Inconsistent application. Russian language: a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application


Grammar syntax errors- These are errors in the construction of phrases and sentences.

In task No. 7, 5 sentences are given, each of which contains grammar mistake. The student needs to find an error and match it with its type, while in the list of errors there are not 5 options, but 7.

Read all the sentences, as the grammatical error is audible while reading. Find the grammatical basis in the sentences (subject and predicate). This action will help you find the following error:

I. Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

1. More often in tests, this error is given in a complex sentence.

We are looking for a complex sentence with words “those who…”, “all who…”, “one who…”, “everyone who…”, “each of those who”, “many of those who…”

Incorrect agreement of the subject "te" and the verb - the predicate, which should be in plural.

Incorrect subject agreement "who" and the verb - the predicate, which must be in the singular.


those (all, many of those)+ verb - predicate in plural

who (that, each of those)+ verb - predicate in the singular

2. A violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate can also be observed in simple sentence:

Incorrect agreement of the subject, expressed by the collective noun, and the predicate, which should be in the singular.

Incorrect agreement of the predicate with the subject, in which there is an application - the name of a newspaper, magazine, work, etc.

Incorrect agreement of the predicate with the subject, which is an indeclinable compound word. The predicate is consistent with the main word included in the name (in this case, with the word " university").

Incorrect agreement of the subject expressed by the pronoun who, nobody, what, nothing, and predicate.

II. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a pretext

1. Looking for derived prepositions that originated from other parts of speech:

thanks to, according to, in spite of, in spite of, in spite of, like.

These prepositions are used with nouns. in the dative case.

Use in similar structures genitive instead of a dative is a common mistake.

2. We are looking for a non-derivative pretext « on" in the value of completed action:

Preposition "by" in meaning "after something" used with a noun only in prepositional form.

III. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

Appendix is a definition expressed by a noun. Most applications agree with the word being defined (that is, it is in the same gender, number, and case as the noun being defined).

For example: river (what?) Volga

rivers (what?) Volga

Proper names enclosed in quotation marks representing the name literary works, newspapers, magazines, movies, etc. , cannot be used in any other case, except for the nominative, if they are preceded by a generic concept - the common noun "novel", "story", "story", "poem", "newspaper", "magazine", etc. These proper names are called inconsistent applications.

For example: newspaper (what?) "Pravda"

newspapers (what?) "Pravda"

newspaper (what?) "Pravda"

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The topic of this lesson is "Applications", during which the essence of the concept, its properties, and use in Russian are revealed. Being special kind definitions, applications can also be consistent or inconsistent. In addition, you will get to know how applications stand out in written speech.

Subject: Minor members suggestions

2. Complete academic reference book edited by Lopatin ().

1. Highlight the defined words and applications, put a hyphen where necessary:

Mount Kazbek, Lake Baikal, Frost voevoda, design engineer, Anika warrior, self-taught artist, old watchman, Ivanushka the Fool, boletus mushroom, portrait painter, rhinoceros beetle, hermit crab, toolmaker, woman doctor, therapist, Moscow River, Mother Russia , poor peasant, poor peasant, floss threads, expert cook, expert cook, hero gunner, little orphan, old father, drunkard watchman, watchman drunkard, civil engineer, Moscow city, city of Moscow, Dumas son, pan officer, bomber plane, bird finch, comrade general, general Ivanov, rooster brawler, newspaper "Teacher", Lake Ritsa, village Krutovka, box houses.

    Aya, oh. 1. Deprived of consistency, unity. Inconsistent work. Inconsistent actions. 2. Uncoordinated with whom l. Inconsistent project. 3. gram. One that is not in agreement with grammatical forms.… … Small Academic Dictionary

    TABLE OF CONTENTS- SPELLING I. Spelling of vowels in the root § 1. Checked unstressed vowels § 2. Unchecked unstressed vowels § 3. Alternating vowels § 4. Vowels after hissing § 5. Vowels after q § 6. Letters e e § 7. Letter y II. Spelling consonants ... ...

    STYLISTICS- @Word selection XXXV. Word choice § 139. Semantic and stylistic selection lexical means§ 140. Elimination of clericalism and clichés § 141. Pleonasms and tautologies § 142. Eloquence of speech § 143 ... A guide to spelling and style

    Populism ideology of the intelligentsia in Russian Empire in the 1860s and 1910s, focused on "rapprochement" with the people in search of their roots, their place in the world. The populist movement was associated with the intelligentsia feeling the loss of their ... Wikipedia

    Check neutrality. The talk page should have details... Wikipedia

The topic of this lesson is "Applications", during which the essence of the concept, its properties, and use in Russian are revealed. As a special kind of definition, applications can also be consistent or inconsistent. In addition, you will get to know how applications stand out in written speech.

Topic: Minor members of a sentence

2. Complete academic reference book edited by Lopatin ().

1. Highlight the defined words and applications, put a hyphen where necessary:

Mount Kazbek, Lake Baikal, Frost voevoda, design engineer, Anika warrior, self-taught artist, old watchman, Ivanushka the Fool, boletus mushroom, portrait painter, rhinoceros beetle, hermit crab, toolmaker, woman doctor, therapist, Moscow River, Mother Russia , poor peasant, poor peasant, floss threads, expert cook, expert cook, hero gunner, little orphan, old father, drunkard watchman, watchman drunkard, civil engineer, Moscow city, city of Moscow, Dumas son, pan officer, bomber plane, bird finch, comrade general, general Ivanov, rooster brawler, newspaper "Teacher", Lake Ritsa, village Krutovka, box houses.

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