Why do you dream about a deceased close relative? Why do you dream about dead relatives? Why do you dream about dead relatives and grandmother?

Many people experience fear when a deceased relative appears in a dream. It is believed that such dreams are very important, so they should definitely be interpreted. To do this, you should remember important details of the plot, for example, which relative came in the dream, what he did and what your role was.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives?

To see dead relatives who have been resurrected in a dream is a signal that some person is their close circle has a bad influence on the dreamer. A dream where a deceased relative was sick warns of the injustice that will be encountered in reality. Let's figure out why we dream of deceased relatives hugging. In most cases, such a dream symbolizes change. If you kissed a relative, you will soon be able to get rid of existing fears.

Let's figure out why deceased relatives dream of being alive in tears - this is a warning about something happening to relatives. A dream in which you had to carry a coffin with a deceased relative means that problems will soon arise at work, and it could all end in dismissal. If you often dream about deceased relatives, then you should pay attention to the state of your own nervous system. Perhaps there are many situations in life that make you worry. A night vision in which a recently deceased relative appears indicates that you will soon have to face numerous trials.

If in a dream you had to lie next to a deceased relative, this is good sign, promising . A dream where one of your dead relatives gives money can be taken as a recommendation that in the near future you should not spend money on buying unnecessary things.

To understand why deceased relatives dream, you need to consider who exactly it was:

  1. Mother. Such a dream advises you to devote more time to your family in order to improve relationships.
  2. Dad. Such a plot means that soon you will have to work harder.
  3. Grandfather. Such a dream promises changes and new things.
  4. Grandmother. Such a dream is a symbol of help, so you can count on a quick solution to existing problems.

Why do you dream of deceased relatives in a coffin?

If you see such a picture in a dream, you should not worry, since this is a harbinger of the imminent arrival of guests from afar. If a relative in his grave rebelled, it means that you should not count on the help of friends in difficult situations.


Overall deaths- These are messengers from the world of the dead, guides or protectors. The dream scenario itself with the dead and what they tell us are very important. Sometimes (especially when they try to take the sleeping person to themselves, into “their” world, to kiss, take or give something to us) they inform the dreamer that he will either soon die himself, or some serious misfortune will happen to him or illness, or we are simply talking about saying goodbye to those who have passed away - they move into other, hopefully higher, non-physical dimensions. In many such cases, they seem to demand or ask for remembrance and a special church service and prayer for their repose. The last aspect is complemented by modern psychology - it is necessary to internally forgive and let go of your memory of departed relatives, acquaintances, and parents.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but its appearance itself does not carry much meaning for the entire dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, simply a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant character in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event in which both the sleeping person and the deceased were once participants. It is likely that the dream thus reveals hidden sadness and regret that the person who was dear to you is no longer around.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you don't have what they need, or their behavior makes you feel certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is, one way or another, associated with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is a degree of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

“Judgmental” dreams show us dead people either simply dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings because we find ourselves unable to do anything to change the situation.

Deceased person (dead person) in a dream:

  • if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any claims, this means that the dream is about a change in weather;
  • to luck, achieving a goal;
  • means outdated feelings. The dream suggests that some affairs or problems will soon lose their meaning for you, and a new period will begin in your life;
  • sadness, sad events or news from those who are far from you;
  • portends a rash, hasty marriage, which will become a yoke around the neck of both spouses and will not bring happiness to either of them. Weak, sickly and vicious children born in such a marriage will complete the misfortune of this family;
  • you need to prepare for something bad that will affect your family. Perhaps one of your children has gotten into the habit of coming home late; this is, to say the least, alarming, and sometimes even dangerous. Try to prevent trouble with all the tact available to you;
  • Possible failures in business affairs
  • for lovers- possible betrayal

Seeing yourself dead:

  • rest assured: good health and a long, happy life await you;
  • must begin in your life new stage, which promises to change your whole life;
  • to serious slander from enemies;
  • to luck, peace, the end of difficult affairs;
  • portends protection.

To be buried alive portends sudden death or a change in condition.

If the corpse is someone else- you will have a long and interesting life, however, not necessarily happy and in good health.

The death of someone close or good friend, seen in a dream, indicates that for some reason the feelings connecting you with this person may actually weaken or fade away.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones was dead:

  • you should prepare for trials and even losses;
  • unhappiness in the family or a serious family quarrel;
  • possible disease of some internal organ;
  • a sign that you will soon encounter bad news, perhaps related to the death of the one you saw in the dream;
  • you will live a long time until you get tired of it;
  • for some reason, the feelings that bind you may weaken. Such dreams encourage you not to lose touch with your loved ones and not to spare your warmth for them.

I dream of relatives who died long ago,- to important family events.

Seeing previously deceased relatives or close people alive in a dream and talking to them portends some changes in your life. If they call you to their place, then such a dream warns you of mortal danger.

Often talking in a dream with people who died not long ago, warn you of a real danger that threatens you.

Seeing previously deceased relatives calm and serene- a sign that you can trust your destiny and not worry about trifles.

If you dreamed that a deceased relative was making a request to you, perhaps this is a warning about impending mental depression or decline in business.

A voice in a dream belonging to deceased relative, is the one real form a warning sent by an external force from the near future that our sleeping brain can perceive. It is necessary to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones who appear in a dream tell us: a sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us merely awakens dormant areas of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

Dying (deceased) relatives and acquaintances in a dream (but living in reality)– report about their well-being, or about the break (separation) of relations with them.

Deceased parents in a dream (previously deceased in reality)– their arrival in a person’s dream after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: attempt psychological protection neutralize strong feelings loss, grief, bereavement due to what happened; which, as a consequence, leads to harmonization mental activity sleeping. At the same time, deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the transcendental, otherworldly world. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is significantly enhanced. Our deceased parents come “from there” at important periods in the sleeper’s life and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, and blessing. Sometimes they become messengers about the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany the person to another world (this prophetic dreams O own death!).

If you dreamed that you were talking to your dead father- an encouragement for you to carefully think through the business you are starting and all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues planned by someone against you

If you dream of a conversation with your deceased mother, you should pay attention to your health and analyze your lifestyle.

Conversation with a deceased brother indicates that someone close to you needs your help.

If you dreamed about your dead husband- this is very unfortunate.

Death of children in a dream- to joy, their well-being and prosperity.

You see your son dead- there will be a joyful event with an addition.

If you dream about one of your dead friends, It is possible that unpleasant news awaits you.

Our deceased grandparents stand apart- they come to us in dreams at the most critical moments of our lives.

Seeing the deceased grandfather or grandmother in their former house - big problems with the health of one of your relatives on their side.

If you dreamed that one of the dead came to you in good health and in a good mood:

  • this is a sign that you have organized your life incorrectly, which can result in serious and irreparable mistakes. Try not to do rash things;
  • a cause for which hopes were already lost will be resurrected.

To see a person who has already died for a long time die another time, portends the death of one of the relatives or friends.

Seeing a dead person who is alive and well:

  • boredom, sadness and losing a lawsuit;
  • this is evidence of aggression towards this person, a desire to get him out of your way.

Unfamiliar dead are more concerned with empty worries, the end of worries, or report minor discomfort.

If in a dream a deceased authoritative person appears before you as living- listen to his words, this may be providence itself, the voice of your true self.

Dead man outside the coffin- guest.

The dead man rises from the coffin- a guest from outside will arrive.

Dead man in a coffin- dreams of a slight malaise.

Open the coffin and talk to the deceased- Unfortunately.

A dead man lies on a whitewashed table- business success.

Dead Man Walking- a dying part of the sleeping person’s personality (usually negative), which still has some influence on his consciousness. Or that part of the rejected energy that is deeply suppressed, repressed, forgotten (to determine which part this is, you need to analyze the dream in full).

The dead man is crying- portends a squabble, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears- portends prosperity.

Do you see a dead man standing - portends great trouble.

The dead man comes to life- foreshadows news, a letter.

To dream that people are judging someone who is lying in a coffin, - to troubles; prepare for conflict with your superiors; to a quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

A deceased person gives you something in a dream- happiness, wealth and health.

Give something to a dead person- a sign of loss and loss.

Giving money to a dead person- a sign of great misfortune or illness.

The dead man himself asks for money- a warning against rash actions that can bring grief to you and your family. After such a dream, try not to accept dubious offers for a while and do not start new projects. They may end badly.

Dead man gives you money- you may unexpectedly receive money or become rich, but you may also get big problems with money. It all depends on what kind of money it was, how much and who exactly gave it to you. It’s good if this person was good during his lifetime and treated you normally. If in such a dream the money was gold and a lot, or banknotes of high denomination - these are all signs of future prosperity. Otherwise, you will face problems with money.

Congratulate the deceased in a dream - you will soon do a good deed.

Kiss a dead man - love with a celebrity; long life.

Stab the dead man - bring charges against your friend.

Dead man in the house- trouble.

Move a dead man- shame or illness.

Step on a Dead Man- news of death.

Sleeping with a dead man– success.

Seeing a dead man asking for a drink means lack of remembrance.

Dress a dead man- disease.

Lying between the dead means a serious illness.

Dead Man's Carry- death.

Dead man eating- portends illness.

Seeing a dead person walking or talking portends danger.

See the dead harvesting,- to difficult times.

If in a dream you place coins on the eyes of a deceased person, then in reality you will suffer from the dishonest actions of your enemies, who will take advantage of your cramped circumstances.

Put the coin in one eye only means that you will partially be able to defend your positions. For a young woman such a dream is a harbinger of trouble due to her excessive gullibility.

If you learn of someone's death, then expect unpleasant news from this person.

Washing the deceased- to a tragic event.

If in a dream you can’t get rid of a dead person, then this suggests that in reality some events of the past do not give you peace of mind, greatly complicating your life. Such a dream encourages you to free yourself from the burden of past memories and live not for yesterday, but for today.

To revive a dead person in a dream or to see how he himself comes to life:

  • soon you will again have to face a problem that you thought was solved long ago. The first thing you experience, as if returning to the past, is shock, reluctance to do anything; you just want to run away from the “living” difficulty. However, you need to overcome yourself and calmly, without panicking, find a solution;
  • return of the lost;
  • portends news, a letter.

See also Funeral, Cemetery, Grave, Dying, Death, Corpse. *

When a deceased relative appears in a dream, it is always frightening and raises a lot of questions about why such a plot is being dreamed about. Many dream books say that a dead person is not good sign, but most often such a dream is only a warning. If you carefully analyze what you see, you can find many answers and safely resolve a number of current problems.

It is also possible that such a plot does not mean anything other than that you simply miss the deceased too much to a loved one and in your soul you just can’t let him go. Try to come to terms with the loss and then, most likely, you will be able to forget about the frightening dreams.

Why do dead relatives dream according to Miller’s dream book?

If dead relatives come to you in a dream, pay close attention to such a vision, as it is a warning. Did you see your father during your night's rest? Think seriously about the dangers that a new business may pose. Weigh all the pros and cons of this event and decide what you will do if the plan does not end well. There is a high probability that the event will burn out.

Communicating in a dream with a mother who is actually buried, according to Miller’s sunny, is a sign of health problems. You should not wait for the disease to loudly declare itself. A preventive medical examination and tests will help identify the disease and begin its treatment in a timely manner, thereby increasing the chances of recovery.

Seeing a deceased relative in a dream, namely your brother, according to the dream book means helping a loved one. If one of the people you know in reality is in dire need of support, give it to him and, you can rest assured, the good will be returned with interest.

Miller's dream book explains why a dead friend dreams. If a friend or girlfriend tries to give you advice in a dream, listen carefully to him. Perhaps this advice will actually help you avoid making a fatal mistake and harming yourself. You should take the dream especially seriously if a friend or girlfriend demanded some kind of promise from you.

Seeing dead relatives in a dream who unexpectedly rose again, according to Miller’s dream book, indicates the bad influence that the people around you have on you. Take a closer look at your surroundings. If someone is overly actively trying to drag you into some kind of monetary enterprise, do not rush to get involved in it. There is a huge likelihood of a disastrous outcome and even complete bankruptcy. If a deceased relative in a coffin rebels, do not count on the help of friends in a difficult situation. She won't be there.

Interpretation of dreams with deceased relatives according to the dream books of Vanga, Freud and Nostradamus

Vanga's interpreter explains why a sick, deceased relative dreams about it. A similar plot speaks of the injustice that you will soon have to face in real life. If there were a lot of dead people, then your family or close friends will get sick en masse or get into a serious disaster. To avoid the fatal consequences of a dream, you should try to prevent trouble.

According to Vanga’s dream book, hugging a deceased relative or friend in a dream means change. Changes can be both positive and negative. In any case, don't despair. Hard times passes, giving way to new joyful events. Only peace of mind and confidence in a bright future will help you overcome all adversity with dignity. The dream book recommends maintaining your composure and being optimistic in any situation, even a seemingly hopeless one.

Vanga's dream book explains why there is a dream in which a deceased relative dies. Such a vision is a harbinger of the deceit of your closest friends. People you trusted have been plotting behind your back for a long time. Don't be so gullible, otherwise, for your own sake good attitude people will have to pay a cruel price. Perhaps it is your relatives who are making cunning plans on how to fool you. In this case, the dream book advises not to trust anyone and not to let yourself be deceived.

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream, according to Nostradamus’s dream book, means losing your fears. You will be able to overcome all the fears and doubts that tormented you and made you suffer previously. Life will become much easier without fears. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative calling you to follow him, you should not do this. If you follow a dead person in a dream, then in reality you may soon become seriously ill or plunge into a real long-term depression.

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, if you dreamed that your dead relatives were alive, then they would have no peace in the next world. In order for the souls of deceased relatives to find peace, it is necessary to visit the church and light a candle for their repose. You can also arrange a small wake in a narrow circle. This interpreter also explains why you dream of hearing the voice of the deceased. Such a dream may represent an illness in real life.

According to Freud's dream book, the meaning of the dream is that deceased relatives are a sign of longevity. You have a long and blissful life ahead, filled with all kinds of events and achievements. Freud also calls for listening very carefully to everything that the dead say in their dreams. Their words, as this interpreter says, have great value. Much of what deceased relatives say comes true in reality.

Why do deceased relatives dream according to the dream books of Loff, Tsvetkov and Hasse?

Loff's interpreter does not give of great importance dreams about the dead. The only thing is if you constantly dream about dead relatives and large quantities, then you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system. Such dreams indicate excessive anxiety and increased excitability. It is necessary to immediately take a number of measures to help relieve stress. If this is not done, the body will be seriously depleted.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you dream of a recently deceased relative, then in reality you will very soon have to go through many trials. If there are coins in front of a relative, then these tests will be associated with money problems. It is possible that someone will decide to use you for personal gain. The dream book advises, do not be deceived and give your money to anyone. Right now the risk of deception is high.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing the funeral of a deceased relative in a dream means a change in the weather. If the deceased was lying in a coffin, then guests will soon knock on the door. Most likely, they will arrive from afar. Interpreter Tsvetkova also explains why a dead father dreams. The deceased father comes in his night dreams to talk about the problems of his grandchildren. After such a vision, you should definitely talk with the offspring and find out what worries and worries them. It is possible that your child cannot cope with any problem on his own due to lack of experience. You should definitely help him overcome adversity.

Why do you often dream about dead relatives, says Hasse’s dream book. If in a dream you regularly see close relatives who have already died, then, have no doubt, they are warning you of danger. You should not accept a gift from a deceased relative or give him anything yourself. Thus, you lose part of your vital energy and receive in return powerlessness and despondency. Try not to touch things belonging to the deceased at all.

Hasse’s dream book also explains why one dreams of carrying a coffin, inside of which lies a deceased relative. This plot warns that troubles may arise in the service, even including dismissal. Kissing a dead person in a dream means happiness love story in reality. Lying next to him great success and a series of successes. Dressing a person who has already died means health problems, undressing means the death of a person dear to the heart.

According to Hasse's dream book, carrying one of your deceased relatives in your arms means your own death. But even if you see such a terrible plot in a dream, you should not worry too much about an unfavorable interpretation. There are no guarantees that the prophecy will come true. If you treat such a vision with a grain of irony, then most likely the sad prophecy will not come true.

A few more interpretations of what dead relatives dream about

If in a dream you saw a deceased relative, grandmother, then get ready to take part in solving serious issues in reality. Try to remember if your grandmother told you anything in a dream? If yes, then pay close attention to the words she said. They can help solve problems. A happy and joyful grandmother promises a successful completion of affairs.

One of the dream books explains why one dreams about the death of a deceased relative. A gloomy plot seen in a dream predicts problems in relationships with loved ones. It is worth visiting them in the near future and clarifying all the misunderstandings. It is possible that in Lately Many omissions and misunderstandings have accumulated between you. Only a frank conversation will help restore relationships. Also, a similar plot may speak of excessive aggression accumulated inside due to long stay in a state of stress. You can get rid of aggression through spot classes, visits to a psychologist, or intimate conversations with true friend or a friend.

If you dream about the graves of deceased relatives, then be sure to visit the cemetery in the near future. According to the dream book, such a dream speaks of the need to remember deceased loved ones. If you don’t have time to visit a grave or church, you can simply distribute food to your friends, asking them to remember your previously deceased relative during the meal.

In the dream book you can also find an explanation of why a deceased relative cries in a dream. A crying dead man warns of conflicts that will soon arise between you and your loved ones. Try not to aggravate the already difficult relationships with relatives. Do not be fooled by open conflicts and do not harbor anger. Try to clarify all the omissions immediately, otherwise a quarrel may develop into a serious discord between family members.

If in a dream a deceased relative gives money, then in real life try to be as economical as possible. Frivolity in money matters could very well turn into a big financial disaster. The Dream Interpretation advises at the present time not to chase big profits, but to invest money only in reliable projects.

If the dreamer is seriously ill, then a deceased relative may appear to him in a dream as a symbol of the approaching mass of death. Meneghetti's dream book says that kissing a deceased person on the forehead means forgiveness. Either you forgive someone and remove a heavy burden from your soul, or you yourself will finally receive the long-awaited forgiveness.

In the dream book you can also find an interpretation of why you dream of talking with a deceased relative. A conversation with a dead person in a dream indicates that someone in real life has been looking for you for a long period of time. Perhaps it old friend, with whom time diverged many years ago.

comments 63


    If you dream of a deceased relative (grandmother), she dresses her granddaughter in a dress and says that soon we will meet before God, we are all equal. She constantly dreams about calling her granddaughter with her. She said that her granddaughter would have a day off on Monday, and on Friday when she arrived at work she found out that they were not working on Monday. Tell me what to do in such a situation. I really need help.

  • I dreamed that my late grandfather gave me a thousand, supposedly so that I could buy something for myself, and then I looked in his wallet, there was little money there, 100 rubles each, I asked him to give me another 100, but he said, that it was for him to go to the hospital, I told him that I understood and would not ask him for money anymore. Why do you have such a dream and how can you explain it?

  • Hello. I have this situation. I’ve been very sick lately, constant dizziness, an incomprehensible feeling inside, I want to cry and generally don’t know what to do with myself. My aunt told me that I was jinxed and very strongly. And today I dreamed of my grandfather. And I dreamed so strangely. I was in the room with a friend and two guys, we were hugging and kissing... and my grandfather came in, he was very angry with me, he tried to catch me all the time, and I ran away. He told me to bring him some kind of wine, I can’t remember the name now. Then we were on the street and there were a lot of people and dead people there, and everyone judged me, pushed me, called me names, and when supposedly in a dream I closed my eyes, they didn’t see me. What could this dream portend, please help. I'm very scared that this is the evil eye. I'm planning to go to the Temple soon.

  • I dreamed about my recently deceased father. 40 days have not yet passed since the date of death. I dreamed that he was wrapped in white fabric lies (we are Muslims) and I lie on his chest. They tell me that dad has long wanted me to leave with him, at that moment I start to get up and he grabs me, but I managed to break free. What is this for?

  • The day before yesterday my twin sister called me: Asking “did dad come to me in a dream? Because he came to her.” I reassured her and said that changes were coming and that her mood should improve and that they come when it’s difficult. After their visit, I became more relaxed - that’s how I felt in Hard time. IN this moment my sister is worried about her health and is getting tested. But today I also dreamed close relative- grandfather. He gave me 3 thousand rubles as a gift. He was cheerful and cheerful. I was delighted - I hugged him, kissed him and thanked him for the gift. At the end of this dream, I was in a hurry somewhere and there was a squall on the way, strong wind- I waited in some house and came back home. So it turns out that the day before yesterday dad came to my sister in a dream, and today grandpa came to me? Is this a coincidence or not?

  • Catherine:

    Today I dreamed of my recently deceased uncle. He knocked on the door. When I opened the door, I saw him. He seemed to be shining. He said that he ordered us a gift - tires (or wheels, I don’t remember). I don’t know what this is for. My dad is involved in cargo transportation and he has 3 trucks. I don’t understand: is the uncle’s arrival in a dream and his gift a good sign?!


    I dreamed of my late uncle, I hugged him... He had a laptop and I asked him to exchange with me, but he did not agree and did not give me the laptop. Then I saw that mine lives with him cousin, I asked him to give it to me for the weekend or for a while, but he again refused. What is this for?

  • I dreamed of many relatives, all already meters away. They were repairing the roof of the house. I asked my father what was going on? He replied that everyone had come to help me with the roof. Through not big time I got an apartment. In general, deceased relatives in a dream help to get answers and support. They need good memories and prayers for their repose from us!

  • Hello! My grandmother recently died... 40 days have not yet passed and I often dream about her (sometimes I dream about her as if she were alive, as if she had not died, then I dream about her being sick (and recently I dreamed that I was walking into the kitchen with my mother and saw my grandmother sitting in a chair, I told my mother, do you see your grandmother? She here! She answers me no, I don’t see, and my grandmother was laughing and saying something, yes she doesn’t see me, then she decided to get up and hug me, she started to come closer and was about to hug me, but I ran into another room and there she was lying watching TV she was lying there as always! How can this be explained? And when I say out loud that I’m scared, when I dream about her, then for a while I stop dreaming about her!

  • Vladislav:

    I dreamed of my grandfather, who died more than 10 years ago. In the dream he was alive, but everyone knew and expected, including him, that he was about to die. Moreover, death should be sort of like capital punishment. I calmed him down and told him how much I loved him, I was next to him all the time, but he was silent. A very strange and disturbing dream.

  • I was very frightened by the story of my 7 year old granddaughter. Some grandmother comes to her in a dream and calls her with her. What kind of grandmother doesn’t know. After all, the child does not know all the relatives. Maybe go to church with your granddaughter and light a candle for all the departed? Anyone who has encountered this, please let me know.

  • Today I dreamed that my dead mother and father were alive. We were supposed to go to the circus together, but I looked for them in the seats and didn’t find them. My youngest son told me that they didn’t want to and went home. There were a lot of people in the hall and I found free place and sat down to watch the show. At that time, someone stole my keys from my pocket, and I looked for them, but didn’t find them and woke up. In my dream I saw many of my close relatives, including my ex-husband. What does all of this mean?

They indicate a danger that may affect the people closest to you.


How did you dream about dead relatives?

If you saw dead relatives alive in a dream▼

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a deceased relative appears, he is trying in this way to warn you from committing the act that you are about to do. He warns that by these actions you can bring trouble on yourself.

What did you do about the dream about a deceased relative?

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to talk with a deceased relative▼

If in a dream you talked to a deceased relative, try to remember what he said. This is how to deal with a situation you are worried about.

If you don’t remember the conversation, pay attention to the behavior and condition of the deceased relative. If he was affectionate and cheerful with you, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about, but if he was sad about something or scolded you, be careful. Perhaps this is about what you are doing wrong, and this can lead to tragic consequences.

How often do you dream about deceased relatives?

Why do you often dream about dead relatives▼

If you often dream about deceased relatives, it means that you are not doing what they want to convey to you. Perhaps this is a reminder of some oath that you gave to them during your lifetime and still have not fulfilled. Also, their appearance may be with the aim of protecting you from impending troubles, and in a dream they are trying to make it clear what needs to be done to avoid problems.

When one of your closest relatives constantly appears to you, this is a warning of approaching trouble. It can be circumvented if you take security measures in advance. Which ones exactly, your family is trying to tell you. The mother always warns about dangers related to health and well-being. Father - about financial and business problems.

Video: Why do you dream about a deceased Relative?

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Did you dream about a deceased Relative, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what a deceased Relative dreams about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good afternoon, my grandfather died quite recently. I dreamed that my aunt (his daughter) and I were standing and he came up to us, and because... he hasn’t walked lately and I dreamed that in a dream he couldn’t either. He asked for help to take him to the toilet, I took him by the elbow, but couldn’t hold him, and my aunt grabbed him and led him, I walked behind him. They brought him and helped, but for some reason he sat on the chair incorrectly, on the contrary somehow...

    I dreamed of a recently deceased relative (the father of my cousin’s husband), he died more than two months ago from lung cancer. In my dream, I was lying on the sofa in some apartment that was unknown to me before, and he lay down next to me as if he had come from work, and I’m kind of thinking how I’m going to live with him, maybe I’ll get used to it. And there in the dream it was as if his wife had died (although in reality he himself had died) and he seemed to be living with me. Then I dreamed about my 2-year-old son, he was naked and standing next to my deceased relative, he, as if playfully, touched my son’s hand, I approached and the relative began to offer me crumpled potatoes, he put fried potatoes on top of the plate in a dream, I was hungry, and told me to eat some potatoes, and then from somewhere A spotted white-gray-black dog with a fluffy, friendly look came up and sniffed my plate and probably started eating, here I woke up, it was five o’clock in the morning. Please interpret my dream, it’s very strange.

    My grandmother recently died, she was buried, 9 days passed and I dreamed: My father and I were carrying her in a coffin into some room, they wanted to cremate her, while everyone was preparing her head turned and her eyes began to open, but I didn’t know how they opened I saw, as soon as I saw that the eyelids began to rise, I got scared and ran away. After a while I returned to this room and saw another body being carried in, it was the grandfather of my work colleague, although I had never seen him and did not know him, they carried him in without a coffin on some kind of rag, they laid him down after a while, he stood up on his own, stood under wall, hands in pockets and looked at me and smiled. After that they woke me up.

    Hello. I had a dream common law husband the deceased was holding apples in his hands. He came up with the apples, as if offering, and disappeared. Also in the same dream, I saw the deceased father of my daughter’s husband, she walked past him and there were a lot of apples lying next to him. But he didn’t offer anything. I just saw him. .

    I was walking with my boyfriend along the road with us walking by the hand, a little girl looks like me with lightish hair, about 4 years old, we cross the road there is a building with 2 floors, the girl’s mother comes out of the building and asks is this my grandmother, mother says yes, then she came up to me and said take care of her, this is yours daughter Ira took us by the hand and we all walked along the road

    Hello. I dreamed of my husband’s deceased relative, who during her lifetime had an unkind relationship with our family. In the dream, she tried to do something bad (maybe cast a spell) in her husband’s sister’s house. I saw her, threatened her that I would tell her everything, wanted to drive her away, but she attacked me with a pitchfork, but didn’t hurt me, mine got stuck between the pitchforks left hand, and then I was able to pull my hand away. The dream ended there, but that day my manager complained to me about it. In general, there are problems at work...

    I dreamed that my husband’s dead brother came to me and asked to show me where my husband was buried and took me to the cemetery, I saw him in the back, he was walking to the cemetery in a black shirt, right at the place where my husband was actually buried. It was as if we had gone downstairs, as if in a compartment and there were 2 men lying on benches, facing the walls in black, and my husband’s brother asked, “Where is my brother?” he’s not here!” I answered that he would come and woke up. The dream occurred before 40 days had passed since his death and he died far from home abroad for treatment. he was cremated there and buried his ashes here in his homeland

    Hello. My dream that I had yesterday worries me very much. I dreamed about my mother-in-law's sister and aunt. I have never seen them in my life. Her sister scolded me very much in my sleep so that I would not offend my mother-in-law. As if for bread or something. Like I’m hiding bread from them. But this has never happened in real life. I don’t offend her, and I’ve never said a bad word to her, because I know and understand that she is an elderly person (she’s 62 years old), and that’s how it is with her. bad relationship with her son, and her father-in-law constantly offends her with his character. My husband The only son in family. And I feel that he is very jealous of me. We live very well with my husband and have a little daughter. Maybe she doesn’t like that everything is calm in our family. What's all this for? Often at night I see someone when I open my eyes. Then I try to fall asleep quickly. Very scary. I know that someone comes into our room at night. The silhouettes are straight. Shadows. And someone constantly stands in the same corner, and then leaves after some time!

    I dreamed about my grandmother. she didn't talk to me. but she was calm, well-groomed, her face was clean and bright... we were close, but it was as if we were in touch, I don’t remember exactly. but something happened with us and grandma went and asked to borrow money, for several days I dreamed about my mother, everything was the same. only she didn’t need money... she was just in a dream, a couple of weeks ago I dreamed of my son’s dead father, we didn’t communicate... he stood and looked at me from afar... and I walked with another man along the road... in this dream it was at night... .it was not light...the lantern was burning

    Good afternoon Today I dreamed about my cousin (died 1.6 years ago from cardiac arrest) and his dad and my godfather (died 8 months ago from throat cancer). I dream that I came to visit them and my brother says stay, otherwise you somehow separated from us and I agree. He takes out a box of glasses and the two of us start trying on glasses and in the end I chose glasses for myself. And I also dreamed of him in a wheelchair; during his lifetime he was healthy. And then I go to my home and see my godfather sitting on the steps of my entrance. He was covered in snow, covered in snow and very cold. I asked him what you were doing here, he told me that he had forgotten the way. And I don’t remember anything anymore.

    Hello Tatiana! Recently, I dreamed of my uncle. In the dream, he looked good, was calm and smiled warmly. He said that he was allowed to see me for a while... He said that I was doing well, that I was doing everything right, that I would continue in the same spirit, etc... Then he put his hand on my back, smiled and said that it was time for him to go. With this, my dream was over.
    I would like to know what such a dream leads to, good or bad? Thanks in advance for your answer!

    Today I had a dream in which my long-dead grandmother hanged herself. How this happened and why I don’t know. But in the dream there was also my dead grandfather. Some woman discovered the grandmother, she was scared and wailing. And when I heard this news, I cried, sobbed and could not calm down. And then a little later I dreamed about my late father-in-law, he came into the room where my son and I were having dinner and ex-husband, he sat down at the table with us to dine too. My son refused to eat, I persuaded him. And my father-in-law said that if you don’t want to, then go. The son got up from the table and left. And with dissatisfaction, I began to explain to my father-in-law that this cannot be done, that the requirements of parents and grandparents should be the same, so as not to spoil their son and their grandson.

    I dreamed deceased son his common-law wife who had a son from him and I saw yesterday that I was giving them 2 knives for ransom and my son in a dream I didn’t feel that he was dead and I gave her 2 knives and walked away - that’s the dream

    I dreamed about my grandmother, my grandfather, my mother, my 2a younger brother deceased, and they were all in some apartment unfamiliar to me, but they were very calm, they just looked at me, only grandfather spoke, but I didn’t hear him, he only opened his mouth.

    I dreamed of a dead aunt, but somehow it was not clear, I wanted to feed her, I began to clear the table and plastic box I found cockroaches, tried to pour them into the trash can, but the cockroaches did not fall out well.

    I dreamed of a huge lion, the whole city was catching him, everything happened on a vast territory, there was greenery everywhere, trees with young green foliage, he was caught, tied up, he was defeated. Then the deceased father defended the whole dream, warned that there was a lion there, but then very cheerful, joyful, go, says don’t be afraid, a feeling of calm in a dream - showed that everything is fine - what does it all mean?

    I'm going somewhere, but I want to go back. I can not find way back. I want to crawl out as if from a ravine, but the ground is crumbling. I’m crying. there is some kind of station on the other side and I go there. and suddenly I meet my husband who died six months ago. we were very happy with each other, he brought me as if to a hospital ward where we wanted to have sex, but the people who came there prevented us. then we were sitting on a bench, a man sat down and I started talking to him; my husband sort of moved away or left, I don’t remember. Why it was.

    I dreamed about relatives who died (grandfather, aunt and uncle). My uncle did not communicate with me in my dream. He just silently looked at his youngest son. To my question what they were doing, I was given an answer (the answer was given by my aunt, she was my godmother), and I didn’t see the aunt herself in the dream, but I knew that she was present nearby throughout the entire dream. Then I (my aunt and I) went to look at her new apartment. I was told that old apartment located in an inconvenient place and some other reasons. After examining the apartment, I went outside. The apartment had a separate entrance from the street (a la townhouse) and was located near the road. Suddenly, one of the cars moving along the road went into a ditch. It was a jeep (like an army one without a roof). And this jeep drove off, moving even further from the road, followed by my gaze, until it disappeared from sight. Suddenly I heard a strong roar and on the road I saw a Kamaz truck and road workers working near it.

    I dreamed that a friend gave me a phone on which the picture changed from sad man to smiling. then I dreamed of an uncle who died 10 years ago. He was sitting on the balcony with his legs dangling onto the street. and smoked. and I hold him so that he doesn’t fall. and then he lies on my lap. I hug him. and in a dream I know that he didn’t die, but returned from prison. and I tell him that he will find work. I’ll take him in. he replies that he won’t wash the floors. I answer: why floors? You’ll come to us as a turner. and he smiled

    I dreamed about my beloved great-grandmother. She died 11 years ago and during this time she dreamed for the first time. It's like she's dying, I'm crying. But this is somehow not so tragic. I’m distracted, I stop crying, I went and drank tea, came, saw her lying down and started crying again. I call my mom to tell her about this, but my mom doesn’t answer. But my great-grandmother seemed to be still alive, as if she was sleeping, I touched her forehead, she was warm. I'm crying again. I'm trying to call my mom, but I can't. Then the great-grandmother raises her head, sits down so cheerful and says, “why don’t I have a shadow? "… "Here look! “(Then a picture appears as if there is a large puddle on the sidewalk on the street and she is jumping, with a smile on her face, all joyful, into this puddle) “And there are no splashes after me!” "...

    dreamed of the deceased son and mother. all the time in the dark. My son left the house, I ran after him all this in the dark. I saw a lot of people in the yard and ran up to my son in the distance to protect him from some man. then I went up the illuminated stairs with some people, I was barefoot, but I didn’t walk, I flew, I stopped in front of the door of my closed apartment, a key was sticking out of the lock, but I had my own, I didn’t open the door behind the door, I heard the voice of my dead son and knew that my deceased was there Mother

Dreams in which we see deceased relatives alive can instill in us a lot of anxiety, fears and other not-so-great things. pleasant emotions. However, the interpretation of such dreams is very ambiguous. In order to understand exactly why dead people dream of being alive (relatives), you need to remember the dream in detail, open the dream book and check with it all the nuances of the dream you saw.

A night vision in which a sleeping man has a conversation with his grandmother, who is deceased in reality, portends significant events that will happen in the foreseeable future. It is necessary to remember as much as possible most conversations, because the words of a deceased relative spoken in a dream may turn out to be prophetic. Especially if they were in the nature of a request or advice.

There is another version of what the dead (relatives) appearing alive in a dream portends. According to her, this is not always an unfavorable sign. If in your dream they were joyful, and even more so, having fun, such a dream portends success and prosperity.

A dream in which a deceased relative appeared dancing and singing foreshadows quick invitation to visit, where a feast awaits the dreamer. If a dead relative gave the dreamer something, you should actually expect good news from the workplace.

A terrible night vision in which a deceased relative, lying in a coffin, suddenly opens his eyes is actually a good sign. It promises a sleeping person who sees him a sudden big profit. This could be winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or other similar circumstances.

Interpretation by interaction

The correct interpretation of a dream, which helps to predict future events and prevent them, or, on the contrary, help them come true, also depends on how the dreamer interacted with the deceased relatives who came to life in the dream.

  • A night vision in which a deceased relative, as if alive, hugs the dreamer, without saying anything, is a favorable omen. In the near future, a sleeping person will get rid of many painful experiences that no longer give rest. for a long time. All reasons for concern will turn out to be empty, vain and far-fetched.
  • An unpleasant night picture that inspires fear in many people is a dream in which a deceased relative calls the dreamer with him. If a sleeping person agreed and followed the deceased person, this is an unkind sign. It portends a serious illness in the near future.
  • A dream in which a deceased relative talks to the dreamer, telling him that everything is fine with him is favorable. Such a dream indicates that the soul of a deceased person has found peace.
  • If in a dream you happened to argue with a deceased relative in a raised voice, swear and listen to his reproaches, this is a symbol that you need to reconsider your attitude towards the surrounding reality as soon as possible. You should be more supportive of the people around you and have a more positive outlook on life.

Who was the deceased relative?

The meaning of the dream will also change depending on who the deceased relative is to you. Grandfather, grandmother, father or mother, as well as other relatives, all appear in our dreams with their own symbolic meaning.

  • The deceased father appears in a dream in order to protect his child from danger. Those who had a dream with his participation should refrain from dubious actions, scams, financial fraud and other dangerous and risky activities.
  • A deceased mother appears in her child’s dreams to warn of discord in marital life and possible adultery.
  • Dead grandparents appear in the dreams of a sleeping person at the most crucial and fateful moments of his life. It is worth listening to their words, as the advice and warnings they give can help you accept correct solution at the most difficult moment.
  • If parents dream of their deceased son and talks to them, he is trying to convey to them some kind of important information. It is worth remembering his words in as much detail as possible - they may relate to upcoming family changes.
  • Parents dream of a deceased daughter to make them happy - soon all troubles and adversities will end, and a bright streak will come in their lives.

Miller's Dream Book

If you rely on the interpretation given by this dream book, dead people (relatives) appear alive in a dream for many reasons:

  • hugs with a deceased mother portend a serious illness;
  • a deceased father who asks the dreamer for money portends financial troubles;
  • if you dream of a call from a deceased brother, soon someone close to you will need your help in reality;
  • the deceased sister cutting the cake foreshadows an unexpected visit from guests;
  • a conversation with a grandfather or grandmother - to receive news from distant relatives;

Loff's Dream Book

The dream book of a famous pastor gives a very practical interpretation of such dreams. According to him, a conversation with relatives who are alive in a dream but deceased in reality symbolizes the difficult situation in which the dreamer finds himself. To get out of an unpleasant and intractable situation, you should seek advice from more experienced people.

Eastern dream book

A dream in which a deceased relative calls a sleeping person to follow him is a warning. A sleeping person who receives it should check the condition of his body - an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible in the near future.

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