Can a nursing mother have stewed cabbage? Can a nursing mother have white cabbage? Brussels sprouts during lactation

A nursing mother must adhere to a certain diet. Otherwise, the baby may experience problems with the digestive tract and bloating. The question of consuming cabbage remains open. Some women believe that this vegetable causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines and pain in the baby's tummy. Others, on the contrary, enjoy eating cabbage and see this as a particular problem.

According to many breastfeeding experts, cabbage has very valuable qualities and should be present in the diet of a nursing woman. However, eating the vegetable raw contributes to the development of flatulence. In this case, it is best to eat cabbage stewed. Such a dish will bring benefits to the young mother, and will not cause any gastrointestinal disorders in the baby.

The benefits of stewed cabbage

Vegetable contains a large number of various vitamins and minerals. Any variety of cabbage contains:

  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • beneficial amino acids;
  • coarse dietary fiber;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins A, B, K, C, PP;
  • zinc.

The composition of the vegetable makes it the most valuable in dietary nutrition. Cabbage does not cause fat deposition and promotes better absorption of coarser foods - meat. That is why cabbage is often combined in cooking with various meat varieties and tomatoes.

Cabbage is often eaten raw, but for the benefit of the mother, it is necessary to eat the vegetable stewed. An important aspect is that it must be extinguished under closed lid to preserve maximum nutrients. The extinguishing time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Do not overcook cabbage, otherwise it will become tasteless.

The dish has mass useful properties:

  • saturates the body with useful vitamins;
  • rejuvenates and restores cells;
  • does not have an allergenic effect.

Various varieties of vegetables can be consumed in stewed form. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage are suitable for the diet for breastfeeding.

Some mothers believe that cabbage can cause colic in their baby. However, this is not the case. Colic is natural physiological process when colonizing the baby's intestines beneficial bacteria. You should not succumb to the stereotype that cabbage will cause fermentation in the mother’s gastrointestinal tract and negatively affect the baby’s intestines. Stewed vegetables do not cause fermentation. But it is better for a nursing mother to avoid raw foods.

Selection of varieties for breastfeeding

A wide variety of cabbage varieties allows you to diversify the menu of a nursing woman as much as possible. Any cabbage is good. Preference can be given to broccoli and cauliflower, blue cabbage, sea cabbage or white cabbage.

Broccoli perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and is well absorbed. Has many beneficial properties:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • relieves stress.
Broccoli owes these properties to its composition. This type of cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin A. It improves vision and helps get rid of many eye diseases. Cabbage perfectly energizes you for the whole day and promotes a good mood.

Cauliflower is rich in vitamins and improves intestinal function. It removes toxins from the body and is absolutely safe for pregnant and lactating women. Cauliflower is included in complementary foods immediately after zucchini, so this vegetable does not have a negative effect on the baby’s body. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C.

White cabbage - contains folic acid, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Widely used for stewing and preparing first courses. You can start eating fresh white cabbage in the third month after giving birth. In the first month you should start consuming in moderation stewed cabbage. The vegetable perfectly eliminates swelling, saturates the body of a nursing mother with all useful amino acids and substances. This variety prevents the development of lactostasis and relieves pain in the mammary glands. Since ancient times, raw cabbage leaves have been applied to the breast for bleeding nipples and mastitis.

Sea kale is good for human body seaweed The product contains a large amount of iodine. Seaweed must be consumed for the health of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. The product can be consumed in small quantities in the second month after a woman gives birth.

How to properly introduce cabbage into your diet after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, you should be very careful with the introduction of many foods into your diet. It is necessary to try to consume this or that vegetable in a minimal amount and at the same time observe the reaction of the baby’s skin. The following signs indicate food intolerance in an infant:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • nervous restlessness;
  • stomach pain;
  • allergy.

Any manifestation of an allergic reaction indicates that the baby is intolerant to cabbage. However, this is so a rare event that it is unlikely that every mother will be allergic to cabbage. The vegetable does not cause an allergic reaction in children and is indicated for use in all child care institutions.

You can introduce cabbage into the mother’s diet as early as the second week after birth. However, only in stewed form. There are a lot delicious recipes cooking cabbage, so the dish will appeal to many nursing women. You cannot stew cabbage with ground pepper and other spices. This can cause heartburn and irritation of the stomach lining. Can be used in cooking in moderation Bay leaf. This spice does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes. However, the leaf must be removed from the dish after cooking the cabbage so as not to spoil it. taste qualities food.

Cooking recipes

A nursing mother should cook cabbage properly. Boiled cauliflower inflorescences are very tasty. They can be baked in the oven with cheese and egg. Fry any cabbage at breastfeeding Not recommended. Fried foods are poorly absorbed and lack useful substances. You can also make delicious and nutritious soups from cabbage. Moreover, cabbage of any variety is suitable for first courses.

It is better to cook stewed cabbage for a nursing mother with the addition of a small amount of water and bay leaf. If the baby is not allergic to tomatoes, then you can add a couple of tomatoes or a spoon to the dish tomato paste. Salt is added to taste, but you should not consume large amounts of salt while breastfeeding. The spice promotes fluid retention in the body and the appearance of swelling. You can also stew cabbage with carrots and potatoes.

Cabbage is indicated for breastfeeding as a healthy nutritious product. A dietary vegetable brings considerable benefits to a nursing woman, so you should not give it up.

Video: mother's nutrition while breastfeeding

It is worth noting that there are many types of cabbage. Some are widely distributed, others do not often reach the table of the average consumer. The most common types of cabbage:

  • White cabbage.
  • Red cabbage.
  • Colored.
  • Broccoli.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Brussels.
  • Beijing.
  • Chinese, etc.

Let's take a closer look at which varieties of cabbage are useful and which are not recommended during breastfeeding.

Good for a nursing mother


During lactation it is considered very useful for both mother and child. It contains more vitamin C than any citrus fruit. In moderation cauliflower rarely causes allergic reactions or upset gastrointestinal tract, so doctors recommend its use during breastfeeding.

Useful properties of the vegetable for mother and baby:

  1. Normalizes metabolism.
  2. Improves blood formation.
  3. Cleanses blood vessels.
  4. Strengthens the immune system.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, etc.

You can introduce cauliflower into your diet 2-3 weeks after birth.


Like cauliflower, it is one of the safest varieties during breastfeeding. This is a hypoallergenic product that is easily absorbed in the body of a newborn, and contains such useful elements as folic acid, vitamins A and B, and a huge amount of ascorbic acid.

Beneficial properties of broccoli:

  1. Improves the quality of blood composition.
  2. Helps eliminate toxins and waste.
  3. Improves mood, calms.
  4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  5. It prevents cancer, etc.


Contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, mineral salts. It is recommended by experts for nursing mothers because of its useful qualities. Chinese cabbage promotes overall strengthening of the body during lactation, which has a beneficial effect on the baby.

In addition, due to its low calorie content, it is an excellent ally for weight loss after childbirth. It should be introduced into the diet gradually, in heat-treated form.

It is considered too heavy a product for a weak child’s body, especially in the first 3 months after birth. Experts do not agree, but there are versions that white cabbage causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, colic in the tummy, excessive gas formation, etc. in infants.

Cabbage itself is very healthy, but during lactation you need to eat it very carefully, and it is better to postpone its introduction into the diet for 4-6 months after birth.


It cannot be said that it is prohibited for nursing mothers, but it is worth noting that this type of cabbage often causes allergies in the baby, and therefore it is eaten no earlier than after 3 months of lactation.

You can eat any type of cabbage in moderation., but it is important to monitor the reaction of the child’s body to a particular product.

What is better - fresh vegetables or cooked ones?

Cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which is poorly absorbed by the body. In some cases, quite often, cabbage, consumed fresh, caused increased flatulence and intestinal discomfort in both mother and child. Nursing mothers are not recommended to eat raw vegetable leaves; it is better to heat them.

It is customary to introduce cabbage into the diet gradually, starting with adding leaves to soup and broth. If the response of the baby’s body is positive, then you can switch to stewed cabbage. Stewed broccoli and cauliflower, which have a beneficial effect on the body, have gained wide popularity.

But you should eat cabbage very carefully, in small portions. After heat treatment, the vegetable is easier to digest, while maintaining its beneficial properties.

Regarding sauerkraut, it is worth clarifying that it is not recommended for consumption during lactation. This is due to the increased acidity of the product, which can have negative impact on the child's body.

Salt and spices, generously seasoned with sauerkraut, can increase colic, lead to stomach upset and even poisoning. In addition, salt causes dehydration, and with a lack of fluid, breast milk production decreases.

If you still decide to use sauerkraut in your diet, then this should be done no earlier than 6-8 months after birth and only if the child has no digestive problems.

Why is it dangerous?

As mentioned earlier, cabbage is difficult to digest in the body in its raw form, so there is some danger when overeating the vegetable. Many mothers are convinced that if the fermentation process begins in their body, then the baby will face the same fate. Experts have dispelled this myth, proving that cabbage in moderate doses is not harmful, but beneficial.

The main danger that may arise when eaten of this vegetable– the body’s reaction due to personal intolerance. This could be an allergy, bloating or increased gas production.

How can it have a negative impact?

On the mother

Excessive consumption of vegetables can lead to:

  • Bloating and increased gas formation. Thoroughly chewed food is better absorbed by the body.
  • Deterioration in the quality of milk due to the consumption of sauerkraut in large quantities.

Per child

If we take the baby’s increased sensitivity to the properties of cabbage as a basis, then The following negative consequences can be identified:

Cabbage grown using chemicals poses a huge danger to both mother and child. Nitrates and chemical impurities can negatively affect organisms, including poisoning.

When is the ban on the consumption of certain types lifted during breastfeeding?

  1. Cauliflower and broccoli are considered easily digestible varieties and are allowed from the first month of a child’s life.
  2. Seaweed, rich in iodine, and Chinese cabbage are indicated for consumption from the age of 3 months.
  3. It is better to postpone eating white cabbage for at least six months, so as not to burden the mother’s fragile body with elements of coarse fiber.

Thus, it can be noted that by following the rules for gradually introducing vegetables into the diet, you can reduce the risks of developing negative consequences. It is also important to choose the right variety and method of preparation of the product, and follow the dosage of consumption.

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There is a lot of controversy surrounding the diet of a nursing mother. However, pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists agree that any of the products consumed by a woman who is breastfeeding inevitably has an effect on the newborn's body in one way or another. How exactly will the child react to the new kind product can only be determined experimentally.

Today we’ll talk about how cabbage affects a child’s body during breastfeeding.

Is cabbage allowed while breastfeeding?

Cabbage is considered a rather heavy product for digestive system. Even an adult healthy man feels the consequences of eating cabbage. The digestive system often responds with bloating and increased gas formation.

However, pediatricians say that each individual baby may react to the mother’s intake of cabbage in a completely different way than she does, or not react at all. Therefore, during breastfeeding, cabbage is introduced into the mother’s diet with caution and in small portions, while the baby’s response is carefully monitored.

Many publications devoted to the nutrition of nursing mothers suggest starting to eat cabbage ten days after the birth of the baby, however most of Experts still agree that the first samples of this vegetable should be postponed for three months. And if, when a nursing mother eats cabbage, the baby experiences colic, increased gas formation, or other unpleasant symptoms, then the introduction of cabbage into the mother’s diet should be postponed for a longer period.

What type of cabbage should you prefer during breastfeeding?

Specialists in dietary nutrition They claim that any type of cabbage does not have a big difference in its effect on the digestive system. All types of cabbage are beneficial, although some may be more uncomfortable for the gastrointestinal tract than other types.

When choosing which cabbage has a more gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract during breastfeeding, you should give preference to cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. White cabbage has the most aggressive effect on the digestive system, which can cause colic and increased gas formation in a newborn.

The method of preparing cabbage during breastfeeding plays a significant role. Nutritionists advise eating stewed, boiled, and steamed cabbage, but raw cabbage should be avoided.

Sauerkraut has many beneficial properties, however, due to the high content of salt, acid and fermentation products, it is not recommended for women to use it during breastfeeding.

White cabbage contains a considerable amount of vitamin C and potassium, which are necessary for both mother and her baby, as well as many other vitamins and minerals: B1, B2, PP, folic and pantothenic acids, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum, zinc, iron, manganese, glucose, fructose and sucrose.

In this regard, it would be good to try to introduce it into the diet of a nursing mother from time to time in small portions, following the consequences on the reaction of the child’s body.

Broccoli, in addition to the beneficial substances listed in white cabbage, contains a large amount of minerals: selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins: C, PP, E, K, U, beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is called the beauty vitamin; it will help a young mother improve her skin condition.

Broccoli is low in calories and helps control gain excess weight. The beneficial substances contained in broccoli counteract the formation of cholesterol in the blood and protect the walls of blood vessels from damage, have a beneficial effect on heart function and nervous system, strengthen the immune system.

On a note
White cabbage leaves can be used as a compress to relieve inflammation in the mammary glands, with engorgement of the breast and congestive processes in it, as well as with other signs of mastopathy.

White cabbage is not recommended for breastfeeding. Due to difficult digestibility by the baby’s still fragile body, colic occurs and gas formation increases. But not all types have the same effect on a child’s digestion.

Although cabbage contains quite a lot of useful microelements, you should avoid it during breastfeeding until the baby reaches the age of 3 months. Another thing is broccoli and cauliflower, which can be introduced into the diet already in the first week of lactation. They are healthy and do not cause an allergic reaction in the child.

Add fresh vegetable, in small proportions, can be added to soup already in the second or third month of a baby’s life. You can eat stewed cabbage after 4 months.

Beneficial features:

  1. In terms of vitamin C content, it is ahead of even citrus fruits. And unlike them, it does not provoke allergies, which means it is completely safe for use by women during lactation. As a result, it is introduced into the mother’s diet and the baby’s complementary feeding in the first week after zucchini.
  2. White cabbage. You can not only eat it, but also use its components, namely the leaves, for compresses. They dilute stagnation of milk, reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Sea kale. Is an algae. It is not recommended to add to complementary foods before 3 months. Because it can cause an allergic reaction. Sometimes, if desired, you can eat it in small quantities. When the baby reaches six months of age. Compensates for iodine deficiency in the body. Iodine, in turn, ensures metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, and improves the activity of the heart.

Rules for introducing cabbage during lactation

Let us directly consider the rules under which it can be introduced into the diet:

  1. Broccoli and cauliflower can be introduced into the diet after three weeks of breastfeeding.
  2. You can start consuming cabbage cabbage no earlier than four months of age.
  3. In the first 6 months of lactation, heat treatment should be used when preparing it. You should eat boiled cabbage. You can add various vegetables to it. However, you should be careful when adding carrots to your diet. Due to its bright color, it can cause allergies. You need to be careful; stewed cabbage during breastfeeding is strictly prohibited for gastrointestinal diseases. It is worth excluding it from the diet if the baby has severe colic. The use of fried foods in the first months of breastfeeding is prohibited.
  4. Prepare soups with the addition of white cabbage. Warm broth will stimulate lactation. Please note that breastfeeding women need to eat soup every day.
  5. Dosage must be taken into account. Excessive consumption even useful product, can cause negative manifestations. You need to be especially careful about the amount of seaweed you eat. It can be eaten no more than 3 times a week. The daily intake of broccoli and cauliflower reaches two hundred grams per day.

Before introducing vegetables into your diet, study them carefully. You should only use fresh products.

Methods for preparing cabbage for a nursing mother

Sauerkraut or pickles are harmful and are not recommended for women in the breastfeeding stage.

In this form, the vegetable contains a large amount of lactic acid and spices. This can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. At the same time, excess salt intake can cause dehydration and negatively affect breast milk production.

Doctors advise not to eat such food until the baby is 6 months old. Subsequently, you can sometimes add pickles to the diet, in small doses, without forgetting to increase the rate of intake into the body drinking water. To support breastfeeding.

Adding cabbage of any kind to the diet begins with soups and broths. Subsequently, vegetables are introduced in stewed, boiled, fried form. Experts have noticed that consuming vegetables that have undergone heat treatment, contribute to their easy absorption, while preserving their beneficial properties. Therefore, consuming stewed cabbage while breastfeeding is not contraindicated, but is even healthy and safe.

You should be careful; stewed cabbage, due to its high acidity, is prohibited for gastrointestinal diseases. It is necessary to stop consuming it if the newborn has severe colic. You can eat cabbage soup and borscht. If there are no side effects, you can eat one hundred and fifty grams several times a week.

What in cabbage causes flatulence?

Cabbage contains a large amount of fiber. And in order to cook it, the body spends quite a lot of enzymes. If bowel movement is slowed for any reason, it will stagnate. This will lead to increased gas formation.

The intestines do not react the same to all types of cabbage. It is worth paying attention to light varieties of vegetables. Broccoli, kohlrabi, Peking, cauliflower and Savoy. They should not be used raw, but after heat treatment, that is, stewed or boiled. Thus, reducing the likelihood of gas formation.

It is worth excluding red cabbage and Chinese lettuce from your diet, as their consumption leads to increased flatulence.


Breastfeeding women should eat cabbage very carefully.

Let's consider several options for its preparation:

Classic recipe

  • white cabbage - six hundred grams;
  • tomatoes - three pieces;
  • onion - one head;
  • fresh herbs - one bunch;
  • bay leaf - two leaves;
  • salt and pepper - optional.

Peel the forks, chop the leaves and onions. Grate the carrots. Fry the onion in a heated frying pan. Next, add the carrots and cook for 2 minutes. Then add the cabbage and fry the vegetables for another three minutes. Pour water into the pan. It is necessary that all its components are covered with liquid. And simmer covered with a lid for another twenty minutes. About 5 minutes before cooking, add bay leaf. And also salt and pepper if desired. You can add finely chopped greens to the prepared vegetables.

Rice with stewed cabbage

  • white cabbage - seven hundred grams;
  • - one hundred and fifty grams;
  • drinking water - one and a half glasses;
  • onion - one head;
  • tomatoes - three fruits;
  • carrot - two fruits;
  • vegetable oil - forty milliliters;
  • salt and pepper - optional.

Peel the onions and carrots. Fry in a heated frying pan for about three minutes. Peel and finely chop the cabbage. Add to the mixture and continue frying them together. You need to remove the peel from the tomato and add it to the rest of the ingredients. If desired, they can be salted and peppered. Add rice and add water. Simmer until full readiness cereals

Potatoes with stewed cabbage

  • colored - three hundred grams;
  • broccoli - three hundred grams;
  • drinking water - two glasses;
  • potatoes - four small fruits;
  • onion - one head;
  • - two fruits;
  • vegetable oil - forty milliliters;
  • pepper and salt - optional.

Chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry in a preheated frying pan for 4 minutes. Chop the cabbage. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Mix all ingredients in a frying pan. Add water and simmer until the potatoes are fully cooked, about forty minutes.


Breastfeeding experts say breastfeeding women should stick to special diet. Subsequently, you can add meat to the vegetables. In case of an allergic reaction, the first portion should be small. If food allergies and diarrhea occur, you should delay adding the product for another month.

Natural feeding is the best nutrition for a baby. For the first six months, such food can fully meet the child’s needs for energy, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as essential substances. All this comes in breast milk from the mother’s body, so a woman should eat properly and variedly. Healthy vegetables rightfully occupy first place in a mother’s diet among other foods. And if a nursing mother watches her menu and wants to enrich it with vitamins, macro- and microelements, then cabbage will definitely help her with this.

Composition of cabbage and its importance during breastfeeding

Cabbage is a common vegetable crop, which in one form or another quite often ends up on our table. There are several types of it. They differ from each other not only in appearance and taste, but they also have qualitative features due to the composition of the vegetable.

All representatives of the Brassica family are rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements

Commonly consumed varieties of cabbage:

  • White cabbage is a widely known and familiar product, having a round shape with leaves tightly wrapped inside. With her participation you can prepare many dishes. This cabbage is consumed fresh, processed, and fermented.
  • Red cabbage is a relative of white cabbage. In addition to color, it differs from its sister in denser heads and taste.
  • Broccoli, or cabbage, has green inflorescences on a thick stalk. If the cabbage has a yellowish tint, you should not buy it. This means that the vegetable is overripe.

Read more about broccoli in the diet of a nursing mother in the article -.

  • Cauliflower has many inflorescences white pressed against each other. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the absence of dark spots and a yellowish tint to the vegetable.
  • Brussels sprouts are unlike other species in the family. It has a thick stem on which elongated leaves are located. In their sinuses small heads of saturated Green colour. Fresh Brussels sprouts may have a bitter taste. After freezing, the heads of cabbage become sweeter.
  • Kohlrabi is a herbaceous food plant, a type of cabbage. The edible part includes a rounded stem, similar to a turnip. The taste of this vegetable is reminiscent of the sweet, juicy and more tender core of white cabbage.
  • Chinese cabbage or Chinese cabbage has tender, juicy leaves that form a rosette or loose head.

Despite this diversity, all representatives of this family are rich in useful substances. But due to individual characteristics during breastfeeding, it is recommended to introduce them gradually and at different times.

Photo gallery: varieties of cabbage

White cabbage is a common product of Russian cuisine. Red cabbage has a less pungent taste and is often used fresh. Broccoli is considered a very valuable vegetable Cauliflower is also healthy, but quickly spoils if not stored properly. Brussels sprouts contain a large number of substances necessary for the body Kohlrabi has a sweeter taste than other members of the family. Chinese cabbage is consumed fresh, which helps preserve nutrients

Table: nutritional and energy value of different types of cabbage

Composition and
calorie content of the product
Squirrels1.8 g (1.82%)1.4 g (1.01%)3.4 g (3.43%)2.8 g (2.01%)1.9 g (1.92%)1.2 g (1.21%)2.8 g (2.83%)
Fats0.2 g (0.26%)0.2 g (0.22%)0.3 g (0.38%)0.4 g (0.43%)0.3 g (0.38%)0.2 g (0.26%)0.1 g (0.13%)
Carbohydrates4.7 g (1.5%)7.4 g (2.36%)9 g (2.87%)6.6 g (2.1%)5 g (1.59%)2 g (0.64%)7.9 g (2.52%)
Alimentary fiber2 g (10%)2.1 g (10.5%)3.8 g (19%)2.6 g (13%)2 g (10%)1.2 g (6%)1.7 g (8.5%)
Water90.4 g (3.01%)90.39 g (3.01%)86 g (3.36%)89.3 g (2.98%)92.07 g (3.07%)94.39 g (3.15%)86.2 g (2.87%)
Calories28 kcal (1.17%)31 kcal (1.15%)43 kcal (1.79%)34 kcal (1.26%)25 kcal (1.04%)16 kcal (0.67%)44 kcal (1.83%)

The lowest-calorie member of the Brassica family is Chinese cabbage. One hundred grams of product does not cover even one percent of the recommended daily norm. But other varieties of vegetables provide no more than 2% of the required amount of calories. This is a positive fact for mothers trying to lose weight. In terms of dietary fiber content, Brussels sprouts rank first among the rest.

Nutrients entering the mother's body enrich breast milk

Table: main nutrients in different types of cabbage and their effect on mother and child

(the table shows the amount of substances calculated per 100 g of the corresponding product and their % of the recommended daily intake for a nursing woman)

NutrientsValuable substances in the product
Benefits of the substance for mother and childNotes for the nursing mother
Vitamin A, retinol
  • red cabbage - 56 mcg (4.3% of the norm);
  • supports growth and development;
  • ensures healthy skin and eyes;
  • needed to perform reproductive function;
  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • protects the body from free radicals;
  • promotes healing of damaged tissues.
beta carotene
  • red cabbage - 0.67 mg (13.4% of the norm);
  • Brussels sprouts - 0.45 mg (9% of normal);
  • broccoli - 0.361 mg (7.2% of normal);
  • other types of cabbage contain a less significant amount of vitamin or no vitamin.
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • supports immunity.
Is provitamin A.
6 mcg of beta carotene is equivalent to 1 mcg of vitamin A.
Vitamin B1, thiamine
  • Brussels sprouts - 0.139 mg (9.3% of normal);
  • red cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli - 0.07 mg (4.5% of the norm);
  • other types of cabbage contain a less significant amount of vitamin or no vitamin.
  • necessary for metabolism;
  • ensures the functioning of the nervous system;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • participates in digestion and activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes appetite.
Vitamin B2, riboflavin
  • broccoli - 0.117 mg (6.5% of normal);
  • Brussels sprouts - 0.09 mg (5% of normal);
  • other types of cabbage contain a less significant amount of vitamin or no vitamin.
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems;
  • maintaining her skin health and beauty;
  • helps heal damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • takes part in the formation of enzymes and energy metabolism;
  • necessary for oxygen transport;
  • supports visual function.
Vitamin B4, choline
  • cauliflower - 44.3 mg (8.9% of the norm);
  • other types of cabbage contain a less significant amount of vitamin or no vitamin.
  • ensures the functioning of the nervous system and the formation of nerve fibers;
  • prevents damage at the cellular level;
  • regulates blood cholesterol levels;
  • is a hepatoprotector;
  • protects the cardiovascular system;
  • helps prevent diabetes;
  • helps remove excess homocysteine ​​from the body;
  • participates in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • supports the digestion process;
  • important for development mental abilities in children.
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid
  • cauliflower, broccoli - 0.667 mg (10% of the norm);
  • Brussels sprouts - 0.309 mg (6.2% of normal);
  • other types of cabbage contain a less significant amount of vitamin or no vitamin.
  • participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems;
  • ensures the formation of antibodies and adrenal hormones;
  • prevents the development of allergic reactions;
  • helps reduce fat reserves in the body;
  • necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, growth and sex hormones.
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine
  • red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts - 0.21 mg (10.5% of the norm);
  • Chinese cabbage - 0.23 mg (11.5% of the norm);
  • kohlrabi, broccoli - 0.17 mg (8.5% of the norm);
  • white cabbage - 0.1 mg (5% of the norm).
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • helps cope with stressful situations;
  • participates in metabolism;
  • necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells and enzymes.
Vitamin B9, folic acid
  • Chinese cabbage - 79 mcg (19.8% of the norm);
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts - 63 mcg (15.5% of the norm);
  • cauliflower - 57 mcg (14.3% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, kohlrabi, white cabbage - 20 mcg (4.5% of the norm).
  • needed for the digestive system;
  • participates in the creation nucleic acids and squirrel;
  • ensures proper growth and division of cells in the body;
  • supports bone marrow functions;
  • protects the cardiovascular system from pathologies.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts - 88 mg (95% of normal);
  • red cabbage, white cabbage - 59 mg (65% of the norm);
  • kohlrabi, cauliflower - 50 mg (55% of the norm);
  • Chinese cabbage - 27 mg (30% of the norm).
  • takes part in the process of blood clotting;
  • strengthens the walls of small blood vessels;
  • prevents inflammation;
  • needed to prevent allergic reactions;
  • helps the absorption of iron.
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts per 100 g contain almost 100% of the daily value of ascorbic acid.
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts - 0.8 mg (5.5% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, white cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage - a less significant amount of vitamin in the composition.
  • participates in maintaining reproductive function;
  • provides normal condition skin;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • needed for the functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin K, phylloquinone
  • Brussels sprouts - 177 mcg (147.5% of normal);
  • broccoli - 101.6 mcg (84.7% of the norm);
  • white cabbage - 76 mcg (63.3% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, Chinese cabbage - 40 mcg (33% of the norm);
  • cauliflower - 15.5 mcg (12.9% of the norm);
  • kohlrabi - no vitamin.
  • necessary for blood clotting;
  • participates in normalizing glucose levels in the body;
  • protects against toxins.
100 g of Brussels sprouts contains almost one and a half times the daily requirement of vitamin K.
Vitamin PP,
a nicotinic acid
  • kohlrabi - 1.2 mg (6% of the norm);
  • white cabbage - 0.9 mg (4.5% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts - a less significant amount of vitamin in the composition.
  • involved in redox reactions;
  • present in the synthesis of amino acids;
  • promotes normal tissue growth.
Potassium, K
  • kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts - 380 mg (15% of the norm);
  • cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage - 299 mg (12% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, Chinese cabbage - 240 mg (9.5% of the norm).
  • helps to avoid swelling and remove excess water from the body;
  • normalizes contraction of the heart muscle;
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • regulates metabolism, osmotic pressure and water-salt balance.
Calcium, Ca
  • Chinese cabbage - 77 mg (7.7% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage - 45 mg (4.5% of the norm);
  • cauliflower - a less significant amount of mineral matter in the composition.
  • promotes bone tissue growth;
  • necessary for teeth;
  • involved in blood clotting and cell division;
  • participates in the contraction of the heart muscle and others;
  • needed for enzymes and hormones;
  • helps fight stress.
Magnesium, Mg
  • kohlrabi - 30 mg (7.5% of the norm);
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts - 25 mg (5.5% of normal);
  • red cabbage, white cabbage - 16 mg (4% of the norm);
  • Chinese cabbage, cauliflower - a less significant amount of mineral matter in the composition.
  • is also responsible for the state of the central nervous system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates the formation of bone cells;
  • participates in digestion processes;
  • needed for the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps absorb calcium and potassium;
  • improves immunity by activating the production of protective antibodies.
Phosphorus, Ph
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts - 67 mg (8.5% of the norm);
  • kohlrabi - 50 mg (6.3% of the norm);
  • cauliflower - 44 mg (5.5% of the norm);
  • red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, white cabbage - 30 mg (4% of the norm).
  • involved in metabolism;
  • necessary for the formation of teeth and bones;
  • affects the functioning of the nervous system;
  • maintains acid-base balance;
  • participates in cell division.
Iron, Fe
  • Brussels sprouts - 1.4 mg (7.8% of normal);
  • red cabbage - 0.8 mg (4.4% of the norm);
  • Kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage - a less significant amount of mineral matter in the composition.
  • is part of many enzymes, hormones and red blood cells;
  • promotes oxygen supply to tissues;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the body;
  • supports the immune system.
Manganese, Mn
  • Brussels sprouts - 0.337 mg (16.9% of normal);
  • red cabbage - 0.243 mg (12.2% of the norm);
  • broccoli - 0.21 mg (10.5% of normal);
  • Chinese cabbage - 0.19 mg (9.5% of the norm);
  • white cabbage - 0.17 mg (8.5% of the norm);
  • cauliflower - 0.155 mg (7.8% of the norm);
  • kohlrabi - no mineral substance.
  • participates in metabolism and hematopoiesis;
  • helps the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • supports the activity of vitamins in the body;
  • necessary for immunity.
Copper, Cu
  • white cabbage - 80 mcg (8% of the norm);
  • Brussels sprouts -70 mcg (7% of normal);
  • broccoli - 49 mcg (5% of normal);
  • red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi - a less significant amount of mineral matter in the composition.
  • participates in the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • helps suppress inflammatory processes;
  • ensures the functioning of insulin.
Selenium, Se
  • broccoli - 2.5 mcg (4.5% of normal);
  • white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi - a less significant amount of mineral matter in the composition.
  • protects the body from toxic substances;
  • necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the body's resistance to infections.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts can rightfully be called a “storehouse” of vitamins and minerals. Their use will help a nursing mother enrich breast milk with beneficial nutrients.

The benefits and potential harm of cabbage for mother and child

Cabbage contains quite a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The consumption of such vegetables by a nursing woman will have a positive effect on the growth and development of her baby and will provide his body with the necessary nutrients. The presence of dietary fiber in the product will help the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the development of beneficial microflora and prevent possible problems with a chair. But we should not forget that even such a wonderful vegetable can have Negative influence for the baby.

Possible contraindications for eating cabbage

Eating cabbage can cause intestinal colic in a baby

As with any other product, a child may develop an individual intolerance to any type of cabbage. Sometimes this is due to the inability to absorb the protein of the vegetable, and sometimes with hypersensitivity to vitamin C. Fertilizers that the manufacturer adds during the growth of cabbage can also affect the baby’s health.

A large amount of nitrates in vegetables can cause poisoning. If, after eating, for example, broccoli, Chinese cabbage or kohlrabi, a mother or child develops unpleasant symptoms (nausea, loose stools, abdominal pain, fever), you should definitely consult a doctor.

It’s good when a vegetable grows in your own garden, so you can be sure of its quality. But if a woman is forced to buy it, then this should be done in trusted stores or markets after reading the proper documentation.

In a child, an allergic reaction to cabbage is manifested by anxiety, redness of the skin, diaper rash, swelling of the mucous membranes and rashes. There is increased gas formation, loose stools, and “intestinal colic.” It is worth noting that this is not always an allergy: the body can also react to a large amount of fiber in the product. But the result will be the same: reduce your consumption of cabbage until your baby’s condition normalizes, and then consult your doctor about taking a break before reintroducing this vegetable into your diet.

A woman should not use this product during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

How and when can cabbage be introduced into a nursing mother’s diet?

If a mother often consumed cabbage before giving birth, she can introduce it into her diet in the first month of the baby’s life. Lactation consultants recommend starting with broccoli, then adding Brussels sprouts or Chinese cabbage, but leaving white and red cabbage for later. But it should be remembered that the baby’s body can react unexpectedly to any product. When introducing the product, the following rules must be observed:

  1. When a mother tries something new, the child should be healthy.
  2. You should not introduce more than one dish into your menu at once. Otherwise, you may not understand what food triggered the allergic reaction.
  3. It is advisable that the first portion be small (50 g is enough).
  4. The mother should monitor the baby for 2–3 days.
  5. If the child is feeling well, the portion is increased gradually, bringing its size to approximately 200 g per meal.

Cabbage is consumed fresh and processed. It is steamed, stewed, baked, boiled and fermented. When preparing vegetables, you should try to preserve a maximum of vitamins and minerals in the product. Despite the fact that losses cannot be avoided, a woman can minimize them.

Fresh cabbage is often used in salads.

What you need to consider to preserve the benefits of cabbage

  1. When eating vegetables fresh, a nursing mother receives a maximum of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are practically not destroyed by heating.
  3. During heat treatment, water-soluble B vitamins are better preserved in an acidic environment. During cooking, 20–30% of these substances are lost, some vitamins go into the decoction, and some remain in the product.
  4. Vitamin PP is also preserved at high temperatures.
  5. The most unstable when heated is vitamin C. If the dish is acidified, it is preserved better. When preparing soup or stewing, the vitamin partially passes into the broth. Ascorbic acid is destroyed due to interaction with atmospheric oxygen, so it is recommended:
    cook cabbage in a sealed container;
    put the product in already boiling water;
    reduce the cooking time of food;
    Do not crush the product or wipe it.
  6. Minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, copper, manganese, etc.) pass into the broth during cooking. So a vegetable can lose up to 60% of macro- and microelements.
  7. Before placing the dish in the refrigerator, it must be cooled as quickly as possible.
  8. Frozen vegetables do not require defrosting before cooking. They need to be placed immediately in boiling water.
  9. It is advisable not to cook the dish for a long time and in several stages.
  10. It is better to avoid finely cutting the product, frying, prolonged cooking and large volumes of liquid (except for preparing soups). You only need to process the cabbage for a very short time, just until it becomes soft. You can check this with a regular knife.
  11. After heat treatment, storing food for a long time is not recommended, as this also leads to loss of nutrients.
  12. The most gentle ways to prepare vegetables are steaming or baking. When breastfeeding, it is better for a woman to avoid frying the product.

Video: the benefits of white cabbage

Is it possible to eat stewed and sauerkraut while breastfeeding?

Some vitamins and minerals remain in sauerkraut. In 100 g of product, ascorbic acid is halved, which is about 30% of the daily requirement; potassium is present in the same volume and covers 12% of the required amount. But unfortunately, such a dish contains a lot of sodium (about 70% of the recommended amount per 100 g of product), there is also acid, and elements that provoke the development of allergies. A nursing woman needs to know this. When stewed for a long time, both fresh and sauerkraut lose a large amount of substances, so there is little benefit left in it. A mother can include both options in her diet, but it is necessary to take into account their characteristics and monitor the baby’s reaction.

Cabbage, especially white and red cabbage, can contribute to increased gas formation in the baby's intestines. This is rather an individual feature of the body. But still, pediatricians recommend postponing trying dishes made from such cabbage for 2–3 months.

Cabbage - very healthy vegetable, capable of enriching breast milk with beneficial substances. Since there are several varieties of cabbage and many options for its preparation, mom can choose any dish to her taste. But you need to introduce it into your diet carefully, following general recommendations and monitoring your child.

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