There are men who are courageous. About men and masculinity, or a true man. A real man takes steps and makes tough decisions.

Some women feel that a "real man" does not exist - he is impossible to find. Others don't want someone like him. On the other hand, some guys are sure that they are the ones who fit the definition of a “real man.” Others think it's not about them. The truth is that those men who think they are "real" and those who don't are most often wrong.

To understand whether a man is “real”, you need to observe his actions. The behavior of a real man is very different from a narcissistic boy, and the difference is difficult not to notice. He must be a gentleman - and not just for the first few months. A real man behaves in such a way that it is difficult not to fall in love with him.

1. A real man loves and respects his woman for who she is.

He may not love her all the time, but he loves her. Not just her body, possessions or status, but everything about her. He knows that over time, physical beauty fades. Therefore, he focuses his love and attention on the true beauty that lies in her feelings and personality. He treats her like a lady, with dignity and respect. He doesn't mind cooking it favorite dish, invite you to dinner and pay the bill. But he expects the same love and respect from her.

2. He focuses entirely on the relationship.

A real man doesn't cheat. He is faithful to his partner and knows that he needs to constantly work to keep the relationship strong and healthy. He never forgets about his woman. It nourishes and strengthens relationships through constant communication and collaboration. If you are with a real man, you know that you can trust him. He will remain faithful no matter the circumstances and expects the same from his partner.

3. A real man protects his partner physically and emotionally.

This does not mean that a woman cannot stand up for herself, but he is nearby in any case. He protects her in many ways, including providing financial security, comforting her, and making her feel like everything will be okay. He is willing to fight if necessary to protect her from physical danger. However, he thinks before he acts. He will never take a step unless he is sure that all the details are in order. All his actions are calculated, deliberate and confident. Abuse is not an issue when you are with him. He surrounds you with care and attention.

4. He satisfies his partner mentally and sexually.

A real man knows that most of the time in a relationship you have to do things that are not at all sexy. He not only reminds his beloved how beautiful she is and how much he wants to be alone with her when he returns home, but also discusses plans for his life and does everything to enliven the moments together. He uses his intelligence and sensitivity to be not only timely, but also charming.

5. A real man takes the initiative into his own hands.

This is because he "wears the pants" in the relationship. Of course, a woman chose them for him, but he is still the leader in the relationship. He takes a step forward and boldly addresses all issues in the relationship. He doesn't wait for a woman to solve all his problems. If he is not sure how to do this, he will ask for help or advice. Some men avoid leading roles because they don't want to be criticized. But not a real man. He takes the initiative to resolve all issues that come his way.

6. A real man takes steps and makes tough decisions.

It is he who makes decisions in relationships, since his opinion is decisive. He does not shift all problems onto his partner. But when making a decision, he seeks to understand her views and takes them into account in his decision. He does not seek to control people to improve his situation. If you are reluctant to make decisions, you are likely shy and afraid of making mistakes. Women do not like indecisive, cowardly people.

7. He takes responsibility for his actions and decisions.

A real man does not shift his blame onto others (especially his partner), and does not try to justify his mistakes. He simply admits that he made a mistake and apologizes for it, remembers this lesson and tries to make things right. Saying “sorry” is easy for him. He knows it won't affect him as a man. In fact, when a man says he is sorry, he is demonstrating his confidence, courage and honesty to admit his mistakes and correct them.

8. He always says what he thinks

He is not afraid to be shy to say what he thinks. He will say “no” and will not be afraid that he disagrees with someone. He will discuss with you even those topics that he considers inconvenient, and will not lose his cool. He will simply talk to you as an equal, and after that he will allow you to draw your own conclusions and act as you want. This doesn't mean he treats you badly or doesn't care about you. He just doesn't agree with you. He knows that a man who constantly says “yes” cannot be called a real man.

9. A real man stands up for his relationship.

Sometimes friends, family, or even strangers may ask awkward questions about your relationship and tell you that you're not right for each other. In such cases, a real man will defend his relationship. This means that he can express himself in front of others, protect his woman and act like an adult.

10. He has hobbies that don't involve his partner.

The life of a real man is quite eventful. This means that in addition to relationships, he has at least one more hobby. He will give you space and you should do the same. He is confident and ambitious. He is a real man!

According to psychologists, there are 10 main signs that women look for in potential partners.

1. Strength and intelligence. A man must be smart. When a man is smart, he is able to assess a woman's needs and also give advice. Strength must be both moral and physical. The will to make decisions and responsibility for one’s actions should come first. This is what masculine strength is all about, no unnecessary emotions or fear.

2. Determination. Purposeful men have always been liked female. Such men do not waste time chasing mirages; they do everything only on the merits. They set themselves the goal of making money, creating strong family, climb up career ladder, make some discovery. These are the key goals in a strong man.

3. Attention to family values. A real man will always understand the role of a woman and children. He will not shy away from raising a child, he understands that there must be a team in the family, and unity is also very important.

4. No unnecessary conversations or gossip. A man does not gossip about any things, especially those about which he has no information. Knows how to keep other people's secrets.

5. A man's words should be stronger than stone. If a man gives a word, then its observance must be guaranteed. If a man is unable to keep his promises, then failure to keep them can become commonplace. Men will soon stop being friends with such a person, and more than one woman will no longer want to start a family with him.

6. No weaknesses. A man should be a role model. A woman is always looking for someone to follow as an example. You can only take an example from strong people. Such a man will be an excellent example for his children.

7. Rely on yourself. For a real man, taking money from others is not an option. He will achieve his goal only on his own. It is men who can mobilize the best in themselves who achieve high results in their careers or business.

8. Appearance. Women love not only with their ears, but also with their eyes. A man should always look neat, clean and beautiful.

9. Cleanliness and order. Although a woman often cleans up the house herself, she really appreciates a man’s desire for cleanliness and neatness. If she comes to visit a man, and his clothes are scattered, dirty socks are lying around, there is garbage everywhere, the woman is unlikely to think that she was visiting a real man. It's another matter when the house is clean and tidy.

10. Fight. A real man, according to the weaker sex, should always be ready for confrontation. The ability to fight at work, to defend one’s rights and interests, and the ability to fight back against an offender is the advantage of a real man.

Of course, there is hardly a man who combines all 10 qualities. However, it is quite possible to meet just such a man who has at least half of them, and strives for the rest.

Quite often in everyday life and daily activities we have to determine the length of any objects or objects. It's good to have a suitable measuring tool at hand. But what if you need to quickly determine the size of, say, a desk?

You will need

  • palm of hand, matchbox, checkered paper


If you are planning a relocation and want to check whether pieces of furniture will fit in the new place, then, of course, it is better to use a meter ruler or tape measure. Having such a tool, everyone can cope with the measuring task; it will not be difficult.

If you don’t have a tape measure at hand, you can use the means at hand, and, in the literal sense of it. To do this, use the distance between your fingertips as far apart as possible.

Naturally, this requires first knowing what this distance is in . Once applied to the ruler, you will be able to remember what the distance is between the tips of your thumb and middle finger. All that remains is to apply such a measure to the object being measured the required number of times, and the length of the table top will no longer be a secret to you.

You can use an ordinary matchbox to determine the length. Its standard length is 50 mm, width – 35 mm, thickness – 15 mm.

What if you need to measure the length of a curved line drawn on paper? Use a strip of paper to measure, preferably with a checkered pattern. Place the strip edge-on to the line, following its curves. Make a mark on the strip. Now all you have to do is count the number of cells, or use a regular ruler to determine the length of the paper strip that served as the measure.

It is convenient to determine the length of the path traveled on the ground by counting pairs of steps. But first you need to know average value your step when walking at a normal pace. For a person of average height, the step length can be 75-80 cm, respectively, a couple of steps will be about half a meter. Knowing this value, count the number of pairs of steps from one point to another while walking and multiply by the length of the pair of steps. You will get the approximate distance traveled.

Video on the topic


  • Calculation of the rafter system - how to calculate the length using tables

Any woman trying to arrange her personal life wants to know more about the man she liked. This is completely understandable and natural! Is he a reliable person, is he serious, what are his tastes, hobbies, character, strengths and weaknesses. But how do you find out? It’s somehow awkward to ask directly, and where is the guarantee that he will answer completely sincerely, frankly? Many people tend to exaggerate their strengths and downplay their shortcomings; this is also natural and understandable. Therefore, a woman will have to act in a roundabout way.


First of all, remember the wise saying: “It was not for nothing that nature gave man two ears and only one mouth!” In other words, overcome the primordial female habit of talkativeness. Let the man talk, and you for the most part listen, absorb information and analyze it, draw conclusions.

How can I get him to talk? In most cases this is not difficult at all. Even a silent, shy person can be magically transformed if he suddenly discovers that there is an attentive, genuinely interested listener next to him. Where does eloquence come from! All that’s left to do is to become just such a listener for him.

Look at him carefully, nod from time to time, ask clarifying questions (try to keep them “to the point” and not out of place). Say with all your appearance: “It’s so good that I met such an extraordinary person!” Believe me, not only the “weaker sex” is susceptible to flattery and attention.

Well, about the most important thing: how seriously does he take family life, what views on the role of a man and does he adhere to, is he ready to become a father and bear responsibility for children? Most The best way: as if by chance, by chance, direct the conversation in the right direction! Remember the famous book by Agatha Christie “Ten Little Indians”. The insidious Judge Wargrave, looking for victims for the crime he had planned, literally started a conversation everywhere on the same topic: can a person who committed a murder escape punishment? And he successfully received necessary information from the most different people.

Since your goal is much more harmless and noble than that of a treacherous lawyer, you can adopt his method without the slightest remorse. Say the magic phrase: “But here’s a friend of mine...” and tell a real or fictitious pity story. For example, about a naive woman who became a victim of a resort gigolo, who swore that he loved her, promised to marry her, and as a result disappeared, taking all the money out of her. A man's reaction will tell you a lot. At the slightest hint of mocking cynicism like: “Well done, he warmed up the woman well!”, or even when stating a fact: “It’s your own fault, don’t be a fool!”, think: do you need such a person?

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If you want to Serious relationships, then they are not interested in the prospects of meeting married men. But several married men Quite often they don’t mind being single, so when you meet them they seem like completely free people. How can you avoid falling for tricks and distinguish a married man from an unmarried man?

1. Lack of photos on your personal page. If you met on the Internet, then the first thing that should alert you is this: complete absence photographs. Usually, very complex or unattractive young people, or those who have criminal intentions, do not post or send photographs. This category also includes married men who are afraid of being recognized and exposed.

2. Appearance. If a man simply looks impeccable, but he does not look like a metrosexual and is not very neat, we can make the assumption that his excellent appearance is the work of his wife. Of course, this may be a caring mother, but this is also not the best option for relationships.

3. Income discrepancy. The discrepancy in income can be guessed by the position you occupy, as well as the expenses for you. If a man saves on everything, but still earns well, then he is either married or very stingy.

4. Doesn’t introduce him to his parents and doesn’t invite him to his home. A sure sign of a man.

5. I can’t reach him by phone in the evening. Either he asks you not to call in the evening, or he doesn’t pick up the phone, he only answers SMS messages, and even then not always. Number home phone carefully hides.

6. Makes a date away from his place of residence and work. If he goes with you to a cafe or others public places– then he starts to get nervous, constantly looking around. He makes appointments away from busy streets, prefers to spend more time with you, and chooses deserted places for walks.

7. Do you meet on weekdays during lunch break or immediately after work. If he doesn't invite you anywhere for the weekend, then it's sure sign the fact that a person spends weekends with his family.

Try to analyze the actions and behavior of a man, and also look at ring finger. Even if the man took off wedding ring, then there should be an untanned mark from the ring - this is the surest sign that the man is married.

Tip 5: How to tell by a man’s appearance whether he has money

Any woman, meeting a man for the first time, tries to understand whether he has the means. This is not surprising, because representatives of the fair sex are genetically programmed to search for a breadwinner who is able to support them and their children.

Welfare criteria

Some men have a negative attitude towards women who are looking for a rich boyfriend, because they suspect them of self-interest. But it is not so. Of course, feelings are wonderful, but you won’t be satisfied with love alone. And heaven in a hut with a sweetheart only in the first few days. And then, when there is nothing to eat or wear, scandals will begin. And who doesn’t want to be well-fed, well dressed and well-groomed? And if romantic feelings are attached to all this, then the family will be strong and happy.

You can determine at first glance whether a man has money using several criteria:

  • appearance;
  • wardrobe;
  • accessories;
  • interests;
  • automobile.

Appearance and wardrobe

A man's appearance can say a lot about him. Wealthy representatives of the stronger sex take care of their appearance. As a rule, businessmen have large amounts of money, and for them, appearance is a reflection of the state of their affairs. Therefore, a wealthy man will always look good.

The first thing that catches your eye when you meet is your hairstyle and face. The hairstyle of a rich suitor is usually classic. It is rare to see a businessman with long locks of hair or a non-standard, eye-catching haircut. The exception is representatives of bohemians, but they can be recognized immediately.

The man's face will also be well-groomed. Wealthy people visit beauty salons. Businessmen never have hair sticking out of their nose or ears, and they also have eyebrows. perfect shape. Many of them also use face creams to look fresh and rested. After all, it seems that rich people are slackers, but in fact they have to work a lot.

Another detail of appearance that is worth paying attention to is the hands. A rich man’s hands are always well-groomed, with a perfect manicure, which is also done to him in a beauty salon.

A wealthy person's wardrobe is always impeccable. Any clothing, be it a business suit or jeans and a sweater, fits a wealthy person perfectly, because it is sewn in an expensive studio, and not on the knee in the basement. But even if a man comes to a meeting in torn jeans, pay attention to his legs. A wealthy person cares not only about his image, but also about comfort, and therefore shoes will always look breathtaking and fit perfectly with the rest of his clothes.

Accessories and car

Wealthy men drive luxury cars. It's hard not to notice such a car. But still, the car doesn’t mean anything. Transport can be rented or borrowed for a while from a wealthy friend in order to impress a lady. Therefore, take a closer look at your boyfriend’s accessories.

The phone of a wealthy person will not stand out with a huge screen or flashy design. Rich people prefer discreet luxury. Therefore, his phone will be a well-known and expensive brand. The gadget case is made of leather.

You should also pay attention to his watch. Expensive and high-quality in a metal case, sometimes gold or platinum. It is difficult for an ignorant person to determine the cost of a watch at first glance, especially since there are a huge number of fakes. Pay attention to how he uses them. Doesn't he often look at his watch or take out his phone to show it off? A wealthy person is accustomed to luxury, and therefore takes expensive accessories for granted.


In order to determine a man’s interests, you need to talk to him. The interests of wealthy people are fundamentally different from ordinary people, since they can afford almost everything.

Those who have money prefer to invest it in collecting expensive things. Of course, no one will talk about a collection of, for example, weapons or jewelry on every corner, but a gentleman is quite capable of talking about a collection of expensive cars or books.

And the hobbies of the rich are not the same as those of ordinary people. Mountaineering, diving, extreme sports, casinos - only fairly wealthy people can afford all this.

And finally, pay attention to his manner of communication with others in general and with you in particular.

Two qualities will never coexist in a person: deceit and masculinity.

The main thing in masculinity is not control over others, but control over oneself.

Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a characteristic of the strong.

Masculinity as a personality quality ability to show certain group masculine qualities personality, by which others unmistakably determine how much a man has realized his own nature.

Masculinity and courage are not synonymous. Courage is one of the many personality traits associated with masculinity. It manifests itself in the ability show will, moral firmness, act decisively and expediently in extreme situations, endure suffering, including physical pain.

There are about two hundred masculine personality traits. A certain specific set of these qualities makes a man courageous in the eyes, first of all, of a woman and evokes in her a desire, well expressed in the words of the famous song: “If only you knew a woman’s longing for a strong shoulder.” It makes no sense to create a strictly defined bouquet of personality traits that makes a man courageous. It can be made up of many combinations of masculine virtues. But as soon as this bouquet contains, for example, coquetry, affectation, capriciousness, touchiness, excessive emotionality, the aroma of masculinity will be lost. Like a fly in the ointment, feminine personality traits can destroy masculinity. There will already be an effeminate man, unable to realize his masculine nature.

There are quite a lot of male personality traits that make up the arsenal of masculinity. The card index of masculinity is represented by: authority, gallantry, heroism, boldness, gentlemanliness, discipline, valor, toughness, initiative, intelligence, silence, wisdom, courage, reliability, perseverance, steadfastness, inflexibility, unpretentiousness, fearlessness, commitment, courage, responsibility, constancy, determination, self-control, dedication, restraint, willpower, courage, stability, tenacity, demandingness, self-confidence, daring, perseverance, poise, composure, courage and determination.

By demonstrating these personality traits, a man, wittingly or unwittingly, positions himself as a “real man.” When a man has in his personal arsenal the set of masculine personality traits his woman needs, he becomes for her a Winner, a real man, a Hero.

An excerpt from Mirael’s message “Femininity” says: “ The main qualities of Masculinity are the desire to protect, create, preserve and be a leader.. These qualities can sleep, but they can be activated by a woman’s sincere weakness and a request for help. That's exactly how it is. Feminine weakness, its sensual tender nature awakens true Masculinity. It’s all like this: Men yearn for female trepidation and fragile tenderness, Women yearn with their hearts for the strong shoulder of a man... After all, the strength of a Man is not in power, His strength is in the protection of Femininity, which brings Peace and Love with its being, its energy... If a Woman does not feel Love and Defense, then becomes touchy. Wise Man Having Accepted important decision, informs His beloved, asks: “My Goddess, do you want this? Do you want this? The man makes the decision, He is the leader, and the Woman is weak, sensual and driven. But if a Man loves and is wise, then he simultaneously honors the freedom of his Woman, and this is the secret of peace and harmony in the family, in relationships. A Woman blossoms if a Man becomes a leader in everything, a protector of Her sensual energies and a guardian of Her Wild Divine Freedom. If a Man is not a leader, then in His Woman awakens Inner Man. The woman becomes active, begins to make decisions in the couple herself and ceases to appreciate and respect the Man. Essentially, there are two Men in a relationship. Someone needs to submit. The era of the struggle between two Egos is coming..."

Women value three qualities most in a man: responsibility, determination and self-confidence. It is not for nothing that responsibility takes first place, for it is expressed as the ability to take on the burden of making a decision, to hold accountable for what is done, to be responsible for what is assigned, to voluntarily accept punishment for what is done incorrectly, not only when the acceptance of responsibility is initiated by the “responsible subject” himself, but also when he is formally or informally entrusted with control over the manifestations of group activity and its consequences.

Masculinity is condescending to women's weaknesses. D. Dzherban wrote: “Men who do not forgive a woman for her small shortcomings will never enjoy her great virtues.”

A man and a woman achieve happiness only if they realize their nature. They balance the strong and weak sides each other and, thanks to this, form a unison of two hearts. Here is an excerpt from a Vedic treatise on the nature of men and women: She is speech, He is thought; She is prudence, He is law; He is the mind, She is the feeling; She is obedience, He is righteousness; He is the writer, She is the performer; He is perseverance, She is calm; He is the will, She is the desire; He is a pity, She is a gift; He is a song, She is a note; She is fuel, He is fire; She is the radiance, He is the sun; She is movement, He is wind; He is the owner, She is wealth; He is the struggle, She is the power; He is the lamp, She is the light; He is day, She is night; He is justice, She is compassion; He is the channel, She is the river;
She is beauty, He is strength; She is the body, He is the spirit.

Among teenagers, myths have somehow taken root that masculinity is when a man is powerful, hairy and smelly, when he swears, smokes, has a long trail of short winning relationships, knows how to subjugate women, shows ruthlessness and uncompromisingness, does not help at all the woman takes care of the house and is not involved in raising children. These are all just myths. For example, masculinity and mann are not compatible. Mat is incontinence of emotions, weakness of spirit, and masculinity is restrained and self-possessed. Smoking is weakness, dependence, and masculinity is willpower and independence. Bragging and inventing tales about your victories on the love front is a sign of self-doubt, and masculinity is, first of all, self-confidence.

Only a weakling can subdue a woman with physical force. In a society of men, they lack the strength to stand up for themselves, so they mock the woman, trying to assert themselves.

The poet Vladimir Soloukhin wrote wonderful lines dedicated to masculinity:

Let the crows speak of doom
And the horses trampled the stubble,
Things were considered masculine
Chain mail, saddle and spear.
During the military crisis,
In the fields, in the feather grass, in the snow
The paths were blocked by the enemy.

Let the wives cry in the night,
And the shed blood cannot be counted, -
Were men's property
Men's courage and honor.
There's a face underneath the mask
But the eye of the gun is lead.
The scoundrels were led to the barrier.

I don’t believe ridiculous rumors -
Men now say
In the presence of the strong they become numb,
They sit in the presence of women.
There is no mention of chivalry.
In my opinion, this is a lie.
You remember your title!

And a woman will be a woman -
And mother, and sister, and wife.
She will put you to bed and wake you up,
And he will give you wine for the road.
Sees off both husband and son,
Hugs you at the very edge.
Do you hear my song?

Petr Kovalev 2014

Always remains yourself

A man must have principles. He does not change himself to please others; he remains himself in any society: he does not try to fawn over his superiors and does not shout at salespeople or waiters. Individuality should not be confused with permissiveness: a real man, remaining himself, does not infringe on the rights of others and does not violate the rules of decency.

Values ​​family and friends

If you see that your chosen one respects his parents, is always ready to help his brothers and sisters, and values ​​his friends, then he is definitely a real man. Family is our main wealth, if order and harmony reign in your prince’s father’s house, then so does yours. future family will turn out to be strong.

However, mama's boys (anchor for the article Why men are like women) should be avoided. They are usually childish and narcissistic.

Has varied interests in life

Now we will disappoint many girls: if a guy constantly thinks about sex and tries to get him into bed, this is by no means a sign of his masculinity. A real man thinks about work, is interested in sports, and has hobbies. IN intimate relationships he will prefer quality over quantity.

Constantly evolving

A handsome prince must be good not only externally, but also internally. It does not stand still, but is constantly evolving, setting specific life goals and reaches them. He has a broad outlook and can support any conversation.

Many girls put forward higher education as a mandatory criterion for choosing a partner. You shouldn’t get hung up on this: often a young man without a diploma reads a lot, has encyclopedic knowledge and secular manners.

Knows how to manage his emotions

It is unlikely that your man will watch a melodrama with tears in his eyes or be touched by advertisements about kittens and puppies. He does not show his emotions in public, which does not mean he is insensitive or rude. A real man is able to sincerely express his feelings for his beloved woman and children, surround them with attention and care, create comfort and coziness.

IN difficult situations he becomes a “shield” for his family and friends and takes all the blows upon himself.

You shouldn’t blame a man for the lack of imagination and bright confessions and surprises; sometimes a hot bath or a trip to the pharmacy at night serves as the best declaration of love.

Knows how to keep his word

A distinctive feature of a real man is loyalty to his word. He always keeps his promises and is even ready to sacrifice his interests, but not to be considered a talker. The whole point is that true gentlemen value both themselves and others. By the way, a real man will never discuss friends and colleagues with you. So if you want to gossip, you have to call your girlfriend.

Always looks good

Everything in a person should be beautiful...” said the classic, and we absolutely agree with him. A real man is always neat. He loves to look good and takes care of appearance. At the same time, Prince Charming hardly knows everything fashion trends, does not pluck his eyebrows or shave his legs. He looks courageous and is proud of it.

Values ​​quality

Respecting himself, a real man always chooses quality. This applies not only to material, but also to spiritual values: a decent car and good music, a good suit and a well-organized vacation - you need to take the best from life.

Ecology of life. People: Humor and dialogue are the starting point. You may be ugly, like your Lada Priora, you may not have an expensive watch on your hand, but you must have humor.

Humor and dialogue are the starting point. You may be ugly, like your Lada Priora, you may not have an expensive watch on your hand, but you must have humor.

You must be able to remind her that her eyes are a sea in which you are ready to drown, and that you no longer need Nutella with the arrival of her lips in your life. Without your words, her world will be as tasteless as boiled rice.

You will always lose to those who can make her laugh, no matter how much money you have

“Working together? I resolve issues"(film "Oligarch"). If a girl calls you in any incomprehensible situation, this point has been mastered. A woman doesn’t have to rub shoulders in strange circles, to know the right people, and what should she do in an accident. Not to mention the light bulb in the toilet. There's a man for that. He is the wall behind which the woman stands (and not vice versa).

I'm the leader, you follow along. Strong women tear the ribbon, but each of them would like to feel weak and not decide anything (there are simply not strong enough men). The responsibility of choice is always with the man. This does not mean that the girl is pissing out of fear, to say the least, it means that she can relax, because she is not alone.

Snot for snot. You may have problems. Everyone has them, but they are not for her ears. Solve them, fight them, but you are not allowed to let her snot fall on her shoulder. It is she who can cry, be afraid and get tired. In very close relationships, share is possible, but here a wise girl often sees everything herself, understands, and tries not to waste her brain, pressing her tender cheek to your powerful chest. Leave the whining to your children (for Kinder surprise).

Her orgasm is on you. Learn to feel and listen to her body. Earning and saving - you’re great, but her orgasm is your stamp on the document. Without it, the document is not valid.

Etiquette is not a bonus, but a necessity. Unless, of course, you want the word “man” to mean something. Don't forget who holds the door, carries the heavy stuff, gets into the elevator first, puts her coat on and stands up when she enters. You can screw up many moral principles and traditions, pushing them onto social progress, but there are things that make you a noble breed of male called a “Real Man.” Etiquette is one of them. It’s better to be a sexist than a pig (I’m not sure that you know the canons of etiquette - Google is not just for you to look for porn).

Flowers are not for a holiday. They are the holiday. You don’t need to turn this into a routine, but you don’t need to wait for March 8th. Give her flowers, not for the occasion, but for the fact that she exists.

Flower mini-instruction: Your bouquet does not have to cost 10 thousand rubles and be made of roses. Classic roses are a cliché that makes you narrow-minded in her eyes. There are field daisies, simple daisies, tulips, sunflowers, peonies and hundreds of other species, the names of which I cannot pronounce, but I encourage you to choose.

Don't be afraid of color and flowers (if you're completely colorblind, take sunflowers. They're better than roses).

You don't know fear. She doesn't know your fear, and in this case, she doesn't know fear while you're around. It's more expensive than Bentley

You are stronger. As long as this is the case, she is yours. You can be gentle, you can give in and pamper, but you must always remain yourself, with your faith, principles, preferences and interests. You her, your heart may belong to her, but you are not a slave. You give her your freedom and this woman is no longer yours (even if she is nearby.) A terrible rule, a mistake that almost every romantic pussy stumbles upon in their first relationship.

Do the job. Work. Good man- not a profession. Even if you are 18 and a nobody, a woman wants to see perspective, your desire to be someone, and actions that lead to your goal.

If you don't have money for Pushkin, don't drive it. Take them to a place where you can pay for both of them. No one asks you to shift her finances onto yourself on the first day of meeting her, but living at a woman’s expense is the lot of the unfinished.

Falling in love and love will smooth out a lot, but you still have to do something, if not for yourself, then at least for her, because real love this is when you are ready to sacrifice your selfishness.

Men, always follow your plan. Women, follow your men. published

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