How to cold pickle tomatoes in jars: step-by-step homemade recipes. Pickled tomatoes in a saucepan with cold water

Advice: Slightly unripe tomatoes can be fermented together with ripe ones, you’ll just have to wait longer for the brown ones to be ready. Therefore, place them at the very bottom of the dish.

Sourdough green tomatoes in a saucepan

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Number of servings: 35

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​19.05 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.06 g;
  • fats – 0.19 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.53 g.


  • green tomatoes – 3.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 300 g;
  • hot peppers- 2 pcs.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • basil – 30 g;
  • currant leaves – 2 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash the pan with baking soda. Pour boiling water over it for 5-10 minutes to disinfect it. On clean tomatoes, make small cross-shaped cuts on the bottom or top side of the vegetable so that the brine penetrates better into its pulp. Peel the garlic.
  2. Place half the greens and pepper on the bottom of the pan. Place tomatoes on top. Finally, layer the greens again.
  3. Dissolve salt in hot or cold water. Before pouring, the brine must be cooled. The liquid should come above the vegetables.
  4. Place a large plate on top and keep the workpiece covered at room temperature for 4 weeks.

The main advantage of such methods of pickling tomatoes is the availability of ingredients and equipment. Red tomatoes are ideal for snacking. Greens, due to their dense consistency, are suitable for salads. There is nothing complicated about fermenting tomatoes in a saucepan. Try one of the recipes below and please your family with incredibly delicious pickles!

Exist different ways preparing tomatoes for the winter. They are pickled, frozen, dried and, of course, salted. Brining is a simple way to improve taste qualities vegetables and extend their shelf life. It can be cold or hot, and is carried out in different containers.

To keep the preparations as long as possible, they are hermetically sealed. One of the most popular preserves is pickled tomatoes.

In this article we will look at the features of pickling vegetables in buckets and jars, cooking methods, chemical composition And beneficial features this product.

About features and taste

Salted vegetables differ from pickled vegetables in the composition of the brine. Vinegar must be added to the latter. Tomatoes treated only with brine and then fermented have a subtle sweet and sour taste and the same smell. Their skin remains dense and breaks when bitten.

Under the influence of brine, the pulp becomes tender and juicy, decreases in volume, so the tomatoes become deformed and soften. If the proportions are observed, only the brine remains salty, and the tomatoes are only slightly saturated with salt.

Important! Before putting the jars to ripen, turn them upside down and hold them for a while. If liquid begins to drip through the lids, it means that the tightness of the screw was not maintained. Open these jars, rinse the tomatoes and salt them again.

What you will need: kitchen appliances and utensils

These blanks do not require any special equipment. You will need bowls and basins for the tomato mass and brine, sterilized jars for the preparations and lids to seal them tightly.

Recipe Ingredients Required

To preserve tomatoes for the winter using the pickling method, you will need:

  • - 4 things.;
  • - 6 branches;
  • - 4 things.;
  • - 40 g;
  • cherry branches - 2 pcs.;
  • - 2 cloves;
  • - 3 kg;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Features of product selection

All greens should be pure green with no signs of mold or rot. If several leaves on the branches of greenery have deteriorated, be sure to cut them off. Freshen the cut ends of the horseradish root before storing it in jars.

Choose tomatoes of approximately the same size and, most importantly, the same degree of ripeness. Ripe fruits pickle faster than green ones and begin to spoil earlier.

Did you know? Tomatoes received their original name “tomatl” from the Aztecs. Later, the French renamed them “tomato”, and the romantic inhabitants of the Mediterranean called them golden apples- “pommo d'orro”, which later transformed into the well-known “tomato”. For the first time, these vegetableshitto Europe in the 16th century, having previously been known exclusively to residents of the Americas.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

What else can you use to pickle tomatoes?

If previously tomatoes were salted only in wooden barrels, now they are prepared in any kitchen containers that can be closed.

Important!Store tomato preparations away from sunlight. Direct Sun rays deteriorate the quality of the brine, trigger fermentation and can ruin your preserves. If you notice that the contents of the jar have begun to ferment, become cloudy or become moldy, throw it away and do not risk your own health.

In a bucket

This technique is suitable for pickling large volumes of tomatoes.

Required Ingredients

Here is the standard set of products:

  • unripe tomatoes - 6 kg;
  • - 40 g;
  • dill sprigs - 150 g;
  • parsley sprigs - 50 g;
  • tarragon - 50 g;
  • - 20 g;
  • red currant and cherry leaves - 70 g;
  • water - 5 l;
  • table salt - 350 g.

Step by step recipe

Did you know? For a long time The fruits and leaves of tomatoes were considered poisonous. History knows many curious attempts to poison high-ranking persons with dishes using them. So, the cook, bribed by supporters of the English King George, tried to feed him a roast with the addition of tomato leaves to the first American President George Washington.

In a saucepan

The best option for preparing salted tomatoes for the holidays. Use a medium enamel container for a small amount of vegetables.

Required Ingredients

For quick salting you need to buy:

  • red or brown tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • horseradish leaves - 5 g;
  • mustard powder - 20 g;
  • Bay leaf- 4 things.;
  • black pepper - 5 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • dill - 4 umbrellas;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • sugar - 10 g.

Step by step recipe

Important! If you do not seal the salted tomatoes for airtight storage, in addition to salt, add mustard seed powder and a little vodka to the water. This mixture will prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in preservation.

Storage Features

The storage temperature of such preparations should not exceed +7°C. Optimal temperature Range- from +1 to +6°С (cellar, winter balcony). It should be stored separately from household chemicals and food products with a strong odor, as preserves will absorb this odor. Extraneous vibrations, shaking, sunlight also have a bad effect on workpieces.

If you cannot provide the pickled tomatoes with suitable storage conditions, keep the tomatoes for three to four days at room temperature to ripen. As soon as the brine begins to cloud and bubble, pour it into an enamel pan. Rinse everything that was put in the jar. Bring the brine to a boil and refill the tomatoes in the jar. Close the lid tightly and leave the tomatoes to season under anaerobic conditions. This twist can withstand temperature changes up to +18°C.

Did you know? To refute rumors that tomatoes were toxic, in 1822 Colonel American army Johnson ate a whole bucket of these fruits in front of an astonished audience. This happened in the state of New Jersey, on the steps of the central building of the city court. Since nothing bad happened to the colonel, tomatoes began to rapidly gain popularity in culinary circles.

What is the use of the blank

Fresh tomatoes, of course, have the greatest health benefits. But salted twists also boast a number of useful properties.

Composition and calorie content

The basis of this salted vegetable is water. It accounts for 90 g per 100 g of weight. Then, by weight, there are carbohydrates, organic acids and proteins - 1.6 g, 1.2 g and 3.1 g. The calorie content of this product is 13 kcal, so it can be included in dietary nutrition.

The vitamin composition of harvested tomatoes is rich. They contain the most vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid - as much as 10 mg. Salted tomatoes also contain vitamins PP, B1 and B2, as well as vitamin A in small quantities. As for the mineral composition, it contains large quantities includes potassium, which is beneficial for the heart muscle. Tomatoes contain magnesium and iron, as well as calcium and phosphorus in equal amounts.

Important! To sterilize canning containers, place them in an oven heated to 120 degrees, scald them with boiling water or wash them thoroughly with soda.

Beneficial features

  1. Reduces the risk of prostate and pancreas diseases.
  2. They have an immunostimulating effect.
  3. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.
  4. Tones the walls of the uterus.
  5. Improves digestion.
  6. They have an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the natural antibiotic quercetin.
  7. Speed ​​up metabolism.
  8. Increases intestinal permeability.

Is there any harm?

The main harm of this product is the high concentration of salt. Such preparations should not be eaten by people with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, or urinary tract. They are contraindicated for those who suffer from hypertension. Salted tomatoes should not be consumed in the heat and before significant physical activity: they call strong feeling thirst and retain water in the body, causing swelling of soft tissues.

Special cases: can you eat salted tomatoes?

Many people like to enjoy preserved food, but not everyone can eat it.

Pregnant and lactating

In pregnant women, the urinary system is under double load, as it serves both the maternal body and the fetus. Excessively salty foods have a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys and provoke inflammation. Pregnant women are also prone to edema, and eating canned tomatoes will only worsen this condition.

This product is an allergenic product, so it is also undesirable for nursing mothers to use it. Until the child reaches six months of age, canned tomatoes should not be eaten.

Did you know? In total, there are more than ten thousand varieties of this culture in the world. Botanically it was recognized as a fruit, but the United States Customs Service is still late XIX century, decided to declare tomatoes as vegetables, and has stood its ground ever since.

For children

Until the age of three, children should not be given any overly salty foods. Frail urinary and cardiovascular systems can suffer from such stress. Will launch chronic diseases kidneys or heart muscle. In children, this product provokes allergic reactions and cholelithiasis. If you are going to introduce it into your child’s diet, start with very small portions, add it to soups, borscht and give it no more than twice a week.

For various diseases

Any diseases of the stomach and pancreas, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, duodenitis, are a strict contraindication to the use of acute preserves. Salted tomatoes irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. They can provoke the acute stage of a chronic disease. People with such diagnoses should refrain from eating salted tomatoes.

Recipes from the site "Anyuta's Notebook"

A simple recipe for salted or soaked tomatoes

Preparation time: 2-3 weeks

Salted tomatoes, also pickled or soaked, are a favorite guest on our table. Our tomatoes are eaten faster than fresh ones. But this is no coincidence! The body, on a subconscious level, even in a child, chooses what is healthier for it.

Our ancestors prepared preparations in the form of salted tomatoes without vinegar in wooden barrels, topping them with dill, garlic, cherry leaves, currants, horseradish strips and spices. IN rural areas In the cellars, soaked apples, tomatoes, barrel cucumbers and salted watermelons with cabbage are still stored for the winter. IN modern conditions Salt is salted in large quantities in plastic barrels or stainless steel containers. In a city apartment, salted tomatoes can be pickled in a saucepan or in large jars and stored on the balcony all autumn. Before winter frosts, as a rule, such preparations are swept away and replaced by pickled ones.

In today's recipe I want to tell you how to prepare salted tomatoes at home using the cold cooking method. According to this simple recipe You can salt red, brown or green tomatoes, the main thing is not to mix them together, since the cooking time for them will be different. Pickled red tomatoes will be salted much earlier than green ones.

I'll tell you a secret. The cooking time for salted tomatoes can be controlled. Everything is very simple. Salted tomatoes will cook quickly if you cut them crosswise or pierce them with a wooden stick in several places. If there are a lot of cans of tomatoes and you don’t want them to become acidic by the New Year, we don’t do such manipulations with the tomatoes, we just put them in a jar or pan and fill them with cold brine. The rest is all according to the recipe.

Cold salted tomatoes

Simple delicious recipe from Anyuta

Tomatoes are red, brown or green,
Cold boiled water (ideally clean well water),
Dill sprigs with umbrellas,
cherry leaves,
currant leaves,
Horseradish leaves and roots
How to prepare salted or pickled tomatoes:

The brine for salted tomatoes is prepared as follows: pour cold water into a bucket boiled water Take 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar. That's all! Everything ingenious is simple! Prepare greens, leaves and roots. Rinse fresh tomatoes under running water. It's up to you to decide which tomatoes to choose for pickling. Red ripe tomatoes will be more tender, and when you bite into them, juice will flow. Brown (unripe) tomatoes will be slightly elastic. And green salted tomatoes will not lose their shape, but will not have a sweetish taste like red ones. Each ripeness of tomatoes has its own advantages and different tastes. All you have to do is try and choose what you like best.

And for me, everything is delicious! soaked tomatoes I needed quick salted tomatoes, so I chose small ones, similar to the Lady Finger or Dulka variety, and pricked them with a wooden kebabs skewer. pickled tomatoes in jars Lightly line the bottom of the prepared container for pickles (I chose a 10-liter glass jar) with dill, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves.

Chop garlic and horseradish root into slices. soaked tomatoes Place the tomatoes tightly in the jar, not forgetting to add several layers again with leaves and garlic. To make the tomatoes tasty and aromatic, the dill must have branches and umbrellas. Place the tomatoes in the jar to the very top and fill with cold salted brine.

I prepared the tomato preparation in a jar in the kitchen, and since it is inconvenient to carry it to a cool place with liquid, I poured the brine on the spot. Of course, I forgot my camera in the kitchen, so I didn’t immediately take a photo of the tomatoes in salted brine. And then, due to my busyness, I completely forgot. I only remembered when the delicious pickled tomatoes were already finished. salted tomatoes But I managed to take the final photo! I hope you will find my recipe for cold salted tomatoes and garlic useful in the midst of autumn preparations!

Housewives begin to prepare for the winter season in the summer. Tomatoes, cucumbers, various salads, jams and compotes. And all this is prepared so that in winter, when it is impossible to get tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits, pamper yourself and your loved ones with homemade preserves.

Quick starter tomatoes

Often, for tomatoes or cucumbers to acquire their individual taste, you need to wait a month or even more. But what if you want canned tomatoes today? The answer is simple. Prepare pickled tomatoes in a saucepan. Vegetables fermented in this way can be eaten on the same day. And their taste is in no way inferior to tomatoes prepared for the winter according to classic recipes.

Speed ​​of cooking is not the only advantage of tomatoes pickled in a saucepan. Housewives appreciate this method of cooking because the process can be easily controlled. If desired, you can prepare both lightly salted and salted tomatoes. It all depends on how many days the vegetables will be in the pan with brine.

Recipe for pickled tomatoes in a saucepan

Cold fermentation of tomatoes, unlike canning, allows you to preserve them in vegetables greatest number useful substances. Preparing tomatoes using this method is quite simple, and it will take much less time.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • Tomatoes - four kilograms.
  • Pepper - three pieces.
  • Garlic - one head.
  • Onion - two heads.
  • Dill - five umbrellas.
  • Black pepper - ten peas.
  • Bay leaves - five pieces.
  • Water - three liters.
  • Horseradish - five leaves.
  • Allspice - ten peas.
  • Salt - half a glass.
  • Sugar - half a glass.
  • Cherry leaves - twenty pieces.
  • Currant leaves - twenty pieces.

Preparing Ingredients

The first thing you need to do is thoroughly wash the pan with baking soda and pour boiling water over it. The second thing is, of course, to wash very well all the ingredients that are prepared for the pickled tomatoes in the pan. After this you can start fermenting.

Remove the skins from the onion, rinse, divide into two halves and cut into thin half rings. Separate the pepper from the stalk, remove the seeds and cut into large pieces. Cut off the ends of the garlic on both sides and remove the husks. The preparatory part is complete, and you can start putting all the ingredients into the pan.

Let's start the sourdough

Place horseradish leaves, onion, bay leaf, currant leaves, garlic, pepper, cherry leaves and peppercorns in the first layer on the bottom of the pan. Gently place a layer of firm, fleshy red tomatoes on top of the spice layer. Then cover the tomatoes again with a layer of spices. Alternate layers like this until the very top of the pan. The taste of pickled tomatoes in a pan for the winter directly depends on the amount of spices, so there should be plenty of them. After the container is completely filled, you need to prepare the brine.

Boil five liters of water in a suitable container. Add half a glass of sugar and the same amount of salt, stir well and let cool to room temperature. Pour the cooled brine into the pan with the tomatoes. Cover the top of the container with clean gauze, on top of which place either a large plate or a lid of a slightly smaller diameter than the pan used for sourdough. Press it down with something heavy and take it out onto the balcony. The gauze must be changed whenever it gets dirty. In about eight to ten days, the red pickled tomatoes in the pan will be ready to eat.

Pickled red tomatoes with mustard

We suggest using this recipe for pickling with a photo of pickled tomatoes in a pan, in which the vegetables will turn out to be sharper and more piquant in taste. Some of the spices in this recipe can be removed or replaced depending on which ones you prefer.

Required set of ingredients:

  • Red tomatoes - six kilograms.
  • Garlic - one head.
  • Hot pepper - one pod.
  • Dill umbrellas - four pieces.
  • Carnation - ten flowers.
  • Horseradish root - twenty grams.
  • Bay leaves - five pieces.
  • Coriander - twenty grains.
  • Allspice - ten peas.
  • Black pepper - fifteen peas.

For the brine:

  • Mustard powder - thirty grams.
  • Rock salt - seventy grams.
  • Honey - thirty grams.

Cooking vegetables

Every housewife knows that before starting pickling, it is necessary to thoroughly wash not only all the products that will subsequently be used in the fermentation, but also the dishes. After the pan is washed, it must be rinsed with boiling water to ensure that no grease or detergent remains on it.

You need to take enough pan big size and place grated horseradish, hot pepper, peeled whole garlic cloves, dill umbrellas, bay leaf, cloves, coriander and peppercorns on the bottom. Tomatoes must be selected that are oblong, firm and fleshy. To prevent them from bursting during fermentation, they need to be pierced in several places with a toothpick.

Start of fermentation

Place the prepared red tomatoes tightly in a pan on top of the spices. Now you need to prepare the brine on the basis that one liter of water will require seventy grams of rock salt and thirty grams of mustard powder and honey. Boil water, let it cool a little, and then dilute salt, mustard powder and honey in it. Pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes to the very top.

Cover the pan with clean gauze and cover with a lid. Leave at room temperature for eight to eleven days and then place in the refrigerator. If this is the cold season, you can take the container to the balcony. Pickled tomatoes in the pan it will completely sour in about sixteen to eighteen days. These tomatoes will be to the taste of those who are accustomed to including more spicy and peppery foods in their diet.

Pickled green tomatoes

Green tomatoes are healthy for humans in any form: fresh, salted and pickled. The serotonin present in their composition helps normalize work nervous system humans, and lycopene helps prevent heart attacks and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Pickled tomatoes, like fresh ones, contain substances useful for the human body such as calcium, phosphorus, iodine and iron. Therefore, such tomatoes are not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Ingredients for green tomatoes:

  • Green tomatoes - five kilograms.
  • Celery - five branches.
  • Horseradish - three large leaves.
  • Garlic - one large head.
  • Parsley - one bunch.
  • Cherry leaves - twenty pieces.
  • Currant leaves - forty pieces.
  • Red hot pepper - one piece.
  • Salt - three hundred grams.
  • Dill - four dry sticks with umbrellas.
  • Water - three and a half liters.

Cooking green tomatoes

The whole process begins with thoroughly washing all, without exception, ingredients for pickling green tomatoes, as well as the pan itself. Be sure, after the vessel has been washed, it must be doused with boiling water several times. Celery, parsley, horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants and hot red pepper need to be chopped quite coarsely and mixed together. Then divide this mixture into two equal parts. Add two broken dry dill sticks to each half.

Place one part of the dry mixture on the bottom of the prepared pan. Place green tomatoes tightly on top of it. Between the fruits there should be as little as possible free space. You need to choose tomatoes of approximately the same size and, of course, it is better not to use spoiled and very soft ones for sourdough. Spread the second part of the dry mixture evenly over the tomatoes.

All that remains is to prepare the brine and pour it over the green tomatoes. Pour water into any container that is convenient for you and put it on high heat. After boiling, remove from heat, add salt, stir until it is completely dissolved and pour hot brine over the tomatoes. Cover the pan with a clean white cloth, place a flat plate of suitable size on it and place a weight on top. Cover with a lid and leave in a warm room. After five or six days, take the container to a cool place. In two weeks, the delicious, aromatic pickled green tomatoes in the pan will be ready to eat.

Pickled tomatoes in three days

Tomatoes can be fermented using this method throughout the year. Homemade preparation will be an excellent aromatic appetizer for main courses, which will diversify the daily menu. Those tomatoes that have been fermented with garlic have a special unique taste. And most importantly, you can enjoy these tomatoes three days after they are prepared.

List of required ingredients:

  • Red tomatoes - two kilograms.
  • Celery - one bunch.
  • Garlic - four cloves.
  • Dill - one bunch.
  • Salt - two tablespoons per liter of water.
  • Sugar - two tablespoons per liter of water.

Cooking tomatoes three days in advance

The process of preparing quick pickled tomatoes in a saucepan begins with preparing all the ingredients. Ripe red fruits of approximately the same size must be washed well under running water. Set aside spoiled or soft tomatoes; they are not suitable for fermentation. And the most important thing that must be done in order for tomatoes to ferment in a saucepan in three days is to carefully cut out those places where the tomatoes have a stalk. When cutting, you need to make small indentations so that the tomatoes can quickly soak in the brine through them.

Then you can move on to the remaining ingredients. Cut off the ends of the garlic cloves on both sides and, to easily remove the husks from them, press with the blade of a knife. Chop the peeled garlic into thin slices. Then cut off the leaves of the celery and cut the stems into several pieces about eight to nine centimeters long. Fresh dill sprigs can be left whole without cutting, or you can chop them. After preparing all the ingredients, you need to take a pan the right size and evenly distribute the garlic cloves over the entire bottom. Mix tomatoes, celery and dill on top of the garlic.

Tomatoes in mandatory must be positioned with the notches facing up. This is done so that when pouring brine, air can escape from the fruit. All that remains is to prepare the brine. To do this, pour three liters of water into a separate bowl and place on strong fire. After boiling, add salt and sugar, stir well, remove from heat and immediately pour into a bowl with tomatoes. Cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for two days.

Then put the pan with tomatoes in the refrigerator for one day. Tomatoes pickled in a saucepan are ready in 3 days and can be eaten.

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