Computer mice come only in laser type. A house mouse, a small animal, is a great joy. Types of computer mice

26.04.2014 0 27464

In order to fully illuminate the issue of types computer mice, and also give you advice on how to choose the best one for yourself, you must first talk about the history of the creation of the first computer mouse, show what it looked like, who and when was its inventor

The history of the creation of the first computer mouse and who is its inventor?

Douglas Engelbar He is considered the inventor of the first computer mouse; he began working on it in 1964. It got its name from the wire, which, according to the inventor, looked like a mouse's tail. The computer mouse was first presented to the public on December 9, 1968 in California at a show of interactive devices. Frame first computer mouse was self made and was made of wood. There was one single button at the top, and two disks at the bottom, one moved when the mouse moved vertically, the other, respectively, horizontally.

In 1970, Douglas Engelbar received a patent for his invention.

In 1981, Xerox, which now specializes in the production of printers and cartridges, introduced the computer mouse as part of the Xerox 8010 Star Information System personal computer. The manipulator already had three buttons, and the disks were replaced with a ball and rollers. The cost of this device reached $500.

In 1983, Apple introduced its own version of the computer mouse for their Lisa computer. They managed to create a convenient and cheap device that costs $20. In many ways, this determined such a stunning success.

In the USSR, a computer mouse was produced, the Kolobok Manipulator, which had a heavy metal ball.

Types of computer mice

There are the following types computer mice:

  • mechanical
  • optical
  • laser
  • trackball
  • induction
  • hydroscopically
  • sensory

Mechanical computer mice or ball mice are practically no longer used. Their distinctive characteristic are the size and presence of a heavy rubber ball, as well as the mandatory presence of a mat, which is designed to improve positioning, which in mechanical mice leaves much to be desired, especially in fast computer games. Another disadvantage is the need to constantly clean the ball from dirt and small particles.

In optical mice Instead of a rotating ball, an LED and a sensor are used, which improves positioning and reduces the size of the device. Such manipulators work like cameras, scanning the surface along which they move. Some models take several thousand pictures per second, which are processed by the mouse microprocessor and sends information to the computer. This mouse can work without a mousepad, but not as well as a laser mouse.

Laser computer The mouse does not differ in appearance from an optical one, but instead of an LED and a sensor, it uses a laser. This allows you to significantly increase its accuracy and reduce energy consumption. In addition, it can work on almost any surface (glass, carpet, etc.)

Trackball has a convex ball and resembles an inverted mechanical computer mouse. By rotating this ball, you move the cursor around the screen; you do not need to move the mouse itself. This is where its advantage comes from: it requires less space to operate than a classic computer mouse. In addition, it has significantly higher ergonomic indicators, as studies have shown that after 4 hours of active use of a computer mouse, the hand becomes 60% weaker due to fatigue, while using a trackball does not have such a negative effect.

Induction mice work by using inductive energy. For their functioning, a special mat is required, which works on the principle of a graphic tablet. These mice have good accuracy, but they are very impractical and expensive. Gyroscopic mice- a new generation of devices that recognize movement not only in the plane, but also in space, i.e. it can be removed from the table altogether.

Touch mice. The latest models of these manipulators have neither buttons nor a wheel, and support touchpad technology. This allows you to use various gestures to press, scroll in any direction, zoom, and customize the execution of the commands you need. They are distinguished by their amazing appearance and compactness.

How to choose the best computer mouse for yourself?

  • buy touch (see description above) or laser optical models
  • wireless mice much more convenient than wired ones
  • ergonomics, the computer mouse should fit comfortably in your hand
  • Battery life in operating and standby mode
  • dpi indicator (the higher, the more accurate the mouse will be)
  • pay attention to the company, the most popular now are Razer, Microsoft, A4Tech, Genius, Logitech, Defender
  • if it is a button mouse, pay attention to mice that do not have audible button presses, convenient if you use a computer at home at night
  • additional software, which allows you to set programmable buttons and gestures

For some, the small gray animal causes disgust, for others it causes tenderness. But whether a person wants it or not, the mouse is his constant companion. So why not get to know this animal better? How long do mice live? How do they triple their homes? What do they eat and how do they reproduce? How to choose a pet and provide it with comfortable conditions?

  • Class: Mammals;
  • Order: Rodents;
  • Suborder: Mouse-like;
  • Family: Mice;
  • Subfamily: Mouse.

Mouse - description and external characteristics

These small rodents are distributed throughout the entire earth, excluding the extreme northern and high-mountain regions. The closest relatives of mice are jerboas, mole rats, hamsters and dormice. And more distantly related are rats, chinchillas, porcupines, beavers, and guinea pigs. In total, the Mouse subfamily includes 121 genera and more than 300 species.

The mouse is a small animal with an elongated and pointed muzzle, large round ears and bulging beady eyes. A long, hairless or slightly furred tail is a distinctive feature of the animal. The limbs, which are not the same in length, are adapted for digging and moving along vertical and horizontal surfaces. The body length of a rodent can vary from 3 to 20 cm, weight - from 15 to 50 g.

Mice have a special bite. On the lower and upper jaws the animal has 2 chisel-shaped teeth, which are continuously growing. Rodents are forced to constantly grind them down, which is why their incisors are very sharp.

Animals from the Mouse family have good eyesight and can distinguish between red and yellow shades. The usual body temperature of these rodents ranges from 37.5 to 39⁰C. The maximum lifespan of mice is 4 years.

How mice behave in their natural environment

In order for rodents to maintain a constant body temperature, they need to be active in winter and summer, day and night. Gluttony and fussiness for mice are characteristic traits that help them survive and leave offspring.

In the fall, animals begin collecting provisions in a burrow or on the surface of the ground, where the “warehouse” is camouflaged with earth. And if in the off-season rodents are awake at night and sleep during the day, then in winter they remain active around the clock. In spring and autumn, when there is no shortage of food and no temperature fluctuations, mice actively reproduce.

Mice live large families, since together it is easier for them to defend themselves, get food, build homes, and raise offspring. In a mouse pack there is a leader who maintains order in the group. Female mice are peaceful. But young males do not always put up with their subordinate position. Stomping with its hind legs and aggressive tail strikes indicate the animal’s intention to conquer the “throne.” Inter-family clashes can lead to the disintegration of the pack.

Mice spend most of their time in burrows, raising offspring, escaping danger, storing food, or resting after eating it. The maximum depth of the burrow is 70 cm, and the total length of the passages can reach 20 m. Some species of mice build nests in thickets tall grasses(little mouse) or live in tree roots and old stumps ( wood mouse).

Minks can be temporary or permanent, and the latter can be summer or winter. Temporary housing for animals is simply planned. The permanent mouse hole has a spacious nesting chamber and several entrances. In summer burrows where rodents give birth, bedding is created from fluff, blades of grass, shavings and feathers. And in winter, a pantry is set up for food supplies.

What does a mouse eat in the wild?

In summer and autumn, when the time comes for the harvest to ripen, mice begin to actively prepare food reserves for winter. The main food of animals is grain crops, as well as seeds. various plants. Field mice love wheat, barley, oats, and buckwheat.

Rodents living in forests feed on cedar and hazel nuts, maple and beech seeds, acorns, and small insects. And animals living near bodies of water prefer to eat leaves, roots and stems of plants, berries, grasshoppers, caterpillars, larvae, spiders and other invertebrates. House mice living near people willingly adapt to the human diet and eat bread, meat, dairy products, and sweets.

Animals living in the wild drink very little. The mouse body independently produces water by breaking down food. Additional sources of moisture are fleshy plant leaves, fruits, and vegetables.

Enemies of mice

The mouse is a key link in the food chain of many ecosystems. Many wild animals depend on the existence of this small rodent. For mice living in the forest, the main enemies are foxes, martens, arctic foxes, ferrets, stoats, weasels, lynxes and even wolves. Predators easily tear apart burrows and can eat up to 30 small animals a day.

Mice are the main food for snakes and large lizards. Reptiles such as boas, pythons, vipers, and radiant snakes swallow their prey whole. During the hunt, the snake freezes, and then suddenly attacks the victim, biting it with poisonous teeth, and then waits for the animal to become motionless.

There is also danger lurking for mice from above. Among birds there are predators that differ in the power of their beaks, visual acuity and hearing. These are owls, buzzards, hawks, eagles, owls, kites. They hunt during the day or night, making swift attacks from the air.

The lifespan of rodents directly depends on the conditions environment. The average is 2-3 years. The greatest influence on the lifespan of animals is exerted by factors such as climate, nutrition, infectious diseases and attacks by wild animals.

Both frost and dry, hot weather can be detrimental to mice. Too sharp temperature fluctuations destroy numerous rodent colonies. Often the weather is related to the opportunity to eat well. An inadequate diet significantly shortens the life of a mouse.

Many species of mice that live away from people live a little less or more than a year. And an animal tamed by humans, receiving balanced nutrition and care, can live up to 6 years.

Reproduction in mice

The mouse is a polygamous animal. In nature, one male fertilizes from 2 to 12 females. Over 12 months, mice have from 3 to 8 litters. The female reaches sexual maturity 10 weeks after birth. At this time, she begins to go into heat, which lasts 5 days and is expressed in special behavior.

If after coating the female fails to become pregnant, a new estrus occurs within a week. If fertilization is successful, the female animal is expected to give birth in 17-24 days. There are from 3 to 9 cubs in one litter. Female mice give birth at night. Babies, when born, are unable to move, hear or see. They have no hair, and the size ranges from 2 to 3 cm. The little mice develop rapidly:

  • 3 days - fluff appears on the body;
  • 5 days - the cubs begin to hear;
  • Day 7 - the animal’s body weight doubles;
  • 14 days - palpebral fissures appear;
  • Day 19 - the mice begin to eat on their own;
  • 25 days - the length of the body reaches 500 mm (the tail is 15-20 mm shorter) and the mouse is already sexually mature.

Decorative mice develop a little slower. It is recommended to mate them no more than 2-3 times a year. Repeated births exhaust the female, and each subsequent offspring becomes weaker.

Types of wild mice

Shrew or shrew mouse (Myosorex)

Animals from the shrew family are divided into only 14 species. This mouse with long nose differs in small size (6-10 cm). Only the born cubs weigh less than 1 g. The animal’s nose, curved at the end, is called the proboscis. The animal's coat is shiny, thick, and silky; There are gray, ocher, reddish shades.

A mouse with a long cute nose navigates in space thanks to its sense of smell. It is an omnivore, but prefers to eat insects, as well as some vertebrates (frogs, baby rodents, small reptiles). Without food, this animal can live no more than 10 hours.

Shrews live in large concentrations in South America, Africa, Australia. This small mouse with a long nose feels great near bodies of water, wet forests and low-growing thickets.

Japanese mouse (Sylvaemus mystacinus)

A mouse with large round ears and a long nose. It is also called Asia Minor. Inhabits the islands of Japan, southwestern Georgia, and the Kuril Islands of Russia. Prefers mountainous uplands, mixed forests, with dense shrubby undergrowth.

Japanese mice do not dig holes, inhabiting voids in trees and buildings, accumulations of stones and dense bushes. The length of the body and tail are almost equal (up to 13 cm). Only 6 reproduce warm months per year, during this time they give birth to 2-3 litters of 3-6 cubs.

Wood mouse (Sylvaemus sylvaticus)

A distinctive feature of the animal is a yellow round spot on the chest. The length of the rodent is 12 cm, the tail is 7-10 cm. These mice can occupy abandoned holes, rotten stumps, voids under stones and other natural shelters. The wood mouse is especially common in Siberia, Western Asia, Altai, deciduous forests Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. It feeds on cereals, seeds, nuts, and insects.

Gerbil mouse (Gerbillidae)

In the Mouse gerbil family, gerbils are classified into a separate subfamily, numbering more than 100 species of animals. The natural habitat of these animals is the arid steppes of Eastern Europe, African and Asian deserts and semi-deserts. They are active in daytime; In winter they do not hibernate, but their lifestyle becomes more sluggish.

Externally, the gerbil mouse looks more like a rat. The length of the animal can reach 20 cm and weight 250 g. The color of the animal is brownish-sandy on the back and lighter on the chest. A well-furred long tail falls off in dangerous situations, and a new one does not grow. The gerbil mouse can walk on its hind legs and jump over long distances (up to 4 m). It feeds on grains of wheat, barley, corn, millet, as well as fruits and nuts.

Little mouse (Micromys minutus)

The name of the genus is associated with the miniature size of the animal. The maximum length of the animal's body is 7 cm, and the tail - 5 cm. The animal prefers to live in the steppe and forest-steppe, in grain fields, and in floodplain meadows. Among the grass you can find spherical houses of this rodent, made of dry stems and leaves.

The baby mouse is distinguished by its fiery red coloration of its skin, which appears after the first molt. It feeds on invertebrates, green leaves, and grains. The little mouse is peaceful, quickly adapts to a new environment, and therefore can be tamed by people.

White mouse (Mus musculus)

It is also called the house mouse or house mouse because the animal has adapted to live near humans. In living quarters, sheds, and storerooms, these rodents hide complex, multi-channel burrows, where they live in large colonies. Not far from their burrows, they make storage areas for food: seeds, nuts, crackers, pieces of vegetables.

The white mouse is not a large animal, its length reaches 8-11 cm. The long tail is covered with sparse hair, and scaly rings are clearly visible on it. The color of the animal’s skin depends on the species, but the fur on the back is darker than on the belly. The house mouse lives on all continents, in all climate zones and is a faithful companion to humans.

Grass mouse (Arvicanthis)

The length of an individual's body together with the tail can exceed 30 cm. The gray or brown fur consists of elongated soft hairs and stiff bristles, as well as hard spiked hairs. individual view ov. Their rhythm of life is similar to that of humans - they are awake during the day and sleep at night.

The homeland of grass mice is Southeast Africa. These rodents love moisture and live mainly in river floodplains and in humid tropical plantations. They can both dig holes and occupy other people's homes.

Field mouse (Apodemus agrarius)

The field mouse is not like other rodents of the Mouse family. The animal has a clear, contrasting color stripe on its skin, which runs along the entire spine, from the muzzle to the base of the tail. The size of the animal varies from 8 to 12 cm without a tail. The color, depending on the species, can vary from light gray to dark brown and black. The field mouse builds its home on its own or uses suitable structures.

The field mouse inhabits the territories of Western and Northern Europe, as well as part of Asia: China, Sakhalin, Taiwan. The animal loves meadows and fields, in deciduous thickets, but is also found in the city. The field mouse feeds on invertebrate insects, cereals, plant stems and fruits.

House mouse: choosing a pet

Decorative mice are friendly, non-aggressive, clean, quickly get used to their owners, and are very easy to care for. When choosing an animal, you should pay attention to the habits and appearance of the rodent. An animal in good health looks like this:

  • the fur does not stick out, there are no bald patches;
  • teeth white, straight;
  • the animal has moist and shiny eyes;
  • the animal does not have mucous discharge from the nostrils and eyes;
  • The mouse is actively moving and feeding.

We must not forget how many years mice live. The maximum lifespan of these animals is 3-4 years, so it is better to choose a pet under the age of 12 months. You need to pay attention to the sex of the rodent, since several males will not get along in one home.

Males are slightly larger than females, their body resembles an elongated pear. A 30-day-old male mouse has formed testicles under its tail. And in the female, from the 3rd day after birth, 5 pairs of rudimentary nipples are clearly visible.

The house mouse is a collective animal, so it is better to purchase several individuals. If further breeding of animals is planned, then males and females must be kept separately until mating.

Thanks to modern selection, ornamental mice have hundreds of species, among which there are singing, “waltzing”, and animals with unusual coat colors (white albino mice, pure black mice, ashy and cream-colored animals).

Some types of mice are especially popular:

  • The Japanese dwarf mouse is very tiny, up to 5 cm long. The white skin is decorated with black and brown spots. Friendly, clean and energetic. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. There are 5-7 mice in a litter.
  • Spiny mouse or akomis - a large decorative mouse with many needles located along the entire back. The color is reddish-brown or blackish-red. The neck is framed by a voluminous fat hump. The nose is elongated, the eyes are bulging, the ears are large and oval in shape. The mouse is very active and quickly gets used to people.
  • Decorative African striped mouse - has an interesting coloring: light and dark stripes alternate along the body. Doesn't come from an animal unpleasant odor. It climbs well on vertical surfaces. The striped mouse is a very shy animal. In case of danger, it can pretend to be dead or jump to a height of up to 2.5 m. The body length rarely exceeds 10 cm.

Care and maintenance of mice at home

The house where decorative mice live can be a cage, an aquarium, a transparent plastic box. For a small number of animals, a dwelling measuring 25*45*22 cm is sufficient. The bottom of the terrarium is covered with sawdust from fruit trees or hygienic filling made from corn, paper, straw. Decorative rodents need to change their bedding at least once a week, but preferably every 3 days. The top of the terrarium is covered with a lid with holes for oxygen.

Several shelters are equipped inside the house, preferably at different heights. All types of mice are very active and run around in natural environment up to 40 km per day, so the terrarium must have a running wheel. You can supply water to rodents through a hanging drinking bowl or pour it into a small saucer.

A decorative mouse is an animal that easily gets cold and overheats. It is better to place the animal’s house away from the window, protect the cage from drafts and bright sunlight. The ideal temperature for these rodents is 20-22⁰С.

What do decorative mice eat?

All animals from the Mouse family are prone to obesity, so you need to know what the ornamental mouse eats. The basis of the animal’s diet is cereals: barley, wheat, corn, sorghum. The grain should not be ground. Usually house mice are very small and eat up to 1 tsp per day. stern.

The animals' favorite treats are sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, caraway seeds, Walnut, peanuts and hazelnuts. Vegetables and fruits are necessary in the animal's diet. It is better if the vegetables are green: cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, parsley. And the fruits are not very sweet and juicy: apple, banana, quince, pear, plum. Occasionally you can give bread and egg whites.

What mice don’t eat: citrus fruits, smoked meats, meat, food for cats and dogs.

Species of wild rodents have long been considered enemies of humans. The field mouse damages grain crops. The house mouse contaminates food with feces and urine, and damages books, clothing, and home furnishings. Many types of mice carry infectious diseases: salmonellosis, hepatitis, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, false tuberculosis and others.

But mice also bring significant benefits to people. Cosmetologists and doctors have been using mice for centuries to conduct all kinds of experiments. This is due to the extraordinary fertility of rodents and the similarity of the human and mouse genomes.

Zoologists raise special food mice for pythons, agamas, boas, geckos, snakes, ferrets, owls and cats. Sometimes decorative rodents are used for such purposes and sold to pet stores.

In ancient Greece, the white mouse was considered a sacred animal. Colonies of thousands of animals lived in the temples. They were heroes of legends and myths. They thought that the white mouse helped the oracles see the future, and the active reproduction of animals promised prosperity and a good harvest. The black mouse was considered a product of dirt and was subject to extermination.

In Japan they believed that a white mouse brings happiness. Seeing a place where a colony of rodents lives is a good sign, and a dead mouse meant grief. The Chinese considered this animal a symbol of wisdom and honesty. But among the ancient Persians and Egyptians, on the contrary, both the white and black mice were endowed with destructive, evil powers. They associated rodent invasions with the machinations of the terrible god Ahriman.

Cats appeared in the human home due to the dominance of harmful rodents. Even 6 thousand years ago, people began to feed wild cats, and they, in turn, began to protect their food supplies. But even now mice remain a favorite pastime for domestic cats. This long-standing enmity is the basis of many fairy tales, songs, cartoons, and proverbs. In the Internet era, special videos for cats have appeared. A mouse on the screen becomes a reason for a domestic cat to remember its hunting instincts.

  • Mice don't like cheese at all. Rather, animals will prefer whole grains or seeds. The favorite treat for these little rodents is smoked lard. It is often used as bait in a mousetrap.
  • Just one year is how long a male marsupial mouse lives. Nature gave these animals only 2 weeks to reproduce. After mating, which lasts 10-13 hours, the male dies to give life to his babies.
  • Great importance communication between mice has an odor. With the help of “odorous” marks (from feces, urine, secretions from glands), rodents delimit territory, orient themselves in space, and transmit information to each other. Each mouse family has its own unique smell, indicating the genetic makeup of the animal.
  • The cheerful, bug-eyed mouse, the restless little one, is the constant heroine of the modern multimedia world. Fun tablet and phone games offer to catch the mouse on the screen; For a domestic cat this can become a real drug, and for its owner it can be a reason to laugh heartily.

Mice are the smallest rodents on the planet, bringing both benefit and harm to people. They spoil crop supplies and are carriers of dangerous infections. But using mice in scientific research helps save human lives.

Diverse in appearance and lifestyle, mice are often easy prey for predatory reptiles, birds and mammals. Because of this, animals rarely live long lives. Their small size, calm temperament and funny behavior make these rodents suitable for keeping as pets. Animals that are lucky enough to become human pets live much longer than their wild relatives.

Understanding modern mice can sometimes be very difficult. One has a dozen buttons, the other has two joysticks, and even some kind of lever here on the left... Oops, it’s broken. Sorry, is this a warranty issue? And after all this, there is only one thought in my head: “Yes, I just need good mouse! With normal and simple shape and human ergonomics. And an accurate sensor! Well, really, you want it to fit well in your hand, and to look attractive in appearance... Well, the software is very desirable, otherwise how can you configure the mouse without it?” This is all very familiar.

You can't have everything at once, but you can choose a mouse that, given certain goals, will satisfy most of your needs. In some ways, gaming mice are similar to each other - good quality assembly and materials; competent technical base, well-thought-out ergonomics, and so on. However, famous manufacturers have many worthy models in their arsenal, and all these mice cost a lot of money. Therefore, in this article I will talk about all the main aspects that you should pay attention to when choosing a gaming mouse.


The shape is the first thing you should pay attention to. The more comfortable it is to hold the mouse, the more enjoyable it is to play and work on the computer. If the mouse fits comfortably in your hand, then everything else is not very important. And here neither the sensor, nor the materials, nor the build quality will decide. The shape of a mouse is a subjective factor, so it is impossible to choose a mouse based only on technical characteristics and dry data. As well as on other people's opinions. The ideal form simply does not exist - it is different for everyone. And following your preferences, you can choose to choose the mouse that will be closest to the cherished ideal.

Based on the type of shape, mice are divided into two main types - ergonomic and symmetrical (also called “Ambidextrous”). The first mice can also be called asymmetrical, since they are made taking into account the characteristics of only one hand (right or left). The latter have the same design on both the left and right sides, so they can be used by both right-handers and left-handers.

Based on size, mice can be divided into large, medium and small. Small mice are quite compact, and they are more convenient when working with a laptop than when playing games. Optimal choice there will be a mouse of average or big size, because it’s more convenient to hold them with your whole hand. And it all depends on your grip. If you like to place your entire palm on the mouse - mouse large sizes would be preferable; If you like a tenacious grip with your fingers, then a medium-sized mouse will suit your grip quite well.


The sensor is the second component after the form, to which you should pay the closest attention. There is one stereotype in the gaming segment regarding sensor resolution: the higher the dpi, the better. This is wrong. What is more important is the type and model of the sensor itself, as well as its technical characteristics, because the quality of reading, called tracking, depends on it. The better the tracking, that is, the better the mouse reads the surface, the more accurate the tracking of any movements will be. In the language of shooters: the more accurately you will distribute headshots and make sharp jerks and any turns.

Sensor resolution is always indicated in dpi, although you can find other names (dpi, cpi, ppi). All this is the same thing, it’s just called differently, and means sensor resolution - the number of dots per inch. The quality of a sensor is directly related to its technical characteristics. The higher these characteristics, the more accurately the sensor works. And don’t forget the simple and useful rule: A good sensor needs a good carpet.

Sensors are divided into three types:
optical LED
optical laser
laser sensors (using Doppler shift technology, sometimes also called “true laser”)

The main parameters of any sensor are:
speed (ips)
acceleration (g)
number of frames per second (fps)

Which sensor should you prefer and why?

Optical LED(they are simply called optical). The most popular type of sensor installed in mice. It is universal and hassle-free - it works with most carpets, and also has the least problems when reading. Top models optical sensors perform best in terms of gaming - they have excellent tracking, a low lift-off distance from the surface, while they do not have various disadvantages such as acceleration, angular snapping and some other ailments inherent in budget models or other types of sensors. An excellent universal option for shooters and everyday work on the computer, including when working with graphics.

Optical laser(they are simply called laser). A less popular type of sensor, which is distinguished by its operation on almost any surface, as well as its reduced power consumption. Unlike optics, laser sensors have some disadvantages such as unavoidable acceleration, which leads to minor losses in tracking, and therefore this can be critical in games where maximum sensor accuracy is required. Due to their omnivorous nature and low power consumption, these sensors are installed in wireless mice, but in general they are inferior to good optics. For the laser sensor, hard types of surfaces (plastic carpets) are preferred.

Laser(Doppler Shift, sometimes referred to as “real laser”). This type of sensor is less common and is sometimes confused with an optical laser sensor. Technically, these are the most advanced sensors on the market, but they are demanding on the firmware, and therefore not every company undertakes to install them in their mice. In addition, they have several disadvantages, due to which they have “capricious” behavior and are much more demanding on the surface than the above options. At the moment, this does not allow them to become a mass product on the market, although the potential of these sensors is incredibly great.

When choosing a mouse, it is important to pay attention not only to the shape, but also to the model of the sensor installed in it. For this reason, professional gamers and eSports players often choose mice with the best optical sensor, but put moderate values dpi, which range from 400 to 1600 dpi. In this range, the sensors work in the best possible way, they do not have errors or inaccuracies in reading, and the potential of the sensor with its technical parameters is revealed to the maximum possible.


Mouse ergonomics is a subjective factor that varies from person to person. Ergonomics is inextricably linked with the overall perception of shape, but here we will talk about individual details of the mouse. Simply put, ergonomics is how certain controls are designed, what materials the mouse is made of, its weight, cable and other little things that make the device user-friendly.

Controls. The standard set of any gaming mouse includes at least 5 controls: main buttons, side buttons and a wheel. For fans of shooters and simple devices, these buttons will be enough, while people who often play MMORPGs or MOBAs, as well as work in complex programs, may need a much larger number of buttons. An interesting trend in Lately began the creation of mice where you can customize the elements of the device at your discretion - you can adjust the weight, replace or completely remove the side buttons, and also transform one or another part of the mouse for a more comfortable grip.

Materials. When creating gaming devices, any manufacturer strives to create a mouse from practical materials. The advantages of gaming mouse materials are obvious: pleasant tactile sensations, practicality and ease of care, grip in the hand, which is especially important during intense gaming, as well as an attractive appearance. For this purpose they are used different kinds coatings: painted plastic, soft-touch plastic, regular matte plastic, glossy plastic, rubberized coating and rubber pads. These materials are the most common and can be either smooth or textured.

Weight and cable. The small weight makes it easy to control the mouse on the carpet, which is important when playing shooters. At the same time, there are users who prefer a heavier mouse because it “feels good in the hand.” This is a literal phrase from many people who prefer heavy mice. This also includes the cable. Cables come in braided and unbraided varieties, thin and thick, and they partially affect the game. A thin cable is not felt during sudden movements of the mouse, and the braiding allows you to keep it safe, while a thick cable can interfere with the game, depriving some of the freedom of movement, or simply dragging the mouse along with it.

Features and capabilities

Software and built-in memory for storing settings. Well-known manufacturers support their device with software, with which you can configure the buttons and some technical parameters of the mouse in detail (for example, change sensitivity, calibrate the mouse, or adjust the port polling frequency). The software is useful if you want to set up macros or reassign standard mouse buttons to ones that are more convenient for you. And the built-in memory will allow you to save all the settings inside the mouse, so that when you connect the device to another computer, these settings can be recalled from the mouse memory.

Unusual chips. Manufacturers often come up with very convenient things that significantly simplify the gaming and work process, and each manufacturer has their own. Thus, SteelSeries began to equip latest models their mice have vibration motors and displays that provide significant advantages in the same shooters, and Logitech distinguished itself by creating an inertial wheel that allows you to scroll through many pages at once. Other examples are the ability to change the sensor, analog controls and even joysticks, as well as modifying the mouse by replacing the side buttons and panels of the mouse.

Technical equipment and build quality. Often the reliability and durability of the device depends on the installed components; moreover, they are responsible for the tactile sensations when pressing buttons and scrolling the wheel. This applies to microswitches under the main and side buttons, as well as the type of wheel encoder used. No less important is the build quality of the mouse - in gaming mice this parameter is at a very good level, since increased demands are placed on them. Considering the cost, such devices should live up to the expectations placed on them. Here everything depends on the company, and leading peripheral manufacturers have fairly strict quality control.


Appearance is a secondary parameter that can play a role when choosing a gaming mouse. Some people like aggressive and sophisticated execution, while others, as a true esthete, choose laconicism and asceticism with a minimum of design elements. The appearance depends on the types of plastic used, and most often there are black mice in all sorts of designs. However, some people prefer devices that stand out, so you can always find a mouse in some bright and rich colors. If you want to assemble a set of devices in a single color style (for example, white), then in this case a black mouse will look out of place.

Recently, RGB lighting, which is equipped with many gaming mice, has provided extremely wide possibilities for personalization. This backlight works across the entire color spectrum, often passing through the entire body of the device, which looks very unusual and memorable, especially at night. And various lighting effects provide almost limitless space and freedom for imagination when arranging a workplace. In addition, many manufacturers offer a comprehensive lighting system for the interaction of various devices with each other.

Wireless mice

This is just a new word in the genre! Efforts to create productive and accurate gaming mice have been going on for years, but only in the last year have we achieved truly impressive results. Previously, all wireless mice could hardly be called gaming mice, since they had a number of problems: a low-cost and low-performance sensor, delays in data transfer, large weight, short operating time. In addition, the “game” options cost a lot of money, in no way commensurate with their quality.

Recently, the market for wireless gaming devices has seen increased activity. The arrival of some companies marked new era wireless mice because they managed to harness the best optical sensor and get rid of all the shortcomings of previous wireless mice. Now such devices have a moderate weight, a relatively long operating time, they have no delays in data transfer, and they cost a little more than their wired counterparts. The wires, of course, are not going anywhere - otherwise how can you charge the mouse? However, such changes can soon give us a bright future for wireless gaming devices.


The most important thing to consider when choosing a mouse is its shape and sensor. Two important components on which all the convenience of working with the device depends. The form comes first, followed by the sensor. Everything else is up to your taste and discretion. To find your mouse, rely on your past experience possession of various mice. The type of shape, grip, size - all this affects the choice of mouse. Consider the type of shape, size of the mouse, and the grip that is most comfortable for you - all this will help you understand what you like and don’t like about your current mouse. For example, if you have always liked ergonomic mice, but symmetry makes you sick, then it makes sense to stick to ergonomic mice. It is impossible to choose a mouse purely based on technical parameters - palm length and others, so the only sure-fire advice is to try it. Everything that will help when choosing a mouse is your personal experience and feelings.

There are a lot of gaming mice now, so find convenient form isn't that difficult, so it's always a good idea to have an idea of ​​what else you want from a mouse. Materials, weight, appearance, the presence of certain controls, as well as technical equipment and software - all these factors can also greatly influence the further choice of device. The more specific requirements, the fewer options when choosing, but the greater the likelihood of finding exactly the mouse that is perfect for you. Taking into account the latest trends, it is quite possible that preference will shift to wireless mice.

And therefore it will be useful to mention the price here. Pricing of gaming devices is not always logical - the costs of the device, marketing, software and other features are always included in the final cost of the device. So the advice here is simple - choose what you like best. After all, once the right device is chosen, even if it is expensive, it will give you pleasure from use for many years to come.

For a long time, mice and humans have lived side by side. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day the owner of the house had the idea to tame this tiny creature in order to turn it from a pest into an object of care and a source of joy. This is how the domestic mouse appeared - an extremely funny and cute animal that does not bring much trouble, gets along well with humans, and is quite easy to care for.

Reason for choosing a mouse

Decorative house mice are an ideal option for those who decide to have their own animal or teach a child to take care of the weak, but are limited by time, money and square meters.

You can squeeze the mouse

Unlike phlegmatic fish - other inhabitants that do not take up much space - they are able to respond to affection: you can stroke them, feel the warmth of a small body in a fur coat, they are quite affectionate and enjoy sitting in your arms.

Varieties: mouse and mouse are different

Oddly enough, tamed and domesticated mice are divided into only two types. The first species is the albino mouse, also known as the white laboratory mouse. The decorative house mouse is an animal weighing on average 30 grams. with a body 7-12 cm, a tail of the same length, hard, medium-length fur, often one-color: black, brown, gray, sandy color. The lifespan of this miniature animal is on average 2-3 years.

White mouse

The white mouse stands apart - the ancestor of the entire mouse movement. Bred before our era, this creature was a frequent guest in the homes of Chinese emperors, and later, brought to England, quickly won the sympathy of all pet lovers.

In the 19th century, they were attracted to participate in laboratory experiments, as a result of which a separate species appeared - the laboratory mouse. She was bred to participate in laboratory experiments to study social behavior patterns, test medications, and much more that directly benefits humanity. For pet lovers, this species is not so attractive, although albino mice can still be found in city apartments.

Each animal needs its own special space, which it will consider “its place” - sacred and inviolable. Therefore, before you bring mice home, you should take care of where they will live. It was before, not after. Because jars and cardboard boxes are absolutely not suitable for rodents. And any move is always stressful.

Avoid aquariums as well. They are cramped, stuffy, hot, the mouse will not be able to move normally in them and arrange a secluded corner for itself. The best solution would be a spacious cage with metal bars.

Rodent cage

Be sure to make it yourself or buy a small house - a hole where the mouse will spend all day long.

Place the wheel to provide your pet with physical exercise and realize his need for movement. For the same purpose, take care of shelves, ladders and ropes. The animal will be happy to show you its dexterity, and you will also have fun watching its amusing movements.

Sawdust for rodents

Litter is a very important element. The layer should be quite impressive - at least 5 mm. Animals use it not only for its intended purpose, but also to decorate their house, and when there are drafts or low temperatures, they burrow into it to keep warm.

The material should be natural and preferably inexpensive: sawdust, dry peat crumbs, shavings, hay. Avoid cotton wool and sand - the first absorbs odors too well and gets tangled between your fingers, and the second can become a breeding ground for lice. But something tells us that you don’t want such neighbors.

Care: mouse by mouse, and cleaning on a schedule

In fact, the house mouse does not need any special care. But taking care of the cleanliness of the cell is the most important condition. And not only for the animal, but also for the owner. Life cycle The infestation of these rodents is so intense that the cage needs to be cleaned at least twice a week. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to have a mouse smell in your apartment.

Cage cleaner

By “cleaning the cage” we mean changing the bedding and wiping all objects in the cage with a special product or soapy water. If you take the trouble and purchase a cage with a retractable tray, the cleaning process will be greatly simplified and will not take much time.


Domestic mice, like their wild relatives, are omnivores. But in natural conditions The mouse age is short and is marked by various diseases. It is in your power to avoid trouble and make sure that your pet eats well, does not get sick and does not cause trouble throughout its mouse life.

The mouse eats

The main rule is the same as for humans: a balanced diet. For you this means a combination of dry and succulent food:

  • Dry: grains and seeds, as well as bread, crackers, mixed feed. Mice also happily eat food mixtures and even dry food for and;
  • Juicy: apple pieces, sprouted grains, green beans, not very juicy herbs. It is useful to offer insects in the diet from time to time: flies, butterflies and even cockroaches;
  • Supplementing with vitamins and minerals once a month will also not be superfluous.

But what you absolutely cannot do is feed rodents with leftover food from your own table: food additives, spices and excess salt can harm your pet. If only occasionally indulge in a piece of cheese or other natural product, but not as the main diet.

Be sure to respect the feeding area. Food is only in the feeder. Otherwise, the mice will dirty your cage so much that you will get tired of cleaning it.


Get ready for the fact that mice are nocturnal creatures, which means that most of your waking hours they will sleep or hide in their house or nest of litter, and rustle at night. But even with this way of life, a mouse, like any living creature, needs communication. At the same time, a lonely mouse needs much more of it than a family of mice. If you devote too little time to a rodent, it will soon become gloomy, withdrawn, quickly run wild and will hide when a person appears.

Don't let the mouse run wild

To make your pet active and friendly, talk to him, sit him in your palm, and play more often. It won’t take much time and won’t require excessive effort, but the return will not be long in coming and will be like in that cartoon: you come home, and he is happy with you.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

When buying a computer, many users pay attention only to the choice of the main and most expensive components - processor, motherboard, video card, etc.

When it comes to choosing peripheral devices (, mouse), many characteristics are overlooked. Often, the user takes what is included with the system unit, and then wonders why the mouse quickly breaks down (or it is simply uncomfortable to hold in the hand).

In this article, we will look at the main characteristics of a computer mouse that you should consider when purchasing.

1 Size and shape

Most of All computer operations are performed using the mouse. Consequently, the user almost constantly holds the mouse in his hand and moves it across the table or rug. This explains the need to choose exactly the device that, in its shape and size, will ideally fit the shape and size of the palm. Otherwise, holding the mouse will not be very comfortable, you will get tired faster and get less pleasure from work.

I even know people whose hand hurt so much after working with an uncomfortable mouse for a long time that they involuntarily became left-handed for a while. When the hand began to, as they say, ache, the mouse moved to the left, to left hand, the mouse buttons were rearranged for the left hand, and thus it was possible to calm the right hand. This is very inconvenient if you are not a true left-hander, and the work on the computer is greatly slowed down.

Therefore, before buying, be sure to hold the mouse in your hand and figure out how convenient it is to work with it, how comfortable it is to hold it in your hand (in the right hand for right-handers and in the left hand for left-handers).

2 Type (type) of computer mouse

Based on their type, mice are divided into

  • mechanical,
  • optical and
  • remote.

Depending on the type, let's see what a computer mouse looks like.

Mechanical manipulators use a special ball that rotates as the device moves along a flat surface.

Rice. 1 Mechanical mouse

Optical mouse manipulators use an optical pointer that reads changes in the position of the mouse relative to the plane along which the mouse is moving.

Rice. 2 Optical computer mouse USB connection

Remote mice work on the same principle as optical mice, but they do not have a wired connection to the computer.

Rice. 3 Remote mouse

With remote mice, the signal from the manipulator is transmitted wirelessly remotely, and the mice themselves operate on a battery or battery.

Mechanical mice are currently obsolete. Almost no one uses them due to relatively low sensitivity and frequent failures. They quickly accumulate dust and dirt, which interfere with the normal operation of the rotating ball and reading sensors. There is no point in buying such manipulators, even if they are attractive in price.

Optical mice are the most common (due to ease of use, reliability and durability).

Remote mice are also used quite often, but have a number of disadvantages. Eg,

  • possible problems with sensitivity (including due to the absence of wires),
  • the need to periodically replace batteries,
  • Battery charge monitoring, if used.

However, such remote mice can be useful for those who work at a distance from the computer. For example, in the case of using a computer as a TV, it is more convenient to switch television channels remotely, while at a distance, sitting, as they say, on the sofa, for which a remote mouse can be oh, how useful!

Remote mice are also convenient for those who make presentations using a computer, but do not have the opportunity to work with professional equipment. Then a computer (usually not even a computer, but a laptop) is used as a screen for demonstration, and a remote mouse allows you to switch presentation slides from a distance (for example, while standing during a speech).

3 Connector

Any mice, even remote ones, must be connected to the computer via ports. Wired mice have a corresponding connector at the end of the wire. Wireless mice have a special device like a small flash drive, which also connects to a PC port and serves as a receiver for signals from a remote mouse.

Rice. 4 PC/2 ports

The mouse can connect to the computer

  • to the PC/2 port (Fig. 4 – round port),
  • as well as to the USB port (Fig. 2).

At the same time, USB mice are rapidly replacing mice with a PC/2 cable from the market. There are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, a better connection;
  • secondly, the prevalence of USB connectors on almost all modern PCs.

It also happens that there are not many USB ports on the computer, and they may not be enough to connect a mouse. It's rare, but something like this can happen. Then they come to the rescue - these are devices that allow from one USB port make 2, 4 or more USB ports. This makes buying a mouse more expensive, since you have to buy a splitter in addition to it, but it solves the problem of a lack of ports. Fortunately, a lack of USB is an extremely rare situation; in ordinary PCs (if it is not “exotic”) there are always enough USB ports to connect a mouse.

For those who do not want to part with the familiar and now “native” mouse with a PS-2 connector when switching to a PC that no longer has PS-2 ports, the industry (unfortunately, not quite native, but rather Chinese!) offers PS adapters -2 – USB. Again, this is a rare occurrence; it’s easier to change a mouse to USB than to look for, buy, and pay for an adapter. However, for those interested, we can offer this somewhat exotic option of connecting a mouse to a computer.

4 Sensitivity

This indicator is measured in dpi (dots per inch). The higher the sensitivity of a computer mouse, the more accurately you can move the mouse cursor around the workspace (on the screen) of the monitor.

Let me explain. It's about about how accurately you can place the mouse cursor at one point or another on the screen with your hand. The higher the sensitivity, that is, the more dots per inch, the more accurately you can position the mouse cursor at the desired point on the screen.

Let me remind you that an inch is 2.54 cm. And we use this length measurement system because we are not the ancestors of computer technology, and therefore we use someone else’s system of measures and weights.

High sensitivity, in fact, is not only a blessing. High sensitivity, on the contrary, can cause problems and difficulties working with the mouse. High sensitivity is important for those who work with high-resolution computer graphics, for computer designers, for designers and similar professions that require drawing or drawing using a PC. High sensitivity can be useful for “gamers”, fans of computer games, where the accuracy of hitting certain fields on the monitor screen is important.

Otherwise, ordinary PC users can make do with mouse controls with relatively low precision. Why high accuracy if you only do, for example, text editing? You can easily use your mouse to hit the desired line, the desired text symbol, as they say, “without aiming” and you won’t miss!

The sensitivity of many mechanical mice ranges from 400-500 dpi. However, as noted earlier, this type of manipulator is a thing of the past. In optical models, the dpi value can reach 800-1000.

The cost of a specific mouse model directly depends on the sensitivity. When purchasing a mouse with high sensitivity, a PC user pays additionally for this feature. This is another argument in favor of choosing mice that are not too sensitive. Why overpay if high sensitivity is not needed in normal PC work?!

5 Number of buttons

A standard mouse has only three controls - the right and left buttons, as well as a wheel. The mouse wheel is not only a familiar scrolling tool, but also serves as the third mouse button. You can press the wheel like a button, click it. This allows, for example, to open browser windows in new tabs (see).

Working with buttons and the mouse wheel should be pleasant and comfortable, otherwise such a mouse can cause irritation for a PC user. For example, the buttons (both right and left) may be too tight and require quite a lot of force to press. This is not convenient for everyone, and when working for a long time, you can simply get tired of pressing buttons, which sometimes leads to painful and unpleasant sensations.

Mouse buttons can be pressed quietly, almost silently, or they can “click” loudly. This is also, as they say, an acquired taste, some people like it louder, with a clicking sound, while others prefer silence.

The buttons can be pressed without play, without free play, and in some cases the play can be so large that it feels like the button itself is moving a little, swaying. Buttons with play can be annoying, but on the other hand, some people may like them. As they say, not for everybody. You have to try it with your own hands and choose.

Also the mouse wheel. It can spin easily, or it can “slow down” and require additional effort. Here too - as you like.

Pressing the wheel may be light or may require some training of the index finger. It is especially annoying if the wheel is pressed without a click, when it is not very possible to feel whether a press has occurred or not. In this case, pressing and scrolling the wheel becomes akin to roulette, either hit or miss! Not very convenient, this mouse is more for thrill-seekers.

It is better for the average inexperienced PC user to have a mouse where everything is simple and clear:

  • here they are, left and right mouse clicks,
  • here it is, scrolling the wheel up and down (attention, sometimes the wheel spins well only in one direction up or down, but gets stuck in the other, and this also needs to be checked when purchasing!).
  • And here they are, clear and understandable clicks with the wheel, that is, clicks with the third mouse button.

Everything is simple, reliable, practical.

For ordinary three-button mice, as a rule, no additional drivers are needed; they are already included in PC operating systems.

Rice. 5 Mouse with a lot of buttons

More expensive and advanced models may have 4, 5, 6 or more buttons. When installing drivers for such mice, you can assign a specific action (or a sequence of actions) to each button. This can be very convenient when working in some special applications or computer games. Otherwise, these extra buttons are not needed; it is better not to overpay manufacturers for them, and limit yourself to standard manipulators, two-button mice with a wheel (aka the third button).

6 Other characteristics

This could be, for example, case material, button material, manufacturer, etc. Here you should choose based only on your own preferences. Some people work well with ordinary plastic mice. Some people prefer metal mice. Some people like regular buttons, while others want buttons with finger-shaped notches for a comfortable hand position.

Some people like mice of any color, while others prefer only White color, only black, yellow, pink, green, and you never know what other colors there are!

Personally, for example, I like mice that work on any surface: on a table, on a mouse pad, on a tablecloth, on oilcloth, on fabric.

And there are mice that, for the life of me, will not work on a light table, for example, or on oilcloth, or on glass, until you put a mouse pad or at least a regular sheet of paper under them. And this too important characteristic mouse, which we will classify as “other characteristics”.

Another “other characteristic” is how quickly the mouse collects dust and dirt from the table, and how easily it is cleaned of this dust and dirt. Unfortunately, there are no ideal workplaces. Whatever you do, dust and dirt tend to appear again and again, and they settle on the lower surface of any mouse, even the cheapest or most expensive. And here it is important how quickly the mouse becomes inoperable due to this, and how easily it can be cleaned of all this. A dirty mouse may, for example, lose its sensitivity, or begin to work “jerkily,” which makes it difficult for the mouse cursor to hit certain points on the screen.

Rice. 6 Apple mouse with touch controls

For some PC users, an important “other characteristic” may be the name of the manufacturer. For example, if you have an “advanced” laptop from Apple, you might want a mouse from the same manufacturer with touch controls, when you just move your finger, there are no mechanics, nothing rotates, but the movement of your finger is detected. You will have to pay extra money to own this manipulator.

Or you can just hope that a more or less well-known other company will not sell “bad” mice that can quickly fail. And then you may want to buy a mouse from manufacturers such as, for example, Logitech, Microsoft, A4 Tech.

Here, to be honest, it depends. An unsightly mouse a la “made in China”, as they say, “noname” (that is, without a name, without an obvious manufacturer, without a known manufacturer) can serve faithfully so long that you forget when, where and at what price you bought it . Or maybe a branded mouse will fail quite quickly. Although, on average, mice from well-known manufacturers last longer and work better than their Chinese (and not only) competitors.

So, as we see, mice are not so simple devices. They have many parameters in which they can differ from each other. Mouse selection – important point when choosing a PC. Since we will have to work with the mouse, since we have become users (and to some extent even hostages) of modern “window technology” for presenting information on the monitor screen and processing it modern means, which are provided to us by personal computers.


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