“Miss Russia” Elizaveta Golovanova: “I was the only one with natural hair and without plastic surgery. How did the fates of the titled “Miss Russia” and “Miss Ukraine” of different years turn out? The family of Elizaveta Golovanova

"on Channel One ended almost in a scandal. And what is certain is a disappointment for the three girls who came to fight for the financier fiance. He was accompanied by a beauty who was supposed to help the man choose a bride from three pretty contenders selected by the editors of “Let's Get Married.” But all the efforts of the editors, the brides who prepared the surprises, and the presenters were doomed to failure from the very beginning. After all, 44-year-old Alexander, as it turned out, had no intention of choosing anyone. However, it’s difficult to trick the experienced Larisa Guzeeva - She immediately figured out that the groom and the friend who came with him had a close relationship.

Businessman Alexander said that he gave his wife ample breasts during the seven years of her life, plump lips and the title "Miss Russia". By the way, there was also a problem with this. Immediately after the show aired, a post from Miss Russia 2012 appeared on Instagram Elizaveta Golovanova, who was outraged that some husband was assigned to her. Lisa was never married. And if we are talking about the title “Mrs. Russia”, then in 2012 it went to the football player’s wife Zhirkova. But he definitely wasn’t the hero of “Let’s Get Married.”

The groom announced that he wanted to entrust his fate to the hands of professionals - such authoritative people as Larisa Guzeeva, Vasilisa Volodina and matchmaker Roza Syabitova. Alexander admitted that he believes in miracles, so he dreams of meeting that girl who can ignite that passion and that fire that he has not experienced for a long time. True, he kept silent that Ksenia, who came to the studio with him, was the very chosen one with whom he experienced that same passion, and not just a friend, as he presented her.

When the time came for the groom to go to one of the rooms, Larisa Guzeeva said that she had no doubt that the girl sitting next to Alexander was in love with him, and asked not to take the presenters for fools.

Larisa Guzeeva said that she has no doubt that the girl sitting next to Alexander is in love with him

“It’s all written on your forehead. Look at her look. A second or two, and either hysterics or something else will begin. A vein has bulged in your forehead... Of course, you had sex just recently, maybe even this morning. That’s why you came: well, come on, let’s go to the program and let’s have fun,” Larisa Guzeeva exposed Alexander and his friend Ksenia.

Larisa Guzeeva exposed her fiance in the show “Let's Get Married”

After the program, Alexander asked Guzeeva for forgiveness. In response, the TV presenter wished her happiness, but, as they say, “a sediment remained”: Guzeeva is sure that this couple will not succeed in anything meaningful.

X-ray Man: Larisa Guzeeva saw through the groom in the show “Let’s Get Married”

(1993-04-02 ) (26 years) Place of Birth Height Hair color


Eyes Citizenship

Russia, Russia

Golovanova, Elizaveta Igorevna

Elizaveta Igorevna Golovanova(born April 2, Safonovo, Smolensk region) - Russian model, winner all-Russian competition beauty "Miss Russia 2012". The final of the competition took place on March 3 in the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall.


Elizaveta was born in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk region. Mother Tatyana Golovanova is a doctor in the ultrasound diagnostics department, father Igor Golovanov is the head of the Safonovsky interdistrict department of clinical pathology.

She graduated from school No. 9 with a gold medal and the Moscow State University of Transport, Faculty of Law with honors. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano.

In 2008, she won the Miss Vetrenitsa competition, held in Smolensk.

In August 2012, she represented Russia in the Miss World competition held in China.

In December 2012, she represented Russia in the Miss Universe competition held in the USA. She entered the top ten most beautiful participants.

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  • (Russian) . - Official page Miss Russia competition. .
  • (Russian) . - “Miss Russia 2012”: the most chosen beautiful girl countries. .

An excerpt characterizing Golovanov, Elizaveta Igorevna

A mental wound that comes from a rupture of the spiritual body, just like a physical wound, no matter how strange it may seem, after a deep wound has healed and seems to have come together at its edges, a mental wound, like a physical one, heals only from the inside with the bulging force of life.
Natasha’s wound healed in the same way. She thought her life was over. But suddenly love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love woke up and life woke up.
The last days of Prince Andrei connected Natasha with Princess Marya. The new misfortune brought them even closer together. Princess Marya postponed her departure and for the last three weeks, like a sick child, she looked after Natasha. Last weeks Natasha spent in her mother’s room strained her physical strength.
One day, Princess Marya, in the middle of the day, noticing that Natasha was trembling with a feverish chill, took her to her place and laid her on her bed. Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, lowering the curtains, wanted to go out, Natasha called her over.
– I don’t want to sleep. Marie, sit with me.
– You’re tired, try to sleep.
- No no. Why did you take me away? She will ask.
- She's much better. “She spoke so well today,” said Princess Marya.
Natasha lay in bed and in the semi-darkness of the room looked at the face of Princess Marya.
“Does she look like him? – thought Natasha. – Yes, similar and not similar. But she is special, alien, completely new, unknown. And she loves me. What's on her mind? All is good. But how? What does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she is beautiful."
“Masha,” she said, timidly pulling her hand towards her. - Masha, don’t think that I’m bad. No? Masha, my dear. I love you so much. We will be completely, completely friends.
And Natasha, hugging and kissing the hands and face of Princess Marya. Princess Marya was ashamed and rejoiced at this expression of Natasha’s feelings.
From that day on, that passionate and tender friendship that only happens between women was established between Princess Marya and Natasha. They kissed constantly and talked to each other tender words and spent most of their time together. If one went out, then the other was restless and hurried to join her. The two of them felt greater agreement among themselves than apart, each with itself. A feeling stronger than friendship was established between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent for hours; sometimes, already lying in bed, they began to talk and talked until the morning. They spoke for the most part about the distant past. Princess Marya talked about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams; and Natasha, who had previously turned away with calm incomprehension from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian self-sacrifice, now, feeling herself bound by love with Princess Marya, fell in love with Princess Marya’s past and understood a side of life that was previously incomprehensible to her. She did not think of applying humility and self-sacrifice to her life, because she was accustomed to looking for other joys, but she understood and fell in love with this previously incomprehensible virtue in another. For Princess Marya, listening to stories about Natasha’s childhood and early youth, a previously incomprehensible side of life, faith in life, in the pleasures of life, also opened up.

One of them was called Russian Rapunzel, a girl from a fairy tale, the owner of “fairy-tale, eternal beauty” and “cat-like features.”
Another rival contestant for “Miss Russia” was nicknamed “forest beauty”, and foreign connoisseurs dubbed her the same Rapunzel.

One was born in 1987, the other in 1993.

Ruslana Korshunova, an iconic Russian model originally from Kazakhstan, mysterious death which still excites minds, jumped out of the window of her New York apartment.

Elizaveta Golovanova, winner of the title Miss Russia 2012, one of the top 10 at Miss Universe, is alive, studying, working, living a non-public, intelligent, verified life.

Meanwhile, despite the difference in destinies, there are parallels in the biographies of the girls.
Elizaveta is what could happen to Ruslana if she found herself in a different reality and if her character turned out to be different.

Here's what they say about them.

In the military town where they lived, Ruslana constantly played the Snow Maiden. Santa Clauses were embarrassed soldiers. The matinees were always a great success...
In order for her daughter to receive a good education, Valentina transferred her to special school No. 18 with in-depth study of the German language.
Ruslana goes to a school for especially gifted students, teaches German, plays the piano, takes singing lessons. And she has floor-length hair. They are her mother's dream and she takes care of them. Until Ruslana turned 16, she never washed her hair herself.
Eva Becher brought 14-year-old Ruslana into the modeling business.
- I saw her in the German center, where we studied the language together. And I just couldn’t take my eyes off it, it’s so cute, Beautiful face“says Eva, who herself once tried herself as a model. - She offered to appear for my magazine.
Only after Eva promised that her new hobby would not affect her studies and that Ruslana would not take any nude photos did her mother give in. By the way, the new mentor kept her word. Ruslana graduated from high school with only one B - in physics. I read Goethe and Schiller in the original.

- Since childhood, she has been smart and beautiful. She started talking when she was one year old. At three - read and sing songs. She graduated from school with a gold medal, and now she has the highest rating at the institute! We knew that she would be the one to win. Because she’s very stubborn: she always achieves what she wants,” says Lisa’s mother.
Elizaveta Golovanova was born in the regional center of Safonovo, where she graduated with honors from a music school in piano, a general education school with a gold medal, and was interested in English language, participated in various Olympiads, did fitness, went to Gym. Favorite writer - Victor Hugo.
Especially for her thick hair in Smolensk they came up with the “Miss Anemone” competition, of which Lisa became the winner. They prophesied her fate successful model, but the girl refused in favor of a serious education - as her father advised.

What do we see? Both girls were born in the deep provinces, both studied languages, music, were known for their unusually long hair, and had the fragile purity inherent in special girls in whom sensuality is so transparent that it more expresses subtle essence dawn than the blossoming of flesh. Both, by the way, loved naive girlish poetry.

Both have a completely extraordinary texture, which can be called the quintessence of Russian spring, an avatar of Lelya, the youngest woman in labor in Slavic myths.

Chiseled cheekbones, a bright look, a clear pattern of naturally sculpted, expressive lips, a thoroughbred neat nose, an exceptionally beautiful forehead, profile, beautiful head position, porcelain skin and a mop of luxurious hair, uncertain lines of a body that stretched out too quickly - that’s what unites them. But there are also differences.

Ruslana was wild child, a flower, wild at heart, smiling and spontaneous, pure, impetuous, touching in her shyness. She knew three languages. After graduating from school, she received an international diploma. I picked up animals. I didn't give in to glamour. I felt sorry for my girlfriends. She was going to enter the Sorbonne or Harvard, saving the money she earned through honest labor. She had gentle, cheerful almond-shaped fox eyes, with sharp corners, light and sparkling.

Lisa is strict and closed, intelligent and purposeful, studies at two universities, a perfectionist, writes clearly and to the point, does not maintain public Instagram accounts. Her look gray eyes, framed by velvet eyelashes, is dark and attractive. At 18, her eyes expressed kindness, now her gaze is proud, regal, and intelligent.

IN Last year Ruslana lost a lot of weight before her periods stopped. She cut her hair. Removed a beautiful spot on my cheek. She kept a diary on Odnoklassniki, filling it with dried leaves and poems about unearthly love, called herself a witch, and called on her to “live fast and kiss slowly.” Model business ate it as a meal. From 16 to 20 - a seemingly insignificant period. She didn't live to see 21.

After winning a national competition at the age of 18, Lisa, with her huge chestnut braid thrown over her shoulder and regal posture, amazed interviewers. Male TV presenters could only blink their eyes in delight, unable to hold back a jubilant smile, because Lisa embodied the deity, Morena\Zhiva\Persephone, and mortals were unable to cope with the dance genetic memory. Women were divided in two, not understanding whether to envy or worship.

Legends are still made about Ruslan, books are written, trying to justify suicide. Ruslana is akin to the morning crown shining through the rays, her individuality is diffused in nature, like the ringing of dew-filled flowers.

Elizabeth, the goddess of the earth's bowels and ore veins, the mistress of the copper mountain, gives the human race from her bounty. She was a princess, but she became a queen, young, scarlet, proudly carrying a heavy crown of braids.

Such girls do not necessarily become famous. I met them in everyday life: with rare quality hair, regular features, watercolor color type. They are all subtly similar, but each is an individuality, expressing a special tone of Russian beauty. Foreign languages, music, dance, science, honors studies, early development - everything comes easy to them. It is not difficult to imagine them in the attire of a fairy-tale princess, in which pure beauty will open with the aroma of an evening flower. An aura of perfection shines around them, forcing people to retreat in a half-bow, treating them with careful, attentive love, like a precious painting or the first lily of the valley.

Elizaveta Golovanova.

Elizaveta Golovanova won the Miss Russia 2012 competition.

Elizaveta Golovanova.

Biography of Elizaveta Golovanova, winner of the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

Elizabeth's parents: mother Tatyana Golovanova and father Igor Golovanov are doctors by profession.

At school, Elizaveta Golovanova studied very well and often took part in regional Olympiads: in Russian, literature, and English. At the same time, Elizabeth studied at music school in piano class.

In 2010, Elizaveta Golovanova graduated high school with a gold medal, and entered the Moscow State University communication routes to the Faculty of Law.

Elizaveta Golovanova and her mother Tatyana Golovanova.

While still at school, in 2008, Elizaveta Golovanova became the winner of the Miss Anemone competition, held in Smolensk.

In 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova took part in the Miss Russia competition and won the honorary title of Miss Russia 2012.

Elizaveta Golovanova's height is 178 cm. Figure parameters: 87-62-89.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Russia 2012 competition.

In August 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova represented Russia in the Miss World competition held in China.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss World 2012 competition.

In December 2012, Elizaveta Golovanova participated in the Miss Universe contest held in the USA and was among the ten most beautiful participants.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Universe 2012 competition.

Elizaveta Golovanova at the Miss Universe 2012 competition.

In 2015, Elizaveta Golovanova entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Art History.

Elizaveta Golovanova. Biography of Elizaveta Golovanova, winner of the Miss Russia 2012 contest.

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