Who is Olga Polyakova's husband? "Bad music or good? It's all a matter of taste!"

IN New Year's Eve Super blonde Olya Polyakova will turn into Princess Elsa from the Disney cartoon Frozen. Read the New Year's interview with the popular singer!

It is in this image that the singer will appear in the concert “On Inter - The Main Christmas Tree of the Country” (broadcast on December 31 at 22:30). Moreover, Polyakova will appear on the stage of the Kyiv Opera House, where the filming took place, with her youngest daughter Alisa. According to the artist, no matter how many concerts and hits she has, she is, first of all, loving mother and wife. Olga spoke about her children, impeccable reputation, the beginning of her film career and ambitious plans for 2018 in exclusive interview!

— On New Year’s Eve at the concert “On Inter – The Main Christmas Tree of the Country,” what song will you give to your fans?

- The good old song “Sharik”. New Year's Eve is so magical and wonderful, and, of course, it family celebration. So why not perform this particular family song on it? I always sing it at big solo concerts. This song is about a mother and a new life: “Hello, you are my ray of light. For this I give you the earth, an unearthly ball.” This topic is close to me. I myself am a mother of two children, so such a song could not help but be born in my repertoire. And she is. Yes, and such Olya Polyakova also happens.

— Is there any family history connected with the song “Sharik”? Why is she so dear to you?

— This song is already 13 years old. And she is related to both of my daughters. She wrote the song “Sharik” for me famous composer and singer Lyubasha. She wrote this song when I was pregnant with my first daughter Masha. Then, in 2004, I sang it, shot a video clip, and it safely remained on the table. And only six years later, when I was already pregnant with Alisa, I re-shot a video for this song. And the public finally saw him!

— You performed at the New Year’s concert together with your youngest daughter. Has Alisa ever performed with you before or is this her debut?

— Filming the “Ball” video clip was her first experience of performing with me. It’s just that she was still in my stomach then (laughs).

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— Was your daughter very worried, because she was barely 6 years old?

- Alice didn’t have time to get excited. I made the decision that she would perform the day before the concert. I saw at the rehearsal how many beautiful little girls would be on stage with me and thought what kind of mother am I if I can’t push my own child into show business (laughs).

— Are you satisfied with the result?

- I’m very pleased. True, for Alice everything was a wonder. But she liked it!

—Have you ever performed on the stage of the National Opera of Ukraine before?

- This is the first time! Before this, I had never been on the stage of our opera house. Of course, I would like to sing my imperishable “Spankings” on it in an operatic arrangement, which has a 3.5 octave range. When I was singing yesterday, the guys from the orchestra looked at me in such surprise - is it really possible that such interesting sounds can come out of this mouth (sings in an operatic voice). Yes they can! But not everyone is ready to hear this.

— In what image will you appear at the New Year’s concert?

— This is the costume of Elsa, the main character of the famous Disney animated film Frozen. I think this is an image that is very close to me. And not just me. Girls love these cartoons very much. And wonderful children performed on stage with me. We made beautiful hairstyles especially for the number and put crowns on their heads. Girls should look like princesses - this suits us all very well. You can be a real princess at least once a year on New Year's Eve. Because we women gallop “like a horse in a skirt” all year long.

— New Year's Eve is magical. Do you yourself believe in miracles?

- Necessarily. I always make wishes on New Year's Eve. Everything that happens in my life is an absolute miracle. Everything I dreamed about came true.

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— Yours youngest daughter Does Alice believe in Santa Claus? Did you write him a letter with your wishes this year?

- He doesn’t really believe it. She tells my husband and I that Santa Claus is a guy with a beard stuck on. Our Santa Claus is our dad. He is responsible for gifts and this responsible and expensive mission lies on him. And all letters with wishes are sent directly to him. I remember when my eldest daughter was three years old, our dad dressed up as Santa Claus and brought her a real live pony as a gift. The child's joy knew no bounds! This little horse is still alive and well. Alice is now riding on it. But we need to quickly give her a brother or sister. Alice will soon grow up, but the pony cannot stand for long without a rider (laughs).

— How do you plan to celebrate? New Year?

— On New Year’s Eve I will perform in Kyiv - this is our New Year’s tradition, so that later we will have something to go on vacation to warmer climes. This time we are planning to go to the Maldives with our family for a whole month. True, if the debit and credit coincide (laughs).

— What song do you associate with the passing year?

- I had two super hits - “Number One” and “Former”. In December, “Number One” was recognized as the best by Russian Radio Ukraine at the third annual M1 Music Awards 2017. I have been working towards this result for fifteen years.

— What was most memorable in 2017?

— I had the largest tour in the history of Ukraine - 68 cities. Nobody has surpassed it yet! Yes, I think this is impossible, because we drove there, “he won’t pick up the phone, he won’t pick up the car, it’s just a shame.” But that’s why we went there and showed our wonderful, cheerful program.

— What is the most incredible rumor you learned about yourself in the past year?

- Everything is very sweet so far - she has been living with her husband for a long time, the children are growing... As the heroine of the film said " Love affair at work“: “I have such an impeccable reputation that it’s high time I was compromised.” So, we will work on it (laughs).

They're rare joint photos, taken by the paparazzi, can only be seen on the pages of the “yellow press”. And only for Viva! The super blonde made an exception by giving a joint interview and starring in a photo shoot with the whole family. “I want the shooting to be in the Italian style,” Olya immediately stated, “after all, our family is a real Sicilian family.” Viva! tried to find out what connects our heroine and her chosen one with Cosa Nostra and why so emotional people manages to maintain a strong marriage.

- And who is in your Italian family Don?

Vadim: Of course, Olya. She is our cardinal gray. I'm just playing the role of the boss.

Olya: This is how it turned out?! Well, come on, Vadicek, tell me how everything works in our family.

IN.: No, really, it’s very convenient when a woman rules everything.

ABOUT.:(Rolling eyes) You heard? He's so comfortable! By the way, this was not always the case. At some point he felt so comfortable. When we first met, Vadik was Mr. Solve All Problems. And even though at the time of our meeting I was a completely independent girl, when a person appeared who surrounded me with such care, I was fascinated.

- You were a young aspiring singer, Vadim was a successful businessman. How did you meet?

ABOUT.: I performed at his birthday party.

IN.: One of the guests decided to please me and invited Olya Polyakova to speak. He turned to the son of Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky, Sasha, to assist in the negotiations. And he asked that it be somehow inexpensive for him. I really don’t understand why the gift has to be cheap...

ABOUT.: They called me: “Are you doing charity? We only have $500, but it's for the kids at the heart center, so could you come and sing?" I said that I could perform for free, but if they give me a fee, even better. I arrive on the ship and see these “children of 30+ from the cardiology center” arriving in a Bentley. I'm so angry! I sat down in the cabin and said: “I’m not going to perform, what is this all about? What a cheek!"

IN.: When I found out that a problem had arisen, of course, I went to Olya’s cabin, introduced myself to her, and apologized...

ABOUT.: Vadik was very surprised to learn about the “charity” and immediately paid for his friend’s “gift”. My mood improved, and I went to perform with a smile. And then - the open terrace, sunset, rain...

IN.: A real thunderstorm began. The picture turned out to be impressive: the setting sun, the crimson sky, the rain and Olya in her pink dress. You can't do such an installation for any amount of money.

ABOUT.: In short, God himself arranged incredible special effects to make Vadicek fall.

- Vadim, were you married by that time or were you an old bachelor waiting for Olya?

ABOUT.: Well, why old? He was only well over thirty.

IN.: At that time I lived in civil marriage. But I didn't have children.

ABOUT.: And if the marriage is civil, and even without children, what kind of marriage is it?

- Did you immediately feel that this was your man in front of you?

ABOUT.: Yes, I didn’t feel anything! We didn't have any plans. We for a long time We were just friends, that's true! We went for coffee, the whole office went out for lunch - they invited me, I took my girls. That is, we met in company: we laughed, drank wine. We were completely platonic for eight months. So we became friends, and became friends, and became friends until the moment when Vadik told me: “Listen, I fell in love.” And I told him: “In my opinion, you are not free, so nothing can happen...”

I don’t know what prompted me to say this phrase, but I am sure that this is exactly what women need to do with men, to immediately dot the i’s. And if a person is in love, he will do everything not to procrastinate. Because these classic conversations: “Now is not the time, let’s meet a little, let the children grow up, I can’t leave the family just like that...”, these stories drag on for years and lead nowhere. Therefore, I said directly to Vadik: “Either everything is serious with us, or nothing will happen, because frivolous relationships do not interest me.”

In fact, we communicated very well. And my disposition towards him at first was purely friendly. In general, I think that this is the most correct way - to fall in love with a person as a friend. As a result, I don’t need girlfriends and friends now, I have Vadik, with whom we can talk, travel, fool around, laugh... We’re never bored together, right?

IN.: Anything but boring ( laughs).

ABOUT.: But I'll tell you the story. It just shows Vadik as a man of word and deed. When I told him that I was not interested in a “one-time” relationship, the next day he called me and said: “You know, I broke up with my woman. I’m coming to see you.” Imagine my shock! I didn’t think that just like that, in one day, my phrase could change everything. We didn’t even have a close relationship, we didn’t live together. I will say more: I had a boyfriend who lived with me.

- That is, you were taken by surprise.

ABOUT.: Not that word! I got scared and hung up. I called my mom: “What should I do?” And she told me: “Why are you giving advances to a person if you are not ready to take a serious step?” - “Well, it’s not that I’m not going to, but it’s so unexpected.” And Vadik is like this: he broke up - that means he broke up. And then I tell him: “Well, since you are so brave and fast, you solved all your questions so well, then you have to deal with my boyfriend yourself, I’m afraid to communicate with him.” Because for me the most terrible and difficult thing is to explain to someone and say “no”. Vadik comes to me, just as my boyfriend comes, and Vadik says: “Come on, young man, let’s go out and have some coffee.” And they left. They were gone for six hours, I almost went crazy, I went to my friends’ place to drink champagne to survive this horror. I don’t know what they were talking about, but Vadik really sorted everything out.

IN.: We were just talking.

ABOUT.: Well, yes, he gave my boyfriend a hard time - he’s still young, stupid, and Vadik is an excellent psychologist. Six hours later, the two of them arrived - drunk, happy. In short, there was no scandal or drama, which I really liked. And from that moment on, Vadik became for me Mr. Solve All Problems. A week later he bought an apartment - I lived in a rented one, and he left his house to his wife and came to me with one toothbrush. And so Vadicek buys an apartment for us from his friend, already renovated, with furniture, kitchen utensils, bed linen, towels... I’m 20 years old, what did I have any idea about? I crossed the threshold with three hangers. I remember it very well: a completely empty dressing room, and three empty hangers hanging in it.

- Some kind of romantic story in the style of Hollywood melodramas...

ABOUT.: Better! With Vadik, I didn’t know any everyday stories at all: where things come from, how to organize a vacation. He himself organized our magnificent wedding. I didn’t do anything - everything was Vadik, and that was best holiday in my life. Vadik immediately solved all life's issues. And it was amazing. No one has ever taken such care of me and done it quickly and efficiently. It's very masculine. It's things like this that make you truly love a man. In general, I believe that a man should be loved for something, and not in spite of everything. Many women say: he’s this and that: he’s nasty, he beats, he drinks, and he doesn’t earn money, but I still love him, because he’s mine, my dear. This is all nonsense! They love a man for his actions. Of course, I understand that I was very lucky with Vadik.

- Vadik, is it nice to hear such words addressed to you?

IN.: You see, you were my first love. The real one. Everything I did for you, I did for my own pleasure. I wanted to take care of you.

ABOUT.: And now you’ve stopped loving me, right?

IN.: I still do everything you want. It just looks different.

ABOUT.: This is true. “Vadik, where are we flying, to what country? Skiing, the Maldives? - “Decide for yourself. Anything will suit me." God, this is terrible! ( Laughs)

- Looking at you, you believe that you are not just husband and wife, but real friends.

ABOUT.: When we first got married, we couldn’t get away from each other, we followed each other’s heels. That is literally! I went to the bathroom - Vadik followed me: he sat on a stool, and we chatted. Vadik went to the balcony to smoke - I followed him. It was some kind of obsession. My mother even got angry: “Why are you following each other like fools, will you finally split up! Vadik, let me talk to my daughter.” We lived in this state for five years. Like lovebirds. And then Mashenka was born to us. Vadik, tell me more.

IN.: You tell everything well and correctly. If this were five years ago, maybe I would have started to say something better than you, but now it’s useless.

ABOUT.: No, speak up!

IN.: After Masha was born, Olya changed dramatically. She became more responsible. I stopped driving, but before that I was driving. Her friends called Olya a mad mother. She did not let anyone near the child. If, God forbid, the bottle boils for two seconds less or more, everyone would fly around. And this scrupulousness of hers associated with the birth of a child spread to all areas of life - Olya developed a desire to control everything!

ABOUT.: Something really happened to me: at some point I woke up, turned on and began to be vigorously active and build a career. Then Vadik’s affairs were affected by the crisis of 2008, and he told me: “Olechka, you probably have your own show business now,” because if there is a question about choosing a school for a child or the next video, naturally, you do choice in favor of the child. There is no longer as much money as before. And somehow, little by little, Vadik began to ask me not only some questions about the house and family, I realized that I was now doing everything: organizing vacations, holidays, distributing the budget. And Vadicek smiles to himself, he liked it. Yes, cat?

IN.: I'm just tired of listening to criticism addressed to me. I am silent, I don’t like to criticize. I am the kind of person that suits me with everything - one way or another. But Olya doesn’t like many things that I wouldn’t even pay attention to. Therefore, let her take all these little things into account herself. True, when everything doesn’t work out for her, it’s again my fault. Yes, I don’t mind. ( Laughs)

ABOUT.: In general, Vadichka’s is perfect attitude. He never has bad mood. It's really nice to live with such a person. He always wakes up with a smile, unlike me - I usually don't like what I see in the mirror in the morning. My mood immediately deteriorates, I walk around upset for half the morning and only then come to my senses. That is, in order to give happiness and joy, I first need to sulk a little, get angry. And Vadik is always in good mood. If you ask him how you are doing, he will say...


ABOUT.: Here! This is his typical expression. So, Vadik, for some reason you are silent. Come on now, tell me!

- Yes, you can’t say anything, you have chosen the right pair - ice and fire.

ABOUT.: But that’s not true! In fact, we have very similar temperaments. This is Vadik in public, so calm, respectable, self-possessed, with a good, even mood. This is noted by everyone who does not know him. In fact, he gushes even worse than me. My mother sees our quarrels, showdowns and says: “God, you are so alike. What a horror, I can’t listen to this.”

- Vadim, what can get you out of peace of mind and force him to create a scandal?

ABOUT.: He doesn't make scandals, he can just shout a little.

IN.: You see, I treat her like my eldest daughter, so sometimes I may not like how eldest daughter behaves. I want it to be better.

ABOUT.: What kind of daughter am I to you? You couldn't give birth to me! ( Smiling)

IN.: I couldn’t, but listen, from life experience this is true.

ABOUT.: Somehow we quarreled. As usual, it was very stormy, with plates being smashed. And at some point, Vadik went upstairs, and I grabbed Masha - she was still little - I put her in the car and left the country house for Kyiv. It's a long drive, and I'm waiting all the way for a call. Does not call. I arrived home and didn’t call. I think: “I left with a small child into the night, and he doesn’t care where I am!” I put Masha to bed, rush around the house, call my mother: “Mom, he doesn’t call, can you imagine, I left, and he didn’t even ask if I got there. That's it, life is over!

I was hammering until five o’clock in the morning, then went to bed. At eight the bell rings and an excited voice asks me: “Listen, where are you?” And then I realize that he just went upstairs and went to bed. He didn’t see everything that was happening, all my tossing, hysterics, departure. He was just sleeping all this time.

IN.: Olya, if she gets into the role, cannot get out of it for a long time. If I like this role, I, of course, support the game, but if not, I stop being a spectator.

ABOUT.: At that moment I realized that no one needed all these performances. If you want your husband out of your sight, kick him out of the house.

IN.: Do you remember the story in the forest?

ABOUT.: Please do not!

IN.: She ran out of the car in the forest.

ABOUT.: And he is kind, he left at night and left his wife.

IN.: Where did I go!

ABOUT.: Left, you left. And when he later came back to look for me, I hid in the bushes. And then I had to walk. It was a forest, night, so scary! She came up with it herself, she was offended, she ran out herself. Then I hid myself when he drove by three times, looking for me. He was looking into some cars.

IN.: Masha was in the car, shouting: “Mom! Where did she go?!” You can't do that!

ABOUT.: So today we are completely different. I don't leave the car anywhere. Of course, we can scream, but it passes so quickly, after five minutes we are already kissing. All our waves and showdowns took place while we were getting used to it. And today I will say that we have already gotten used to it, we have absolutely no reason for such stories.

IN.: We became family. The most important thing for us is our family.

ABOUT.: Where we don't let anyone in.

- And when you first got married, Vadik tried to raise you as an elder?

ABOUT.: No, he spoiled me and indulged me in everything. In general, I believe that this is how girls should be raised. Perhaps this is exactly what I missed as a child, since my father, a diplomat, was constantly on business trips. And I can count on my fingers the times we saw each other during his short visits home. Therefore, I believe that girls need to be loved, pampered, and turned a blind eye to their pranks. But, naturally, everything should be within reason; it is imperative to teach the child to respect those who help him in life, who surround him with care. Because when we started living together, Vadik, of course, spoiled me immensely, and meanwhile I was capricious, annoying the mistress about the house, and was dissatisfied with something all the time.

Today I don't behave like that. I learned to appreciate the people working with me. And they reciprocate my feelings. So children need to be taught to respect their nanny and teachers. And do not allow the child to be tempted to command adults. I went through all this as an adult, already next to Vadik, an adult and wise man.

If Vadik directed you in the right direction, then he will even more so raise the girls correctly. In general, what kind of father is Vadik?

ABOUT.: The best! Vadik, what's going on? Why am I the only one answering?

IN.: I'm thinking about what to say.

ABOUT.: It’s not my Vadik sitting in front of you. It's not him! I do not know this person! He is not used to giving interviews, that’s why he remains silent.

IN.: What does “not used to” mean? This is my first time giving an interview ( laughs). You know, yes, I'm not used to it.

ABOUT.: Well, tell me something.

IN.: We said that Olya has changed a lot, but I have changed too. Next to her I started bright life. We started traveling all over the world. Previously, I didn’t like to go anywhere, much less travel. Traveling was like an annoying necessity for me. When I went to the beach, I took two or three phones with me. I chose resorts where I could not be interrupted from my favorite activity - work. And when we began to live together, the holiday became completely different, leaving vivid impressions.

At my work everyone says: “Vadik, eat a lemon, because the smile won’t leave your face.” With Olya I laughed all the time until I cried. Olya and I had fun, and we have fun with the children. As a result, I said: “You know, Olechka, stop amusing only me, go to people, you’re good at it.” And she went on New channel, there they took her in these, what do they call them, blondes.

ABOUT.:"Who's against blondes?"

IN.: And she really found herself and won this competition.

“I realized a long time ago: Olya is a born artist.

IN.: Where she is, the fun begins, because she brings holiday to people.

- Olya even managed to make a show out of her pregnancy.

IN.: As soon as she found out that she was pregnant, she had the idea of ​​making a reality show “Hello, Maternity Day.”

ABOUT.: Tell me the backstory of why I agreed to this. I had a psychosis, I was worried that if I got pregnant, my career, which had just begun to take off, would stop.

IN.: Why should I talk about this if you know everything about it?

ABOUT.: I’m just saying why I was afraid to fall out of the picture for at least one day. Tell me.

IN.: In short, I treated all this with special trepidation. When she is pregnant, I generally do not refuse her anything. When she was waiting for Masha, she was such a sweetheart! I carried her in my arms.

ABOUT.: It was you who simply loved me.

IN.: And during her second pregnancy, Olya began to behave like all women in this position...

ABOUT.: It's just that it's been six years already family life. Three years of chemotherapy have passed, and everything that you had not noticed in me before came out.

IN.: And then we go to Yalta. Olya, together with Dzhedzhula, was the host of a concert there on the occasion of City Day. I attended the concert, it lasted eight hours! Please note: Olya is in her eighth month. Before that, she told me: “Give me this, give me that, I have a headache, I’m tired...” And then she’s jumping around the stage and she doesn’t care. I go backstage: “Well, how are you?” And Olechka drinks some water: “Everything is fine, I’m going out now, wait.” And after that I say: “You know what, Olga, so that I no longer hear conversations about how bad you feel.” And here’s the most interesting thing: our youngest is pure “Hello, maternity leave!”: she gallops, jumps, athletic, cheerful, smiling. And she was born the same way - easily and quickly.

ABOUT.: And she immediately smiled. She said: “Hello, maternity leave, hello, dad.”

- And when Alice was not yet two months old, you hosted the Viva ceremony! “The most beautiful” together with.

ABOUT.: God, I was so stupid! I couldn't remember the text. You understand, a breastfeeding woman secretes a hormone that slows down all reactions so that she doesn’t get nervous. How slow I was! But we must give Urgant his due, he practically didn’t tease me, he treated me very leniently.

IN.: I’ll explain to you why I liked Olya right away. She has an unfeminine mentality when she does not include emotions. Well, with emotions she becomes a normal woman, everything is fine, everything is fine. If I were a man, it would be worse. And sometimes she turns on the blonde, but then I like that too.

- How many years have you been together?

- Do you celebrate this date?

ABOUT.: Necessarily! And for some reason Vadik always gives a gift. In general, for some reason it happened that he gives me gifts, but I don’t give him gifts... Although, I also gave Vadik gifts, but he treated them so badly.

- It’s bad - it loses, breaks?

ABOUT.: No, I'll tell you. I once gave Vadik a Vertu phone with gold buttons and spent a whole year collecting money. And this phone broke down after 10 days. It took a year to be repaired in London. For this, he was given the use of an ordinary Vertu, which he had lost. And in order to pick up the first one, gold, from repair, I had to buy a regular one. About seven thousand. Well, in short, after that we decided that we would give each other what? Sunsets.

IN.: What kind of sunsets? What are you making up?

ABOUT.: Vadik, where did I take you for this birthday?

IN.: To Rome.

ABOUT.: What did I give you?

IN.: Firework.

ABOUT.: Sunset and fireworks. I used to travel abroad with one purpose - to go shopping. I saw nothing but streets with shops. I was not interested in anything other than things. And when the story with these phones happened, I suddenly realized that material things disappear somewhere, break, get lost, get eaten, wear out, but impressions are an unforgettable story for a lifetime. And my materialism disappeared somewhere, and we began to go and get impressions.

This year, for Vadik’s birthday, I took him and Masha to Rome. I ordered a beautiful restaurant with observation deck. And at this time there was a holiday in the Vatican. And there they gave a 30-minute fireworks display. I say: “Here, Vadik, I sold a house in Moscow and bought you this fireworks.” To which my Masha panicked: “Mom, how could you sell our house, and where will our grandmother live now?!” Yes, the Vatican, sunset, fireworks... It was very beautiful. As if someone in heaven had arranged everything on purpose.

And so I decided that Vadik would give me jewelry, and I would give him sunsets. Well, actually, it costs a lot too. Especially considering that we were robbed on the very first day of our stay in Rome. And the trip immediately became twice as expensive.

IN.: We all have these unforeseen circumstances.

ABOUT.: With us - always! ( laughs)

- How do you behave in unforeseen circumstances?

ABOUT.: Tell me, Vadicek, the whole truth, let people know.

IN.: Accusations against me begin. Even if I'm not to blame, I'm still to blame. I’m trying to calm Olya down, saying that now we’ll come up with something. After all, there is always a way out of any situation. It's just life situation. Although the situations are not the most pleasant. For example, during a trip to France, our card was blocked. It was a nightmare. It is impossible to exchange dollars for euros in France! At night we could not settle anywhere. But the manager of the hotel where we were refused accommodation, seeing our situation, began calling all the hotels in the area. He found us a hotel where the owners are Croatians and they don’t care in what currency they charge.

ABOUT.: And this is how we always travel. We have never gone on a trip without something happening to us. Well, have you been at least once? Although the Maldives became an exception. My tour operator called me on the fourth day to see how things were going. She knows me, but I’m always thinking, I’m always unsatisfied with something: either lost, or robbed, or something else. And then she so carefully: “Are you all right?” To which I told her: “Yes, everything is fine.” This was the only vacation when everything was fine for us.

IN.: Yes. But it really was gorgeous there! Villa with pool, ocean and, what we remember most, the sky! And sunsets ( smiling).

ABOUT.: We want to go to the Maldives again. I told Vadik: I don’t need silver anymore, there’s nowhere to put it anyway. I just have a special weakness for antique silverware, so Vadik always gives me some kind of trinket for every holiday. And there are a lot of holidays: I demand for March 8, and for February 14, and for my birthday, and for Masha, and for Alice... Therefore, I say: “This silver is already enough, for my birthday it’s better to prepare for me too some surprise with a beautiful sunset.” I'm waiting to see what he comes up with. He will forget, as usual.

IN.: The most beautiful sunsets at our dacha, the last one was just recently. It’s a warm day, Olya invited me to sit on the porch with a glass of white wine.

- What an idyll!

ABOUT.: Yes it's true. You know, I generally developed a love for the most ordinary things: the house, the garden, my goats...

IN.: She hadn't had this before.

ABOUT.:...such things come to women over time.

- Question. Why, Olya, did you hide Vadik from the public for so long?

IN.: I have never strived for publicity. I wouldn’t be sitting here now if Olya hadn’t invited me.

ABOUT.: He is a non-public person, he doesn’t like it. He doesn’t know how to pose, and he doesn’t want to waste time on it. That's how he is. Where could he be taken, to what party? What would he be doing there? Who would you communicate with? With Monroe? ( Laughs)

IN.: Today, let's admit honestly, truly strong families few. If there are such people, then people value it, take care of their happiness and do not make a show out of it.

ABOUT.: I have enough shows in my work. That's why I don't try to bring it into the house. Vadik always tells me: “Leave Olya Polyakova there at the threshold and come here as a normal person.”

Tatiana Vityaz

- What brought me out of balance? expectant mother? Participation in the show “Zirka + Zirka”.

Olya, you are an incorrigible workaholic! You need to think about the baby, but you are all about work. Something happened on the project that I would like to talk about. I won’t describe how the filming goes. I will only say that rehearsals and recording were an incredibly exhausting process that lasted four days until five o’clock in the morning, and then continued from 11 o’clock in the afternoon.

There is nothing to breathe in the pavilion, everyone is nervous, it’s hot, everyone is tired, everyone is on edge. Stas Kostyushkin, a healthy man, fainted. Zhorik Deliev and I sang the first number. In general, some kind of karmic theme occurred here: in this humorous number I was in the image of a pregnant homeless woman, a beggar who tied a pillow to herself and begged for alms. And in the last episode, this pillow should fall out.

Well, the question arises: why do this?! Why tempt fate? But no, for the sake of a catchphrase, Olya is ready to do anything! In general, dancing, songs, I’m already nervous, and then there are hormones, tension - this is a competition, we are the only Ukrainian couples to reach the semi-finals, the fight is heating up... And then I feel bad, they call ambulance and they take me to the hospital.

And now I’m lying under a drip, my blood pressure is brought down to 140/100, and I’m thinking: how are they there without me?

“I’m sure you were trying to run away from the clinic.”

In any case, I asked the doctor how serious everything was, and he said: “Of course, no one is forcing you here, you can refuse the IVs and return to your show, but then you risk losing the child.” The fact is that it was the end of the first trimester, and this is very dangerous period. I call the producers and ask: “Wait, maybe I’ll lie down now, rest and come.” To which they told me: “No one will be waiting for you there today.

- Olya, what games?!

Yes, of course, there is no extreme. Although I’m not going to give up the profession completely. I host shows, it’s not difficult, and speaking is not a big problem either.

- Has this whole story discouraged you from taking part in competition shows?

At first I beat it off, I even came to “Narodna Zirka”, in my own native project, in which I am in the fourth season, and I couldn’t look at the stage, at all this fuss. And now it has cooled down.

And I’ll say this: all these song and dance competitions are my element. Unfortunately, we don’t have a musical genre, but I’m a musical actress, I love singing and acting. You see, I didn’t sing on stages, I didn’t have live concerts with an orchestra of 20 people. And I love it, this is my genre, I get tremendous pleasure on stage when I play, dance and sing at the same time.

The shows I participate in help me be both romantic and tragic without compromising my humorous image. But over time I want to change towards a dramatic singer. My first work will be a video for a song that we recorded together with Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. I would like people to hear this song, I would like to make a video in memory of the great actress. She worked in the role that I would like to work in - musical cinema.

- In general, I see that your plans are extensive, and they all relate to creativity. What about the children?

And let the children be born and grow (laughs). Well, I'm kidding, of course, children are the most important thing. Now I know this for sure. But it was not always so. During my first pregnancy, I had a terrible thought: to quickly have an abortion and move on. Then all my thoughts were occupied with my career, and it took a lot of effort for my mother to convince me that a child is happiness. She instilled in me that I should be happy and accept congratulations. But I didn’t understand how I would sing when my belly grew? Today it seems to me that if a woman gives birth to her first child, she will never have an abortion. And I also realized that it is possible to combine motherhood and career. The main thing is that one does not infringe on the other. If you give birth to children, you must understand that your life has changed, and you simply must devote time to your children.

- Do you share your experience?

Certainly! I never go abroad without my daughter. And I don’t take a nanny on vacation; I always let him go on weekends, because these days completely belong to my child. Of course, I'm a busy mom, but I'm trying to make up for my absence.

- At your place wealthy husband, he never demanded that you quit the stage?

No, I didn’t! Moreover, I sometimes say: “I’m so tired of all this! I’ll take it and leave everything!” And then Vadim answers me: “No, dear, go to work, throw out all your negativity, adrenaline, and come home as a caring mother and loving wife" So I happy man, who can realize herself as a mother, and as a wife, and as an artist.

- Well, on this optimistic note we say goodbye. By my calculations, until about September?

When there is news, I will tell you (smiles).

Andrey Turenko

13:23 17.11.2017

In one of his latest interviews Olya Polyakova made two loud statements. The first is about a career, and the second is about a possible third pregnancy.

On the set New Year's show“The Great New Year’s Adventure,” which will be shown on the Ukraine channel on December 31, stated that she is not going to share the stage with anyone.

The singer always stands confidently on stage, remains strong and courageous, although she admitted to journalists that every time she goes on stage, she struggles with fear.

My kokoshnik is lit with the help of a pyrotechnician, which turns on a button. It all lights up in my head. But every time I think, what if some envious singer put a tiny piece of TNT there, and now my head will explode, and my body will have to work out the concert for another 2 hours

Olya Polyakova speaks.

The singer also stated that she is not going to share the stage with anyone, not even with her children.

I'm going to conquer the world. Complete domination. I love to “reign” on stage alone. It’s enough that I let the ballet there, beautiful girls. Let the children grow, develop, and achieve something. No one gave mom anything

Polyakova noted.

When asked by journalists about a possible third pregnancy, Olya was mysterious.

I'm a friendly woman. I can also “befriend” a boy. And not just the boy. You know, my fertile age is still 20 years old, so you never know. I can still do 10 times

The singer commented.

Let us remind you that Olya Polyakova is now raising two wonderful daughters. 6-year-old Alisa and 12-year-old Masha are growing up to be very kind and talented girls.

Photo in the text: Instagram.com, press service of the Ukraine channel

Singer Olya Polyakova celebrates her wedding anniversary today. The whole family and even her businessman husband, whom she almost never shows, unexpectedly came to congratulate her on this important day.

polyakovamusic Today is my wedding anniversary, and as a complete surprise, on the way to Cherkassy where I have a concert, my Family met me! With champagne (for children) and flowers! Pleasant, unexpected, I love you MY❤️!!!

The photo shows that Polyakova’s neck is being held in place by a tight bandage - the other day the singer had trouble, she had a pinched nerve and had to urgently consult a doctor. Health problems did not stop the restless blonde; she continued her previously planned concerts.

polyakovamusic My neck was pinched... (I twisted my head)))) after a blockade with lidocaine and a bunch of intravenous and intramuscular injections, I’m going to a concert in Zaporozhye with a neck brace! I don’t know what I’ll do there, maybe tell jokes, but you come anyway, it’ll be fun!

Polyakova met her husband, a businessman named Vadim, during his birthday - the young singer was invited to perform in front of the birthday boy and his guests. A charming blonde in a pink dress captivated the businessman, as he himself admitted later - it was practically “love at first sight.”

Olya Polyakova’s husband turned out to be a completely non-public person; moreover, photo shoots, interviews and other attributes did not interest him. For the first time, Olya Polyakova persuaded Vadim to meet with journalists and take photographs for a glossy publication only last year. The November issue of Viva magazine was published with a photo of Olya Polyakova’s entire family on the cover and a long interview inside.

When we first got married, we couldn’t get away from each other, we followed each other’s heels. That is literally! I went to the bathroom - Vadik followed me: he sat on a stool, and we chatted. Vadik went to the balcony to smoke - I followed him. It was some kind of obsession. My mother even got angry: “Why are you following each other like fools, will you finally split up! Vadik, let me talk to my daughter,” Olga Polyakova said in an interview.

The eldest daughter Mashenka, who was born in 2005, became the first child for Olga and her husband, despite the fact that he older singer and he already had quite a long relationship with women before; there were no children before Masha. Mashenka, who is already 11 years old, growing up, becomes simply a copy of her star mother.

In 2011, there was another addition to the family - Olga Polyakova gave birth to a second child, a sister Mashenka, who was named Alisa.

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