Nha Trang South China Sea. The great journey of the Belyaevs. What does Vietnam offer for a seaside holiday?

Vetnam Nha Trang
Nha Trang is the capital of Khanh Hoa province and is rightfully considered one of the best seaside resorts in Vietnam. Seven kilometers of magnificent white sand beaches, deserted bays, many lost islands and coral reefs - this is all Nha Trang. In the north of the city is Mount Chong, and far out to sea is Yen Island.
The coastline of Khanh Hoa Province is 200 km long, and the coastal waters are dotted with hundreds of islands.
Nha Trang's 7 kilometers of sandy beach is often called the “Vietnamese Mediterranean”, and indeed, it is considered the most magnificent pearl in the necklace of beautiful beaches in Vietnam. The sun shines throughout the year in Nha Trang, average temperature air + 26.
There is less precipitation here than in other regions of the country, since Nha Trang is reliably protected by the Truong Son Mountains and the Ca Pass.
Having visited Nha Trang at least once, tourists will no longer be able to forget its perfectly clear sea, clean sandy beaches and romantic landscapes. Since ancient times, Nha Trang has been considered the best tourist center, and its beaches - the best beaches in Vietnam.
The name “Nha Trang” is of Cham origin and means “Mangrove River” (or “Reed River”).
The coastal city of Nha Trang (What Sea Province in Vietnam Nha Trang, Central Vietnam) is located 1300 km from Hanoi and 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). The most convenient way to get there is by plane from Ho Chi Minh City; the travel time is just over an hour.
The sun is shining in Nha Trang all year round, and the average annual temperature equal to 23°C. Rainfall here is less than in other regions of the country, and this region is not threatened by hurricanes or storms, since it is well protected by the Truong Son Mountains and Ca Pass.
The western part of Nha Trang is surrounded by endless mountain ranges, home to a variety of exotic animals and birds.
Well, we can’t help but say that in Nya Trang there is a mud therapy and treatment clinic mineral water diseases of the joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, it won’t hurt anyone to take therapeutic mud baths or lie in a pool with hot mineral waters.
Sights of Nha Trang:
Cham Towers Ponagar - A group of Cham temples are built on a low hill. Construction of the complex began in the 8th century and ended only in the 12th century. Currently, only 4 towers have survived.
The city's sandy beach is approximately 7 kilometers long. The sand is fine-grained, mostly gray in color. Although the color of the sand varies from quite white to yellow-brown. In some places the coastal strip is represented by boulders.
Airport [edit | edit source text]
Cam Ranh International Airport is not located in the provincial capital of Khanh Hoa. and in the city of Cam Ranh. which is 50 kilometers from Nha Trang.
Cam Ranh Airport received international status on December 12, 2009 and is currently the fourth largest airport in the country in terms of passenger turnover after Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi and Da Nang. The first international flight operating from Cam Ranh Airport headed for Moscow. Directly on the opening day of Cam Ranh Airport, the first international flight was seen off - a charter flight Moscow-Cam Ranh
Its history began almost half a century ago during Vietnam War, when Cam Ranh, part of South Vietnam, was home to a major United States naval base. In those years, American engineers built modern port and an airfield where US aviation units were located for several years. In 1972, the Americans handed over all military installations in the city to the South Vietnamese army, and three years later they were taken over by North Vietnamese forces.
In the late 1970s, after the end of the Sino-Vietnamese War, the Cam Ranh military base acquired new owners. In those years, the Soviet Union signed an agreement with Vietnam on its free lease for a period of 25 years. Until 2000, the airfield and port were at the disposal of the Soviet and later Russian armed forces. However, in 2001, the Russian side refused to renew the contract and vacated the territory ahead of schedule.
In 2004, after reconstruction, the Cam Ranh airfield turned into a civil airport, which today receives both domestic and international flights mainly from Far East and Siberia. Direct seasonal flights are operated by charter flights of Nordwind Airlines and Orenair. Get to the shores South China Sea It is also possible with transfers - through Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Da Nang on the wings of Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific or VietJet Air. Not long ago, Vietnam Airlines announced the launch of a new direct flight Moscow-Nha Trang (Cam Ranh), which will undoubtedly simplify and reduce the cost of visiting this popular Vietnamese resort.
Interesting fact about Nha Trang Airport
In the city itself, there is an old airport, but today it is not used for commercial flights. Many tourists are misled when on a city map they see an airport and a hotel that may be located nearby. Today, the city airport is exclusively a training site.
Tourism [edit | edit source text]
Buddha statue at Long Son Pagoda
Nha Trang became a resort back in the days of the emperors and at a time when Vietnam was a French colony. Now the most frequent guests here are both residents of Saigon and tourists from all over the world.
The city beach is municipal, and only small sections of the coast are privately owned. There are also healing springs and mud: there is a mud bath in the city.
A landmark of Nha Trang and a symbol of the city is the Ponagar Cham Towers. built in the late 13th century by a Champa ruler named Jaya Simhavarmana III.
Another attraction of Nha Trang is Long Son Pagoda. Behind the pagoda on the top of the hill is a huge stone statue of Buddha. sitting on a lotus flower.
The city is an hour's flight from Ho Chi Minh City. The city has a lot of entertainment: restaurants, bars, cafes, nightclubs, discos, massage parlors and beauty salons. A very wide range of hotels: from one-star to five-star. There are several PADI dive centers. The most unfavorable season for a holiday in Nha Trang is from mid-October to mid-December (there is a high probability that small waves will interfere with swimming).
The world's longest sea cable car stretches over Nha Trang Bay from the city to Khon Tre Island. Cabins for 8 people move at a height of 50 m above the sea. The island is home to the five-star Vinpearl Resort & Spa hotel and its water park, marine aquarium and amusement park. The island is the largest of all the islands in the Nha Trang area.
Panorama from the roof of the hotel to the south of the city. View from the city center

The richest history of the country, the most valuable architectural monuments, culture, unique, inimitable nature - this is all Vietnam! It increasingly attracts tourists: the blue surface of the sea, warm sand and bright sun– these are the places to relax that fascinate and beckon.

The endless beaches shimmering in the sun and the turquoise surface of the sea remain forever in the hearts of those who have been here at least once. I definitely want to come back here again. And what seas wash Vietnam, you ask.

Vietnam is in South-East Asia, in the east of the Indochina Peninsula. Eastern part The country is washed by the South China Sea (Gulf of Bakbo - Tonkin), which belongs to the Pacific Basin, and the southwest by the Gulf of Thailand, which belongs to Indian Ocean, which here passes into the South China Sea. The area of ​​the Gulf of Thailand is about 320,000 km2.

The South China Sea has an area of ​​3,500,000 km² and a depth of about 5,500 meters. Coastline with her beautiful sandy beaches stretches for more than 3000 km. The water in the South China Sea is quite salty, the percentage of salt is 32 - 34. winter time, in the north of the country the sea water is warm, its temperature ranges from 20 to 22°C, and in summer - from 28 to 30°C.

The sea's large capacity for goods and cargo ships is due, first of all, to its large size. The main route for ships traveling from China, Russia, Japan to the Singapore Strait and back passes through the Main Sea Route. This route is less dangerous and shorter, so it is used by ships.

Along the Main sea ​​route, on its sides, there are islands covered with vegetation, and are composed mainly of coral sand. Between the islands lie coral reefs and underwater atolls. Silt and sand lie at great depths, and coral lies near reefs and islands. The southern part is dominated by sand and shells, silt, coral on the banks, and rocky soil off the coast of rocky islands.


Monsoons are one of the significant factors that affects the operation of the Main Sea Route. Typhoons are the main and greatest danger that awaits you when sailing in the South China Sea.

The signs of approaching typhoons and the paths along which they move should be well studied and known to sailors. Basically, these typhoons often occur in autumn and summer. Drift currents in the South China Sea are also a result of the influence of monsoons.

What seas wash Vietnam? It is one, but it is rich biological resources And commercial fish– tuna, herring, sardines.

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Vietnam is not Indonesia or Miami, where the shores are washed by real ocean waves. But the South China Sea is very different from the familiar Black Sea, since it is not located inside the mainland, but is only partially separated from Pacific Ocean islands, and it lives according to other laws that you need to know before entering the water.

First and foremost important rule: on beautiful and attractively deserted “wild” beaches you can only admire the scenery, listen to the music of the waves and wander along the very edge of the surf. Swimming in an unfamiliar place is like playing Russian roulette. And here it doesn’t matter at all what sports category you were assigned as a student!

Naturally, even in civilized areas of the coast where lifeguards are on duty, no one guarantees you 100% safety. Big water- an element no more predictable than a hurricane. But following the recommendations will definitely not harm vacationers. Believe me, no one wants to ruin your vacation by prohibiting you from entering the sea, which at first glance seems calm and safe. It’s just that the professionals on the tower have considerable experience and know more complete information about weather, currents and underwater fauna. Hence the second rule: never ignore red flags and other warnings from rescuers.

The strength of the tides in the South China Sea is very high; the water here can “go” 10-11 meters, which significantly changes the behavior of the waves. Rolling onto land over and over again, large masses the waters rush back into the depths. The result is one of the most dangerous phenomena for a swimmer, known as “rip current”. A channel is formed perpendicular to the shore, through which water rapidly moves into the open sea. If someone accidentally ends up in such a “rip,” the current will carry him tens of meters away from the beach in just a few seconds.

Paradoxically, the fatal factor is not distance or enormous speed, but attempts to escape. An instinctive impulse in such a situation forces you to swim to the shore at all costs. Unfortunately, the physical capabilities of man and nature are incomparable. The most resilient and trained very quickly become exhausted in a useless struggle with the flow of water and die. Although you only need to know a few things to be saved.

  • Often the rip does not manifest itself in any way, but when entering the sea or ocean you should be alerted by the unusual color of the water compared to the rest of the surface (for example, white against the background of blue or turquoise), a vertical strip of seething water in relation to the horizon, moving along a similar line deep into the seaweed or foam, an unexpected “bald patch” in a continuous ridge of waves (a deceptively calm area several meters wide when there are waves around).
  • If you feel like you are suddenly being carried out to the open sea, the most important thing is not to panic and remember that the rip current is superficial and never drags a victim who is confidently afloat to the bottom.
  • To get out of a water channel, you need to move not TO the shore, but ALONG it, that is, turn right or left and swim parallel to the land. Since the width of the rip usually does not exceed 40-50 meters, you will soon feel that you have left the danger zone and can safely return to solid ground.

Jellyfish are another invisible threat to swimmers. “Unpleasant, but not fatal,” you say? A typical misconception of a person who, on vacation, encountered only relatively harmless aurelia living in the seas of temperate and tropical zones. The fact is that in the salty waters from the northern coast of Australia and New Guinea to the Philippines and Vietnam there is a deadly sea ​​wasp. Due to its transparent body, this box jellyfish is difficult to see in the water, and each of its 60 tentacles, up to 3 meters long, carries a charge of neurotoxin that can kill an adult in a few minutes.

In recent years, other dangerous conditions for vacationers have been recorded in Southeast Asia. Marine life- poisonous physalia or "Portuguese man-of-war". In fact, these organisms are not jellyfish, although they are similar in appearance. Stinging cells on the tentacles cause severe and very painful burns. For children, the elderly, people with allergies and people with heart disease, they can be fatal.

Warning signs in several languages ​​indicate the appearance of jellyfish, stingrays, scorpionfish and other unwanted guests in the coastal waters on landscaped areas of the coast. But sharks, which are often feared by tourists who find themselves on the shore for the first time tropical sea, do not swim to crowded beaches. You can only see them while diving away from land.

And finally, a rule that is relevant for relaxation on every body of water anywhere in the world, be it a quiet Russian river, a lake in the Alps or the ocean: never go into the water in a state of alcohol intoxication, even if it’s just to “refresh yourself.” Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

One of the new tourist destinations recent years in Russia – Vietnam. This country has loved Russians since the days of Soviet Union, who in the 60s of the twentieth century helped the young republic escape from US yoke. Vietnam makes me happy warm sea, low prices and friendly residents.

Geographically, Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia. From the north it neighbors China, the western border is shared with Laos and Cambodia. The east and south of the country are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The seas in Vietnam are different. Most of its shores border the South China Sea, the Gulf of the same name and the Gulf of Tokino. And a very small piece in the south of the country belongs to the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. Phu Quoc Island is also located there.

Conventionally, the coast of Vietnam is divided into 3 parts. Each of them has its own characteristics and even its own climate.

Let's start from the north. Here it is capital of the country - Hanoi. This is the coldest and rainiest part of the country, especially in the outback. The main attraction here is Halong Bay, a bay that is home to thousands of islands. This place is fantastically beautiful, especially when you look at it from high point. Sheer rocky cliffs covered with greenery "stick out" from water and create a feeling of the unreality of the world.

Northern part The Vietnamese coast is not very suitable for a beach holiday. The coastline is too indented and covered with many islands. In the same part of the sea, but a little to the south, is the famous Chinese resort island of Hainan. Northern and Central Vietnam is a treasure trove of discoveries for the traveler-researcher. These places have not yet been touched by mass tourists. There is still an opportunity to see Vietnam in its original form.

The southern part of the country can already boast big amount resort areas. More precisely, all the main resorts in Vietnam are located here. This area is rapidly developing. In the near future it will become no less popular than Thailand. At least, the government of the country has such ambitious plans. Many cities and monuments are included in the UNESCO heritage - this says a lot. The climate here is tropical, warmer and drier than in the northern regions.

If you look from the north, this region begins with resorts:

  • Hue– cultural, historical center, there are a lot of monuments and architectural objects;
  • Hoi An– a Chinese town in the middle of Vietnam;
  • Danang– an ancient resort town with excellent infrastructure.

Much further south is one of the most popular resorts among Russian tour operators - Nha Trang. The weather here is wonderful almost all year round. Here are the most fun activities and the best spas in Vietnam. Here are the most beautiful beaches. An ideal place to relax.

  • Phan Thiet Mui Ne– these two connected towns are a place for carefree relaxation, culinary discoveries and water sports;
  • Dalat- a resort near the coast, in the mountains, at an altitude of almost 1500 meters. Almost alpine landscapes, forests, lakes, waterfalls. It’s definitely worth a visit, especially for those who don’t like heat;
  • Ho Chi MinhSouth Capital Vietnam. It is also called in the American manner - Saigon. A city of restaurants and hangouts. Now there is nothing left of the past "glory", but there are hundreds of recreational opportunities here. This is the business and political center of the country. There is a large airport from where vacationers from all over the world are distributed along the coast;
  • – complete relaxation in the middle national park and fishing villages.

If you decide to visit Vietnam not only for the beaches, then we advise you to start exploring it from the north and move south. And end the trip on the tropical beaches near Ho Chi Minh City, or on Fukuoka, lost in the waters of Siam.

Have a nice holiday!

One of the most popular questions among those who are going on vacation to the country of tricorn hats, seafood and motorbikes: is there an ocean or a sea in Vietnam?

One glance at the map is enough and it becomes clear – the sea. The sea is quite large in area and deep, but still not an ocean. Be that as it may, the seas are also different, so let’s take a closer look at what kind of sea is in Vietnam, what’s special about it and what surprises you can expect.

A minute of geography

Let's start with the fact that Vietnam has a sea and it is excellent. But, in order. So, the sea in Vietnam is called the South China Sea. This is a semi-closed sea, so it still has a certain connection with the ocean. More precisely, even with two: Indian and Quiet. The sea temperature in summer is approximately the same in all its parts - about 28 degrees. In winter, it varies depending on the region: from 20 degrees in the north to 27 in the southern part. Maximum depth– more than 5.5 km, which is quite a lot for the sea. The South China Sea experiences very noticeable tides - about 4-5 meters. By the way, in Nha Trang in the summer this is especially noticeable, especially on the northern beach, where the water recedes, sometimes exposing tens of meters of the bottom. Locals take advantage of the moment and collect numerous mollusks in the corals and between the stones. By the way, quite edible.

As you can see, the waters of the South China Sea wash the shores of several other countries


We don’t want to scare you, but typhoons still happen and they come to Vietnam through the South China Sea. Most of them are formed in the Philippines region. Of course, not all of them are powerful and most either weaken off the coast of Vietnam or are bypassed. But even those that do get there often bypass Nha Trang and cause inconvenience, rather, to the northern regions of the country. In extremely rare cases, our beloved Nha Trang feels the power of the elements. For example, the last powerful typhoon here was on November 4, 2017. They gave him the name “Damri”. So he really made a splash in the city and was truly noticeable. True, such cataclysms happen no more than a couple of times per century, so there is no need to be afraid. In addition, Vietnam has long ceased to be a third world country. Long before any typhoon, everything local residents and tourists know about its approach and strength. New residential buildings and hotels are prepared to withstand the strongest winds, so there is really nothing to be afraid of. The main thing at this time is not to walk the streets (although such extreme people do occur). Strong winds, just like high waves in the South China Sea can be expected in late autumn - winter. In general, Vietnam has prepared a calm and warm sea for you.

One of the streets in the north of Nha Trang after a powerful typhoon in 2017


As you understand, during the season strong winds, the waves are also significant. On the central beach of Nha Trang, for example, on some days of winter they can reach 3-4 meters. Swimming on such days is, of course, prohibited, as it is simply dangerous. And, frankly speaking, you are unlikely to want to go into the water. But it’s worth standing on the beach and admiring the power of the elements. There are, however, a couple of places where you can relax during the high wave season. Firstly, this is Paragon Beach, which is located on the territory cottage village An Vien. This is a beach with an artificial breakwater, so the sea is always calm here.

Paragon - the beach is small, but quiet and cozy. Ideal for family people

Secondly, between Nha Trang and Cam Ranh Airport there is a beautiful semi-wild Bai Zai beach (aka Bai Dai). During the wave season, surfers spend their time here. The fact is that the bottom topography of this beach contributes to the formation of high waves. At the same time, skiing here is quite safe, because the bottom is sandy, without reefs or rocks. By the way, this is why they teach surfing in Bai Zai. The sea in Mui Ne does something similar. During the rainy season, this is a paradise for kite surfing.

Something similar happens in Mui Ne during the windy season

If we talk about the sea in Vietnam in July and others summer months, then it is quiet, clean and very warm. In general, lovers of snorkeling will appreciate it.


To begin with, we note that we will talk about the cleanliness of the South China Sea precisely off the coast of Vietnam. So, the water is different in different seasons. During the wave season mentioned above, of course, the water is cloudy, as the waves lift sand from the bottom. And with rain comes a lot of mud. In summer, the water is as clear as possible. Especially in uncrowded places. For example, remote corners of the same Bai Zai, where tourists can boast of crystal clean water. The same situation applies to the famous Zoklet beach. If we talk about islands, then there are generally places where the color and transparency of the water is amazing. At the same time, there is, so to speak, an intermediate option. For example, the sea in Vietnam in May is already quite warm and clean, but the echoes of the wave season are still felt. So it turns out both fun and beautiful. We are talking about Nha Trang, as you understand.

These are such picturesque places with rocks and clear water in the vicinity of Nha Trang there is a lot

In Phu Quoc, for example, there are still noticeably fewer tourists than in Nha Trang, which is why the water here is cleaner. In fact, the formula for success is very simple - the fewer tourists, rivers, ports and other similar factors nearby, the more transparent and cleaner water. In general, in most places in southern Vietnam the sea is quite clean and quite suitable for comfortable rest. In addition, Vietnam is still full of wild places with stunning nature and crystal clear seas. Still, the country is only gaining momentum as a tourist paradise.


This is where the fun begins. If you listen to most Internet resources, it turns out that the sea of ​​Vietnam is literally teeming with all sorts of poisonous reptiles, killer sharks, dinosaurs and maniacal octopuses. In reality, everything is somewhat different. Yes, the flora and fauna of the South China Sea is truly rich. There are thousands of species of fish alone. Among them, of course, are a dozen or two species of sharks. However, you should not think that they are all asleep and see how to attack a tourist. In addition, “found in the South China Sea” does not mean “off the coast of Vietnam.” If you are talking about Nha Trang, then it is generally difficult to meet dangerous animals here. The last shark seen near the shore was ten years ago, and then in the boat of a local fisherman. And these are big sea ​​predators went to the open sea, as the fish were mercilessly caught. Here, rather, we need to talk about the danger of humans to sharks, rather than vice versa.

These “sharks” are found in great abundance in the waters near Nha Trang

As for the aforementioned poisonous reptiles, only jellyfish can be found in Nha Trang. And only the sea in Vietnam in June can “boast” of this feature. Deadly dangerous species These unusual animals are not observed in Nha Trang and the surrounding area. However, those that exist can be quite unpleasant. A jellyfish burn causes an unpleasant itch, but is generally not dangerous to humans. Just pour lime juice or vinegar over the burn area. And, of course, you can go to the nearest hospital. Although most tourists do not do this, but simply continue to relax. The Vietnamese solve this issue even simpler - they simply swim in shorts and T-shirts. They do this, first of all, so as not to burn in the sun, but this measure also protects against jellyfish.

Sometimes monsters like these swim into the waters of Nha Trang

In general, Vietnam and Nha Trang in particular are completely safe for a beach holiday. The jellyfish season in Vietnam can be roughly extended to summer and spring. And get to know the diversity underwater world you can at any diving center. By the way, there are some very interesting places to dive, but we’ll talk about that in another article.


In fact, the South China Sea is quite dangerous. However, this only applies to sailors. As we have already said, typhoons are common here, which means that for shipping a big problem. If we are talking about a beach holiday in Vietnam, then the situation is the opposite. A real threat Vacationers may experience high waves in winter (swimming is prohibited), as well as rip currents. The latter in the vicinity of Nha Trang is found only on Bai Zai beach, and even then rarely. The essence of this phenomenon is that you begin to be pulled quite strongly into the open sea. It is almost impossible to fight it, but there is a way out. Firstly, such a current exists in a relatively small area of ​​the sea (a couple of hundred meters). Its width is even less. Therefore, it is very simple to avoid danger - swim along the shore. On Bai Zai you will have to swim literally 50 meters. So there is no particular danger here either. Just a small nuisance with a very low probability of occurrence.

To be fair, it is also worth saying that a case of jellyfish burns was recorded in Mui Ne Portuguese man of war. This is a more serious “personality”. Her burns are very painful and in some cases can lead to bad consequences (especially for allergy sufferers). Therefore, if you decide to visit Mui Ne, this issue is worth studying in more detail. At a minimum, find out if you have allergies.

This is what this unusual but dangerous jellyfish looks like

Bottom line

In general, this is all the information a tourist needs about the sea in Vietnam. Let's fix:

  • Is Vietnam ocean or sea? – Sea
  • Clean or dirty? – Clean
  • Dangerous or safe? – Safe
  • To fly or not? — Fly

If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will be happy to answer. Have a nice holiday.

So, have you already settled in Nha Trang using our tips? Then it's time to choose the best beach for your holiday.

The city is located right on the seashore, which makes local beaches almost equally accessible to vacationers with any budget: no matter what star hotel you stay in, the sea will always be nearby - no more than 15 minutes walk. In addition, all beaches are absolutely accessible to visit - choose any one to suit your taste.

Nha Trang - Big city, and its 500,000 people couldn't help but leave their mark on the water quality along the coast. In the morning, as a rule, it is crystal clear, but in the afternoon it can be cloudy and a variety of debris appears from somewhere. In addition, during the rainy season, a large amount of silt flows from the river into the sea, and the water at times turns brown. Even when the beach itself looks fairly clean, encountering trash is possible if you like to swim further away or snorkel.

In addition, we immediately note that surfing enthusiasts have nothing to do here. Even during the rainy season, the water in Nha Trang Bay is blissfully calm. And even unprotected beaches outside the city in the north and south will not please you either. There won't be any decent waves there either.

The main beach, Nha Trang Beach, stretches along the entire city, its length is about 7 kilometers.

It will delight you with clean white sand, blue waters, swaying palm trees and a pleasant promenade. A chic boulevard of coconut palms stretches along its entire length. Under your feet there are tiny fragments of shells, so the water there is clear and clean (most often only in the first half of the day). The entrance to the sea is quite flat, without a strong slope.

Since everything happens virtually within the city, it is very lively here. sellers sell kites, cotton wool, ice cream and coconuts, couples strolling, children rushing by on roller skates, a lot of locals. Public amenities include restrooms and small fountains along the sidewalk for rinsing off.

In the middle of the beach there is such a remarkable tower in the shape of a lotus.

The beach is municipal and therefore entry is free. But you will have to pay a little for sunbeds and umbrellas. There are two options: either you simply occupy one of the sun loungers belonging to the hotel (they will approach you as soon as you start staying there), or you go to Gorky Park. There you pay for a sunbed and can lie by the sea, go for a swim in the pool, or go eat at one of the restaurants at a discount. A regular sun lounger costs about 40-60,000 VND. Seats in the VIP area with soft mattresses and pillows with towels are already more expensive. A life jacket can be rented for 20,000 VND, a mask with snorkel for 30,000.

Where to find the cleanest sea in Nha Trang?

We have already said that the cleanliness of the water off the coast sometimes leaves much to be desired. What to do?

Head to expensive resorts outside the city such as Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, An Lam Ninh Van Bay, Mia Resort or Amiana. They all have clean beaches. But these clean beaches, like these resorts themselves, are not even cheap.

The easiest and most cost-effective way is to take a boat to the nearby islands, where the water is guaranteed to be excellent. Everything will be great, except for the usual risks of sailing on the high seas. Every day, many boats depart from the coast, taking lovers of swimming in exceptionally clear waters.

If this option does not suit you, simply head along the coast to the north or south. North will be preferable.

The best and cleanest beaches in Nha Trang are located outside the city.

If you move from the very center of the city to the north, then there are clearly fewer people on the beach, it is much quieter and calmer here than in the center, free place Finding it is not a problem at all. There is calmness, relaxation and even some kind of drowsiness all around. Like in this photo.

Let's move on. 4 kilometers north of the tourist center of Nha Trang, passing by the Tran Phu bridge and the Hon Chong rock, you find yourself on a completely quiet and almost deserted section of the coast. By the way, from 6 to 19 hours you can get there by white and blue local bus No. 4. The interval between flights is about 20 minutes, the cost of the trip is 7,000 dong.

Since there are few tourists here and the beach is rarely cleaned, unfortunately, you can see some garbage brought by the sea on the shore. But this inconvenience is compensated by peace and loneliness.

There is also an excellent seafood restaurant just south of Hon Chong Rock. And if you climb this rock, you will see an amazingly beautiful view of the coast, the city and the bay.

Of the minuses, we note that the entrance to the sea here is not flat, the depth is large, so this place is recommended only for those who know how to swim well.

And finally, we’ll move even further north, but only by car.

Doc Let Beach is located 50 km north of Nha Trang. It is much calmer, cleaner and more beautiful than the city beach. Right on the shore, local fishermen will prepare seafood dishes for you at a very competitive price.

How to get here? You can take a taxi, or you can use the blue-white-yellow bus No. 3, which departs from the tourist center. It operates from 6:30 to 17:30, the trip takes just over an hour and costs 24,000 dong. You can stay anywhere on this beach or nearby the hotel where you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers.

Now let's explore the southern beaches of Nha Trang.

Bai Dai Beach (or Long Beach). Located approximately 30 km south of the city on the road to the airport. In general, this road itself is very beautiful, the landscapes around are simply magnificent. And the beach is neat, clean and also very beautiful. There are also several small restaurants where you can enjoy tasty and inexpensive local seafood. There are jet ski rentals and you can go water skiing. The beach, as usual, is free, but you will have to pay for parking a motorcycle (if you didn’t come by taxi, then there is no other option).

Bai Duong Beach is located 1.5 km from the city if you follow Tran Phu Street. Soft sand, warmer water, and it’s also much calmer and cleaner here than in the city.

And last but not least, the Vinpearl amusement park also has its own cozy small beach overlooking the city coast.

To visit this beach you need to buy a ticket to the amusement park for 600,000 VND. You get to the island along the longest road in the world cable car or by ferry. This beach is next to the water park. And since most of the island’s visitors came here for entertainment, and not for a beach holiday, it is almost always sparsely crowded. You can rent a catamaran, try parasailing and kayaking.

So, the best and cleanest beaches with amazingly clean and clear water in Nha Trang are located outside the city. You can get there by bicycle, but it is better to take a taxi or a motorcycle, because riding a bicycle in the heat is not the most pleasant experience. Many of these beaches have no security, no showers or changing rooms, and the water is quite deep. So be careful and attentive and ready to fend for yourself on a deserted beach.

Looking for best beach Nha Trang - the choice is up to you.

What is the best beach in Nha Trang?

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