Lunar Maiden. Compatibility with other signs

The Moon in Virgo gives you the opportunity to put all your affairs in order. This period is good to devote to health and business. Climbing the career ladder will be successful if you carefully plan and weigh each step. It's a great time to give up bad habits and play sports. However, these days you should not overwork. Rest on fresh air will help you relax and gain strength as much as possible.

The influence of the Earth's satellite on the character of the lunar Virgo

People with the Moon in Virgo are great realists. These are intellectuals and pragmatists, they are characterized by practicality and prudence. FROM early childhood Lunar Virgos demonstrate a sharp and inquisitive mind. As a rule, they study well and already from childhood know what profession they will choose.

The lunar sign of Virgo endows people who are born under its influence with special sensitivity. However, they can skillfully hide their impressionability under the guise of cold restraint. Lunar Virgos have the talent to intuitively feel the moods and desires of other people. It is difficult to deceive them, they always try to keep their distance from people they do not know well.

You can always rely on lunar Virgos. Bosses cannot get enough of such executive and hardworking employees. They always try to comply with various regulations, instructions and social norms. These are true workaholics who cannot imagine their life without work, without a sense of their indispensability and importance.

Surrounding people use the reliability of Dev. They are constantly dumped all the difficult or routine work. It is important for people born with the Moon in Virgo to learn how to defend their interests and protect "personal" space.

The question of justice is very acute for these people. They try to always act honestly and nobly. This applies to how professional activity as well as personal relationships. You can not deceive the lunar Virgos. They will immediately feel the lie and try to end the relationship with those who inflicted a spiritual wound on them.

Virgos need to learn how to relax, as they are very difficult to break away from work. It is best to take trips to the sea, to nature or to the country. Only in this case, the romantic lunar Virgo switches to the beauties of nature and stops endlessly thinking about “working moments”.

People with the Moon in Virgo feel very well all the versatility and complexity of the world around them. It is very important for them to be able to adapt to emerging life situations, find the most effective method solutions difficult questions. They always want concrete and positive results.

Distinctive features of the period when the Moon is in Virgo

The moon in the constellation Virgo sharpens the perception of small details, gives rise to a craving for exaggerated cleanliness and makes a person too scrupulous and squeamish.

These days, people subconsciously seek to purify not only their living space, but also their body. Some suddenly start repairs, others break off long-term relationships, others go on a diet.

The Moon in Virgo makes you pay attention to small details and compare previously unnoticed inconsistencies with each other. At this time, you can find a way out of a confusing situation, resolve long-standing problems.

This period is well suited to take care of your health:

  • undergo a complete examination;
  • take tests;
  • visit highly specialized specialists.

For motorists, this is a good period to send your car for diagnostics to a service center. It also doesn't hurt to general cleaning in the garage or in the country.

Too much attention to detail may not give a good view of the situation as a whole. In addition, these days there is some stiffness and timidity, the feeling of insecurity is exacerbated. In order to get rid of this, you need to “turn back” and look, as it were, from the outside at the already “conquered peaks”.

What career opportunities gives the Moon in the constellation Virgo

Being a lunar Virgo, you can not perceive your life as a constant series of duties, rules and new things. A good mind and an excellent memory allow you to quickly respond to non-standard situations, successfully solve current problems and effortlessly do routine work.

Build brilliant career, Lunar Virgos are helped by:

  • practicality;
  • zeal;
  • ability to quickly master new technologies;
  • attention to details;
  • self-criticism;
  • perseverance;
  • analytical mind;
  • diligence.

In addition, the interests of the lunar Virgos can extend to areas of activity that are far from each other. For example, they can successfully pursue a career in such opposite directions:

  • medicine and modeling business;
  • politics and archeology;
  • teaching and business.

Unfortunately, Lunar Virgos are often heavily overworked and constantly irritated by their inability to get everything done at once. This affects not only health, but even relationships with others.

Excessive criticality, constant nervousness, meticulousness in business can become unbearable for colleagues and friends. In this case, Virgos risk being left alone, alone with their corrosiveness and grumbling.

The correct daily routine, timely rest will help improve the quality of life of these people and improve relationships with others.

Moon in Virgo woman

A woman with the moon in Virgo often has such negative character traits as:

  • pettiness;
  • emotional stinginess;
  • skepticism;
  • pedantry;
  • prudery.

The lunar nature of Virgo makes a woman be more careful in all matters, which negatively affects relationships with loved ones. It is difficult for such a woman to break away from petty fussiness and fully reveal her feelings and desires, become liberated and get rid of internal complexes. Psychological clamps, suspiciousness and suspicion will affect her personal life, forcing colleagues, acquaintances and relatives to consider her an inveterate curmudgeon.

The Moon in Virgo in the representatives of the weaker sex makes them too critical and intolerant of other people's shortcomings. In order not to spoil the life of either herself or others, a woman needs to try to prove herself in interesting work, get carried away with creativity, find a hobby.

Lunar Virgos always have perfect order in the house. They are excellent housewives, skillfully managing the household budget. They are unfamiliar with unforeseen situations - everything is clearly planned and distributed in advance.

The ideal match for such a woman will be an intelligent and kind man, which will be moderately pedantic and rational. Sometimes happy couples are made up of opposite characters - this introduces bright colors in the measured life of Dev. You can read the continuation in the article >>>

Moon in Virgo man

The moon in Virgo in a man pushes him to vigorous activity. He is not used to sitting without work and feels a constant need to do something. For such people, it is very important to be able to take care of someone and benefit others. These are workaholics, often engaging in self-discipline if the end result of their work does not seem perfect to them.

Men with the Moon in Virgo cannot afford recreation and entertainment. For them, it seems like a waste of time. Over time, fatigue accumulates and can result in irritation or aggression. But these people often achieve their goals and can make a brilliant career.

Lunar men of this sign treat things sparingly and love to create comfort and coziness in the house. They have high moral character, they are simply pissed off by lies, injustice and other people's bragging. Unaccustomed to showing off their virtues and successes, they do not like braggarts and envious people.

Lunar Virgos are faithful husbands and caring fathers. Even if they start an affair on the side, they still will not leave their family for the sake of their mistress. They often choose slender and well-groomed women as companions, as they are secretly proud of their choice and are not averse to showing their companion to others. However, this desire is not to become hypertrophied. Virgo men appreciate, above all, the inner beauty of women. You can read the continuation in the article >>>

Black Moon in Virgo

The presence of the Black Moon in Virgo enhances prudence and practicality in a person. At this time, analytical thinking comes to the fore, pushing aside intuition, rejecting everything that is irrational.

Virgo's ability to detail takes on a universal scale and is brought to the point of absurdity. A person begins to exaggerate the significance of every trifle, every little thing. Everything around is subjected to careful analysis, relationships are examined "under the microscope". Such skepticism and pedantry makes it difficult to see the situation as a whole.

White Moon in Virgo

White moon in Virgo can endow its owners with beautiful analytical skills. Such people can achieve great success in a leadership position. They prefer not to be distracted by trifles and clearly see in which direction they should move in order for the enterprise under their leadership to work like clockwork.

A person with the White Moon in Virgo always has a well-arranged life. His family will never need anything. These are very responsible people who always try to achieve the best result in everything.

When the black and white moon are in the same sign

The Black and White Moons are points of definition and choice for man. The White Moon warns and “pulls out” a person, preventing him from slipping into despondency, selfishness and vanity. The Black Moon attracts to surrender to base passions and show the most negative traits of character.

Influence of the phase of the day

Influence lunar phases per person, has been studied for a long time. Even ancient astrologers drew attention to this, describing in their treatises the influence of the full moon or new moon on a person. To live in accordance with the lunar rhythms, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the heavenly body on the physical and emotional state.

Moon and haircut

Virgo has a very good influence on general state hair. At this time, the hair grows rapidly. The hair is more obedient, thanks to which the styling keeps its shape for a long time, the curl will also be successful. It is also good to do hair coloring and toning on this day. The haircut will keep its shape well, the hair will be strengthened, it will improve. appearance, problems with the cross-section of the bumps will decrease. Any wellness procedures on this day are very favorable.

moon and garden

It is considered an infertile sign of the zodiac. These days it is good to plant some annual flowers that will grow a little small, but very beautiful. When sowing garden crops, they will develop a good and strong root system, however, you will get little harvest. In addition, its taste and smell will be mild, and the fruits are not juicy enough. During this period it is good to plant ornamental plants that just bloom and don't bear fruit.

The moon and the nature of man

A person born under this sign applies special efforts to perfection in everything. In his character - amazing perseverance in achieving goals. The highest standards that these people choose are unrealistic. The slow path to these standards takes a long time, depriving the joys of life. Lunar Virgos dedicate themselves lofty idea which flatters their pride and gives them the opportunity to act actively. The implementation of such tasks takes a lot of effort.

People of the Virgo sign are characterized by manifestations of criticism and introspection. To question everything, to choose the only right decision is the most pleasant thing that can be in the life of Dev.

Lunar Virgos tend to strive to take care of others, to fully devote themselves to their chosen cause or to caring for people they love.

Virgos have a flexible and sharp mind, an excellent memory. Unfortunately, Virgo does not know how to use her wonderful intuition, delving into the endless analysis of every little thing.

Thanks to innate insight, a person of the Virgo sign has considerable quick wit, great sensitivity and clear understanding, and can avoid prejudices and prejudices.

The moon laid in the character of the Virgo the firmness that manifests itself in logical thinking, combined with the ability to extrasensory perception. However, people of this sign are so stubborn in their pursuit of perfection that they may blame themselves for not being able to achieve it. This pushes them to introspection, which causes an increase in anxiety.

Positive character traits of Lunar Virgos: industriousness, idealism, legibility in affections, liveliness of mind. To negative traits include: immoderation in stress, both mental and physical, excessive self-criticism, self-doubt.

Moon and human emotions

Virgo is an earth sign, so the influence of the Moon is powerless to change her emotional tendencies. Trust your feelings, follow their lead, Virgo will never be able to. She gets in the way of practicality. Firmly adhering to the idea that emotions are a luxury, Virgo tries to explain them, to bring them under certain limits. She does not trust her feelings, considers them a necessity that she has to put up with, but should not be trusted.

The moon endowed Virgo with analytical abilities. People of this sign need to appreciate emotionality, and not destroy it with the coldness of their mind.

In addition, Virgo can appreciate the scale of their feelings. And they are quite ardent, sometimes unbridled, at the same time gentle and romantic.

It is important for people of this sign to learn to listen to themselves, studying the inner "I", this will help them become more attentive to own life. This area attracts people of this sign the least, but the results of such an action are simply incredible. Trusting yourself is really not easy, but it will help Virgo to better feel others, not ignoring them, to better assess life situations.

Moon and career

People born under this sign are practical and hardworking. But they cannot work for the sake of work itself, they need a goal, some higher purpose. They often choose a case that requires attention, concentration. Intelligence is the most important thing for Virgo. The ability to reason logically, the Moon Virgo shows in full. The combination of attentiveness and accuracy allows you to solve any adequate tasks.

People of the Virgo sign are very critical both to themselves and to others. Any actions require first serious consideration - Virgo adheres to this opinion all her life. An analytical approach to work can play a cruel joke. Demanding to herself, Virgo begins to doubt everything, especially the quality of her work, bringing doubts to the point of absurdity.

Lunar Virgo is doomed to be a workaholic. The idea that the work is not done well enough, its level does not meet the requirements, it can never become effective, visits Virgo often. The main thing for a person of this sign is to stop overworking at work, to enjoy what he does in this moment and do not deprive yourself of legal rest.

To achieve success, people of this sign need to believe more in their abilities, as well as rely more on colleagues.

moon and love relationship

The main character traits of the Moon Virgo are restraint and a penchant for analysis, so love relationships are always associated for them with the emergence of all kinds of problems. People of this sign take matters of love too seriously, tormented by the endless analysis of their relationship with a partner. Sometimes such actions harass them so much that there is no strength left for the main thing. The joy of communicating with their beloved passes by them.

The moon helps Virgo to listen to herself more often, to stop creating difficulties in love. Romance, inspired by the Moon, can bring charm to the life of the Virgo. The person of this sign does not seem to the partner frivolous, unreliable. The stability he represents strengthens love. The inner desire to find a soul mate is not alien to Virgo.

Her sensory perception of the world prevails. Such people cannot stand loud sounds, carelessness, so it is better to know about these features in advance so as not to get annoyed later. Sometimes this can be neglected, because love relationships turn the Virgo's life upside down, give it a new meaning.

People of this sign strive for perfection in everything. Idealism - component their nature. Under the powerful influence of the Moon, which controls inner emotions, they sincerely believe that a love relationship that captures all their feelings should develop into love.

Lunar Virgos are very vulnerable and vulnerable, especially if they have experienced disappointment in the past. Possessing an excellent memory, Virgos do not forget about past love failures, and their inherent self-criticism makes them take all the blame.

Virgos usually put love second only to work. Personal relationships, according to their deep conviction, although quite attractive, should not interfere with the main thing - the achievement of life goals. But deep down, a person of this sign understands that love always comes first, and he wants to both love and be loved.

He can be surprisingly sentimental. Mutual trust and understanding on the part of the chosen one allows his feelings to grow stronger. Often under the guise of cold intellect lies a volcano of feelings. Virgo will prove her devotion in a variety of ways, if the beloved managed to see the real essence, true needs behind external manifestations. Trusting his beloved completely, the person of the Virgo sign demands the same devotion in return, otherwise jealousy - one of the traits of his character - can sweep away everything in its path. However, by reaching a compromise between the shortcomings and weaknesses that irritate your partner, you will maintain a tender and warm relationship for a long time.

Moon and family relationships

Virgos are always very critical. Inclined to analyze the current situation, they embody many of their principles in family life.

Lunar Virgos have a pronounced need for a reliable, comfortable home with a well-established household. Such people want to be perfect parents. They should accept their children for who they are, and not build them "in a ruler."

High demands on oneself and others, bordering on picky, often spoil the relationship of the Moon Virgo with her family. Clinging to trifles, she often forgets that the family does not consist of robots, but of living people, with their own shortcomings. Sometimes a person of this sign really does not understand how, for example, you can put a thing in the wrong place or not cook dinner by two o'clock. Constant remarks bring others out of patience, and even relatives cease to take such a petty person seriously, gradually pushing him to the periphery of family life, where he can neither take part in family affairs nor influence what is happening.

To prevent this from happening, the Moon advises Virgo to pacify her critical impulses and irritability, to more often delve into the internal problems of people, to listen to them. Let the conversation with friends turn into relaxation, and not be like a scrupulous analysis of other people's problems. To be able to relax and have fun, to be able to transform family life on a holiday - this is what people of the Virgo sign need to learn.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Virgo in the interval:

0° - 10°=> ambition, criticality, caution, prudence, restraint, coldness, detachment, ability to teach;

10° - 20°=> melancholy, prudence. Can expect big success in everything connected with the earth, nature and animals, especially in agriculture;

20° - 30°=> cheerful disposition, friendliness, goodwill, loyalty to friends and like-minded people, fortitude, constancy.

October 17, 2017, 18:19


VIRGO is a sign of service and purity (internal and external), professionalism and modesty. Getting into this sign, the Moon obeys its requirements. Here we are moving away from the luxurious bright life of the Moon in Leo. A person with the Moon in Virgo is a modest worker and a tireless perfectionist.

In Virgo the Moon gives unconscious tuning to trifles, accuracy, clarity, disgust and asceticism are possible. Very responsive to details. And, as we understand it, unconsciously. "Scratched" inaccuracy - that's it. The mood dropped. There was a feeling of unease. It is necessary - to be exact. And so in everything. Virgo gives a fragmentation of life into many little things, and since. The moon shows, first of all, the family / household space, then it is here that the Lunar Virgos will endlessly clean up the mess. In the truest sense of the word. After all, Virgo is an eternal fighter against the imperfections of the World. Bringing cleanliness in one place, methodically moves to another, then in order (important!) Further, etc. Reaching the end of the improved space, he realizes with horror that where he started, everything fell apart again, again it is necessary to bring everything back to normal. And the Moon Maiden will start anew. And so, endlessly.

Um ... oddly enough, but it is the Lunar Virgins who are at risk for mental disorders. And not at all suspicious Moons of Cancer or furious witches with the Moon in Scorpio, or completely freaky Aquarius Moons ... After all, Virgo is about RATIONALITY. And rationality leaves no room for maneuver where life moves away from order and logic. And this happens very often, as we understand. Rationality is out of tune with the subconscious(Moon) and many inexplicable things of Lunar Maidens simply lead to a stupor. Cry, hysteria, they can’t. In general, Lunar Virgos are quiet and reserved. And then how? Then the moon begins to bring everything back to normal. There is no clear understanding, no norm, no order - a nervous reaction as to the inexplicable. I think that for many Moons in Virgo, cleaning the apartment is the best therapy. And I remembered knitting or embroidery! Try it. An example from life is here on Gossip. Once I met a post where a girl told how she cleans the apartment. Every day for 7 minutes. And this saves her from global cleaning once a week. Dear storyteller, if you are reading my post now, thank you so much! This is the classic Moon in Virgo. Every day in different places a little bit. Is always. Forever.

This is a beautiful illustration of the Moon in Virgo principle. "A small wheel in the Global Mechanism of the Universe - that's how Lunar Virgins feel" (P. Globa). And this is precisely the responsibility - Cosmic. Sense of duty, obedience. But in the metaphysical sense, this is Service. Serving modestly to people, a person rotates the World Drum. In a small grain of sand - Cosmos. After all, in front of the Virgin-stretched Ocean Boundless Fish. Where everything and nothing. Where all the little things are absorbed, and there is no meaning, but there is a Single Idea.

Here is such a completely Esoteric story obtained from the modest worker of the Moon in Virgo.

When we touch the Archetype, it is the Egyptian Isis. Moon Goddess. Healing wounds, resurrecting dead gods and people. And in general, this is the image of the Great God-giving birth to the Virgin. Like this. No more, no less. It's very esoteric. The moon in Virgo gives a purpose - this is caring for loved ones. And the Moon in Virgo is about healing. With this position of the moon, excellent doctors are obtained. And if we are talking about the "magical" profession - herbalists, healers, healers.

* But in the definition of a profession, additional ones are always needed. factors.

In general, any profession that requires accurate and precise performance of one's duties + service to people. I knew a great waitress in that position. She was very soon promoted to head waiter. Healthy! Definitely. We are closely monitoring the health of our families and loved ones. Eat right, daily routine! As for sports, well, not really about this Moon in Virgo. Rather, medical examination is the right word.

Mothers with the Moon in Virgo are the right mothers. Responsible. Clear. Perhaps they lack imagination and sori-apathy. There is attention to detail and everything must be perfect. Criticality in the family will be on high level. And that's a little stressful. Alas, she is very worried about the stupidity (as it seems to her) of offspring. Distracted child? It's horror-terrible. Children are always neat, smart, neat. Correct, in short, children.

Isis and Horus

A man with this position of the Moon will look for a practical, rational wife. Intelligence is the right word. Better-health worker or teacher. You can open a dry cleaners together. Ideal for Moon in Virgo. The mothers of such boys did not spoil them. Possibly criticized. Oh, I don’t like such formulations (it’s not professional) - but criticism is a really destructive feature of the Moon in Virgo. Unconscious discontent, turning into boredom. This is a real danger for the owner of such a position and for others. Here you need to somehow approach more consciously, do not allow yourself to get too carried away with the topic of improving a member family.

Isis, Osiris and the infant Horus. Everyone is here...

If we are talking about health, then Virgo's fear of any bacteria is well known. And there really is a danger of intestinal disorders. And one more thing - there is an opinion that in this position, the hands may suffer. Apparently, this is due to the fact that Virgo is a sign of work, fine motor skills are a symbol of Virgo and Gemini, and how can it be without hands? Be careful, take care of your hands. For the Moon in Virgo, it is important to always do something with your hands! And another moment is anxiety. I have already spoken about this property of Virgo above. Here the Moon cannot relax - neither sleep normally, nor eat deliciously, nor follow your instinct, nor plunge into the collective unconscious - the Moon cannot do any of this in Virgo. And that means nerves. Say, don't be nervous! would be idiotic. You can't beat Luna anyway. But doing “girlish” activities is a must. Rest - according to Virgo. Right. No frills.

I really hope it's a cow...

I almost forgot, but it's important! Pets! This is the theme of Virgo. Keeping living creatures at home is the theme of the Lunar Maidens. How can you combine everything with cleanliness - share it? I have no idea how to fit in my head a cat and stories about toxoplasmosis to the Moon Maiden - and it's interesting.

Interesting celebrities with this position. Immediately visible common feature: common sense and a kind of pragmatic, reserved approach to life in general. No snot, I would say so. Like anatomically and with attention to detail.

Katherine Heppburn

Winston Churchill

Marlene Dietrich

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Let's look at our count, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. And from the point of view of everyday life and from the point of view of the Moon as his wife. This would be a good example.

According to this time, we have:

The Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is in Virgo + Mercury is right there and all this is in the 4th house, and the trine from Neptune and Mars from the 7th house (House of relationships, interaction with another person), Cancer on the Ascendant - all this according to Astrodatabank. It looks like it to me (but there are some questions here, I will clarify) ... Okay.

And as a result, we see a detailed (Virgo) dissection of Human Relations (7th house). Thin, sensitive, but like under a microscope. Deep, but - study. He is like a scientist. Not an artist! This is important to understand. There isn't even any sympathy for the characters. There is scientific interest. Rational and devoid of drama. It is necessary to call Natasha Rostova a "female" - yes, no question. It is necessary to show that Anna Karenina was a neurotic, insane, immoral (!) Woman - easily. And the ability to show completely banal, everyday things, relationships - but under the Cosmic "sauce", to see the depth of the Creator's Intention in the most ordinary things. In general, he was an extremely ruthless person, to be honest. But the guy is wow, by the way ...

Looking at his chart, I don't see any problems in his marriage. And I see problems in relationships in principle: nervous, heavy, depressive, or vice versa - acute. Here and passions (from Pluto to Venus) and hassle (from Uranus all to the same Venus).

He generally had some strange ideas about relationships. Venus in opposition to Uranus is, to say the least, about oddities. In accordance with his ideas of decency (?), he gave Sofya Andreevna his bachelor's diary to read, which frightened her wildly. Well, still ... Marriage began to be burdened after 2 weeks. Nevertheless, Sofia Andreevna was pregnant 19 times. “I live in fear of pregnancy ...”, “I feed and with horror I understand that I am pregnant again.” (C) I tried to protect myself - Lev Nikolaevich was wildly indignant. And an infinite number of villagers as mistresses.

Damn (sorry), the count in general has issues of ethics, morality, morality separately and are the subject of his study (Jupiter squared to the Black Moon and Neptune squared to the Nodes), including through his own actions, in which he was "wide ". And he himself generally sent away the generally accepted norms and rebelled (here he is Aquarius on the cusp of the 9th house) in the end.


The Tolstoy Counts lived modestly, by the way (according to the Moon in Virgo). Who was in the Moscow estate or in Yasnaya Polyana I think they will agree. I was especially struck at one time by the menu that Sofya Andreevna compiled for the whole crowd. And her famous Cookbook. Something from the series "semolina pie", "black bread cake" ...

Apple cream, for example:

“Take two glasses of baked pureed Antonov apples, two cups of fine sugar and one protein; cook a four of glue and put a piece of vanilla; knock down the apples with sugar and put the welded glue into it and pour it into the mold ”(C) In general, such a book is very “girly”. Everything is extremely zealous and modest. Nothing extra! Everything is taking into account the needs and characteristics of the stomach (she even has notes - for the graph, we are preparing something separately there).

This is despite the fact that she herself is actually never a Virgo. And even the Moon is not Virgo. And Leo and Sagittarius. And where did she break herself like that? She has Mercury in Virgo. She turned out to be a very (very!!!) reasonable aunt. Forty years later life together Sofya Andreevna, not without sad irony, stated:

“... a genius needs to create a peaceful, cheerful, comfortable environment, a genius needs to be fed, washed, clothed, his works must be rewritten countless times, you need to love him, not give reasons for jealousy, so that he is calm, you need to feed and educate countless children, which the genius will give birth, but with which he is bored and has no time to mess around.

She was generally very gifted by nature, but with such a "comrade" a number of people could easily go crazy. He literally "rolled" her.

“He walks on a knife ...” Therefore, the diagnosis made to the countess by one of the doctors may not be far from the truth: paranoia. There were violent tantrums and threats to die... The publication of the Kreutzer Sonata, in which Tolstoy, with merciless cruelty, debunked the modern institution of marriage, caused great pain to the Countess. Sofya Andreevna in her diary on February 12, 1891 - that she immediately inflicted a wound on me, humiliated me in the eyes of the whole world and destroyed last love between us…"

Somehow Sofya Andreevna needed an urgent operation, which the doctors reported to Tolstoy. The Count replied:

“I am pessimistic about my wife's health: she suffers from a serious illness. The great and solemn moment of death has approached, which has a touching effect on me. And we must obey the will of God. I am against interference that violates the grandeur and solemnity of the act. We all have to die not today, tomorrow, in five years. And I am withdrawing ... "When asked by the doctor, how he advises to calm the torment of his wife, he answered:" Suffering is necessary: ​​they help prepare for the great act of death ... "

Permission for the operation of Sofya Andreevna, thank God, was given by the children, and the countess lived after that for another fifteen years. ”(c)

Ruthlessness and obsession with Higher Plans. Interestingly, all his life he dealt with issues of morality, but I can’t call him a moral person.

I was looking for purity (Virgo!!! “I feel a sense of destruction in front of her. She is so impossibly pure and good and whole for me. I don’t own her because I don’t dare, I don’t feel worthy. Something torments me. Jealousy for that to a person who would be worth it. I'm not worth it "(c)) and plunged into cold cruelty (also Virgo, by the way, Aquarius)) ... There is no warmth, unfortunately. There is emasculation and peremptoryness. This is the danger of personal planets in Virgo - you can not see the forest for the trees, too, carried away by restoring order in the World.

The next post is Moon in Libra.

With the Moon in Virgo, people are born with a realistic outlook on life, they never look at the world through pink glasses getting used to initially evaluate everything soberly. These are born pedants and intellectuals, they are practical and pragmatic, their mind is sober and reasonable. While still very young, they stand out from their peers, as they ask a lot of questions and will not calm down until they receive an intelligible answer.

Moon in Virgo man

These are sensitive men who at the same time know how to keep their feelings and emotions under control. A lot of things can rage inside them, that in appearance they are always calm, restrained and cold, which is why those around them consider them callous and detached. Naturally, this is absolutely not the case. Lunar Virgos feel good about other people, perfectly understand their own kind, but at the same time they are very touchy and tend to close themselves in unfavorable situations. Knowing about their sensitivity to others, they always try not to let them get close to them.

These are very reliable performers who do the work in accordance with all the rules and instructions, even if they themselves do not agree with the established standards, they will not argue. The gene of workaholism is also embedded in them, they simply cannot imagine how it is to live without work. It is very important for them to feel their need for someone, so they are immersed in any work process with great willingness. Lunar Virgos are trouble-free, which the environment often uses for its own good, for example, entrusting them with boring and monotonous work that you don’t want to do yourself. Not only will they not refuse, but they will do everything qualitatively and according to the established deadlines.

These are the real fighters for honesty and justice, and even the high status of a person will not become a reason for them to remain silent - they will express everything and point out punctures even to their superiors. For such qualities at work, they are disliked despite not serious successes in the service, and many are even afraid of them. It is difficult to catch the Moon Maiden doing nothing, they will always find something to do, in the most extreme case they will put things in order, they really like it when everything is structured around.

In addition to work, they will never refuse to help others - they will always come to the rescue, and it doesn’t matter at all whether they are busy at that moment. Fuss, things about nothing - this can almost never be said about the Moon Maiden, they are too critical of themselves and the fruits of their work. However, if the fuss makes itself felt, but they themselves cannot stop, they become very irritable and nervous in relation to the environment.

Moon in Virgo woman

These women are pragmatic, rational, receptive and diplomatic. In any case, all Lunar Maidens can be conditionally divided into two groups. In the first are those who actively manifest themselves in outside world and turn into workaholics who focus on all the little things, work tirelessly, delve into any information and never calm down until they finish what they started and reach their goals.

The second group includes passive individuals who do not take on many obligations due to the lack of a sufficient supply of energy. Inner weakness makes them, on a subconscious level, avoid work that involves taking on serious responsibility. Such people begin to suffer from themselves and it is difficult to envy them.

Regardless of which category the Moon Maiden belongs to, these are people with excellent memory, which, if desired, is very easy to realize themselves in many areas where it is necessary to keep a large amount of information in mind. Many Lunar Virgos, if not professionally, then at the same time are fond of folk healing. They always watch their diet, try to eat only healthy food. Coming to the store for groceries, be sure to read the composition before putting the goods in the basket. If the Moon Virgo lives in a family, then everyone who lives with her under the same roof eats right.

They do not survive any stress, from which they immediately become tense and restless. Even when the stressful situation passes, they feel nervous tension for a long time. Often, to calm down, they start working or cleaning the house. Monotonous work helps them return to normal condition. However, it also happens that they pour out all their anger on other people, which is expressed in the manifestation of criticality. Virgo is already a critical sign, but in such situations this quality doubles.

Their parents are very demanding. Almost from the cradle, they accustom their children to order, cleanliness and work. But at the same time, they are very caring, patient, and instead of quarreling or spanking their child, they will have lengthy explanatory conversations with him on why it is impossible to do one way or another.

Moon in Virgo natal chart makes a person dryish and restrained in the manifestation of feelings. The Moon in Virgo seeks to express itself through Mercury, and Mercury in astrology is the planet of the mind, and therefore a person with the Moon in Virgo controls all his emotions with his mind.

A person with the Moon in Virgo feels a constant need to do something, he cannot sit without work. He needs to feel useful and needed. A person with the Moon in Virgo feels happy if he can help, serve the people around him. The Moon in Virgo can make a workaholic out of a person.

Man with Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism if, in his opinion, the work is not done so perfectly, or not done at all. A person with the Moon in Virgo does not know how to relax and have fun at all, especially if in the natal chart it is poorly expressed fire element or there are no planets in the element of fire at all.

On the external influences a person with the Moon in Virgo reacts deliberately, he is not prone to risk. Moon in Virgo introduces into the character traits such as timidity and caution. In a new environment, a person manifests himself modestly, or prudently, he "does not climb on the rampage."

With a weak Sun, a person with the Moon in Virgo will be supple, driven, indecisive and fearful. And with a strong position of the Sun in the natal chart, the Moon in Virgo will make a person prudent, demanding and picky.

Subconsciously, a person may feel a desire to help the weak and defenseless. The Moon in Virgo often gives love to animals, especially dogs.

A person with the position of the Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo is responsible and patient, he has an innate sense of duty. Also, the Moon in Virgo gives good observation, subconsciously a person notes for himself the slightest nuances in the behavior of the people around him, in the environment. His intuition and reason work together.

AT stressful situations a person with the Moon in Virgo can withdraw into himself and does not want to deal with difficulties, he is prone to melancholy and depression, especially if the Moon in Virgo in the natal chart is struck. This happens because the Moon in Virgo does not give vent to emotions, feelings, both positive and negative, are clamped down. A person needs to analyze their experiences, their cause, in order to bring all their emotions to the surface and realize them, and Mercury, the ruler of the Moon in Virgo, will help them with this.

With a weak Sun in the natal chart, a person can be unpretentious and even ascetic. He adapts to any conditions of life with time.

Moon in Virgo for a man.

A man with the Moon in Virgo has fidelity, although he is cold in feelings and is not inclined to violently show his emotions, especially if Venus in his natal chart is in his earthly zodiac sign. A man with the Moon in Virgo is unromantic and not ready for madness for the sake of love. The Moon in Virgo makes a man devoted to his chosen one. He can remain faithful out of a sense of duty, even if love has passed. A man with the Moon in Virgo is looking for an economic, hardworking, patient and restrained woman as his wife. His woman should not sit without work. The moon in Virgo in a man makes him look for a woman for whom the most important thing will be taking care of the house, the children and him. Although he will not mind if his wife sometimes "nags" him and grumbles. With additional indications in the natal chart, a man with the Moon in Virgo can be boring and boring, you won’t wait for a holiday in your life, work and life will always come first for him.

Moon in Virgo woman.

A woman with the Moon in Virgo is responsible, patient and always ready to help. For her, caring for loved ones is an internal need. The moon in Virgo in a woman makes her a faithful wife, a good mother and a hardworking housewife. Although with a strong Sun in the natal chart, for a woman with the Moon in Virgo, a career will also have great importance. With a weak Sun, a woman with the Moon in Virgo will be timid, modest, obedient and compliant, such a woman will agree to be in the shadow of her husband.

Moon in Virgo for a child.

A child with the Moon in Virgo is assiduous and patient. He differs from other children in his shyness and timidity. A child with the Moon in Virgo would rather modestly hide in a corner and make something, draw, sculpt, than run with other children in a noisy crowd. The Moon in Virgo in the Child makes him focused and obedient, so that parents with such a child will have a minimum of problems, especially if the Sun of the child in the natal chart is in a passive sign of the zodiac. You can say about a child with the Moon in Virgo that he is "quiet".

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