Methods for getting out of difficult life situations. Way out of difficult life situations. Methodology "Exit from difficult life situations"

Psychological tests>> Methodology "Getting Out of Difficulties" life situations"
People overcome difficult life situations in different ways, including those associated with pedagogical work. Some people put up with problems and troubles, adapt to them, and prefer to “go with the flow.” Others curse fate, become emotionally disengaged and, ultimately, also calm down, without actually solving any problems. Still others withdraw into themselves and prefer not to “see” problems. The fourth act somehow differently. The following questionnaire allows you to identify the dominant this person way to solve life's problems. After reading it, you need to choose one of the possible answers for each judgment.
1. Do you tell other people about your problems and troubles:
a) no, because I think it won’t help;
b) yes, if there is a suitable interlocutor for this;
c) not always, because sometimes it’s hard to think about them yourself, let alone tell others.
2. How much do you worry about troubles:
a) always and very difficult;
b) it depends on the circumstances;
c) I try to endure and have no doubt that any trouble will eventually come to an end.
3. If you do not drink alcohol, skip this question and move on to the next one. If you drink alcohol, for what reason:
a) in order to “drown” your problems in wine;
b) in order to somehow escape from them;
c) just like that, I like to be tipsy from time to time and feel freer.
4. What do you do if something deeply hurts you:
a) allow yourself to relax and do what you haven’t allowed yourself to do for a long time;
b) go to visit friends;
c) sit at home and feel sorry for yourself.
5. When close person offends you, then you:
a) withdraw into yourself and don’t communicate with anyone;
b) demand an explanation from him;
c) tell everyone about it who is willing to listen to you.
6. In a moment of happiness you:
a) don’t think about the misfortune you suffered;
b) you are afraid that this minute will pass too quickly;
c) don’t forget that there are a lot of unpleasant things in life.
7. What do you think about psychiatrists:
a) you would not want to become their patient;
b) they could really help many people;
c) a person himself, without a psychiatrist, must help himself.
8. Fate, in your opinion:
a) is stalking you,
b) is unfair to you,
c) is favorable to you.
9. What do you think about after an argument with your spouse or loved one, when your anger has already passed:
a) about the pleasant things you had in the past;
b) you dream of secretly taking revenge on him;
c) think about how much you have already endured from him (her).
Below is a key for converting test takers' answers into scores.
A method for converting answers chosen by a subject using this method into points
Selected Judgment Ordinal Number
answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a 3 4 5 0 3 1 4 5 1
6 1 0 3 2 0 3 2 2 2
in 2 2 1 4 1 5 3 1 3

Based total amount The points scored by the subject are judged on his typical ways of getting out of difficult situations.
With a score of 7 to 15, it is concluded that this person easily comes to terms with troubles, correctly assessing what happened and maintaining peace of mind.
With a total score of 16 to 26, they come to the conclusion that a given person does not always withstand the blows of fate with dignity. Often he breaks down, curses her, i.e. gets upset when problems arise and upsets others.
If the sum of points was in the range from 27 to 36, then this gives reason to conclude that this person cannot normally experience troubles and usually reacts to them psychologically inadequately.
Psychological tests >> Methodology "Leader"
This technique is designed to assess a person's ability to be a leader. This quality is important for a teacher, since he must be a leader, at least in children's team.
In this technique, the subject answers 50 questions, and based on his answers to these questions, a conclusion is made about whether he has personal psychological qualities necessary for a leader. Of the two proposed answer options for each question, you must select and mark only one.
Questionnaire text
1. Are you often the center of attention of others? a) yes, b) no.
2. Do you think that many of the people around you occupy a higher position in the service than you? a) yes, b) no.
3. When you are at a meeting of people who are equal to you in official position, do you feel the desire not to express your opinion, even when it is necessary? a) yes, b) no.
4. When you were a child, did you like being a leader among your peers?
a) yes, b) no.
5. Do you experience pleasure when you manage to convince someone of something? a) yes, b) no.
6. Do you ever get called an indecisive person? a) yes", b) no.
7. Do you agree with the statement: “All the most useful things in the world are the result of the activities of a small number outstanding people»?
a) yes, b) no.
8. Do you feel an urgent need for an adviser who could guide your professional activity?
a) yes, b) no.
9. Have you sometimes lost your cool when talking to people? a) yes, b) no.
10. Does it give you pleasure to see that others are afraid of you?
a) yes, b) no.
11. Do you try to occupy a place at the table (at a meeting, in a company, etc.) that would allow you to be the center of attention and control the situation? a) yes, b) no.
12. Do you think that you make an impressive (impressive) impression on people? a) yes, b) no.
13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer? a) yes, b) no.
14. Do you get confused if people around you disagree with you?
a) yes, b) no.
15. Have you ever, on your own initiative, been involved in organizing workers, sports and other teams and groups? a) yes, b) no.
16. If what you planned did not give the expected results, then you:
a) you will be glad if responsibility for this matter is assigned to someone else;
b) take responsibility and bring the matter to the end yourself.
17. Which of these two opinions is closer to you:
a) a real leader must be able to do the work he is leading himself and personally participate in it;
b) a real leader should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the work himself.
18. Who do you prefer to work with?
a) with submissive people,
b) with independent and independent people.
19. Do you try to avoid heated discussions? a) yes, b) no.
20. When you were a child, did you often encounter your father’s authority? a) yes, b) no.
21. Are you good at discussing professional topic attract to your side those who previously disagreed with you? a) yes, b) no.
22. Imagine this scene: while walking with friends through the forest, you lost your way. Evening is approaching and a decision needs to be made. What will you do?
a) give the most competent of you the opportunity to make a decision;
b) you simply won’t do anything, counting on others.
23. There is a proverb: “It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city.” Is she fair? a) yes, b) no.
24. Do you consider yourself a person who influences others?
a) yes, b) no.
25. Could failure to take initiative cause you to never do it again? a) yes, b) no.
26. Who, from your point of view, is a true leader?
a) the most competent person;
b) the one who has the most a strong character.
27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people?
a) yes, b) no.
28. Do you respect discipline? a) yes, b) no.
29. Which of the following two leaders is preferable to you?
a) the one who decides everything himself;
b) one who always consults and listens to the opinions of others.
30. Which of the following leadership styles do you think is best for the type of organization you work for?
a) collegial, b) authoritarian.
31. Do you often get the impression that others are taking advantage of you?
a) yes, b) no.
32. Which of the following two “portraits” most resembles you?
a) a person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, will not reach into his pocket for a word;
b) a person with a calm, quiet voice, reserved, thoughtful.
33. How will you behave at meetings and conferences if you consider your opinion to be the only correct one, but others do not agree with it?
a) I will remain silent, b) I will defend my opinion.
34. Do you subordinate your interests and the behavior of other people to the business you are doing? a) yes, b) no.
35. Do you feel anxious if you are given responsibility for some important matter? a) yes, b) no.
36. Which would you prefer?
a) work under direction good man;
b) work independently, without a supervisor.
37. How do you feel about the statement: “In order for family life to be good, it is necessary that decisions in the family be made by one of the spouses”?
a) agree, b) disagree.
38. Have you ever bought something under the influence of other people’s opinions, rather than based on your own needs? a) yes, b) no.
39. Do you consider your organizational skills to be good? a) yes, b) no.
40. How do you behave when faced with difficulties?
a) I give up;
b) it appears to me desire overcome them.
41. Do you reproach people if they deserve it? a) yes, b) no.
42. Do you think that your nervous system able to withstand the stress of life? a) yes, b) no.
43. What will you do if you are asked to reorganize your institution?
a) I will introduce the necessary changes immediately;
b) I won’t rush and think everything through carefully first.
44. Will you be able to interrupt an overly talkative interlocutor if necessary? a) yes, b) no.
45. Do you agree with the statement: “In order to be happy, you need to live unnoticed”? a) yes, b) no.
46. ​​Do you think that every person should do something outstanding?
a) yes, b) no.
47. What would you rather be?
a) artist, poet, composer, scientist;
b) an outstanding leader, politician.
48. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
a) powerful and solemn,
b) quiet and lyrical.
49. Do you feel nervous when expecting to meet important people? famous people? a) yes, b) no.
50. Have you often met people with more strong will, what is yours? a) yes, b) no.
Evaluation of results and conclusions
In accordance with the following key, the amount of points received by the subject is determined.
Key: 1a, 2a, 36,4a, 5a, 6b,7a, 86,96,10a, 11a, 12a, 136,146,15a, 166,17a, 186,196,20a, 21a, 22a, 23a, 24a, 256,26a, 276.28a, 296.306, 31a, 32a, 336.34a, 356.366.37a, 386.39a, 406.41a, 42a, 43a, 44a, 456, 46a,476.48a, 496.506.
For each answer that matches the key answer, the subject receives 1 point, otherwise - 0 points.
If the sum of points is up to 25 points, then the qualities of a leader are poorly expressed.
If the sum of points is in the range from 26 to 35, then the leader’s qualities are expressed as average.
If the sum of points turned out to be from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are strongly expressed.
And finally, if the sum of points is more than 40, then this person, as a leader, is prone to dictatorship.

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A block of techniques related to solving human problems in life (continued)

Method 20. Getting out of difficult life situations

People overcome difficult life situations in different ways, including those related to teaching work. Some people put up with problems and troubles, adapt to them, and prefer to “go with the flow.” Others curse fate, become emotionally disengaged, and ultimately also calm down, without actually solving any problems. Still others withdraw into themselves and prefer not to “see” problems. The fourth act somehow differently. The following questionnaire allows you to identify a given person’s dominant way of solving life problems. After reading it, you need to choose one of the possible answers for each judgment.

1. Do you tell other people about your problems and troubles:

    a) no, because I think it won’t help;

    b) yes, if there is a suitable interlocutor for this;

    c) not always, because sometimes it’s hard to think about them, let alone tell others.

2. How much do you worry about troubles:

    a) always and very difficult;

    b) it depends on the circumstances;

    c) I try to endure and have no doubt that any trouble will eventually come to an end.

3. If you do not drink alcohol, then skip this question and move on to the next one. If you drink alcohol, why:

    a) in order to “drown” your problems in wine;

    b) in order to somehow escape from them;

    c) just like that, I like to be in the village from time to time and feel freer.

4. What do you do if something deeply hurts you:

    a) allow yourself to relax and do what you haven’t allowed yourself to do for a long time;

    b) go to visit friends;

    c) sit at home and feel sorry for yourself.

5. When a loved one offends you, you:

    a) withdraw into yourself and don’t communicate with anyone;

    b) demand an explanation from him;

    c) tell everyone about it who is willing to listen to you.

6. In a moment of happiness you:

    a) don’t think about the misfortune you suffered;

    b) you are afraid that this minute will pass too quickly;

    c) don’t forget that there are a lot of unpleasant things in life.

7. What do you think about psychiatrists:

    a) you would not want to become their patient;

    b) they could really help many people;

    c) a person himself, without a psychiatrist, must help himself.

8. Fate, in your opinion:

    a) is stalking you,

    b) is unfair to you,

    c) is favorable to you.

9. What do you think about after an argument with your spouse or loved one, when your anger has already passed:

    a) about the pleasant things you had in the past;

    b) you dream of secretly taking revenge on him;

    c) think about how much you have already endured from him (her).

Table 30 provides a key for converting test takers' answers into scores.

Based on the total points scored by the subject, they judge his typical ways of getting out of difficult situations.

With a score of 7 to 15, it is concluded that this person easily comes to terms with troubles, correctly assessing what happened and maintaining peace of mind.

With a total score of 16 to 26, they come to the conclusion that a given person does not always withstand the blows of fate with dignity. Often he breaks down, curses her, i.e. gets upset when problems arise and upsets others.

If the sum of points was in the range from 27 to 36, then this gives reason to conclude that this person cannot normally experience troubles and usually reacts to them psychologically inadequately.

People overcome difficult life situations in different ways, including those related to teaching work. Some people put up with problems and troubles, adapt to them, and prefer to “go with the flow.” Others curse fate, become emotionally disengaged, and ultimately also calm down, without actually solving any problems. Still others withdraw into themselves and prefer not to “see” problems. The fourth act somehow differently. The following questionnaire allows you to identify a given person’s dominant way of solving life problems. After reading it, you need to choose one of the possible answers for each judgment.

_______________ _____________

1. Do you tell other people about your problems and

a) no, because I think it won’t help;

b) yes, if there is a suitable interlocutor for this;

c) not always, because sometimes it’s hard to think about them,
not to mention telling others.

2. How much do you worry about troubles:

a) always and very difficult;

b) it depends on the circumstances;

c) I try to endure and have no doubt that anyone will not
The happiness will eventually come to an end.

3. If you don't drink alcohol, skip this one.
ask and move on to the next one. If you drink alcohol
ny drinks, then for what reason:

a) in order to “drown” your problems in wine;

b) in order to somehow escape from them;

c) just like that, I like to be there from time to time
village and feel freer.

4. What do you do if something deeply hurts you:

a) allow yourself to relax and do what you have been doing for a long time
they didn’t allow themselves;

b) go to visit friends;

c) sit at home and feel sorry for yourself.

5. When a loved one offends you, you:

a) withdraw into yourself and don’t communicate with anyone;

b) demand an explanation from him;

c) tell everyone about it who is willing to listen to you.

6. In a moment of happiness you:

a) don’t think about the misfortune you suffered;

b) you are afraid that this minute will pass too quickly;

c) don’t forget that there are a lot of unpleasant things in life.

7. What do you think about psychiatrists:

a) you would not want to become their patient;

b) they could really help many people;

c) a person himself, without a psychiatrist, must help himself.

8. Fate, in your opinion:

a) is stalking you,

b) is unfair to you,

c) is favorable to you.

9. What do you think about after an argument with your spouse or loved one, when your anger has already passed:

a) about the pleasant things you had in the past;

b) you dream of secretly taking revenge on him;

c) think about how much you have already endured from him (her).

Table 30 provides a key for converting test takers' answers into scores.

Table 30A method for converting answers chosen by a subject using this method into points

Selected answer Serial number of judgment
a B C 3 1 2 4 0 2 5 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 3 5 4 2 3 5 2 1 1 2 3

Based on the total points scored by the subject, they judge his typical ways of getting out of difficult situations.

With a score of 7 to 15, it is concluded that this person easily comes to terms with troubles, correctly assessing what happened and maintaining peace of mind.

With a total score of 16 to 26, they come to the conclusion that a given person does not always withstand the blows of fate with dignity. Often he breaks down, curses her, i.e. gets upset when problems arise and upsets others.

If the sum of points was in the range from 27 to 36, then this gives reason to conclude that this person cannot normally experience troubles and usually reacts to them psychologically inadequately.

Test 21. Sense of humor

This test, consisting of 100 humorous phrases, allows you to identify the dominant attitude in a person’s subconscious towards increased sensitivity in one of the following areas: 1. Aggression - self-defense.

Part I Psychological diagnostics

2. Intersexual relations.

3. Bad habits (in this case, drunkenness).

4. Money.

6. Career.

7. Family troubles.

8. Social problems.

9. Mediocrity in art and other creative endeavors. 10. Human stupidity.

The presence of an attitude in one or more of the listed areas is manifested in the fact that a person in ambiguous humorous phrases (and there are 40 of them in the method) captures exactly the meaning that corresponds to his attitude.

The subject receives a list of the 10 areas listed above and the task, reading sequentially humorous phrases, assigns them to any of these areas. The presence of an attitude (or attitudes) is judged by the number of phrases the subject assigned to a particular area: the more cards assigned to a given area, the stronger the attitude towards it.

In turn, the installation may indicate several things:

1. About the presence of insufficiently realized but quite strong needs in the subject in this area.

2. About the presence of strong problems in this area, causing constant emotional distress.

3. About the presence of complexes associated with this area.
The technique is able to answer only the question concerning
indicates the presence of the installation, but cannot fully explain it. For
This requires special research that can
conducted only by a professionally trained psychologist.

Before starting the study, the subject receives the following instructions:

“Before you are 100 humorous phrases and 10 different areas lives to which they can be attributed. Read these phrases and decide which area each one applies to.”

List of humorous phrases

1. The writer had feathers, but he lacked wings.

Chapter 6. Methods of psychodiagnostics of students, teachers and parents

3. Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.

4. The cry of fashion is clearest in a foreign language.

5. You can’t live in the world without women, especially in the dark.

6. To properly understand a person’s soul, it is best to take it out.

7. A fool, improving, becomes round.

8. Whoever you get along with, you'll get along with.

9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.

10. The initiative for the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.

11. “Patience and work will grind everything,” Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, grinding a mountain of dishes.

12. Everything in nature is interconnected, so it’s better not to live without connections.

13. Didn’t take anyone by the throat except a bottle.

14. The artist depicted the seaman with such similarity that just looking at the picture made you feel sick.

15. It was a quiet St. Bartholomew's night.

16. And the fig leaf falls away.

17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward of courage.

18. There wasn’t a penny, and there won’t be a penny.

19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb career ladder.

20. A strange picture was revealed to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.

21. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.

22. I dreamed of flight of thought, but never got the flying weather.

23. Became an alcoholic.

24. “Measure seven times and cut once,” the old executioner explained to the young.

25. I took from life everything that was fashionable.

26. Money - so lesser evil, the fewer there are.

27. I’m bored with you, I want to sleep with you.

28. A thought occurred to him, but, not finding anyone, she left.

29. When choosing between two evils, choose both: then even this will not happen.

30. She hissed at her husband like soda water.

31. I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person and start over.

Part I. Psychological diagnostics

32. Don't be afraid of this grenade: it's a hand grenade.

33. Children are the flowers of life. However, do not let them bloom.

34. “Man does not live by bread alone!” - shouted excited customers in line for meat.

35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions!

36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not discover because of decency.

37. “This writing work is not easy,” said Evgeny Sazonov, daily taking 20 kg of his colleagues’ works to the waste paper collection point.

38. When keeping up with fashion, make sure it doesn’t turn a corner.

39. “Money is money!” - This phrase has a deep meaning, but there is no comma.

40. A calling is good, but a title is better.

41. The poet walked up the mountain, but this mountain was not Parnassus.

42. Striptease fashion: maxi, midi, mini, naked king.

43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.

44. “Strangling means loving” (Desdemona).

45. In a persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering station.

46. ​​If you find a place in life, find it for your wife.

47. Wrote from a principled cash position.

48. The defense of the dissertation will be more successful if the banquet on this occasion is held 2-3 hours earlier.

49. God created women stupid so that they would love men.

50. Why do unlimited people most often have unlimited possibilities?

51. When quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or the chairs: the family was strong, and so was the furniture.

52. If clever man is going uphill, which means he is financially interested.

53. “I have nothing left but you,” he admitted to her... three days before payday.

54. Complete fools do not go out into public, they are rolled out.

55. The butcher built his material well-being on other people's bones.

56. His head was worth something, along with his beaver hat.

Chapter 6. Methods of psychodiagnostics of students, teachers and parents

57. “Drinking is harmful to health,” said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian military leader Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and Judith’s caresses.

58. And headless horsemen sometimes prance on pegasi.

59. Only very good mood she called her husband's pay money.

60. Those who are given a tip drink cognac.

61. “Amazing - poison!” - said Salieri.

62. The violation of fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.

63. A drunken look at things helps you get by without them.

64. The boss's wife is much better than the boss's wife.

65. If you have a smart wife, you will eat from the tree of knowledge; if you have a stupid wife, you will eat from the tree of life.

66. The vigilant store manager subjected vigilant probing to everything that the saleswomen had hidden under the counter.

67. When she started talking about the black-brown fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.

68. Not only did he pay his dues, but he also paid his friends.

69. It’s easier for a woman to climb the career ladder in a short skirt.

70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.

71. What costs us the most is what cannot be obtained for any money.

72. It’s good when a woman has a husband, but it’s even better if he’s a stranger.

73. They drank so much in the story that alcohol could have been distilled out of it.

74. Dreams of getting a lucrative front-line job.

75. At the sobering-up station, the mother and child room is reopened.

76. In this canteen you can kill more than just a worm.

77. Women made him drunk, especially when he drank vodka in their company.

78. The latest cry of fashion often came from under the counter.

79. If you think all the time, then what is there to exist on?

80. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one “hand” was here, the other was there.

Part I. Psychological diagnostics

81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.

82. The more productive creativity is, the more necessary a refrigerator is.

83. I racked my head and broke my neck.

84. “And here I work for posterity,” Evgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing the visitors to the sofa.

85. The law of universal gravitation towards a pattern.

86. Othello preferred a neckline to all fashions.

87. Intellectuals die sitting.

88. Sheep know how to live: they even have the blackest sheep in their karakul.

89. There are still so many Dantes vegetating in obscurity!

90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.

91. Many people marry for love because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.

92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. And they always try to undress them.

93. Autumn happens to people too.

94. Even the role of Othello is played more truthfully if there is personal interest.

95. Curiosity towards women should not be idle.

96. Don’t spill the beans before abuse!

97. If your wife doesn’t follow fashion, you don’t have to follow her.

98. Not every group is powerful.

99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.
100. Graphomania is a need of the soul or family budget

Title: "The Way Out of Difficult Life"
Author: R.S. Nemov
human solution method
life problems.
Source: Psychology. Nemov R.S. Book 3.
Psychodiagnostics. 2001, 4th ed., 640 pp.

Having become acquainted
necessary for every judgment
choose one of the possible options

1. Do you tell other people about your problems and
a) no, because I think it won’t help;
b) yes, if there is a suitable interlocutor for this;
c) not always, because sometimes it’s hard to think about them, not
what to tell others.
2. How much do you worry about troubles:
a) always and very difficult;
b) it depends on the circumstances;
c) I try to endure and have no doubt that any trouble, in
eventually the end will come.
3. If you don't drink alcohol, skip this question.
and move on to the next one. If you drink alcohol
drinks, then for what reason:
a) in order to “drown” your problems in wine;
b) in order to somehow escape from them;
c) just like that, I like to be tipsy from time to time and
feel freer.

4. What do you do if something deeply hurts you:
a) allow yourself to relax and do what you have been doing for a long time
were not allowed;
b) go to visit friends;
c) sit at home and feel sorry for yourself.
5. When a loved one offends you, you:
a) withdraw into yourself and don’t communicate with anyone;
b) demand an explanation from him;
c) tell everyone about it who is willing to listen to you.
6. In a moment of happiness you:
a) don’t think about the misfortune you suffered;
b) you are afraid that this minute will pass too quickly;
c) don’t forget that there are a lot of unpleasant things in life.
7. What do you think about psychiatrists:
a) you would not want to become their patient;
b) they could really help many people;
c) a person himself, without a psychiatrist, must help himself.

8. Fate, in your opinion:
a) is stalking you,
b) is unfair to you,
c) is favorable to you.
9. What do you think about after a fight with your spouse?
loved one, when your anger has already passed:
a) about the pleasant things you had in the past;
b) you dream of secretly taking revenge on him;
c) think about how much you have been away from him (her) already

Below is the key to translate the answers
subjects into points.
Serial number of judgment
Based on the total points scored
subjects are judged on their typical methods
way out of difficult situations.

Interpretation of results:
With a total score from 7 to 15, a conclusion is drawn about
that the person is easily reconciled with
what happened and maintaining peace of mind.
With a total score of 16 to
26 come to the conclusion that this is not always the case
a person withstands blows with dignity
fate. Often he breaks down, curses her, i.e.
gets upset when problems arise and
upsets others.
If the total score was between 27
up to 36, then this gives grounds to conclude that
that this person cannot normally

In addition to diagnostics, the methodology proposed below allows us to form models of a constructive way out of difficulties in the field of interpersonal communication.
*"The questionnaire allows you to identify a given person’s dominant way of solving life problems. Having familiarized yourself with it, you need to select one of the possible answers for each judgment.
1. Do you tell other people about your problems and troubles:
a) no, because I think it won’t help;
b) yes, if there is a suitable interlocutor for this;
c) not always, because sometimes it’s hard to think about them, let alone tell others.
2.How much do you experience troubles:
a) always and very difficult;
b) it depends on the circumstances;
c) I try to endure and have no doubt that any trouble will eventually come to an end.
3.If you do not drink alcohol, skip this question and move on to the next one. If you drink alcohol, for what reason:
a) in order to “drown” your problems in wine;
b) in order to somehow escape from them;
c) just like that, I like to be tipsy from time to time and feel freer.
4.What do you do if something deeply hurts you:
a) allow yourself to relax and do what you haven’t allowed yourself to do for a long time;
b) go to visit friends;
c) sit at home and feel sorry for yourself.
5.When a loved one offends you, you:
a) withdraw into yourself and don’t communicate with anyone;
b) demand an explanation from him;
c) tell everyone about it who is willing to listen to you.
6. In a moment of Happiness you:
a) don’t think about the misfortune you suffered;
b) you are afraid that this minute will pass too quickly;
c) don’t forget that there are a lot of unpleasant things in life.
1.What do you think about psychiatrists:
a) you would not want to become their patient;
b) they could really help many people;
c) a person himself, without a psychiatrist, must help himself.
8.Fate, in your opinion:
a) is stalking you;
b) is unfair to you;
c) is favorable to you.
9.What do you think about after an argument with your spouse or loved one, when your anger has already passed:
a) about the pleasant things you had in the past;
b) you dream of secretly taking revenge on him;
c) think about how much you have already endured from him (her).
Bassa-Darki Questionnaire
When faced with communication difficulties, when conflict situations our success further communication, the effectiveness of our activities as a whole largely depends on our own reactions. The probability of the occurrence of some of them can be assessed by the Bass-Darkey questionnaire. It consists of 75 statements that must be answered either “yes” or “no.”
Questionnaire text
1. At times I cannot control the desire to harm others.
2. Sometimes I gossip about people I don’t like..
3.I get irritated easily, but calm down easily.
4.If I am not asked in a good way, I will not fulfill the request.
5.I don't always get what I'm supposed to.
6.I know that people talk behind my back.
7. If I don't approve of my friends' behavior, I let them feel it.
8.When I happen to deceive someone, I experience painful remorse.
9. It seems to me that I am not capable of hitting a person.
10.I never get so irritated that I throw objects.
11. I am always forgiving of other people's shortcomings.
12. If I don’t like the established rule, I want to break it.
13. Others know how to almost always take advantage of favorable circumstances.
14. I am wary of people who treat me a little more friendly than I expected.
15.I often disagree with people.
16.Sometimes thoughts come into my mind that I am ashamed of.
17.If someone hits me first, I will not answer him.
18.When I get irritated, I slam the door.
19.I'm much more irritable than I think
20.If someone pretends to be a boss, I always act contrary to him.
21.I am a little saddened by my fate.
22.I think that many people don't like me.
23.I can't resist arguing if people don't agree with me.
24.People who shirk work should feel guilty.
25. Anyone who insults me and my family is asking for a fight.
26.I am not capable of rude jokes.
27.I get angry when people make fun of me.
28.When people pretend to be bosses, I do everything so that they do not become arrogant.
29. Almost every week I see someone I don't like.
30.Quite a lot of people envy me.
31.I ​​demand that people respect me.
32.I am depressed by the fact that I do little for my parents.
33. People who constantly harass you are worth getting punched on the nose.
34.I am never gloomy with anger.
35.If I am treated worse than I deserve, I do not get upset.
36.If someone makes me angry, I don’t pay attention.
37. Although I don’t show it, I am sometimes consumed by envy.
38.Sometimes it seems to me that they are laughing at me.
39. Even if I am angry, I do not resort to “strong” expressions.
40. I want my sins to be forgiven.
41.I rarely fight back, even if someone hits me.
42.When things don’t go my way, I sometimes get offended.
43.Sometimes people irritate me just by their presence.
44.. There are no people whom I would truly hate.
45.My principle: “Never trust strangers.”
46.If someone annoys me, I am ready to say everything I think about him.
47.I do a lot of things that I later regret.
48.If I get angry, I might hit someone.
49. Since childhood, I have never shown outbursts of anger.
50.I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode.
51.If everyone knew how I felt, I would be considered a difficult person to get along with.
52.I always think about what secret reasons force people to do something nice for me.
53.When people shout at me, I start shouting back.
54. Failures make me sad.
55.I fight no less and no more often than others.
56.I can remember times when I was so angry that I grabbed something that came to hand and broke it.
57.Sometimes I feel like I'm ready to start a fight first.
58.Sometimes I feel that life treats me unfairly.
59.I used to think that most people told the truth, but now I don’t believe it.
60.I swear only out of anger.
61.When I act unfairly, my conscience torments me.
62.If I need to use physical force to protect my rights, I use it.
63.Sometimes I express my anger by banging my fist on the table.
64.I can be rude to people I don’t like.
65.I have no enemies who would like to harm me.
66. I don’t know how to put a person in his place, even if he deserves it.
67.I often think that I have lived wrong.
68.I have known people who are capable of bringing me to a fight.
69.I don't get upset over little things.
70. It rarely occurs to me that people are trying to make me angry or insult me.
71.I often only threaten people, although I do not intend to carry out the threats.
72.B Lately I became a bore.
73.When arguing, I often raise my voice.
74.I usually try to hide my feelings bad attitude to people.
75. I would rather agree with something than argue.
The questionnaire is one of the methods used to study the interactive side of communication. The main purpose of using the questionnaire is to familiarize the reader with the phenomenology of aggression as one of the forms of manifestation of an individual’s emotional reactions.
Aggression can be understood as a personality trait characterized by the presence of destructive tendencies, mainly in the field of subject-subject relations. Probably, the destructive component of human activity is necessary in creative activity, because needs individual development inevitably form in people the ability to eliminate and destroy obstacles, to overcome what impedes this process.
Aggression has a qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
Like any property, it has varying degrees expressiveness, from almost complete absence to its maximum development. Each personality must have a certain degree of aggressiveness. Its absence leads to passivity, submissiveness, conformity, etc. Its excessive development begins to determine the entire appearance of the personality, which can become conflicting, incapable of creative cooperation, etc. Aggression itself does not make a subject consciously dangerous, since, on the one hand, the connection between aggressiveness and aggression is not rigid, and, on the other, the act of aggression itself may not take consciously dangerous and disapproved forms. In everyday consciousness, aggressiveness is synonymous with “malicious activity.” However, destructive behavior in itself does not have “malevolence”; what makes it so is the motive of activity, those values ​​for the sake of achieving and possessing which activity unfolds. External practical actions may be similar, but their motivational components are directly opposite.
Based on this, aggressive manifestations can be divided into two main types:
1- motivational aggression as an intrinsic value;
2- instrumental - as a means (implying that both can manifest themselves both under the control of consciousness and outside it, and are associated with emotional experiences: anger, hostility).
Practical psychologists should be more interested in motivational aggression as a direct manifestation of the implementation of destructive tendencies inherent in a person. Having determined the level of such destructive tendencies, it is possible to more likely predict the possibility of open motivational aggression. One of these diagnostic procedures is the Bass-Darkey questionnaire.
A. Bass, who adopted a number of provisions of his predecessors, separated the concepts of “aggression” and “hostility”, and defined the latter as: “a reaction that develops negative feelings and negative assessments of people and events.” When creating their questionnaire differentiating manifestations of aggression and hostility, A. Bass and A. Darkey identified the following types of reactions:
1.Physical aggression - the use of physical force against another person.
2. Indirect - aggression directed in a roundabout way at another person or not directed at anyone.
3.Irritation - readiness to express negative feelings at the slightest excitement (temperance, rudeness).
4. Negativism - an oppositional manner of behavior from passive resistance to active struggle against established customs and laws.
5. Resentment - envy and hatred of others for real and fictitious actions.
6. Suspicion - ranging from distrust and caution towards people to the belief that other people are planning and causing harm.
7.Verbal aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through form (screaming, screeching) and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).
8.Guilt - expresses the possible belief of the object that he is bad person that evil is being done, as well as the remorse of conscience felt by him.
Key to the questionnaire:
Responses are scored on eight scales as follows:
1.Physical aggression: yes=1, no^O: 1, 25, 31, 41,48, 55,
62,68 and no=1, yes=0: 9 and 7 statements.
2.Indirect aggression: yes=1, no=0: 2, 10.18, 34.42, 56, 63 and no=1, yes=0: 26 and 49.3.Irritation: yes=1, neg=0:3 ,19,27,43, 50, 57,64, 72 and no=1, yes=0:11,35,69.
4.Negativism: yes=1, no=0: 4,12,20,28 and no=1, yes=0:36.
5.0bid: yes=1,no=0:5,13,21,29,37,44, 51, 58.
6. Suspiciousness: yes=1, no=0: 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 45, 52, 59 and yes=0, no=1: 33, 66, 74,75.
7.Verbal aggression: yes=1, no=0: 7, 15, 23, 31, 46, 53, 60, 71, 73 and yes=0, no=1: 33, 66,74, 75.
8. Feeling of guilt: yes=1, no=0: 5, 8,16, 24, 32,40,47, 54,61,67.
The hostility index includes scales 5 and 6, and the aggressiveness index (direct or motivational) includes scales 1,3,7.
The norm for aggressiveness is its index value equal to 21 +/- 04, and for hostility - 6.5 +/- 03. At the same time, attention is drawn to the possibility of achieving a certain value indicating the degree of manifestation of aggressiveness.
Using this technique, it is necessary to remember that aggressiveness as a personality trait, as an act of behavior, can be understood in the context of a psychological analysis of the motivational-need sphere of the individual. Therefore, the Bassa-Darki questionnaire should be used in conjunction with other methods: personality tests mental states(Taylor scale, Spielberg test), projective techniques(Lusher), etc.

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