Prayer for childbearing. Prayer for the giving of children to the Holy Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna. Folk signs for pregnancy

Any woman who carries a child in the womb dreams of bearing it easily and safely giving birth. But giving a child life is not all that a mother has to do for her baby. It is very important to give him health as well. Not always the health of the unborn baby depends on the genetics of the mother and her lifestyle. Even healthy couples sometimes have children with different problems associated with the course of pregnancy and labor, the literacy of doctors taking a child and the first time of his life, when caring for a newborn is especially important.

Planning a pregnancy

Orthodox women, when planning pregnancy and the birth of a future baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, seek help from sources and icons that help conceive a long-awaited child. There is a lot of evidence that the medical diagnosis was disappointing, however, turning to the holy fathers, women and many families (couples) found the same support and received such necessary help from above. A real miracle happened: prayer for help, and a healthy child was born.

The clergy recommend not to give up hope in any case and to believe with all your heart, sincerely and strongly in about can be directed both to God himself and Jesus Christ, and to many saints who during their lifetime became famous for helping the suffering, healed the sick.

Help from the Virgin

Often women turn to the Mother of God in prayers, feeling in her feminine and God's hypostasis, it is easier to turn to this image - after all, the Holy Mother of God knows exactly how great is the measure of maternal happiness and how great is the pain from the fact that he is not. Therefore, the prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child sounds from women who want to become a mother very often. If a woman has some kind of diagnosis made by doctors that prevents her from getting pregnant, there is no need to leave the treatment, but turning to God can help these procedures work faster, so you need to continue to visit doctors, believe and pray. Spouses who believe in the help of the saints pray with hope for help in conception to the icons of the Mother of God.

Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Icon "Assistant in childbirth" - helps future women in labor to safely endure and give birth to a healthy child.
  • Icon Mother of God"Feodorovskaya" helps, even if the doctors' diagnosis of infertility is already a verdict, this icon is special, very strong, even if the family has been childless for a very long time, help from the icon is possible. If difficult childbirth is coming, both the women in labor and their relatives pray before this icon for them.
  • Icon "Healer" - helps to heal even from hopeless options for infertility.
  • Icon "Virgin Mother of God" - helps to conceive and safely give birth to a child.
  • The icon "Guest of Sinners" is a miraculous icon. If the woman has committed earlier, this icon helps to redeem him and gives the mother a child to the woman. She also heals small children.
  • Icon " Unexpected Joy”- helps to conceive safely faster.
  • Icon "Iberian" - helps in need, sorrows, illnesses to find hope and healing.
  • Icon "Annunciation" - helps to heal from ailments.

Husband and wife should also honor the days of the Saints, who are prayed for in barrenness and childlessness:

  • July 25 (August 7) ​​- the day of the Assumption of the Holy Righteous Anna;
  • September 9 (22) is the day of remembrance of the Holy Righteous God-Father Joachim and Anna.

How to pray for the conception of a child

A prayer for the conception and birth of a child is given to help couples who want to conceive, or women so that they can communicate with the saints, because in an appeal to higher powers you can talk about what is not working out in life, and ask for help, complain about needs, troubles, illnesses. And, of course, the Lord or the saints, to whom you sincerely turn, will hear you and will certainly help. But, perhaps, the fulfillment of a desire can bring harm to the petitioner - in which case the appeal will remain unanswered. We must not forget that God knows what people do not know.

Prayer for the conception of a child should not sound like a given or a ritual, it must be alive and come from the soul, from the heart. Your request must be sincere, and in addition, it is important to realize that your life and hope in God does not necessarily entail the fulfillment of desires. Rely on God's help and be ready to make this decision in your life. Be patient, perhaps fate is testing you “for strength”, your prayer will be heard and the request will be fulfilled, but only when you really desire what you ask with all your heart.

Who is praying for the conception of a child

Prayers for conception and birth healthy child perform to the holy saints of God Joachim and Anna, the Most Holy Theotokos, the prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth, the holy mother Matrona of Moscow, Saints Peter and Fevronia, St. Luke of Crimea and others.

A prayer for the conception of a healthy child can be read not only during pregnancy planning, but also when the child is already in the womb in order to save him from the troubles and illnesses associated with the course of pregnancy.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for the conception of a child

The holy mother Matrona of Moscow is very famous for her help in many matters. Her miraculous icons are taken to all places where pilgrims rush to the holy face, ask for healing and help, hope for the fulfillment of desires: the sick and the childless, girls who want to get married, people who are on the verge of important changes and hope for a solution in a prosperous way. - problems.

During her life, Matrona was blind, but after the gift of clairvoyance was revealed to her, she began to receive people and treat them. She did not single out anyone and tried to help everyone. After she died in the world, the fame of her miracles spread even abroad. Pilgrims go to the icons and ask for help, leaving St. Matrona bouquets containing an odd number of flowers. The Matrona's prayer for the conception of a child should sound after you repent and ask for blessings. It is not necessary to go to the temple, Mother Matrona will hear a prayer from anywhere, but many speak to her as if she is alive, turning to a friend and mentor for help. Yours about the conception of a child can be passed on to other people who are going to her relics - the main thing is not just to write your request, but to pray and believe from the bottom of your heart. Matrona has already helped many couples.

Prayer in your own words

If you do not know special prayers and accidentally ended up at miraculous icon one of the saints, it is perfectly acceptable to refer to them in your own words. The main thing is that the prayer comes from the heart.

“Merciful Lord, hear my prayer and forgive me all my sins. Bless, Lord, our family to conceive, endure, safely give birth to smart, healthy children. Give them, Lord, good fortune. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen."

Prayer to the saints for the conception of a child can also be said in your own words, but in all parishes there is often literature to help those who pray. You can also buy small icons with a prayer printed on the back in church shops. Such a prayer will always be with you, and at any convenient moment you can turn to the saint and ask him for help.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the conception of a child

Before any icon, even those not included in the above, you can pray to the Mother of God for the birth of a child. It is necessary to honor her holidays and the days of memory of those saints to whom you will turn: Luke of the Crimean, Xenia of Petersburg, Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

The prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child is printed in several versions, but this one can also be used:

"Holy Mother God's Mother of God! Heal my womb and give hope for consolation, fulfill my desire to conceive a child and bear it safely, be relieved of the burden and give birth to a healthy child. Help with your hand, satisfy my hopes for a heavenly gift, give me a bright and happy motherhood and forgive my voluntary and involuntary sins. I beg you with all my heart, revive my womb, put a seed in my womb so that it becomes alive, give me health and strength to endure the soul entrusted to me and give birth to the world and to me for joy, my family for extension and preservation. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

There are holy places, springs of living water, where many women or couples come to conceive a child. For spouses living in an Orthodox marriage, there is also a special prayer for conceiving a child.

Calling to God, the couple pray for the grace that descends on them in the name of God's will for the multiplication of the human race. Husband and wife ask for help and the gift of a baby to them, for joy and for the fullness of family happiness.

Who are the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, Zechariah and Elizabeth

These saints are the parents of the Mother of God herself. They were barren throughout their lives, and sadly lived to a ripe old age, but for their righteousness and humility they were rewarded by God, by their faith and the blessing of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, was born to them.

Another example from the history of the Old Testament is the prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth. This couple was also pious and exemplary, until old age the couple did not have children, but God rewarded them for their faith and patience, and gave them the joy of birth - John the Baptist was born to this couple.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

They say that there is such a remedy: a prayer for the conception of the Holy Spirit. You need to read the prayer below three times, and then write it and multiply it for other suffering people:

“The Holy Spirit, helping in resolving all difficulties, unlocking all roads to help those who go to their goal. Holy Spirit, granting me forgiveness and forgetfulness of all sins. Thank you for everything and I ask for your help. Give my family a chance to become parents healthy baby».

The birth of a new life is a real miracle. For everything to go well, one should resort to the mighty help of the Lord and his saints.

Couples who are ready for the birth of a baby should strengthen the health of the child not only with a preventive examination, but also God help. A child is an outlet in a marital union and the meaning of life for every person. Strong prayers will help to conceive and give birth to a happy and healthy child.

Prayer for childless families

This prayer is so powerful that you should resort to reading it at the moment of full confidence that you are ready to become a parent. If you have been planning a child for a long time and your marital union will be able to surround him with proper love, care and affection, then read prayer words:

“Lord Almighty, hear the prayers of unworthy slaves (names) and descend with light and help to our requests. Your commandments call for an increase in the human race, so do not turn away from us in such a secret aspiration. Let us keep Your canons. Your strength, love and power created the earth, people and laid the foundation for the life of all living things. So do not turn away from our requests, the Almighty, grant to people united by the church union, blessing and mercy. Help to gain fertility and see the hidden mystery in the upbringing of a child. Until old age, we will honor a righteous life. famous your name forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Mother of God for conception

Who, if not the Virgin Mary, the mother of the Savior, is able to help with her strength and power. It is necessary to read prayer words twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, near the icon of the Virgin:

“Oh, Queen of Heaven, Holy Mother of God, mother of our Savior, intercessor of every mother. We turn to Your help with sincere faith. Blessed is Your life and righteous are Your deeds, so come down on us, bowing before Your face, with Your mercy. We ask you, mother of mothers, convey our prayers to the Lord. May his grace cleanse our thoughts and heal the wounds of the body and soul. I beg you to forgive me what was done earlier, so that my sins would not affect the life of a born baby. We trust in your mercy. Grant us a strong baby who will become immense happiness in our marriage. Only through prayers addressed to Thee can I expect long-awaited child. May this desire be fixed by Your and God's will. To the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for the conception of a healthy child

This prayer should be said in the morning. It is advisable for spouses to pray together or separately at the same hour, strengthening their requests with a prayer for the fulfillment of desire. Holy Test:

“The grace of the Lord is like a source of inner strength and faith. Let the paths open for the magical birth of new life. I trust in the power of God, reading these words addressed to the Creator and glorifying Him. O Great One, I beg You, give me and my body the opportunity to give this world a new sinless life. Heal my life from limitations, O God, and let a living and healthy child join my existence. Your Kingdom of Heaven is forever. I praise your strength. Amen".

Prayers for the conception of a strong boy

Prayer for the birth of a boy should be addressed to the Pleasant of God Alexander Svirsky:

"You holy angel Reverend Alexander, a humble saint of God, helping unworthy slaves (names) to live with Your mercy, love and intercession. We turn to You with mercy and humility, trusting in Your help. Pray to the Lord for a long-awaited miracle, for the birth of a new life. Use your power to help our lives. Do not refuse help and condescend with miraculous cordiality to our requests. We pray for the secret birth of a son who, after us, will serve the Lord. Do not turn away from us, Holy One, may the grace of God come along with birth. Amen".

Prayers for the conception of a healthy girl

For a daughter, you should ask the holy Matrona. About Us early years received the intercession of God and the gift of foresight. Her strength will help to find miraculous help to spouses whose thoughts are busy with the birth of a girl. The Saint should be addressed in the following words:

“Oh, blessed Matronushka, who gives every soul help in the days of adversity and worldly difficulties. During your lifetime, you used to listen and advise the suffering, hear my prayers, but do not turn away from my request, help me (name), an unworthy and sinful soul, with your mercy. I pray, heal the disease, deliver from the temptations of demons and help bring your life to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray the Lord for us: me and my spouse, for our life, may the sins be forgiven, as we repent of them with all our hearts. May the Almighty give us a girl, healthy, strong, smart and beautiful. We implore and hope for Your strength, Majestic Matrona. May your love and intercession illuminate our lives. May Your name be glorified. Amen".

You can pray for conception in your own words, the main thing is sincerity, strong faith and hope for the best. But prayer words should be read correctly. Happiness, luck, love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The absence of children in the family at all times is great sorrow. Believers believe that infertility is a punishment for earthly sins, practical people, looking for an explanation for everything, look through medical problems in such matters, and it also happens that doctors cannot explain the absence of children in a couple. But, in any case, sooner or later, people turn to the church with requests for help, pray that the saints bless them and give them the gift of having children.

Many doctors and scientists believe in the benefits of prayer, which has been verified, one might say, empirically. When a person prays, processes of normalization of pressure, pulse, as well as the entire vital activity of the body take place in his body, a decrease and help in the psycho-emotional state are also noted.

What prayers to read for conception?

You can pray in your own words, but any prayer must be sincere, come from a pure heart with soul and faith. You need to pray constantly and daily, you need to go to church, put candles to the icons of saints, confess and take communion, try not to commit sins.

And the conception of the holy Matrona works wonders. Matronushka comes from the Tula province, she was an unusual person from childhood. Her gift was that she knew all the sins of any person, and with the help of prayer she healed people. Barren women, or simply those who simply wanted to have children, came to her from everywhere.

And to this day, people come to her icon and relics with a prayer before conceiving a child, and ask Matrona for help in having children.

Miraculous cases of healing from infertility were recorded after this prayer. People claim that it also helps to fulfill desires. But in order to pray to her, it is not necessary to go straight to Moscow, you can just pray on your own - the holy mother Matrona will definitely hear the one asking. And after the request is fulfilled, do not forget to thank the saint.

The prayer of the Mother of God for pregnancy also has great power. The Mother of God is the patroness of motherhood. There are folk signs that if you ask for something on her birthday, she will definitely hear everyone and help. The church celebrates her Christmas on September 21st. On this day, everyone who wants to conceive a child needs to visit the church and pray to her at the icon of the Virgin, and if this is not possible, then it is worth doing it mentally and sincerely, wherever you are.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for conception:

“O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but with your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen."

“O blessed ascetic of Christ, our mother Matrono! Now we fall down and resort to your intercession, and humbly ask you: having endured many sorrows and illnesses in your life, look at our sorrows and illnesses, our strength is poor in us, we can neither perform feats nor pray fervently. Breathe for us to the Lord and implore Him, may He have mercy on us and heal our incurable illnesses, may our lives be preserved in peace and silence, and for your prayers and warm intercession will gather us in His Kingdom with all the saints glorify God forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for conception:

“Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, quick-obedient intercessor of all who resort to You with faith! Look from the height of Your heavenly majesty on me, indecent, crouching to Your icon! Hear soon the humble prayer of me, a sinner, and bring it to your Son; beg him may it illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace and cleanse my mind of vain thoughts, may it soothe my suffering heart and heal its wounds, may it instruct me to do good deeds and strengthen me to work with Him with fear, may all the evil I have done forgive, may I deliver the eternal torment and will not deprive the Heavenly Kingdom of His. Oh, Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be named in Your Georgian image, commanding everyone to flow to You in faith, do not despise me for sorrow and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On Thee, according to Bose, all my hope and hope of salvation, and I entrust Your protection and intercession to myself forever. I praise and thank the Lord for sending me the happiness of the marital state. I beg You, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior, that with Your Maternal prayers she will send me and my wife to my beloved child. May He grant me the fruit of my womb. May it be arranged according to His will, to His glory. Change the sorrows of my soul to the joy of conception in my womb. May I praise and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen."

If traditional medicine does not help a childless couple conceive, many believers go to church and say a prayer to get pregnant. If you believe the reviews of women, Orthodox faith and hope for the best help to cope with infertility.

Before you read a prayer for conceiving a healthy child, you should think about why the Lord does not allow the couple to conceive a baby. Orthodox Church talks a lot about infertility. It is believed that the child is God's gift, and it is not given to everyone. Some people are destined to go through difficult trials in order to become parents. Someone, resigned to his fate, remains childless until the end of his days. Every person separate path, which you should not try to fix by methods unrecognized by the church.

The Lord always gives tests to believing Christians according to their strength - the priests and religious books. If a we are talking about infertility, then perhaps this is a kind of punishment for past sins - betrayal, deceit, foul language, theft and other deeds. It is not uncommon for a woman to be unable to conceive after the first abortion. From the point of view of the clergy, regretting the pregnancy and its termination is tantamount to murder.

God does not give a child to a mother who was once able to abandon her own baby. To get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, spouses are ready for anything. ECO, surrogacy, the use of donor cells - all this is also considered a sin. If the first child was conceived and born in an unrecognized way, and the spouses did not repent of their deed, then it happens that the Almighty does not give the second baby.

The reason for the lack of pregnancy, as church ministers say, can be:

  • unmarried marriage;
  • past sins;
  • lack of faith in God;
  • sinful thoughts;
  • alcohol abuse and drug addiction;
  • violence;
  • another calling and destiny.

The Orthodox Church believes that if the Lord does not give a baby, then a person in this life has a different task. It is worth remembering that many saints were born to elderly parents and were "begged and wept" from God. Perhaps the time for the birth of the child has not yet come. Priests advise childless couples to be patient and pray to Christ for the gift of children.

How to pray to get pregnant

It is better to go to the temple to pray for the conception and birth of a child. But you can also petition the Lord at home. It is desirable to have an icon to which prayer will be addressed, but this is not a prerequisite. The Lord is in the heart of a person and can hear a petition that is not even spoken aloud.

Read prayers aloud, in a whisper or mentally - everyone chooses for themselves. All options are allowed. It is a mistake to believe that in a sacred place God will hear requests faster. The main thing is that the request should be sincere.

In order for prayer from infertility to help, you must follow the rules for the ceremony.

  • Turning to the Lord with requests and hope for pregnancy, one should first confess and be cleansed of sins. Thus, the pair will increase the chances of an early execution. cherished desire. Recognition of one's mistakes is half the way to healing the soul and harmony with oneself. As you know, everything in the human body is interconnected. If there is peace in the soul and heart, then other organs are healed.
  • Pray for the gift of the baby should be together with your spouse. We must remember that children must be born in a legal marriage. It is better if it is concluded "in heaven". There are cases when spouses were able to conceive a child only after the wedding and blessing with prayer.
  • Reading a prayer, you must believe in its power with all your soul. If you pronounce the words about the petition dryly or without sincere faith, you can not count on a positive result. During the ceremony, a woman should imagine herself as a future mother and think that a new life will soon arise in her body.
  • You should not tell everyone in a row about your prayers for a child. How less people will know about your requests, the better. Envious and evil tongues can only harm and lead astray. It is good if the spouse knows about the prayers. He may wish to join the ceremony and ask the Almighty for a child on his own.
  • To read the prayer, you need to retire. Turn off the TV and phone. It is important that nothing distracts from the sacred rite.
  • The prayer for conception should be addressed to a specific Saint. Before turning to higher powers for help, you should learn as much information about them as possible. It happens that people, out of ignorance, turn to the icon, from which they must ask for the repose of a dead person.

Asking for a child should not be a one-time thing. If the spouses decide to turn to God for help, they should pray regularly. It is important to ask not only for pregnancy, but also for the Lord to send strength to fight the disease, to help heal the soul and body.

Which patrons to contact

To whom to pray to get pregnant, many couples do not know. Every righteous person is responsible before God and intercedes for the person who asks. If you turn to the praying ministers of the church and ask who to read the prayer for conception, you can hear about several faces of the Saints who help in the fight against infertility.

We hear the magical power of the Matrona of Moscow and the Mother of God - Saints who cannot be indifferent to a childless couple. To get pregnant, prayers should be addressed to St. Petersburg Xenia, the Wonderworker Nicholas, Alexander Svirsky, Peter and Fevronia.

The miracle worker Roman and the Archangel Gabriel also help to cope with infertility and bring the moment of conception closer. Healing by prayer from childlessness occurs when turning to Jesus Christ himself and the Lord God.

Prayer to the Lord

Prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child is read to God. Couples who have prayed to the Lord speak of the miraculous power of petition. For many of them, the Almighty sooner or later sends a baby. The most strong prayer to get pregnant "On the giving of children."

If the prayer for the birth of a child with infertility helped, and the spouses managed to conceive, we must thank God for sent happiness and ask for the health of the unborn baby.

Holy Mother of God

The most famous Saint is the Mother of God. All believers turn to her with different requests. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the conception of a child is considered miraculous. The icon "Quick to Hear" holds a baby in her arms. It was this woman who was chosen by the Lord for the birth of Jesus Christ, the main follower. Therefore, the prayer of the Mother of God, like no other, helps to cope with suffering. The Mother of God understands the feelings of a childless woman and helps her find the joy of motherhood.

They read a prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child in front of an icon with a burning church candle. It is believed that it also helps during gestation, when there is a threat to the life of the child. The prayer for the gift of children is pronounced sincerely; you must ask to send a baby not only for yourself, but also for your spouse.

Prayer for conception at Christmas Holy Mother of God, Annunciation and Assumption has a special power. It should be remembered that the child must not be conceived in fasting. Therefore, the prayer of the Kazan Mother of God can be said when the soul requires communication with the Almighty, and try to conceive on permitted days.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer that helps to get pregnant can be addressed to St. Nicholas. The miracle worker is considered the intercessor of small children, families and expectant mothers. When pronouncing a prayer, one should ask for the remission of sins.

Spouses who place their hopes on St. Nicholas pray that the Wonderworker will intercede for them before the Almighty and help them become parents.

Alexander Svirsky

Prayer to Alexander Svirsky helps an infertile couple conceive a son or give birth to two babies at once. The petition grants healthy offspring even to those couples who have not been able to establish the reason for the lack of pregnancy.

Peter and Fevronia

You should ask for deliverance from childlessness to the intercessors of families and children - Peter and Fevronia. It is believed that the face of the Saints is an example, a symbol of fidelity and respect for spouses.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia for the conception of a child and the birth of a healthy baby is pronounced before the icon depicting these Saints. The petition has the greatest power on the day of family, fidelity and love, which is celebrated on July 8th.

Roman the Wonderworker

According to reviews, it is better to read a prayer to Roman the Wonderworker from infertility at dawn through an open window, and not in front of an icon. It is recommended every Friday no later than 5 o'clock in the morning with an empty stomach to pronounce the words of petition. However, clergy say that it is not necessary to adhere to such a framework. You can turn to the face of the Saint with a request to "allow from infertility" at any time when the heart and soul require it.

Archangel Gabriel

There are two known prayers to the Archangel Gabriel about conception, which have special power. First read the petition for help. A childless couple prays that the Saint will protect and save them from possible sinful deeds and thoughts, and also ask the Almighty for forgiveness of existing misconduct.

The second prayer "On conception" is also read together with the spouse.

Luka Krymsky

A prayer for the onset of pregnancy is said to St. Luke, who is also considered the patron saint of married couples. During the reading, a woman and a man ask the Saint to convey their words to the Almighty and fulfill their innermost desire - to become parents.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for conception is read in front of his image at home or in the temple. After that, you need to cross yourself and light a candle.

The opinion of official medicine

Traditional medicine does not prohibit a childless couple from turning to God. However, doctors do not see the relationship between diseases of the reproductive system and faith. It is assumed that only traditional methods, drug treatment or surgery, can get rid of the pathology that provoked infertility. With absence positive effect a childless couple is offered to use modern methods assisted reproductive technologies.

The problem of infertility concerns many couples who really want to have children, but for some reason, pregnancy does not occur. Most often it happens that the long-awaited fertilization cannot occur due to very serious and often numerous problems on the part of one of the spouses.

And it happens the other way around, a married couple really wants children, they underwent an examination, which confirmed that both spouses are healthy, but in this case there is no pregnancy. What to do in both cases? It remains only to despair and either give up children altogether, or try the IVF method, or adopt a child.

A child is a continuation of the family, new round spirals of life. This is probably why almost every married couple dreams of sons and daughters. But not everyone is immediately given such happiness. Many have to go through examinations, procedures and drugs, and still no sense. Why the opportunity to be pregnant is not available to all women, we will not talk. Let's try to help in this matter.

The problem of infertility did not arise at all in our time. And although now there are more and more childless families, such a misfortune was well known in ancient times. Therefore, for many centuries there has been a prayer to get pregnant and produce a healthy child. It was uttered by millions of women in absolutely different time and has helped many.

But not only the Mother of God is asked to grant a child. There are prayers addressed to the Holy Spirit. The goal is the same: to beg the sky for the opportunity to feel the joy of motherhood. All texts will be given below.

Such prayers are living evidence that at all times some couples have had problems getting pregnant. To fulfill their cherished dream, many wives and husbands knelt before the icons and prayed to God about it. And he responded, helped, gave a child.

There were also prayers for the birth of a healthy child. They were already read by those lucky women who managed to get pregnant. We will talk about them, but only a little later.

To get pregnant

So, if you really want a child, but it doesn’t work out in any way, try turning your request to God or the Virgin. Words coming from the depths of the heart, sincerely praying and asking for help, are always heard. In one prayer the energy of millions of the same unfortunate people is concentrated, and therefore it will easily reach the sky.

Getting pregnant and giving birth is natural, but sometimes very difficult. Conception may be impossible, because a woman is tormented by various diseases, fears, unbelief gnaws. This was understood and known by our ancestors. They came up with special prayers to help a woman get pregnant, endure and give birth to a beautiful and healthy child. It is important for a person to make his dreams come true. The above texts can help in the implementation of the main thing - to become a mom and dad.

Holy Mother of God on the conception of a child

“Oh, Virgin Mother of God, Blessed Mother of our Lord the Most High, our hasty intercessor, I turn to You and resort to sincere faith. Look from the height of heavenly majesty at me, the sinful servant of God (name), I fall to the holy icon, hear my humble prayer. Please, pray to Your Son to illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of Divine grace and may it cleanse my mind of black thoughts, soothe my suffering heart and heal its deep wounds.
Let him enlighten me, his servant (name), for all good deeds and strengthen common sense May he forgive all the evil done by me and save me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His Kingdom of Heaven. Oh, Most Pure Mother of God, You commanded those who command everyone to come to You with pure faith, do not let me perish in the deep abyss of my grave sins. I trust in You and hope for salvation, and I entrust myself to Your protection forever. I thank and glorify our God that he sent me immeasurable marital happiness. I pray, Blessed Virgin, only through your prayers the Lord God will send me and my husband a long-awaited child, may God grant me the fruit of my womb. May it be fixed by the will of God and to His glory. Change the sorrow of our souls for parental joy. Amen"

This is an appeal to the Queen of Heaven - the patroness of not only pregnant women, but also women in childbirth, the protector of the family. It is necessary to pronounce it only in front of the corresponding icon, which you can purchase in the church shop. Women read in complete silence, alone. In order for your request to be heard as quickly as possible, read every day, with an open heart and sincerely believing in the power of your words.

Light a candle before you start praying. Kiss your cross, cross yourself according to Christian custom - and proceed. Words are very powerful if they are supported by faith, and very soon all diseases will subside, and conception will occur.

There is also a shorter version of this prayer:

“Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant (name), and accept my prayer, with heartfelt contrition to you, I pray you humbly, grant healing from my ailments that prevent the conception of children. Amen"

This prayer is somewhat different from the previous one. In it, the main emphasis is on healing from various female diseases, due to the presence of which pregnancy does not occur. Such words, coming from the heart of a woman, revealing her soul, can work wonders. They are aimed not only at helping to get pregnant, but also to carry the child normally.

Holy Spirit

This text has been known for a long time. Who invented it is not known for certain, but words carry tremendous power. With their help, many childless couples finally managed to find the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood:

“Pure heavenly blood, Divine power is wonderful. Any word of His is to the point, and our prayer is to a new body. Help God's servants yours, baptized (names of spouses), mother with father begotten, to have a baby 9 months later. In the name of our Lord. Amen"

The prayer comes on behalf of both spouses, but it is recommended for a woman to read it. It is advised to pronounce the text early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Do not forget to do this every day, exactly until the test shows the coveted 2 strips. Don't forget to be grateful.

Helping to endure

Finally, the long-awaited miracle happened, and the wife is preparing to become a mother. All the feelings of a pregnant woman are turned to the life developing inside her, and so you want the baby to be born healthy. Easy childbirth, a loud cry of a baby are the main dreams of a future mother. After all, it is important not only to get pregnant, but also to endure, and safely resolve the burden.

All this future mothers experienced from time immemorial. And therefore, the prayer for the birth of a healthy child still lives in our society and brings happiness to many families. There are a large number of her texts, and they are all effective.

Here is a prayer addressed to the Lord. This is a more modern, shortened version, but no less effective:

“Lord Almighty! I pray you mournfully for only one thing, may my future child not know the troubles of either the flesh or his spirit. Forgive me a sinner, but grant me the joy of motherhood and strength to my offspring! Amen!"

Mother of God

Prayer for the birth of a healthy child is usually addressed to the Mother of God. It is she who is considered the patroness of pregnant women, and also bestows a good birth. That is why many expectant mothers turn to the Mother of God, praying for her unborn child.

And, of course, there are many variants of such prayers. All of them are aimed at making a healthy baby and on time, without severe pain and possible pathologies to become a mother. One of the most popular is the following text:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God! Hear the mother's prayer for your child! Ask Our Lord to send him good health, mental and physical! Take sickness and sorrow away from my child! To the glory of our Lord, Amen"

Basically, here we are talking about asking for the health of the unborn baby. But the Mother of God also takes care of the mother, therefore, by reading this prayer daily, you will protect yourself from difficulties and unforeseen problems in childbirth. In addition, the birth itself will be easy.


Not only prayers can be addressed to God in order to become pregnant, but also the requests of the expectant mother for the health of the fetus she is carrying. The Lord can grant a long-awaited conception, help to easily bear a child, send down a successful birth. Therefore, if you managed to conceive a child, be grateful and do not forget to turn to God with requests for a healthy child.

Childbirth is a complex process, often unpredictable, therefore, it is important to be prepared for it. Future mothers can ask the Lord for help in this difficult matter. And then everything will be fine. Here is one of the oldest prayer texts:

Great God, Life and Life to the Giver and Guardian! I thank Thee, as if by Thy mercy and to me, Thy humble servant, Thou didst participate in the grace of childbearing, for I am the fruit of the womb. Both weigh, Lord, as if I am afraid, but not for the sake of my sins, for the sake of the worst, I suffer, and for that sake I resort to Your mercy.

He turns to the Lord with a request that the birth was not difficult, and everything went well under his great patronage. Expectant mothers read this prayer with trepidation, hoping for the best. They managed to get pregnant, they managed to endure, now they would bring a baby into this world with God's help. Without pain. Without problems and suffering.

Here is another text, specially designed for future mother anxiously waiting for her child. He appeals with a plea to endure the child, giving birth to him without complications. Previously, not only the very conception frightened women (or rather, its impossibility), but also delivery. After all, it was a big risk, therefore, preparing for motherhood, they turned to the mercy of God.

“I do not pray to you, but save me the fate of our entire female race, you also determined it in illnesses to give birth to a child, there is a common law for us sinners. About this I pray to Thee: when my hour comes, give me a weakness and an easy resolution, deliver me from overwhelming illnesses. Fulfill, O Lord, the desire of my heart, together with the desire of my husband, whom you have given me. Grant us the joy of the birth of a new man into Your world. May the baby appear whole, healthy and strong, and may we not remember sorrow for the joy, grace and bounty of Your Only Begotten Son, For us, for the sake of being incarnated from the pure blood of the Virgin Mary, in the lodge we wear fast and take birth in the flesh, to Him glory befits with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen"

This is an ancient prayer, written in Old Slavonic. Now it is perceived quite hard, and some designs remain not fully understood.

It is called "The Prayer of the Wife Who Has the Fruit of the Womb." You should read at least once a week, you can before the icon of the Lord, but this is not a prerequisite. The main thing: open soul and faith The Word asks you to conceive and go through an easy pregnancy and a healthy birth. It is recommended that every expectant mother write down the text and carry it with her.

But if this prayer is heavy enough for you, and much in it is not entirely clear, the above and more simple options. They are also an appeal to the Lord with a request to help bear a healthy baby.

Conception, pregnancy and the ability to give birth to a healthy, beautiful child is very important for every mother and family as a whole. From time immemorial, the people have turned to heaven, offering prayers to it about it. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that you resort to the same method. We wish your dreams come true!

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