Ice fish (lat. Champsocephalus gunnari). Ice fish - benefits and harm, recipes for cooking in a frying pan or oven with photos Ice fish characteristics

Icefish, also well known as pikefish and whitefish common pike(Champsocephalus gunnari) is an aquatic inhabitant belonging to the family called White-blooded fish. The name “icefish” or “icefish” is sometimes used as a collective name for the entire family, as well as its individual representatives, including the crocodile and whale whitefish.

Description of ice fish

Back in the nineteenth century, Norwegian whalers very actively spread stories that in the distant Antarctic, near the island of South Georgia, in the southwest Atlantic Ocean, there are strange-looking fish with colorless blood. It is thanks to this feature that these unusual aquatic inhabitants received the name “bloodless” and “ice”.

This is interesting! Today, in accordance with strict modern systematization, white-blooded or ice fish are classified in the order Perciformes, in which such aquatic inhabitants are represented by eleven genera, as well as sixteen species.

However, such a mystery of nature did not immediately arouse the interest of many skeptical scientists, so scientific research Fishing was only started in the middle of the last century. Scientific classification(taxonomy) was carried out by Swedish zoologist Einar Lenberg.

Appearance, dimensions

Icefish is a large fish. In the population living from South Georgia, adult representatives of the species often reach a length of 65-66 cm, with an average weight of 1.0-1.2 kg. The maximum fish size recorded off the territory of South Georgia was 69.5 cm, with total mass 3.2 kg. The area near the Kerguelen Archipelago is characterized by the habitat of fish with a total body length not exceeding 45 cm.

The first dorsal fin has 7-10 flexible spiny rays, and the second dorsal fin has 35-41 segmented rays. The anal fin of the fish contains 35-40 segmented rays. A feature of the first lower part of the gill arch is the presence of 11-20 gill rakers, while total There are 58-64 vertebrae.

Ice fish have a low and slender body. The rostral spine near the top of the snout is completely absent. Top part the lower jaw is located on the same vertical line with the apex of the upper jaw. The height of the relatively large head is slightly greater than the length of the snout. The mouth of the fish is large, with the posterior edge of the upper jaw reaching the anterior third of the orbital part. The eyes of the fish are relatively large, and the interorbital space is characterized by moderate width.

The outer edges of the forehead bones above the eyes are quite smooth, without the presence of crenulation, and not at all raised. The two dorsal fins are rather low located, touching the bases or slightly separated by a very narrow interdorsal space. On the body of an aquatic inhabitant there is a pair of lateral lines (medial and dorsal), without the presence of bone segments. The fins on the belly are of moderate length, and the largest middle rays do not reach the base of the anal fin. The caudal fin is of the notched type.

This is interesting! The caudal, anal and dorsal fins of adult representatives of the species are dark or blackish in color, while the youngest individuals are characterized by lighter fins.

The general body color of the ice fish is silvery-light gray. In the area of ​​the abdominal part of the body of the aquatic inhabitant there is a white color. The back area and head of the cold-resistant fish are dark in color. On the sides of the body there are irregularly shaped dark vertical stripes, among which the four darkest stripes stand out.

Lifestyle, behavior

Ice fish are found in natural reservoirs at depths of up to 650-800 m. Due to the obvious features of the biochemical composition of the blood, with a small amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the bloodstream, representatives of this species feel quite comfortable when temperature conditions water at 0°C and even slightly lower. It should be noted that due to the way of life and structural features, ice fish does not have an unpleasant specific fishy smell, and the taste of the meat of such fish is slightly sweet, tender and very tasty.

The main role in the respiratory process is played not by the gills, but by the skin of the fins and the whole body.. Moreover, the total surface of the capillary network of such fish is approximately three times greater than the gill respiratory surface. For example, the Kerguelen whiteblood is characterized by a dense capillary network, reaching a length of 45 mm for each square millimeter of skin.

How long does ice fish live?

Ice fish are perfectly adapted to quite unfavorable environment, but the heart of an aquatic inhabitant beats somewhat faster than that of most other fish, therefore average duration life does not exceed two decades.

Range, habitats

The distribution area of ​​the species belongs to the intermittent circum-Antarctic category. The range and habitats are mainly confined to the islands, which are located within the border of the northern part of the Antarctic convergence. In West Antarctica, icefish are found near Shag Rocks, South Georgia Island, the South Sandwich and Orkney Islands, and the South Shetland Islands.

This is interesting! In cold deep waters, icefish have increased blood circulation, which is ensured large sizes heart and much more intense work of this internal organ.

Noticeable numbers of icefish are observed near Bouvet Island and near the northern border of the Antarctic Peninsula. For East Antarctica, the range of representatives of the species is limited to the banks and islands of the underwater Kerguelen Ridge, including the Kerguelen islands, Shchuchya, Yuzhnaya and Skif banks, as well as the territory of McDonald and Heard Islands.

Ice fish diet

Ice fish belongs to the category typical predators. Such cold-resistant aquatic inhabitants prefer to feed on bottom-dwelling marine life. Most often, the prey for such representatives of the class Ray-finned fish, the order Perciformes and the family White-blooded fish are squid, krill and small fish.

It is precisely due to the fact that the main food product of ice fish is krill, the slightly sweet and tender meat of such an aquatic inhabitant is somewhat reminiscent of king prawns in its taste.

Reproduction and offspring

Fish are dioecious animals. Females produce eggs - eggs that develop inside the ovaries. They have a translucent and thin membrane, which ensures quick and easy fertilization. Moving along the oviduct, the eggs exit through the external opening located near the anus.

Males produce sperm. They are located in paired testes called milt and represent a unique system in the form of tubules flowing into the excretory duct. Inside the vas deferens there is a noticeably expanded part, represented by the seminal vesicle. The release of seminal fluid by males, as well as the laying of eggs by females, occurs almost simultaneously.

Extremophiles, which include representatives of the class Ray-finned fish, the order Perciformes and the family White-blooded fish, are ready for the process of active reproduction only after two years of age. During the autumn spawning period, females hatch from one and a half to thirty thousand eggs. Once born, the fry feed exclusively on plankton, but grow and develop rather slowly.

Natural enemies

Under the scales of the extremophilic Antarctic fish there is a special substance that prevents the body from freezing in cold deep waters. At fairly great depths, representatives of the Icefish species do not have too many enemies, and only too active, almost year-round mass fishing for commercial purposes can pose a particular danger to the overall population.

Ice fish is considered a delicacy due to its rich content of useful elements and rich taste. With proper execution of various recipes, all of the above qualities can easily be preserved.

Ice-cold, or bloodless, fish has tender meat with a sweetish taste, which, when fried, will go perfectly with tomatoes and herbs.

For preparation you will need:

  • 4 carcasses;
  • a shot of olive oil;
  • lemon zest;
  • a little flour;
  • salt and spices.

The preparation method consists of following simple steps:

  1. Thawed naturally the fish is cleaned and gutted.
  2. The carcasses are rubbed with salt, spices, grated lemon zest and sprinkled with ⅓ of the olive oil.
  3. After the fish has been marinated a little for 10 minutes, the carcasses are dredged in flour.
  4. Fry the fish for about 10 minutes in a frying pan with the remaining hot oil.

Oven baking recipe

Ice fish in the oven is an excellent low-calorie dish, The excellent taste of which is emphasized by spicy herbs.

To complete the recipe, it is enough to purchase the following products:

  • fish – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • cumin, saffron, rosemary and salt - to taste.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. The carcasses are defrosted and cleaned well.
  2. The juice is squeezed out of the lemons and rubbed onto the fish.
  3. The carcasses are also sprinkled herbs, salt and go to the refrigerator.
  4. After 15 minutes, the fish is placed in a baking dish, sprinkled with oil and placed in the oven, where it is baked at 180°C for about 30 minutes.

Ice fish in foil

The use of sour cream when baking in foil gives the ice fish a piquant flavor. To prepare 5-6 carcasses, 100 g of sour cream, a little olive oil, spices and salt are also used.

Preparation stages:

  1. Spices, salt, sour cream and olive oil are mixed in a bowl.
  2. The prepared fish is coated with sour cream sauce and placed on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. A thick envelope is created from foil, which is sent to an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes.
  4. 5 minutes before the end of baking, the envelope is unfolded to form a golden brown crust.

Cooking for children's diet

Since this type of fish has practically no bones, instead containing many minerals and vitamins, it is worth paying attention to it when creating a children's menu.

To prepare 1 kg of ice fish, you need:

  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • asparagus – 10 shoots;
  • salt and olive oil - to taste.

How to create a dish for children:

  1. The main product is thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried, after which it is placed in boiling, salted water for 7 minutes.
  2. Carrots are cut into cubes, asparagus - into small pieces.
  3. Vegetables are lightly fried in oil.
  4. Fish and fried vegetables are laid out on one plate

How to cook fish soup at home

A recipe for a quick, tasty and healthy dish, for which you should prepare:

  • 2 fish carcasses;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • a little herbs and salt to the cook's taste.

In progress:

  1. Thawed and cleaned fish is cut into pieces, which are sent to a pan with salted water, where they are cooked until tender for about 15 minutes.
  2. The fish is removed and the broth is filtered.
  3. Chopped onions, grated carrots, potato cubes, salt, sugar and some herbs are added to the broth.
  4. When the vegetables are cooked, fish is added to the soup.
  5. The first dish is ready.

Ice fish aspic

This fish has virtually no odor and is excellent for aspic.

To enjoy the taste of tender meat, you will need:

  • ½ kg of fish;
  • 50 g onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 200 g peas;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a packet of gelatin;
  • salt.

In preparation:

  1. Fillet is prepared from the fish.
  2. Pieces of fillet, cubes of carrots and onions, and a bunch of herbs tied with a thread are placed in the pan.
  3. The products are filled with 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Everything is cooked until done.
  5. The broth is strained and salted, and the fillet is kneaded by hand.
  6. Gelatin is soaked in 100 ml of cold water, which is gradually diluted with hot broth.
  7. Place fillet, slices of boiled eggs and peas on the bottom of the mold.
  8. The ingredients are poured into the broth, after which the mold is put into the refrigerator until the aspic hardens.

Cutlet preparation option

This unique delicacy produces aromatic and tender cutlets.

It is enough to prepare:

  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 kg of fish;
  • herbs, salt and breadcrumbs.

The products are prepared as follows:

  1. The backbone is removed from the fish and the fillet is prepared, which is passed through a meat grinder.
  2. Onions and carrots are cut into cubes, fried and sent to the fish.
  3. The minced meat is once again passed through a meat grinder, after which it is mixed with egg, salt, herbs and sour cream.
  4. The mixture is formed into flat cakes, rolled in bread crumbs and fried on both sides.

Ice fish in a slow cooker

Thanks to the multicooker, the process of preparing an appetizing dish from 700 g of fish will become even easier.

Additionally required:

  • 2 onions;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • ½ glass of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Cleaned fish is cut into portions.
  2. Onion cubes are placed in a multicooker bowl and sautéed in the “Frying” mode.
  3. After the vegetable becomes transparent, fish pieces are placed on top of it, salted and seasoned.
  4. A sauce is prepared from cream and grated cheese, which is poured into the contents of the multicooker.
  5. The dish is prepared for 25 minutes in the “Stew” mode.

Thus, if you see an ice fish in a supermarket, you should not pass it by. Such valuable meat, when properly prepared, will delight the cook and his household with its tenderness, nutritional value and excellent taste.

The Murmansk icefish lives in the cold Arctic waters, which is where its name comes from. The length of the carcass is about 25-35 cm, weight – up to 600 grams. Low temperature The waters of the Arctic make it unfavorable for harmful organisms, so ice cream has environmentally friendly meat that is beneficial for humans. This type of fish is considered a delicacy, as it has no analogues.

The benefits and harms of ice fish

What are the benefits and harms of ice fish? It is endowed with a number of microelements that are beneficial for humans, contains a minimum of fat and a high percentage of proteins. Thanks to these properties, ice cream belongs to the category of dietary products. It is useful for different people age category, has a large number of amino acids. Boiling in water and steaming, baking, stewing - these methods of heat treatment will preserve the benefits of the fish.

Harmful properties are absent, the only exception may be intolerance to the product, an allergic reaction to fish products. Always check the expiration date to avoid the possibility of food poisoning. Do not refreeze the product, it kills everything useful material. It is not recommended to give ice cream to children under 1 year of age.

Why is ice fish so expensive?

In the 80s, striped fish were caught in large quantities and were in great demand among buyers. Its cost was low. Why is icefish so expensive now? This is due to the collapse of the USSR, and with it the fishing industry. The result is that the ice pack has become expensive, and the delivery price has increased. Today, its catch is under control, which also affects the final selling price of this representative of the Antarctic fauna.

How to cook ice fish

Any product requires proper heat treatment. How to cook ice fish? Microelements, minerals contained in it: potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, even sulfur and copper - are important for our body. To preserve them as much as possible in the finished dish, you must adhere to one of these useful ways preparing white pike:

  • cook broth;
  • bake in the oven;
  • grill;
  • steam;
  • stew.

This will help preserve not only its unique properties, but also its unique sweetish taste. It is important to defrost it correctly: there should not be a sharp temperature change; it is better to leave it overnight in the lower part of the refrigerator. It’s easy to clean and cut up an ice fish: it has no scales, only the fins, tail, entrails, and head are removed (optional). There is no specific fishy smell.

How to cook ice fish in the oven

One useful way is to cook ice fish in the oven. This preserves its shrimpy, slightly sweetish, delicate taste and all the microelements. White-blooded pike is prepared easily and quickly. The cleaned carcass is rubbed with oil, sprinkled with spices: thyme, basil, salt, pepper, and sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, you need to wrap it in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Cooking time is minimal - only 20-30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end, you need to unfold the foil to get a crispy crust.

Ice fish in a frying pan

Ice fish in a frying pan is no less tasty. To get an appetizing crispy crust, you need to roll the fillet in breading: to do this, mix flour, egg yolk, a mixture of dried herbs, salt, and black pepper. Fried whole, in small pieces or as fillets. This must be done over medium heat using vegetable or butter. This way the carcass will be completely cooked.

Instead of breading, batter is sometimes used. For it, combine the egg, flour, water, knead well until smooth. The ice cube needs to be rolled in it before frying or put in quickly and then filled with batter. There will be no crispy crust, but the fish will be much juicier and softer. Just before cooking, add small basil leaves to the pan; this will add a delicious aroma to the dish.

Ice fish recipes

There are many recipes for making ice fish. Fried white pike has an amazing crispy crust and cooks quickly. Sprinkle the dish with sauteed onions, this will give the fish additional flavor notes. You can bake ice cream on your own or in tandem with vegetables: carrots, onions, lemon, bell pepper. When serving, add fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Spices that reveal its taste well: thyme, ginger, lemon balm. Ice cream will be an excellent side dish for rice and can be the main component of fish soup.

It is better for novice housewives to stick to recipes with step by step photos– this way you can learn a lot and learn how to cook ice fish. After experimenting with different ingredients and cooking methods, choose your favorite recipe. Some people like the crispiness of fried fish, others like it fish soup, and still others prefer ice cream baked with cheese.

Ice fish for children

  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 84 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Fried ice fish is introduced into the diet of children from the age of 1 year. It contains phosphorus and many other vitamins. Try to diversify your child’s menu with such a dish - it will be an excellent flavor addition to rice and baked vegetables, and will saturate the child’s body with useful microelements that promote brain function and the development of the muscular system. This recipe won't require much from you. financial costs and special culinary abilities.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the ice cream into fillets, get rid of the entrails, fins and head. Wash thoroughly and add salt.
  2. Cut the fillet into portions of 3-4 centimeters.
  3. Place the fish pieces on a steamer rack or in a slow cooker and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished dish can be recommended for children after one year of age.

Ice fish in foil

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Ice fish in foil has exceptional taste. The ice cube must first be defrosted, cut and marinated with cumin, saffron, and dill. There should be little spices so as not to overwhelm the taste of the product. An important point In preparing ice cream, you need to add lemon juice - you can use it to marinate fish or serve it with a ready-made dish.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • saffron, thyme, salt - 1 gram each;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method.

Ice fish, pike-shaped white-blooded pike, striped white-blooded pike (lat. Champsocephalus gunnari) is a fish of the white-blooded fish family (suborder Nototheniaceae).

The name “ice fish” (or simply “ice fish”) is sometimes used as a collective name for the entire family of white-blooded fish (white-blooded fish) or its other individual representatives (crocodile white-blooded fish, whale white-blooded fish, etc.). You can also find the name “sea pike”, which is not entirely correct, because this name was assigned to barracudas, a completely different family of fish.

Lives in Antarctic waters - around Antarctica and South America, are endemic to this region.

Even Norwegian whalers in the 19th century said that in the distant Antarctic, near the island of South Georgia in the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, there were strange fish with colorless blood, which they dubbed “bloodless” and “ice”. However, this mystery of nature did not immediately attract the attention of skeptical scientists.

Scientific research on these fish began only in 1954.

The scientific classification (taxonomy) was carried out by the Swedish zoologist Einar Lönnberg in 1905.

Length on average 30-40 cm, can reach 60-70 cm, Weight on average 300-1000 g. The largest recorded specimen of the pike-like whiteblood weighed 2 kg with a body length of 66 cm.

The body is naked, often translucent, with wide transverse dark stripes. There are two or three longitudinal lateral lines on the body. The color completely lacks red tones due to the peculiarity of the blood, which does not contain red blood cells (erythrocytes). Blood, accordingly, is colorless. The head is large, almost a quarter the size of the body, elongated and flattened at the top, and has large toothy jaws. The large non-retractable “pike” mouth exceeds half the length of the head. Appearance and the proportions of the head resemble those of a pike, hence the corresponding names of this fish.

The skeleton is soft, contains little calcium (slightly calcified). There are few bones.

They live at depths from 200 to 700 m, rarely entering shallow water. The deep whiteblood (lat. Chionobathyscus dewitti) lives at a depth of about 1-2 thousand m.

The temperature of the habitat can reach negative values ​​- up to −2 °C, below freezing point clean water. The upper temperature limit is usually no higher than +4 °C.

They feed mainly on small crustaceans - krill, copepods, also squids and small fish. In general, the biology of white-blooded fish has been little studied.

Whitefish and, in particular, icefish are a unique phenomenon in the world ichthyofauna. The blood of these fish is not red, like that of all vertebrates, but colorless due to the almost complete absence of red blood cells and hemoglobin in it (hence the name of the family). This is the result of adaptation to life in conditions of temperatures close to 0 °C - since when the temperature drops, the viscosity of the blood increases very sharply (exponentially), evolution turned on a kind of adaptation mechanism - it reduced the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (respiratory pigment) in the blood of these fish to a minimum.

Since the blood of these fish does not contain red blood cells and hemoglobin (a protein that binds oxygen to be carried by the blood to the tissues of the body), their metabolism is based only on oxygen dissolved directly in the blood. This is possible in part because the coolest water can dissolve and contain large quantity oxygen. Other mechanisms of the unique metabolism of whitebloods are the absorption of oxygen dissolved in water directly by the skin and a big heart, working with greater intensity than that of related species. Also, the muscles of white blood (with the exception of the heart muscle) are poor in myoglobin.

Whitebloods are the only ones known to science vertebrates whose blood does not contain red blood cells and, accordingly, hemoglobin. This unique evolution of the organism and the change in its metabolism made it possible for white-blooded fish to exist in a habitat with temperatures below the freezing point of water.

As a result of detailed histological studies, no a large number of erythrocytes, but immature (primary) and unstable, which do not play any significant role in gas exchange. The latter is carried out due to the diffusion of oxygen dissolved in water through the surface capillary network and its transfer by blood plasma. In this case, the main role in the breathing process is played not by the gills, but by the skin of the entire body and fins, since the total surface of their capillary network is 3 times larger than the respiratory surface of the gills. The almost complete absence of the respiratory pigment hemoglobin in the blood of white blood and its low oxygen saturation is compensated by an increase in the rate of blood circulation due to a significant increase in cardiac muscle. The heart of whitebloods is up to three times the weight of the heart of fish of related families and is capable of pumping a significantly larger volume of blood.

Ice - valuable commercial fish. The size of market ice fish is from 100 g to 1 kg, length - 25-35 cm.

Fish meat contains large amounts of potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and other valuable microelements and vitamins.

For your unique taste qualities and due to the remoteness and complexity of the production region, it belongs to the “premium” price category.

In addition to domestic fishing companies, fishermen from Australia, Chile, Spain, and Lithuania supply the Russian market with ice fish.

It is noteworthy that in the Soviet fishing industry it belonged to the lowest price category, along with blue whiting and pollock.

Culinary properties

The taste properties of ice fish are also unique.

Since the icefish feeds mainly on krill, its meat has a slight sweetish shrimp flavor.

One of the advantages is the absence of an unpleasant specific fishy smell. This fish can be recommended to those people who cannot tolerate it.

The meat is dense, tender, lean (2-8 g of fat per 100 g of weight) and low in calories (80-140 kcal per 100 g). Protein content is about 17%. Virtually boneless: the fish has only a backbone and does not contain rib bones or small bones. And the ridge itself, since it contains a small amount of calcium, is soft and practically edible (easily chewed due to its softness).

Gentle types are recommended culinary processing ice fish: steamed or boiled. Ice fish connoisseurs believe that ice fish aspic is much tastier than pike perch. Raw ice fish dishes are popular in Japan.

Since white bloods live in the most ecologically clean regions of the planet, they can be considered one of the cleanest fish; it is believed that they do not contain any harmful substances.

In general, ice is one of the most suitable for healthy dietary nutrition varieties of fish.


The icefish is a member of a rare family. This is a white-blooded specimen, which is also called "sea pike". Fish is a delicacy product and has no analogues.

Description and habitat

Icefish fish is found in the Arctic cold water. IN natural environment she lives at a depth of 2000 meters, an environment she considers ideal for normal life. There is an aquatic representative at temperatures from 4 degrees Celsius to 2 degrees below zero. The fish feed by eating crustaceans and small plankton.

Ice fish living in the oceans choose the deepest areas where the temperature is coldest. The catch takes place in Antarctica, the western Atlantic Ocean, and Norway. In Russia, on store shelves you can find representatives that are about 40 centimeters long, with the largest individuals reaching a length of 70 centimeters. Ice fish weighs from 300 to 1000 grams.

Large sea ​​dweller has a short body, he has big eyes, occupying more than 16% of the head. There are low dorsal fins, as well as pelvic fins. medium length. The caudal fins, in turn, are characterized by notching. The ice lollipop is distinguished by a naked translucent body, on which dark wide stripes are located across. The animal is painted a light silver color, the abdomen is often white. The dorsal, caudal and anal fins are dark blackish in color.

The blood features removed the red color from the animal's coloring. The size of the glacier's head is a quarter of its body; on top it is flattened and elongated. The representative is characterized by large, toothy jaws. The mouth opening is large, it has a length equal to half the size of the body. Externally, ice fish are quite similar to pike. It has very little calcium, so the skeleton is soft and practically boneless. Icefish is a fish that has commercial value. Individuals offered on the market weigh up to 1000 grams and have a length of up to 35 centimeters.

Composition and calorie content

Ice fish meat is a delicious food product that contains a large percentage of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine and iodine. The fillet is saturated with useful micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, B6, B9. The taste of the product is unique, there is practically no smell. Ice cream pulp is characterized by density, tenderness, and is not greasy.

The calorie content of ice cream fillet is 91 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Fish contains a lot of protein - about 17%, and about 2% fat. The cholesterol level is 55. This type of meat is one of the most environmentally friendly, so it can be an excellent basis for dietary nutrition. With us, ice fish can only be purchased frozen; however, re-freezing the meat should not be allowed, as this will worsen the taste of the product.

Benefits and harms

Ice fish have mass useful properties for the body due to its rich composition. The low percentage of fat makes it an indispensable product for diets. Meat protein and amino acids are essential for normal functioning human body. The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the product helps prevent atherosclerosis and heart and vascular diseases.

Fish does not contain harmful substances, so you can eat it without fear of harming your health. Also useful product can become part of the diet for baby food. Beneficial effects on the thyroid gland have been observed when consuming ice fish. The benefits of meat were appreciated by people who suffer from hypertension and heart disease. Ice fish can only cause harm if you are hypersensitive.

Why so expensive?

The average consumer may be surprised by the high cost of the ice cube. The first reason is that this fish is a delicacy. The second is due to fishing restrictions, as well as high costs of importing the product to Russia. Just 30 years ago, the cost of ice fish was no more than pollock. The reason for this was the absence of high taxes, which have a direct impact on the market price.

Cost per this product is completely justified, since it is not only tasty, but also absolutely safe. The ice floe's habitat is only ecologically clean areas aquatic environment, therefore the presence of harmful elements in meat is practically excluded. When buying an expensive ice cube, you should be careful about your choice. To get not only a high-quality, tasty, but also a healthy product when purchasing white-blooded pike, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • packaging of frozen carcasses must be airtight;
  • It’s better to choose the whole copy, which is sold headlong;
  • the ice sheet should be characterized by evenness, integrity, and the absence of ice build-up;

Fresh ice fish should not have any foreign odor.

How to cook?

Every seafood needs proper heat treatment. To preserve the benefits and nutritional value of ice fish, it should be prepared in one of the following ways:

  • boiling for broth;
  • baking in the oven;
  • grilling;
  • steam cooking;
  • stewing.

Thanks to one of the above cooking options, you can preserve not only the composition, but the sweetish taste of the meat. Before you start cooking, the white-blooded pike needs to be properly defrosted; to do this, it needs to be left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Cleaning and cutting ice floes will not be difficult, since this aquatic inhabitant does not have scales. To prepare the fish, you need to remove the fins, tail, internal organs, head if necessary.

In the oven

One of the most useful options Preparing ice fish involves baking it in the oven. This option allows you to preserve the sweetish, shrimpy taste, as well as the irreplaceable benefits of meat. It doesn't take much time to cook white pike in the oven. After cleaning the carcass, it is spread with oil, seasoned with various spices and sprinkled with lemon juice. After preparation, the product is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. Bake the ice cream for 20-30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, the foil is unrolled; this event contributes to the formation of an appetizing crispy crust.

In a frying pan

Very tasty option The best way to prepare ice fish is to fry it in a frying pan. In order for the fish to have an appetizing crust, it must be rolled in breading, which consists of mixed flour, egg yolk, dry herbs, salt and pepper. You can fry fish whole, in pieces or fillets. For quality cooking, the product is fried over medium heat in butter or vegetable oil.

This cooking method can be done using batter, which is prepared using eggs, water and flour, which are mixed until smooth. This cooking method does not imply the formation of a crust, but the fish will turn out juicy and soft. For exquisite aroma Place basil leaves on the frying pan.

Popular recipes

There is more than one known recipe for making ice fish. White-blooded pike is characterized by speed of preparation, as well as excellent taste. Sauteed onions go well with this product, which should be sprinkled on seafood. When serving, a fish dish can be supplemented fresh vegetables, spices and rice side dish.

For children

The dish prepared according to this recipe is simple, it will take 20 minutes, and its calorie content is 84 Kcal per 100 grams of product. After the first year of life, children can introduce fried ice cream into their diet, as it can saturate the body with phosphorus and vitamins. To prepare a children's dinner, you should prepare 1 kilogram of ice cream, a little salt and vegetable oil. The fish should be cut into fillets, washed and salted. Next, it is cut into portions no larger than 4 centimeters in size. The seafood must be placed in a double boiler for 20 minutes.


To prepare aromatic and delicious first ice cream dishes require the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kilograms of fish;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • a little sugar;
  • salt and herbs.

After the fish is cleaned and washed, it should be cut and sent to boil in salted water for a quarter of minutes. After time has passed, the meat must be removed and the resulting broth must be strained. You should add chopped vegetables, salt, a pinch of sugar and herbs to the liquid. After the vegetables are completely cooked, you need to add seafood to the broth. The first dish is ready.


Tender cutlets from a delicious type of fish are prepared using the following products:

  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 kilogram of ice cream;
  • herbs, salt to taste and breadcrumbs.

The fish carcass must be freed from the ridge, and the fillet must be passed through a meat grinder. Cut the onion and carrots into cubes, fry and add to the fish. The minced meat should be put through the meat grinder again, and then mixed with sour cream, salt, pepper and egg. Make flat cakes from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry.

In a slow cooker

Using a slow cooker will make the process of preparing ice fish simple and quick. To prepare 0.7 kg of white-blooded pike you need several onions, 200 milliliters of cream, a small piece of cheese, salt, seasonings and a little vegetable oil. The ice cream needs to be thawed, peeled and cut into portions. Onion cubes should be sautéed in a slow cooker. When the vegetable becomes transparent, place the fish on it, salt it and season with spices to taste. A gentle sauce should be made from cheese and cream, which is poured over the dish and cooked for 20 minutes until an appetizing crust forms.


To prepare fish aspic you need the following ingredients:

  • 1000 grams of ice cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 20 grams of gelatin;
  • 1 Bay leaf OK;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • 60 grams of cranberries;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley and the same amount of dill;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 90 grams of water;
  • 100 grams of olives;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The ice cream must be defrosted and rinsed well under running water. Cut off the head from the carcass and divide the fins into portions. White-blooded pike must be placed in a pan, filled with water and, adding bay leaves, vegetables, lemon, pepper, boil for a quarter of an hour. The resulting broth should be strained. Gelatin should be soaked in 100 milliliters of water and then added to the broth. The liquid must be heated without boiling. Place boiled vegetables, olives, fish meat and herbs in plates. After which the products are filled with broth.

The dish should harden for 8 hours in the refrigerator.

To prepare hearty and flavorful ice fish dishes, you can use the following recommendations:

  • When frying ice fish, you should not pour vegetable oil into the frying pan; it is better to pour it over the top of the product;
  • frying should be quick and in a hot frying pan;

There should be space between the fish pieces to ensure best cooking;

  • Cooking the soup should not take a long time; 20 minutes after boiling is enough for the first dish to be ready;
  • To prevent the ice cube from sticking to the grill during frying, it must be sprinkled with vegetable oil;
  • Roasting a whole carcass promotes maximum preservation of vitamins and taste characteristics.

Does it have analogues?

The appearance of the icefish resembles a pike. The fish has no analogues; judging by consumer reviews, its meat is similar to beluga and catfish. Of course, you can replace ice cream in your diet, since it is expensive. Do not forget that it is environmentally friendly and safe; no other marine representative can compare with ice water. If you are lucky enough to find ice cream on the counter of a supermarket or fish store, then you should not bypass this product. Properly prepared ice fish is a healthy delicacy that will bring a lot of taste pleasures.

To learn how to cook fried ice fish, watch the following video.

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