What is the meaning of the name Polina? Foreign analogues of the name Polina. What character might Polina have?

Meaning of the name Polina: This name for a girl means “sunny”, “small”, “baby”. The name Polina translates as “significant” from Greek or “small” from Latin. The French meaning of the name Pauline is belonging to Apollo. French name paired with the male one - Pol, which translates as “baby”. Polina is sometimes affectionately called Apollinaria, which means “sunny.”

Origin of the name Polina: French.

Diminutive form of name: Polinka, Polya, Polyunya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Pusya, Pupsik, Pana, Panya, Pasha, Lina.

What does the name Polina mean: An impulsive and cheerful girl chooses professions related to physical activity. This is a thoughtful mother and loving wife, her house is always clean despite the fact that she doesn’t like cleaning.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Polina celebrates her name day once a year: January 18 (5) – Venerable Apollinaria the Virgin. She performed miracles with prayers.

Signs: Polina's day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day Christmas fortune telling. On this day, old women remove snow from the stacks in full confidence that only it can whiten the entire canvas; they throw it into the well in the deep conviction that it will be of help even if there was not even a single drop of rain in the summer. The same snow heals various ailments.


  • Polina's zodiac is Capricorn
  • Planet – Saturn
  • Color - light blue
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - lotus
  • Patron - swan
  • Talisman stone – selenite

Characteristics of the name Polina

Positive features: The name Polina gives the ability to patiently endure adversity. A girl with this name is reserved, content with little and achieves her goal. She is one of the most responsible people.

Negative features: She can be cold, thoughtful, prone to melancholy, unreasonable fears, and excessive criticism.

Character of the name Polina: What character traits does the meaning of the name Polina determine? This girl is charming, charming and very approachable. He will support the conversation on any topic, he holds up well in any society. She needs success in her life! She seems proud and unapproachable, although she often has to overcome herself in order to take on some business or communicate with someone. The young woman with the name is nervous, easily loses her temper - especially when defending her opinion, or rather, imposing it on others: she doesn’t know how to argue at all. She is very self-confident at heart, and has a very low opinion of the intelligence and abilities of those around her. If Polya gives someone an objective , a good assessment, it means that this person is really dear to her and deserves her respect. She trusts reason more than intuition. A girl named Polina likes to put on a mask of indifference, and indeed, you can’t call her sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtlety of feelings are not for However, behind this fireworks of contradictions, Polina - true friend, to whom it is very pleasant to trust your secrets, who will always sympathize and help, K household Polya’s attitude is a little cold, but nevertheless, everything is burning in her hands.

The child immediately attracts everyone with his liveliness of character and spontaneity. Polinka is responsive, flexible, and friendly.

Already at school, she strives, if not to chase fashion, then to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. In her youth, she will not avoid large, noisy companies, although their fun does not really captivate her. Polinka is musical, sings well, writes poetry, and draws.

A woman named Polina is charming, sociable, and behaves well in any society. Outwardly she seems proud and unapproachable, although in reality she is a very insecure person. The meaning of the name Polina is increased excitability. This girl can start screaming, defending her opinion, but she doesn’t know how to argue at all. She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, Polya is a loyal friend, you can trust her with secrets, she is responsive and selfless. He may be too direct in communication, saying what he thinks, although calmly, but still forgetting to soften impartial statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.

A girl named Polya does not feel any particular need for work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, Polina is calm, but conscientious. Loves children, knows how to get along with them mutual language, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, an educator in kindergarten. But Polina can also be good doctor, nurse.

Polina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Anufriy, Arseny, Vavila, Valery, Veniamin, Vissarion, Evstigney, Epiphanius, Zinovy, Izot, Kupriyan, Naum, Paisius, Paramon, Potap, Severyan, Spiridon, Philo is favorable. The name is also combined with Frol, Kharlampy. Difficult relationships names are likely with Abraham, Karp, Kuzma, Longinus, Miron, Parfen, Prokhor, Thomas.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Polina promise happiness in love? Polya attracts the opposite sex with her charm and beauty, although at the same time her lack of expressed feelings alarms her partners.

Gives great value sex. A girl named Polya does not separate sex from love. At the same time, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She doesn’t like all men, and it’s quite difficult to meet her ideal. A woman named Polina is very caring, but cold towards household matters. However, she knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She happily receives guests, in company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, and can demonstrate her superiority. Polya is most often his beloved wife.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Professional path can be thorny. She will strive to gain experience, accumulate knowledge, to constantly expand the horizons of her “I”, to spiritual and emotional maturity. The girl is by nature a psychiatrist and astrologer.

Business and career: have for her special meaning excessive prudence and caution, which subsequently becomes an obstacle to a successful business.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Polina:"Noyabrskaya" Polina is very restless in infancy. She may have trouble passing gas, so she needs to be given dill water. With age, she becomes calmer and goes into everyone's arms. The fields are located to infectious diseases, as well as to nephritis. Vaccinations should only be done in consultation with a doctor.

"August" Poly has a predisposition to cholecystitis. Sometimes she has flat feet, and this needs to be addressed by an orthopedist. By the age of seven, Polya is a completely healthy girl, but sometimes she can get acute respiratory infections, which is why she misses school.

WITH early childhood Polina’s body is weakened, she has a weak immune system. You should protect her from any diseases. She may have otitis media, pharyngitis. Outwardly, Polya is balanced and calm, but passions are raging inside, and her nervous system is weak. It is necessary to carefully monitor the functioning of the stomach. She often suffers from infectious diseases. If in childhood she can be protected from them, then in mature age she can get rubella and chickenpox.

The girl does not like to play sports; she should be introduced to sports from childhood, then many diseases can be avoided. Polina may have diction defects, she for a long time may not be able to pronounce some sounds, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist as soon as possible. Does not tolerate ridicule well, which is difficult to avoid if pronounced incorrectly.

This reflects poorly on her already weak nervous system. The “March” one may have enuresis after a fright. In adulthood, Polya is inclined to skin diseases, she may have acne on her face and requires intervention from a cosmetologist. "Autumn" Polinochka does not tolerate pregnancy well, there may be cases ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

The owner named Polina needs a calm environment in the house, long sleep, Fresh air. Disturbances in the nervous system make themselves felt with age.

Polina's fate in history

What does the name Polina mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Polina Annenkova (1800–1876), née Gebl, was a Frenchwoman, the wife of the Decembrist Ivan Aleksandrovich Annenkov. When Annenkov was imprisoned after December 14 Peter and Paul Fortress, Polina Gebl was his fiancee. After Annenkov was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia, she discovered extraordinary energy to alleviate the fate of her loved one. She ensured that Emperor Nicholas I personally accepted her petition and, touched by this devotion to the condemned man, allowed her to follow him to Siberia and ordered her to be given a travel allowance. With the accession to the throne of Alexander II, Praskovya Egorovna (this was the name of the Catholic after Orthodox baptism) returned to Russia with her husband and large family.
  2. Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) - famous French singer. Her extraordinary personality aroused the admiring surprise of her contemporaries. Her husband, Louis Viardot, a journalist, art critic and republican, with his political reputation “closed” her path to the Parisian stage for a long time, and distant Russia became the country where the singer gained artistic fame. The years spent in Russia became decisive in artistic life Polina Viardot. She was friends with I.S. Turgenev all her life.
  3. Polina Gebl (1800 - 1876) - married - Annenkova Praskovya; wife of the Decembrist I.A. Annenkov, who followed her husband into exile in Transbaikalia.
  4. Polina Astakhova (1936 - 2005) - Soviet gymnast. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960).
  5. Polina Kumanchenko (born 1910 - Ukrainian actress.
  6. Polina Dashkova (born 1960) - real name - Tatyana Polyachenko; Russian writer. She made her debut as a poet. She has been published in the magazines “Rural Youth”, “Youth”, “Istoki”, and the almanac “Young Voices”. She became widely known as the author of detective stories. Her first book, “Blood of the Unborn” (1996), brought widespread fame. He does not use his real name and surname during the interview, as this is prohibited by the terms of the contract.
  7. Polina Strepetova (1850 - 1903) - famous Russian theater actress.
  8. Polina Barskova (born 1976) is a Russian poetess.
  9. Polina Zhemchuzhina (1897 - 1970) - real name - Pearl Karpovskaya; Soviet party and statesman, wife of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov.
  10. Polina Kutepova (born 1971) - Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist Russian Federation (2004).
  11. Pauline Macabies (born 1986) is a French biathlete.
  12. Polina Fedotova - Russian pianist and music teacher; soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, associate professor at Moscow University and the Moscow Conservatory, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of international competitions.

Polina in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. The meaning of the name Polina is English language translated as Pauline, on Spanish: Paulina, in Italian: Paolina, in German: Pauline, on French: Pauline.

According to Mendelev

Women wearing it do not have strong will and often go with the flow, although they tend to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. They are simply unable to impose their desires on others.

Polina has a masculine type of thinking; she can achieve noticeable success in various matters; sometimes, however, the fruits of these labors go to other people. Polina lights up easily, but also goes out easily. This is not to say that she has deep intuition; non-standard situations can knock her out of the saddle. She is receptive to other people's views, but does not take anything for granted. She is prone to self-examination and “self-criticism”, she is very critical of her actions. She sets quite strict rules for herself and honestly tries to follow them, but, as a rule, she lacks the determination necessary for this.

She is very sweet and loved in the family, but she never leads this family. Sociable, sometimes overly frank even with unfamiliar people. Despite all the ordinary behavior, she has unusual hobbies, “hobbies” that are considered to be purely male - some branch of technology, collecting, or, for example, Polina becomes an ardent fan. She is attached to home, to place, to familiar streets, to familiar people, to favorite places in the surrounding area; She is affectionate with pets: dogs, cats, horses love and obey her. In old age she becomes a beloved and authoritative grandmother. Almost never conflicts with neighbors.

Polya is very similar to the adult Polina. Probably, the character of a girl is determined early, cast into a certain form, and then does not change.

The colors of the name are golden, blue and a little red.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Short form Greek name Apollinaria, "Belonging to Apollo." IN Greek mythology Apollo - Olympic celestial, god of art, inspiration, harmony, beauty

Energy of the name and character: In the energy of the name Polina, what is most striking is its balance and evenness. Perhaps this is why, despite the fact that this name is rarely seen today, it does not seem unusual and old-fashioned, at the same time, its relative rarity makes it quite noticeable.

It is interesting that, first of all, Polina’s balance fluctuates from some seriousness and even severity to cheerful cheerfulness. The same applies to the association associated with the name - a field that can be both a battlefield and a field of play - it all depends on the circumstances, and in relation to Polina’s character - on her upbringing. In other words, due to the balance of energy, the name Polina represents the very field on which anything can grow, both good and bad. Most often, throughout her life, Polya retains her inherent balance, combining seriousness and good-natured fun.

The energy of the name does not imply in Polina the ability to accumulate and hide tension for a long time, and therefore her pride is unlikely to become painful, although there is no doubt that some pride will not be alien to her, and God forbid that this quality does not receive excessive development in the process of upbringing. Otherwise, combined with her calmness, it can give the impression of arrogance and arrogance. It is possible that in her youth Polina will strive, although not to chase fashion, but still to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. Nevertheless, here, too, her sense of moderation will most likely affect her. She will not shy away from large, noisy companies, although their fun will not captivate her too much. Much more often she is attracted by the warmth and sincerity of truly friendly communication.

All this makes Polina’s character quite favorable for both her personal life and her career. There is little chance that she will rush into household chores as if she were an enemy pillbox, but she will calmly and slowly put her soul into this matter. At the same time, its non-conflict nature can turn family relationships to an oasis, the only pity is that in this oasis the husband may have the illusion of complete permissiveness. The same applies to a career where hard work and patience can bear fruit, although sometimes it doesn’t hurt to express yourself loudly or simply remind your superiors of your needs.

Secrets of communication: Polina is often too direct in communication and says what she thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften her words in any way. However, there is no malicious intent behind this or bad attitude to a person, rather, it is simply a statement of fact. Moreover, in a sincere conversation, she is usually always ready to help you not only with words, but also with deeds.

The name's trace in history:

Pauline Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte's sister Polina was not distinguished by excessive modesty of behavior, and even her dearly loving brother was forced to admit this sad fact. Indeed, possessing bright beauty, a cheerful disposition and wit capable of charming any interlocutor, Polina enjoyed all the delights of social pleasures under the motto: “Life is given to a person only once.”

Napoleon turned a blind eye to many things, until he finally ordered his sister - for her own good - to marry General Leclerc. However, Polina's first marriage ended very tragically: having left with her husband for the island of Saint-Domingue, she soon witnessed his slow and painful death from fever. And although Polina always considered her husband rather a burden interfering with her entertainment, his death - and after that the death of their child - was a significant shock for her.

Polina's second marriage ended in divorce (few men are able to tolerate the reputation of an inveterate cuckold), and persistent rumors began to circulate among the people about an incestuous relationship between brother and sister. Perhaps there was some truth in this, in any case, Polina so openly showed her jealousy towards Napoleon’s wife that she was removed from the court for some time. Until Napoleon's death, Polina was faithful to her lifestyle as a carefree butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower, and only after the death of her brother did she return to ex-husband, by some miracle begging his forgiveness.

The bright image of Polina, her beauty and overflowing energy inspired many artists and sculptors of that time, but her most famous image, which truly conveyed the state of mind of this woman, is the statue by the Italian sculptor Canova, to which the author gave a laconic name in honor of the goddess of love : "Venus the Victorious."

According to Higir

Colloquial form of the name Apollinaria. Comes from the word Apollo - in ancient greek mythology sun god, patron of the arts, god of predictions.

Porlyushka, Polina - today it’s rare for anyone to call their daughter that. Is this why there are so few people today who are as selfless and sacrificial as she? Among children, Polina is like an expensive bead: responsive, flexible, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She will always console, reassure, sympathize. In joy - he will never envy, he will rejoice with you.

Sometimes it seems that Polina is filled with love for people, for animals, for all living things that surround us. At school she is the first assistant teacher, tactful in relations with classmates, and will never offend anyone. Unusually clean.

Adult Polina loves to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is thrifty, not a spendthrift, she would rather sew an outfit for herself rather than spend money on a store-bought item. She is thorough and reliable in business, and this is sometimes taken advantage of by dumping all worries on her.

Polina is selfless and can, like a child, rejoice at a trifle. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband is flirting with her best friend, will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not indefinitely, and it’s still not worth exploiting Polina’s all-forgiving character. Polina always puts the interests of her family above her own. Career, professional success, business ambition - all this hardly interests Polina; she strives to find a job that would give her the opportunity to be at home more. Extramarital affairs, lovers and infidelity are alien to her.

Polina - good mothers. They love to visit parent meetings, take an active part in the work of parent committees.

In marriage, especially the first, Polina is not always lucky.

A marriage with Efim, Alexander, Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis will be reliable. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor, he will most likely turn out to be fragile.

Polina - on behalf of Apollinaria - “destroying by war” (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Polina

This is the image of a crystal clear woman wearing a dark cherry shawl. Wildflower - the beauty of the province. The Russian spirit is preserved in it. Softness and pliability decorate her and make her even more feminine. Her whole life is spent in trouble. Her thoughtfulness lasts for two generations. Over the years, he does not lose his youthfulness. In love he prefers young men.

Sometimes it seems that she is weak and indecisive, but this is not so. She is one of those people about whom they say: in still waters there are devils.

The characteristics of the name Polina have great willpower and enviable vitality, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in extreme situations. Independent in actions and decisions. Does not give in to other people's influence. However, she has no self-confidence at all. He acts thoughtfully, according to a plan, can listen to the advice of people he trusts, but chooses his own path. She has an analytical mind. She is impressionable, although she is stingy in expressing her feelings. He takes failures hard and sometimes reacts to troubles with an outburst of anger. Does not forgive insults, can take revenge. The secret of the name Polina has developed intuition. Anticipates upcoming events. It happens that she is visited by amazing visions, which, unfortunately, she does not always know how to evaluate and decipher. But she is not mistaken in choosing sincere, loyal friends.

She likes it difficult and dangerous professions, requiring risk. Maybe, for example, become a pilot, go to serve in the army. Polina is very active and purposeful. Employees, because of whom something is stalled or disrupted, irritate her, and she, without hesitation, cuts the truth in the eyes, regardless of their faces. Strictly adheres to everyone moral standards and ruled, faithful wife.

It often seems that public duties and professional activity They don’t leave Polina any time for her personal life. This is just an appearance. The secret of the name Polina is extremely sexy, but this manifests itself only with complete trust in the partner. She is very afraid of his betrayal. And don’t even think about lying to her: she perfectly senses your intentions. Do not demand the impossible from her: she will not quit her job for the sake of a family hearth, but if you support her, she will combine both, God only knows how.

The secret of the name Polina by month of birth

Her house is always full. She is a good housewife, thrifty and prudent, and makes a lot of preparations. An excellent cook. The apartment is characterized by comfort and coziness. Children and husband are well-groomed. She likes to gather friends at the table, but you should not come to visit her without warning.

She should be wary of accidents, as she is susceptible to injuries and infectious diseases. We must take care of the liver.

  • “Winter” Polina is strict in her judgment, serious, and imperturbable.
  • “Spring” is witty, sociable, and a little proud. He knows his worth and demonstrates his superiority when the opportunity arises. Can be a teacher, educator.
  • “Summer” is cheerful, loves to make fun of friends, good-natured and smart, knows how to get along with people.
  • “Autumn” - in addition to all that has been said, it is also economical, but not stingy. Can be an accountant, cashier, salesperson.

What middle name suits the name Polina?

The name goes well with patronymics: Andreevna, Anatopyevna, Makarovna, Fedorovna, Vladimirovna, Arkadyevna, Arsentievna, Alekseevna, Efimovna, Emmanuilovna, Sergeevna, Semenovna, Adamovna, Bogdanovna, Glebovna.

Names: origin and forms

Pauline- (from Greek) significant; (from Latin) small.

Derivatives: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Polyasha, Pana, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.

Directory of Russian names

From Pavlik(from Greek).

Girlfriend. Crystal pure woman in a dark cherry shawl. Wildflower - the beauty of the province. And the Russian spirit holds sway in the capitals. Her weak character adorns her femininity. All my life I'm in trouble. Her thoughtfulness lasts for two generations. In her youth she is a broken woman, but over the years she does not lose her youthful appearance and therefore in her old age she adores young people.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Pauline- dedicated to Apollo (ancient Greek), small (Latin).
Polina is an independent, Russian colloquial form of the Greek name Apollinaria, the feminine form of the name Apollinaris.
Apollo is the son of Zeus and Latona, one of the most revered gods of the Greek pantheon: god of light, sun, fortune teller, patron of art and leader of the muses.
The name seems to be ordinary, old-fashioned, but at the same time relatively rare, which makes it quite noticeable.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: light blue.
Talisman stone: selenite.
Auspicious plant: poplar, lotus.
Patron name: swan.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Polinka, Polya, Polyunya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Posya, Pana, Panya, Pasha, Lina.
Main features: excitability, activity.


Apollinaria, reverend, virgin, January 18 (5). She labored in male form and performed miracles with her prayers.


Apollinary's day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day of Christmas fortune-telling.
On this day, old women remove snow from stacks, believing that only snow can whiten the entire canvas. They throw this snow into the well, convinced that it will be of help even if there was not even a single drop of rain in the summer. The same snow heals various ailments.


The child immediately attracts everyone with his liveliness of character and spontaneity. Polinka is responsive, flexible, and friendly.

Already at school, she strives, if not to chase fashion, then to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. In her youth, she will not avoid large, noisy companies, although their fun does not really captivate her. Polinka is musical, sings well, writes poetry, and draws.

Polina is charming, sociable, and behaves well in any society. Outwardly she seems proud and unapproachable, although in reality she is a very insecure person. She is overly excitable, can start shouting when defending her opinion, and is completely incapable of arguing. She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, she is a loyal friend, you can trust her with secrets, she is responsive and selfless. He may be too direct in communication, saying what he thinks, although calmly, but still forgetting to soften impartial statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.

Polina does not feel any particular need to work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, she is calm, but conscientious. She loves children and knows how to find a common language with them, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, a kindergarten teacher. But she can also be a good doctor and nurse.

Polina does not separate sex from love. At the same time, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She doesn’t like all men, and it’s quite difficult to meet her ideal. She is very caring in the family, but is cold towards household matters. However, she knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She happily receives guests, in company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, and can demonstrate her superiority. Polina is most often a beloved wife. She lives well with Vladimir, Alexander, Vitaly, Denis, Konstantin, Yuri.


Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) - famous French singer. Her extraordinary personality aroused the admiring surprise of her contemporaries. Combining an outstanding vocal gift with a bright dramatic talent, she was also an excellent pianist, a talented composer and an outstanding teacher, she painted beautifully, and was a person of rare education and culture.

Having no external attractiveness, Viardot was endowed with some kind of magical charm, which, combined with gypsy passion, made her forget about her ugliness, and made the singer beautiful on stage.

According to the memoirs of the artist A.P. Bogolyubova, Viardot “was not good-looking, but she was slender and even thin; until she was old, she had wonderful black hair, intelligent velvety eyes and a matte complexion. Her mouth was large and ugly, but only she began to sing - about the shortcomings of her face and speech it wasn’t, she was divinely inspired, she was such a powerful beauty, such an actress that the theater trembled with applause and bravos, flowers rained down on the stage, and in this enthusiastic noise the queen of the stage disappeared behind the falling curtain..."

The singer was born into the famous Spanish artistic Garcia family: her father is the famous tenor and vocal teacher Manuel Garcia (1775-1832), elder sister- outstanding singer Maria Malibran. Polina's husband, Louis Viardot, a journalist, art critic and republican, with his political reputation “closed” her path to the Parisian stage for a long time, and distant Russia became the country where the singer gained artistic fame.

The years spent in Russia became decisive in the artistic life of Polina Viardot. It was here, thanks to the warm reception of the public and the press, that the artist made enormous progress, deservedly placing her among the world-famous singers. “We can boast that we have given development and development to the extraordinary talents of Madame Viardot, that we have endowed her with glory, which will be recognized by all of Europe, when we return this extraordinary actress-singer to her,” she declared on behalf of the Russians.” Literary newspaper"in 1845.

Polina Viardot loved “her dear Russian public” and called Russia “a second fatherland,” each time emphasizing that nowhere else had she received “from all classes of society” such “evidence of commitment and respect” that aroused “eternal gratitude” in her.

Viardot's repertoire was extensive: having a mezzo-soprano voice, but constantly working on her voice, the singer could perform parts for both soprano and contralto. From the mid-1850s, P. Viardot began pedagogical activity. She is the author of "Classical School of Singing", a collection of daily vocal exercises"Hour of Singing" Viardot was an excellent pianist (in her youth she took lessons from F. Liszt), she wrote music, her talent as a composer was noted by A. Adam (1803-1856). The singer's circle of friends is remarkable: writers George Sand (1804-1876) and A. Musset (1810-1857), composers F. Chopin (1810-1849), A.S. Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869), G. Rossini (1792-1868), C. Saint-Sane (1835-1921), D. Meyerbeer and the closest among them I.S. Turgenev, they began a lifelong friendship.

A. Ostrovsky wrote: “Turgenev confessed to me that Viardot has some kind of special influence over him, holding him at his feet with some kind of spell, as if by witchcraft, that when he sees her, he physically cannot help but obey her, that this is beyond his strength and he is in her presence as if under strong hypnosis.”

For the creativity of Turgenev, a man prone to lordly laziness, this subordination turned out to be beneficial. Viardot was not boasting when she jokingly asserted how much the Russians owed her for Turgenev’s continued writing and work.

As E. Ardov wrote, “this was not vain self-delusion. Even a superficial acquaintance with this brilliant artist made clear the influence that she should have, could not help but have on the receptive, impressionable nature of the writer, her energy, hard work and unshakable, to no one and invincible willpower must have been in weakening hours artistic creativity act in an encouraging and stimulating manner."

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Polina.

What does the name Polina mean?

The name Polina means - belonging to Apollo (lat.)

The meaning of the name Polina is character and destiny

A woman named Polina is flexible, sensitive, sympathetic, and capable of self-sacrifice. Her warmth is enough for everyone. She is selfless and always rushes to help her loved ones. He has good taste and knows how to dress elegantly. She takes her choice of spouse seriously. Prefers caring and gentle, attentive and good-natured. She is selfless and, for mercantile reasons, marries extremely rarely. A wonderful housewife and attentive wife, capable of forgiving her husband a lot, although she always deeply worries about his infidelity or rude attitude towards her. A woman named Polina is wise, intelligent, and thorough in a feminine way. She's economical, but you can't call her stingy. He knows how to sew and knit, and does it professionally, without a single flaw. Everything he undertakes he does impeccably. Polina’s family comes first; she is interested in her career, but taking care of her husband and children is more important. She loves her home, is very hospitable, and a sensitive mother. Polina, like no other woman, needs the love and attention of her husband, she herself is devoted to him with all her soul and can become seriously ill if she feels his indifference towards herself. She experiences a hard break with her lover and, if he returns, is able to forgive him everything. A woman named Polina is even inclined to justify him unseemly acts, taking all the blame upon himself. A man who can appreciate her spiritual qualities is a wonderful life partner. She gives birth to children of different sexes. Polina is seriously involved in their upbringing, attends all class meetings, often visits school, and takes an active part in the work of the parent committee.

Meaning of the name Polina for sex

Polina can be both passionate and indifferent. It all depends on her mood and the partner who is nearby. She is not indifferent to sex, but is capricious, easily excited, openly reacts to caresses, and does not restrain impulses during sexual intercourse. A woman named Polina has all the data to conquer anyone, but she is very selective. The partner must be patient if he wants to get maximum pleasure from communicating with Polina. She appreciates sexual foreplay, knows how to be grateful, and will never let her lover leave disappointed or unsatisfied.

The character and fate of the name Polina, taking into account the patronymic

First name Polina and patronymic....

Polina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna- a sociable and cheerful person. She transforms and becomes truly charming when she is in the company of men; she is able to conquer many with her femininity. But with women she is only loyal, reluctant to make friends. The opinion of men about how she looks is very important to her. Knowing that they like her gives her a lot of strength. She takes marriage very seriously and marries, as a rule, for love, choosing a balanced and reliable man. Polina values ​​calm and stability above all else. He can put up with his spouse’s low potency in order to protect himself from unnecessary worries. Doesn't worry if he cheats on her. A woman named Polina herself will never destroy her family or take a lover. However, such a choice sometimes has a negative impact on her mental state. In adulthood, Polina understands that sex plays an important role in life, and endless devotion to her husband and children is not the most important thing in life. If it does not achieve noticeable professional success, he regrets it greatly. In old age, she can even become grouchy and capricious, and only in the company of men does she still perk up a little. Her quiet life in youth by the age of fifty it is replaced mental anxiety and complete dissatisfaction. This Polina loves children, adores grandchildren, and is overly protective of both.

First name Polina and patronymic....

Polina Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna emotional, unbalanced, but knows how to control herself. With men she is sweet and seductive, highly sexual. She is a conqueror by nature and is happy with every next victory over a man’s heart. In her youth she was spoiled by the attention of boys and tended to overestimate her capabilities. He prefers partners who are beautiful, strong and witty. She can dominate them, but she is completely harmless, incapable of meanness, an unsightly act, unforgiving, and does not know how to take revenge. It is difficult to cope with defeats, but full of optimism. Rarely enters into casual relationships. She doesn’t know how to be alone, loneliness depresses her and destroys her psyche. Such Polina does not need permanent friends, but she cannot live without a family and tries with all her might to get one. She needs to take care of someone, to feel needed, irreplaceable. A woman named Polina loves children very much, is a faithful wife, and a good housewife. In marriage, her interest in strangers does not decrease - she needs to know that she is not losing shape, they still like her, but she is not capable of cheating on her husband, she is too squeamish to recklessly succumb to momentary attraction. He values ​​his family and is afraid of losing it. As a rule, he heads the house, but never focuses on it. She manages the house skillfully, is thrifty, thrifty, and a good cook. She does not strive to make a career, she is completely occupied with her family and herself. This Polina more often gives birth to boys.

First name Polina and patronymic....

Polina Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna serious, balanced, restrained and somewhat stingy in expressing feelings. Very vulnerable, she is protected by feigned indifference to men. A woman named Polina painfully endures failures and the loss of a loved one, so she tries not to get attached and keeps love deep within herself. However, under the external coldness hides a passionate nature and a gentle soul. Polina dreams of her own family, and when she gets married, she is ready to make any sacrifice for her. She may give up her career, friends, habits, hobbies, just so that there is peace and tranquility in her home. I am ready to have many children, but most often it turns out that I have only one child. A husband is always a faithful wife, a devoted, reliable friend. And if her husband is also sexy, affectionate and gentle, then he best wife can not found. Polina knows how to appreciate good attitude to yourself. She is an excellent diplomat, she doesn’t even lecture her daughter or make unnecessary comments. He gets along with his mother-in-law, patiently yielding to her in everything, and over time she begins to believe that her son is lucky to have his wife.

First name Polina and patronymic....

Polina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna good-natured, flexible, sociable and cheerful. An optimist by nature. She infects those around her with her energy, desire to enjoy life and be happy. She manages to get married safely and have children at a young age. When the children are already adults, still young and attractive, plump vitality, health. A woman named Polina is sexy, but too sensual. The slightest indifference of her husband hurts her no less than rudeness. She herself is capable of strong, deep feelings and demands the same from her spouse. She has all the data to win any man, but courting her is not easy, you need to be patient, and having achieved the favor of such Polina, a man should remember that he will have to take her as his wife, otherwise her heart will be forever broken. But you couldn’t ask for a better wife. Polina is passionate, attentive, gentle. A wonderful mother, a zealous, clean housewife. He manages everything, he can do everything. Always elegant, looks great. Many people envy her husband, but Polina is only interested in him, the house and The only son. Knows how to forgive, like all strong and wise women, indulgent towards the weaknesses and fleeting hobbies of her spouse. Her family has strong and friendly relationships.

First name Polina and patronymic....

Polina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna- a woman of strict morals, calm, but powerful. Does not tolerate objections, but is good-natured with those whom she sympathizes with. Can't stand stupid, obsessive and arrogant men. Knows how to stand up for himself. Very sexy, but picky about partners. What she values ​​most in men is intelligence. She is afraid of making mistakes and does not marry for a long time, but she does it very successfully. A woman named Polina is extremely harmless, ready to give in to her husband in all unprincipled matters, but in serious matters she knows how to insist on her own. This is an amazingly caring mother and wife. She may not get enough sleep, but her husband and daughters are always well-groomed, fed, surrounded by love and affection. For the sake of convenience and peace of mind in the family, she is ready to sacrifice her career and hobbies. Family comes first for her. She is a wonderful cook, not a big spender, and she always has a lot of pickles and canned food in her bins. He prefers to have his own small private house, a piece of land, and enjoys gardening. She loves animals; there is always a cat or dog in her house. Polina cannot sit idle, she is all in trouble and worries. She sews and knits beautifully. She is very sympathetic, the neighbors know about her unusual kindness and responsiveness. All the old women in the area are under her care, she will help everyone, feed the hungry. She looks like a fragile, gentle woman, but her character is strong. She is patient and resilient. The whole family rests on her shoulders.

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