How to choose the right state or commercial university. How to choose a specialty and future profession

Having made a mistake with the choice of an educational institution, you risk losing several years for retraining or, even worse, you can be burdened by an unloved job all your life. How to determine which university is suitable - criteria and principles of choice.

The choice of future education is not a matter of one day. However, you can get a diploma with the same specialty in several different universities with completely different quality. Therefore, it is better to start getting acquainted with those institutions where further education is planned. Especially if you are competitive, that is, you expect to get on USE high points.

What should be considered when choosing a university in the first place? What are the rules for admission and training? What additional opportunities are there in a particular educational institution? It is advisable to find answers to these and other important questions already before you decide for yourself main question- What university do you study at? So, how to choose the very educational institution with which you can get the most prestigious and necessary education?

Selection algorithm

Since the results of the passed exams can be sent to several institutions at once, this, on the one hand, gives some advantage, on the other hand, too much choice introduces confusion. Therefore, the algorithm of actions for future receipts should be approximately the following:

  1. Write a tentative list of future universities.
  2. Determine the criteria by which you will evaluate the educational institution.
  3. Assign a rating scale to each criterion.
  4. Calculate the total score for each university.
  5. Choose your top three winners.

Be sure to find out the deadlines for submitting documents to each specific university (they often do not coincide). Go to the website of your planned educational institution and, having specified the deadline for submitting documents, be sure to fix it somewhere so as not to forget.


Decide for yourself in what form you will apply: in person, by registered mail or electronically. Not all universities practice accepting applications electronically, so find out in advance so as not to end up without an application. If you decide to apply in person, check the opening hours of the admission committee (especially the lunch break, so as not to cuckoo for an hour at the door). Keep in mind that there may be long queues, which means that the procedure for submitting documents can last more than one day - do not delay until the last day.


Find out exactly what subjects you need to pass for admission. The difference can sometimes lie in just one subject, but it will be a shame if you do not pass it during the USE procedure, and there is no longer an opportunity to pass the so-called "second wave" at the university itself.


If you were born and live in a completely different city, then it makes sense to check the availability of places in the hostel in order to know in advance where you will have to live. The most difficult situation is with dormitories in Moscow universities, therefore, it is better to take care of the place of residence in advance. When choosing a place of residence, you must also take into account the distance from the building where classes will be held directly, so as not to spend too much time on the road.


If nothing comes of the hostel (it is not provided at the time of admission), you need to find out the prices for real estate. You can think of acquaintances or friends living somewhere nearby - perhaps they will pick up a cheaper option.


It is better to give preference to universities with history. Newly opened commercial institutions have not yet found their own style of learning. And the oldest educational institutions can boast of experienced teachers. And although the competition there is much higher, but there is a guarantee to get a better education.


Check out the student forums to get an idea of ​​the atmosphere at the school. If students enthusiastically talk about teachers, even if they reproach them for being too "loaded", it means that this good sign. Where students complain about academicism, boredom and tediousness of teachers, there is not a very correct approach to learning.


For young people essential feature should be the presence or absence military department.

State or non-state?

The main disadvantage of non-state universities is only paid education. Of course, now, when budget places are being reduced every year, and the competition is growing exponentially, many do not have to count on free education at a state university.

The diploma of a non-state university does not yet deserve attention from all employers, since all such institutions were created not so long ago and do not yet have a good reputation in the labor market. However, such institutions are famous for their attention to language learning, as well as international internships. Therefore, if the amount of education is not much higher than the cost in a traditional university, and the chances of getting into a commercial one are much greater, there is no point in resisting this. In any case, if you want to become a good specialist, you can become one everywhere, studying the theory to the maximum, and in practice mastering the intricacies of the craft.

Sometimes someone is bought by the promise of entrance commissions to transfer from a paid place to a budget one in case of good academic performance (which once actually corresponded to reality). However, the real disappointment is the fact that you study for one "five" and you are not transferred to the budget. So a non-state educational institution is more honest in this sense, since it does not promise ghostly prospects. The main thing is that such a university should have everything in order with a license for the right to conduct educational activities, and for a long time (ideally - indefinitely).

Questions to be answered by each applicant

Yesterday's school graduate and future student does not always clearly understand what he wants to achieve in the future. Therefore, choosing both a profession and a future university, I must honestly answer for myself a number of questions that are most important for the future:

  • In which state and in which city do I want to study?
  • Will I be able to get a job in my specialty?
  • Will this specialty be in demand on the labor market over the next 5-10 years?
  • Am I ready to change my place of residence, up to another state?
  • In what industry will I be able to work in the future?

If you were able to give at least approximate answers to all such questions, then it makes sense to start receiving higher education exactly in this area. If there are doubts, uncertainty, then it is good to consult with those who know this field of activity well. Perhaps your parents know accountants, lawyers, doctors who will tell you about the milestones of the "pitfalls" in this profession to help you understand whether you can work in this way later.

And last...

So, you have calculated everything, you are young and full of energy, and your parents have a stable salary in order to pay for your studies on time. But if you understand that parents may not pull such an amount for all five years of study (middle age, unstable wage or a chance to get laid off), then you should think about part-time or evening education. Then there will be an opportunity to earn extra money, perhaps even in your own profile, and this will give in the future the same work experience, without which even graduates are not hired now.

It is also worth deciding how many years you will study. Many employers are ready to take a half-educated bachelor and teach him all the intricacies of working in their company than a retrained master, in order to beat all the academic nonsense out of him later. This means that you can study for only four years, which will reduce the amount of tuition. And if you plan to get married and have children, then you can try to finish on an accelerated program, because many universities, thanks to distance learning technologies, meet such students halfway.

In order for future activities to bring pleasure, you need to decide what specialty you like. A person who has chosen a profession that is not his own studies poorly and works without enthusiasm. Right choice specialty and university means defining your life path. In order not to be mistaken, you need to study in advance the information on educational institutions and professions in demand. It's great when a student has long decided on what kind of business he would like to do. After all, choosing a profession is the definition of your life path. Most often it happens that future students do not know what they would like to do in life. Therefore, many enter the institute for the company of friends or depending on their passing score.

How to choose a specialty so that it is a conscious step? First, it is best to get acquainted with those types of activities that are most in demand. Studying the rating of current professions will help the applicant make a choice in favor of a particular qualification, especially if it is determined between several.

  1. Specialist in the field information technologies. The demand for workers of this specialization is not only not decreasing, it is increasing every year. Therefore, you can be sure that a job in a good company is guaranteed.
  2. Designers, architects, design engineers. The construction industry is developing, so the demand for people employed in this occupation is great.
  3. Teacher. Schools traditionally experience a shortage of skilled workers.
  4. Medics. Medical institutions, like schools, are in dire need of workers with a narrow specialization, but the shortage of personnel has led to the fact that the hospital is always in need of doctors of any profile.
  5. Lawyers. People with a legal education are in demand in any company, the profession of a policeman is especially popular.
  6. Marketer. Marketers are needed in any field of activity to monitor the market for demand for the products manufactured by the enterprise.
  7. Personnel specialist. The staff is still in demand.
  8. Professional workers. Industrial enterprises are always in need of highly skilled workers.
  9. Stylists, hairdressers and other beauty professionals. The number of beauty salons in each city is so large that people with this profile will always find a job.
  10. Ecologist. Due to the difficult environmental situation on the territory of the Russian Federation, people with the profession of an ecologist are in great demand at industrial, environmental enterprises and in healthcare.

It is good to study information about what activities will be popular in the future, because studying at the institute takes time.

Secondly, it is necessary to look at how more information about the future field of activity - the specifics of the work, how much it is paid and how the warehouse of the applicant's character is suitable for her.

Thirdly, there are professional consultants who, with the help of special methods and testing, will help determine the preferences for the type of activity.

Fourth, be sure to listen to yourself.

How to choose the right university

When there is a choice which higher educational institution to give preference to, it means that most of the way to learning has been passed - the future profession has been chosen. How to choose the right university for study?

To do this, you need to understand what professional education exists.

  1. Primary (vocational schools, lyceums). Children study in lyceums and schools after the end of the 9th grade.
  2. Secondary (technical school, college). You can enter the technical school immediately after the end of the 9th grade, or after graduating from college.
  3. Higher (academy, institute). Graduates of the 11th grade or technical school and college enter the institute.

Higher professional education consists of several stages:

  1. Bachelor's degree involves 4 years of study to obtain basic education in the specialty.
  2. Specialist - 1 year of study to obtain a diploma of high qualification.
  3. Master's degree. To obtain a master's degree, you need to spend an additional 2 years on education, the master's program prepares personnel for a narrower and deeper specialization.

To choose the right university for training, you need to pay attention to the following questions:

  • the school should have good quality learning;
  • good technical equipment the educational and material base is a sign that the study of subjects will be not only of high quality, but interesting and useful for future work;
  • a lot of things in teaching depend on a professional, talented teaching staff;
  • distance from home, if the road from the university to the house will take most time, then there will be no opportunity for additional home study of subjects. This is not the most important criterion when choosing a university, but it is also worth paying attention to;
  • decide whether the institution will be public or commercial. Diplomas received in public institution, are valued higher, there is an opportunity to study at a free department. Commercial universities or academies offer more in-depth study of subjects;
  • selection of a university by passing scores and the cost of the education received. The passing score for the university must correspond to the scores in the Unified State Examination. Studying the necessary requirements on the websites of universities, additional tasks and passing scores, will help to give preference to one or another higher educational institution.

The choice of a higher educational institution is the first step of a high school student in adult life, first independent decision on which its future depends. That is why the choice of a university should be taken with all responsibility. Before choosing a university, for starters, you need to decide on a profession, or at least a field of activity in which a young person wants to work. Often in high school, students already have favorite subjects and hobbies with which they would like to connect their future lives. Further, depending on the chosen specialty, it is necessary to consider all possible options for educational institutions that exist in the region.

Which university to choose

Quite often, schoolchildren make their choice in favor of a particular university on the advice or insistence of their parents. On the one hand, mom and dad are well aware of all the abilities of their child and can give useful advice. But on the other hand, it is better to make this choice without pressure from outside. Excessive persuasion is useless here, because all responsibility for further education will fall on the shoulders of the future student. And he must understand that his study in a certain specialty is the result of his own choice.

But how can a student make an informed decision about which university to choose? Often, high school students simply decide on a direction - economics, medicine, pedagogy, programming, and submit documents to a university with the appropriate name - economic, medical, pedagogical, etc. In Russia, this option is quite acceptable. Although in Europe, young people, leaving school, already know very clearly not only what profession they want to work in, but also what duties they will have to fulfill. This practice is worth learning. It will be very good if a student in Russia thinks about his future in the same way, clearly imagining his workplace. This will help him avoid disappointment. After all, over the past 2-3 years of schooling, he can not only prepare for general final exams, but also collect information about the profession you like, read books on this specificity and start preparing for the passage of the university program. If, delving into the essence of the work, he suddenly changes his mind, he will still have time to change everything and calmly choose a university in a specialty that is really close to him.

In each region there are now many universities offering their services in various areas. And from the whole variety of educational institutions, the applicant needs to choose 2-3 most suitable ones. How to do it? First of all, we set priorities.

Important questions when choosing a university:

  • university accreditation
  • highly qualified teaching staff,
  • a good educational program (state or non-state in private universities),
  • forms of education (possibility of distance learning),
  • admission conditions (based on results or when passing additional exams),
  • technical equipment of the university (computers, licensed software, physical and chemical laboratories, etc.),
  • the presence of a stocked library (so as not to buy most of the books at your own expense),
  • interesting subjects (both basic and additional),
  • courses, seminars and trainings conducted on the basis of an educational institution,
  • proximity to the place of permanent residence,
  • good hostels for out-of-town students,
  • interesting cultural program (concerts, competitions, sports competitions),
  • opportunity (availability of contracts with universities in Europe, USA, Canada, etc.),
  • the presence of a military department (important for young men), etc.

Information about all this can be obtained by visiting the websites of universities, as well as visiting them personally on days open doors. In addition, it is necessary to ask how many budget places provided by the educational institution. Some families prefer to send their children to non-state universities, which often work only on a paid basis. They have many advantages, although many employers are happy to hire graduates of state universities, believing that their education is more competitive.

Now applicants have the opportunity to apply to several universities at once. Of course, experts advise graduates to take advantage of this opportunity. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the entrance exams that each university offers. If the results of the exam are enough, it's just wonderful. If you need to take additional exams, which may differ in each of the universities, the student must be prepared for an extensive preparatory work. And some universities require presentation admission committee their creative works. You need to know about this in advance in order to be able to do everything on time.

How to choose a university for admission

In order to find some of the most suitable universities from the whole variety, you can look through directories or visit special sites. There are tables on the Internet in which Russian universities are collected with information about the specialties available in them and a set of exams. Thus, you can choose a university according to USE subjects. If a student other than compulsory exams in Russian language and mathematics, I am also ready to pass several additional exams, the list of which includes physics, chemistry, history, geography, biology, computer science, literature, social science and basic foreign languages, he can find a university for himself that will enroll him according to good results in the relevant exams. Therefore, before choosing a university for admission, it is necessary to decide what subjects the student will be able to pass on high level. On the Internet, you can find information about what scores are considered sufficient for admission to various universities in the country. Of course, choosing a university based on the USE is the easiest way. But we still recommend that you go to the educational institution where it will be interesting for you to study and get the desired profession. And you can prepare for the necessary exams, both general and additional. The main thing is to decide on your priorities early and start exercising on time.

Almost all applicants are faced with the difficult task of choosing and preparing for admission to a university. When correct decision the future specialist will have not only good qualifications, but also his future career and life. Before deciding on the choice of a higher educational institution, you need to select several of them, evaluate them according to the following factors and compare:

1. The status of the educational institution (non-state or state);

3. What specialties are taught in them;

4. The required number of points and subjects for the exam;

5. What additional exams are required to be taken;

6. Tuition fees;

7. Is there a hostel, a military department, a deferment from military service?

The status of the university is non-state or state.

First you need to decide: with the condition of what status of the university you want to enter. The status of the Higher Educational Institution can be commercial (non-state) and state. Status does not affect the quality of education; when hiring, modern employers do not take into account it, but qualifications and experience, so there are no significant differences. They differ only in that non-state educational institutions do not have a budget department. Well, if you can study in a non-state institution for free, then it has a non-commercial status.

Suppose you have chosen a non-state university. Then be sure to check its license and accreditation.

If his license is expired or does not exist at all, then he does not need to enter this university, because he does not have the right to teach students. It may be that for some specialties the university does not have accreditation. This means that students are taught not according to the program agreed with the state. That is, at the end of training, diplomas are issued by the state standard, and not state ones.

The cost of studying at a university.

If you want to enter the budget department in Moscow, you have to pass very difficult tests. In many institutions of higher learning, apart from good results Applicants will have to take additional exams upon admission.

In addition to a difficult competition, you can get into a prestigious university in a budgetary department in a different way. To do this, you need to become the winner of the All-Russian or university Olympiad. You can get free education by joining the recruitment by regions, citizens of the Baltics and the CIS, and if you are included in preferential groups.

Many students have to study at the commercial department, that is, pay for their education, because there are very few state-funded places. Therefore, before deciding on the choice of a university in Moscow, you need to decide how much money you can spend on education.

The choice of university in the direction of study.

In the field of study, universities can be both specialized and multidisciplinary. Such as RUDN University or Moscow State University are considered multidisciplinary, because they teach almost all specialties - from economics to medicine.

are considered specialized Medical Academy named after Sechenov, which trains doctors, as well as VGIK, which trains specialists for the field of culture and art. To facilitate the search, first decide on the specialty, after which you can find a list of Higher Educational Institutions on a dedicated website.

If you can’t make the right choice, then the most common areas of study and the number of such educational institutions are listed below:

1. 232 institutions teach marketing and management;

2. 194 - specialize in social sciences and the humanities;

3. 159 - train specialists in the field of finance and economics;

4. 98 - specialize in art and culture;

5. At 261, they teach physical and mathematical sciences.

Choosing a university by type of specialty.

When choosing a university, it is necessary to evaluate not only its status, areas of study and cost, but also the type of specialty. As a rule, modern Russian educational institutions They offer two types - Specialist and Bachelor's degree. To become a specialist you need to study for five or six years. You can study for four years to become a bachelor. But a bachelor's degree is only the first stage in obtaining a completed higher education. After completing your undergraduate degree, you will need to enroll and study for another two years at the master's program, which you will have to pay for if you cannot pass the competitive selection for training for free.

Choosing a university for the exam.

In order to apply, you must provide your USE results. Mathematics and Russian are among the compulsory subjects at passing the exam. Before choosing a university for the Unified State Exam, you need to determine which subjects you are best at, because you need to score as many points as possible. Then see if the subjects you have chosen intersect with the specialties you need, as well as undergraduate areas. Next, you need to decide on the subjects - find universities where there are the necessary specialties, and the number of points you have scored in the USE is not less than the passing score. In order to enter a more prestigious institution, you will need large quantity points.

When choosing a university, you need to pay attention to the following additional parameters.

Before you make your final choice, look at the following perks: having a hostel, a military department, or a deferment from the army.

Selection of additional interactive education courses for university students

Once on the bus, I overheard two girls talking. They had just graduated from high school and were calculating how much they had left before retirement?

The most resource age of a person is from 14 years to 21 years. This is the golden age of youth. On the T-shirt of one of my friends it says acrylic paints: "There is nothing more precious than youth."

The foundation that you lay in high school and at the university will become the springboard for your success in life. Or vice versa - preparation for a long vegetation.

How to choose the right university?

In fact, there are only two ways to set goals. And there are only two ways to achieve them.
Method one: “I’ll finish school, pass the exam, see how many points I have, then I’ll go where they take me.”

This method involves passive waiting, or drifting with the flow. "Hope and wait". The goal is not set at all. Active action is not required. Just attend extra classes at school or training courses, and something will work out there. Or take out the brain tutor. Let him think at night how to interest you in studies? How to motivate to do homework? He gets paid for this!
As a result - 45 points on the Unified State Examination (instead of a possible 90), admission anywhere and bewilderment in the last year: well, I studied and studied, and what's next?

Method two: “I know what I want. I know who to be, where to go and how many points I need for this. I will prepare and act.”

Only the second way can lead to a high result. If your goal is to go to medical school, you need to pass Chemistry, Biology and Russian with 90 points. There is no other way.

It's no secret that a loser always takes the path of least resistance. He is content with modest goals, adjusting them to the already formed resource.

That is, a resource that does not need to be worked on. Which does not need to be improved

What is the result? Average choice, average academic performance, average graduate level. An average specialist, a gray specialist, a non-professional, a gray life, little money, little demand, and as a result - again small goals!

The vicious circle closes. The cause affects the effect, and the effect affects the cause. The boomerang returns, smacking its sender on the back of the head.

Life is one, and what's the point of living it gray, with laziness?

"Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will find yourself among the stars ", - said Mary Kay, whom Forbes magazine called the most powerful woman 20th century.

Let's define stages of proper career guidance:

1. Understand what you want, at least approximately.

2. Get clarification from a specialist. It can be a confirmation or a refutation of your ideas, because the choice is often imposed.

3. Choose a university. Find out as much as you can about him. Go to the Open Day and see where you have to study.

4. Make a list of the USE for which you will prepare. Determine the number of points

5. Cynically calculate the amount of material per day that needs to be mastered, crammed and solved. Calculate the cost of education. How much will tutoring cost?

Why do I call all these points, and not just the first one, stages of career guidance? Because career guidance is an integral and multifaceted process. It happens that at some stage certain objects become nauseating to you, and you realize that this is not what you need. Then you need to go back to point 2 and look for another career guidance specialist. There may be two, three, four, ten. After all, it is about your destiny - no more, no less.

If you are sick of cramming, this does not mean at all that you have incorrectly identified your future profession. It is possible that you are just a lazy person, and you need to accustom yourself to work. But it happens that when you enter Plekhanov, you already at the first session realize that you have landed in the wrong place, and you would like to deal exclusively with painting or design.

How to make an informed choice and not make primitive mistakes?

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