Jungle cat habitat. Jungle cat (house, marsh cat). Predator habitats

There are people who cannot live without exotic things. Some of them find it when traveling, others - in pets. The jungle cat attracts with its appearance and wild habits. However, you should not think that at home he will immediately become affectionate and obedient. This is an animal that can be admired, but should not be tormented by cramped living conditions.


In the old days, the jungle cat was found everywhere. It is known that the ancient inhabitants of the banks of the Nile kept these cats in their homes. They took them with them to hunt game. And this is not surprising, since the animal is able to swim to get prey from a reservoir. Apart from the Egyptians, no other people managed to tame the swamp lynx. This is what these cats are called for a certain resemblance to their large relative.

People exterminated cats en masse because they attacked animals on their farms. Predator skins were in demand. In total, there are about ten subspecies of jungle cats. But they are all on the verge of extinction, so it is unlikely that you will find them in the reeds.


Looking at the photo of the jungle cat, it’s easy to guess why it is so popular. Kittens become similar to their adults at the age of three months.

Description of an adult predator:

  • massive head;
  • the body is powerful, the chest is wide;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • with tassels;
  • eye color yellow or green;
  • the tail is thin and short in relation to the body;
  • the coat is thick and short;
  • color depends on the subspecies.

Males are larger than females. Their height at the withers is fifty centimeters, length with tail is about one hundred and twenty centimeters. The weight of a cat can reach fourteen kilograms, and a female can weigh up to ten kilograms.


The jungle cat's favorite places to rest are areas near water bodies. The animal settles on the ground or in an old badger hole. It uses reeds or reeds as flooring. The cat does not dig its own holes.

The predator prefers not to appear in open areas. He moves through the thickets. He does this very quietly and unnoticeably, although he has quite an impressive weight.

He usually leads a solitary life. The exception is the breeding season. Then the predator finds a mate, and together they take care of the offspring.

Representatives of the breed are excellent swimmers and divers. This is how they get their food. But even if there is no need for fishing, these animals still require daily exercise in the pond.

The reed predator has excellent hearing, largely due to its erect ears. But his vision and sense of smell are developed at an average level.

Hunting and food

The jungle cat eats everything that moves. He will happily eat caught fish or bird, but he will not refuse reptiles or even insects. Living close to human households, it will encroach on domestic animals. It's about about a bird, a muskrat.

The cat hunts in the evening and at night. If necessary, can go out to daytime. He is in no hurry during the hunt. The predator moves quietly around looking for prey. He quietly approaches the intended target until there are only a couple of jumps left to reach it. And within a moment the prey is in his clutches. The cat immediately strangles her, without playing, like his smaller relatives.

The cat does not pass by bird nests either. It catches adults in flight. He succeeds in this thanks to his ability to make vertical jumps. The cat also hunts small rodents. He is able to wait for prey at the mink for hours. How does he catch fish?

The cat gently touches the surface of the water with its paw, imitating the movements of insects. When an unsuspecting fish approaches, it extends its claws. The prey falls on them as if on a hook. The predator at this moment dives headlong into the water so that the prey does not escape. With such skills, he can catch not only a lizard or fish, but also a snake.


The jungle cat breed is significantly different from ordinary cats. They don't like to climb trees. Of course, this does not mean that in case of danger they will not climb to the highest branch.

IN natural environment they find abandoned holes for themselves. They like to relax on reeds, which are trampled down beforehand. They do not stay in one hole for long.

The female builds a nest in the most inaccessible place. She has from two to five cubs in her litter. There are usually more males among them. During mating games, which usually occur in late winter, the males are extremely aggressive. They sort things out with each other with the help of wild screams.

Caring for offspring

Kittens appear two months after mating. One baby can weigh up to one hundred grams. Like ordinary felines, kittens are born blind. Their eyes open on the seventh to tenth day.

The mother feeds the cubs with her milk for three months. From the age of two months she feeds them regular food. All this time, the male is nearby, helping with food acquisition and education. Kittens are considered independent from the age of five months, and at the age of eight months they already become sexually mature individuals. Then each of them goes to their own territory to lead a separate lifestyle.

Health and illness

The wild jungle cat, whose photo fascinates with its wildness, does not have hereditary diseases. This is its huge advantage. They are not susceptible to depression and have strong immunity.

IN wildlife cats live about fourteen years. They will live the same amount of time together with a person good attention by the owner. They need balanced diet, sunlight, a lot of freedom. Then diseases will not shorten its life cycle.

Pet owners should pay attention to their joints. Because of heavy weight the load on the entire skeleton can be very impressive. Vaccinations are an important element of prevention. They should not be forgotten, since there are quite a lot of cat diseases.

Caucasian subspecies

The Caucasian jungle cat is found in Russia. Its habitat is the Caspian coast, the delta of the Volga and Terek rivers.

The color of the Caucasian subspecies is its distinctive feature:

  • the fur on the back is grayish-brown in tone;
  • The fur on the belly is whitish-ochre in color.

Of course, he has the notorious tassels on his ears. It is thanks to them that this species is sometimes called the swamp lynx.

Each individual in the wild protects its own area. They are poorly adapted to life in low temperatures Therefore, the holes are insulated with dry grass and wool. The main threat to them is large predators and people. The Caucasian cat is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The subspecies is on the verge of extinction due to human activities. So, in the eighties of the last century, these animals disappeared from the territory of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve. People exterminate the remaining individuals because they threaten their farms. Another reason for the extinction was the reduction of wetlands. There is no place for cats to raise their offspring.

Wild animals are difficult to tame. An individual can recognize an owner in a person only if he raises it from the age of one month. It also requires a lot of effort to educate her. But if this succeeds, then the person will receive the perfect pet, which will combine skills hunting dog and a clever cat. The dogs will be afraid of his mere glance.

For those who want to get a cat that will resemble a reed cat only in appearance and ability to swim, it is worth paying attention to the Chausie. The name is due to the fact that Latin language it translates as “reed”.


When it became clear what a jungle cat looks like, it’s worth learning more about its hybrid version, which is commonly called chausi. Breeders created a friendlier breed by crossing a wild animal with a domestic short-haired pet.

A person can have one at home without fear of the appearance of predatory instincts. However, this does not mean that the pet does not need to be given a lot of attention. These animals love to play and swim. If the family has other pets, it is necessary to pay more attention to the reed predator. Otherwise, he may harm his neighbors.

At home, the reed species needs to be fed once a day. Beef or other lean meat is perfect as a main food. It should be fresh and raw. You can diversify your diet with the help of rats and mice. Young chicks or quail are also suitable. Fish should be given once a week. To prevent your pet from gaining extra pounds, once a week he should have a fasting day. Living at home, he does not expend enough energy, so you need to protect him from obesity. Since the pet will not be able to get its own food, it needs to add fresh herbs and vitamins to the menu. You can't offer porridge!

Domesticated individuals are docile and graceful. To prevent the cat from accumulating a lot of excess energy, which can escape at the most inopportune moment, it is worth exhausting him various games.

Cost of pets

It is almost impossible to purchase a purebred reed predator. There are a lot of advertisements for kittens for sale, but it is impossible to verify whether they are a wild breed. Therefore, it is better not to make purchases from dubious people.

On the black market, a reed specimen will be sold for about 10 thousand euros (687 thousand rubles). Hybrids cost about 200 thousand rubles. Why are they so expensive?

This is due to the fact that only part of the litter has the corresponding wild appearance. The rest are born looking like ordinary domestic cats. In addition, every third male born is not able to give birth to offspring. And the photographs of the jungle cat are so beautiful that those who want to get unusual pet quite a bit of.

Conclusion about the breed

When summarizing information, it is worth weighing everything well. Photos of a domestic jungle cat look great. But there will be little pleasure in keeping such a pet. The animal will constantly damage furniture and walls. That is why it is better to keep a cat in a private house by building a separate enclosure for it.

A hybrid of reed and Abyssinian breeds is considered an acceptable option. In the fourth generation, such animals become domesticated. It is worth paying attention to such individuals so as not to regret having a new pet.

The jungle cat is a real predator. The House, as it is also called, is noticeably different from all other domestic cat breeds. Actually, initially the jungle cat was not a domestic breed.

She lived exclusively in the wild. This explains the predatory habits of modern jungle cats, which are kept in apartments and houses. Today they are considered exotic, but this was not always the case.

The marsh cat was first domesticated by the ancient Egyptians. The wild swamp cat is also called the swamp lynx. It is believed that she lived on the banks of the Nile three thousand years ago.

The jungle cat brought a lot of benefits to residents Ancient Egypt. She not only exterminated small rodents in the home, but also hunted with her owner. Pictures were found in ancient scrolls illustrating the hunting of ducks by the jungle cat.

The reed cat was found in 25 countries of the world. He was considered dangerous beast, because he often attacked households. The victims of such attacks were domestic muskrats and pheasants. Therefore, people began to hunt this predator. In addition, its skin was a very valuable commodity.

IN late XVIII century, it was possible to obtain a hybrid whose appearance resembled a modern jungle cat. And in the 20th century, American scientists managed to cross it with a domestic short-haired cat. The resulting breed, the House, was friendlier and less aggressive. Today there are 9 subspecies of the jungle cat.


In Russia, a wild species of the jungle cat is found in the Caspian Sea region. The marsh lynx is found on the plains of Dagestan and Kazakhstan. The habitat extends from Transcaucasia across the entire Central Asia all the way to Southwestern China. Found in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

Interesting fact: V Astrakhan region, in the delta of the Volga River, the Astrakhan Nature Reserve is located. Until the mid-80s. last century, it was inhabited by jungle cats. Now they are not in the reserve. However, in the last few years, eyewitness reports of encounters with wild jungle cats in various areas of the region have increasingly begun to appear.

The habitats of the jungle cat are dense thickets and thorny bushes.

Loves ponds overgrown with reeds or sedges. He is an excellent swimmer, so he feels quite comfortable in such conditions. It avoids open areas, although in summer it often visits lumpy sands located near its habitat.

The wild jungle cat does not dig holes, it uses abandoned dwellings small predators(foxes, porcupines). They change their place of residence often. During the period of raising offspring, the female arranges housing in the most difficult thickets. During one litter, a cat gives birth to two to five kittens.

Interesting fact: The Caucasian reed cat, which lives in Transcaucasia, is listed in the Red Book.


The House cat is noticeably larger than any cat breed. He has a massive large head. His muzzle is elongated. A cat's ears are large, so the animal has excellent hearing.

WITH reverse side There is a “fake” design that resembles eyes. Adults have small dark tufts at the tips of their ears. The jungle cat's eyes are yellow or green.

In the photo there is a house in full height It is noticeable that cats have a strong body with a wide chest and powerful long paws. The gray tabby's tail is short and thin, only a third of the cat's body length.

The coat is short but thick. Each of the 9 subspecies is characterized by its own color. Main colors: brown, gray, ticked chocolate/silver. The fur color on the belly is lighter than on the back and head.

Males are usually larger than females. The height of males at the withers reaches 50 cm, and the length of their body (including the tail) is 125 cm. The weight of an adult cat is 14 kg, and the weight of a cat is 10 kg.

Ticked color is a color that is characterized by:

  1. Lack of drawings on the body.
  2. Uniform coverage of ticked (striped) hairs.
  3. A faintly drawn "M" on the cat's forehead.
  4. The presence of residual patterns on the chest and paws.

Interesting fact: The jungle cat always gives birth to more boys than girls. The pregnancy itself lasts about 65 days.


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Character and behavior

IN wild conditions The jungle cat is an active nocturnal predator. Thanks to acute vision With his excellent hearing and swimming ability, he succeeds in every hunt.

It hunts small animals and rodents at night. In winter, he also makes leisurely daytime forays into the thickets. It can also hunt birds - the cat jumps quite high.

By nature, the reed cat is a cautious and secretive solitary animal. He only has a couple mating season. Each male has a territory with a radius of 50 to 200 m. Therefore, the domestic jungle cat living on summer cottages, poses a threat to all pets in the area (even dogs).

Coping with the temperament of a jungle cat is not easy. He needs active communication with his owner and freedom of movement. Otherwise, the pet will lose interest in life and go wild.

What is typical for a jungle cat:

  1. Mobility.“Movement is life” - this saying fits house perfectly. Even adult cats behave like kittens: they love to play, jump, climb and hunt. The jungle cat is not used to sitting in a person's arms.
  2. Need for affection. In order for the Hausa to have a good disposition and good mood, you need to pay attention to it. Otherwise, he will quickly remember the instincts of his ancestors and may begin to misbehave. The cat will respond to its owner with kindness and tenderness to regular affection and care.
  3. Curiosity. Any sound, even the most ordinary one ( phone call, rustle of leaves, etc.), the jungle cat will not go unnoticed.
  4. Tendency to learn. House is a very smart cat, he quickly learns to open unlocked doors, he is easy to train to the litter box, etc. Also, he is very obedient - he instantly responds to his owner’s commands.
  5. Love for water. He has a positive attitude towards water procedures. Moreover, he will happily swim in a pool, pond or lake.
  6. Amenability. He treats other pets calmly and is not jealous, but only if he receives enough attention.


House is not one of those cats that turns his nose up. But there are some peculiarities in feeding them. For example, kittens under 1 year of age need to be fed twice a day. Then they switch to single meals.

Meat occupies an important place in the diet. You can also add plant foods.

In general, the menu should be something like this:

  1. The main course is meat and offal. In their natural habitat, jungle cats hunt rats, birds, and nutria. Most best option- two mice (or one rat) and 200 g of low-fat meat on top.
  2. Once every 7 days you can give boiled fish. Be careful: too much fish leads to calcium leaching.
  3. A third of the diet can be vegetables - fresh cucumbers, zucchini, sweet fruits.

Once a week you need to have a fasting day to avoid obesity. If a jungle cat eats dry food or canned food, then it is advisable to add vitamins and mineral supplements to the diet. Houses do not digest porridge well.


When choosing a jungle cat, you should pay attention to its behavior. If he is playful, affectionate and non-aggressive, then the baby tolerated the vaccination well and is completely healthy.

In addition, he must be toilet trained, scratching post and cat house. The owner of the cattery must have all the necessary documents for the kitten, including a veterinary passport.

If all the above conditions are met, you can safely buy a kitten.

The price of a reed cat in Russia ranges from 85-200 thousand rubles.


You can brush your jungle cat only once a week (during the molting period, this should be done daily). At home, his coat does not get very dirty, so there is no need for frequent bathing.

The jungle cat needs to be provided with a large space for walking.

It is better if the pet lives in a private house, in the yard of which he can run and climb to his heart's content.

Cats living in apartments need to set aside time for walks, because the house must receive the necessary dose of natural ultraviolet radiation ( sun rays). This is important for his health.

Besides, limited space apartment does not allow the cat to throw out all its energy. This leads to obesity and some other diseases.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say a few words about health. Thanks to the genes they inherited from their wild ancestors, jungle cats have strong immunity.

They calmly tolerate sudden temperature changes. If vaccinations are done in a timely manner, the house will be healthy. Don't forget about a balanced diet. And then a strong, long-term friendship will begin between the owner and the jungle cat.

Some become fans of the TV series House, while others enjoy the charm of the jungle cat, which is also called... yes, that's right - house. So, meet the jungle cat, aka house, aka swamp lynx or, scientifically, Felis chaus!

The jungle cat is a true predator that once lived in 25 countries. Nowadays, he lives only in zoos or in the apartments of his fans.

Origin story

In Russia, the jungle cat was previously found on the coast of the Caspian Sea, but last time it was seen in its traditional habitat in the 1980s (according to IUCN).

However, there were times when the wild jungle cat was by no means exotic, but a ubiquitous phenomenon. It is believed that the swamp lynx, which lives on the banks of the Nile, was the first to reach people about three thousand years ago.

People (ancient Egyptians), tried to get a lot of benefits from their acquaintance with the reed cat - the reed cat not only lived in their houses, but also went with game hunters. On the surviving scrolls you can see how Cat House hunts ducks and even swims to get prey from the river.

In fairness, it must be said that only the Egyptians were able to tame the wild purr; all subsequent historical evidence suggests that people avoided jungle cats, moreover, they considered them dangerous for their farms, in particular for domestic muskrats and pheasants, which were attacked predators. Therefore, constant catching was carried out wild cats, whose skin was in demand.

And although 9 subspecies of the reed cat are registered in the world today, in fact, you will not find a single one in the reeds!

Appearance of a jungle cat

Since the wild jungle cat is not a breed, there is, of course, no standard for it.


The jungle cat is a predator. Even tamed he remains one. Marsh lynx prefers night look life.

She is characterized by tirelessness, mobility, and curiosity.

Is it possible to keep a jungle cat at home?

A domestic jungle cat is a dubious pleasure. If you have excess furniture, wallpaper and ceiling, then immediately get such a pet and you will soon part with the excess. There is no point in keeping such a cat in an apartment, only in private property, and then it is advisable to build an enclosure.

But the hybrids of the savage and domestic cat- quite comfortable neighbors. Thus, the hybrid of the jungle cat and the famous , by the fourth generation, become completely domestic, without, however, losing distinctive features their ancestors.

So, the reed cat is “a chisel, let’s not say where,” because it is mobile, active, ready for work and defense always, at any time of the day or night (especially at night!). Even after growing up, both Chausies and Houses remain kittens at heart. Dispersing the blood of their wild ancestors, they jump on everything they can jump on, climb everywhere they can reach and jump onto their hands with a running start. Considering their mass and size, this is a tangible pleasure!

However, jungle cats are also smart. Yes, they are easy to train, know how to follow commands and quite easily tolerate being around other pets.

In general, play some house music – you won’t be bored!

But don't forget to buy in advance, Vacation home and a pool - after all, jungle cats love to swim and need free open space.


This is what good genes mean - jungle cats do not have hereditary diseases, do not suffer from depression, can boast of strong immunity and, if properly maintained, practically do not get sick.

To maintain good health, they need the owner's attention, good nutrition and ultraviolet light.

If all three conditions are met, jungle cats live about 14 years.

Caring for a jungle cat

The animal is large and agile. Due to the risk of injury and the stress on the skeleton, the jungle cat's joints should be checked regularly. Don’t forget to do this, because, despite a good gene supply, the swamp lynx is susceptible to common cat diseases.

Give the house the opportunity to swim at will. A swimming pool is suitable for this, ideally if there are fish splashing in it.

To make your domestic jungle cat look like its wild counterparts look in the photo, you don’t need to specifically bathe the jungle cat, but you will have to periodically.


In nature, Hausas do not eat porridge. Therefore, you should not offer them a cereal menu at home. But live food, no matter how humane it may be, will have to be fed to the jungle cat every day. After all, what does a jungle cat ideally eat? That's right, game.

The traditional daily diet of an ex-savage looks like this: 200 grams of lean meat plus a couple of live mice (or one rat). As an alternative, high quality Orijen cat food (link to the official website).

The Caucasian reed cat lives near lakes, swamps and ponds in thickets of grass, reeds and reeds. It cannot be confused with anyone - a gray-brown back, a whitish-ochre belly and large ears with tassels like a lynx. For these tassels he was nicknamed the swamp lynx.

Jungle cat photo

Look at this photo, isn’t it true that the jungle cat is an impressively sized animal? Length of individual specimens wild cat reach 75 cm and weigh up to 16 kg, large specimens in size wild jungle cat sometimes more.

What cat can't live without water?

The picture shows a wild jungle cat fishing

Jungle cats in wild nature live in holes dug by other animals, insulating them with dry grass and their own fur. These animals hunt birds, but mainly feed on food that they catch in the water.

Unlike cats, who are afraid of water like fire, jungle cats love to swim! True, as a result of pollution of water bodies and drainage of wetlands, this species is gradually disappearing.

How to distinguish a forest cat from a domestic cat in a photo?

Look at the photo, you can find something like this cat in the forest or in the mountains. On this . She is very, but you can still distinguish her.

The wild forest cat is more powerful, its fur is thick, gray, covered in some places with black stripes, its body is stocky, its tail is thick and half as long. It’s unlikely that she will respond to “kitty-kitty,” and if you decide to catch her, she might even bite her.

In an adult forest cats eyes are green or yellow, and kittens have blue ones. However, after two weeks their eyes change color.

Wild jungle cat – drawing, watercolor

Wild jungle cat – 10 photos


Felis chaus (subspecies chaus)


Squad: Predatory – Caivora

Family: Felidae – Felidae

Genus: Felis

Gueldenstaedt, 1776

Spreading: Outside Russia, it inhabits the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), Kopet Dag (Turkmenistan), Iran and parts of Turkey bordering the Transcaucasus, Iraq (Mesopotamia), Syria and adjacent parts of Turkey. Inhabited territories within the range are distributed unevenly. In Azerbaijan, based on research materials from the early 70s. inhabited almost all the low-lying regions of the republic; in Armenia it was recorded only along river valleys in the southeast. districts of the republic, in Georgia it is found on the Iori Plateau, along the banks of the river. Kura and Alazani, in the Kopetdag, are widely distributed in low- and mid-mountain landscapes. The distribution area in Russia is north-west. the outskirts of the species range, passes along the Volga delta and captures the western part. coast of the Caspian Sea. In recent decades, the distribution area has been greatly reduced and insulated. In the mid-80s. The jungle cat disappeared from the territory of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve. The range has greatly decreased in Kalmykia, where the Hausa is found only on the coast of the reservoir. Olya-Caspian irrigation system northern. Kaspiysk city, at the mouth of the river. Kuma and along adjacent sections of the Caspian coast, as well as along the lakes of Svetly Erik (floodplain of the Kuma River). In Dagestan it is distributed along river deltas. Sulak, Terek, Samur, bass. Agrakhansky and Kizlyarsky halls. Caspian Sea. In Chechnya, the Ingush Republic and North Ossetia distributed throughout the river valley Terek. The species was formed in the South. and South-East. Asia, where its main range is now located. In the Ciscaucasia and the southern Russian Plain, it is a relatively late invader; the first finds date back to the Holocene period. As a species exploring new territories, the jungle cat has an unstable habitat, the boundaries of which are modern times are constantly changing.

Habitat:A stenobiont species associated with coastal biotopes. Most often it inhabits reed-cattail swamps, lake shores and tugai thickets. In the Volga delta it lives in supports made of reeds and cattails. As a rule, in winter it lives near non-freezing or freezing areas. short term reservoirs. The spatial structure of the population is represented by a system of protected individual areas. Rutting in February-March and late May-mid June. There are 3-6 kittens in a litter. According to research in the Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve, the proportion of males in litters is 76.1%.

Number:The number within the range of the subspecies has not been established. In the Caucasus, the highest number of cats is in Azerbaijan. Here in the 60s. it reached 6-7 thousand individuals. Over the next 10 years, the number of Hausa decreased significantly, as evidenced by a threefold reduction in the procurement of its skins. In the optimal habitats of the jungle cat, for example, in the Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve, population density reaches maximum values. In Armenia, the number of jungle cats has always been low. Its numbers have also decreased greatly in Georgia due to the development Agriculture and increased poaching. Currently, the jungle cat is considered here as a species on the verge of extinction. A significant decrease in numbers is also observed in the territory of Kopetdag. On the state of the population in the Astrakhan region. can be judged by the fact that the jungle cat disappeared from the territory of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve in the mid-80s. A sharp decline in the number of Hausa was also noted in Kalmykia, although here they were not numerous in the past. The jungle cat is characterized by sharp fluctuations in numbers, which can be explained by the lack of adaptations to endure cold winters. At the same time, the disappearance of the subspecies is noted in large areas of its habitat, even during periods of general population growth. According to accounting work in Dagestan from the second half of the 80s. The Hausa population is declining sharply, which is happening against the backdrop of increased poaching and a reduction in suitable habitats. According to census data, 165 individuals lived on an area of ​​184 thousand hectares. There are about 150 animals in North Ossetia. According to available literary data, it can be assumed that the total number of the subspecies in Russia hardly reaches 500 individuals. The vulnerability of a species is determined by its narrow biotopic specialization. Floodplain lands, primarily reeds as an optimal habitat, are currently subject to intense anthropogenic impact. At the same time, the most Negative consequences The state of Hausa populations is affected by the reduction of these habitats or their economic development, burning of reed beds or their mowing, draining of reservoirs, and clearing of floodplain forests. Poaching continues to cause significant damage. Of the natural limiting factors in the north. At the border of the range, periodically occurring “cold” winters have a noticeable negative impact, which causes a decrease in numbers and a reduction in the area of ​​distribution.

Security: Listed in Appendix 2 of CITES. The subspecies is found in nature reserves in Dagestan and North Ossetia. In conditions of intensive development natural resources In the Cis-Caucasus, it is possible to preserve the reed cat only by creating a network of protected areas in the regions of still undisturbed floodplain lands. House is kept and bred in selected zoos across the country.

Sources:1. Catalog of mammals of the USSR, 1981; 2. Heptner, Sludsky, 1977; 3. Alekperov et al., 1973; 4. Ayrumyan, Gasparyan, 1973; 5. Arabuli, 1979; 6. Lukarevsky, 1979; 7. Moshonkin, 1990; 8. Bliznyuk, 1977; 9. Spasskaya, 1986; 10. Spasskaya, Ramazanov, 1990; 11. Anisimov, 1989; 12. Kuryatnikov, 1982; 13. Vereshchagin, 1959; 14. Litvinov, 1993; 15. Gadzhiev, Nagibov, 1979; 16. Lukarevsky, 1990; 17. Bliznyuk, 1979; 18. Shakhmardanov, Spasskaya, 1982; 19. Kuryatnikov, Varziev, 1983.

Compiled by:V.E. Prisyazhnyuk, A.V. Belousova

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