How is waste processed? Waste recycling in Russia: features, requirements and interesting facts. Efficient production organization

This problem is becoming more serious every year and threatening the environmental situation. Every year billions of tons of various waste are generated, the bulk of which is household waste.

Types of household waste

The main types of household waste are food waste, various packaging made from cardboard and paper, plastic, metal cans and glass. In the past, there was not such a variety of packaging, so there was much less waste. The problem is that many materials that end up in waste do not decompose at all, or this process continues for tens or even hundreds of years. In addition, the decomposition process significantly pollutes environment, which negatively affects all living things. The best way get rid of it negative influence is recycling household waste. To do this, you need to organize waste sorting.

How to sort garbage at home?

If your management company is concerned about the problem associated with the removal and disposal of waste and has placed containers in front of the house intended for separate collection of glass, food waste, paper, plastic and metal cans, you will have to sort the garbage at home. How to do it? Collect waste separately by type and dispose of it in designated containers. This will make the recycling process much easier. Buy self-decomposing polyethylene bags for this.

How to properly dispose of garbage

Waste disposal is legally delegated to the authorities. The most common method is to transport waste to landfills. This is where it usually ends. It’s not even worth talking about the dangers of this method. The next method is burning. The harm it causes is also significant. When burned, plastic and specially treated packaging cardboard release so many harmful substances into the air that soon all forest plantations will not be able to cope with them. The most acceptable method is recycling with further use of materials. But how many can you name? settlements where is this organized?

The editors of the site call for a responsible attitude towards the environment and to show more attention to the materials from which popular consumer products are made.
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Looking at almost any non-hazardous waste, you can see secondary raw materials for the production of new products. The task of humanity is to obtain maximum benefit from waste residues. The planet's resources are limited and are not replenished at the rate at which humanity is wasting them. Some types of resources are generally non-renewable, so they need to be saved. But this is not the only reason why waste materials are recycled.

In order to avoid cluttering up areas with garbage, it must be recycled. In addition, further processing of secondary raw materials will solve the problem of waste pollution: air, soil, ground and surface waters and the spread of infection in the environment.


One of the main goals of waste recycling is to improve the environmental situation. IN modern times The waste disposal and recycling market is underdeveloped. This is not caused by the lack of technologies for processing recyclable materials, but by the low profitability of this activity, and therefore, recycling secondary waste it becomes simply unprofitable.

However, the use of household waste becomes a good basis for the production of recyclable materials, which can be re-entered into production by sorting them by type using a recycling sign. The use of recycled materials, including household waste, makes it possible to produce many products, such as paper products, glass containers, and various metal and plastic products.

The following are considered valuable waste components:

  • Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal
  • Plastics: PET, HDPE, PVD, PVC
  • Glass containers and cullet
  • Waste paper: paper, cardboard, newspapers and textiles
  • Rubber
  • Wood
  • Electronics: circuit boards, batteries, wire, mercury lamps
  • Petroleum products, asphalt, bitumen, oils

In the process of recycling, waste is obtained various materials, in particular - this Construction Materials, organic fertilizers, thermal energy.


At recycling waste, appropriate technology is used for each type of waste. Mixed household waste is separated using various types separation. For example, metal waste is separated using magnetic separation and then compacted, packaged and sent to foundries for subsequent melting.

Recycling scrap metal leads to significant savings natural resources and environmental protection.


Glass waste is processed into technical glass, which is subsequently used in construction. The glass recycling process includes the following steps:

  • Sorting glass waste by recycling sign using separation equipment.
  • Its cleaning and subsequent drying
  • Grinding
  • Preparation of raw materials and heating using special equipment.

Recycling industrial waste in the form of glass has significant advantages. For example, this process has a qualitative effect on unloading landfills for waste collection, saving raw materials and energy resources for glass production.

Waste paper

Just like recycling other types of recyclable materials, recycling paper helps reduce environmental pollution. While paper production releases highly toxic substances into the environment, using recycled paper uses fewer hazardous chemicals. In addition, when reuse paper waste saves some wood resources.

As for the process of recycling paper waste, let's consider the main stages:

  1. After collection, first of all, the raw materials are sorted in accordance with special sign processing.
  2. Next, the waste paper mass is obtained and cleaned.
  3. Subsequently, if necessary, the mass is subjected to bleaching and sent for paper production.

New paper is produced using processed recycled and virgin raw materials. In Russia most of waste paper is found among household waste, which makes it unavailable for further use. In this case, it is necessary to stop the simultaneous collection of construction, paper and household waste. Separate waste collection is the best way out of the critical environmental situation in the Russian Federation.


Recycling polymer waste is quite difficult due to its degree of contamination and inadequacy secondary polymers quality of raw materials. This type of activity is very costly and less profitable than the production of polymer raw materials from the latest materials.

However, recycling recycled polymers is beneficial for their further use in the production of various concrete products and wood-polymer boards. It is performed only if cleaning and sorting are not particularly important for the production of polymer products.

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which was used in beverage bottles, is made into insulating polyester fiber for jackets.

After recycling, it is used to make:

  • Carpets
  • Containers
  • Pallets
  • Trays for non-food products
  • Door panels
  • Grilles and bumpers for cars

The cost of polymer recyclables is much lower than the original, which attracts large suppliers, so reprocessing of raw materials can be quite profitable for a recycling plant.


Wood and waste paper are in great demand in construction and the pulp and paper industry, and their recycling will allow enterprises to significantly save on production costs. In addition, recycling waste will save the life of many trees and will have a beneficial effect on the environment.


Recycling used car tires and rubber will clear large areas of landfills of this type of waste, avoid the release of harmful carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere that are formed during combustion, and eliminate the risk of spreading infection.

Rubber and car tires usually crushed into crumbs in specialized factories, after which they are used in many industries. Recycled rubber is subsequently used to make new car tires and rubber shoes. Recycled rubber is also widely used in construction.

Petroleum products

Today, oil waste is processed using modern technologies. As a result of this process, for example, motor oil is obtained. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of harmful vapors released into the atmosphere and reduce soil and water pollution. Collectively, endanger the environment to a lesser extent.


Various types of products can be obtained from electronic waste chemical elements, including precious metals. When recycling used electronic circuit boards, you can obtain gold, silver, palladium, as well as nickel, iron, copper, glass and polymers. The sorted metal is then sent to a smelting furnace, while the rest of the waste is pyrolyzed.


Disposal mercury lamps largely eliminates the environmental threat of mercury pollution. Mercury from these products is neutralized using the demercurization method.

When recycling recyclable materials, a sorbent is formed, from which environmentally friendly paving slabs are then made. Glass bulbs of used mercury lamps are subsequently used in the manufacture of new lamps. Some aluminum and phosphor are also produced.

Recycle sign

Each type of raw material has a processing symbol; this symbol indicates what material the product is made from, to simplify future sorting. According to the recommendations of the developers, the signs applied to the packaging should be quite large. The sign was first invented in 1988 for identification purposes. Raw materials to be marked: paper, plastic, metal, glass.

Bottom line

Currently, household waste has found application not only as recyclable materials for the production of new products. They are also used for aesthetic purposes.

Various exhibitions are periodically opened all over the world, and competitions are held to make all kinds of objects, sculptures, and interior items from household waste. People started using trash (cans, bottles, old videotapes, pipes and much more) to make them. Such events are aimed at attracting the attention of the whole world to the problem of disposal and recycling of all types of waste.

Primary production and secondary processing of waste subsequently allows us to solve many pressing problems. environmental problems and make a huge contribution to caring for the environment. This kind economic activity must undergo rapid development, as the amount of waste in landfills is steadily growing.

The issue of recycling and reuse raw materials is more relevant today than ever. A properly organized waste disposal and recycling process is a huge step towards improving the environment.

For large enterprises, the concept of waste generation standards is not an empty phrase. Environmental specialists develop project documentation and are required to monitor compliance with regulatory indicators.

But in addition to industrial waste, there is also household waste. What happens to the garbage that each of us throws into the trash bin every day?

Disposal options in modern world there are only three:

  • The least environmentally friendly option is burial. Can only decompose completely organic waste, and there are not so many of them. Burying waste of inorganic origin leads to the formation of highly toxic infiltration waters and the release of methane into the environment.
  • Burning municipal solid waste achieves two goals: reducing its volume and obtaining a certain amount of energy that can be used. These are the advantages of this method. But there is also a significant disadvantage - during the combustion process, toxic compounds are formed that pollute the atmosphere. And the ash remaining after waste processing is quite toxic and requires further burial in special storage facilities.
  • Sorting waste with the possibility of subsequent recycling of paper, glass, plastic is the most environmentally friendly method of waste disposal.

What waste can be further processed?

Paper, plastic and glass are the leaders among recycled waste.

The modern level of recycling paper waste allows us to save thousands of hectares of forest from deforestation every year. As a result of recycling waste paper, not only paper and cardboard are produced. Modern equipment makes it possible to produce environmentally friendly thermal insulation materials based on paper waste, used in cold period years for insulation of premises.

As a result of processing polymer waste you can get polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene and polyamide. The use of the obtained materials is quite widespread. They are used to produce sewer pipes and containers for technical fluids, waterproofing and furniture fittings, and many household products (scoops, basins, buckets).

Recycling glass allows you to create virtually waste-free production. And the material obtained during the processing process is in no way inferior in quality to new glass.

How it works - Recycling waste in the video:

Along with the growth of the world's population, the level of consumption inevitably increases. Every day new products and technologies appear and production facilities open. All this leads to an increase in the mass of waste produced by civilization: so much of it is generated that the problem of garbage, in particular its disposal, has become one of the most important for the world community.

The concept of recycling includes the entire list of actions necessary for the most environmentally friendly disposal of waste from human life and the industrial sector:

  • collection, sorting and removal from places of residence and work of a person;
  • storage in landfills or burial in quarries, special landfills, as well as in insulators and underground storage facilities;
  • physical destruction using modern technologies;
  • recycling of waste materials to obtain new ones useful to people products and goods.

Popular methods of waste disposal are conventional combustion under different thermal conditions and pyrolysis technology, when the decomposition of a mass of raw materials occurs under the influence of very high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment.

Of course, the optimal solution for humanity is the recycling of waste materials, but, unfortunately, today only a small part of it is subjected to it.

Types of waste and disposal problems

Garbage to be disposed of is divided into household waste (MSW) and industrial waste.

Containers for collecting solid waste are located in the courtyard of each residential building. Their main subgroups:

  • paper;
  • glass products;
  • leftover food and products;
  • plastic and all kinds of plastic.

Industrial waste is divided into:

  1. Biological. This, for example, includes the remains of tissues, organs of people and animals: animal corpses, waste from the production of meat products, as well as biomaterials from the work of hospital departments, microbiological laboratories and veterinary institutions.
  2. . These are objects, liquids or gases containing radioactive substances in quantities above those established by safety standards.
  3. Construction. They appear as a result of the construction of houses and other structures, repairs and decoration, as well as during the production of building materials.
  4. . All kinds of waste from medical institutions.
  5. Waste from the transport complex. They arise as a result of the work of motor transport enterprises, as well as places of repair, maintenance and long-term parking of vehicles.

Of course, only the main types of household waste are listed. production activities, but their full classification is much more extensive.

The main problem of recycling is the need for impressive primary funding to organize the appropriate modern requirements ecology of production, destruction or recycling of waste materials.

For example, routine burning of many types of waste releases highly toxic substances into the atmosphere and is therefore prohibited. Due to a lack of funds and qualified personnel, there are not enough processing (disposal) enterprises or resources to create industries that independently recycle the waste materials produced.

What danger does waste pose to the Earth?

Ecologists around the world have been sounding the alarm for a long time: our planet is dying from the toxic garbage that has filled it and the release of harmful substances into the biological environment.

Note! As a natural part of the ecosystem, humans are already experiencing the negative consequences of poisoning the planet with waste. List of allergic, endocrine, viral and infectious diseases is growing every year.

Waste disposal in Russia

Unfortunately, the problem of environmentally friendly and legal recycling in our country still remains acute, as violations of the current legislation by enterprises and irresponsible attitude to this problem on the part of ordinary citizens are flourishing.
For example, a system of separate waste collection from the population is now being implemented. For this purpose, areas near residential buildings are equipped with special containers with appropriate marks: “glass”, “plastic”, “paper”, etc. For violations of the principles of such sorting, in Europe, for example, the culprit will have to pay an impressive fine. In our country, there are often cases when residents ignore these rules with impunity, or the contents of all containers are unloaded by the same machine, and all the efforts of citizens are reduced to zero.

Official statistics read:

  1. Every year in Russia up to four billion tons of waste are generated, of which: more than two and a half billion are the remains of industrial activities, seven hundred million are manure, droppings from poultry farming and livestock complexes, up to forty million are solid waste, about thirty million are wastewater and three million tons of waste from medical institutions.
  2. The country has accumulated more than eighty billion tons of waste (of which at least one and a half billion are considered especially dangerous, as they are toxic).

Today, huge areas are allocated for landfills and waste disposal. And at the same time, hundreds of unauthorized landfills and “burial grounds” are operating in Russia, illegal emissions of harmful substances are made into the air and water, soils are polluted, as a result of which flora and fauna die.

Experience in waste disposal abroad

In the modern world community there are many examples of a decent level of waste management, including recycling, which can and should be emulated.

Put on stream in the European Union countries separate collection waste from the population (paper, glass, plastic, etc. are separated), violation of the rules when throwing garbage into sorting containers will result in an impressive fine.

In European stores selling household goods, there are collection points where you can donate old and outdated items. household appliances(from a battery to a large refrigerator), while receiving an impressive discount on the purchase of a new one.

For example, in Sweden up to 80% of household waste is recycled, about 18% is disposed of in environmentally friendly ways. And only a small remainder is exported for burial outside the country.

All Swedish recycling plants are required by law to be equipped with special alarm sensors that monitor the concentration of harmful substances. In case of violation permissible norm the signal goes directly to the regulatory authorities, and the violator faces a fine and administrative sanctions.

Journalists from Swedish television talk about unprecedented waste recycling in Sweden in the following video.

From the countries of the East good example Japan demonstrates waste management. According to statistics, almost half of all waste generated here is sent for recycling, more than thirty-five percent is recycled, and only a fifth ends up in landfills and landfills. And the authorities are constantly concerned about how to reduce this part to a minimum, because the country’s territory is too small to fill it with landfills.

Back at the end of the 20th century, Japan passed a law requiring mandatory recycling of all types of packaging and cans for drinks and food, which is respectfully observed by both businesses and ordinary citizens. As a result, Japan is rightfully considered a highly cultural and very “clean” country.

Of course, the situation is not so optimistic everywhere. Unfortunately, countries with increased level pollution natural environment, and, accordingly, the level of illness and mortality of people, there are many more “islands of civilization” in the world. Today, among the dirtiest places on the planet are India, China, Egypt, Iraq, etc.

Of course, the movement to preserve the purity of natural resources does not stand still. State and regional waste recycling programs are being developed and implemented in Russia and the world. New production facilities for processing waste materials are opening, as well as points for receiving them from the population.

However, solving the problem of waste management is only possible through the joint efforts of government control authorities, and every individual citizen of the country and the world community.

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