Meteorological factors in somatic pathology. Meteorological factors of the working area What is climate

Long-term and annual patterns of distribution of atmospheric precipitation, air temperature, humidity. Climatic (meteorological) factors largely determine the characteristics of the regime groundwater. Air temperature, precipitation, evaporation, as well as air humidity deficiency and atmospheric pressure have a noticeable impact on groundwater. In their totality of influences, they determine the size and timing of groundwater recharge and give their regime characteristic features.

Under climate understand in meteorology natural change atmospheric processes arising as a result of complex influence solar radiation on the earth's surface and atmosphere. The main climate indicators can be considered:

Radiation balance of the Earth;

Atmospheric circulation processes;

The nature of the underlying surface.

Cosmogenic factors. Climate change largely depends on the magnitude solar radiation, it determines not only the heat balance of the Earth but also the distribution of other meteorological elements. Annual amounts of radiation heat per territory Central Asia and Kazakhstan range from 9,000 to 12,000 thousand calories.

M.S. Eigenson (1957), N.S. Tokarev (1950), V.A. Korobeinikov (1959) note a natural connection between groundwater level fluctuations and changes solar energy. At the same time, 4, 7, 11-year cycles are established. M.S. Eigenson notes on average once every 11 years the number of spots (and faculae) reaches its the largest number. After this epoch of maximum it decreases relatively slowly in order to reach its peak after about 7 years. lowest value. After reaching the era of the 11-year cyclical minimum, the number of sunspots naturally increases again, namely, on average, 4 years after the minimum, the next maximum of the 11-year cycle is observed again, etc.

Mass correlation analysis of the groundwater regime with various solar activity indices showed generally low correlations. Only rarely does the coefficient of this relationship reach 0.69. Relatively best connections are established with the index of geomagnetic disturbance of the Sun.

Many researchers have established long-term patterns atmospheric circulation. They distinguish two main forms of heat and moisture transfer: zonal and meridional. In this case, meridional transport is determined by the presence of an air temperature gradient between the equator and the pole, and zonal transport is determined by the temperature gradient between the ocean and the continent. In particular, it is noted that the amount of precipitation increases for the European part of the CIS, Kazakhstan and Central Asia with the western type of circulation, which provides an influx of moisture from the Atlantic, and decreases compared to the norm with the eastern type of circulation.

Paleogeographic data show that throughout the life of the Earth, climatic conditions have been subject to repeated and significant changes. Climate change occurs as a result of many reasons: displacement of the axis of rotation and movement of the Earth's poles, changes in solar activity in past geological time, transparency of the atmosphere, etc. One of the serious reasons for its change is also large tectonic and exogenous processes that change the appearance (relief) earth's surface.

Air temperature. Three temperature provinces can be distinguished in the CIS.

The first is a province with a negative average annual temperature. It occupies a significant part of Asian territory. There is widespread development of permafrost here (water is in a solid state and forms temporary flows only in the warm summer period).

The second province is characterized by positive average annual air temperatures and the presence of seasonally frozen soil in winter ( European part, south Western Siberia, Primorye, Kazakhstan and part of Central Asia). During the period of soil freezing, the recharge of groundwater due to precipitation ceases, while its runoff still occurs.

The third province has positive air temperatures at the most cold period of the year. It covers the south of the European part of the CIS, Black Sea coast, Transcaucasia, the south of the Turkmen and part of the Uzbek Republic, as well as Tajikistan (food occurs throughout the year).

Short-term increases in temperature in winter, creating thaws, cause sharp increases in the level and increase in the flow of groundwater.

Changes in air temperature affect groundwater not directly, but through the rocks of the aeration zone and the waters of this zone.

The mechanism of influence of air temperature on the groundwater regime is very diverse and complex. Observations have established regular rhythmic temperature fluctuations, the amplitude of which gradually decreases. Maximum temperature groundwater gradually decreases with depth to the zone constant temperatures. Minimum temperature on the contrary, it increases with depth. The depth of the belt of constant temperatures depends on the lithological composition of the rocks (aeration zone) and the depth of groundwater.

Precipitation – are one of the most important regime-forming factors. It is known that atmospheric precipitation is spent on surface and slope runoff, evaporation and infiltration (feeds groundwater).

The amount of surface runoff depends on climatic and other conditions and ranges from a few percent to half of the annual amount of precipitation (in some cases, even higher).

The most difficult value to determine is evaporation , which also depends on a large number of different factors (lack of air humidity, nature of vegetation, wind force, lithological composition, condition and color of the soil, and many others).

Of the portion of atmospheric precipitation that penetrates the aeration zone, some does not reach the groundwater surface, but is spent on physical evaporation and transpiration by plants.

Lysimetric studies (Gordeev, 1959) obtained data from lysimeters placed at different depths:

A.V. Lebedev (1954, 1959) calculated the dependence of the amount of groundwater recharge or infiltration and evaporation on the power of the aeration zone. Infiltration data characterizes the period of maximum nutrition (spring), and evaporation data characterizes the period of minimum (summer).

Water infiltration in the aeration zone depends on the intensity of rain, lack of saturation and complete water yield, filtration coefficient and reaches its greatest depth with longer sprinkling. The cessation of rain slows down the process of water movement, in such cases the formation of “overflow” is possible.

Thus, the best conditions for groundwater recharge exist at shallow depths, mainly in spring during snowmelt and in autumn during periods of prolonged precipitation.

The impact of precipitation on groundwater causes changes in reserves, chemical composition and temperature.

A few words about the snow cover, which is about 10 cm in the south, 80-100 cm in the north and 100-120 cm in the Far North, Kamchatka. The presence of water reserves in snow does not yet indicate the amount of groundwater recharge. A significant role here is played by the thickness of the seasonally frozen layer and the duration of its thawing, the amount of evaporation and the ruggedness of the relief.

Evaporation. The amount of evaporation depends on a very large number of factors (air humidity, wind, air temperature, radiation, unevenness and color of the earth’s surface, as well as the presence of vegetation, etc.).

In the aeration zone, evaporation occurs of both water coming from the surface as a result of infiltration and water from the capillary fringe. As a result of evaporation, water that has not yet reached groundwater is removed, and the amount of its nutrition decreases.

The effect of evaporation on the chemical composition of water is a complex process. The composition of water does not change as a result of evaporation (in the arid zone), since water leaves salts during evaporation at the level of the capillary fringe. With subsequent infiltration, groundwater is enriched with the most easily soluble salts, their total mineralization and the content of individual components increases.

The greater the thickness of the aeration zone, the less evaporation (with depth). At a depth of more than 4-5 m in porous or slightly fractured rocks, evaporation becomes very small. Below this depth (up to 40 m or more), the evaporation process is almost constant (0.45 -0.5 mm per year). With depth, the amplitude of groundwater level fluctuations fades, which can be explained by the dispersal of the feeding process over time and its balancing by groundwater runoff.

In the Moscow region, with the sandy composition of the aeration zone and the depth of groundwater on average 2-3 m, summer precipitation reaches groundwater only when rainfall amounts exceed 40 mm or during prolonged drizzling rains.

Atmosphere pressure. An increase in atmospheric pressure leads to a decrease in water levels in wells and flow rates of sources, and a decrease, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in them.

The ratio of changes in groundwater level Δh caused by a corresponding change in atmospheric pressure Δр is called barometric efficiency (Jacob, 1940).

Parameter B, equal to

Where γ is the density of water (equal to 1 g/cm 3 for fresh water),

characterizes the elastic and filtration properties of the horizon, as well as the degree of its isolation from the atmosphere (B = 0.3-0.8).

A change in atmospheric pressure can cause a change in the groundwater level up to 20-30 cm. In addition, gusts of wind, creating a vacuum in atmospheric pressure, can lead to a rise in the level of up to 5 cm.

The regime-forming agents discussed above climatic factors do not exhaust the list of numerous natural processes affecting the groundwater regime.

Base: 3

Add.: 6

Control questions:

What is climate?

2. What are the three main indicators of climate?

3. List the meteorological (climatic) regime-forming factors.

4. What is the influence of cosmogenic factors on the groundwater regime?

5. What are the long-term patterns? atmospheric circulation, What are the main forms of heat and moisture transfer?

6. Give a description of the temperature provinces in the CIS.

7. What determines the depth of the belt of constant temperatures of groundwater?

8. Impact of precipitation on groundwater.

9. The influence of evaporation on the chemical composition of water.

10. What determines the amount of groundwater recharge or infiltration and evaporation?

11. How does the water level in wells and the flow rate of sources change depending on atmospheric pressure?

12. What parameter is called barometric efficiency and what properties of the groundwater horizon does it characterize?

13. Can changes in atmospheric pressure cause changes in groundwater levels?

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take into account the seasons.

Some facts
? Economically developed countries up to 38% of healthy men and 52% of healthy women have increased sensitivity to meteorological factors.
? The number of accidents increases not in rain and fog, but in heat and cold.
? Thermal overload increases the number of road accidents by 20%.
? When the weather changes, the mortality rate in road accidents increases by more than 10%.
? In France, Switzerland and Austria, 40 thousand people die annually from air pollution, and in the USA - 70 thousand people.
? On the old continent, at least 100 thousand people become victims of air pollution every year.

Biological rhythms
? Under physiological conditions, physiological rhythms operate.
? Pathological conditions are a more serious matter.
? On the one hand, there are disturbances in physiological biorhythms, or, even more often, adjustment of physiological biorhythms to the pathological process in order to ensure the best possible resolution of the disease (the principle of optimality of the disease).
? On the other hand, this is the appearance of additional rhythms caused by pathological conditions.
? The simplest example– a chronic cyclic disease with cycles of exacerbation and remission.

All the salt is in transient processes
? Biological rhythms, despite their exceptional stability, are not frozen structures.
? Being clearly “tied” to external synchronizers, they have a spectrum of stable states and, when the frequency characteristics of the synchronizers change, they “drift” between the latter, or, in other words, move from one stable state to another. This transition is carried out through so-called transition processes.
? For the circadian rhythm, the duration of the transition process can range from 5 to 40 days.
? It is during transition processes that the probability of disturbances in biological rhythms, collectively called desynchronoses, is highest. Desynchronosis is much more common than we imagine - one of the clinical syndromes of most diseases. The conclusions follow naturally.

on health effects
? indifferent, with minor changes in the atmosphere, when a person does not feel their influence on his body,
? tonic, with changes in the atmosphere that have a beneficial effect on the human body, including chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc.,
? spastic, with a sharp change in weather towards colder temperatures, an increase in atmospheric pressure and oxygen content in the air, manifested in sensitive individuals by an increase blood pressure, headaches and heart pain,
? hypotensive, with a tendency to reduce the oxygen content in the air, manifested in sensitive persons by a decrease in vascular tone (the well-being of persons with arterial hypertension improves and those with hypotension worsen),
? hypoxic, with a change in weather towards warming and a decrease in the oxygen content in the air, with the development of signs of oxygen deficiency in sensitive individuals.

Weather sensors
? Skin – temperature, humidity, wind, Sun rays, atmospheric electricity, radioactivity
? Lungs – temperature, air purity and ionization, humidity, wind
? Organs of vision, hearing, tactile, taste, sensitivity - light, noise, smell, temperature and chemical composition of air

? Everyone reacts to changes in the weather, and to any change in the weather too; the reaction consists of adaptation, which in a healthy person is physiological and complete, without deterioration in well-being
? Every person is weather-sensitive: physically and mentally healthy people with a good genotype feel comfortable in any weather, and adaptation occurs without clinical manifestations; only with health problems do meteopathic reactions develop, increasing with increasing severity; Older people with chronic diseases are most susceptible to meteopathic reactions
? During severe weather disasters (strong, severe geomagnetic storm, geomagnetic storm, sharp decrease and increase in temperature with high humidity, etc.), the risk of developing life-threatening conditions (stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.) increases, cardiac and other death in people with poor health
? The impact of weather changes on health is the same indoors and outdoors, and staying at home will not protect you

? The very first factor is the genetically determined constitutional characteristics of the human body.
? There is no hiding from genetic inheritance.
? Nevertheless, general preventive measures make it possible to reduce their intensity, safely maneuvering between the whims of the weather.
Meteopathies of the “weaker” sex
? Meteopathy is, first of all, the lot of the “weaker” sex.
? Females react more actively to weather changes and sense the approach and end of bad weather more acutely.
? Many see the reason in the peculiarities of hormonal status, but it is in the peculiarities female body at all.

Meteopathies and age
? Meteopaths are children until the formation of regulatory systems and adaptation mechanisms is completed, as well as older people.
? Minimum weather sensitivity (maximum weather resistance) at the age of 14-20 years, and then only increases with age. By the age of fifty, half of people are already meteoropaths - with age, the body’s adaptive resources decrease, and many still accumulate diseases.
? As a person ages, the frequency and intensity of meteopathic reactions increase even more, which is associated with the involution of the body and a further decrease in adaptation resources, the development and progression of chronic diseases, especially aging diseases (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, cerebral vascular insufficiency, coronary heart disease, chronic ischemic disease of the lower extremities, diabetes type 2, etc.).

Urban factors
? City residents suffer from meteoropathy much more often than villagers. The reason is more severe environmental conditions, including the oversaturation of urban air with heavy ions, shortening daylight hours, reducing the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, and a more powerful impact of man-made, social and psychological factors leading to the development of chronic distress.
? In other words, the further a person is from nature, the stronger his meteopathic reactions.

Factors contributing to meteopathies
? Excess weight body, endocrine changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
? Previous injuries, acute respiratory viral and bacterial infections, other diseases.
? Conditions of deteriorating socio-economic and environmental conditions.

Criteria for meteopathies
? Slower adjustment to changes in weather or the presence of others climatic conditions
? Deterioration of health when the weather changes or stays in other climatic conditions
? Stereotypical reactions of well-being to similar weather changes
? Seasonal deterioration of health or exacerbation of existing diseases
? Dominance of weather or climatic factors among possible changes in well-being

Phases of development of meteopathies
? the appearance of signal stimuli in the form of electromagnetic pulses, infrasound signals, changes in the oxygen content in the air, etc., with changes in weather.
? atmospheric-physical weather complex during passage atmospheric front with the establishment of unfavorable weather
? subsequent meteotropic reactions caused by weather changes with changes in the state of the body

? anticipation of a change in weather,
? deterioration of health,
? decreased activity
? depressive disorders,
? unpleasant sensations (including painful ones) in different organs and systems,
? absence of other reasons for deterioration or exacerbation of the disease,
? repeatability of symptoms when climate or weather changes,
? rapid reversal of symptoms with better weather,
? short-term manifestation of symptoms
? absence of signs in favorable weather.

Three degrees of meteopathies
? mild (grade 1) – minor subjective discomfort due to sudden changes in weather
? moderate degree (grade 2) – against the background of subjective malaise, changes in the autonomic nervous and cardiovascular systems, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases
? severe degree (grade 3) – pronounced subjective disturbances (general weakness, headaches, dizziness, noise and ringing in the head and/or increased excitability, irritability, insomnia and/or changes in blood pressure, pain and aches in joints, muscles, etc. .) with exacerbation of existing diseases.

Meteopathies in ICD-10
? ICD 10 does not have a special section dedicated to meteopathies. And, nevertheless, a place is reserved for them in it, since meteopathies, by their nature, have a special (maladaptive) reaction of the human body to stress.
? F43.0 – acute reaction to stress
? F43.2 – disorders of adaptive reactions

The most common meteopathic symptom complexes
? Cerebral – irritability, general agitation, dyssomnia, headaches, breathing disorders
? Autonomic somatoform disorder – fluctuations in blood pressure, autonomic disorders, etc.
? Rheumatoid – general fatigue, fatigue, pain, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system
? Cardiorespiratory – cough, increased heart rate and respiratory rate
? Dyspeptic - unpleasant sensations in the stomach, right hypochondrium, along the intestines; nausea, appetite disturbances, stool
? Immune – decreased immunity, colds, fungal infections
? Skin-allergic – skin itching, skin rashes, erythema, other skin-allergic changes
? Hemorrhagic - bleeding rashes on the skin, bleeding from the mucous membranes, rushes of blood to the head, increased blood flow to the conjunctiva, nosebleeds, changes in clinical blood parameters.

Frequency of leading meteopathies in descending order
? asthenia – 90%
? headache, migraine, respiratory disorders – 60%
? lethargy, apathy -50%
? fatigue – 40%
? irritability, depression – 30%
? decreased attention, dizziness, pain in bones and joints - 25%
? gastrointestinal disorders – 20%.

Somatic diseases and conditions with a high risk of meteopathies
? Seasonal allergies
? Cardiac arrhythmias
? Arterial hypertension
? Arthritis (any joint)
? Pregnancy
? Ankylosing spondylitis
? Bronchial asthma
? Diseases of the appendages
? Dermatomyositis
? Cholelithiasis
? Thyroid diseases
? Cardiac ischemia
? Climax
? Migraine
? Migraine
Cardiovascular diseases
? This category of people gives the highest demand for emergency medical care - 50% of calls per day on days of sudden weather changes compared to indifferent days.
? There is a direct connection (95% coincidence) between the formation of unfavorable types of weather and the development of meteotropic reactions.
? Most often, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, pain in the heart, sleep disturbances. A sudden increase in blood pressure is common. Changes in the blood coagulation system, blood cell morphology, other biochemical changes, and dysfunction of the heart muscle are possible.
? Characterized by the appearance or intensification of angina pain, cardialgia, and various disorders heart rate, instability of blood pressure. High risk of ischemic attacks and heart attacks at different levels.

Bronchopulmonary diseases
? Meteopaths with bronchopulmonary diseases account for up to 60% among adults and 70% among children.
? Almost a quarter of exacerbations of bronchopulmonary diseases are caused by exposure to weather factors, primarily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and relative humidity air, and intensifies with sudden cold snaps, strong winds, high humidity, and thunderstorms.
? The frequency of meteorological reactions during the passage of cold fronts increases by more than a third.
? Meteopathic reactions are manifested by general malaise, weakness, the appearance or intensification of cough, low-grade fever, the development of shortness of breath, suffocation, a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs, and other indicators of external respiration function.
? In almost half of the cases, weather factors are the cause of exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

Nervous and mental illnesses
? In a third of people with nervous and mental illness exacerbations are clearly “tied” to weather factors. Persons with weakened basic processes of higher nervous activity and various kinds of somatoform autonomic disorders also react more often to weather changes even before the development of somatic pathology.
? The frequency of exacerbations is characterized by a seasonal dependence: an increase in autumn and spring and a decrease in summer.
? The influence of weather factors is more pronounced in people with manic-depressive psychosis than in people with schizophrenia. Maximum exacerbations in the depressive phase occur in May-August, and in the manic phase – November-February.
? In case of degenerative diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.) and large joints, sudden cold weather, as well as windy weather, often causes the development and/or intensification of pain syndrome and its equivalents. General weakness, dizziness, a feeling of weakness, decreased performance, increased irritability and fatigue, a feeling of numbness and weakness of the fingers and toes, pain and morning stiffness in other joints, leading to decreased performance, are common.

Digestive diseases
? Increased weather dependence is characteristic of chronic diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, different shapes cholecystitis, etc.
? WITH sudden changes weather conditions are associated with the occurrence or intensification of pain in the corresponding parts of the abdominal area, the development of dyspepsia with symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, belching and even vomiting against the background of a deterioration in general well-being and decreased performance.
? In severe chronic diseases, more severe disorders are possible, such as exacerbation of an ulcerative process with a high risk of intestinal bleeding, etc.
? For at least 1/5 of those undergoing hospital treatment, sharply changing weather factors cause exacerbations and more severe disease with worsening clinical condition.

Diseases of the urinary system
? Like most other somatic diseases, diseases of the urinary system are mostly of an inflammatory nature, or are associated with inflammatory processes, and therefore are characterized by a clear meteopathic “attachment” with exacerbations in the transitional autumn-winter and winter-spring periods.
? Examples: glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, meteopathic reactions of which are manifested by headache, weakness, increased blood pressure, swelling, signs of intoxication, development or worsening of urinary disorders.

Hemorrhagic diseases

The main meteorological climate-forming factors are the mass and chemical composition of the atmosphere.

The mass of the atmosphere determines its mechanical and thermal inertia, its capabilities as a coolant capable of transferring heat from heated areas to cooled ones. Without an atmosphere, Earth would have a “lunar climate”, i.e. climate of radiant equilibrium.

Atmospheric air is a mixture of gases, some of which have an almost constant concentration, others have a variable concentration. In addition, the atmosphere contains various liquid and solid aerosols, which also play a significant role in climate formation.

Main components atmospheric air are nitrogen, oxygen and argon. Chemical composition The atmosphere remains constant up to an altitude of approximately 100 km; above that, gravitational separation of gases begins to take effect and the relative content of lighter gases increases.

Particularly important for the climate are thermodynamically active impurities that have variable contents and have big influence to many processes in the atmosphere, such as water, carbon dioxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

A striking example of a thermodynamically active impurity is water in the atmosphere. The concentration of this water (specific humidity, to which specific water content in the clouds is added) is highly variable. Water vapor makes a significant contribution to air density, atmospheric stratification, and especially to fluctuations and turbulent entropy flows. It is capable of condensing (or sublimating) on ​​particles (nuclei) existing in the atmosphere, forming clouds and fogs, as well as releasing large amounts of heat. Water vapor and especially cloudiness dramatically affect the fluxes of short-wave and long-wave radiation in the atmosphere. Water vapor also causes Greenhouse effect, i.e. the ability of the atmosphere to transmit solar radiation and absorb thermal radiation from the underlying surface and underlying atmospheric layers. Due to this, the temperature in the atmosphere increases with depth. Finally, colloidal instability may occur in clouds, causing coagulation of cloud particles and precipitation.

Another important thermodynamically active impurity is carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide. It makes a significant contribution to the greenhouse effect by absorbing and re-emitting long-wave radiation energy. There may have been significant fluctuations in carbon dioxide levels in the past, which would have affected the climate.

The influence of solid artificial and natural aerosols contained in the atmosphere has not yet been well studied. Sources of solid aerosols on Earth are deserts and semi-deserts, areas of active volcanic activity, as well as industrialized areas.

The ocean also supplies small amounts of aerosols - particles of sea salt. Large particles fall out of the atmosphere relatively quickly, while the smallest particles remain in the atmosphere for a long time.

Aerosol influences the flux of radiant energy in the atmosphere in several ways. First, aerosol particles facilitate cloud formation and thereby increase albedo, i.e. the share of solar energy reflected and irretrievably lost for the climate system. Second, the aerosol scatters a significant portion of solar radiation, so that some of the scattered radiation (very small) is also lost to the climate system. Finally, some of the solar energy is absorbed by aerosols and reradiated both to the Earth's surface and into space.

Over the long history of the Earth, the amount of natural aerosol has fluctuated significantly, since periods of increased tectonic activity and, conversely, periods of relative calm are known. There were also periods in the history of the Earth when, in hot, dry climatic zones there were much more extensive land masses and, conversely, these belts were dominated by the oceanic surface. Currently, as in the case of carbon dioxide, everything higher value acquires an artificial aerosol product economic activity person.

Ozone is also a thermodynamically active impurity. It is present in the layer of the atmosphere from the Earth's surface to an altitude of 60–70 km. In the lowest layer of 0–10 km its content is insignificant, then it quickly increases and reaches a maximum at an altitude of 20–25 km. Further, the ozone content quickly decreases, and at an altitude of 70 km it is already 1000 times less than even at the surface. This vertical distribution of ozone is associated with the processes of its formation. Ozone is formed mainly as a result of photochemical reactions under the influence of high-energy photons belonging to the extreme ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum. In these reactions, atomic oxygen appears, which then combines with an oxygen molecule to form ozone. At the same time, ozone decomposition reactions occur when it absorbs solar energy and when its molecules collide with oxygen atoms. These processes, together with the processes of diffusion, mixing and transport, lead to the equilibrium vertical ozone profile described above.

Despite such insignificant content, its role is extremely great and not only for the climate. Due to the exceptionally intense absorption of radiant energy during the processes of its formation and (to a lesser extent) decay, strong heating occurs in the upper part of the layer of maximum ozone content - the ozonosphere (the maximum ozone content is located somewhat lower, where it enters as a result of diffusion and mixing). Of all solar energy falling on the upper boundary of the atmosphere, ozone absorbs about 4%, or 6·10 27 erg/day. In this case, the ozonosphere absorbs the ultraviolet part of radiation with a wavelength of less than 0.29 microns, which has a detrimental effect on living cells. In the absence of this ozone screen, apparently, life could not have arisen on Earth, at least in the forms known to us.

The ocean, which is an integral part of the climate system, plays an extremely important role in it. The primary property of the ocean, as well as the atmosphere, is mass. However, it is also important for the climate on what part of the Earth’s surface this mass is located.

Among the thermodynamically active impurities in the ocean are salts and gases dissolved in water. The amount of dissolved salts affects the density sea ​​water, which at a given pressure depends, therefore, not only on temperature, but also on salinity. This means that salinity, along with temperature, determines density stratification, i.e. makes it stable in some cases, and in others leads to convection. The nonlinear dependence of density on temperature can lead to a curious phenomenon called mixing compaction. The temperature of the maximum density of fresh water is 4°C, warmer and colder water has a lower density. When mixing two volumes of such lighter waters, the mixture may turn out to be heavier. If there is lower density water below, the mixed water may begin to sink. However, the temperature range at which this phenomenon occurs in fresh water is very narrow. The presence of dissolved salts in ocean water increases the likelihood of such a phenomenon.

Dissolved salts change many physical characteristics sea ​​water. Thus, the coefficient of thermal expansion of water increases, and the heat capacity at constant pressure decreases, the freezing point and maximum density decrease. Salinity somewhat reduces the pressure of saturating vapor above the water surface.

An important ability of the ocean is the ability to dissolve a large number of carbon dioxide. This makes the ocean a capacious reservoir that, under some conditions, can absorb excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, and under others, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The importance of the ocean as a reservoir of carbon dioxide is further enhanced by the existence in the ocean of the so-called carbonate system, which absorbs huge amounts of carbon dioxide contained in modern limestone deposits.

Table of contents
Climatology and meteorology
Meteorology and climatology
Atmosphere, weather, climate
Meteorological observations
Application of cards
Meteorological Service and World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Climate-forming processes
Astronomical factors
Geophysical factors
Meteorological factors
About solar radiation
Thermal and radiative equilibrium of the Earth
Direct solar radiation
Changes in solar radiation in the atmosphere and on the earth's surface
Phenomena associated with radiation scattering
Total radiation, reflection of solar radiation, absorbed radiation, PAR, Earth albedo
Radiation from the earth's surface
Counter radiation or counter radiation
Radiation balance of the earth's surface
Geographical distribution of radiation balance
Atmospheric pressure and baric field
Pressure systems
Pressure fluctuations
Air acceleration under the influence of baric gradient
Deflection force of the Earth's rotation
Geostrophic and gradient wind
Pressure law of wind
Fronts in the atmosphere
Thermal regime of the atmosphere
Heat balance of the earth's surface
Daily and annual variation of temperature on the soil surface
Air mass temperatures
Annual air temperature range
Continental climate
Clouds and precipitation
Evaporation and saturation
Geographic distribution of air humidity
Condensation in the atmosphere
International cloud classification
Cloudiness, its daily and annual cycle
Precipitation falling from clouds (precipitation classification)
Characteristics of precipitation regime
Annual course of precipitation
Climatic significance of snow cover
Atmospheric chemistry
Chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere
Chemical composition of clouds

Of all the meteorological factors, the most important for port construction, port operation and shipping are: wind, fog, precipitation, humidity and air temperature, water temperature. Wind. The wind regime is characterized by direction, speed, duration and frequency. Knowledge of wind conditions is especially important when building ports on seas and reservoirs. The wind determines the direction and intensity of the waves, which determine the layout of the port’s external facilities, their design and the direction of the water approaches to the port. The prevailing wind direction should also be taken into account when relative position berths with different cargoes, for which a wind diagram is constructed (Wind Rose)

The diagram is built in next sequence:

All winds are divided by speed into several groups (in steps of 3–5 m/sec)

1-5; 6-9; 10-14; 15-19; 20 or more.

For each group, determine the percentage of repeatability from the total number of all observations for this direction:

In maritime practice, wind speed is usually expressed in points (see MT-2000).

Air and water temperature. Air and water temperatures are measured at hydrometeorological stations at the same time as wind parameters. The measurement data is presented in the form of annual temperature graphs. The main significance of these data for port construction is that they determine the timing of freezing and opening of the basin, which determines the duration of navigation. Fogs. Fogs occur when the pressure of water vapor in the atmosphere reaches the pressure of saturated vapor. In this case, water vapor condenses on dust particles or table salt(on the seas and oceans) and these accumulations of tiny drops of water in the air form fog. Despite the development of radar, the movement of ships in fog is still limited. In very thick fog, when even large objects are not visible at a distance of several tens of meters, sometimes it is necessary to stop transshipment work in ports. In river conditions, fogs are quite short-lived and quickly dissipate, and in some sea ​​ports they can be protracted and last for weeks. Exceptional in this regard is Fr. Newfoundland, in the region of which summer fogs sometimes last 20 days or more. In some domestic seaports on the Baltic and Black Seas, as well as in the Far East, there are 60-80 days of fog per year. Precipitation. Atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain and snow should be taken into account when designing berths where cargo that is sensitive to moisture is transshipped. In this case, it is necessary to provide special devices that protect the transshipment site from precipitation, or when assessing the estimated daily cargo turnover, take into account inevitable interruptions in the operation of the berths. In this case, it is not so much the total amount of precipitation that matters, but the number of days with precipitation. In this regard, one of the “unsuccessful” ports is St. Petersburg, where total number precipitation is about 470 mm per year; in some years there are more than 200 days with precipitation. Precipitation data is obtained from the State Meteorological Service of the Russian Federation.

Also, the value of precipitation size is necessary to determine the amount of storm water that is subject to organized drainage from the territory of berths and warehouses through a special storm sewer.


physical properties of the atmosphere that determine weather and climate (or microclimate) and influence the state of the body.

Medical terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS are in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • FACTORS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACTORS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACTORS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    PRODUCTION - resources used in production, on which the volume of manufactured products largely depends. These include land, labor,...
  • FACTORS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACTORS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - conditions, reasons, parameters, indicators that influence the economic process and the result of this process. For example, to F. affecting productivity...
  • METEOROLOGICAL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    METEOROLOGICAL ELEMENTS, characteristics of the state of the atmosphere and atm. processes: temperature, pressure, air humidity, wind, cloudiness and precipitation, visibility range, fog, thunderstorms...
  • RISK FACTORS FOR WORSE HEALTH in the Encyclopedia sober image life:
    - behavioral, biological, genetic factors, social nature, factors associated with pollution environment, natural and climatic conditions that most increase...
    (anthropo- + Greek -genes generated; synonym: anthropourgic environmental factors, household environmental factors) environmental factors, the occurrence of which is due to human activity, ...
    meteorological, a group of liquid thermometers of a special design, intended for meteorological measurements mainly at meteorological stations. Various T. m. depending...
  • METEOROLOGICAL CONGRESSES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    congresses, scientific meetings of specialists in the field of meteorology. In Russia, the 1st and 2nd M. s. took place in St. Petersburg in...
  • METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    instruments, instruments and installations for measuring and recording the values ​​of meteorological elements. M. p. are designed to work in natural...
  • METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    international organizations, organizations created for international cooperation in the field of meteorology. Basic M. o. - World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Along with …
  • METEOROLOGICAL JOURNALS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    magazines (more precisely meteorological and climatological journals), periodical scientific publications covering issues of meteorology, climatology and hydrology. In the USSR, the most famous and...
  • ATMOSPHERE OF EARTH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Earth (from the Greek atmos - steam and sphaira - ball), the gas shell surrounding the Earth. A. it is generally accepted that the area around...
    see Meteorological...
  • INDUSTRIAL HAZARDS in Collier's Dictionary:
    any factors related to production that can have an adverse effect on human health. Environmental conditions, substances or stresses associated...
  • BIODETERMINISM in the Dictionary of Gender Studies Terms:
    (biological determinism) - the principle of considering phenomena in which biological factors are considered to be decisive for a person’s characteristics, in this case gender or sex...
    Tol (Eduard, Baron) - zoologist, geologist and traveler, born in 1858 in Reval, studied from 1877 to 1882 ...
  • RUSSIA, SECTION METEOROLOGY in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Rhetheorological observations in Russia began, according to their first historian, K.S. Veselovsky, - around the middle of the 18th century: for St. Petersburg ...
  • PRZHEVALSKY NIKOLAY MIKHAILOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Przhevalsky (Nikolai Mikhailovich) - famous Russian traveler, major general. Born in 1839. His father, Mikhail Kuzmich, served in the Russian army. ...
  • ZHELEZNOV NIKOLAY IVANOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Zheleznov (Nikolai Ivanovich 1816 - 1877) - an outstanding botanist and agronomist. He received his secondary education in the then mountain corps, and ...
  • COLON AND RECTAL CANCER in the Medical Dictionary.
  • in the Medical Dictionary:
  • in the Medical Dictionary:
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease in the Medical Dictionary:
  • ANEMIA HEMOLYTIC in the Medical Dictionary:
  • COLON AND RECTAL CANCER in the Large Medical Dictionary.
    Acute renal failure (ARF) is a sudden pathological condition characterized by impaired renal function with a delay in the excretion of nitrogenous products from the body...
  • LIVER CELL FAILURE in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Hepatic cell failure (HCD) is a term that combines various liver dysfunctions, ranging from mild subclinical manifestations to hepatic encephalopathy and coma. ...
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    The terms ulcer, peptic ulcer disease, peptic ulcer disease are used in relation to a group of gastrointestinal diseases characterized by the formation of areas of destruction of the mucous membrane...
  • ANEMIA HEMOLYTIC in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Hemolytic anemias are a large group of anemias characterized by a decrease average duration life of red blood cells (normally 120 days). Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) can...
  • FACTOR ANALYSIS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    analysis, section statistical analysis multidimensional. combining methods for estimating the dimensionality of a set of observed variables by examining the structure of covariance or correlation matrices. ...
  • RADIO METEOROLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a science that studies, on the one hand, the influence of meteorological conditions in the troposphere and stratosphere on the propagation of radio waves (mainly VHF), ...
  • AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    agricultural, agrometeorology, applied meteorological discipline that studies meteorological, climatic and hydrological conditions relevant to Agriculture, in their interaction with...
  • METEOROLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from the Greek meteoros - raised upward, heavenly, meteora - atmospheric and celestial phenomena and...logy), the science of the atmosphere ...
  • METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    observatory, scientific and technical institution in which they conduct meteorological observations and research of the meteorological regime on the territory of the region, territory, republic, country. Some …
  • COSMONAUtics in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from space and Greek nautike art of navigation, ship navigation), flights to outer space; a set of branches of science and technology that ensure the development of...
  • EVAPORATOR (IN METEOROLOGY) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    evaporometer (in meteorology), a device for measuring evaporation from the surface of water bodies and soil. To measure evaporation from the surface of reservoirs in the USSR...
  • ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Earth satellites (satellites), space aircrafts, launched into orbit around the Earth and intended to solve scientific and applied problems. Launch...
  • ANIMAL NUMBER DYNAMICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL STATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    station, institution conducting meteorological and hydrological observations of weather conditions, the regime of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and swamps. Depending...
  • BIOLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from biology... and...logy), a set of sciences about living nature. The subject of B.'s study is all manifestations of life: structure and ...
  • AEROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    instruments, instruments for measurements in a free atmosphere at various altitudes of temperature, pressure and air humidity, as well as solar radiation, altitude...
  • ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    economic activities of socialist enterprises ( economic analysis the work of enterprises), a comprehensive study of the economic activities of enterprises and their associations in order to improve it...
  • KHARKIV PROVINCE V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I is located between 48°W1" and 51°16"N. w. and between 33°50" and 39°50" E. d.; it is elongated with...
  • PHYSICAL OBSERVATORY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    by its name, a “physical” observatory should have as its goal all kinds of physical observations, among which meteorological ones would constitute only one...

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