Magic days Saturday and Sunday. Women's and men's days in magic

IN modern world magic conspiracies are used very often. With the help of magic, people seek to solve problems in various areas of life. Therefore, it is important to know how to read conspiracies correctly?

The strength of any conspiracy depends on many factors. But, first of all, it should be understood that magic can be used only in emergency cases, when it is not possible to solve the problem by any means.

Any conspiracy is pronounced alone. And you can’t even tell anyone about the plans for the ceremony.

On what days should the ceremonies be held?

It is very important to know not only how to read conspiracies correctly, but also on what days magical rituals should be performed.

In magic, days are divided into women's and men's. That is, a woman should read magic conspiracies on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and a man should do it on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Sunday is not considered a suitable day for magical rites. But on the other hand, this day is optimal for preparing for the future ritual. It can be devoted to meditation and prayers.

Some types of rituals are especially effective on religious holidays. So effective are the effects aimed at healing, carried out on Easter. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, rituals aimed at returning youth and beauty are popular.

The strongest black rites are held on Halloween. But before reading such conspiracies, you should definitely weigh the pros and cons. After all, black magic always does more harm than good.

Setting the stage for a conspiracy

For the conspiracy to be effective, it is necessary to create right conditions in the room where the ceremony takes place. First of all, absolute silence should be created in the room in order to focus on the purpose of the ceremony as much as possible. It is equally important to exclude all possible extraneous factors that may be distracting during the magical action.

It is very important to provide for the correct lighting, which is always emphasized in the description of the rites. As a rule, night rituals are performed by candlelight. And if a daytime ritual is performed, then to enhance its effectiveness, it is necessary to provide maximum sunlight.

The most effective are conspiracies spoken at night or at the time of sunrise. It has been proven that moonlight enhances magic words and this must be used. If it is recommended to perform the ceremony in nature, then this should be done as far as possible from residential buildings.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to visualize the purpose of the ceremony. The importance of this can hardly be overestimated. If you can clearly imagine your goal, then this will increase the effectiveness of the rite.

Begin pronouncing magic words after a calm breath. Phrases must be distributed in such a way that the last word is pronounced when exhaling. The effect of a conspiracy can be enhanced by repeatedly reading the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracies should not be spoken loudly, but each word must be pronounced clearly, without stammering.

Strong white ritual for a man's love

To attract the love of a man, it is necessary to conduct a magical rite in which a conspiracy to water is used. This ritual belongs to the means of white magic, therefore it cannot harm. As a rule, this rite is used by women who cannot meet a loved one in their life.

It is necessary to speak water for washing in the late evening. Only spring water or water drawn from a well should be used in the ceremony. If this is not possible, then a cart from the tap can also be used, but it must first be kept in a dark place for three days.

Water should be poured into a wide bowl and say the following magic words:

“Water-voditsa - drink the blood of the Great Mother Earth, and you, Mother Earth - fill the water-vodka with blood. And I, the Servant of God ( given name) I appeal to the Lord Almighty, bless the natural water with your power. Let beauty come to me, but when a good fellow looks at me, he will become mine forever, and he will never look at others again. As said, so be it. Amen".

After that, you should take a bath with charmed water and immediately go to bed.

If you believe in success and magic, then any conspiracy, no matter what direction it is, will be effective. Do not believe those who claim that only professionals can use magic. The main thing when conducting it yourself is faith in your own strengths and no doubts in your soul about the correctness decision about the ritual.

Money plays an important role in our life. And even if they say, “What is not in the money of happiness”, then they correctly answer, “But in their quantity.” How can a person learn to attract cash flows, prosperity and wealth? You think that you are unlucky with money because of your karma, money passes next to you, but does not look at you, your wallet is often empty, which means that in your case it is money magic that will help to correct your lack of money . Conspiracies and rituals will help you become rich.

Sunday money spell

I will get up early on Sunday, I will go, blessed, I will reach the church of God, I will go in, cross myself, pray to the Lord God and all His angels and the Archangels. O holy Heavenly Beginnings, implore our Lord Jesus Christ to make us worthy to lay a good beginning! I pray to the Great Archangel Varahiel: Holy Archangel Varahiel, who brings blessings from the Lord to us, bless me to initiate a good start, correct my negligent life, and please the Lord my Savior forever and ever. Amen. Holy Varaahiel, if it be the will of God, make sure that gold flows into my bins, flows, does not expire, flows, does not dry out.

Do not treaties and negotiations be all my words in full, and do not attack my words neither on land, nor on the sea, nor on dark forests, nor on violent winds, but attack my words on a golden husband, on a golden sword, on a golden tree. Just as a fish cannot live without water and a child without a mother, so the gold from that tree cannot exist without my bins. To all my words in the sea there is a key, in the mouth there is a lock - I lock it, I lock it forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for wealth on Sunday

A good kind and safe conspiracy for great wealth. Money will come to you just like that and you will not lose anything, such is the peculiarity of this conspiracy. But, important point, this conspiracy can only be done on a waning moon, so that the moon takes all the negativity to itself. Do it very carefully, without missing anything from what I write.

You will need to buy 33 red candles in the church (exactly 33 and only red ones). If they don’t sell red candles in your church, I won’t be able to help you, then this conspiracy and wealth is not for you.

Also take 3 ten rubles paper bills, glass of red wine and salt.

The ceremony should be done immediately after sunset on Sunday. Put the candles in a semicircle in front of you, put ten-ruble bills next to it, put the wine, and pour the salt into the wine (just a little, one pinch).

Light all the candles and say three times:

« «.

After that, burn one ten-ruble bill. You need to set fire to it from a candle, which is located in the middle.

Again say three times:

« I'll be rich, I'll be rich, I'll be rich«.

And again, set fire to a ten-ruble bill from the leftmost candle from you.

Then say this phrase three times again:

« I'll be rich, I'll be rich, I'll be rich«.

And burn the last ten-ruble bill from the candle to the far right of you.

After that, cross yourself three times, drink salted wine in one gulp and say three times.

Saturday corresponds to the planet Saturn, zodiac constellation- Capricorn and Aquarius, elements - earth and air, type of energy - female, metal - lead, stones - amethyst, granite, quartz, obsidian, onyx.

special magic power Saturdays fall between January 21 - February 19, and in the period July 23 - August 22 they have the most minimal astral influence. The peak of maximum magical power falls on the evening twilight. Associated with such gods as Saturn, Chronos.

In Russian, the name comes from the Jewish "Shabbat" (Sabbath), which spread along with Christianity throughout Europe.

Saturday has a special role among all the days of the week, especially in Jewish mysticism, where this day is a link between the heavenly temple in which God dwells and those who worship Him. In some way, the Sabbath itself is a temple in time, but not replacing the heavenly temple, but leading to it. With the coming of the Sabbath day, each person is placed in God's presence and testifies of himself.

The name of the god Saturn, who patronizes this day of the week, is associated with the word "sow", and therefore in antiquity he was considered the god of crops and seeds, but later Saturn began to personify time, perishability human life, philosophy and so on.

From the point of view of magic, Saturday is more conducive to meditation and reflection than active magical practice. However, now it is possible to perform various ceremonies of worshiping the gods, meet witches like you, hold meetings devoted to the occult, and so on and so forth.

It is useful to perform cleansing energy practices, pray and meditate, work on your karma and make vows.

On the Sabbath, care should be taken with such parts of the body as bones, skin, gallbladder. In nutrition, it is better to give preference to sweet, sour and astringent tastes.

Sunday in Magic

Sunday corresponds to the planet Sun, the zodiac constellation - Leo, the element - fire, the type of energy - male, metal - gold, stones - rhinestone, carnelian, tiger eye, amber.

Sundays between July 23 - August 22 have a special magical power, and in the period January 21 - February 19 they have the most minimal astral influence. Arcane power peaks around noon. Associated with such gods as Helios, Adonis, Apollo, Aten, Attis, Atum, Dazhdbog, Demeter, Dionysus, Ishoko, Marduk, Mithra, Od, Osiris, Ra, Svarog, Surya, Tammuz, Utu, Freya, Khepri, Hora, Shamash, Yarilo.

In Russian, the name comes from the word "resurrect".

According to the Jewish and Christian calendars based on the Bible, Sunday was considered the first day of the week. It comes after Saturday, the seventh day of the week in the old religious calendars. Christianity borrowed the order of the days of the week from the Jewish calendar. In the Roman Empire, the first Christian emperor, Constantine, introduced a seven-day week in 321 and designated Sunday (the day of the Sun) as the first day of the week and a day of rest and worship. Nowadays, in European countries, Sunday is considered the last day of the week.

The sun often acts as the original symbol of the supreme deity or is identified with it. In many states of antiquity, monarchs ruled on behalf of the Sun and even traced their origin directly to it. That is why this day is often perceived as the beginning of the week, and not its end.

As for magic, witches perform various festive rituals on Sunday, aimed not so much at any specific business, but at attracting positive energies to life. Therefore, on this day it is useful to make amulets and talismans for good luck in any business, increasing the overall energy level, giving victory and success.

On Sunday, care should be taken with body parts such as the heart and back. In nutrition, it is better to give preference to salty, sour and spicy tastes.

A heated debate flared up on the network among people who were interested in whether it was possible to read the conspiracy on Sunday. This topic is special.

It arose due to a misunderstanding of some (who lived, by the way, a long time ago) personalities of the meaning magical rituals and rites.

In a nutshell, let's say this to those who really do not understand that Sunday is the same day as any other.

Is it possible to read conspiracies on Sunday

Believers began to introduce confusion into the "ranks of domestic magicians". After all, it is known that the Lord commanded to work selflessly for six days, and on the seventh day to forget about work, to do nothing.

Only, let me ask you, how is this statement related? They would still force witches and sorcerers to go to communion.

You see, people who practice magic are neither atheists nor satanists. Among them there are also deeply religious people. But all of them, as a rule, are contemptuous of dogma.

The Lord does not speak to everyone through the Church, especially not through its ministers. Therefore, when to work and when to rest, each person decides for himself. “In agreement” with the Lord, who, as you know, is in the soul.

Everything else is just the desire of individuals to command others, to enslave them.

And for those who cannot understand whose opinion is trustworthy, it is recommended to find the Lord in themselves, look inside, seek advice. As a rule, information in one form or another necessarily comes to those who seek it.

A conspiracy on Sunday, like a “forbidden fruit”, can even be pumped up with additional energy. To do this, you need to call your personal "rebel", which each of us has. Then the rite will receive an additional impetus.

And let's say to those who are not yet sure that Sunday is a normal day for a magician. But what about those rituals that are customary to carry out according to big holidays? They definitely fall on Sunday.

Easter, for example, or forgiveness Sunday. How to explain that these days you can tell fortunes, but not on others?

Think. Maybe the one who convinces you otherwise just wants to look like a big dock, not being one in reality?

Forgiveness Sunday Conspiracies

The plot is read after asking for forgiveness from all relatives (friends, acquaintances). It must be pronounced near the Icon of your Guardian Angel.

That it was within reach, you need to worry in advance. If she is not at home, then go to the Temple.

The words are:

“On a joyful day, when the world is cleansed, a bright star in the sky lights up. Pleases the whole baptized world! Look, little star, into my window, illuminate the purity and simplicity of my house. Help to realize (clearly formulate a desire)! Please the Lord, but do not fall from the sky! Amen!"

In order for love to enter your life, you need to face the east early in the morning and say these words:

“Forgive me, Lord servant (name), good people! Accept my obeisances and mournful words! I forgive you everything, I do not remember evil and do not notice! May a miracle happen to everyone on earth. God, let me fall in love. For the feeling to be mutual. So that you live with your loved one all your life! Amen!"

There is also a ritual for well-being and quiet life which is held on Forgiveness Sunday.

  1. You need to go to the tree that grows near the house.
  2. Tie a blue scarf on its branches and say the words of the formula.
  3. After that, prepare (buy) a treat and distribute it to your neighbors.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy toys for children, you won’t buy new clothes, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Won, others have money, bought new car, the dacha was built, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will just be amazed at how much positive changes happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Behind Last year we made a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“On the Holy Day, the Lord forgives everyone, bequeaths us to blame. I bow to the tree, I blame it. Forgive me, nature is a mother. Give me happiness, so that troubles do not know. Protect my peace and protect. Close the evil way to my house! May peace dwell in him forever. Don't look in my direction evil person! Amen!"

On Palm Sunday

On this holiday, everyone went to the Temple. Naturally, it was necessary to have willow branches with you.

Have you ever seen how people beat each other with them after the service? This is an old rite.

People believed that the twigs ward off troubles and illnesses. It was customary to lightly hit the children and other members of the seven with these "rods" with the words:

"Verba, hit! Willow, whip! Drive out thousands of diseases, drive away troubles, add health! Amen!"

Branches must then be stored. And those that remained from last year were burned before going to the Temple. The following words were spoken to the fire:

"Burn, camel, burn the poor!"

This is how it should be done year after year. This rite protects not only from random eyes, but also from love spells, for example.

Willow ashes must be collected. They sprinkle the threshold from the enemy and a bad person.

Women hid a branch of willow behind the Icons. Now you can do the same. How to put it, so say:

“As long as the branch behind the Icon is kept, until then my happiness will not change! Amen!". And married ladies were supposed to say such words: “Virba for the Icon, husband to my hem. He will forget betrayal, he will love the age! Amen!"

Even on this Sunday, it was supposed to have breakfast with kidneys from willow. You only need to eat three things, only on an empty stomach, as you return from the Temple. In this case, the following words should be spoken:

“Saint Paul, beat with a willow, beat off illnesses. Neither their own nor other people's ailments will come to this compound anymore. Amen!"

To do this, you need to collect seven branches. A small bouquet or "broom" is tied from them. Use yellow ribbon or thread.

Hang this item at your doorstep, saying:

“Twig to twig, broom is going. Drive money into the house, coin to coin, so that the children are fed. So that old people get water, so that there are happy faces in the house. Amen!"

If you want to attract the attention of a certain person, then the willow consecrated in the Temple will also come in handy. With this branch, touch the desired person and say quietly:

“Willow, verbinka, dry your tears. Light love in your heart, help to be together. Tame the ambition to caress enough. Verba, look into the soul, light the passion in the Lord's servant (name)! Amen!"


Selection of materials according to the rules of reading conspiracies.
(sources are different, so the rules are different from each other, but the general
you can draw up a picture - what can be done and what cannot be done when reading conspiracies).

Maria Bazhenova "Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye."

Buy this book on Ozone:

“At the request of Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya, I begin the book with a warning. If someone engages in conspiracies without thinking or out of curiosity, he can harm himself and others. Always think carefully before using them. Because by influencing life with the help of conspiracies, you are rebuilding the existing world. Everything in the world is interconnected. And if one thing changes, it will set off an inevitable chain reaction of change.

Are you ready to take responsibility for any changes that will occur after your action?

Are you ready to give up people you love and get close to those with whom you didn’t plan to get close (this can happen even after an action that seems completely innocent to you; in principle, everything can happen, a chain reaction is always unpredictable)?

Are you really unable to achieve what you long for by ordinary means?

Is it really necessary to use the incomprehensible and unpredictable energy of conspiracies and rituals?

Never experiment with conspiracies, take them very seriously, resort to them only in special situations. Do not neglect personal protection - be sure to take measures so that your action does not turn against you.


In this book you will find tips on how to attract money and become lucky man. The rituals and incantations that you can use were created in different time. Some came to us from ancient times, others appeared, perhaps, already in the twentieth century. But they are all working. Just remember this:

1. Think again what you are doing and what it can turn into. Not sure if you need it - do not do anything so that you do not bite your elbows later.

2. Never do anything out of curiosity. Only out of necessity.

3. Do only what you believe will help you. Do only to help yourself or others, never do to harm or harm someone.

4. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ceremony. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want. And it is better not to think, but simply to know.

5. Everything must be carried out exactly as described! If a replacement is possible, this will be stated. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the rite, it is better to choose another rite.

6. All words of conspiracies, love spells, spells, etc. must be repeated exactly as written.

7. Your clothes should be monophonic (or it is better to conduct rituals without clothes at all, in a long shirt of unbleached linen). Everything is done only barefoot, take off not only shoes or slippers, but also stockings. There should be no jewelry on the hands and ears. Take off any jewelry. The cross must also be removed if you wear it. Hair should be loosened, do not comb in the morning.

8. No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

9. If you are addressing the spirits of the dead, the windows should be tightly closed.

10. If you call for good luck, open the windows.

11. Rites aimed at forgetting the past (or aimed at making another person forget the past) should be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, conspiracies should be read at sunset.

12. On the day when you are going to do the ritual, sit on bread and water in the morning.

13. You can not do the ritual during menstruation.

14. Any ritual can be performed only once. If it seems to you that you did something wrong or said the wrong words, do not try to start over! The error means that you do not need to do this particular ritual.

15. Be sure to put "protection" when creating any ritual. The best ways protections are as follows: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle; before performing the ritual, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and after the ritual, pierce with a steel pin ring finger on the left hand, return to the same tree and squeeze out seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after the ritual, go for a small need and pour it into the snow behind the house (such protection is valid only in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read after each ritual "Our Father" nine times.

16. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

17. Seal any conspiracy with the words “key, lock, tongue”, “key in the sky, castle in the sea”, etc.

18. It is obligatory to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Kazan Mother of God, saints, in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, St. Panteleimon (healer), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius of Trimifuntsky (helps in all matters related to the house), all saints.

19. The house should always have red, yellow and brown church candles, holy water, silver items.

20. It is necessary to memorize the prayers: “Our Father”, “Hail the Virgin Mary”, “Jesus Prayer”.

21. Have on hand moon calendar because some conspiracies must be done on certain lunar days.

22. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

“How do you know what time is money? And the one in which something begins. The most money time New Year. Only not on January 1 - but on January 14 - according to the old style. The first five days of the growing moon are also monetary; but on the waning moon it is better not to make conspiracies for money. The beginning of every day, dawn - very strong time for conspiracies for "working" money. But the beginning of the night, sunset - good for conspiracies to preserve wealth. Big sunny holidays - Solstice- days when money magic works in full force.

Instructions for reading conspiracies.
Read the plot at the evening or morning dawn (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon line or at the moment when the sun begins to set below the horizon line).
. Read the plot in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.
. Be sure to read with an open window or window, turning to the east.
. Take a slow breath in and out first. Read in such a way that last word("amen") you pushed the air out of you. If the plot is long, then take a breath and exhale and read the plot to the end.
. Buy the candle that you light to read the plot in the church.
. Before reading the plot, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the prayer “Our Father”, and then the plot.
. If you need to read the plot on water, then take about half a glass or a glass of water (the volume of water does not matter) and drink it in small sips for 5 minutes.
. Read the plot with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help yourself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not for the sake of curiosity.
. The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times.
. Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first decade is especially important). If you worked with a conspiracy on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work or the result will be insignificant.
. There are conspiracies that should help women. They must be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot should help a man, then select men's days(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
. You can’t read conspiracies on Sunday, on major religious holidays and fasts.
. If you have the opportunity, then read the conspiracies in front of the old icon, as it contains a very large energy (the icon of forty saints is especially recommended).

Rules for reading a plot.

1. When reading a conspiracy, all words must be read exactly as written. Adding or removing words is not recommended.
2. It is necessary to observe the sonority of the word. If you somehow uttered the wrong word, the plot needs to be re-read. To do this, it is recommended that you first read each conspiracy to yourself.
3. If the conspiracy is directed at you, then you need to fast for three days before reading it. At the same time, you can not swear, get angry, quarrel.
4. Conspiracies should not be read to pregnant women and women with menstruation.
5. If you are sick, then the plot also cannot be read.
6. If another person makes you a conspiracy, be sure to thank him. Money is not allowed, better any gift (alcohol is not allowed).
7. The one who is plotted against must also fast for three days before this.

How and when can you make a conspiracy?

1. When reading a conspiracy, you need to remove all jewelry from yourself: rings, earrings, chains, etc. You can leave only the pectoral cross.
2. A man should be bareheaded. A woman needs to loosen and comb her hair well, smoothing the top of her head.
3. Clothing must be clean, light colors.
4. The plot is read in complete solitude. It is better to close all windows and doors, close the curtains: not a single person should even see with an eye what you are doing.
5. You can’t tell anyone about the conspiracy that has been made.
6. Conspiracies are made in the morning, before sunrise, or at sunset. Before the conspiracy, you can’t eat for three hours, you can only drink clean water.
7. If not special instructions, then the plot can be done on any day except Wednesday and Friday.
8. Conspiracies are not made on Easter and on the twelfth church holidays:
o Nativity of the Virgin,
o the Exaltation of the Cross,
o Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos,
o Christmas,
o Epiphany (except for a special baptismal conspiracy),
o Candlemas,
o Annunciation,
o Transformation,
o Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
o Palm Sunday,
o Ascension,
o Trinity.
o Also, conspiracies do not Holy Week, on Forgiveness Sunday.


2. The conspiracy can be recited by heart, but it can also be read from the sheet, this does not reduce the power of the conspiracy.

4. The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times. There must be a reference to the number of repetitions of the text, otherwise the text is read once or three times. After each repetition, it is customary to spit three times over the left shoulder, as is done "from the evil eye" or if a black cat crosses the road. But you do not need to count the number of repetitions aloud, fix it in your mind.

5. If the plot is intended for a woman, it is necessary to read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the plot is to help a man - only on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

6. Conspiracies for the cure of diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, the removal of damage, the evil eye to read on the waning moon (best in the first decade). The last lunar day will not bring results, or it will be insignificant.

8. Most best time for reading a conspiracy - evening or morning dawn, at the moment the sun appears on the horizon line or leaves it behind the horizon. If necessary, you can also read during the day (most often these are healing conspiracies at the bedside of the patient).

10. Before reading the plot, light a candle bought in the church, cross yourself three times, read the prayer "Our Father":

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Yes, shine your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Take a calm breath and exhale, then read the plot in such a way that with the last word of the plot you push the air out of yourself.

11. The water on which the conspiracy was read (the volume of water does not matter) should be drunk in small sips for 5 minutes.

12. From the conspiracy, not a single word should be thrown out. Nothing can be added, not a word, not a half-word, not a letter. Each word has its own meaning, and if the conspirator misses it for some reason or says an extra word, then the conspiracy will not work.

13. All words of conspiracies, prayers, spells must be spoken as written.
If you make a conspiracy for yourself, then you need to be in good health, with a calm head, so as not to quarrel with anyone ahead of time, so that your stomach does not swell.

14. Do not drink alcohol three days before. On the night before the conspiracy, not to be loved with anyone is not to have mercy. If a woman, then there should be no menstruation on the day when the conspiracy is made.

15. It is considered useful on the eve of the conspiracy to follow a vegetarian diet for three days, excluding sugar, which can be replaced with honey or fruits. During the entire time indicated above, give up tobacco, discos or passion for rock music, as well as exclude rude words from your speech. In no case do not swear or vilify anyone, even using words from Dahl's dictionary. Seek solitude, avoiding quarrels, conflicts, gossip, gossip and watching action movies on TV.

17. Before the conspiracy, you need to wash your hands, put on clean clothes, preferably white or light.

18. If a conspirator does something to you, then you definitely need to pay off or give back. The price is not directly asked. Or learn from third-party people, or give yourself for the labors of which it is not a pity.

19. A man makes a conspiracy with his head uncovered, a woman with a simple hair. Both the one and the other remove all rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry from themselves. Leave only the pectoral cross.

Your clothes must be plain. Conspiracies are done only barefoot, take off not only your shoes, but also socks (tights) - if you work at home or in the summer in nature. Women, both those who speak and those who speak, need to let their hair down, not to comb it in the morning.

20. No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

21. Conspiracies are not read in front of strangers.

22. No one can talk about their conspiracy. If you go to church, then do not mention it at confession.

23. Conspiracies are "personal" and "absentee", that is, you can speak to someone personally or in his absence.

24. If you speak water, or food, or drink, then it’s better anyway so that the spell is personal. And if a person cannot come, then in absentia.

25. If you speak water for treatment, then heal with that water until it runs out. And when it ends, you speak again and heal again. But there are times when you need to take a break. This is specifically written about.

26. Do not do rituals to check if the conspiracy will work or not. If you trust the ritual, then use conspiracies in accordance with real problems in order to solve these problems.

27. You need to have a clear understanding, focus on why you undertook to plot.

28. When conducting a conspiracy, one cannot joke, laugh, have fun, and the speaker and the speaker must be neutral and serious.

29. If you are doing work according to white magic, then before conducting the conspiracy, light a church candle, cross yourself three times and say: “I call on God’s army for help, let the satanic army go home. day and hour, and I will not accept his help. Amen. Amen. Amen."

30. Do conspiracies only to solve your problems; never do to someone unless you are asked to.

31. When conducting conspiracies, there should be nothing distracting; you need to focus on working with the problem that worries you.

When you plot, focus on it. Do everything as it is written in the ritual.

32. Conspiracies act on all people, however, on skeptics and those of little faith - to the least extent. In addition, there are many tricks that include oppositely directed spells that neutralize the conspiracy or reverse its effect. All this should be remembered.

33. When applying the conspiracy, the caster himself must be in good mental and physical shape, and also be confident in the effectiveness of the conspiracy.

34. In case of failure, which often happens with beginners in magic, you should not despair and lose heart, but be patient and repeat the plot as many times as you have enough time and energy.

35. Before you start a conspiracy, you need to calm down. To do this, it is better to meditate according to yoga or modern methodology, and if your confessional affiliation allows you, then say a prayer.

36. Remember that a conspiracy worked out by the centuries-old experience of your ancestors works best. Some ancient spells contain archaic, obsolete and incomprehensible words. Other words, although preserved, received a completely different meaning for a contemporary. Some of the expressions may simply be unpleasant for you. Of course, you can also speak the text in foreign language if you fully trust him and know his translation. However, if you have personal doubts, then you are better off making your own spell formula. It is traditionally believed that this kind of text is best written on the waning moon.

37. Take care of your body for better spell effectiveness. To this end, never cast a spell in depression, confusion, or in the presence of any disease.

38. In the process of pronouncing a conspiracy, no one should interfere with you and even watch you at this moment.

39. In no case do not use the wording of the conspiracy, directed to the detriment of any person, since the result may be unexpected and deplorable for you. You should always remember from the law feedback or the law of karma that exists in magic, according to which sooner or later you will receive back everything that you have sent to others.

40. The master himself must be willing to help the patient! If you are acting as a conspiracy reader, you must be completely focused on solving the problem.
Always remember that the moment you work with a person, he is completely dependent on you!

41. No need to look for logic in conspiracies: many of them carry a magical, energetic secret, which is not always clear.

42. Reading conspiracies is necessary only for those who feel the need for it, they themselves desire. It's bad when the Master forces himself. I will say that you should refuse to work with a person to whom you feel antipathy (here we mean healing and reunion conspiracies).

43. Usually a conspiracy has final words: “so be it”, “amen”, “my word is strong”, “true”. I do not recommend using the Greek “amen” in Russian-language conspiracies (in translation, it means “true”), since I have long been convinced that the vibrations and energy of foreign words can become harmful.

44. When you dictate a spoken text aloud to someone, be sure to close all windows and doors. This is an old rule, designed to ensure that when teaching beginner sorcerers, conspiracies "do not disappear", that is, they do not lose their force.

45. When performing any magical actions, including reading conspiracies, you often get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you should never turn around! You won’t see anyone anyway, and your actions will lose their power.

46. ​​If you read a plot outside the house, do not turn around all the time while you are going home and do not talk to anyone on the way. Don't even greet your neighbors.

47. As for the introductory prayers, one must carefully read the explanatory text that accompanies the charm part. In some cases, it is necessary to first read some kind of prayer (prayers) a certain number of times, in others - there is no such need. There should also be a reference to the number of repetitions of the main incantation text. If there are no comments on the conspiracy at all, then the author, most likely, just thoughtlessly "torn" the text from somewhere, and then you better find some other, more serious source for describing conspiracy therapy.

48. Now about witchcraft procedures performed on blood relatives. Danger may lie in wait for you if you practice exactly medical procedures in relation to your blood relatives, because in this case you can take over the disease or, at least, significantly weaken your health and immunity.

49. Treatment of blood relatives with the help of conspiracy-sorcery techniques can be used only in exceptional cases. To a limited extent, the practice of reading healing conspiracies by a mother for her children is permissible. With witchcraft manipulations of this direction, the mother does not risk her health too much. The opposite is strictly prohibited, children should not use healers and energy techniques to treat their parents!

50. And conspiracies that attract good luck, security, etc., you can read for any of your blood relatives without any fear. Well, just in case, let me remind you that the damage done to one of the blood relatives, especially in the parent-child bond, upon returning to the aggressor, is so intensified that it can even physically destroy him (the aggressor).

51. All of the above applies to people with whom you had traditional unprotected sexual contact (I will not specify, but I hope you understood me correctly, especially with regard to the concept of "traditional"). Therefore, spouses should not get carried away reading healing conspiracies over each other.

52. The same applies to removing the evil eye, fear, damage. Conspiracies of household and family orientation are quite acceptable. And yet keep in mind that "in case of emergency" (for example, when wives of husbands bewitch) witchcraft can hit very hard if it returns along the path called blood connection. There are cases when, when the mother's curse is lifted, the mother quickly goes to another world.

53. It is far from always possible for a non-professional to "reset" negative energy, and in the case of treating blood relatives, the disease can cling tightly to the healer. The general recommendation for non-professionals is this: after pronouncing each conspiracy, be sure to spit three times over your left shoulder, after treatment session hold your hands in a stream of running water and dry them over a fire.

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