Tips on how to get rid of the fear of fighting. How to overcome the fear of fighting: secrets of experienced fighters. Video: how to overcome the fear of fighting

Our fears are our hidden enemies. They overcome us regardless of age, social status and professions. Fear is a rather insidious and cunning enemy that can easily devastate us from the inside, poison our minds, kill our sound thinking and steal our inner peace.

We very often experience a state of fear before certain events: conflicts, changes, fights... Let's dwell on the last point in more detail and find out before a fight. This question can be conditionally classified as eternal. The fact is that there are quite a lot of ways to talk about things before a fight, but they cannot be applied in practice... Hence the constant demand (excuse the pun) for this question! In our article we will not list certain ways to combat this fear, but we want to offer a completely different way to solve this problem, namely, a small step-by-step psychological training on self-improvement. Now you will understand everything yourself.

before the fight?

Stage one. Postulate to success

First of all, understand that we are all mortal, each of us experiences pain, we all have blood flowing through us. So fear in the same situation is characteristic of each of us. For some, to a lesser extent, and for others, to a greater extent. That’s why you can be sure that your “opponent” (the person you have to fight with) is just as afraid and in just as much pain. Only a sound understanding of this postulate will allow you to remove the illusory and imaginary idea of ​​your opponent.

Stage two. Modeling

Remember, fear of a fight is not a death sentence! Before a direct confrontation with the enemy, you need to imagine that he has already begun to beat you. Try to play out in your mind the worst-case scenario for the development of such a situation: imagine how he simply beats you and how bad he speaks about you and your loved ones, laughing in your face. In general, simulate a very terrible situation in which the enemy almost sends you to another world. Why is this necessary? It's simple! This psychological impact on your own nervous system, which will certainly awaken the real beast in you and cause serious rage!

Modeling the situation is the basis before a fight. The fact is that at this moment you will definitely no longer be afraid, since your desire to take revenge on the potential offender will be so great that you will physically feel a huge surge of strength! Your once fear transforms into unbridled rage. All you have to do is release it into the wild, like a bullet from a clip!

Stage three. Self-concentration

This is another condition on how to overcome the fear of fighting. There’s simply nowhere without him! In no case should you think about what they are looking at you now, about what they will say about you later, etc. You should concentrate only on how much you want to fight with the enemy. Don’t forget for a minute that he is insulting your family, your honor, etc. Only in this case will the accumulated rage make itself felt in full!

Most likely, after such self-cheating, it will happen to you - and the inner beast sitting inside will do everything itself!

Friends, we all know fear. Let's talk about this unpleasant condition and try to figure out how to overcome it.

First you need to understand what it is in general, find out, as they say, what it is eaten with and what kind of animal it is.

What is fear and how to overcome it

This is an emotion. This is the STRONGEST negative emotion in a person. Stronger than all the others combined. But where does it come from? After all, everyone knows that children are practically ignorant of fear from birth. They are only afraid of falling from heights and loud noises. All. But this is a natural fear based on the instinct of self-preservation.

We acquire all our other phobias later, as they say, along the way. As a reaction to certain events. And the root of it all is our negative beliefs that we ourselves are not able to cope with life.

In short, he greatly interferes with our lives. Especially achieving your goals. Even the smallest ones, not to mention achieving significant success or doing something outstanding. Fear is the killer of dreams!There is only one thing that makes fulfilling your Dream impossible - fear of failure. .

Paolo Coelho

You can and should overcome it within yourself.

There are many ways, but I have chosen 5 of the most effective ones.

Method number 1 on how to overcome fear. DEBRIEFING

Here you need to prepare. Preparation consists of 2 stages

  1. Detailed analysis
  2. Visualization

At the first stage, the most important thing is to deal with fear and understand what you are afraid of. To do this, answer yourself the following questions:

  1. What am I afraid of?
  2. Why am I afraid?
  3. Does fear have a real basis?
  4. What am I more afraid of: doing this or not being able to do it?

Do detailed analysis your fears and deal with yours worries. These will be your logical actions. And although human emotions are stronger than logic, and it is not always possible to “convince yourself”, nevertheless, “debriefing” is a good “artillery preparation” before a battle with this strong emotion.

After we have sorted the fear into pieces, we move on to the second stage - presenting the situation. Here we will beat fear with its own weapon - emotions. Emotions will help us overcome it

This is where it will come to the rescue. The main thing is that now you already know what you are afraid of. Sit back and get started many times scroll through pictures of your fears on the internal screen, where you managed to overcome it, for example, how you do what you are afraid of. The mind does not distinguish fiction from reality and will take everything at face value! And the picture will be imprinted in your subconscious fear overcome many times!

The method is very effective! Even a one-time five-minute visualization can dramatically reduce your level of fear.

Method number 2 on how to become fearless. MAKE A DECISION!

Sometimes just making a DECISION can make you do what you are afraid of. When you are determined to do something, the fear will immediately disappear. As do doubts. Doubts create fear, and the decision to act removes doubts, which means it neutralizes it. No doubts - no fears! I made a decision - doubts go away!

The eyes are afraid, but the hands do

Fear causes negative emotions in us, and DETERMINATION creates a positive attitude and includes positive ones. Positive emotions displace fear and give us self-confidence and strength!

Go to the mirror, look into your eyes and say decisively: “Even though I’m scared, I will do it!” Through thick and thin!"

Method number 3 on how to overcome your fear. DO IT!

Get used to acting despite fear! Remember that fear is just a common reaction to you trying to do something unusual. Something you've never done before. They didn’t speak publicly, for example.

Fear can also arise if you go against your beliefs. Over the course of our entire lives, we develop our own concepts, our own worldview. And when we try to change something in our life, to turn it in a different direction, we have to leave the “comfort zone,” and this automatically causes fear, doubt and uncertainty.

None of us are born successful. And no one taught me how to be one since childhood. Therefore, we will have to overcome fear in order to achieve our dreams and achieve our goals. You will have to learn to act despite your fear. Action and more action!

You go forward - fear does not take you

To overcome fear, you need to stop fighting it. Recognize it and accept it. After all, we are not superheroes. Tell yourself: “Yes, I’m scared. I'm really scared. But I’ll do it anyway!”

When we admit our fears to ourselves, we kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, this way we relieve internal tension and accept ourselves as we are. Secondly When we admit it to ourselves, fear begins to celebrate its victory and ceases to affect us. He's getting weaker! And this is where you need to start acting. And immediately!

Method number 4 on how to overcome fear. ACCEPT THE WORST OPTION

Everything is very simple here. Imagine the worst case scenario.

Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen to me if I do this?" And imagine this picture. Live it and be filled with emotions. Accept this option and get used to it.

Repeat this exercise several times and you will feel it getting easier. Fear goes away and anxiety disappears. You will stop worrying, calm down and begin to think soberly. And most likely you will understand that your fear was exaggerated and not everything is so sad. This is how fearlessness appears.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted

Well, if you are afraid of not doing anything and you still continue to be afraid, then most likely your fears are justified and you should think about whether to take this step. After all, fear is our defensive reaction based on a sense of self-preservation.

How do you know if your fear is justified?

I will give two examples.

  • You are already over 30 and not yet married. You have a girl you are dating and want to propose. But you are afraid to do this because you have never made an offer before. We ask the magic question: “What’s the worst that can come out of this?” The answer is you will get a refusal. Let’s develop the topic further - it means that this is not my soul mate, but the Universe is preparing a meeting for me with my person, it’s just that the time has not come yet. That's all, no fear.
  • You have a goal - to learn to ski. But you were taken to a very steep mountain and are asked to go down. Naturally, you are scared. The worst case scenario is that you break something. Moreover, the option is quite real. You can apply the above methods and begin your descent. You will immediately stop being afraid. But maybe it makes sense to start driving from a lower place, where it’s not so dangerous?

Fear has big eyes

Assess the validity of your fears. If they are real enough and have “solid ground” behind them, then it is better to listen to them and not get into trouble. Well, what if worst option does not evoke strong negative emotions in you and you can come to terms with it, then, as they say, go ahead and sing!

Method number 5 on how to overcome fear. FEARLESS TRAINING

To ensure that fear never stands in your way, you need to understand that it is not the problem, but the OBJECT OF FEAR. Fear in itself means nothing and there is no need to be afraid of it! People are so afraid of it that they exclude from their lives almost all situations where it might arise. Instead of taking it and overcoming it once, thereby impoverishing your life and making it uninteresting! But this is a straight road to misfortune.

So, first we decide on the object of fear.

Then we begin fearlessness training.

Who is bolder is brighter

Fearlessness (courage, courage) can be trained. Just like muscles in the gym. First you take a small weight, work with it, then move on to a larger one. It's the same with fear.

How to overcome, for example, fear public speaking? Start by speaking to yourself. Then in front of parents or children. Then gather your friends and “push the speech” there. Speaking in front of 10 people is not as scary as speaking in front of a thousand people. Once you are comfortable with one stage, move on to the next. Until you feel comfortable.

Or, for example, you are a shy person and have trouble communicating with strangers. We are going the same way. To overcome this type of fear in yourself, start by simply SMILE at passers-by. You will see that people will smile back at you. Then try saying hello, first just nodding your head, and then just saying “Hello!” or “Hello!” Don't be afraid, no one will eat you! Then try to start a light conversation, for example, with a neighbor public transport or in line for something. Gradually, step by step, you will overcome the fear of communicating with strangers. Slowly but surely it will fade away and you will turn into a super sociable person!

In compressed form, everything looks like this:

  1. Find out the object of fear.
  2. Break it down into 5 small fears.
  3. Practice overcoming the slightest fear.
  4. If you can’t overcome it, break it into several more.How to develop intuition?

In cases where a fight is unavoidable, many people who are not accustomed to inflicting or experiencing pain are seized by a panic stupor, which automatically leads to defeat, even if the enemy is obviously weaker. This panic can look different and is not always directly related to fear of pain or fear for your life. Sometimes it can take the form of moral worries or fear of the law, but the basis is always a psychological unpreparedness to get into a fight.

Most often, fear of is associated with the lack of necessary experience of physical conflicts generated by modern upbringing. WITH early years a person is taught that fighting is bad, therefore, in situations where physical contact cannot be avoided, many have to overcome a difficult moral barrier, while the aggressor, as a rule, is completely devoid of worries about the upcoming conflict, which allows him to win . The willingness to fight is one of the most important things that makes it possible to get out of a dangerous situation, and in many cases, one demonstration of this readiness is enough to extinguish the conflict.

Even the most formidable self-defense weapon cannot protect you if you are not ready to use it. On the other hand, a person who is in the mood for a fight can win without a weapon.

How to overcome fear

There are several ways to overcome panic fear, however, it must be taken into account that in this case simple solutions does not exist, and in order to stop being afraid to get into a fight, you will have to work hard, especially if you have little experience.

The most common option to cultivate a fighting spirit is to enroll in self-defense or martial arts courses. In addition to combat and strengthening skills physical training these activities will most likely relieve you of your fear of physical conflict. Unfortunately, to achieve any significant results, you will need to practice for a long time and systematically: one or two sessions will not be able to radically change your emotional mood or consolidate your combat skills. As a rule, this requires years of training.

If you are not afraid of a fight, you should not try to resolve any conflict by force. Fight only in cases where there is no other choice.

For those who cannot afford to spend so much time overcoming the fear of fighting, a psychological method of managing emotions may be suitable. Its essence boils down to the fact that one intense experience can be transformed into another if you know the technique. For example, transforming fear into anger works well: in a dangerous situation, adrenaline tension requires release, but if you direct it in the right direction, then instead of the chilling horror you will experience a fighting anger that will allow you to get into a fight and win. A person’s ability to control his own emotions is very great, and should not be neglected.

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  • Tricks and techniques against fear of fighting

There is such a thing famous expression, as “boxing is the science of defeat without harming oneself.” This is the rule that a boxer must follow in order to defeat his opponent in a fight. He must combine offensive skills with skillful defense. He also needs to comply with a number of other the most important rules.

You will need

  • - Boxing ring;
  • - gloves;
  • - rival;
  • - boxing uniform;
  • - trainer;
  • - video recordings of opponent’s fights.


Research your opponent first and get to know how he fights in the ring. Professionals always know exactly who they will be dealing with in the ring, having studied the opponent’s tactics in the best possible way. Beginners act according to the situation, which is why they get paid much more often. This is not a forward-thinking approach. Therefore, talk to those athletes who have already fought against your opponent. Also attend his training session (or ask your trainer to do so). Ultimately, study all of your opponent's available fights.

Develop a clear plan for fighting a given opponent and build your training aspect in the same way. If your opponent is fast and left-handed, then do more sparring with faster left-handed athletes. Practice moves that will baffle your counterpart. If you notice that he is throwing right hand After the straight punch, work hard on your right hook.

Build a rough strategy for fighting against your opponent, taking into account that he can adapt to you. If yours are the most strengths are high speed, Long hands and a sharp jab, then think about what else might be in store if the enemy forces you into close combat and gets under your arms. In this case, he will be able to deliver hundreds of small but sensitive blows. This means you should still work on your uppercut and side punches.

Stay calm as you enter the ring. You can lose a lot of energy just from worry. But you can also get a lot out of it if you get excited about the fight. Some pray, others look at their opponent and try to understand his plans. It all depends, of course, on what calms and inspires you. Use this before the fight!

Be 100% sure that you will win! There should not be a note of doubt in you about the successful outcome of the fight! This is where the winner comes into play. Use it on full blast and don't give your opponent a chance.

Video on the topic


On your physical and psychological condition before the fight.

Helpful advice

Build your battle strategy very clearly.

A heated conversation or a serious conflict can easily turn into a fight. It is necessary to avoid such a development of events by all means. This will be the most mature and responsible decision.


Try to control yourself, do not give in to emotions. If you feel angry, afraid, or panicked, try ending the conversation. This The best way calm down and don't make mistakes. Heightened senses tend to dull mental clarity and make it difficult to think rationally. This can lead to rash actions. This method of avoiding a fight is especially relevant if the conversation takes place, for example, in an unfamiliar place or in dark time days. In addition, the presence of alcohol in the blood can complicate the situation to the limit. Try to defuse difficult situation as soon as it arises.

Your interlocutor may be mentally prepared for a fight. Perhaps he does not see acceptable results in communicating with you and believes that only a fight can solve his problem. If this happens, try to engage him in conversation. Literally tell him that you don't want to fight and suggest that you discuss the problem calmly. Do not blame your interlocutor under any circumstances. Don't tell him that it was he who brought the situation to a fight. Such accusations will only anger him, and it will be difficult to avoid a fight. Try to calm your opponent down, say that you understand his claims and indignation.

Chances are you'll have to listen a large number of insults directed at you. If you want to avoid a fight, ignore them. You may hear accusations of cowardice and weakness from a person, and unflattering statements about your friends and relatives. Such statements are made to piss you off. There is no need to take these words seriously, do not remember your pride. Imagine that you are talking to a mentally ill person who does not understand what he is talking about.

No matter how the conversation goes, always watch the movements of your interlocutor, especially his hands. Be prepared to defend yourself if necessary. To calm the situation, keep your hands calm. For example, keep your palms together and your arms down, without swinging or gesturing.

If you realize that a constructive conversation is not working, just leave. If you do this just before a fight, don't think you're being cowardly. Remember that remaining safe and sound and not injuring your opponent is always better than getting involved in a meaningless fight with unclear results. Don't turn your back on the person. If he is extremely aggressive, you may get hit from behind. Keep it in your sight until you are at a safe distance. Don't look back after you leave. This may be perceived as an attempt to continue the conversation.

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Many men have thought at least once in their lives about how to overcome the feeling of fear of a fight. When a conflict can no longer be resolved with words, there is only one option left - to engage in battle with the enemy. In such a situation, it is very important to control your emotions and not let feelings of fear take over.

Fear is a natural reaction of the mind to potential danger. It is this feeling that underlies the instinct of self-preservation and protects a person from making wrong decisions. In men, fear often arises before fights and brawls. And contrary to the popular belief that any conflict can be resolved peacefully, in life every now and then situations arise when it is impossible to avoid a fight. In this case, you need to be able to stand up for yourself, overcoming the obsessive feeling of fear.

Causes of fear of fighting

According to psychologists, fear of is a neurotic fear that is not tied to a specific object. Its cause is self-doubt and desire from impending danger.

Often the fear of starting a fight arises from the fear of physical pain. In this case, remember that your opponent is the same person as you. He is also afraid of pain and injury, no matter how rude and impudent he may seem to you.

How to overcome the fear of fighting

First of all, try to drown out your fear with stronger emotions. Imagine something that might make you angry or furious. In a state of emotional arousal, the fear of a fight will immediately fade into the background. Just don't overdo it: if you lose touch with reality, you can cause serious injuries to your opponent.

Another way to get rid of fear is self-hypnosis. This method is recommended by many psychologists. Instill in your subconscious that you are completely confident in yourself and are not afraid of any fights.

Some people try by all means to avoid a fight just because they don’t know how to stand up for themselves. If you are one of them, take a self-defense course or take up contact martial arts (for example, karate, Ashihara karate, sambo, taekwondo). Eastern martial arts teach a fighting philosophy that will help a person overcome anxiety before a fight.

If several people want to start a fight with you at once, don’t be shy and call outsiders for help. There is nothing wrong with trying to avoid a fight this way. Essentially, this is no longer a fight, but a beating, and if the attackers get the better of you, you can suffer very badly. At such a moment, start behaving inappropriately. Shout, wave your arms, jump, run. This will help you attract other people's attention and confuse your opponents.

By following the above tips, you can easily get rid of the fear of a fight and be able to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.

Video on the topic

Any fight should require from the fighter not only physical training, but also certain moral strength. They are necessary in order to meet your opponent, to challenge him and not be afraid to take a blow. Even experienced fighters who enter the ring every day sometimes don’t know how not to be afraid to fight. However, the natural fear of beatings can be overcome, but to do this you will have to undergo a course of psychological and physical training.

What causes fear of a fight?

Why is a person afraid to face his opponents in a fist fight? Everything here is quite prosaic, and the reason lies in the natural instinct of self-preservation. The brain gives certain signals, analyzes possible turns of the collision, making a person worry about future injuries. What other reasons can give rise to a nagging feeling of fear before battle?

We are talking specifically about professional clashes, when a person enters the ring with a specific purpose. If he is simply attacked in the alley, fear does not have time to become active, and the fighter himself is driven by the natural desire to protect himself and survive.

Most often, psychologists explain such cowardice by physical unpreparedness. The lack of proper fighting skills affects the fact that a person does not feel confident, he is afraid to even step into the ring. Sometimes they come into play psychological aspects. Thus, many professional fighters spread rumors about their increased aggressiveness and inadequacy in the ring. These rumors influence their rivals, giving them a natural feeling of fear for their lives.

Ways to deal with fear

How to stop being afraid to fight, and what needs to be done for this? When asking these questions, a person usually plans to receive a specific, intelligible answer. However, there are no clear techniques to combat the problem.

Psychologists and experienced trainers advise in such situations to turn to the following methods of overcoming fear:

  • improving your fighting skills, because the better a person fights, the less afraid he is to enter the ring;
  • communication with a psychologist to improve moral preparation for battle;
  • a person needs to enter the ring again and again, and against strong opponents, overcoming fear during each fight;
  • learning the tricks of fighting and false swings will also help reduce the fear of battle;
  • Before a fight, you need to properly set yourself up and project your thoughts exclusively towards victory.

It is physically impossible to completely eradicate fear, since this natural sensation helps a person maintain life in stressful conditions. A fighter without fear is doomed, because he will always get into trouble, which will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences.

The first and most important advice in such a situation, continue training. How more people knows and knows how, the less he fears his opponent. The fighter is aware of his own superiority, and therefore strives to take part in a new fight.

This rule applies not only to professional fights in the ring, but also to street fights. If a guy is bullied by hooligans, he is afraid to fight back because he simply doesn’t know how to do it. However, training in a variety of martial arts can help turn this fear into a deadly skill.

Psychological preparation techniques cannot be ignored either. Often good fighters lose to less experienced opponents because they lack confidence. They are pre-set to lose, and therefore enter the ring doomed. A psychologist should always work with a fighter, convincing him of his superiority, cultivating a certain moral and ethical image of the winner.

Fighting a stronger opponent: rules for dealing with fear

Sometimes an experienced fighter enters the ring, confident both in his abilities and in his victory. However, when he sees an opponent as huge as a rock, his confidence disappears, it is replaced by fear, and the battle is lost.

It is always easier to fight weak opponents than those who are superior to you in physical strength. However, only a fight with the latter type can finally dispel all fears. How to defeat an opponent who is larger and stronger than the fighter himself?

The main rule in the fight against an opponent whose strength turns out to be greater is not to give up, not to give up. As soon as a person accepts defeat, fear will cover him completely, and the battle will be lost. The fight must be waged to the last, perceiving your opponent not as a powerful and invincible villain, but as a person with his own minor weaknesses.

Psychologists say that when in the right mood a person can defeat anyone. Once the fight has already begun and the first blow has been struck, fear usually recedes. In such a situation, natural instincts come into force and the body’s defensive function is triggered.

To defeat an opponent, while forgetting about fear, you first need to defeat yourself. If a person improves his skills, not forgetting about psychological preparation, then it is not he who will have to be afraid, but potential rivals.

Sergey, Moscow

“I’m already X number of years old, and I’m afraid to fight...” “I’m afraid to fight. How to get rid of the fear of fighting?” Thousands of such questions are asked on the Internet. Moreover, often at the same time, people hide their faces. That is, they are ashamed, or uncomfortable, or they are embarrassed that they are afraid to fight.

What's so shameful about that? To be honest, I’m also afraid to fight, but in any case, if I have to fight, I will fight to the end, defending my property, honor and dignity, or the life and health of my loved ones. Although, probably not always for property. Many people think that fighting is the lot of undeveloped people. And what if you knocked down the door with your head, you are stupid and strong. And you shouldn't get involved in fights. I think the same thing, it’s another thing when it really threatens you, that is, your opponent attacks you himself. A man must be able to protect himself, his girlfriend, his child. Yes, and the same for a woman.

There's no shame in being afraid of a fight, since its consequences are unpredictable, you can be seriously injured or killed inadvertently or even on purpose. In the heat of a fight, a person is not entirely aware of what he is doing and how strong or dangerous his blows are and their consequences. He often simply does not understand that there are stones under your feet, and you and he can fall and hit your head so much that a trepanation will be needed. But, this is not his fault, if you fight, you will also not think well at these moments.

Because aggression and fear cause the production of adrenaline, nooroodrenaline and other hormones and neurotransmitters that impede brain function. But, on the other hand, there is a surge of hormones and neurotransmitters to the limbs. Arms and legs, and the “flight or fight mechanism” is activated. That is, you must quickly decide what to do, run or fight the danger, and the body is already ready. Increased doses of hormones have been produced in your muscles, and if you do not use it, it will cause stupor, tremors, panic, and accelerate the flywheel of fear even more strongly. But, okay, let's return to our sheep, that is, to the fear of a fight.

Origin of fear of fighting

What causes fear of a fight? As with the origins of other fears, it is difficult to understand why some people have it and others do not. Any fear has genetic and social prerequisites. And they themselves are quite diverse. Genetically transmits the tendency to certain types fear. And then, the experience acquired in society is already superimposed on this. Children and parents often have similar fears because they have similar psychological types . Psychological characteristics personality, influence fears. The main ones are: accentuation, neuroticism temperament). They determine: your preferences, the speed at which the emotion flows, its duration and the speed of extinguishing, general level anxiety.

Neurotic origin of fear

Many psychologists express the idea that fear of a fight is a neurotic fear. Neurotic fear is not attached to any particular object. Increased level neuroticism is generally a problem today. But in the case of fights, this is probably even better. It prevents a lot of hassles.

Neurotic anxiety is a signal of the perception of a threat to further existence. Neurotics doubt their own safety, forcing them to expand psychological protective barriers. Neurotic fear is either constant anxiety or paroxysmal fear. It arises most often, against the background of self-doubt, with a subconscious desire to take care of oneself, one’s life and health.

All fears come from childhood

As Freud said, all fears come from childhood. Some people are not allowed to fight because of their upbringing. Probably in every class there are quiet people who were raised so that they simply cannot fight. They often become the object of ridicule and attacks from their peers. Some children get a negative experience if they were severely beaten, or if they were unable to hit the offender. Such a negative experience is consolidated, and subsequently it is quite difficult to fight.

And, sometimes, attempts to simply fight or defend one’s honor or one’s property through a fight entail punishment. It is the fear of punishment that can become another reason for the fear of a fight.

Fear of pain, death and injury in a fight

Often, a person is afraid to fight because he is afraid of pain, death and injury. Such fear is genetically based, if we take too many risks, but will not live long. Biological motivation (protection of life and health) is one of the strongest. Moreover, it often happens that a person is afraid not only of feeling pain himself, but also of delivering it to his opponent. Essentially, it is the fear of death. Because, in this case, we subconsciously protect our existence. Even in the case of injury to another person. Here we are subconsciously afraid of severe punishment, for causing serious injury or killing the enemy.

Fear of public speaking

It's amazing how fear of fighting and fear are connected? If you think about it, it's not surprising at all. Often, a fight occurs where there are spectators. And a person is afraid of screwing up, looking ridiculous, unable to stand up for himself, in the eyes of his comrades, friends, girlfriend. And, negative attitude society, if we do not know how to fight, or, on the contrary, we beat the enemy too much.

We are afraid of public rejection and condemnation, since society, in the distant times of human development, was practically synonymous with the word life. Without other people, a person could not survive: protect life from wild animals, find food every day, and heal himself when he is sick. In the community, he will be cured, food will be shared, and together they will protect themselves from animals. As a result, a person fears public disapproval, rejection, almost as much as death.

Another good reason, according to which people experience fear of fighting, no matter how trivial it may sound, is the inability to fight. We are often in a state of fear of something. There are people who are afraid to even live. Yes, yes, there is this type of existential fear.

How to get rid of the fear of fighting?

Try to analyze what exactly you are afraid of. That is, if a fight does break out, what will you fear most? If you cannot do this on your own, then you should consult a psychologist. And then decide the issue. Although, you can get rid of the fear of fighting general methods, but if the fear is very strong, then it’s worth thinking about more serious methods.

But first, you need to find a way to get around it. Learn to give in and be non-conflict. There is no need to be offended in vain, we are often offended by where we weak sides, no understanding or problems. As they say, if you were offended when you were told, " Son of a bitch", it means you are not confident in your mother. Another thing is when a person wanted to offend you on purpose, you just shouldn’t get involved with him anymore. But usually, this is not so, we are offended by ourselves, by ourselves, by the fact that we made up your mind about what another person thinks. That is, you came up with it yourself, you yourself were offended. Try to overcome your touchiness. Often a sense of humor can help with this. Find psychological advice, to resolve the conflict, without waving your fists, be polite, this will come in handy in life. But be prepared to fight so that in your own eyes you don’t fall below the plinth.

And don’t think that if you refuse to fight, people will consider you a coward. If a fight takes place, they will most likely think of you as a bully and a brawler. No matter what, people will think something, don’t worry.

But how to overcome the fear of a fight if it is inevitable, that is, you have already been attacked or severely insulted? Of course, you need to cope with timidity, shyness, fears and principles. Of course, they are needed, but not now. At this moment, you need to think about something else. How to win. It is better to decide right away whether you will fight or not. As already mentioned, during such situations, adrenaline and noroadrenaline are produced, and the longer you wait, the more of it you will have. I'll wait, maybe the fear of a fight will pass - it's not an action in 99.9% of cases.

Meditation and psychophysical relaxation

Meditation, one of good ways eliminating general anxiety, and reducing the fear of fighting in particular. Meditation is very useful for people who experience constant anxiety and any fears. Even a one-time meditation can reduce a person’s anxiety. Moreover, even eminent psychologists recommend meditation as an additional means of treating fears and stress and depression. And constant meditation gives a cumulative effect. The fact is that in the course of research by neurolinguists, it was revealed that meditation has a very unique effect on the brain: the zones that are responsible for fear, anxiety, bad habits. A, areas of the brain that are responsible for good mood, family, love, on the contrary, are actively working.

Also, I remember the meditation on the death of samurai. They meditated on the fact that they had already died or would die anyway, there was only one thing left, to take revenge on the enemy. They were not afraid of losing life, the most precious thing a person has. Therefore, they were not afraid of anything at all before the battle, and as a result they were invincible.

Psychophysiological relaxation, another technique, is essentially relaxation. But the rest is complete with relaxation of muscles and relieving stress and stress from the psyche with the help of specially selected techniques. Relaxation relieves muscle tension and provides emotional release.

Learn special psychotechnical techniques

For example, refuse to think about the situation in detail before a fight. Take action or retreat from what you have planned. This will prevent the fear reaction from accelerating to its maximum. If you decide to fight, immediately enter a critical situation, accompanied by a wave of emotional outburst. Have you seen how American boxers and wrestlers behave? They shout, wave their arms, make aggressive gestures and take aggressive poses, sometimes even use obscene language. They don’t do this by chance, they work with them best psychologists. By behaving this way, they psychologically support themselves and suppress the enemy. Praise yourself more often, ask others to do so, increase your self-esteem. Here, of course, you may not be able to cope on your own; in this case, personal growth training or a good psychologist will help.

Breathing techniques will also help. They calm your emotions and also make you less sensitive to fears, anxieties, and sudden emotions. You can learn these techniques on your own. These include: holotropic breathing, breathing exercises Strelnikova, breathing exercises from yoga, rebirthing, etc.

Sign up for a self-defense course

If your fear of a fight lies in your inability to fight, then there’s nothing to think about, sign up for a wrestling, boxing, karate, teikhwando, or something else club. Be sure to engage in sports or sports training. Learn to fight and develop qualities and skills that can be useful to you in a fight. Reaction speed, strength, endurance, etc. but, the effect will only be as a result of constant and systematic training.

When you learn self-defense techniques, as a rule, the fear of fighting disappears. In addition, if it is karate teihwando, or some other kind of wrestling, you will be taught to cope with emotions. And, the knowledge and skills themselves will help you raise your self-esteem.

Self-defense courses, in essence, are violence prevention and are focused on maintaining order in society. By the way, here is a free self-defense course, there are several lessons. Continuation of the course is paid, however, as usual. But, having mastered even this, you will have a couple of techniques that will help you in a critical situation. In principle, these are the main methods, therefore, I think that we have answered the question of how to cope with the fear of fighting. Applying 2 or 3 methods in parallel gives the best option.

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