Margaret 2 Queen of Denmark. Tiaras of the Danish royal family. Wisdom and Patience

The Danish king had Frederick IX and his wife Swedish princess ingrid three daughters. Margrethe, Benedict and Anna Maria.
Youngest married first Anna Maria. She was only eighteen when she became Queen of Greece. Alas, soon the monarchy in Greece was overthrown and Anna Maria for many years with her husband and children in exile. The second married a French diplomat, the eldest Margrethe, royal heiress. A few months later, she married German prince average Benedict.

Queen Margrethe II with Prince Consort Henrik.

They say the couple is very interesting and eccentric in their own way. The Queen is a professional painter. The Prince Consort is not far behind her. They say that once he left Denmark indignantly, when, in the absence of his wife, not him, but Crown Prince Frederik was asked to replace her.


In 1967, Crown Princess Margrethe married French diplomat Henri Marie Jean André in Copenhagen. The couple met in London, where the Crown Princess studied. It is said that upon learning that he was invited to a dinner, which will be attended by the Danish princess, Henri wanted to refuse. The young man imagined the princess boring, selfish and narcissistic. How glad the young man was to be wrong.



A ring with two equivalent stones, as it were, emphasizes equality and equality in the royal family.


The dress

The designer of the dress was the favorite of Queen Ingrid (Margrethe's mother) - Jørgen Bender.
By the way, Margrethe's sisters also chose the same designer. And her first daughter-in-law Alexandra followed the example of her mother-in-law.

Dress in the museum (without lace)

Let me remind you that brides from Danish royal family they get married in a vintage veil they inherited and sew dresses from family Irish lace.

Here you can see the dress itself, from which the lace was removed to sew the dress of her sister Benedicta.
Margrethe pinned on her dress a brooch in the shape of a daisy, which her mother wore to her wedding. It was a wedding gift from my father. The diamonds once belonged to Margrethe's grandmother, Crown Princess Margaret. Hence the family nickname "Daisy".

In her arms Margrethe carried a bouquet of daisies. They were also woven into the hair of the bridesmaids.

A six-meter train started from the shoulders and was the main highlight of the dress

Modern Danes can get married in a copy wedding dress queens.

Khedive of Egypt Tiara

This diadem was presented by the Egyptian Khedive to Queen Margrethe's grandmother, Princess Margaret. Since the princess met her future husband (Swedish King Gustav) in Egypt.

By the way, all the girls from the Danish royal family choose this diadem for their wedding. Crown Princess Mary was in another, her presence here showing the use of the family veil.
And now full list owners and brides

The first photo is Princess Margaret, the second is her daughter, Queen Ingrid.
Bride with father

Margrethe II(Margrethe Alexandrine Thorhildur Ingrid, Dan. Margrethe Alexandrine Þórhildur Ingrid) - Queen of Denmark since January 14, 1972, head of the Danish state.

Place of Birth. Education. Queen Margrethe II was born on 16 April 1940 at Amalienborg Palace. Her parents are King Frederick IX of Denmark and Queen Ingrid, born Princess of Sweden. The Queen is the third granddaughter of King Christian X. She was named after Crown Princess Margaret of Connaught of Sweden, her maternal grandmother.

One of the queen's names, Thorhildur, is Icelandic and contains the characteristic Icelandic letter "Þ", because at the time of her birth, Iceland was part of the Kingdom of Denmark, until 1944.

The Queen was baptized on May 14, 1940 in Holmens Church (Danish Holmens Kirke), confirmed on April 1, 1955 in the church of Fredensborg Palace.

From 1946-1955 - a comprehensive school "Zahles Skole", Copenhagen, including until 1949 - private education.

From 1955-1956 - "North Foreland Lodge", a boarding school in Hampshire, England.

In 1960 - the study of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen.

From 1960-1961 - the study of archeology at the University of Cambridge.

From 1962-1962 - studying social science at the University of Aarhus.

In 1963 - the study of social science at the Sorbonne.

In 1965 - studying at the London School of Economics.

In addition to her native Danish, Margrethe speaks French, Swedish, English and German.

Army. In the years 1958-1970, Margrethe was a recruit for the women's section of the Air Squadron, where during this period she studied various aspects of military affairs.

She is tied up close relationship with some units of the British Army: since 1972, Margrethe II was the chief of the British regiment, and since 1992 - the Royal Welsh Regiment.

Is the Supreme Commander armed forces Denmark.

Accession to the throne. Since the right to the throne passed through the male line, and Frederick IX had only daughters, it became necessary to change the law of succession to the throne (introduced on March 27, 1953), which allowed Margrethe, Princess of Denmark, to assume the title of crown princess and subsequently accede to the throne.

On April 16, 1958, Crown Princess Margrethe became a member of the Council of State and was entrusted with the duty of holding Council meetings in the absence of Frederick IX.

Hobbies. The Queen is seriously interested in painting, works in various genres (drawing, engraving, textiles, watercolor, graphics, decoupage, set design, embroidery, book illustration (including a series of illustrations for The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien). Most of her work has been exhibited both in Denmark itself and abroad, and is also represented in State Museum arts, Art Museum ARoS (Aarhus) and the State Drawings Collection (Køge). The Tolkien Ensemble uses Margrethe's drawings as their album covers, with her permission.

Exhibitions: The art work of the Queen has been shown at exhibitions in Denmark and abroad on numerous occasions. Sketches, models and costumes for the ballet "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep" were exhibited in Copenhagen, Odense and Paris during the period 1988-1990. Works for the ballet "Folk Song" - Aarhus 1991, Washington 1992, National Museum, Copenhagen 2005, Riga 2005. A series of sketches and costumes for various productions was exhibited in Edinburgh in 2005.

Family. On June 10, 1967, the then Crown Princess Margrethe married French diplomat Count Henri Marie Jean André de Laborde de Monpezat (born June 11, 1934, near Bordeaux), who, on the occasion of his marriage, received the title "His Royal Highness Prince Henrik of Denmark". The wedding took place at Holmens Church in Copenhagen, and the wedding celebrations took place at Fredensborg Palace.

Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik have two sons: Crown Prince Frederik Andre Henrik Christian (born May 26, 1968) and Prince Joakim Holger Waldemar Christian (born June 7, 1969).

[literary version]


“We, monarchs, always stay with our country…”

Margrethe Alexandrina Thorildur Ingrid - from the dynasty of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.
Eldest daughter of King Frederick IX and Queen Ingrid.
She was born on April 16, 1940 at Amalienborg Palace.
Since January 14, 1972 - Queen of Denmark.


Margrethe Alexandrina Thorildur Ingrid, the eldest daughter of King Frederick IX and Queen Ingrid, belongs to the dynasty of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. The second woman on the Danish throne.

Of all the monarchies in existence today in the world, the Danish one is the oldest. She is 1100 years old! The first king was named Gorm the Old, he died in 940. In more than a thousand years, 54 kings have succeeded the Danish throne. And only two women ruled among them - Margrethe I, who at the end of the 14th century held the title of ruler of three kingdoms - Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but she was never a queen. And Margrethe II, who became the first woman in the history of the Danish monarchical dynasty, who inherited the power of her father.

On April 16, 1940, at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, exactly one week after Denmark was occupied by the Nazis, King Christian had a granddaughter, Margrethe, the first-born in the family of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Ingrid. The birth of the future Danish queen was for many Danes a symbolic ray of light in the darkness of occupation, the only hope for a better future.

However, up to 13 years, i.e. until 1953, young princess and did not suspect that she could ascend the throne: the Danish Constitution forbade females from occupying the throne, and for more than 600 years men used this privilege. But after two more daughters were born in the royal family, it was decided to amend the Constitution. After a popular referendum held in 1953, as a result of which women received the right to inherit the throne, Margrethe became Crown Princess.

Already on April 16, 1958, Margrethe took a seat in the State Council next to her father.

Based on the parental attitude “Denmark deserves a highly educated, intelligent monarch,” the future queen received a very good all-round education.

In 1959, after graduating from one of the most prestigious secondary educational institutions Copenhagen School Enzalis Margrethe passed the entrance exams to the University of Copenhagen, where she studied until 1960.

She studied at the School of Air Squadron Leaders of the Danish Women's Corps. Then she studied philosophy, economics, political science, administrative law, history and archeology at the Universities of Cambridge (1960-1961), the Danish University of Aarhus (1961-1962), the Sorbonne (1963) and at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1965).

Margrethe chose to study archeology and history not in the silence of libraries, but at excavations. First - on the territory of Denmark, later under the hot rays of the sun in Egypt and Sudan, where she worked with her maternal grandfather - the Swedish king Gustav VI Adolf. It is to him that she owes her love for archeology. But not only. Gustav Adolf was the first to notice and encourage his granddaughter's love of drawing. And she painted, in her own words, "for as long as she can remember herself."

Thus, from 1958 to 1964, Margrethe traveled 5 continents, covering a total of 140 thousand kilometers.

The Danes saw their princess as a queen when, on January 14, 1972, a tearful young woman under a black veil stepped onto the balcony of Christiansborg Castle, and Prime Minister Jens Otto Krag proclaimed to the hushed square: “King Frederik IX is dead! Long live Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II."

Queen Margrethe, according to the Constitution, is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Denmark, has the rank of Major in the Air Force. He explains his commitment to aviation with the desire to “keep justice” - after all, before it, the Danish kings preferred only the army and navy.

Queen's motto: God's help, people's love, prosperity for Denmark!”

The Queen's primary duties are to preside over meetings of the Council of State, as no law can see the light of day without the Queen's signature. She also accepts credentials from ambassadors, meets visiting heads of foreign states.

One of the Queen's main tasks, according to her, is to adequately represent Denmark in foreign trips. The routes of Margrethe's annual travels stretch for tens of thousands of kilometers - from Greenland to Australia.

In 1975, the Dannebrog family royal yacht moored in Leningrad. Margrethe II was the first European queen who arrived in our country after 1917. In Moscow, she met with N.V. Podgorny, A.N. Kosygin, then visited Georgia.

The international activity of the royal couple is not only protocol. The couple created the Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik Foundation, designed to encourage interesting and unusual international projects in the field of culture, health and business.

The Queen has many honorary titles and awards, heads many Foundations and Academies. She is the President of the Society for Old Norse Literature and Arts, the founder of the Archaeological Foundation of Queen Margrethe II. Under her patronage are the Danish Royal Scientific Society, the Danish Bible Society, the Royal Orphanage, the Queen Louise Society for Refugees, the Danish National Olympic Committee, the Danish Royal Geographical Society, etc. She is a member of the London Society of Antiquities, an honorary member of the University of Cambridge, an honorary doctorate from the University of London and the University of Reykjavik, etc. He is a laureate of the Danish Literary Prize. Awarded the Greek Order for Salvation, the Greek Order of St. Olga and St. Sophia 1st Class, the British Order of the Garter, A big star Austrian Order of Merit and many other awards.

Without relying on the help of advisers and referents, Margrethe herself prepares the texts of her speeches and speeches, including the traditional New Year's address to her people. Her throne speeches are not always laudatory - they often contain reproaches against those who, reveling in their well-being, forget about their suffering compatriots. She does not ignore and negative attitude to foreign workers in the country, the target of her criticism is sometimes the government.

According to those who worked with Queen Margrethe, it is difficult to call her an "easy" leader. She is extremely observant and demanding of herself and others. Can't stand superficial people. Its special requirement is the reliability of the information provided.

The theme for countless jokes and friendly cartoons is Margrethe's long-standing addiction to fashionable hats of various styles and sizes. Instead of dressing like most royals with understated elegance, Margrethe prefers a hand-crafted "fantasy explosion" style, with hand-made flowered hats as the main element. However, you cannot blame the queen for the lack of taste - in 1990, with a special international jury she was recognized as the most elegant statesman in the world. In addition, as officially announced, the most educated head of state in the world.

In the service, the queen is dressed in a businesslike manner. However, having finished with official duties, she is not averse to dancing or even going on a ski trip. As a companion, she prefers to invite the Norwegian Queen Sonya.

Margrethe, or Daisy, as her subjects affectionately call her, is an avid smoker who prefers strong Greek Karelia cigarettes, popular in the military environment. Which, however, does not prevent her as chairman of the Danish Association for Combating lung diseases give lectures on the dangers of smoking. When one of the listeners once drew her attention to such inconsistency, she said: "And you do as I say, and not as I do."

Sociological polls have been repeatedly conducted in Denmark, during which the popularity of the monarchy, and in particular Queen Margrethe, was clarified. It turned out that never before has a monarch in Denmark enjoyed such deafening popularity - 95 percent of Danes rate her work as "brilliant" or "good." Well, if suddenly the inhabitants of Denmark would refuse the monarchical form of government, then of all the living politicians, the queen would still be the most real contender for the highest state post in the country.

In any case, Margrethe would not be in danger of unemployment ...

In 1981, the Guildendal publishing house published a translation of a complex psychological novel into historical theme Frenchwoman Simone de Beauvoir "All men are mortal." Critics highly appreciated the skill of the "translator H.M. Weyerberg", not suspecting that this was a pseudonym for the royal couple.

The Danish monarch is a wonderful illustrator, painter, designer, who has a large number of exhibitions in the country and abroad. Stamps are issued based on her sketches, and reproductions of the Queen's paintings are sold throughout Denmark.

And finally, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark happy mother and wife. She met her future husband, Henri-Marie-Jean-Andre, Comte de Laborde de Monpezat, in London, where he worked in the diplomatic field as secretary of the French embassy.

According to the queen, it was love at first sight, love with a capital letter. “It was as if something exploded in the sky ...” Margrethe recalled.

“When I saw her for the first time at a reception in London, I realized that this girl needed to be “thawed out,” the husband shares his impressions of the first meeting with the princess in his memoirs entitled “Fate Obliges”.

After the marriage, which took place on June 10, 1967, Henri converted from Catholicism to Lutheranism and received the title of Prince Henrik of Denmark.

Life in a new quality was not easy for the Frenchman - there was a total reincarnation - a change of nationality, faith, work, name. Suffice it to say that the Danish newspapers then reacted immediately to the appearance of a new member of the royal family, placing ads on the pages like: “There is a prince consort. Job required." So in particular, the prince himself, recalling the story of his “marriage to Denmark”, laments that he has barely ended “ Honeymoon with the Danish people," how he was bullied literally for everything, even for the remaining habit of smoking French "Galoise", instead of switching to the local brand "Prince".

Nevertheless, Prince Henrik is far from an ordinary person: he speaks Chinese, Vietnamese, English and Danish. He is an excellent pianist, pilot, sailor. Actively participates in charitable activities.

However, it is no secret that the prince's heart is still in his native France, where he was born on June 11, 1934 in the Gironde department near Bordeaux. Every year the family spends their summer holidays in the prince's domain, in a castle near Cahors.

The royal couple have two sons - Crown Prince Frederik (born May 26, 1968) - heir to the throne and Prince Joachim (born June 7, 1969).

Frederik, a handsome young man, would be called King Frederick X of Denmark, the sixth member of the House of Glücksburg to inherit the throne in a straight line. At the age of 18, he was trained in the elite corps of the Danish army of marines, having withstood the competition of 75 people for a place where training is tougher than that of the famous American "green berets". “If I knew what I would have to experience, I don’t know if I would go there. There was a lot of things that can make you turn gray, ”Frederic shares his memories. From the age of 18, Frederick has the right to replace the queen during her absence. The crown prince studied at the University of Aarhus, where he studied political science, then at Harvard. They say about him that he will not miss the opportunity to drive through the streets of Copenhagen in a sports car, delighting the ubiquitous paparazzi with his adventures. He is fond of extreme sports: marathons, dog sled races along the most dangerous routes, travels a lot.

Joachim Holger Waldemar Christian - the Queen's youngest son - captain of the reserve of the Royal Guard, a graduate of the Agrarian Academy. At the helm of the combine it looks as natural as on the parquet floors of the capital. Been to Russia many times. He met his wife - once a British subject Alexandra Christina Mansley, and now Princess Alexandra - in Hong Kong in 1994, when she was 31 and he was 26 years old. In 1995, the wedding took place. Chinese Alexandra immediately won the hearts of the Danes - an elegant business woman, she studies Danish for 3 hours.

“I will tell you a story that I myself heard in childhood. Every time, as I remembered it later, it seemed to me better and better: after all, the same thing happens with stories as with many people, and they get better and better over the years, and this is so good!”

(Hans Christian Andersen)

Mikhail GUSMAN:Your Majesty turned thirty this year years since you became queen. Thirty years ago, in 1972, you made your first speech to the Danes. What were you thinking at that moment?

QUEEN:... I remember it was a very cold winter day. And I was simply amazed at how many people gathered on the palace square in front of Christiansborg to congratulate me. I made a short speech, I don't remember the whole speech today, but I promised my country and my people, the Danes, to serve their interests , what my whole life will be devoted to in the future. My father knew that one day I would be his successor. And on that day I realized that what he had been preparing me with such joy had come to pass. Therefore, I was not so much overcome with grief as imbued with the solemnity of the moment, because now I had to try to justify the hopes and expectations of my father.

“In the kingdom where you and I are, there is a princess who is so smart that it’s impossible to say!”

(Hans Christian Andersen)

M.G.:You have studied a variety of sciences. All- which one is closest toyour heart?

QUEEN: I didn’t get a serious education in any one area of ​​knowledge, I don’t have, for example, a university diploma, but my eldest son, by the way, does. In my younger years, when I was studying, archeology attracted me most of all.

M.G.:Your Majesty, to this dayday the royal houses are connected by close, moreover, family ties. Here we are recently had the honor of speaking with your cousin, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who, by the way, sent his regards to you. He knew that we would have a meeting with you. How often do you meet with your close relatives - colleagues at the royal house?

QUEEN: As far as European royal families are concerned, we are all related. Someone closer (for example, the Swedish king, my cousin, his father was my mother's brother). With the Norwegian king, we are also very close family ties, partly through the Swedish royal house, and directly through the Danish. And, besides, we are all, of course, very good friends, so we often meet, not only in connection with some family events, but also on other occasions ... Such meetings take place in the same way as meetings between close relatives in any family.

“It was in Copenhagen, on East Street, not far from the New royal square. A large society gathered in one house - sometimes everything- still have to receive guests ... By the way, we were talking about the Middle Ages, and many found that in those days life was much better than it is now. Yes Yes!"

(Hans Christian Andersen)

Whether life was better in the Middle Ages or not is not for us to judge. But still, It must be admitted that many modern traditions originated precisely in Middle Ages!

M.G.: It is probably very interesting to note that the first agreement between Denmark and Russia was called the "agreement of love and brotherhood." What is it in - yours in whatthe secret of such unique relations between countries that, being neighborsso many years, never fought? After all, between Denmark and Russia there has never beenwar, thank God!

QUEEN: Relations between our countries have a very long and complicated history. There are a number of details or, one might say, historical factors, nuances, thanks to which we have always maintained peace with each other. And although it is between our closest neighbors that the most serious contradictions arise, we are very fortunate that peace reigned in our relations for five hundred years. This is primarily due to the very intensive trade between Denmark and Russia. And trade needs peace.

Official relations between Denmark and Russia were established on November 8, 1493 thanks to a treaty signed by King Hans of Denmark and Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow. Already at the beginning XVI century, the Danes opened their own trading yards in Novgorod and Ivangorod. It was beneficial for Denmark to have allies against the Swedes mighty empire in the east. And Russia had its own interest - Denmark owned the gates to the oceans.

"Far- far beyond the sea lies the same wonderful country, as this. There- then we live. But the road there is long; need to fly across the sea, and there is not a single island along the way where they could spend the night.

(Hans Christian Andersen)

In 1716, to discuss a joint plan of action against the Swedes, Peter I came to the Danish King Frederick IV. This was the first official visit of the head of Denmark in the history of Denmark. Russian state. Frederick IV received the Russian Tsar and Empress Catherine- royally!

In the 19th century, the Russian monarchy became directly related to the Danish monarchical house. Youngest daughter of King Christian IX and the Queen Louise Princess Dagmar, under the name of Maria Feodorovna, became the wife of Grand Duke Alexander, the future Russian emperor Alexander III. It can be seen that it was not for nothing that Father Dagmar Christian IX was called "father-in-law Europe"! His eldest daughter Alexandra became the Queen of Great Britain, the wife of King Edward VII, and his son George became the King of Greece!

QUEEN: The father-in-law of Europe, who was my great-great-grandfather Christian IX, used to spend the spring and fall and part of the summer at Fredensborg Castle, just over half an hour from Copenhagen. There, in Fredensborg, he usually gathered his large family from all over Europe. Empress Dagmar came, although officially she was called Maria Feodorovna. I know that history, or rather, our family legends, says: Alexander liked to be there and enjoy peace in the absence of annoying attention from the guards, spend time with relatives in the park.

M.G.: It is very symbolic that we are sitting with you in the room of your palace near the portrait of Maria Feodorovna, Russian empress, the mother of the last king - Nicholas II.

QUEEN: Empress Dagmar is well remembered in Denmark. And everyone, including members of our family, is glad that she is not forgotten in Russia. Still quite young, she arrived in Russia, which she immediately felt as her new homeland. And not only because she converted to Orthodoxy. She was well aware that when marrying in a foreign country, you need to try to perceive it as your own. And she did it with all her heart.

My father remembered her. After all, after the revolution, she came to Denmark and lived here the rest of her days, that is, a good nine years.

Empress Maria Feodorovna is buried in Roskilde, one of beautiful cathedrals. Here lie the ashes of 20 kings and 17 queens. Denmark, and among them - the sarcophagus of the medieval ruler Margrethe I. The entrance to the tomb is available only to members of the royal family. We were given a high honor by the great-great-grandson of Nicholas I and second cousin of Nicholas II, prince of imperial blood Dmitry Romanovich Romanov. He personally accompanied us to tomb of Empress Maria Feodorovna.

M.G.: Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that the Romanov family, in particular Prince Dmitry Romanovich Romanov, who lives in Denmark, are in favor of transferring the remains of Maria Feodorovna from the crypt in Roskilde to the Peter and Paul FortressSaint- Petersburg. How do you feel about it?

QUEEN: The discussion of the possibility of transferring her ashes to St. Petersburg seems to us very important. And I believe that reburial will be a completely natural step if we can find the right solution to this issue.

M.G.:Both historically and geographically, among Russian cities, the closest toDenmark's neighbor is St.- Petersburg. Our northern capital will soon becelebrate its tercentenary. As Denmark plans, the Danish royal courttake part in this event?

QUEEN: The Prince and I intend to pay a state visit to Russia in 2003 in June - and, naturally, we will visit St. Petersburg primarily in connection with the planned celebrations.

“Many tales are told by storks to their chicks ... It’s enough for kids to say “crible, crable, plurre- murre", but the chicks are older demand something from a fairy tale- something more, at least in order to She mentioned their own family. One of the most beautiful tales known to storks, we all know.”

(Hans Christian Andersen)

M.G.: Your Majesty, this year marks thirty-five years of your happy family life. I understand that all Danes know the beautiful story of your affair with your spouse, then a young French diplomat. But tell this wonderful beautiful story for Russian readers.

QUEEN: The prince and I met in London, where he worked at the French Embassy, ​​and I came to England for a few months - that's how we met. And something happened that can happen when two people meet. And we... no, you know, it's not easy to talk about it. Nevertheless, after a very short time, we realized that we really liked each other, that we were in love and became really close people. I told my parents that I met a man whom I would like to marry and who also wants to marry me. My father gave us his consent, which was necessary, since the marriage of the heir to the throne is approved by the king in conjunction with the Council of State. So thirty-five years ago - it happened in the month of June - we got married.

Soon a boy was born to Princess Margrethe and Prince Henrik - Crown Prince Frederick. Saved photo: future queen holds the future king in his arms. But for the mother, he, above all, son, firstborn. A year later, Prince Joachim was born to the royal couple. The sons have grown up. The eldest, Crown Prince Frederik, travels extensively, as does his queen.- mother in her youth, and presents her country abroad. His fate was determined at birth, and the youngest had to find his place in life. And Joachim became... a farmer.

QUEEN: Many years ago, our good friends who did not have their own children, here in Denmark, had a small beautiful estate with a beautiful estate and a well-established economy. And they decided within a few years to pass all this on to our youngest son, who was then still a little boy. We agreed ... Joachim is very pleased that he, like his older brother, has his own duties. After all, the eldest son in the royal family, the eldest child (in our case, the eldest son Frederick) is the heir to the throne, and this is his duty, his duty. Although we are talking about the future, because no one is given to know when a brick will fall on my head.

From my point of view, both the younger Joachim and the senior Crown Prince Frederik were equally helped by the fact that Joachim also had his own duties. And I think that both boys have benefited from this both personally and in terms of relationships with each other. The sons have become truly close people, their sense of responsibility has grown stronger, they have become even more friends.

Duty, responsibility - these are the main words for the monarch. But this one the monarch is also a wife and mother, and now a grandmother - Prince Joachim and Princess Alexandra gave Margrethe the grandchildren of Nicholas and Felix! And, of course, our interlocutor sometimes wants to at least for a moment to be just a woman, a caring wife and mother, a hospitable mistress of the house, go to the market. This is exactly what the queen does when she comes on vacation to France, where between Bordeaux and Toulouse, in the famous town of Cahors, with her husband Prince Henrik there is a castle.

QUEEN: As for cooking, it's not my forte. But when we are in France, the prince, my husband, often cooks himself and does it excellently.

And Prince Henrik is a noble winemaker. It has excellent vineyards. Every year these vineyards give the royal family up to one hundred and twenty thousand bottles of fine wine.

QUEEN: The prince and I very often treat our guests to his wines at official receptions, especially in recent years, as the production of these wines is getting better and better, which we are both very proud of.

M.G.: But I know about another passion of yours, Your Majesty. Together with your husband, you translated into Danish a novel by the famous French writer Simone de Beauvoir. Are there Russians among your favorite writers?

QUEEN: Tolstoy's "War and Peace" gave me great pleasure. And Solzhenitsyn's works, many of which are familiar to me, made a great impression on me.

M.G.: Well, if the conversation turned to literature, we, of course, cannot help but recall one great Danish writer, whose name is known without translation in all countries of the world. They are read to the children of the entire planet.I'm talking about the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, whose bicentennial in 2005 will becelebrate all of Denmark.

QUEEN: I am looking forward to this anniversary, when there will be a great variety of activities. And I am pleased to know that this event, apparently, will be celebrated in many other countries of the world. For example, I know that his fairy tales are very popular in Russia.

“Most of all, the Little Mermaid loved to listen to stories about people living on earth. The old grandmother had to tell her everything she knew about ships and cities, about people and animals. Especially occupied and the Little Mermaid was surprised that the flowers on the earth smelled - not like here, in sea!"

(Hans Christian Andersen)

Did you know that colorful decoupages, a kind of collages, pages of the Danish edition of The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien and Seven Gothic Tales by the most popular Danish writer Karen Blixen, made by the Queen of Denmark herself! The fact is that painting and design are her old hobbies. Based on Andersen's fairy tales, Her Majesty designed a playing deck of cards, which is in every Danish home.

In addition, the queen is fond of scenography and theatrical costume. For the television production of Andersen's fairy tale "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep", the scenery and costumes are made according to personal sketches Queen Margrethe II.

M.G.:In connection with your interest in theatrical costumes, I want to give you,Your Majesty, a book about the history of Russian costume and Russian theatersuit.

QUEEN: What a wonderful gift! Very interesting. Thank you very much, thank you.

M.G.: Your Majesty, at the end of our conversations, we always ask the same question: what does power taste like? And what, in your opinion, is the purpose of the monarchy in our days?

QUEEN: I don't like the wording "taste of power", this expression cuts my ear. In my opinion, the main purpose of the monarchy is to maintain continuity, especially since we are talking about a time when it is sometimes difficult for a person to find his roots, to find some kind of support, and in this case, the roots of the country, embodied in the monarchy, come to the fore, for we monarchs always remain with our country.

“The help of God, the love of the people, the strength of Denmark” - with this motto thirty years ago Margrethe II ascended the throne. And everything came true! Denmark one of the three richest countries in the world. Decided in this country housing issue, no corruption, the lowest level in Europe unemployment. Isn't this a fairy tale?

Danish schools do not give grades, and this is the philosophy: knowledge must be not ostentatious, but durable. The special pride of the Danes is respect to their history, their language. Children know their ancestry until 13 knee. You can go into any house in the center of Copenhagen and ask who lived in it, for example, in 1795. And you will be brought carefully kept books, where everything will be written. And this also has what- that is fabulous.

The famous queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the wife of the Norwegian king Haakon VI. Far-sighted and decisive politician. Bring the idea to life Scandinavian unity: in June 1397 she achieved the enthronement of Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the all-Scandinavian king of her great-nephew Eric of Pomerania.

Philippa of England(1393s)

Daughter of Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of England, wife of Eric of Pomerania.

Dorothea of ​​Brandenburg (1430—1495)

F ena Christopher III Bavarian.

Dowager Queen Dorothea married the new kingwho started a new dynasty . They had five children.

Christina Saxony (1461—1521)

Wife of Johann (aka Hans), King of Denmark.

Rodi gave him four children.

Isabella of Habsburg (Isabella of Austria) (1501—1526)

daughter King Philip I of Castile and Juana the Mad, wife of the King of DenmarkChristian II. She got married at the age of 14, if the groom had a constant mistress. After the death of a rival, the husband turned his attention to his wife. She gave birth to three children. When Christian II was overthrown in 1523 by nobles who supported his uncle Frederick, the new king decided to keep good relationship with Isabella's family. He personally wrote a letter to Germany offering her a pension as Queen Dowager and allowing her to remain in Denmark under his protection while Christian II fled to Holland. However, Isabella sent him a letter in return, beginning with the words "ubi rex meus, ibi regna mea" (Latin "where my king is, there is my kingdom"). She left Denmark with her husband and children. Isbella died at the age of 24.

Anna of Brandenburg ( - ) - a princess and by marriage a duchess.

Anna was the eldest of the daughters and his wife princess , daughter of the Duke of Saxony and .

in Anna's wedding took place with the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Frederick I, the future king of Denmark under the name . Frederick was the fourth son of the Danish king and.

In the marriage of Anna and Friedrich, two children were born.

Sofia Pomeranskaya (1498-1568)

Daughter of Bogislaw, Duke of Pomerania. Wife (second) of Frederick I, King of Denmark. She bore him six children.

Dorothea of ​​Saxe-Lauenburg (1511—1571)

Daughter of Duke Magnus I of Saxe-Lauenburg and Duchess Catherine of Brunswick, wife of King Christian III. Her sister Katerina was the first wife of the Swedish king Gustav I. Dorothea gave birth to five children.

Sofia von Mecklenburg-Gustrow (1557-1631)

At the age of fourteen, Sophia married her cousin, King Frederick II of Denmark, he was thirty-seven at that time. Their marriage was arranged at the insistence of the state council, after the king was forbidden to marry his mistress Anna Hardenberg. Despite the age difference, the couple lived in harmony. Both were loving and caring parents, and Sophia further showed perseverance and firmness regarding the marriage unions of her children. So, against the will of the council, she arranged the engagement and subsequent marriage of her second daughter in 1589with the Scottish king. She gave birth to seven children.

Anna Catherine of Brandenburg (1575-1612)

The eldest daughter of Elector Joachim III Frederick of Brandenburg and his first wife Catherine of Brandenburg-Kyustrinsky. Wife of King Christian IV. In this marriage, six children were born.

Sophia Amalia of Brunswick (1628-1685)

Princess of Brunswick-Lüneburg, whose energetic, passionate and ambitious disposition strong influence not only on the fate of her husband Frederick III, but on the whole of Denmark. She gave birth to eight children.

Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel (1650-1714)

Wife of Christian V, bore Christian 8 children. He had 6 more children from his mistress Amelia Mot (1654-1719), whom he introduced to the royal court at the age of 16. She was the daughter of his teacher and received the title of Countess of Samsø in 1677. Charlotte Amalie tolerated the king's second family all her life.

Queen Charlotte Amalie has become very popular in Denmark since 1700, when she took an active part in the defense of the country againsttroops of the Swedish king. She also contributed greatly to the acceptance by Denmark of those expelled from France., to whom Christian V granted various privileges by decree in 1685. In 1689, with the personal participation of the Queen, the first Reformed Church was consecrated in Copenhagen. Charlotte Amalie also achieved religious freedom in Denmark for all members of the Reformed religious communities.

Louise Mecklenburg-Gustowska (1667-1721)

Wife of Frederick IV, who, without divorcing his first wife, in 1712 stole the 19-year-old Countess Anna Sophia Reventlov from Klausholm Castle (near Randers) and secretly married her in Skanderborg. He gave her the title of Duchess of Schleswig. When Queen Louise died, the king remarried Anna Sophia in Copenhagen on April 4, 1721, and formally declared her queen. Of the eight children from two marriages, only two survived to adulthood (both from the first marriage).

Sophia Magdalena of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1700-1770)

Wife of King Christian VI. When her husband died, she ordered a neoclassical memorial, which marked the beginning of the spread of this artistic movement in Denmark. The monument was made of marble and completed in 1768, but it was not installed until 1777. It is a sarcophagus with two female figures "Sorgen" ("Woe") and "Berømmelsen" ("Fame").

Louise of Great Britain (1724-1751)

Fifth and youngest daughter George, Prince of Wales and Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach. The first wife of Frederick V. bore him five children. She died during her sixth pregnancy from a female disease.

Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1729—1796)

Daughter of Duke Ferdinand Albrecht II of Brunswick-Bevern and his wife Antoinette Amalia of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. The second wife of Frederick V. Taking advantage of her husband's weakness, Juliana Maria tried to humiliate her stepson Christian, the crown prince, and nominate her son Frederick (1753-1805). When Frederick V died in 1766, and Christian VII ascended the throne and married Caroline-Matilda, the sister of King George III of England, Juliana Maria was very unhappy with this, when his son was born, future Frederick VI, she began to think about a violent coup. She was regent for a mentally ill stepson. Her power continued until the growing up of the crown prince (the future Frederick VI).

Caroline Matilda of Great Britain (1751—1775)

Wife of the mentally ill King of Denmark Christian VII, sister of King George III of Great Britain. She had a love affair with the German court physician Struenze. She gave birth to a daughter from him. In 1772, Struensee was overthrown and executed in a coup d'état. The queen with her six-month-old daughter Louise was arrested and imprisoned in a fortress; then, by the verdict of a special commission, she was divorced from her husband. Expelled from the country. She died at the age of 23 in Germany from scarlet fever.

Maria Sophia of Hesse-Kassel ( )

During her regency, the princess proved to be a good statesman and a reformer, wrote several books about her husband's dynasty, was actively involved in charity work, for which she earned the love of the Danish people. After being widowed, she left public life, but was a symbol of the old dynasty.

Eight children were born in the family and only two daughters reached adulthood.

Carolina-Amalie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (1796-1881)

Carolina Amalia was born in the family of the DukeFrederick Christian II of Augustenburg.

Wife of Christian VIII. After becoming queen, she devoted a lot of time and money to charity, especially to orphanages and hospitals. Carolina Amalia was a very popular queen

The husband died in 1848 from blood poisoning.

Louise of Hesse-Kassel (1817-1898)
Wife of King Christian IX of Denmark, grandmother of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, grandmother of King George V of Great Britain. In marriage, she gave birth to six children, all of them made good dynastic combinations.

Lovisa Swedish (1851-1926)
The only daughter of the Swedish king Charles XV and Louise of the Netherlands. From the Bernadotte dynasty. Frederick's mother at first intended to marry her son to one of the daughters of Queen Victoria of England, but Victoria did not want her daughters to marry a foreign heir to the throne and leave England. The bride was found in Sweden. Wife of Frederick VIII. She gave birth to eight children.

Alexandrina Mecklenburg-Schwerinskaya (1879-1952)
Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, wife of Christian X, Queen Consort of Denmark (1912-1947). Her mother is Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna. The queen gave birth to two sons.

Ingrid Swedish (1910-2000)
Daughter of King Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden, wife of Frederick IX. She gave birth to three daughters, including Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.

Margrethe II (b.1940) - Queen of Denmark.
Since the right to the throne passed through the male line, and Frederick IX had only daughters, it became necessary to change the law of succession to the throne (introduced on March 27, 1953), which allowed Margrethe, Princess of Denmark, to assume the title of Crown Princess and subsequently accede to the throne. On June 10, 1967, the then Crown Princess Margrethe married the French diplomat Count Henri Marie Jean André de Laborde de Montpezat (born June 11, 1934, near Bordeaux), who, on the occasion of his marriage, received the title "His Royal Highness Prince Henrik of Denmark". Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik have two sons: Crown Prince Frederik Andre Henrik Christian (born May 26, 1968) and Prince Joakim Holger Waldemar Christian (born June 7, 1969).

Used materials from the sites Wikipedia and



I re-uploaded the photo to previous posts. It seems that now everything is visible
Tiaras of the Norwegian Royal Family

Tiaras of the Spanish Royal Family

Tiaras of the Belgian Royal Family

The Pearl Poire Tiara
Favorite tiara of Queen Margrethe

The tiara was originally created in Berlin in 1825 as a wedding gift for Princess Louise of Prussia. Louise married Prince Friedrich of the Netherlands. Their daughter, also Louise, inherited the tiara from her mother.
The second Louise married King Charles XV of Sweden. Their daughter, Louise, accepted the tiara as a wedding gift to King Frederick VIII of Denmark.
Since then, the tiara has been in the Royal Danish Jewelry Foundation, which means that it cannot leave the family, it is in the property of the reigning monarch

Queen Louise (Lovisa) (third Louise)

Queen Alexandrina

Queen Ingrid

Queen Margrethe

Historically, only queens could wear the tiara, but there were 2 exceptions: for Crown Princess Ingrid in 1937 for the coronation of George VI and for Princess Margaret of Denmark for the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953

Margaret. Didn't find the best

The Danish Emerald Parure Tiara

The appearance of the largest 26 emeralds dates back to 1723, they were a gift from King Christian VI to Queen Sophie Magdalene in honor of the birth of the future Frederick V.
The rest of the emeralds were owned by Princess Charlotte of Denmark, the diamonds used in the tiara also previously belonged to the royal family.
All this was put together by C.M. Weishaupt for Queen Caroline Amalia on the occasion of her silver wedding anniversary celebration to King Christian VIII in 1840.
Queen Louise, wife of Christian IX



This parure is part of the Royal Danish Foundation. Its export outside the territory of Denmark is not allowed.

The Floral Aigrette Tiara

Frederick IX bought a flower tiara for his wife in the mid-1960s from the famous opera singer Laurica Melchiora.
Melchior and his first wife (wearing a tiara) are pictured in a 1964 magazine photo.

His first wife died when the article was written, and Melchior remarried the same year, at which time he may have sold the tiara to the king.
Queen Ingrid started using the tiara in 1965 or 1966 - most likely during a Belgian state visit

The tiara is made up of 3 parts that can be used in different ways.
Margrethe used the tiara in a variety of variations, including a brooch. Inherited it in 2000, after the death of her mother. The tiara is privately owned by the queen and can be inherited by anyone

Frederick and Mary's wedding

The Alexandrine Drop Tiara

The tiara was made in Paris at the turn of the last century for Queen Alexandrine of Denmark, wife of King Christian X.
After Alexandrine's death, the tiara was inherited by her son, King Frederick IX.
He gave the tiara to his daughter, Margrethe, in honor of her 18th birthday. The tiara became the first tiara of the future queen

In 1995, Queen Margrethe gave the tiara to her daughter-in-law, Princess Alexandra, as a wedding gift. Alexandra wore it on her wedding day, and was the only tiara Alexandra had access to.

After the divorce of Alexandra and Joachim in 2005, the tiara remained Alexandra's property.
The Countess of Frederiksborg walked the tiara in 2012. Concert in honor of the anniversary of the reign of Queen Margrethe

And it seems like Alexandra will have to give the tiara to Princess Nikolai of Denmark, but it will not be soon ...

Baden Palmette Tiara

Family path:
Grand Duchess Louise of Baden received the tiara as a wedding gift to Grand Duke Frederick of Baden in 1856 from her father, Emperor Wilhelm I of Germany.

In 1923, the tiara was inherited by Louise's daughter, Queen Victoria of Sweden.
In 1930, the tiara was inherited by Queen Victoria's granddaughter, Ingrid.
And finally, in 2000, Queen Margrethe inherited the tiara from her mother.

Princess Benedicte

Princess Alexandra

Queen Sofia Star and Pearl Tiara

The tiara originally belonged to Sophia of Nassau, queen consort of King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway.
She received it as a wedding present from her brother Prince Adolf, Duke of Nassau (later Grand Duke of Luxembourg).
Sofia gave the tiara to her daughter-in-law, Princess Victoria of Baden, wife of Gustav V of Sweden.
In her will, Queen Victoria specified that the tiara should be inherited by her only surviving granddaughter, Princess Ingrid (the only daughter of Gustav VI Adolf).
When Ingrid married Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, the tiara ended up in the Danish royal collection.
Ingrid gave the tiara to her second daughter, Princess Benedict.

Queen Sofia

Queen Ingrid

Princess Benedicte

Queen Anne-Marie

Princess Alexandra, Princess Natalie, Karina Axelson

This tiara should not be confused with the tiara of the Marchioness of Cambridge.

The Turquoise Daisy Bandeau Tiara

Margrethe inherited this bandeau from her late mother, Queen Ingrid, in 2000.
Ingrid is rumored to have inherited the tiara from her mother, Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden.
Some sources suggest that the bandeau was a gift to Margaret from her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught.
Queen Ingrid

Queen Margrethe

Princess Theodora

The Nassut Tiara

It is the newest tiara in the collection of Queen Margrethe II.
Crafted from bright yellow gold, the tiara is designed with several contemporary floral motifs.
The gold from which the tiara is made is gold obtained by melting down coins that were originally made from gold mined in Greenland.

Accordingly, the tiara was a gift from Greenland to the Queen on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of her reign.
It was designed by Nicholas Appell, a Greenlandic jeweler, and presented to Margrethe in June 2012 by a member of the Greenlandic Parliament.

But not only gold is used in the tiara, it also contains diamonds and rubies scattered among the flowers.
The name of the tiara Nassut translates roughly as "flowers from Greenland"
Margrethe is reportedly delighted with the new tiara. And I think it's a terrible bad taste

The Golden Poppies Tiara
Another creepy tiara
Made in 1976 by Arie Griegst
Flowers are dotted precious stones, including aquamarines, moonstones and opals

The Princess Thyra Sapphire Tiara

Personal property of Princess Elizabeth
Originally belonged to Princess Tire, sister of Christian X
Tyra gave the tiara to her niece, Princess Caroline-Mathilde of Denmark, Caroline-Mathilde gave the tiara to her only daughter, Elisabeth
After the death of Elizabeth, I am sure that someone from the main branch of the family will inherit the tiara

Carolina Matilda


The Queen Alexandrine Fringe Tiara
Tiara is also called Russian
Tsar Alexander II presented the tiara to his niece, Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna when she married Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1879
Her daughter, Alexandrina, married King Christian X of Denmark in 1898.
Queen Alexandrine inherited this fringe tiara from her mother and then bequeathed it to her second son, Prince Canute. Today Knud's descendants still own the tiara, and his sister-in-law, second wife of Ingolf's son, Countess Susie Rosenborg often wears it at major Danish royal occasions.

Anastasia Mikhailovna

Queen Alexandrina

Princess Caroline Mathilde

Countess Susie

The Khedive of Egypt Tiara

Time for a story about the Danish wedding tiara blood princesses
Princess Margaret of Connaught, niece of King Edward VII, was on a royal tour with parents who wanted to marry their daughters only to eligible and exclusively royal consorts.
They had their eye on the future king of Sweden, Gustav VI Adolf, as a promising husband for Margaret's sister, Princess Patricia.
They met Gustav in Cairo, where he immediately fell in love, but with the wrong sister.
Gustav proposed to her during a dinner at the British consulate and they married in Windsor in 1905.
Since the young couple met and fell in love in Egypt, it was imperative that the Khedive of Egypt, the governor of the country that was under British rule at the time, gave them a suitable wedding present.
He commissioned Cartier to make the tiara.
Margaret used the tiara during her tenure as Crown Princess of Sweden, but she died before she could become queen.

Tiara as a decoration for a corsage

Eventually, the tiara moved to Denmark with her only daughter, Ingrid, who married the future King Frederick IX.

Princess Margareta of Sweden, Ingrid's niece at the 18th birthday party of her cousin Princess Margrethe

The tiara is now mainly managed by Anne-Marie, the tiara is in her personal property

Ingrid did not wear the tiara at her own wedding, but it became the official wedding tiara of all her female descendants.
Anne-Marie, 1964

Margrethe 1967

Benedict 1968

Alexandra 1998

Alexia 1999

Natalie 2011

The Floral Birthday Tiara

The tiara was a gift for Princess Benedict from her father Frederick IX and Queen Ingrid on her eighteenth birthday.

The tiara was partly made from another piece of jewelry, a brooch.
The brooch once belonged to Queen Alexandrine, grandmother Benedicta
Alexandrina gave the flower brooch to Queen Ingrid, who completed it with additional elements to form a new tiara for Benedicte.
The original brooch is the central element of the tiara.

The central element can be with a diamond, emerald or pearl

Princess Alexandra

Princess Natalie

diamond bando, owned by Count Ingolf
His first suruga, Countess Inge

Second wife, Countess Suzy

Caroline Matilda Tiara

With Russian sapphires

Countess Anna-Dorte

diamond tiara



Anna-Dorte Tiaras
ears of corn



Ruby tiara bracelet

Camilla and Josephine in ears of corn and a diamond tiara


ruby parure

The history of this parure begins at the court of Napoleon Bonaparte.
When planning his coronation as Emperor of the French in 1804, he wanted to make sure that it would be the greatest possible event.
He went so far as to give money to his marshals so that they could buy their wives the proper amount of jewelry for the occasion.
One of these marshals was Jean Baptiste Bernadotte. He purchased a wreath-shaped ruby ​​and diamond tiara and accompanying brooches for his wife, Desiree Clary, and she wore it all on this historic day.
This couple would later become King Charles XIV Johan and Queen Desideria of Sweden and the jewels found their new Swedish home.

Queen Louise, who married the future Frederick VIII in 1869, received the tiara as a wedding present from her grandmother, Queen Josephine of Sweden (Desiree's sister-in-law), because the rubies and diamonds echoed the colors of the Danish flag.
Queen Louise gave the tiara to her son Christian's fiancee, Princess Alexandrine, as a wedding gift.

Alexandrina had to wait until Louise died, and only then did she receive the rest of the parts from the parure.

Alexandrina gave the tiara to her sister-in-law, Princess Ingrid of Sweden, when she married Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark in 1935.
Ingrid modified the tiara. From an ordinary currant wreath, a rather impressive tiara turned out
In 1947, she took two brooches that were in Desiree's original parure and added them to the tiara.

Ingrid bequeathed this parure to Crown Prince Frederik, and it is now in personal property Freda

Each part of the parure was added by a new mistress at different times.
Queen Alexandrina

So, during Ingrid's time, the parure included a wreath-shaped tiara, earrings, a necklace and leaf-shaped brooches (which, apparently, make up the current tiara)

In 2010, Mary modified the tiara

Parure now




A bracelet



Bonus: 10 year old Benedicte in parure

Crown Princess Mary's wedding tiara
Gift from father-in-law and mother-in-law in honor of the wedding with Crown Prince Frederik

Mary later added a string of pearls to the base

Like a necklace

Crown Princess Mary Midnight Tiara

This tiara was designed by Charlotte Lynggaard of the Ole Lynggaard jewelry firm. It was created especially for the Amalienborg exhibition in 2009. After seeing the tiara at the exhibition, Mary borrowed it for Prince Henrik's 75th birthday celebrations in June 2009. In addition, she wore matching earrings and a brooch.

Mary does not have to buy the tiara, she has exclusive rights to wear the tiara, and the jeweler retains ownership but cannot sell the tiara.

Tiaras of Princess Marie

Since becoming HRH Princess Marie of Denmark in 2008, Marie Cavalier has been seen wearing two tiaras: a floral tiara that has been in the family for generations and a modern floral tiara.
Princess Dagmar's flower tiara

The first owner of the tiara was the Danish princess of the blood, Princess Dagmar, daughter of King Frederik VIII.
Where and when exactly the tiara came to Dagmar is unknown.
Despite the fact that Dagmar and her husband had 5 children, she bequeathed the tiara to her nephew, King Frederick IX. (Perhaps Dagmar understood that the tiara would be more needed in the main line of the royal family, because her children would not have the opportunity to walk the tiara)

From Frederick, the tiara came to Margrethe, but the queen did not really love her, she rarely wore

In 1992, Margrethe lent the tiara to her mother-in-law, Countess René de Monpezat, at the silver wedding anniversary celebrations for Margrethe and Henrik.

After that, no one saw the tiara until 2008, when Marie Cavalier appeared on her wedding day.

The flower tiara was the only tiara Marie has access to until 2014.

Marie wore a new tiara for the first time in 2014

The tiara was created by a Danish jeweler especially for Princess Marie.

Includes three lilies (a tribute to France, Marie's homeland) that symbolize Marie, Joachim and their son Henrik. The lilies are made of silver and their centers are topped with tiny diamonds (over 50 pieces) At the base of the tiara, Marie's favorite stones are amethysts. The tiara was shown to the public in 2011, but the tiara was first seen on Marie only in March 2014. Ownership rights are the same as for Mary's midnight tiara

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