The number of versions of what the pyramids of Ancient Egypt actually were is multiplying every year. Ecological pyramids

I accidentally came across this article on the Internet.

Properties of pyramids
One of the unique structures on Earth is a tetrahedral pyramid, similar to the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs located on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

With its (not yet fully explained by science) energy, it quite actively stimulates vitality a sick body, and that, in turn, copes with the disease more easily.

In other words, pyramid therapy is unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in full health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food kept in the pyramid, or sometimes rests in the large or above the small pyramids, then his chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids.

A home pyramid is made from natural material(boards, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which with their field introduce distortions into the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space must be pure, without any distortion, then healing properties the pyramids will be maximal.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, for a tetrahedral pyramid - a square), and the side faces are isosceles triangles, equal to each other. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular drawn from the top to the center of the base (the center regular polygon, lying at the base of the pyramid is the intersection point of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can have any size, but the ratio of its height and the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden section, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6 we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (apothem of the pyramid), it is necessary to multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that as the height of the pyramid doubles, its activity increases many times (50-100 or more). Therefore, if possible, install pyramids with maximum height.

One of the faces of the pyramid should be oriented strictly north using a compass.

If it is built in a favorable location - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, away from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass is correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very effectively!

In houses and apartments, pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that disrupt the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include heating radiators, water supply, sewerage, etc. If houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid on your own summer cottage and with its help restore health.

It should be remembered that any pyramid must be made by a mentally balanced person, who must have good and bright thoughts during production, and the builder must do this work with his soul.

If the pyramids are built haphazardly, in violation of the proportions of the golden ratio, and are not oriented to the cardinal directions according to the compass, it can be assumed that they will not bring any benefit, and perhaps even harm.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Base length

Rib length

10x1.6 = 16 cm

10x1.35 = 13.5 cm

15x1.6 = 24 cm

15x1.35 = 20.25 cm

20x1.6 = 32 cm

20x1.35 = 27 cm

30x1.6 = 48 cm

30x1.35 = 40.5 cm

40x1.6 = 64 cm

40x1.35 = 54 cm

50x1.6 = 80 cm

50x1.35 = 67.5 cm

100x1.6 = 160 cm

100x1.35 = 135 cm

250x1.6 = 400 cm

250x1.35 = 337.5 cm

300x1.6 = 480 cm

300x1.35 = 405 cm

500x1.6 = 800 cm

500x1.35 = 675 cm

1000x1.6 = 1600 cm

10x1.35 = 1350 cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy capabilities of all correctly manufactured and installed pyramids (large and small) have their internal space at a level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the height of the pyramid. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, and accordingly, the return is minimal.

It is advisable to make a small incision in the upper part of the pyramid to form a hole (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to release excess energy that is formed inside during operation into the surrounding space. A hole is also made in the center of the base (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 10 mm). Using a compass, three concentric circles are drawn around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). The holes in the base are needed to freely receive the Earth's energy. At a height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid, shelves are installed.

Working areas of the pyramid

Rice. 2. Working areas of the pyramid

At a height of 2/3 of the pyramid, liquids, water, and herbal tinctures are placed on shelves to charge the pyramid with healing energies.

At a height of 1/2, aluminum foil and metals are charged.

At a height of 1/3, food, grain, seeds are placed before planting, and the blades are sharpened.

Examples of using pyramids.

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use large pyramids for rest - the healing possibilities in them are practically unlimited. The length of stay in large pyramids is purely individual; for particularly sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. If you are overtired, 30 minutes in the pyramid is enough to restore strength and relieve discomfort.

You can also use indoor pyramids. The patient rests on a bed without metal, under which up to five (10-15 cm high) pyramids are installed along his body.

Empty pyramids are good for healing the body, but in combination with taking pyramid water or herbal infusions, kept for 24 hours inside the pyramid at 2/3 of the height (in the upper part). Even a small amount of such water is beneficial to the patient. The pyramid infusion is made approximately like this: put the medicinal raw material specified in the recommendation into a container (glass or jar), pour the right amount boiling water, cover with a nylon lid and leave for the required time on a stand at 2/3 of the height of the pyramid. Water can be stored in the pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pain, for pain in muscles and joints, aluminum foil can be used externally in the form of a compress, which is previously charged in a pyramid for 24 hours at a level of 1/2 height, using a dielectric stand. The foil charged in this way is wrapped in a layer of linen and applied to the sore spot or joint. This compress is closed on top, secured with linen or a bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pain in the head, abdomen, chest, and limbs. With the help of such compresses, pain usually goes away quite quickly - it goes away completely!

In addition to their healing properties, pyramids are useful for many other purposes.

Before planting, you can keep seeds in a pyramid for 10-15 days at 1/3 of the height, and germination and productivity increase by about 2 times. Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their location, or you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, or covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal directions for 24 hours or more.

In pyramids, especially large ones, can be stored on shelves at 1/3 height for a long time perishable food food without the risk of them spoiling. At the same time, their taste even improves.

In small pyramids, dull blades and knives are placed on a stand 1/3 of the height for sharpening for 24 hours.

If in a large pyramid at a height of 1/3 to 1/2 you put homemade generator, then the pyramid will be able to produce electrical energy. The generator is made from sheets of aluminum, copper or foil plastic. The assembled generator must be connected to a battery, preferably an alkaline one, paralleling it with the load. When making such a generator, it should be borne in mind that the more plates it has, the more voltage it can produce, and the larger the surface of the plates, the more current the generator can produce.

Fig. 3. Approximate view of the generator in a horizontal (non-working) position.

Working position - vertical.

1 - current-collecting metal plates;

2 - insulating strips (the plates are held in place using glue);

Placing the generator in a pyramid.

In arid areas, you can make a condenser (storage) of water and collect it from the air by placing the pyramid on the foundation with a slope towards the center of the pyramid with a pipe hole in the center of the base. The pipe is installed at a slope to allow water to flow independently beyond the foundation. The top of the concrete area is covered with a hill of gravel as much as possible. greater height. The embankment is strengthened using a pyramidal frame (possibly metal) covered with mesh (preferably galvanized). This fastening does not interfere with the free inflow and outflow of air. A 250 cm high pyramid is capable of filling a container of 100-200 liters of water per day.

Energy pyramid is a structure of a pyramidal shape, thanks to which it can store or transform energy. In this case, energy means biological energy, which has been known to people for thousands of years - in the Chinese tradition - qi, in the Indian tradition - kundalini, etc.

On the other hand, most esoteric traditions use in their practices special properties of shapes. These can be not only pyramids, but also close to them designs. In ancient times, people had knowledge of the influence of forms or used it intuitively. The shape of the domes is far from random Orthodox churches , not to mention Egyptian pyramids in Giza and Aztec buildings in the territory of modern Mexico. Even if you look at shape of hats, for example, in Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible, you can see in them the features of a pyramid.

As you can see, energetically pyramids can be various sizes And vary in shape. Nowadays the most common designs are those that repeat the proportions of the Egyptian pyramids. The material can also be different - glass, metal, stone etc. Pyramids can be hollow or monolithic.

What is the reason for this? popularity of pyramids? Studies have shown that the pyramids have a number of remarkable properties, which affect not only living organisms, but also mechanisms. For example, food placed inside the pyramid stays fresh longer, the blades in the pyramid become sharper, water does not freeze at subzero temperatures, etc. It is important to note that the influence is not only on the objects inside, but also outside the pyramid. For example, an experiment showed that if you place a pyramid under the car engine, then fuel consumption decreases.

There are several basic possibilities of use energy pyramids. You can put a small pyramid on your table. If you have the opportunity to visit architectural structures pyramidal shape, then there you can lie down, perform various movement practices and meditate. It has been noticed that esoteric practices in the pyramid proceed much more effective.

Unfortunately, currently no clear theory, which explains how the pyramids exert their effects. Eat a number of hypotheses, but so far none of them can be chosen as dominant. There were many scientific experiments to capture the pyramid phenomenon. At the same time, they were used as traditional tools for dowsing, and modern scientific equipment for measuring electromagnetic fields and other factors. In particular, it was found that inside the pyramid level of harmful electromagnetic radiation(from mobile phones, computers, electrical networks, etc.) much lower than in the environment. There is information about the discovery of some flows over the pyramids, recorded using Kirlian effect or special radar measuring devices. There is an energy field inside the pyramids is not homogeneous. It has different properties depending on the height (there are three levels - floors) and location (center, corners).

To achieve a therapeutic effect, a pyramid is better select individually. In this case the result will be optimal. In particular, energy pyramids have proven themselves in the treatment of inflammatory processes, especially musculoskeletal system, with some headaches, sleep disorders and etc.

It is important to keep in mind that pyramids can have not only positive, but also negative impacts per person. This depends on the correspondence of the shape of the pyramid to the sign and direction of the energy flows of the environment. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with specialists, for example, before deciding to build a pyramid-shaped roof on a house. It should also be noted that being in the pyramid provokes entry into various altered states of consciousness what you need to be prepared for.

Pyramids act not only on the internal space, but also on external environment . There are confirmed facts when energy pyramids corrected the structure of the surrounding space, disturbed by technogenic influences. This is especially evident in the biocenosis - in the vicinity of the pyramid, rare flowers begin to grow, wild birds and animals.

Unfortunately, modern urban environment has a negative impact on a person, opposite of beneficial effect pyramids We are talking not only about various harmful radiations, but also about the form itself - box rectangular buildings negative for mental and physical condition person.

The unique properties of the pyramids were previously used not only for esoteric practices, but also in for domestic purposes. Peasants of Eastern Europe they stored food in pyramid-shaped structures, which protected them from spoilage. It wouldn't be out of place use of pyramids V modern medicine and industry - among the promising areas of application are:

  • increasing the reliability of hazardous waste disposal;
  • improvement of the environment: lakes, forests, fields, etc.;
  • increasing agricultural productivity;
  • increasing utility food products;
  • body's resistance harmful effects environment
  • and etc.

The phenomenon of the pyramid is still waiting to be explained, but now every person and communities of people can use them beneficial features: for treatment, improving the quality of life, spiritual development.

  • Supporters of alien versions claim that the pyramids were used for intergalactic communication, that the so-called ventilation shafts are nothing more than directions to certain star systems. And, allegedly, communication was carried out through them.
  • Supporters of ancient civilizations and "Gods" claim that the pyramids worked like power plants, pumping electricity with Tesla coils.
  • Supporters of traditional pharaonic funeral processions came up with the elevator theory, thanks to which Cheops, aka Khufu, is still buried in the pyramid under the King's Chamber.

There are many theories and they are all varied, but they all do not consider the structure of the pyramid as the main tool for the transformation and accumulation of energy, and very poorly develop the topic of the energy itself on which the pyramids work. And this Key points for understanding the purpose of the pyramids.

Device structure

For any energy device to operate, three components are needed: a source, a converter, and an implementer. Sometimes there is also a storage device. All these components are in the pyramid. So we will look at them now.

Pyramids Ancient Egypt work on bioenergy of the Earth and Space. It can be called differently: biological, subtle, qi, ether - these are all names for the same type of energy. This type is also divided into subspecies, but this is not the topic of our study. We will consider it as a whole for now.

All biological objects, including humans, animals, insects, plants, crystals and the Earth itself exist by consuming, transforming and releasing bioenergy. From this point of view, the pyramid is the same biological object, but with programmable properties.

The energy source of the pyramid is vertically directed flows of bioenergy coming from Space to Earth and from Earth to Space. Classic pyramids work on both at the same time.

Energy channels of the Earth

The earth is like biological object, permeated with energy channels. They look like parallel energy walls with an average width of 20 cm (up to 60 cm in “places of power”), entering and leaving its surface and directed from north to south every 2 meters and from west to east every 2.5 meters (Hartmann grid) . At the same time, every second channel, at every moment of time, operates in the opposite side from the neighboring one. The process is most intense during the day, at night it slows down, and just before dawn everything freezes.

The intersections of these walls - the points where energy enters turbulence - are negative for all living things. The channels themselves (like the points) remain constant, changing configuration only with changes in the geological structure of the Earth's surface. These channels and points can be found by dowsing or some modern devices.

In addition to the Hartmann grid, there is also a diagonal Kari (Kuri) network as well as more global networks. The direction of the channels of these networks follows the crystalline structure of the Earth's core, which we will look at later. The higher the level of the network, the more powerful the flows passing through its channels. The most powerful flows form a regular pento-triagonal structure, reminiscent of an icosahedron. This structure was studied by Russian scientists N.F. Goncharov, V.A. Makarov and V.S. Morozov.

For now, it is enough for us to know that on Earth there are very specific centers for the exchange of bioenergy between the Earth and Space, through which the Earth “breathes” energetically, and on which it is advisable to build pyramids. Moreover, a correctly constructed pyramid works in both directions - both on the ascending energy of the Earth and on the descending energy of the Cosmos.

Pyramid orientation

A pyramid powered by Earth's bioenergy must be oriented north to operate most efficiently. Why, you ask? For the reason that the energy source is oriented to the north.

The energy walls of the Hartmann grid, permeating the pyramid, from which it takes energy for its work, run from north to south and from west to east every 2-2.5 meters. That is why, if at 230 meters of the side of the pyramid it cuts such a wall diagonally, which means that the same thing happens to all the internal structures of the pyramid, then its effectiveness drops sharply. Consequently, the one who built the pyramids was obliged to master the method of dowsing, and it was with this method that he oriented the pyramid to the cardinal points with amazing accuracy without any compass.

The ancient bioenergeticist, using vine tendrils or copper wire in wooden handles, simply walked along Hartmann's lines and determined the exact direction to the north, along which the pyramid was built.

This is why each pole shift rendered the old pyramids ineffective by displacing them from their energy centers and turning them towards the cardinal directions. It is this property that can be used to date some pyramids as “antediluvian” or “postflood”. Also, having two antediluvian pyramids, it is possible to calculate the location of the old pole. In our case, the old pole is located in the center of Greenland, which, obviously, was part of the legendary Hyperborea.

But for now our task is simply to remember that the pyramid is installed on the “nodes” or “edges” of the Earth’s bioenergetic grid; there are not many of these places, and it must be precisely oriented to the cardinal points.

The pyramid, by the way, is not always oriented to the cardinal points. If you are building your personal pyramid, which has its own autonomous source of energy, most often of crystalline origin, then it is oriented not by the cardinal points, but by the places where a person spends a long time - a workplace, a bed, etc. The edge of the pyramid distributes the most positive “smooth” energy for a person, while the edge, on the contrary, gives an energy “draft” and therefore the ribs are oriented towards the gaps between the places where a person is constantly located.

The Mystery of the Energy of Khufu's Pyramid

Not all pyramids operate only on regular energy flows. Some pyramids are located at the exits of special rays corresponding to the nodes and edges of the Earth's grid.

The power of the energy of these rays is such that it suppresses biological objects, literally “blowing away” the energy from them with its “draft”. Or, when used skillfully, it allows you to move to a different energy level that is inaccessible under normal conditions.

The pyramid of Khufu stands on one of these “rays”, absorbing his energy. This beam was known long before its construction and was designed in the form of a cave with an entrance into the rock, which then became part of the Khufu pyramid. And the cave in the pyramid began to be called “Grotto”. Exactly above the exit of this “ray” is the lower underground chamber and above it the King’s Chamber. Thus, this energy source still passes through both chambers. Previously, the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber stood just above this ray, and this was used for initiations and other space-time events. Now the sarcophagus has been moved, supposedly for the safety of tourists, but the beam is still there, in the King's Chamber.

By the way, the King's Chamber is made of Aswan pink granite specifically to conduct this energy, since, according to the measurements of Philip Callaghan, the author of more than a hundred works on paramagnetism, it is one of the most receptive and paramagnetic substances he has ever measured.

And the so-called “Unloading Chambers” above the King’s Chamber are actually “loading” chambers. Their main purpose is to absorb the energy of this beam as it goes up. It is clear that the beam comes out of the pyramid and the pyramid takes away only some part of this energy, but even this is more than enough for those amazing things that we know about to happen in Khufu’s pyramid. Previously, before the “restoration” of 1999, the floor of all unloading chambers was covered with a special porous material that effectively absorbed this energy. During the restoration, it was scraped off and thrown away with the trash. But energy still continues to accumulate in Khufu’s pyramid, although not as efficiently.


The third main element of the pyramid is the top stone, the pyramidion. It was made from different materials, but its main property was that it should conduct energy perfectly. Therefore, the pyramidion was made from paramagnetic materials, most often granite. The rising energy of the Earth, collected from the entire area of ​​the pyramid, was concentrated on the pyramidion, which determined the properties of the pyramid.

Thanks to this, the information placed on the pyramidion programmed the properties of objects in time. Most often, wishes for health to the pharaohs and prosperity to the kingdom were written there. But in the personal pyramid, other cycles can be laid down: on the first lunar day the desired event is laid down, on the fifth it is removed. In the process of energy passing through the pyramidion with embedded information, the energy is transferred to the event that is described. Thus, the pyramidion is a stone that determines the properties of the pyramid relative to the ascending flows of energy.

The downward energy of the pyramid is concentrated as much as possible at the so-called focal point, located at 0.2929 relative height of the pyramid, which in Khufu's pyramid corresponds to the King's Chamber. But it passes not only through this point, but also through the entire pyramid, refracting from the outer edge (if the material is paramagnetic). In the case of a diamagnetic material, external energy is separated from the internal energy and “flows” to the foot of the pyramid, as was the case in Khufu’s pyramid.

And from all of the above, another theory of the purpose of the pyramids is brewing, but more on that later......


Everyone has already heard about the vibrational vibrations of pyramids, the shape of which is based on the rule of the golden ratio. Razor blades become sharper, meat dries out instead of rotting, batteries charge themselves... But these external manifestations are only a banal aspect of the power of the pyramids for sensation seekers. Thousands of years after construction Egyptian pyramids still keeping most their secrets. These gigantic structures have always disturbed human imagination. For many centuries BC, the three pyramids on the Giza plateau were considered historical monuments.
For example, the mysterious and majestic Pyramid of Cheops, which stands out on the Giza plateau, near Cairo. For what purpose was it built, since it did not contain the mummy of the pharaoh, or the royal treasures, or other symbols? The historian Herodotus was the first to study it in the 5th century. At that time it was believed that the pyramid was already 2000 years old. According to mystics, the Egyptian pyramids served as temples for the initiation of priests. Apart from the vision of archaeologists, who look at everything only from a historical point of view, other researchers who are interested in the pyramids can be divided into three spiritual groups.
It is believed that the Egyptian pyramids were built with a focus on both theurgic forces and cosmic radiation, in a special place. Their alignment relative to the cardinal points and rotations of the planets favors the concentration of cosmic energy.
The first group perceives the Cheops pyramid as a universal symbol of mass. The pyramid hides in its internal dimensions various archetypes of units of length and, probably, even time.
For the second group, the pyramid represents mainly huge sundial and an astronomical observatory. The third school is somewhat more adventurous and represents the opinion that the shape of the pyramid mysteriously Promotes plant growth, prolongs food preservation and even sharpens used razor blades.
Energy vibrations of the pyramids
The vibrations emanating from the pyramids operate according to certain basic principles. The first principle is that every form emits vibrations that travel through space and affect it. It is known that these radiations are electromagnetic, but neither their frequencies nor wavelengths are known. Mystics proceed from the fact that the pyramids propagate extremely high vibrations that lie in the terahertz region and thus approach the cosmic vibration of the planet.
It can also be noted that this vibration sensitively reacts to the will, motivation and desire of a person. One of the most famous phenomena in relation to the Cheops pyramid models is the sharpening of razor blades. This is checked as follows: they place a razor blade under the shape of the pyramid, at a height of 1/3 of the total height of the pyramid used, which corresponds to the proportions of the golden ratio - and after about 4 months the blades become sharper. The pyramid and the razor blade should be aligned with the compass: north - south. Razor blades supposedly stay sharp if they are kept there and used daily.
Another phenomenon is the preservation of organic material. Meat, fruits, eggs and vegetables that are placed under the pyramid dry out and are not destroyed, since putrefactive bacteria die. It has also been established that water, after being under the pyramid, acquires special properties and spent batteries are partially charged again.
What can be attributed to the properties of the pyramids?
At first it seems that the Egyptian pyramids, both with regard to telluric and cosmic radiation, were built on special sites. Their alignment relative to the cardinal points of the planet and the rotations of the planets favors the concentration of cosmic energy. Although the Cheops pyramid was built at least 4500 years ago, even today it is aimed correctly at North Pole, although, according to reliable sources, it shifted again and again.
But the essential point lies in the proportions containing the numbers and measures by which the pyramid was built. All its numerical ratios correspond to the golden ratio or the Fibonacci series. When these numerical relationships are materialized, energy arises, which is called form radiation.
However, the same principles were used in the construction of large European cathedrals. Temples were built according to wise geometric calculations, according to which every element, every tower, every rosette was constructed from a square, triangle or pentagon. The places in which they were built were also selected according to the criteria of geobiology and orientation to space.
Use of pyramids
The pyramid is a shape that allows you to conserve energy. Today people use this principle to build smaller models. Provided the proportions match exactly, they are very effective.
Small pyramids from precious stones are very popular. They are placed under the bed to improve sleep. Double pyramids, in which 2 models are inserted into each other, are used in radiesthesia. They are installed in fours to cause a converging energy flow. When one of the outer corners is aligned to the north, the inner pyramid faces north with its apex. The Cheops pyramid model is used by some healers in a double version, with one model being transparent and the other colored. According to them, the pyramids open a passage in the space-time continuum, which allows you to visit both the future and the past. A simple example. Place water under a small pyramid for 1 hour. The water is magnetized and receives healing powers that have a positive effect on your body. Tap water loses the taste of chlorine and chemicals. Water that has been magnetized under the pyramid has a beneficial effect in all respects and promotes the healthy growth of plants, animals and people. Stones can also be cleaned in this way by placing them for at least 1 hour under the pyramid. Every object that was once under the pyramid, even after it is removed from there, continues to receive its energy. And this energy affects not only material objects.
You can also try to make wishes come true. Write it on paper and place it under the pyramid for a period of 3 to 7 days - depending on the importance of the desire. Then burn the paper and imagine that your wish is coming true.

Energy pyramid
In 1990, biotechnician D. Harald Alke intuitively installed two stacked pyramids inside each other, which were contained in the center of a biologically neutral Plexiglas chamber. These double pyramids were 2.7 meters high, and a person could sit there. Many people have confirmed the balanced and calming effect after being in the pyramid. A few minutes are enough to fill yourself with energy. The bioactive field allows you to enhance intellectual abilities and eliminate tension - a person draws directly from cosmic energy.
As a result of experiments carried out over 5 years with three different models, the following was revealed:
model A 18 centimeters high has a strong effect on the heart chakra. This allows you to feel secure and close to yourself. The bioactive field stabilizes our energy field. In addition, it neutralizes negative influences within a radius of at least 8 meters;
model B 45 centimeters high promotes a sense of dynamics and has activating vibration. The regulating field extends over a radius of at least 25 meters. Using the Kirlian method, it can be proven that this pyramid enhances the energy flow in the acupuncture meridians. Medical research by Dr. Schimmel from Heidelberg using test devices from Vega-Grieshaber has shown that in the resulting force field, the aging process of human cells is significantly slowed down.
model C 1.8 meters high, the field radius of which is 250 meters, distributes a large amount of vital energy in space. This primarily affects the first, fourth and seventh chakras and creates a deep, therapeutic mood of introspection. Many report sensations of flying, some remember their past incarnations.
The first two models have a disk with biocondensation in the center, which allows you to energetically charge, for example, medicine or other objects. The three models complement each other, since each operates at a certain frequency, which has a positive and constructive effect on human health. Bioactive energy stimulated by our thoughts allows us to provide significant influence for the implementation of plans and for the future.
The pyramid is a shape that allows you to conserve energy. Today people use this principle to build smaller models. Provided they exactly match the proportions of the Cheops pyramid, they are very effective.
From a technical point of view, dual models are equipped with special antennas magnetic field, since they operate optimally only when they are aligned with the compass. The outer pyramid is aligned along the so-called Hartmann grid, the magnetic field lines of which run in the north-south and east-west directions. The inner pyramid is rotated 45 degrees and activates the diagonal grid forces. At the center of such a dual pattern, these two forces collide and high tension is created. Thus, a force field arises. Sensitive people can see this process. Double models function differently than cairns.
The shape of the pyramid as an energy generator enhances brain activity. It increases the frequency significantly. This affects the ability to concentrate, meditate, and relax, while the pyramid intensifies the vibrations. Regular work with the pyramid, holding hands over the stone pyramid during breathing exercises causes an improvement in physical condition, makes it possible to reach higher levels of consciousness, or at least awakens perceptions that go beyond the ordinary.

The pyramids are the most amazing miracle of the seven ancient wonders, the only ones that have survived almost in their original form to this day. For many millennia, different estimates from 4,500 to 200,000 years, humanity creates pyramid-shaped structures. Pyramids have been found on almost all continents of the Earth and have even been discovered on Mars. But, of course, the Great Pyramids of Egypt are more famous than others. Their creations are attributed to the Egyptians, Atlanteans, and even aliens. These are the pyramids of the pharaohs of the dynasty: Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Chephren) and Menkuar (Mikerin), rising above the desert in Giza, now a suburb of Cairo. They were built during the period of the ancient kingdom (2900 - 2270 BC).

For hundreds of years, there have been debates about the age, purpose, properties and effects of the pyramids, as well as the technology of their construction. Many hypotheses have been proposed - both complementary and contradictory. A huge number of monographs have been published, scientific works, articles and popular science books. However, the pyramids remain largely a mystery.

I will not touch upon the controversial issue of the age of the Great Pyramids and hypotheses about their purpose, but will focus on the “miraculous properties” with which the pyramids are shrouded.

The purpose of my work is to study the mysterious energy of the pyramids based on a model experiment. As a model, I used a quadrangular pyramid and a cube made of dielectric.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were outlined:

1. Study the literature on my research topic.

2. Making models of the cube pyramid.

3. Carrying out a series of experiments to study the “miraculous properties” of the pyramids.

4. Analysis of the results obtained, their generalization, formulation of conclusions.

Theoretical justification of the topic

A short excursion through modern sources allows us to conclude that our ancestors had knowledge about the properties of pyramidal structures and knew how to use them.

For example, peasants in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries, knowing about the biological suppressive effects of pyramid-shaped structures, even stored meat products not in refrigerated cellars, but in the attics of houses and barns, the roofs of which were built in the form of quadrangular pyramids. These are four-pitched or hipped roofs. And experiments in the field of radiesthesia by Bulgarian scientists I. Milev, I. Yotov and others made it possible to create special vegetable storage facilities in the form of a pyramid, which are successfully used in a number of European countries.

It should also be noted that it was not for nothing that medieval magicians and astrologers wore cone-shaped caps. They apparently knew about the “interaction of the cone, cosmic energy and information.” And recently, one, albeit not very serious newspaper, reported that the owner of a financial form in the United States ordered his employees to wear pyramid hats while working. The company's revenues allegedly tripled

For a number of years, experimenters from different countries (USA, France, Russia, etc.) have conducted experiments on the use of pyramids for storing and drying vegetables and other food products. The “ennobling” effect of the pyramids on coffee, tea, cigarettes, wine, drinks, as well as perfumes and cosmetics has been recorded.

Pyramidal forms are often implemented in architecture. This is confirmed by buildings under construction in Moscow and other cities. Moreover, in the form of a pyramid, as a rule, the roof or decorative superstructure is made. In US architecture, the pyramidal form is implemented in the buildings of the Tutankhamun Museum, consisting of three brick pyramids in the vicinity of Chicago, the grand Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas and the Sports Palace in Memphis.

Laboratory studies have shown that the growth of microorganisms inside the pyramids stops, food does not spoil, food is sublimated, after which it can be eaten without harm to health even after a long shelf life (without freezing).

There is even a patented effect for sharpening razor blades, and placing a pyramid under fuel tank car reduces fuel consumption (Germany). The ability of pyramids to influence the state and intensity of geomagnetic anomalies of natural and artificial origin has been recorded.

The possibility of using pyramids to reduce the level of electromagnetic fields of computers, as well as to enhance human protective functions from negative fields (for example, power lines, household and organizational equipment), to structure and refine water, etc. has been experimentally confirmed.

In 1979 and 1982, two devices were patented in France. In particular, the possibility of biological purification (silvering) of water was considered.

It has been established that pyramids have the properties of increasing the influence of cosmic radiation on plants. As a result of many studies, it has been revealed that plants inside the pyramids or in its zone grow faster and bloom earlier (and faster than plants placed in cubic volumes).

The effects of pyramids on prevention and health improvement are also known. Staying inside the pyramids at a certain level of its height or in the zone of its action, as well as drinking water processed in its active zone, allows a person to effectively improve his health (Russia, Peru, Brazil, etc.). Moreover, the initial impetus for recovery is the restoration of energy balance.

In the materials of the seminar “Noospheric interactions and ethnoscience” provides information about positive impact the effect of the shape of the pyramids on the biological parameters of human blood.

Surely, the scope of application of pyramidal forms is much wider and is waiting for its researchers. You will get acquainted with the results of my research in the next chapter.

Research methodology and technology.

To conduct research you can use various designs pyramids presented by various authors. Clay hollow pyramids with a height of 10 cm with a square base of 10 10 cm and an edge length of 12.25 cm are known. In another version of the design, the edges of the pyramid are made of transparent ruby-colored glass plates, which are fixed with a metal edging. The frame pyramids of I. Milev have been known for quite a long time. They usually have a height of 15-30 cm or more. They are made from wire with a diameter of 2-3mm or from tubes. Conical pyramids can also be used.

There are many other pyramid designs known. However, the principles of building any pyramid are the same. Let's assume that we need to build a tetrahedral pyramid with a height of 20 cm. To do this we will need four isosceles triangles made of cardboard. The height of the pyramid (the distance from the top to the center of its base) is the initial value on which all other parameters depend. To determine the length of the base of four triangles, 20 cm is multiplied by the number 1.57075, and we get 31.415 cm (rounded to 31.4). To determine the sides isosceles triangle the same 20 cm must be multiplied by the number 1.4945 and we get 29.89 cm (rounded to 29.9). The desired triangle looks like it is shown in the figure. The technique of making pyramids is described in more detail in the journal “Physical Culture and Sports”.

You can also make a conical pyramid. To do this, you need to draw a circle on a piece of flexible material and cut it in half. Next, take one semicircle and fold it so that point A coincides with point B and connect the edges with a flexible tape.

Employees of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an experiment to study the energy of pyramids using two chambers - a pyramidal one measuring 40 40 24.5 cm and a cubic one with a 26 cm edge. The cameras were made of dielectric, in this case, cardboard (cardboard is a material that transmits infrared radiation well). It was the last version of the design that I used in my work.

The dimensions of the pyramid are selected in accordance with the principle of the “Golden Proportion” or “Golden Section”, like the pyramids built in Egypt. Let me remind you that the “golden ratio” is the division of a segment in such a ratio that part A is the same number of times larger than part B as A is smaller than the entire segment A + B. The A/B ratio is equal to the number “F” = 1.618

The pyramid should be oriented to the cardinal points.

Identical test samples are placed in the pyramid and cube on an H-shaped stand at a height of 2/3 of the height of the pyramid.

Research results.

Experiment 1. “The influence of the pyramid on the pecking of wheat grains.”

Equipment: 2 saucers, 30 grains of wheat, cardboard pyramid, cardboard cube.

Procedure of the experiment: Put 15 grains of wheat in each saucer, wrapped in a damp bandage. He placed one saucer under the pyramid, the other under the cube. Within a day (24 hours) at a temperature of 20˚C, the grains under the pyramid all sprouted, the sprouts reached 1 mm, but under the cube the sprouts only began to hatch, and even then not all grains.

Conclusion: the special energy of the pyramid has a beneficial effect on the germination of wheat grains.

Experiment 2. “The influence of the pyramid on the voltage of galvanic cells”

Equipment: 14 batteries, voltmeter, cardboard pyramid, cardboard cube.

Procedure of the experiment: I put 7 batteries under the pyramid, 7 under the cube. measuring the voltage with a voltmeter (I used R6(AA) 1.5V batteries - “finger-type”). After two days (48 hours) I measured it again. Under the cube, the voltages remained the same.

The battery voltage has increased slightly, but has increased. This confirms the existence of a special energy field of the pyramid.

Experiment 3. “The influence of the pyramid on the safety of products.”

Equipment: Apple, cardboard pyramid, cardboard cube.

Procedure: Cut the apple in half. I put one half under the pyramid, the other under the cube. A day later, a brown coating formed on the apple under the cube, but under the pyramid it retained its initial freshness.

Conclusion: the energy field of the pyramids slows down the processes of decay.

Experiment 4. “The influence of the pyramid on the rate of evaporation of water.”

Equipment: 2 identical vessels, 200 ml of water in each, a cardboard pyramid, a cardboard cube.

Procedure of the experiment: 2 identical vessels were filled with the same amount of water (200 ml). I used a felt-tip pen to mark the water level in each. One vessel was placed under the pyramid, the other under the cube. After 5 days (120 hours), the water level under the pyramid dropped by 3mm, under the cube - by 2mm.

Conclusion: the pyramid accelerates the process of water evaporation.

Experiment 5. “The influence of the pyramid on the vital activity of living organisms.”

Equipment: a clutch of Colorado potato beetles on a potato sheet, a cardboard pyramid, a cardboard cube.

Procedure of the experiment: The sheet with the masonry was divided in half. I put one part under the pyramid, the other under the cube. After 10 days, 18 out of 20 larvae hatched under the pyramid, and 10 out of 18 under the cube.

Conclusion: the pyramid accelerates the development process of living organisms.

The mechanism of action of the pyramids or

“The secret always becomes clear.”

To date, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the mechanism of action of pyramids and pyramidal forms.

Russian biophysicists, for example, believe that hollow pyramids are a kind of heat engines. They believe that there is nothing supernatural in the properties of the pyramids, and the results of the study depend, first of all, on the shape and size of the chamber. The location of the sample in the chamber also plays a certain role. When calculating the evaporation process taking into account six parameters of the chamber (its height, volume, its change in height, the height of the sample, the cross-sectional area of ​​the chamber at this height and the rate of heating of the air inside the chamber), Russian biophysicists obtained an equation, the result of which showed that the calculated values agree well with the experimental ones.

How then can we explain many of the other “miracle properties” of the pyramid? Another explanation for the mechanism of action of pyramidal structures is related to the existence of an energy field inside and outside the pyramid. There are different opinions regarding the shape of the energy field of the pyramids. The version shown in the figure was obtained by dowsing. It characterizes, according to I. Efimova, the internal regions of tetrahedral pyramids. The functioning mechanism of the pyramid provides for a clear division of the area into three zones of equal height. The main mechanism is the transformation of energy from bottom to top.

In the lower part, the corners of the base play a special role. Through them, within the range of action, energy is captured from the outside, that is, in the lower part there is an accumulation of external energy, which, in terms of its effect on a person, can be defined as “conditionally negative”.

In the middle part of the volume of the pyramid there is a qualitative transformation of energy into a more “subtle substance”, and in the upper part it is already “conditionally positive”. The top is the place where energy is released.

In the version of the frame structure of the pyramid, the top is equipped with an antenna with emitters. According to I. Efimova, a pyramid of this modification ensures the transformation of the environment into an energetically positive area in the shape of a vertical cylinder. The dimensions of the cylinder depend on the size of the pyramid and the material from which the pyramid is made.

A hemispherical energy field is formed under the base of the pyramid. Talking about the impact on environment, it is stated that there are no hepatogenic manifestations within the energy field zone.


What conclusions can be drawn based on all this information?

1. Based on the accumulated experience and experimental data, we can conclude that a wide range of properties, effects and various impacts of pyramidal forms on the Earth’s environment are manifested.

2. Pyramid structures act as an accumulator (generator) of an energy field, the nature and parameters of which have not yet been determined by traditional science methods.

3. A person must learn to adapt and use natural manifestations for his benefit, and not try to break nature. She knows how to defend herself. Therefore, what is needed is not confrontation, but understanding and community.

I hope that in the near future humanity will learn to use the energy of the pyramids to their advantage, and the pyramids will become not only an object of research, but also a necessary thing in every home in solving many, many problems.

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