Interview with a gymnastics coach. Interview with gymnast Victoria Komova. Is it true that sport is the best school of life?

The Russian team is the world champion in group exercises.

Andrey Shitikhin from Sofia

Gymnastics. World Championship. Group exercises. All-around. 1. Russia (Kravtsova, Levanova, Polyakova, Shishmakova, Tatareva, Tolkacheva) - 46,300. 2. Italy - 44,825. 3. Bulgaria - 42,050.

At the World Championships rhythmic gymnastics, which takes place in Sofia, the Russian team won a gold medal in group exercises and secured participation in Olympic Games in Tokyo. Maria Kravtsova, Anastasia Tatareva, Ksenia Polyakova, Evgenia Levanova, Anastasia Shishmakova and Maria Tolkacheva became world champions. The head coach of the Russian national team was very emotional after the victory.

To be honest, just six months ago our group exercise programs were not ready. But over the summer they managed to make it difficult. Although everything was extremely difficult, little happened in the warm-up.

- But in the end everything worked out.

As they say, God loves the strong. Those upstairs apparently saw how and how much we trained. Our last training camp was in Latvia. At 38 degrees in the gym we trained for 9 hours.

- Do you have any complaints about the girls?

Today the girls did everything quite well and cleanly. They did everything in a group exercise that should be in a group exercise: expressiveness, stability, and purity. There were no failures or stops.

With hoops, they completed the most difficult program without a hitch, and they performed it expressively, with great aplomb. They showed several images in one program to complex music: a slow romantic movement, and Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” then again in a minor key, and it all ends with femininity and tenderness. It is very difficult to create four images in 2.5 minutes.

Jump ropes and balls - the disco, rhythmic music they were meant to rock. These are two completely opposite musics. The girls coped with everything, received well-deserved marks and took first place by a huge margin. In fact, in group exercises such a gap rarely occurs.

- What grade would you give the girls?

They deserved a B with two pluses today. They very, very rarely receive such an assessment from me. Yes, I'm happy.

- The audience appreciated the complexity of the programs.

For now, God gives me the opportunity to see what others cannot see. Therefore, I have to work, which I always tell my children: you must fully develop your talent, your gift. We work to ensure that others like it. I would like to thank the organizers: the conditions are excellent, and so are the fans.

I would like to say thank you to everyone, the entire team who helped us work here: doctors, massage therapists, coaches, choreographers, the entire federation, which worked tirelessly, the leadership of our sport, which provided us with all the conditions for preparation.

Continuing the theme of development children's sports in Cyprus, I talked with one of the famous rhythmic gymnastics specialists in Cyprus, our compatriot, Vera Petrovna Sergeeva.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a very beautiful sport for girls. Unfortunately, I did not play this sport as a child. Therefore, I was interested in finding answers to the following questions:

What are the features of this sport? What skills does he develop? What opportunities and prospects exist for the development of this sport and athletes in Cyprus?

From the conversation I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I hope that for parents who are just thinking about or have already chosen a sport for their children, it will be interesting to learn more first-hand.

The heroine of our interview is Vera Petrovna Sergeeva, President and Head rhythmic gymnastics coach of the SPARTA Club. Vera Petrovna – Master of Sports, graduated with honors from the Sports Children and Youth School of the Olympic Reserve named after. R. Kuznetsova in Russia and immediately began working there as a trainer-teacher. In 2007 she graduated from Tomsk State University with honors Pedagogical University, department physical culture and sports. Work experience as a trainer is more than 15 years, of which 7 years in Cyprus.

In 2014, she founded the sports club “SPARTA”, the main goal of which is to popularize, develop and improve the level of rhythmic gymnastics in Cyprus. Among the pupils of our interlocutor are multiple champions and prize-winners of all-Russian and international competitions .


Hello Vera, thank you very much for taking the time to meet! D Let's start with the question that worries me the most: what, exactly, is the difference between rhythmic gymnastics and sports gymnastics?

Artistic gymnastics is more of a sport with strength elements, while rhythmic gymnastics is more of a combination of sport and art.

I wonder what qualities does rhythmic gymnastics develop?

In addition to plasticity, grace, a sense of melody and sports skills, rhythmic gymnastics also develops character and spiritual qualities, and helps develop a sense of responsibility. Children gain self-confidence and become leaders. Every child we have is a little artist.

Now we have begun to develop the direction of group performances. Our children were immediately transformed! Knowing that you are working in a team, and there are five more girls waiting for you, the children try not to miss training and work to the maximum.

Please tell us how many similar clubs there are in Cyprus? And how is rhythmic gymnastics developing on our island? As far as I know, this is a fairly popular sport for girls here.

There are a large number of clubs in Cyprus. In Limassol, for example, there are seven clubs, in Nicosia - five, in Larnaca and Paphos - two each. For Cyprus this is a large number. We hold friendly competitions between local clubs and travel to international competitions. Also, the Cyprus Championships are held.

How many children are in your club?

More than 80 girls attend the club. We are growing and expect to grow further because we have excellent coaches, premises and time. Our schedule also allows for more children.

Tell us about your club. How old is the club? Who works with children?

Our club is quite young, it is in its 3rd year. Our trainers are Oksana Ivanovna Semenova-Christofi, a basic training coach, and Anna Aleksandrovna Sizova, a coach and choreographer. I am the Head Coach and President of the Club.

Every year we bring specialists representing the strongest rhythmic gymnastics schools in Russia, who advise us and train our children. We, in turn, also plan to send our children to these Olympic training centers to exchange experiences.

At what age is it better to start rhythmic gymnastics classes and how to sign up for your club?

Subject to prior viewing, we can accept girls from 3 years old. You can sign up and arrange a meeting by phone or on our Facebook page –

How are classes going?

Children are divided into groups, each of which goes through its own “station”: some do choreography, some spend time stretching or pumping up muscles, some practice skills in working with objects. Then the groups change.

Provided they are psychologically ready, we take all young children, because this is more of a sport for health, for oneself (for example, rhythm and plasticity). We need to give every child a chance to try. Classes take place in a specially equipped air-conditioned hall. Parents are allowed to attend the first lesson, then classes are held without parents. The kids study twice a week for an hour.

Is it possible to bring a child to classes not at three years old, but older? And what results can they expect?

Certainly! We have groups with different levels preparation. There are children who started studying at eight and nine years old. You can start and achieve good results regardless of age. We had a girl who started training at almost 10 years old, but in three years she caught up with the girls who had been training since the age of five. Of course, the natural characteristics of the child himself (for example, plasticity, etc.) play an important role. But a lot depends on the parents.

What time do classes take place?

We work every day. Children 3 years old study on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 19:30.

For older children there are classes every day, from 15 to 17 hours.

Those who claim high results practice every day.

How do children from 5 years old study?

Three times a week. At the end of the year they already have competitions among themselves. We, of course, try to make a holiday out of this. All children need to be rewarded and celebrated somehow! Prizes, crowns - we try our best to make all our children happy.

We also conduct various motivational events, try to make a children's sports life bright. Our syllabus is built in such a way that after each school season we hold colorful costumed musical events. Children begin to like it, they have an incentive, they strive to improve their results.

Our Club is often invited to major city holidays and public events. In June of this year, the performance of our girls made the Opening Ceremony of the Russian-Cypriot Festival unforgettably beautiful and solemn. This was very important and meaningful for the children, because it’s not every day that you have the honor of speaking in front of the President of Cyprus and representatives of the Russian Embassy.

What difficulties can both children and parents encounter when doing rhythmic gymnastics?

The very first difficulty that arises is stretching. None of the children like to stretch. Without stretching it is impossible to do rhythmic gymnastics!!! In any dance, in ballet, even in athletics, you will encounter this. Sometimes you have to back down and give the child time to get used to it. Children understand and adapt over time. For them, stretching becomes the norm.

There are difficulties in any of our activities. Fatigue sets in, whims appear. The main thing is that the child has a good dialogue with the coach. We always try to maneuver and not put pressure on the child. Communication in a raised voice does not lead to anything good.

A lot depends on the participation of parents. Parents should feel how ready or unprepared their child is for training. We give advice to parents and listen to their opinions. There must be a clear idea of ​​how professionally you want to engage in this sport.

As our conversation progressed, I remembered that there is a stereotype that coaches in Russia are very tough. How do you communicate between a coach and a child?

This is the first question that I discuss with the coaches I invite. We have completely different children in Cyprus; in Russia everything is different. There, due to tough competition, coaches can often go too far. We try to solve emerging problems through communication, find the right approach to each child, and help reveal his individuality. There are, of course, times when you need to be stricter, just like everywhere else.

How can I get to the competition?

This is the coach's job. To enter the competition, you need to submit an application and register. It is easy to get to the Cyprus Championships, but to participate in the Cyprus Cup you already need to be in the top six gymnasts of your age.

Do I need to have Cypriot citizenship to participate in competitions?

Citizenship is only required at away competitions, when a child achieves great results. These are large-scale competitions such as the European and World Championships and the Olympics. We really hope that many Russian children will eventually receive citizenship and will be able to play for Cyprus, and if they are worthy, even for Russia.

For participation in open international competitions, the citizenship of the child does not matter.

At what age is it possible to participate in this type of competition?

Participation in open competitions is possible from any age, when the coach and child feel strong. But usually they start at 6-7 years old.

Participation in professional competitions is possible from the age of 13.

How often do you travel with your children to competitions?

Over the past year, from January to June, we traveled six times, that is, every month. We mainly go to Europe for international tournaments. We were in Greece, Israel, Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria.

Are such trips required? Or at will?

This is at the request and capabilities of the parents, but subject to the gymnasts’ readiness for the appropriate competitions.

Is it possible to see the world while traveling or is there no time for it due to your schedule?

We always try to combine trips with excursions and develop our children culturally.

Are there any problems with school?

You know, gymnastics is a very smart sport, all our students study very well. Gymnastics develops not only the body and coordination, but also responsibility. Training brings discipline. Children, knowing about the upcoming competitions, try to keep up with their lessons.

Almost all competitions are held on weekends. We try to select a competition schedule during the holidays, and then absence from school is no more than 1-2 days. The coach selects dates that are convenient for everyone, in all schools, Russian, English, and Greek.

Tell us more about the costumes.

For individual performances at competitions, parents buy costumes. You can buy a suit for 50 or 500 euros, it all depends on your capabilities and tastes.

Our club buys common costumes for everyone twice a year, for the Christmas Tale and the final concert at the end of the school year. Parents have the opportunity to rent them for subsequent performances.

For beginners, we also have a database of costumes that can be rented. We also help to purchase hairpins, costumes and equipment from trusted suppliers.

How expensive is this sport? Besides paying for training and costumes?

For the first two years you can provide for your child for 100 euros, this amount includes uniform, shoes, jump rope, clubs, hoop, ribbon and ball.

We, of course, give everything to babies for initial training for the first two months. Thanks to our older children, the club has formed a database of items that we can rent out.

To what extent is this sport dangerous?

Fortunately, this is not the most traumatic sport compared, for example, to figure skating and artistic gymnastics. An experienced trainer, a well-structured training process, a proper diet, safe equipment, especially the floor covering in the gym - all these components help to almost completely avoid injuries.

Often children in Cyprus train on concrete with a regular rubber coating or on foam mats, which can lead to injuries. The most common are ankle and back injuries. We immediately placed great emphasis on the design and flooring. That's why we chose a hall with a special parquet flooring and a 30 cm air layer, which softens the landing and cushions the joints after the jump. We try to do everything for the comfort and safety of children.

At what age should you stick to a diet?

It is advisable to follow a diet from the age of five. We give recommendations and help adjust the child’s diet and daily routine before the competition in order to be in the best shape.

Is it worth coming to the Club if I am not sure that my child will compete? Or is it necessary to have a clear understanding right away?

Most parents come to us with words : “We don’t need results, we want to study for ourselves.” But gymnastics is a sport that is addictive.

We have a system of group exercises that do not require much time compared to individual exercises. In group exercises there is less emphasis on physical training, more on coordination of movements and mastery of the subject. The girls perform in a group, they follow each other. And when a huge amount of work has been done, the performance is prepared, the costumes are sewn, the hoops or clubs are covered with colored tape. It is simply impossible to resist the temptation to show yourself at competitions!

How did you get into this sport?

I ended up in gymnastics completely by accident. More from kindergarten. One day, a gymnastics coach came and selected girls to watch, and I was one of them. My mother was surprised, but did everything in her power to get me accepted into the group. There is a lot of competition in Russia, and girls are selected depending on the child’s physical characteristics. My mother worked with me every day so that I could have good results. As a result, I started training myself.

What are the Club's plans?

We are preparing partnership programs with sports centers and clubs in the largest cities of Russia so that children who do not have Cypriot citizenship have the opportunity to perform in Russia and receive official ranks and titles: candidate master of sports, master of sports, etc. Cyprus has a different system - there is no procedure for assigning ranks and titles. For us Russians, if a child has a rank, then that’s good! And the title of candidate or master of sports is practically a documented profession.

What is the future for children who play this sport?

Elegance, grace, posture, self-confidence and incredible ability to work distinguish gymnasts from their peers around them. And this is very important for young girls entering adulthood.

And with high results, you can count on scholarships for free education at various universities around the world and other related privileges upon admission.

Also, having received the title of master of sports or candidate master of sports, they will be able to work as instructors in fitness clubs and as trainers. They can even work in schools and additional education organizations with children.

How do you spend your summer?

Our training program ends in June. And in July and August we organize summer camps for everyone who wants to get in shape, as well as for those who come on vacation. Also, in the summer, children from St. Petersburg and Moscow come to us to exchange experiences.

What can you offer for adults?

Since October we launched program for adults. We welcome everyone who would like to practice rhythmic gymnastics and improve their physical fitness.

What time are classes for adults scheduled? And what can we learn from you?

Classes for adults run from 8:30 to 10:00 am. This is the time when the children have already been taken to school and/or kindergarten, and mothers have a little time for themselves. If you have always wanted to develop grace and flexibility, or, for example, your dream is to confidently do the splits or stand on a bridge by the New Year, then be sure to come to our Club. Special training not needed, all you need is your desire and persistence in moving towards your goals. Our experienced trainers will help you with the rest.

After talking with Vera Petrovna, I was left with a pleasant feeling! Confidence that girls involved in the club have a good chance of achieving a lot. Undoubtedly, our Russian sports school is very purposeful, and that’s good! Children develop in several directions at once, they develop ambitions, a desire to win, and achieve better results. In life, all these qualities will definitely be very useful to them.

June 11, 2017, 11:41 pm

In my last post, many people wanted to know more about our wonderful artists. So who is the number one of the national team now?


Alexandra Soldatova.

Alexandra Sergeevna Soldatova(born June 1, 1998) - Russian gymnast, member of the Russian national team, two-time world champion in the team event (2014, 2015), two-time European champion in the team event (2015,2017), Russian champion in the individual all-around (2016), bronze medalist in the all-around championship of Russia in rhythmic gymnasium (2014).

Programs 2017.


In my opinion this is the most nice exercise Sasha. I think many people remember the beautiful Yulia Barsukova at the 2000 Olympics, and now, 17 years later, a new wonderful swan appears in the world of gymnastics.

Sasha is often called the most flexible gymnast in the country.

Crown element

Alexandra went to the Olympics in Rio as a reserve

Sasha is trained by Anna Vyacheslavovna Dyachenko (Shumilova)

Excerpts from the interview

Without perseverance, hard work and patience, one does not become a champion. Your coach Anna Dyachenko said that there was a time when you and she drove from Dmitrov by car to Novogorsk every morning and you slept in the back seat. This is true?

Yes. I didn’t start living and training in Novogorsk right away; I had to leave Dmitrov early in the morning to get to Novogorsk on time. Anna Vyacheslavovna put me in the back seat, I had a pillow there, I fell asleep on the way and woke up already at the entrance to the gate of the base. But it's okay, these are minor things. If you want to achieve something, you will have to deny yourself a lot and be patient.

Sasha, why rhythmic gymnastics? This is love at first sight?

No. It turned out really funny. In Sterlitamak, where I’m from, my mother brought... my brother to the rhythmic gymnastics section to sign up. We simply didn’t know then that gymnastics can be different - sports and artistic. We were told that where they wanted to send my brother, everything was only for girls, then my mother was not at a loss and said: “I have a girl too, take it!” I don’t remember my first training sessions; I was little; the awareness of gymnastics came to me only when I was already in third grade.

You have excellent physical data for gymnastics, I can assume that everything worked out the first time?

Far from it. I agree that I have flexibility, stretch, and good feet, but, for example, I lack dexterity. Dina and Arina Averina, in terms of working with the subject, are stronger than me, they are like that by nature.

Which subject is more difficult for you?

I can’t say that some are more difficult and some are easier. I'm still at the stage of perfecting my skills and comprehending something new.

To get into the Russian national team, you have come a long way. Sterlitamak - Dmitrov - Novogorsk.

They forgot Pushkino! From Sterlitamak my family moved to Pushkino, from there I ended up in Dmitrov, where I waited with bated breath... for me to be sent back to Pushkino. First training, second, week, second, third, and then they told me: “You stay here!” My emotion was lightning fast, but meager: “Yes. Good!” I’ll say right away that I didn’t experience any longing for my mother and family, as many girls do at the age of 12. I calmly accepted the fact that I would live separately from my parents and without their care. She was independent!

First meeting with your coach Anna Dyachenko. Did you expect to fall under her care?

I didn’t expect it, but from the first day we had a wonderful duet. From the first day, I caught her every remark. The girls and I even competed to see who would stand closest to her during training, who would be the first to ask about something, who would write or call her. She is wonderful in every way!

Sasha, how did you get to the training camp with Irina Viner?

It didn’t happen to me that I somehow unexpectedly saw Irina Alexandrovna at a training session or she unexpectedly came to the gym, and there I was. She knows who trains with her. We came to the training camp, I saw how Irina Aleksandrovna worked with other gymnasts, how she communicated. Then, when she became part of the Russian national team, she began to pay more attention to me and, naturally, there was more communication. Irina Aleksandrovna is a strict and very attentive mentor.


Arina and Dina Averina


Arina Alekseevna Averina August 13, 1998 - Trans-Volga region) - Russian rhythmic gymnast, member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, Master of Sports international class. Multiple winner and prize-winner of all-Russian and international tournaments, three-time European champion.



Dina Alekseevna Averina(August 13, 1998 - Trans-Volga region) - Russian rhythmic gymnast, member of the Russian gymnastics team, Three-time European Champion 2017, Absolute Champion of Russia 2017, Master of Sports of international class. Multiple winner and prize-winner of all-Russian and international tournaments.


Joint demonstration

Dina in pink, Arina in blue

The sisters are trained by Vera Nikolaevna Shatalina. She also trained Alina Kabaeva.

Excerpt from interview with Irina Alexandrovna Viner-Usmanova:

Can we say that in some places Dina and Arina even exceeded their capabilities, in others they surprised us with their results?

The fact is that from an early age Dina and Arina were, as we say, “stunt performers,” and now the program is such that all this counts. Previously, we also had very strong girls, and Alina Kabaeva did amazing things, but not everything counted. Therefore, their time has come. But they lacked a little feeling, lacked expressiveness, they did it all like a thread. And now they do it expressively, they try to make all the exercises very “characteristic” and these movements, tricks, these risks, these interesting masterful elements merge with the music. So that they organically emphasize it, and in Budapest they succeeded.

Arina Dina

private photos

With parents and older sister Polina

Dina on the left, Arina on the right

Together with the team doctor - Dmitry Ubogov

Arina on the right, Dina on the left

Dina, Arina, sister Polina, mother Ksenia
Arina on the right, Dina on the left

Arina Dina

The girls dreamed of standing in group exercises, but due to their short stature they were not accepted.

Arina on the left, Dina on the right


Group exercises

(Anastasia Bliznyuk, Anastasia Tatareva, Anastasia Maksimova, Maria Tolkacheva, Vera Biryukova - Rio 2016)


3 balls + 2 jump ropes

5 hoops

Now it’s difficult to talk about the main composition, since it is constantly changing. But most often the following gymnasts are included.

Anastasia Bliznyuk

Anastasia Ilyinichna Bliznyuk(born June 28, 1994, Zaporozhe, Ukraine) - Russian gymnast. Two-time Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around (2012, 2016); world and European champion.

Nastya returned to sports after a serious illness - leptospirosis.

The whole country was worried when you got sick, you found yourself in a difficult situation. How did you manage to continue your career?
“I didn’t even know I was so seriously ill.” My kidneys failed...Irina Aleksandrovna Wiener treated me in Germany. At first they said that perhaps the kidneys would not start. There is very little chance that I will always live on dialysis.

But thank God I recovered. And she started working in Novogorsk as a second-team coach. Somehow it turned out that I decided to lose weight and get in shape. And this grew into the training process.

I got into the second team. I proved to everyone that I can and want to. I will stand on this team! And made it to the main team.

In general, there is a lot of competition in Russia. Only when I stayed the last week before the Olympics, I realized that I would compete in Rio. Every start is a very big struggle. If you make any mistake even during training, they will remove you at any moment. It doesn’t matter that I was an Olympic champion and that the girls won the World Championships. The road started from scratch

More excerpts from the interview:

Nastya! You are the second two-time Olympic champion in the group in our history. There was also London gold.
- Third – there are also Elena Posevina and Natalya Lavrova... Of course, I am incredibly happy and grateful to Irina Aleksandrovna Viner for this victory. I was able to overcome myself, recover from illness, and return with faith in my strengths and capabilities. Thanks to the whole team who helped a lot. This road was extremely difficult. But when you realize that you did everything, the taste of victory becomes the sweetest.

- And for five Olympics in a row we take two golds in rhythmic gymnastics.
- I think that only Irina Alexandrovna. Everything rests on Wiener.

For me she is like a mother. Because she saved my life when I got sick. I was born again! And they gave me the chance to perform in Rio.

- How to prepare yourself mentally for the new Olympic cycle?
- You know why you are doing this. But our training is insanely hard. And this medal was more difficult for me than the first one. Apparently I was younger then. And now I thought: “Maybe I can still do this? Maybe that's not all?

I left gymnastics in 2013 after the World Championships. Now she's back. And I think: “But I can do more!”


Anastasia Tatareva

Anastasia Alekseevna Tatareva(born July 19, 1997) - Russian gymnast. Olympic champion (2016). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. World and European champion.

Excerpts from the interview

– The life of gymnasts is very short. Many people have only one Olympics, then they have to end their career... Doesn’t this scare you?
– Life is beautiful, and there are so many interesting things in it! I'm not afraid that I'll have to say goodbye to sports. This is fine. I study at the university - at the correspondence department of the Institute of International Relations. So this is probably what I will do later. Life will show.

Interesting choice. You're probably good at it foreign language?
- English. Not bad, but I need to learn more - that’s what I’ll do. There is a lot of language practice at competitions!

– Do you still have time to study?
- All my energy goes into training. Especially when preparing for competitions. We have to study on Skype... And they send us assignments, we complete them and send them back.

– Teachers don’t give discounts, don’t they simplify the task?
- No. And who am I to make my task easier? (laughs).

– You compete in the team all-around. Don't want to go into private view?
– By the way, I started in the personal. Then they invited me to join the team... No, I don’t want to - I like it better on a team - here, of course, there is greater responsibility. But you feel that we are together. There is something called “team spirit”. We have a very friendly team. If we quarrel, it’s rare. And we quickly make up.

– Do you know that you are compared on forums with Alina Kabaeva?
- I have not heard about that! It seems to me that we are completely different. I’m not like her... I think you need to remain yourself, not strive to be like others.


private photos

Vera Biryukova

Vera Leonidovna Biryukova(born April 11, 1998 - Omsk) - Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. Master of Sports of Russia of international class. Champion of the 2016 Summer Olympics. Honored Master of Sports. European champion.


Vera Biryukova “burst” into the Rio Olympics with the speed of a meteor and almost at the last moment. Even a month and a half before the Games, neither numerous fans of rhythmic gymnastics, nor the Omsk “artist” herself even thought about such a development of events.

“If I had any hopes of getting into the main team, then a couple of months before the Olympics they almost disappeared,” says Vera. “I worked calmly in the second team, trained and didn’t really count on anything. Judge for yourself: there is nothing left before the Games, who will make changes to the existing group? But it turned out that one of the girls was injured, and the coaches decided to try me. And you know, it turned out well. Even Irina Aleksandrovna Viner praised me. She said, almost imperceptibly, that a new person had joined the group. “You’ll go to Kazan, and we’ll see there,” were her words. There were only two starts left before the Olympic Games: the World Cup stages in Kazan and Baku. To be honest, I thought that after Kazan I would be removed from the team. But this did not happen either after Kazan or after Baku! But I was able to believe that I was going to Rio only on the plane flying to Brazil.

- Did you manage to have a good rest after the Games?
- Yes, the whole team sent us to the sea, we vacationed in Sardinia, it was great. Then each went to their hometown. I also enjoyed spending a week at home.
- Did you remember with your mother how it all began?
- From the sea and Turkey! We rested there, and my mother only had time to make sure that I didn’t climb where I shouldn’t. The energy was overflowing! Well, I always loved to dance, I “bent” in all directions. Then my mother suggested that I try gymnastics. I immediately agreed, although I actually had no idea what it was! Maybe I saw it on TV a couple of times. When we returned home, my mother brought me into the hall. And that’s how I started training at the age of five. My mother said that parents were not allowed to attend training so that the children would not be distracted. But she managed to peek out the window. He says I always tried, I didn’t slack. I trained conscientiously, even if the coach left the gym. Although I myself don’t remember that time well.

- And the first medal?
-I remember. At school competitions I shared first place with another girl.

- You once mentioned that as a child, your idol in gymnastics was Laysan Utyasheva. But Omsk residents traditionally call Irina Chashchina, Evgenia Kanaeva...
- Irina and Evgenia are great gymnasts. But it’s true: I admired Laysan. I always liked the way she moves, works with the subject, her emotionality. Yes, for me she was the best gymnast. And over time, this has not gone away; she is still my idol. And not only as an athlete, but also as a person.
- Before the Olympics, didn’t you turn to her for advice?
- Unfortunately, before the Olympics I was not yet familiar with her. My childhood dream came true after the Games. Nastya Bliznyuk introduced us. This happened when the girls and I performed at Alexei Nemov’s show in Moscow. Laysan also took part in it, we even changed clothes in the same locker room.

- Laysan, after completing her gymnastics career, found herself as a TV presenter. Have you already thought about the future?
- To be honest, this is a difficult topic for me so far. I have not yet decided on new goals in life, in gymnastics. Now sport takes up 100% of my time and with such a schedule it is very difficult to fit anything else into my life. Therefore, I cannot answer this question yet!


private photos

Sofia Skomorokh

Sofya Pavlovna Skomorokh(born August 18, 1999 Omsk) - Russian gymnast, world and European champion.

Shortly before the Olympics, Sonya was injured and was unable to go there, although she was in the first team all year.

private photos

Maria Tolkacheva

Maria Yurievna Tolkacheva(born August 18, 1997 - Zhukov) - Russian gymnast, three-time world champion, three-time European champion, two-time European Games champion, Olympic champion (2016) in group exercises. Honored Master of Sports

In my opinion, Masha is the most beautiful gymnast on the team. Although, of course, they are all beautiful.

Masha and Nastya Tatareva are best friends

That's all! Thank you all for your attention, and new victories for the girls)

Articles and interviews about rhythmic gymnastics

Irina Deryugina: “It is necessary to select gymnasts not by external data, but by character”

Interview with the head coach of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team

02/10/2018 - 19:55

About the training base for the Ukrainian national team

We’ve been training at Athlete since 2013, we just little by little won here room by room, so we expanded a little. Of course, the place is small. Two mats are completely unrealistic for the national team. We are waiting for the site. Group athletes need a minimum of eight hours of training, and individual athletes need 8 hours. But since each couple requires a lot of time, personal women do not have enough 24 hours of work. Only in our country do all youth and adult teams work on the same site. It is very difficult.

Lydia Vinogradnaya: “Judges tend to make mistakes, but mistakes can be accidental and intentional...”

28/09/2018 - 21:03

So. For a long time I thought about where to start. I already wrote one post, and then I realized that I needed to start with another.

From refereeing errors.

You must understand that judges are the same people. And they all tend to make mistakes. The question is that errors can be accidental (distracted, didn’t see, missed, etc.), or they can be intentional.

I can remember one story.

Somewhere 8-9 years ago ( exact year I won’t say) I ended up in a team with a certain judge X, a respected honorary lady of old age, for whom gymnastics was a kind of hobby in retirement. The judge was respected for her judicial experience, experience, and so on, but not for her knowledge and excellent ability to judge.

Margarita Mamun: “I’m done performing, but I don’t want to be a coach”

Interview with the 2016 Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics

02/01/2018 - 00:22

Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Margarita Mamun, who recently announced her final decision to end her career, in an interview with R-Sport correspondent Sergei Smyshlyaev, spoke about this not an easy step for herself, about her life after sports and staging a New Year's show, and also shared plans for future, answering one of the most intriguing questions: is she ready to start coaching.

Happy New Year!

31/12/2017 - 20:15

Dear forum chatters!

Happy New Year to everyone! I really want 2018 to be the happiest, most successful and successful for each of you! I wish everyone good health, family well-being, prosperity and spiritual comfort. Be tolerant and lenient with each other. Peaceful skies above our heads to all of us! And let rhythmic gymnastics not be an outlet, but an addition to the ocean of positivity that awaits us all in the new year!

Thank you for being!

From rhythmic gymnastics to stretching

25/10/2017 - 16:05

On September 17, the colorful opening of the new dance studio KEEPitOK took place, which is located in the City shopping center (Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region). Everyone received a unique opportunity to attend dance master classes from studio teachers, take part in competitions with prizes and drawing certificates for training, and also just enjoy entertainment program for adults and children.

Alina Kabaeva: “Group athletes from Russia achieved their victories with sweat and blood”

Olympic champion of Athens about the performance of her compatriots at the 2017 World Cup in Pesaro

06/09/2017 - 09:45

Russian gymnasts “with sweat and blood” achieved gold medals at the 2017 World Championships in group exercises, said Alina Kabaeva, Olympic champion and ambassador of the tournament in Pesaro, Italy.

The Russian team in group exercises (Anastasia Bliznyuk, Evgenia Levanova, Ksenia Polyakova, Anastasia Tatareva, Maria Tolkacheva and Maria Kravtsova) at the 2017 World Championships won two out of three possible victories, winning gold in the exercise with three balls and two ropes on the last day of the competition .

“I was very worried about my compatriots throughout the championship and wished them good luck with all my heart,” Kabaeva told reporters. “I know how much work, sweat, blood the girls put into training to be first. Today’s victory was also very important. Our girls completed the program World Championship and were the last to go out for the exercise with balls and jump ropes. But I was sure that if they did everything clean, they would be the first."

Margarita Mamun: “The Averina sisters show the real Cirque du Soleil on the carpet, and at the same time they also have images”

The Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics commented on the performance of the Russians at the World Championships in Pesaro, Italy

06/09/2017 - 09:29

Yana Kudryavtseva said that the programs Averins- even in her opinion, this is space.

- This is true. The programs are completely different. For Yana and I, gymnastics was like a performance - an image and emotions coming out of one another. And the girls show the real Cirque du Soleil on the carpet, and at the same time they also have images. Dina’s hoop is a swan, my favorite exercise, because I also did a black swan, and the other exercise is fiery. They are great fellows, because this World Championship is very difficult - the same as what Yana and I had in 2013 in Kyiv. Of course, many leaders still remained in Kyiv after London 2012, for example, Melita Staniuta, Anna Rizatdinova, Alina Maksimenko. Many people don’t compete, but all the same, we have such a sport that the main thing is to perform your maximum. The girls did it, they are great guys.

Results of the 2017 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Pesaro (from

06/09/2017 - 08:08

The 35th World Championship is over. The group ABBA has a wonderful song - The Winner Takes It All. She, perhaps, better than many words can describe the past championship, and perhaps all of rhythmic gymnastics.

Gymnast Katya Galkina tells W Story about her path to the Olympics, sleepless nights and work for pleasure.

How did your path to the Olympics begin?

It all started in early childhood. I was a lively, restless child. My parents loved to follow sporting events, and I joined them in watching various competitions: I liked artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and figure skating. Once we got to the Olympic Reserves School, and the first thing we saw there was the artistic gymnastics. We learned at the watch how to get there. I clearly remember this path: we went downstairs, turned right, saw a long corridor and resolutely walked forward... That’s how I ended up in the rhythmic gymnastics hall.

Rhythmic gymnastics is an art in which you cannot work without emotions.

Did you have a desire to change discipline or quit studying?

Change - never, but quit - sometimes it happened. What does not happen in adolescence! Sometimes I didn’t feel like training at all, I couldn’t overcome my laziness. But I still beat her! Looking back, I can’t imagine how I managed to perform well.

How do you prepare for such serious performances as the Olympics?

In our sport it is wrong to work for results. Rhythmic gymnastics is an art in which you cannot work without emotions. You have to love what you do, you have to like it, you tell the viewer a little story, you live a little life. The result, of course, is also important, but, in my experience, working exclusively for the result, nothing worked for me. You have to practice all the movements, go out and do everything for fun! Then the result will come!

Is it true that sports best school life?

The first thing sport teaches is discipline! I don’t want to, I can’t, but there is the word “need” - this has always motivated me. What I learned in sports is a great school of life. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. Turn on your willpower - and go!

What did you feel when you realized that you were going to the Olympics in Rio?

It was a long and difficult journey. The license for the Olympics was received at the World Championships, and I had a very difficult time there. I can’t imagine how I survived it all, because literally one small mistake threatened to result in the loss of a license. I gathered all my will into a fist, made 4 performances and left! Despite everyone, I still ended up at the Olympic Games. Then the Olympics, the final - and I got 6th place! The main thing is not to think that something might not work out, put all thoughts aside, go out and do your job. The most incredible day is the day before the Olympics: you understand that tomorrow something for which you have been preparing all your life will happen!

How do you prepare your numbers for performances?

It all starts with selecting music, which takes a lot of time. Although sometimes the choice may fall on a random track that you heard on the radio in a taxi, and you realize that it’s yours! The staging of the performance is built on a certain basis, consisting of technique and skill, working with objects and... risks. Our costumes are made by our seamstresses, who listen to music and make sketches.

The main thing is not to think that something might not work out, put all thoughts aside, go out and do your job.

How do you prefer to relax between workouts?

I really love going to the SPA, swimming pool or massage. I try to meet more often with friends not from the world of gymnastics, just to go to the movies and chat.

You are in excellent physical shape. Are you on a special diet?

I will reveal a terrible secret: this is not true at all! Imagine my regime with constant training, flights and transfers between hotels. I practically lived out of my suitcases all summer! Therefore, I admit that very often I eat far from the right way. Of course, you need to adhere to a certain nutritional system; I try to eat often throughout the day, but in small portions.

Do you have time for your personal life between all these moves?

To be honest, before the Olympics there were big questions about this, but now, of course, it’s easier, I have the energy and time to date. (Laughs)

Have you ever thought what you would do if not for rhythmic gymnastics?

I really love what I do. Rhythmic gymnastics opened up the whole world for me and taught me life. I think my life would be connected with sports in one way or another.

MoreIt’s too early to talk about the end of your career, but are there any plans for the future?

I really like everything related to fashion and it would be interesting to work as a stylist. I love putting together different compositions, choosing an image, coming up with a hairstyle and experimenting with makeup. I think I will succeed! I am sure that you can achieve anything in life, the main thing is to show a little perseverance!

Gymnast Katya Galkina tells W Story about her way to the Olympics, her sleepless nights and working with pleasure.

How did your way to the Olympics start?

Everything started in early childhood. I was an active restless child. My parents liked to keep up with sports events and I joined them in watching various competitions: I liked artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and figure skating. One day we found ourselves in the School of Olympic Reserve and a gymnastics gym was the first thing we saw. We asked at reception how to get there. I remember the way clearly: we went downstairs, turned right, saw a long corridor and moved forward with determination…That’s how I appeared in the rhythmic gymnastics gym.

Have you had a desire to change your discipline or to quit?

To change – never, but to quit – sometimes yes. As it is often the case at awkward age! There were times when I really didn’t want to train, I couldn’t overcome my laziness. But I did it after all! Looking back, I can’t see how I managed to perform well.

How are you trained for such serious performances as the Olympics?

It’s wrong to work for the result in our kind of sport. Rhythmic gymnastics is an art where you can’t work without emotions. You need to love what you do, you should like it; you tell a short story to a spectator, you live through a short life. Surely, the result is of importance, but from personal experience, with result-oriented work I couldn’t achieve anything. You need to work through all the movements, go and do everything with pleasure! Only then you’ll see the result!

Rhythmic gymnastics is an art where you can’t work without emotions.

Is it true that sport is the best school of life?

Discipline is the first thing that sports teaches! ‘Don’t want-to’, ‘can’t-do’, but there is ‘must-do’ – I have always been driven by it. Everything I’ve learned through sport is a big school of life. Nothing scares me anymore. Use your willpower and on you go!

What did you feel when you found out you would go to the Olympics to Rio?

It was a long and hard way. I got the Olympics qualification at the World Cup, and I didn’t have an easy time there. I don’t even know how I stood all this as even one small mistake could have resulted in absence of qualification. I pulled myself together, made 4 performances and left! Countering everyone, I've finally got to the Olympic Games. Then the Olympiad itself and the 6th place! The key thing is not to think that something may go wrong. Put all your thoughts aside, go and do your job. The most incredible day is the day before the Olympics: you realize that what will happen tomorrow is what you have been preparing all these years for!

How do you prepare your routines for performances?

Everything starts with choosing music, it takes much time. Though sometimes a random track may be chosen, for example, the one you’ve heard on the radio in a taxi and you know it is! A performance is built on a particular basis, consisting of technology and skills, apparatus manipulation and … risks. Our costumes are made by our seamstresses who sketch while listening to music.

The key thing is not to think that something may go wrong. Put all your thoughts aside, go and do your job.

How do you prefer to relax between trainings?

I love visiting SPA, a swimming pool or a massage. I try to meet my ‘non-gymnastics’ friends regularly, go to the cinema and chat.

You're in a good shape. Do you stick to any special diet?

I must confess: you’ve got it all wrong! Imagine my schedule with constant training, flying and moving from one hotel to another. I practically lived out of suitcase all the summer! I must admit, I am far from healthy eating. You certainly need to stick to a particular diet. During the day I try to eat frequently but in small portions.

Do you still have time for your personal life between all these trips?

Frankly speaking, I had problems with it before going to the Olympics. But it's easier now. I have time and a possibility for dating. (Laughs)

Have you ever thought what you would do if you weren’t in rhythmic gymnastics?

I love what I do. Rhythmic gymnastics opened the whole world for me; it taught me the essence of life. I think my life would have been connected with sport anyway.

I am sure that you can achieve anything in life, the main thing is to show a little perseverance!

It’s too early to talk about the end of your career but nevertheless, do you have plans for the future?

I like everything that is connected with fashion and it would be interesting for me to try working as a stylist. I like to create different compositions, choose an outfit, think of a hair-do and experiment with the make-up. I think I will succeed! I’m sure that it’s possible to achieve a success in everything; you only need to persevere a little!

Interview: Alexandra Ivanova

Photo: Nastia Deilik

Style: Liza Logvina

MUAH Natalia Solodovnikova

Location: Smart studio

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