forces units performing tasks to combat the terrorist underground. In the video and photo chronicles, it is striking that the field uniforms, body armor, communications equipment, etc., are different for the special forces, so to speak, just like the world.

In the modern world, the private production segment tactical equipment and protective equipment is developing very dynamically. Even such well-financed Western divisions as the American Delta, British SAS and others buy the products they like with their own money. After all, the success of any operation depends on uniforms, equipment, and especially weapons. How are things going with the Russian security forces, what problems are there, what would you like to change?

Military uniforms - field, everyday and ceremonial uniforms - are always regulated by the relevant decrees of the Ministry of Defense. However, there are special forces formations in the law enforcement agencies of ministries and departments not related to the Russian Armed Forces, which perform specific tasks, for which they use a very wide range of military and universal uniforms.

Classification of special purpose units

Existing special forces units in Russia belong to different departments. The Russian Armed Forces have the following special forces units:

  • NE ( ground troops) – DShB brigades and DShP regiment;
  • GU - 25th regiment and brigade;
  • MO – center of Senezh;
  • GRU - PDSS detachments of reconnaissance points Parusnoye (Baltic Fleet), Tuapse ( Black Sea Fleet), Animal Farm ( Northern Fleet) and about. Russky/Dzhigit Bay (Pacific Fleet);
  • Airborne Forces – 45 guards brigade(Cuban);
  • Navy - detachments of the Caspian Flotilla, Black Sea, Baltic, Pacific and Northern Fleet.

The Russian special services also have special forces units:

  • FSB - operational support departments, regional departments and services, departments A (Alpha), B (Vympel) and C;
  • Border Service of the FSB - regional services and departments, DShM of border detachments, special intelligence groups OGSpR;
  • SVR – Zaslon detachment;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs - Thunder squad;
  • National Guard troops - instead of internal troops, detachments were created: Wolverine (Krasnoyarsk-26), Rus (Simferopol), Skif (Grozny), Peresvet (Moscow), Svyatogor (Stavropol), Bulat (Ufa), Ratnik (Arkhangelsk), Kuzbass (Kemerovo) , Bars (Kazan), Mercury (Smolensk), Mechel (Chelyabinsk), Typhoon (Khabarovsk), Ermak (Novosibirsk), Edelweiss (Minvody), Vyatich (Armavir), Ural (Nizhny Tagil), Rosich (Novocherkassk), 604 TsSN;
  • Rosgvardia - combat units of SOBR and OMON;
  • FSIN - republican departments Saturn (Moscow), Rossy (Sverdlovsk), Typhoon (Lenoblast), Iceberg (Murmansk), Guardian (Chuvashia), Akula (Krasnodar), Yastreb (Mari El), Vulcan (Kabardino-Balkaria);
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations – special risk center Leader;
  • FSUE Communications-Security – Mars department.

Some of the above special purpose units are military, that is, by default they are staffed by military personnel. The other is departmental, that is, it employs employees who are assigned special ranks, not military ones. The two largest ministries of the Russian Federation include both:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs - the special forces of the National Guard are staffed by military personnel, riot police and special forces are not military formations;
  • FSB - special forces of the border troops and departments A, B and C, respectively.

Special forces formations perform combat missions in populated areas and forests, under water and in the air, so field uniforms, ammunition and weapons are very different. A presidential decree in 2005 prohibited the use of insignia and military uniforms in the security units of the FSB, FSKN, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSIN, PPS and other departments formed not from military personnel.

These highly mobile units go out on combat missions, perform guard duty and learn skills in various forms.

Military special forces

When passing urgent, extra-urgent or contract service As part of special forces, a serviceman is obliged to comply with the rules of wearing uniforms and insignia. The state provides special forces formations with VKBO sets (all-season basic uniform set) consisting of 19 items of clothing. Independent configuration of VKBO elements is allowed, depending on combat and training missions and weather conditions.

Any third-party “camouflage,” “body armor,” or “unloading” that does not meet the requirements of the statute is considered a dress code violation. However, the Special Forces are considered the elite of the Russian Armed Forces; commanders may allow the use of more comfortable clothing, for example, American or European special forces.

Special purpose squads of combat swimmers actually arose during the Second World War, but the units were so secret that field and everyday clothing was altered by their employees independently from the most suitable uniforms of various branches of the military.

In 1974, during the formation of the famous Alpha (Group A of the KGB of the USSR for the fight against terror), working in a less secret mode, the problem of equipment also arose, so the officers wore blue jackets and suits for pilots and technical workers, which turned out to be most convenient for their tasks.

When a limited contingent of troops was introduced into Afghanistan in 1979, the special forces field uniform for hot climates and mountainous terrain was urgently developed based on the uniform of the troops of Congolese President Colonel Mabuta; the suit was sewn according to GOST 17 6290 from raincoat fabric with water-repellent impregnation.

Officially, the “Mabuta”, “jump suit” or “sand” was the uniform of “Alpha”, GRU units and the newly formed Vympel department; in fact, paratroopers and infantrymen bought it for cash with the permission of their commanders for everyday wear.

The modern uniform of Russian special forces is comfortable and functional, but there are Western analogues, surpassing it in some properties/qualities. For example, until recently protective helmet did not have devices for fixing a tactical flashlight, night vision device and other devices. The colors and patterns of some camouflage fabrics and clothing styles from American and European manufacturers are better suited to specific local conditions.

Rules for wearing uniforms by Russian military personnel

In 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed decree number 300 on the rules for wearing military uniforms. Last changes it was introduced in 2017, but before that significant adjustments were made three times:

  • 1997 – symbols were added, wearing rules were introduced;
  • 2008 - the dress uniform was simplified, field uniforms were improved;
  • 2011 – partial return to the form of the USSR, development of the VKBO.

Until 2008, the equipment of special forces of the Armed Forces and non-armed forces departments was almost identical. Moreover, the guard’s uniform almost completely copied the uniform elite units participating in hostilities, therefore, in these formations and organizations, military symbols and army uniforms were prohibited.

VKBO kit

In 2011, a new uniform for the units was developed general purpose and units of the Special Forces. The customer of the project was the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the contractor was a domestic holding company light industry BTK Group. An integrated scientific approach was used, so the design bureau included:

  • University of Technology and Design St. Petersburg;
  • Naval Engineering Institute of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education;
  • Institute of Medicine RAMS.

A ready-made VKBO set was tested in 8 military units for 3 months in 2012 in different regions of the country - the south of the Russian Federation, the Trans-Urals, the Central region, and the Arctic. The customer put forward the following requirements:

  • anti-slip surface of shoe soles;
  • petrol and oil resistance of the upper part of the shoe;
  • ergonomics of each element;
  • durability, compactness, low weight;
  • camouflage properties (camouflage);
  • protection from adverse conditions;
  • provision and ability to regulate heat balance;
  • moisture management at any level of physical activity.

The final VKBO set consists of 3 pairs of shoes and 20 items that provide a multi-layer effect. In other words, each subsequent layer is put on the previous layer to achieve a comfortable thermal balance in any weather conditions And climatic zones at different seasons of the year.

The delivery schedule was carried out in stages from 2013 to 2015. The transition from the existing uniform to the new uniform occurred gradually. Part personnel dressed in VKBO, at the same time wearing old-style uniforms.

The uniform is considered casual and field, so the summer kit is intended for indoors all year round and outdoors at an air temperature of +15 degrees. The winter kit is effective for temperatures from -40 degrees to +15 degrees. Three pairs of shoes are designed to be worn in temperature ranges of -40 – -10 degrees, -10 – + 15 degrees and above + 15 degrees. Clothes that are not currently in use are transported and stored in a special backpack-trunk.

  1. moisture-wicking underwear short (T-shirt and shorts) made of 100% polyester or long (long johns with a codpiece, sweatshirt with a round neck, long sleeve, silhouette adjacent);
  2. fleece underwear made from a long-sleeved sweatshirt (zip to the middle of the chest, chin protection, hole for thumb) and long johns (selective brushing, elastic band inside the waistband) made of 7% elastane and 93% polyester;
  3. fleece jacket (100% polyester), 2 internal and 2 external pockets, chin protection, elbow, shoulder pads and stand-up collar made of finishing fabric, has a windproof flap, side zipper, double-sided fleece, wears with insulated, protective or demi-season suit ;
  4. windbreaker (2% elastane and 98% polyester), digital camouflage, worn with trousers of the next level, cord at the bottom with fasteners, ventilation valves in the pockets, water-repellent finish;
  5. demi-season suit (1% elastane, 99% polyamide) made of trousers with removable suspenders, the seat area and knees are reinforced with high-strength pads, side seams with zippers, and jackets with a two-way zipper, hood, front pockets, stand-up collar, elbow pads;
  6. windproof suit (PTFE membrane inside 100% polyamide) made of jacket and trousers, linings, double flap, hood, waterproof zippers, side seams of trousers with zippers;
  7. insulated vest (100% polyamide and PTFE membrane), one internal pocket is tightened with a cord, the second is closed with a zipper, front external patch pockets, windproof placket with hidden buttons;
  8. insulated suit (100% polyamide), hood is adjustable to fit the face, pockets in the sleeves, reinforced linings, mitten clips, bottom of trousers with elastic bands, top to mid-thigh with zippers.

Fleece underwear weighs 516 g, regular 281 g (long), insulated suit 2.3 kg. The summer suit (digital camouflage) has an increased cotton content (65%). The thread is reinforced using rip-stop technology, the fabric practically does not tear. A headdress is provided for him - a cap. The second cap is worn with a demi-season suit. The scarf is made in the shape of a bib and is adjustable in volume.

Universal hat-balaclava made of 30% polyamide and 70% wool, transformable. An insulated hat with two elongated flaps allows for wearing in several positions. Winter socks made of wool with the addition of polyamide. The mittens have removable insulation and fasteners for jacket sleeves. Five-fingered woolen gloves, black.

However, the basic kit does not provide 100% equipment for solving special forces combat missions, so special forces units use additional equipment, ammunition, and weapons. For example, body armor, unloading vests, camouflage suits, wetsuits, jumpsuits for paratroopers.

Casual dress

Unlike rapid reaction forces, special forces plan operations in advance, so daily activities traditionally include:

  • classroom training (theory, tactics);
  • performing guard duty;
  • rest and personal time.

Thus, army special forces use the new VKBO kits, which are quite sufficient for these tasks. For training on special disciplines field uniform is used - camouflage suits, body armor, wetsuits, jumpsuits.

Field uniform

Due to the special status of special forces, they solve very different tasks:

  • sabotage and anti-terrorism activities;
  • intelligence and counterintelligence;
  • ensuring the safety of one’s own unit and eliminating enemy structures of the same name;
  • organization riots on enemy territory and fighting them in their own regions;
  • protection of objects/persons and their physical destruction.

The field black uniform of the OMON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB provides visual control - friend/foe, demoralizes the enemy, and the diving suit of the PDSS GRU naval combat swimmer ensures covert penetration under water. The “Izlom” camouflage is good for moving through the forest as part of a group, and the “Leshy” camouflage suit is used by a sniper in a long-term firing position.

Ceremonial uniform

The dress uniform of military personnel and employees of special forces units is much easier to understand:

  • they belong to certain branches of the military;
  • ceremonial uniforms are used during dismissal, at a gala event or during vacation, that is, at events not related to combat missions.

Special forces soldiers are dressed according to the rules of wearing military uniforms.

Airborne Forces

Usually the special forces demobilization uniform is decorated with aiguillettes and numerous piping elements of ceremonial clothing. In fact, aiguillette is an element of the dress uniform for special ceremonial occasions according to Decree No. 300 of 2015 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Officer's dress uniform airborne special forces includes:

  • jacket, trousers and cap made of blue (sea wave) wool;
  • a vest with blue stripes instead of a white general-arms shirt;
  • ceremonial golden belt;
  • black boots with high tops;
  • blue beret or cap.

in winter landing troops dress in the same uniform, and over it a casual warm jacket blue and black gloves. Instead of a beret/cap, a fur hat with earflaps or a cap can be used.

In the summer, soldiers, sergeants and cadets wear a blue beret, combat boots, a vest and a casual suit.


The uniform of the Special Forces belonging to the Navy is completely identical to the uniform of the Airborne Special Forces. Since the rules for wearing a dress uniform clearly state that all special forces, regardless of belonging to a specific branch of the military, receive the right to wear a blue vest and ankle boots. The beret has the color of the military branch.

PS FSB (border service)

The jacket of an FSB officer is no different from the uniform of a serviceman - three buttons, sea wave color, fitted. The shoulder straps of employees of departments A, B and C have a cornflower blue edging on a silver or gold field, border service– green edging. The ceremonial military uniform is equipped with boots or boots (for formation), and a golden belt. The color of the overcoat is steel gray, it is fastened with 6 buttons.

Special Forces National Guard Troops (maroon berets)

A distinctive element of the dress uniform of the special forces of the former Internal Troops, preserved after they were renamed the National Guard, is the headdress. The maroon beret appeared in 1978, until 1989 it remained a non-statutory element of the uniform, to which senior officers turned a blind eye. The qualification test for the right to wear it was legalized only in 1993.

Simultaneously with the maroon beret of the VV special forces, vests with stripes of a similar color appeared, similar to the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps(blue and black vests in the color of the berets of these military branches, respectively).

PDSS and MRP GRU (combat swimmers)

PDSS units were created to identify and eliminate enemy underwater saboteurs. However for effective fight with them are included combat swimmers(the same saboteurs, but their own). In addition, there are separate formations in each fleet for highly specialized tasks, for example, protecting the water area and ships inside it under water or organizing sabotage.

These formations of Russian special forces are considered the most classified so far. During the Soviet era, they were provided with the standard uniform of privates and sergeants of the home fleet. We wore it on leave and on vacation; we never took part in parades.

Currently the situation continues. The dress uniform of the MRP and PDSS detachments is completely identical to the uniform of the Navy.

Dress code for particularly hot regions

The Russian Army does not provide dress uniforms for hot regions. But for the Russian soldier there is a special everyday uniform from the manufacturer BTK Group consisting of 8 items:

  • socks;
  • t-shirt;
  • baseball cap;
  • Panama;
  • shorts;
  • trousers;
  • jacket.

This is the uniform worn by the MTR units of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. All clothing is sand-colored without a camouflage pattern.

Female form

In Special Forces formations, women's everyday and field clothing has special sizes. The jacket-shirt is equipped with a large number of pockets. The dress uniform is distinguished by the presence of a blouse and skirt made of wool instead of a men's jacket and trousers. Berets, ankle boots and vests are preserved in full for the special forces that the Russian Army has.

Special units of law enforcement agencies and ministries

After 2008, special forces uniforms staffed by non-military personnel use differences from army uniforms. This was done on purpose to avoid confusion. However, even before the renaming internal troops The Ministry of Internal Affairs received the right to wear maroon beret and vests.

By default, employees use a full police uniform (MVD) or similar uniforms of their own department (FSB, FSIN). In most cases, a domestically produced VKBO kit is used as an everyday uniform. The field uniform corresponds to the tasks of the units and differs significantly from the army uniform.

For example, the Special Forces formations of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs use a black uniform.

Standard uniform

By analogy with the army, the latest edition of the Rules for Wearing Uniforms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place in 2011, so the special forces “parade” is practically no different from the PPS uniform. The main nuances are:

  • even at special events, riot police are allowed to wear gray camouflage, and SOBR is allowed a black summer suit;
  • instead of an army field uniform, there is an analogue - uniforms for performing service and operational special tasks;
  • instead of a jacket, the suit set may include a “Gorka” (mountain suit) of an anorak style (put on over the head) or a single-breasted jacket with a zipper;
  • by analogy with airborne troops A beret is provided, only in green or black.

Unlike the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the GRU special forces uniform is subject to the rules of wearing of the Ministry of Defense, that is, by default it is army.

Individual uniform and ammunition

If the army Special Forces are characterized by covert operations, police special forces often confront armed formations “face to face”, therefore the cut of the clothes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB and its protective characteristics often turn out to be unsatisfactory when using a standard set. Uniforms of American and European production are purchased, including by the special forces officers themselves:

  • bulletproof vests Redut, Defender and Bagariy of modular type;
  • unloading vests manufactured by Armak;
  • Molle pouch sets;
  • OpScore, Omnitek-T and ShBM helmets;
  • submachine guns Veresk SR-2M and PP-2000.

Standard AKs are equipped with length-adjustable stocks and Picatinny rails, allowing you to attach additional devices to the machine gun.

Special Operations Forces MTR

The unit reports to the Minister of Defense, was created in 2009, and the data of the current SOF commander is classified. They are considered a rapid reaction force and conduct operations abroad (Somalia, Aleppo) and within the country (North Caucasus).

From its inception until mid-2014, exclusively foreign special forces uniforms were used to equip these units:

  • Propper BDU (multicam colors);
  • special equipment kits for hot climates;
  • Arcteryx Leaf;
  • Tactical Combat, Field or Performance;
  • tactical suit Fortrex K14;
  • helmets Warrior Quiver and 6B7-1M;
  • ballistic helmet Spartan;
  • diving suit GKN-7 set Amphora diving;
  • anti-fragmentation suit Reid-L;
  • body armor 6B43;
  • unloading vest 6Sh112.

Currently, the BTK Group holding company provides decent quality materials, design and functionality of equipment; domestic uniforms are used, with rare exceptions.

In the media, this unit is usually called " Polite people"because of the corresponding attitude towards journalists during the maintenance of order in Crimea in 2014. During the operation, his disguise was either a security guard's uniform or civilian clothing.

Options for camouflage suits

Domestic camouflage for military uniforms comes in several types:

  • Deciduous forest - created during the Second World War in 1942, suitable for forest;
  • Silver leaf - has additional names “birch” and “sunny bunny”;
  • Amoeba - appeared in 1935, the spots are large, there are options for any season of varying color intensity;
  • VSR-93 – “Butane”, more often called “vertical”, the design completely merges the form with the vegetation;
  • VSR-98 - “Flora” or “Watermelon” because of the corresponding stripes, is considered basic for the European part of the Russian Federation;
  • Flora digital - called the “Russian number”, is the youngest option.

Initially, camouflage was used to disguise special forces weapons and their uniforms to match the surrounding terrain. like this field clothes worn by all Special Forces units. However, for special operations there are better camouflage options:

  • Goblin - the cape is hung with tufts of green, brown and yellow colors, blends in with any vegetation and tree trunks;
  • Kikimora is a high-strength shapeless fiber of a marsh color.

There are known options from third-party manufacturers of camouflage fabric and ready-made sets of tactical uniforms made from it:

  • Twilight – color from black to light gray (twilight);
  • Cobra - looks like the scales of a large reptile, blends in with the woodland and tall grass;
  • Kink – waterproof fabric for hardwood and coniferous forest;
  • Frog – large digital squares;
  • Multicam - the American version for urban areas, slums, communications, not suitable for forests;
  • Suprat - a domestic development of a forest camouflage pattern and suit style, costs three times less than imported analogues;
  • Amoeba - created from illogical fabric, has the most extensive operating experience;
  • Black - for units of departmental security forces (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and UPSIP) for the purpose of quickly identifying each other;
  • Winter - clean White color or with black spots;
  • Desert – advantage of sandy and brown colors;
  • Jungle – yellow and green;
  • Urban – considered basic, has a gray background, dark “number”.

In addition to the Special Forces, camouflage clothing is used by combat units and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Armed Forces, GRU, FSB and even civilians, organizations. For example, a police officer and a fisherman can be dressed in camouflage. Until recently, the uniform of a security guard was practically no different from army uniforms.

Foreign analogues of camouflage fabric are most often superior to domestic developments:

  • Apu Pat - the name of the style of clothing and the color of camouflage fabric, does not change color when wet;
  • Woodland - a budget version of the previous material, darkens when wet, nicknamed “NATO”, has four shades - rich green for swamps, moderate for forests, brown for mountains and basic universal;
  • Marpat - has three options for desert, city and forest, digital spots with black, brown and green shades, breaking the symmetry of human anatomy, which the observer’s eye usually clings to.

Digital drawing is considered the best option, as it is developed in a special camouflage department of the Karbyshev Central Research Institute. The shape of the pixel interferes with the concentration of the gaze on it and “falls out” from the field of view. For example, the “kink” option has the following masking properties:

  • the scheme is divided into color parts - mustard, dark green and brown;
  • the fracture imitates the three main coverings of a coniferous forest - moss, foliage and fallen needles;
  • the deforming visual perception of the silhouette behind the camouflage fabric is achieved by increasing the size of the pattern;
  • digital areas of green color should be close to the real size of the needles, brown - to the dimensions of moss spots, and mustard - to dry foliage.

Camouflage colors are often used for sewing everyday uniforms, since the fabric is very strong.

Special uniforms

In addition to the Kikimora and Leshy camouflage coats, several categories of military specialists have special uniforms:

  • scuba divers and divers;
  • paratroopers and snipers;
  • saboteurs and anti-terrorism groups;
  • sappers and miners.

For the same reasons, special forces weapons are diverse:

  • Pecheneg and AKM machine guns;
  • pistol Vityaz PP-10-01, Glock-17 and PYa;
  • AK-105, 74M and APS (underwater) assault rifles;
  • sniper complexes VSK-94 and Vintorez;
  • PRTK Kornet complexes;
  • hand grenade launchers GM-94 and under-barrel grenade launchers GP-34.

Special forces move overland in SUVs, KamAZ-Mustangs, BTR-82 armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles and ATVs.

Delivery by air is carried out by AN-26 transport personnel and Mt-8MTV-5 helicopters, by water by BRP SEA-DOO jet skis, and under water by tugboats and nuclear submarines.

Thus, the dress uniform of special forces units is a kind of camouflage. Everyday uniforms are most often the same, but field uniforms are very diverse and unique.

Once every six months, conscripted military personnel are faced with the question of demobilization uniform. And today we will talk about this.

As you know, it is signed on March 27 and September 27. From the moment the order is signed, young people who have served begin to retire to the reserve (popularly demobilize).

And almost every one of them wants to come home to their family and friends in a beautiful military uniform. In connection with this, a demobilization uniform was invented a long time ago.

Here are just a few examples of forms for DMB shown in the photo below:

Photos of several variants of the demobilization uniform

You can make this form yourself, or you can order it online or buy it in a store.

Interesting points related to the service:

  • How to do it right
  • and how to increase your salary

Buy demobilization uniform

For those who decided not to bother too much and just buy a uniform for demobilization, there are several sites on the Internet that are engaged in sewing and delivering uniforms for leaving servicemen. But in Lately There are a lot of scammers who want to get rich at your expense, offering to buy a DMB form. Therefore, before ordering your demobilization uniform, you should carefully choose a seller.

Now let’s look at several options for demobilization uniforms for types and branches of the military.

Airborne troops - winged infantry! The elite of the Russian armed forces their motto: “Nobody but us”

Sample form for the Airborne Forces for demobilization

The Navy is one of the branches of the Russian Armed Forces. Conscripted military personnel still go on long voyages on ships, although their service life is one year. Everyone loves sailors and naval demobilization uniform they have a beautiful one. Their motto: “God and St. Andrew’s flag are with us”

Sample uniform for the Navy for demobilization

Conscripted military personnel do not fly airplanes themselves, but nevertheless serve in units of the Aerospace Forces in various military positions as junior specialists. Their motto: “Higher and higher”

Sample uniform for the Air Force VKS for demobilization

Motorized rifle troops are the most numerous type of troops in our army. Most of- These are conscripted military personnel. That is why the demobilization uniform from VKPO is so popular among this category of soldiers.

Sample uniform for motorized rifle troops for demobilization

Troop soldiers air defense guard our peaceful sky 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Their motto: “We don’t fly ourselves and we don’t let others!”

Sample form for air defense for demobilization

They are one of the components nuclear shield our Motherland. That is why service in the Strategic Missile Forces is so honorable, and their motto corresponds to their mission: “After us there is only silence.”

Sample form for the Strategic Missile Forces for demobilization

The demobilization uniform from the so-called office appeared quite recently, namely in 2013. And almost immediately it gained popularity. Although, see for yourself:

Sample office uniform for demobilization

How to make a demobilization uniform yourself

In order to create your masterpiece (there is no other way to say it), you will have to put in a lot of effort and just as much imagination. Be patient and have some thread)) And go ahead!

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