The presence of large rivers in Australia. Major rivers and lakes in Australia. Longest river in Australia and the rivers of the Great Dividing Range

When it comes to hot, dry climates, Africa immediately comes to mind with its endless deserts that stretch for hundreds of kilometers. Meanwhile, Australia is considered the driest continent. Rain is rare here. And although the mainland is washed by the seas from all sides, five times less precipitation falls on its territory than in Africa. The bulk of this precipitation falls on the southeastern part of the country. The largest rivers and lakes of Australia are concentrated there.

Due to the lack of rain, the rivers on the mainland are shallow. Moreover, many of them periodically completely dry up. But despite the harsh climate, Australia is known for its beautiful scenery and amazing nature. Life here is so full of abundance.

There are quite a lot of salty reservoirs on the mainland. Also, some large rivers carry salt water. What is very a rare occurrence and an unusual feature of Australia. This part of the world is characterized by a climate with a change of seasons. When the dry period is replaced by heavy rains. Therefore, most of the rivers in the rainy season quickly fill up and leave their beds, spilling over the surroundings. And after a few months they dry up again under the scorching sun.

Characteristic features of the rivers of Australia

Despite the fact that most of the rivers of this country cannot be called high-water, due to the lack of rain. Generally water map Australia is a developed river network, which consists of many rivers and reservoirs.

Almost all rivers originate on the slopes Great Dividing Range. These rivers are more seasonal than full-flowing. In summer, they dry up or become so shallow that even a child can wade such a river. And in winter they fill up again. Some of them are destined to end their journey in the deserts of the central part of the country. And others feed salt lakes or flow into larger rivers.

Murray River

One such river is the Murray. Its length is more than 2500 kilometers. Together with its right tributary, the Murray forms the main Australian river system. After which it flows into the bay at pacific ocean. The river is fed by rains and melting snows of the western slopes of the ridge. Murray flows all year round, like all Australian rivers, it can become shallow depending on the time of year, but it never dries up. It is also one of the few rivers that can boast of navigability. Of course, it should be noted that on Murray you will not meet heavy sea ​​ships. From time to time, some tributaries of the river dry up as a result of irrigation. And during such periods, Murray is rich in sandy shoals. Vessels do not go along the entire river, but only in its lower part. The length of the shipping route is 1000 kilometers, which is a record for Australia.

Darling tributary

It is the longest tributary of the Murray. The total length of these two rivers is about 3500 kilometers. And together they form the country's widest water network. Occupying the second place in length on the mainland, Darling flows through a saline semi-desert area. Rainfall is infrequent in this part of Australia. Therefore, for most of the year, like many other rivers, it is shallow, although it does not dry out completely.

australian cries

This name does not mean the cries of wild animals in the night forest. This is the name of small watercourses (another unusual phenomenon). They are not classified as full-fledged rivers. Because they appear only with the arrival of rains. This phenomenon is typical for desert regions in the west and in the central part of the mainland. The most famous such channel is Cooper Creek. With the onset of the rainy season, these streams fill up and carry their waters over saline soils to larger reservoirs. And in the dry months they cease to exist. Of course, the screams are great value for the water network of the continent.

All rivers of Australia

The rivers of Australia have only about seventy points. But here we must remember that this is still the most small continent planets. Some rivers are only 10-15 kilometers long, such as Lane Cove, Queen, Prospect Creek. But despite this, like screams, they contribute to the nature of Australia.

There are enough large rivers in addition to the Murray in Australia. They are located in different parts mainland and have a length of several hundred to several thousand kilometers. Northern part country is Adelaide. This river is also navigable. Western water artery country - this is Gascoigne, stretches for almost 1000 kilometers. And also the Murrumbidgee, one of the few Australian rivers where a dam has been built. The river stretches for about 1500 kilometers, after which it flows into the notorious Murray. Hunter - a flooding river periodically creates floods in New South Wales.

Features of Australian lakes

Due to the severe dry climate, there are very few lakes in Australia. In addition, almost all of them are salty. Most big lake called - Air. It is also salty and is located sixteen meters below sea level. This feature is typical for most water bodies in Australia. It should be noted that lakes suffer from a lack of rain no less than rivers. Since the latter are the main source of food for lakes. The lack of rainfall affects everywhere. Reservoirs become shallow and dry. During the dry season, small Australian reservoirs resemble overgrown quarries, while larger ones break up into several reservoirs. Due to the fact that the water level in the lakes is constantly changing, they do not have clear boundaries. coastline. Their outlines change, depending on the level of precipitation.

Lakes of Australia

As mentioned above, the largest lake in Australia (covering about one sixth of the mainland) is Air. It was named after its discoverer. The lake fills up during the rainy season, and during this period it can reach a depth of 15 to 20 meters. Air is the largest endorheic basin of the continent. The lake loses water only by evaporation, except for the rare cases when it can overflow its banks.

torrens It is the second largest body of water in the country. It is interesting that over the past century and a half it has been filled only once. It is located in the south of the country in protected area national park. Like Eyre, Lake Torrens has no outflows.

Another southern reservoir - Frome. Unlike previous reservoirs, in addition to rain, it is additionally filled from the cry.

freshwater lake Gregory(which is very rare for Australia) is located in the western part of the country. It is perhaps the most "inhabited" body of water on the mainland. It is thanks to fresh water that there is such a wide variety of flora and fauna. However, scientists do not give him comforting forecasts. It is believed that under the influence of a dry climate, it will also gradually become salty.

Another amazing lake hiller. It is located on Middle Island in the western part of the country. The lake is famous for its bright pink water. The reason for this special bacteria who live in salt water lakes. The island is currently closed to the public in order to preserve its ecosystem.

Man-made lakes in Australia

Compared to other parts of the world, the number of man-made lakes in Australia is not large. This is partly due to the relief of the mainland. He has like concave shape in the center and hills along the edges. In addition, sixty percent of the territory of Australia is practically waterless. The island of Tasmania has much more favorable conditions. It has not only a flat relief, but also a greater amount of precipitation.

Argyle is a huge reservoir in Western Australia. More than twenty species of fish are found in the reservoir, including valuable breeds. The fish that is caught here is gladly sorted out in restaurants and for sale. In addition, the reservoir supplies water to 150 kilometers of agricultural land. Walking along the shores of this lake is not recommended because it is highly likely to meet one of the 25,000 crocodiles that live there. Who also liked the local fishing.

Some might say that the rivers and lakes of Australia are not majestic. And that there are more abundant rivers in the world and deep lakes. But the Australian continent itself is not very large. In addition, some natural phenomena are unique here.

Australian groundwater

The inhabitants of Australia are very sensitive to the water reserves on their continent. For about 150 years they have been advancing different hypotheses and research is underway to find and conserve fresh water. Eleven artesian basins are currently open. Under the ground, they occupy a huge territory. Their total area is one third of the country. And one Great Artesian Basin of Queensland, by area, contains three France.

Underground reserves are replenished by rainwater. It seeps into the ground and spreads in different directions. The speed of this water movement is only a few meters per year. Gradually, it reaches underground reservoirs and fills them. Nature loves balance. Therefore, if one of the pools overflows, the water breaks out in a spring and forms temporary streams until all excess water is forced out. These springs are mostly fresh, but sometimes there are also mineral springs.

In order to preserve underground pools in Australia, a special committee has been created. He carefully monitors existing and used wells. The government also willingly sponsors scientific developments in this area.

One of the recent achievements is a unique software, which made it possible to map how the waters of Australia were distributed since ancient times. Using these developments, perhaps scientists will be able to trace the ancient water reserves.

As always in scientific world, there are scientists geologists who refute these data. Are they still hiding water resources under Australian soil remains a mystery. And who of the scientists is right and who is wrong is unknown. This will become clear with only the passage of time.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that Australia needs additional sources drinking water. Big cities and Agriculture consume hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of water every year. Of course, the seasonal rains on an arid continent cannot replenish these resources. Therefore, the mainland is slowly spending its underground reserves.

In addition, these reserves are also by no means ideal. Since this water cannot be used immediately, due to the fact that it contains large quantities contains sulfur and its compounds.

Water supplies in artesian springs are full. And still not close to exhaustion. But the inhabitants of Australia are already thinking about the comfortable existence of their future generations.

Rivers of Australia

Looking at the map of Australia, we will see that many rivers are shown in dotted lines. This betrays their ephemeral nature. Most of them are fully functional only after heavy rains. But in the northeast there are rivers comparable to the largest in the world. All of them are part unified system Murray-Darling.

Extending along the south east coast The Great Dividing Range forms two types of rivers. Those flowing to the east flow into the sea. Those that gather in the western part form the Murray-Darling system. In the sources of the rivers of the eastern slope there are cold turbulent waters, like those near the mountain streams of the Alps. The river system of the western part is peculiar, typically Australian. The rivers here are wide, slow, silted. Water level fluctuations are exceptionally sharp.

The Murray-Darling river system is extremely large, even by world standards. Its role in the life of the continent is exceptionally significant. Main river Australia - Murray. Together with the Murrumbidgee, Darling and Goulburn tributaries, it drains a fairly large area. The upper reaches of the tributaries are 200 km away from the eastern coast and, merging, form the main rivers, which flow in winding channels to the sea. Murray originates in snowy mountains and flows into the Encounter (a bay in South Australia).

Its length is 2575 km. The lower 970 km are accessible for the passage of small boats. Marine vessels cannot enter due to sandbanks blocking the mouth of the river. The length of Murrumbidgee is 1690 km. The tributary originates in the Kuma region. The flow of Murrumbidgee and Murray is regulated by the Snowy Mountains hydroelectric system. The length of the Darling River is 2740 km. It flows into the Murray. Its tributaries drain the western slopes of the mountains in northern New South Wales and parts of southeast Queensland.

Dams regulate the flow of rivers almost constantly. The exception is particularly dry periods. Slightly more than half of the territory of the mainland belongs to the internal basins of the runoff or has a disconnected runoff. The streams on the Western Plateau function intermittently, for a rather short time. They end either in temporary lakes or in swamps. Much of Queensland belongs to the Lake Eyre basin. This is one of the largest in the globe internal drainage basins. Here the most significant rivers are Cooper Creek, Georgina, Diamantina.

They are characterized by extremely small slopes and represent a kind of labyrinths of intertwining, usually completely dry channels. After heavy rains they spread out for many kilometers. River waters rarely reach Lake Eyre. For the first time since the colonization of Australia, the basin of the lake was filled only in 1950.

The use of rivers is associated with significant difficulties precisely because of the extreme variability of the flow. In the hinterland, sites suitable for the construction of dams are rare. At the same time, large reservoirs are needed for stable water supply. The loss of water by evaporation is very significant. True, in Tasmania, the flow is relatively constant in all seasons.

For an arid continent, the value of a large river system it is difficult to overestimate. A very impressive landmass (7,636,000 sq. km) receives approximately 41 cm of precipitation per year. A significant part of them is lost due to evaporation. All rivers in Australia carry less than 9 cm of precipitation. Half of this amount is accounted for by the Murray-Darling system. It is not surprising that the basins of these huge rivers are rich not only settlements, but also unique forms of aquatic life, formed in the specific conditions of this ancient continent.

List of rivers of Australia In alphabet order.

  • Adelaide
  • Albert
  • Ashburton
  • barku
  • barron
  • Barwon (New South Wales)
  • Barwon (Victoria)
  • Berdekin
  • Burnett
  • Blackwood
  • Brisbane
  • Victoria
  • gascoigne
  • diamantina
  • Denmark
  • Derwent
  • jardine
  • Dawson
  • Catherine
  • Cataract
  • Castlereagh
  • Clyde
  • Clarence
  • Condamine
  • Cooper Creek
  • lane cove
  • Macquarie
  • murrumbidgee
  • Lachlan
  • Murchison
  • Murray
  • darling
  • Murchison
  • Manning
  • South Alligator River
  • severn
  • severn
  • snowy river
  • Thomson (Qld)
  • Thomson (Vic)
  • torrens
  • Wilson
  • Williams
  • Fitzroy (Queensland)
  • Fitzroy (Western Australia)
  • flinders
  • Fortescue
  • Franklin
  • hunter
  • abercrombie
  • Avon (Western Australia)
  • Avon (Western Victoria)
  • Avon (Eastern Victoria)

At 2,995 kilometers (1,861 miles) long, the Murray descends from the Australian Alps.

From the most drained western side of the most high mountains the Australian continent, and for most of its length meanders in the interior plains of Australia, forming the border between the states of New South Wales and Victoria.

It flows northwest, turns south for a final journey of 500 kilometers (310 miles) and, upon reaching the ocean, falls into Lake Alexandrina.

The largest river in Australia - The nature of the river

Most Australian rivers are located close to the coast. The largest and longest of the Australian rivers can be found in the eastern part of the country. They pass various environments on the way to the sea: mountain forests, wetlands, agricultural lands and cities.

Many different animals live in the Australian river area. Fish, frogs, crayfish, mussels, platypuses, swans, ducks, pelicans, kangaroos, lizards, snakes, turtles live in aquatic environment rivers.

Murray water flows through several lakes that fluctuate in salinity (and were fresh until recent decades), including Lakes Alexandrina and Coorong before emptying through the mouth of the Murray River in the southeastern part indian ocean, and if you refer to the Australian maps, the Southern Ocean, not far from Goolwa.

Despite the filling of the river bed with significant volumes of water, before the advent of irrigation systems, the mouth was always relatively small and shallow.

Since 2010, the river system receives 58% of the waters of the natural flow. This is Australia's most important region of irrigated land - the feeding ground of the nation.

Less than one fifth of rainwater goes to Australian rivers. Much of the rainwater evaporates, is used by trees and plants, or ends up in lakes, swamps, or the ocean. Due to this, Australian rivers have a very irregular flow.

This means that sometimes the river becomes wider, deeper and has rapid current, and sometimes shallow, its channels become narrow, and the waters are slow.

river of life

The Murray River, and its associated tributaries, support many of the river's unique life forms, adapted to its whims.

  • This includes various fish species such as the famous Murray cod, trout, golden perch, Macquarie perch, silver perch, eel, tailed catfish, Australian smelt and western minnow carp.
  • Several other aquatic animals can be named, such as short-necked Murray turtles, Murray river crayfish, broad-clawed yabbies and large-clawed Macrobrachium shrimp, water rats, Platypus. The Murray River supports forest corridors with its edging.

The health of the Murray River has declined significantly. Recent extreme droughts (2000-2007) have placed a significant strain on coastal forests, with growing concern for their long-term survival. Murray also floods places in some cases, the most significant was the 1956 flood - it lasted six months and flooded many cities on the lower Murray.

The fish species represented - carp, mosquito fish, char, rudd perch and rainbow trout - have also experienced severe Negative consequences changes. Deteriorated condition environment the Murray River and its tributaries, destroys plants and constantly causes an increase in turbidity.

Slightly more than half of the mainland has a disconnected flow or belongs to the internal drainage basins. On the Western Plateau, the runoff is disjointed, and the streams existing there function rarely and for a short time, and end in temporary lakes or swamps confined to drainless basins. Large territory in Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia with an area of ​​1143.7 thousand square meters. km belongs to the Lake Eyre basin, one of the world's largest inland flow basins.

The large rivers of this basin, Georgina, Diamantina, and Cooper Creek, have very low slopes and are usually dry, intertwining labyrinths of channels, but after rains they can overflow for many kilometers in width. The waters of these rivers very rarely reach Lake Eyre: in 1950 its basin was filled for the first time since the colonization of the mainland by Europeans.

The main river artery of Australia, Murray, together with large tributaries Darling, Murrumbidgee and Goulburn, drains an area of ​​1072.8 thousand square meters. km in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia.

The headwaters of large tributaries are 200 km from the east coast and merge to form the main rivers, which flow in winding, often meandering channels to the sea. The Murray, originating in the Snowy Mountains, flows into Encounter Bay in South Australia.

Its total length is 2575 km, including the lower 970 km accessible to small craft. Sandbanks blocking the mouth of the river serve as an obstacle to the entry of ships. Murrumbidgee (length 1690 km) begins in the Cooma region and flows into the Murray.

The flow of the Murray and Murrumbidgee is regulated by the Snowy Mountains hydroelectric system. The tributaries of the Darling drain all of the western slopes of the mountains of Eastern Australia in northern New South Wales and parts of southeast Queensland.

The main Darling River, 2740 km long, flows into the Murray at Wentworth. Dams built on this river and several of its major tributaries regulate the flow, except during the most severe droughts.

Most of the lakes in Australia are waterless basins covered with saline clays. In those rare cases when they are filled with water, they are silty salty and shallow water bodies. There are many such lakes on the Western Plateau in Western Australia, but the largest of them are in South Australia: Lake Eyre, Torrens, Gairdner and Frome.

Numerous lagoons with brackish or salt water are developed along the southeastern coast of Australia, separated from the sea by sandbars and ridges.

The largest freshwater lakes are in Tasmania, where some of them, including Great Lake, are used for hydroelectric purposes.

Groundwater supply is vital to many rural areas in Australia. The total area of ​​basins with groundwater reserves exceeds 3240 thousand square meters. km. These waters for the most part contain dissolved solids providing harmful effect on plants, but in many cases the water is suitable for watering livestock.

The Great Artesian Basin, the largest in the world, in Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory covers an area of ​​1,751.5 thousand square meters. km. Although often The groundwater very warm and highly mineralized, sheep breeding of the region depends on them. Smaller artesian pools are found in Western Australia and southeast Victoria.

  • Read: Nature of Australia; Freshwater bodies of the Earth

Rivers and lakes of Australia

Rivers of Australia

For the most part Australian mainland there is little rainfall, so most of Australia's rivers dry up. And only those that start in the mountains of Eastern Australia, as well as the rivers of Tasmania, have a constant flow all year round.

The Murray River, along with its large tributaries the Darling, Murrumbidgee and Goulburn, is Australia's main river artery. It covers the territory in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia with a total area of ​​about 1073 thousand square meters. km. The Murray River originates in the Snowy Mountains and flows into South Australia into Encounter Bay. The total length of the Murray River is 2575 km, with the lower 970 km navigable but only for small boats. Sandbanks blocking the mouth of the river serve as an obstacle to the entry of sea vessels. The Murrumbidgee tributary, whose length is 1690 km, begins in the Cooma region and flows into the Murray. The main Darling River, which is 2740 km long, flows into the Murray at Wentworth.

Slightly more than half of the mainland has a disconnected flow or belongs to the internal drainage basins. On the Western Plateau, the runoff is disjointed, and the streams existing there function rarely and for a short time, and end in temporary lakes or swamps confined to drainless basins. The Eyre Lake Basin, one of the world's largest inland flow basins, occupies an area of ​​1,143.7 thousand square meters. km and occupies most of the territory of Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia. Such large rivers of this basin as Georgina, Diamantina and Cooper Creek are also interesting. And since they are characterized by very small runoff slopes, most of the time they are real labyrinths of dry intertwining channels, but after heavy rains they fill up and quickly spill over many kilometers wide. Despite this, the waters of these rivers rarely reach Lake Eyre. It is noted that only in 1950 its basin was filled for the first time since the colonization of the mainland by Europeans.

The use of Australian rivers is extremely difficult, since their flow is extremely variable. In addition, sites suitable for building dams are scarce, especially in inland areas, and large reservoirs are needed to ensure a permanent water supply. In addition, in Australian arid areas the loss of water to evaporation is very significant, and only in Tasmania is the runoff sufficiently constant in all seasons.

Most of the time, the lakes of Australia are anhydrous basins, which are covered with salt-bearing clays. Therefore, in rare times, when they are filled with water, they are silty salty and shallow reservoirs. The largest of them: Lake Eyre, Torrens, Gairdner and Frome are located in South Australia. And there are many such small lakes on the Western Plateau in Western Australia. Numerous lagoons with brackish or salt water are found along the southeastern coast of Australia, and they are separated from the sea by sandbars and ridges.

Tasmania is richer fresh water territory, therefore it is here that the largest freshwater lakes are located, and some of them, in particular Great Lake Lake, are used for hydroelectric purposes.

Groundwater supply is vital to many rural areas of Australia. Experts have calculated that the total area of ​​basins with fresh groundwater reserves exceeds 3240 thousand square meters. km. However, these waters for the most part contain various dissolved solids, which often have a harmful effect on plants when watered, but in many cases this water is suitable for livestock watering.

On the territory of Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory there is the world's largest, the so-called Great Artesian Basin, which covers an area of ​​1751.5 thousand square meters. km. Although the groundwater is often very warm and highly mineralized, sheep breeding in this region depends on it. Also found in Western Australia and southeast Victoria artesian pools but much smaller.

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