How to cure an allergy cough in a child. How is allergic cough manifested and treated in a child? Diagnosis of allergies in children

The role of a parent is very difficult and responsible.

It would seem that in 9 months you have already managed to get used to the fact that your life revolves around a small treasure, you have been able to learn to understand it, but you still worry every day that your child receives best care, enough love and attention.

Baby development at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

Physiological development of a child at 9 months

In just one month of his life, the baby has grown a little, stretched upward, and the volume of his head and chest has increased by half a centimeter.

How have they changed? physiological parameters nine month old baby, you can find out from this table:

Most children already have 6–8 teeth by 9 months. The lateral and central incisors are added to the existing teeth (they first appear on lower jaw, then on the top).

Growing teeth can cause physical discomfort in the baby (pain, fever), worsen his sleep and appetite, and make the child nervous and capricious.

You will see that the baby is trying to relieve pain and speed up the teething process by putting all objects in his mouth.

Don't interfere with this, just replace the item that you think is unsuitable with a rubber toy or a special silicone cooling ring.

Psychological development of a 9 month old child

A child's emotions at 9 months are very rich.

He willingly shows you joy, happiness, sadness, fear.

He learns to get what he wants through whims or crying, so he should not allow himself to be manipulated.

A child at this age cannot stand loneliness and demands that mom, dad and other people close to him spend as much time as possible with him.

Mom remains the main person in his life; a special relationship is established with her. emotional connection, which needs to be preserved, so you shouldn’t rush to go back to work after maternity leave.

It will be a long time before your child feels comfortable in the presence of strangers.

In the meantime, he is wary of new faces and does not want to spend time in their arms.

Treat his wishes with understanding; as soon as the baby grows up, he will begin to feel calmer in the presence of strangers.

What should a 9-month-old child be able to do so as not to doubt his normal development?

To be sure of the normal development of your baby, you should know what a 9-month-old child can do.

Most children at this age have the following skills:

As the baby grows and rapidly gains weight, mother’s milk or diluted dry formula is no longer enough to satiate him.

They should make up no more than 1/3 of his daily diet.

Feel free to replenish your baby's menu:

  • purees, juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products;
  • milk porridges;
  • boiled yolk;
  • meat and fish purees;
  • bread and cookies;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • fresh fruits such as banana, apple.

Since a nine-month-old baby already has teeth in his mouth, you should not leave them idle, grinding any dish into a homogeneous liquid puree.

Leave small pieces that the child can chew. Bread and cookies do not always need to be soaked; sometimes let your baby chew on them.

You can also allow the baby to “scratch his growing teeth” on a banana (just remove the skin :) or a whole apple.

At 9 months, you can transfer your child to three full meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with additional meals during the day (second breakfast, afternoon snack) and light snacks (cookies, vegetable/fruit puree, cottage cheese).

A nine-month-old baby still spends at least 12 hours, or even 2/3 of the day, sleeping.

His night sleep last 10–12 hours.

But the daily periods of activity are increasing.

Some mothers complain that they cannot put their child to sleep during the day not only for the third time, but also for the second. If your baby goes to bed only once during the day, then try not to make noise at this time so that the child gets a good night's sleep and is not capricious.

But you shouldn’t indulge a baby who doesn’t want to go to bed during the day; nine-month-old babies need an afternoon nap.

What else do parents need to know about the development of a nine-month-old baby?

About this in the video:

Child development at 9 months with games and simple exercises

Since a nine-month-old child requires increased attention, you should take advantage of this, and during periods of wakefulness try to teach him something new, read rhymes or fairy tales to the baby, sing songs to him, tell him something interesting (but not long), entertain him with useful educational games.

Here are ways to spend quality time with your baby:

    Many parents, laughing, say that their children at 9 months resemble parrots, because they repeat everything they hear.

    Take advantage of this to teach your baby to speak individual words and imitate sounds made by animals or inanimate objects.

  1. A nine-month-old child is able to knead plasticine with his fingers, so you can sculpt something simple with him.
  2. Instill in him a love of books by looking at pictures together and explaining to your child what is drawn there.

    For now, your child should buy books with hard pages so that he cannot tear them.

    To satisfy your baby's desire to tear paper, give him old newspapers and magazines.

  3. Build something together from cubes, assemble pyramids, simple mosaics.
  4. Teach him to sleep small items: pebbles, nuts, beans, sand, not only with your hands, but also with a spatula, for example.

Child development 9 months, of course, has some features, but still not so different from what you knew about eight- or seven-month-old babies.

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At this age, five meals are provided per day. Try to maintain an interval between them of about 4 - 5 hours. But if a mother breastfeeds her baby on demand, then the regimen may be slightly different and vary depending on the baby’s needs.

The diet also largely depends on how other children in the family and the parents themselves eat. If there are older children in the family, then the baby may become familiar with some dishes much earlier than planned. Don't be too afraid of this.

It is not for nothing that today there is a method of pedagogical complementary feeding. It means that the little one is slowly trying everything that is being eaten at the common table.

Gradually introduce your baby to solid foods. At night, babies may still wake up and ask for the breast. This is not because they are hungry. Children need their mother, and he sleeps more peacefully if he constantly feels his mother’s presence nearby, to which he is accustomed.

Depending on the type of primary feeding, the child’s diet can vary significantly.


Menu for a 9 month old baby breastfeeding can be very different, depending on the age at which you introduced complementary foods. If you started complementary feeding at six months, you will most likely need to continue introducing new foods at this age.

Introduction of new products

  1. Egg yolk. Introduced into the second feeding. Best combined with porridge.
  2. Cottage cheese and dairy products. Introduced into the fourth feeding, as an afternoon snack.
  3. Porridge made with cow's milk. Administer gradually, with caution.

Artificial feeding

The menu of a 9-month-old bottle-fed baby most likely already contains the products that we listed above. After all, such babies often begin to eat complementary foods earlier. If you have not entered them yet, do it according to the same scheme.

To determine how much formula your baby needs per meal at this age, divide the daily amount of food by the number of feedings.

Child's menu

If you have already introduced all the main products into your baby’s menu, then you already know what to feed your baby. Gradually introduce into your diet dishes prepared from a mixture of various vegetables, as well as porridges prepared from various grains.

Let's sort it out sample menu baby at 9 months.

  • Vegetable purees (150 - 180 g);
  • Fruit puree or fruit (50 - 80 g);
  • Porridge (up to 180 g); Meat (up to 50 g);
  • Yolk (up to 2 times a week);
  • Cottage cheese, kefir (up to 40 g);
  • Wheat bread (5 g);
  • Oil (5 g);
  • Juice (up to 80 g).

Always remember that it is you, as parents, who determine what your child can eat. You know your baby better than anyone else. If your baby has intolerance to certain foods, take this into account. If necessary, seek help from a competent specialist.

Acquired skills

What should a child be able to do at this age? This question most often worries young parents. There is no definite answer to this, because every baby is individual. But let’s still try to figure out what basic skills a baby should have, and also whether there are differences in development between a boy and a girl at this age.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

Girls and boys develop approximately equally at this age. But one can note a slight difference in the development of children of different sexes.

  • Girls show greater interest in communication and are interested in other children. Some girls begin to pronounce their first words as they lexicon fills up faster than boys. Girls develop better peripheral vision.
  • Boys show more interest in toys and various subjects than to other people. They are more indifferent to people's voices and various sounds, so they expand their vocabulary more slowly. Boys develop better spatial vision.

What a 9 month old baby can do:

  • Sit independently;
  • Climb onto low surfaces;
  • Walk along the support;
  • Use a two-finger grip;
  • Pronounce syllables (pa, ma, ba);
  • Show different emotions;
  • Point with a finger at objects of interest;
  • Follow verbal instructions (respond to a name, show your pen);
  • Actively manipulate objects.

Don't forget that it depends on you how quickly your baby will consolidate new skills. Games with a child, development emotional sphere when communicating with parents, they will give a powerful impetus to transform your baby from a baby into a relatively independent person.

Child's daily routine

A child’s daily routine at 9 months may already be slightly different from that of a month ago. Healthy children at this age are awake for up to 4 hours at a time.

A 9 month old baby sleeps from 12 to 14 hours a day. The baby should have two naps during the day. Daytime naps can last up to two hours. Night sleep is approximately 10 hours.

The child’s daily routine depends largely on what kind of routine the rest of the family follows. Try to stick to a set routine every day, and then you can easily put your baby to bed.

Sample schedule:

  1. Morning breakfast.
  2. Hygiene, games, massage.
  3. Walk and sleep.
  4. Eating.
  5. Charging, games.
  6. Eating.
  7. Games.
  8. Eating.
  9. Walk.
  10. Communication with family, quiet games, swimming.
  11. Eating.

How to play with a child at this age

Play is of primary importance in a child’s life. And in the first year of life, it is very important that parents play with their children. Let's try to figure out which educational games are best to play, as well as which toys will be most useful for your baby at this age.

Educational games for 9 month old babies:

  1. Clothes games. Teach him to put on and take off the simplest things from his wardrobe - hats, socks, and so on.
  2. Games that develop motor skills. Learn to tear paper with your baby. Invite him to stack acorns, pumpkin seeds and other small objects into the bottle (including using a spoon). Invite him to make salt dough. Try painting with finger paints.
  3. Games with water. While bathing, give your baby containers of different shapes and sizes. Show him how to pour water. Teach your little one to wash her face and hands.
  4. Hide and seek games. Children love to hide themselves and also hide others. Invent different shapes games of hide and seek. You can hide toys. Put your favorite toy in a box and ask your baby where it is? The little one will do anything to try to open the box.

Toys for children 9 months:

  1. Toys on wheels. This could be a gurney - a walker, a toy stroller, a large car or a horse that you can sit on.
  2. Musical toys. Any toys, by pressing the buttons of which, the baby can hear various kinds of music or sounds.
  3. Pyramids, nesting dolls, sorters, large puzzles.
  4. In the summer, toys for the sandbox (molds, shovels, buckets).
  5. A variety of stationery (finger paints, crayons, wax pencils).
  6. Large construction sets, cubes. From these, the baby will learn to build towers and other structures.
  7. Dolls with large facial features. These dolls will help you teach your baby about the parts of the human body.
  8. Soft toys for sleeping.
  9. Toys with identical functions, but different sizes, colors. Cars, balls, cubes. Comparing these toys will help you teach colors to your little one, as well as the concept of more and less.

If you don’t know how to develop a child or you don’t feel confident enough in this matter, then you can try to find a development club nearby. In such clubs, classes for children are held just from this age. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, classes with your baby will be a real pleasure for you.

Physical development of the baby

Doctors often scare parents by the fact that their baby does not enter the corridors of the norm. physical development. In fact, if you see that the baby is feeling well, active during the day and calm during sleep, then you should not focus too much on medical standards. Always remember that all children are individual.

  • On average, the baby's height is from 70 to 72 centimeters. During this month, your baby will most likely stretch another 1.5 to 2 centimeters.
  • The weight of a child can vary from 8.5 to 9 kilograms. Within a month, he will gain another 400 - 500 grams in weight.

Knowing how much weight should be, you can adjust your baby's diet. If your baby is small and gains very little weight for his age, try choosing a special menu for him. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about this issue.

Possible problems at this age

Parents who are raising their first child are faced with all the problems for the first time. Therefore, any health issue seems very serious and requires immediate resolution.

Let's look at the main problems that young parents face:

  • The child does not sit at 9 months.

Do not forget that each baby has an individual development trajectory. And if a child does not sit up on his own at 9 months, this may not always be an alarming signal. However, it is still worth considering age standards.

Warning signs:

  1. The baby has little balance.
  2. Can't grab objects.
  3. He is underweight.
  4. Has weak muscle tone.
  5. Worries for no apparent reason.

Take a closer look at your baby, and if you notice these disturbing signs, contact a competent specialist.

  • The child does not crawl.

Parents should know that not all children crawl. If your baby skipped this stage and immediately stood on his feet, then this is normal. But you can try to develop this skill in your baby. After all, thanks to crawling, the baby’s muscle corset is strengthened.

  • The child stands on his toes.

Most often, at this age, the baby just likes to walk on his toes. This makes him happy because he gets taller. In addition, he wants to try everything new, including the unusual state of his body in space. However, just in case, you need to contact a competent specialist to eliminate muscle tone.

  • Should I have a massage?

Massage is needed to strengthen the muscle corset and prepare the baby for independent walking. You can contact a professional massage therapist for this. However, if you are unable to do this, don't worry. After all, massage is easy auxiliary mechanism in the development of the baby. In addition, the skillful hands of a mother are also capable of much. There are now many instructions on this topic on the Internet. Give the baby small strokes, do not forget about daily exercise- and a professional massage will be unnecessary for you.

  • Sleeps very poorly at night.

Children at this age do not sleep well at night for the following reasons: overstimulation nervous system, fear of losing mom, dental anxiety. In any case, these are variants of the norm. If you think your baby is not sleeping well for any other reason, contact your pediatrician.

  • The child has no teeth.

This is a variant of the norm. You don't have to worry about this.

  • What to do if your child grinds his teeth.

Mostly children at this age grind their teeth due to anxiety from teething. Along with teething, the problem itself disappears. However, grinding of teeth can also be influenced by: nervous overstrain, lack of essential vitamins, malocclusion. Grinding your teeth can negatively affect their condition (destruction of enamel, chipping, caries). Therefore, it is worthwhile to distract the child from this activity in every possible way.

  • The child has a fever.

If your baby has a fever, first of all, call a doctor. He will determine the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. Keep in mind that each baby tolerates temperature differently. If the baby's temperature rises above 38.5 - 39 degrees in the armpit, then it is worth using an antipyretic. The same should be done if you see that the baby is developing a severe fever (even if the temperature is less than 38.5).

  • How to treat a cough.

You can only learn about how to treat a cough in a child of this age from your attending physician, because the causes of cough can be completely different.

What can help in any case is drinking plenty of fluids and frequently ventilating the room.

  • Diarrhea.

This symptom should greatly concern parents. Diarrhea is dangerous due to severe dehydration. After you call the doctor, start giving your baby water. It is better to drink in small sips. It is also possible to use adsorbents. Everything else requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

A baby at this age is changing rapidly. He is no longer the same baby who lay helplessly all day long and called for his mother. The little one begins to show activity. Therefore, parents need to be patient and also secure the space for the baby. It is the love and care of parents that will most help the baby in mastering this world.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 05/24/2019

A 9-month-old baby is an active explorer of the world around him. Observation and curiosity are the main traits of a toddler. Speech and the ability to imitate adults are improved. Of course, this is a stage that brings the baby closer to the first anniversary, called “one year”. What can he do during this period and what are the developmental features for this tiny creature?

Physiological features of development at 9 months

During this period, the baby's muscles become much stronger than a month ago. And if before the little one needed help to sit down, now he can do it on his own. Thanks to the strengthening of the muscular system, the child can actively sit up from a lying or half-sitting position, and the skill of crawling develops. Some people know how to stand up while holding onto a support. But standing is a secondary skill for 9 one month old baby. But if the child does not yet know how to sit up, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this phenomenon means a neurological deviation.

In addition to the muscular corset, fine motor skills training also gains active development. Therefore, the baby grabs all small objects from all corners. Parents should note Special attention to this fact. Under no circumstances leave your children alone. If you use a playpen, remove dangerous and small parts from it. During the study period, the child can stick any bead into his nose or swallow it. Well, be sure to use the development of fine motor skills as intended. After all, it awakens speech skills. Give him bright, large rattles, maybe some pencils, let him create art.

Psychology of a 9 month old child

The peculiarities of his psychology will also help answer the question of what a child should be able to do at 9 months. Observation of what is happening allows you to learn to imitate adults. With their actions, the little ones are trying to cook soup with the help of toy dishes, like their mother.

And the boys copy their father’s manipulations with working tools. This must be used for the benefit of the baby: give a spoon, a glass for drinking. Dinners together are encouraged so that the child can observe the older generation.

Animals are of great interest, thanks to which the baby copies their sounds. The first more or less clear words appear, as in the video. One of my favorite games is hide and seek. The child happily hides, covering his eyes with his palms or under a handkerchief. Mom and dad should support the idea by throwing light scarves over themselves. New fun is throwing objects on the floor and waiting for adults to pick them up. Then they fold again, repeating the game.

The mother still plays a large role in the life of the little one. Seeing strangers or unfamiliar people, the child may whine. This should be treated with patience and understanding, gradually this behavior will disappear. Try to unobtrusively take the same mothers and babies with you for a walk. Don't always leave your little one at home with grandma when you go to the store. Organize a hike together. If possible, enroll your child in developmental classes where there are many people like him. The swimming pool is an excellent opportunity to meet children and broaden their horizons.

Required skills for this age

Experts put together the skills of a 9-month-old baby, not averaging them, but showing maximum skills. Therefore, if your child cannot do something from the list presented, do not despair. Observe the overall development.

  • Ability to sit down and sit up straight, keeping your back straight.
  • Must be able to crawl, sometimes even backwards.
  • Stand up, holding onto the sofa, the hands of a parent.
  • Crumple paper, soft plasticine.
  • Repeating the movements of adults: showing how big it is, raising your arms up, stomping.
  • Knocking one object against another.
  • Try to place one cube on top of another.
  • Grab large objects with one hand, small objects with two fingers.
  • Turning pages in large books.
  • Fulfill requests to take something, perhaps bring it.
  • Show the doll's eyes, ears, and nose.
  • Show a toy that was hidden in front of your eyes.
  • Assess the mood of adults nearby.
  • Start gaming activities on your own.

Of course, this is a conditional list, and the little one may not be able to do everything. The main thing in the development of a child is that he should be actively interested in what is happening around him. He can get up later; some people skip the crawling stage altogether. But a nine-month old child can usually sit, pick up toys and repeat the sounds, which is another reason to see a doctor.

How to develop a child's skills

A child cannot learn everything on his own. The help of relatives is definitely needed. Doctors do not recommend planting and placing the baby until he himself comes to this. This can be dangerous for weak and unprepared muscles.

And if the baby also has problems, for example, hypertonicity, this is generally strictly prohibited. But it is necessary to show how it should be done. Give your children a helping hand and educate them.

  • Use your ability to imitate. Praise even the child’s awkward attempts to take care of himself. Let him pull off his socks and unzip the zipper. Everything takes time, you will gradually learn.
  • Show by personal example how to stand up while holding onto a support. If the baby has no health problems, you can give him one hand, he will hold on and walk. If the child only walks in short runs from the sofa to the chair, you can use the reins, as in the video. The goal is to keep the baby's hands free. This way he will soon learn to keep his balance.
  • And a 9-month-old baby can and should be taught order and participation in family affairs. He is already able to put toys away in a box, albeit in a sitting position. If he makes timid attempts to walk, give him a cloth to wipe off the dust. Of course, this will be of little use, but the little one will feel very important.
  • When walking or reading, be sure to tell your child about everything that is happening around him. Now there is active sound perception, the child remembers. His speaking apparatus must be prepared. After all, in a couple or three months it will begin to expand at incredible speed.

  • Prepare a safe place for games, remove all dangerous objects from sight. Arm your little one with interesting toys. Be sure to purchase books with large pictures. Read and give them to your baby. For toys, take a pyramid, cubes, or large puzzles. The baby will be interested in balls, dishes, music books, and a piano.
  • Play and voice your actions. Ask “give me a doll”, “take a mug”. Back up your requests with actions.
  • You can slowly show the colors. Start with the basics: red, blue, green and yellow.
  • Explain the simplest things: hello, bye, thank you, please, the sun has set. Even if at nine months the baby is not able to pronounce such phrases, he remembers it perfectly.

As you can see, there are a whole host of activities aimed at helping the young creature. Let it be little by little, but by the time the baby is one year old she will be able to do a lot. The task of parents is to direct these skills in the necessary direction, with the simplest manipulations. Just playing and learning at the same time. This development of events will please the tiny creature.

Read further:

In the ninth month of a child’s life, intensive mental development baby. He already knows how to concentrate his attention on objects: if something falls into a child’s hands, he carefully examines it, shakes, waves, knocks, feels and examines it, moves it from one hand to another, tastes it.

Then he does the same with other toys. If you approach the baby at this moment, he will be distracted, but then continue his activity. The capabilities of the child’s hands are improving, he can already perform more and more painstaking actions.

The baby’s growth rate usually slows down during this period, giving way to the development of the “psyche-motor” chain.

The child's weight at eight months is 8.5-10 kg, and his height is 71-76 cm.

Nutrition of a child in the ninth month of life

By eight months, the baby is already eating five meals a day, often refuses night feeding and sleeps peacefully throughout the night, unless, of course, teeth are being cut. It is recommended to leave breastfeeding only in the morning and evening before bedtime.

The rest of the time the baby can eat cottage cheese, vegetable, fruit bkbmeat puree, juices. Some parents have already introduced porridge into their child’s diet; you can also add an egg. Just remember New Product is introduced a little at a time.

At eight months, it is enough for a child to eat half an egg at a time and it is advisable not to give both an egg and meat at the same time. Teach your baby to eat with a spoon; the food can be made a little thicker. How earlier child starts learning to chew, so much the better: it strengthens the baby’s gums and teeth.

What can a child do in the ninth month of life?

  • The baby can already sit without support.
  • Can rise independently from support.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child can briefly walk either along the wall or near the crib.
  • The baby can dance near a support or if adults hold his hands.
  • The child can hold small objects in his hands, like a button.
  • If you cover the baby with a diaper while he is sitting, the child will be able to throw off the object that is “interfering” with him, while remaining sitting.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child understands simple phrases and fulfills simple requests, such as “give me”, “you can’t”, “give me a pen”, “wave your hand”...
  • He knows how to play “okay” and other nursery rhymes.
  • The child is afraid to part with his mother. May be afraid to be alone in a room. This is a normal process of mental development in the ninth month of a child’s life.
  • On appearance stranger baby reacts warily, at a minimum, perhaps even with fear and crying.
  • In the ninth month of life, the child becomes frightened by sharp sounds and consciously seeks protection from an adult.
  • The child already knows how to show objects which the adult names. At the same time, he turns his head, looking for an object.
  • He paws and listens with interest to the conversation of adults and reacts to music.
  • Repeats simple syllables after adults“ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.
  • At the ninth month of life, the baby already knows how to drink from a cup, if, of course, he was taught this.
  • Can eat not only crushed foods, but he already enjoys tasting food in pieces, putting it in his mouth and learning to chew.
  • If the baby does not want to eat, he can push away your hand with a spoon with his hand.

Games and activities with a child in the ninth month of life

  • For babies during this period It gives great pleasure to throw objects out of the stroller or crib. Moreover, if you do not give him this item, the baby will begin to be capricious. He already knows very well how to get an adult to do what he needs. But such fun is not a whim at all, the child plays like this and wants to attract you to his game.
  • Talk to your baby, repeat the syllables. Learn the sounds that animals make from colorful pictures in books.
  • If a child's attention is attracted by a sound, tell him what it is.
  • Children really like games with a mirror. in the ninth month of life. The child happily smiles at his reflection in the mirror, waves his hand, and talks.
  • Teach your baby to throw balls or small toys into a baby bucket or saucepan.
  • Wrap the toy in a napkin or scarf so that the baby does not see what is there. Let him unwrap the package on his own and find the toy.
  • You can make a rope out of a towel and play tug of war.
  • Buy finger paints for your child and show how to draw on paper.
  • The baby will be happy to play with the things you use. Imitating an adult, he will point at the phone and put it to his ear. Pots with lids may be more desirable than any toys. The child will diligently select lids according to size, although it is not necessary that at this age he will cope with the task without your help. And if you teach your baby to knock the lid on the lid, there will be no limit to the child’s joy.
  • Toys that respond to your baby's actions(squeak, stretch out, jump out, etc.) will go with a bang in the ninth month of the child’s life.
  • It's time to get acquainted with the potty. Just don’t insist too much, don’t yell at the child if he doesn’t want to sit down. Let the potty sit in the room for a while so that the baby gets used to it.

Vaccinations are not prescribed for a child at eight months.

When did your baby say his first word? What time did you potty train your baby?

Active nine month old baby I have already mastered crawling. Therefore, his parents should be patient and develop a quick reaction. The development of a child at 9 months requires the presence of certain skills and abilities. Time passes quickly during this period and every few days or weeks indicate new rounds of development for the baby.

What a nine-month-old baby can already do:

  • reaches for a toy that is out of his reach;
  • can sit up independently from a lying position on his tummy;
  • stands leaning on something;
  • rolls a ball when asked;
  • perceives the game of hide and seek;
  • expresses violent indignation if a toy is taken away from him;
  • drinks from a cup independently;
  • moves on tiptoes, holding onto support;
  • can pull himself up and stand from a sitting position;
  • pronounces the words: “mother”, “baba”;
  • uses gestures for greetings and farewells.

We independently determine the level of development of the baby

  1. If you hold the child by the arms and lower him to the floor, he should confidently stand on two feet. The toes should not be curled.
  2. We put an empty box on the floor and throw a cube into it. We ask the baby to get it. A child of 9 months should be interested in this offer and stick his hand into the box. He may not be able to get the cube, but that’s not the main thing.
  3. We take several noisy toys (rattles, cubes with bells inside) and drop them on the floor so that they create noise. The baby must repeat these movements, throwing objects alternately with both hands.

Psychological development

The baby already knows the names of surrounding objects and can speak individual words. A sign of normal development at 9 months is the ability to identify one’s reflection in the mirror, distinguishing it from others. If you ask your baby to show a certain object, he will easily point at it with his finger. The child enjoys playing educational games, looking at color pictures, and moving objects from place to place.

The baby nods his head in agreement if asked suggestive questions. Sometimes he plucks, bites, is capricious and shakes his head as a sign of disagreement. Why does he do this? Thus, the child determines the boundaries of what is allowed to him. You should explain to the baby in a calm tone that this cannot be done, but do not start screaming. During this period, he wants to taste everything, so adults should not leave him alone with small objects to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Physical development

The baby can stand up independently, holding onto a support. For now he walks only with support and mainly on his toes. A 9-month-old child is characterized by excessive energy in actions, speed and the ability to control his body. The child actively shows interest in unusual objects from those around him - a pendant on his aunt’s neck, a cell phone in his dad’s hands - and tries to reach them. He seeks communication with other children and tries to contact them.

Baby's sleep at nine months of age

At this stage of development, the baby sleeps a total of 12-14 hours a day. Of these, night sleep takes 10 hours, daytime sleep – 1.5-2 hours twice. Third nap usually already missing. At night, the baby may wake up 1-2 times to feed.

Feeding your baby at 9 months

During this period, the baby is still a baby, but still mother’s milk is no longer the main product in the diet. Now his menu is varied: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. All dishes are served boiled or steamed. Many special children's canned food with fish, meat, and vegetables have been developed.

They can also be introduced as complementary foods. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, consuming about 200-250 grams of food at one time. In between feedings, you need to give him compote or unsweetened tea to drink to avoid dehydration. New fruits and berries should be introduced into the diet carefully, observing whether there are any allergies to them.

Games with a nine month old baby

How to develop a child in the ninth month of life? Of course, through games - this is the most effective method today. early development children. What can you teach through playing? Yes to almost all basic skills.

  1. Educational toys - pyramids, turrets, nesting dolls. These devices should be as simple as possible to assemble - the rings on the pyramids should have wide holes and a wide, rounded safety pin.
  2. Development of fine motor skills of the hands. To do this you need to use finger gymnastics. You should bend and straighten your baby's fingers, making circular movements. You can recite humorous poems or sing songs. Such exercises should be carried out daily, for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Games with cereals. We take two plastic containers and fill one with peas, lentils, and beans. The baby will be happy to pour cereals from one container to another.

Parameters of a nine-month-old baby

A boy’s weight at this age should be about 9 kg, and his height should be 71 cm. A girl’s weight should be about 8.5 kg, and her height should be about 70 cm. These parameters are recommended by doctors, but can fluctuate in one direction or another. The developmental characteristics of each child are individual, so such numbers are not a constant value.


Tips for parents

  • Stimulating speech development. You need to talk to your child constantly, talking about the world around you and objects. In this way, the process of repeating words and sentences is stimulated.
  • Games for developing fine motor skills are not only important for the physical development of fingers, but they also play key role in the speech development of the child.
  • It is necessary to use prohibitions. In this matter, you need to be persistent, otherwise the meaning of the prohibitions is neutralized. However, one should not fall into excessive severity.

How to praise a child correctly

In this matter, the main rule is the golden mean. Due to excessive praise, a child may develop a psychological dependence on it. It dulls the child’s interest in learning new skills and information. Excessive praise leads to the fact that the child performs certain actions based on the expectation of subsequent approval. Therefore, it is worth praising your child for his successes, but not exaggerating them.

Baby safety

The term “complete child safety” does not exist. But still, some rules will help minimize the risks of developing unfavorable situations. After all, it is easier for us to prevent trouble than to deal with a problem that has already occurred.

  • Do not leave heavy objects or dishes with hot liquids near the child.
  • Sockets in the house must have special plastic plugs.
  • Do not leave filled containers with water (buckets, basins) within the reach of the baby.
  • It is necessary to equip your home with domestic gas leak indicators.
  • You can't even leave it for a short time baby alone in a bath with water. One hand should always be kept on the child's back in order to intercept him at the right moment.
  • It is not advisable to use a walker. They are sometimes deadly to the child.
  • You should not leave your baby in ultraviolet light for a long time while walking. The most dangerous tanning is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight at this time.

All household chemicals, medications, and solvents should be stored out of the reach of children. But if the child does get to toxic substances and drinks them, there is no need to rush and look for an answer on the forum from other mothers, but go to the hospital immediately!

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