Land designation. Symbol of the earth. Letter and numeric wire markings

Energy matrix of the Earth's body form lines of force that reflect its dynamic and physical principle.
It is very important for a complete understanding to take into account that the Earth is not a completely homogeneous, smooth energy sphere on which all energy zones are distributed evenly over the entire surface. In addition, the Earth with its energy network is not isolated from the vast galactic-cosmic system, which has subtle energy connections that have a strong impact on the life of the Earth and its inhabitants, as well as on its development.
As in all phenomena of the Universe, there is also an analogy with anatomy human body, in which energy supply and its balance, as well as communication with the surrounding space, are carried out through a system of chakras, points and meridians.

The solid body of the Earth has its centers at the intersection of lines of force, which have a certain location. Through these centers there is a relationship with energies coming from outside. They are vortexes that receive energy and radiate it. The force centers of the Earth are analogous to the nerve centers and chakras on our body.

The four kingdoms of nature - minerals, plants, animals and humans - each individually represent an energy center in the body of the Earth.

The Earth's ley lines are basically the etheric body of the Earth's spirit. According to its structure, each line is formed by two vortices, one tends to direct energy inward, and the other emits energy into the atmosphere. The inner vortex is formed from energies human feelings(emotions, thinking, spirit, etc.), the outer personifies will, strength, aspirations.

Here it is necessary to point out that when speaking about the spirit of the Earth, similar to when we talk about the human spirit, we mean the real, but not perceived by our five senses, energy of vibrations or waves, energy high frequency. It is this highest energy that is the basis of life. Spirit is the manifestation of any life through form.

When characterizing the element of Earth, it is necessary to add that the signs of this element carry out practical, material embodiments of ideas and achieve their concrete results.
They have constancy in achieving goals, retain the strength and stability of images in their minds. They are characterized by conservatism, which is similar to a durable and harmoniously frozen crystal, personifying the principle of Saturn.

People of the Earth element characterized by materiality and inertia. They perceive everything new very slowly, but if they have already studied an issue or business and decided for themselves that it should be implemented, they do it with great accuracy, perseverance and rare efficiency.
They are characterized by concreteness of thinking, constancy of character without emotional swings and reliability.
They do not have impulsive impulses towards the new, unknown, like people of Fire, but they have an excellent ability to calmly and painstakingly carry out work with which they are familiar, and they can endlessly perform monotonous, monotonous work and this never tires them or causes stress , for example, working on a stream or conveyor.

They prefer to settle down, they are not excited by foreign countries and travel, even moving from one apartment to another is a problem for them, and moving to another city is regarded as a global catastrophe. Therefore, they categorically reject and resist any decisive actions that could change the rhythmic order of their lives.

It would be a good idea to take this fact into account when applying for jobs that involve business trips, since people of this element are very difficult to climb. They seem to be detached from those around them, they try not to get along with people, because... this subconsciously frightens them with all sorts of changes.

But this is only externally - behind the wall of inaccessibility, coldness and calmness hides an emotional flame, their inner life extremely rich and fruitful. These are deep natures who are capable of great love and all-forgiveness to those whom they love, but they never forgive betrayals and cannot forgive and forget meanness towards themselves.

They are very resilient and patient towards everyone around them, but they never change their attitude towards people who they somehow dislike or dislike, sometimes showing simply open hostility.
As a rule, they do not take any part in disputes, discussions, disputes at work, avoid all meetings, social events, but sometimes, to the great surprise of others, they suddenly offer the most thoughtful and constructive solutions.

Their spiritual qualities: patience, obedience, calmness, endurance in struggle and hardship are symbols of Christianity. By the way, Jesus Christ was a Capricorn.

Taurus- Very bright representative trine of the Earth, followed by his reliable partners - Virgo, Capricorn.
The scope of their activities is very wide - from the extraction of minerals and metals to trade, industry and art.

For people of this element, when treating, diagnosing and medical prognosis, it is necessary to take into account their tendency to diseases of bones and joints, metabolic disorders with the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidney system, salt deposition, and the formation of calluses caused by impaired potassium metabolism.

People of the earth element have a dense, stable constitution, can withstand physical fatigue for a long time, quickly restore strength, but if they already get sick, they get sick for a long time and seriously, and recover slowly. You need to know this and, if possible, adhere to a reasonable rhythm of work and rest.

The element of Earth is yellow in color and has a sweet (sugary, starchy) taste. When meditating on this element, you can imagine yourself immersed in the earth or something solid (mineral, clay).


Signal ground

"Mecca" of grounding

In some cases, even a solid copper conductor does not provide sufficient equipotentiality along its entire length. This situation occurs when a large current flows through a ground conductor of small cross-section. As a result, the potential at different points on the earth can differ by tens of millivolts. In some cases, this may lead to undesirable consequences. For example, if several high-power loads are connected to a voltage source through a common ground bus, then a change in the current consumed by one load will cause a change in the voltage on all other loads. To minimize such mutual influence, the earth conductors going to each load must diverge from one point, which is called the grounding “mecca”.

From the same point we should take the potential for feedback in the stabilizer, which regulates the voltage for loads connected to the ground mecca. In this case, you can be sure that the output voltage of the stabilizer is stabilized relative to the grounding “mecca”, and not to any other point of the grounding buses.

see also


  • Horowitz P., Hill W. The art of circuit design: In 3 volumes: T. 1. Trans. from English - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Mir, 1993.-413 p., ill. ISBN 5-03-002337-2.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Earth is the third planet in the solar system farthest from the sun.

The Earth drawing is carried out on the basis of GOST 2.109-73 - one system design documentation (ESKD).

You can download this simple drawing for free to use for any purpose. For example, for placement on a nameplate or sticker.

How to draw a drawing:

You can draw a drawing either on a sheet of paper or using specialized programs. No special engineering knowledge is required to complete simple sketch drawings.

A sketch drawing is a drawing made “by hand”, observing the approximate proportions of the depicted object and containing sufficient data for the manufacture of the product.

The design drawing with all the technological data for manufacturing can only be completed by a qualified engineer.

To designate in the drawing, you must perform the following operations:

1. Draw an image;
2. Add dimensions (see example);
3. Specify for production (read more about technical requirements below in the article).

It is most convenient to draw on a computer. Subsequently, the drawing can be printed on paper using a printer or plotter. There are many specialized programs for drawing on a computer. Both paid and free.

Drawing example:

This image shows how simple and quickly drawing can be done using computer programs.

List of programs for drawing on a computer:

2. AutoCAD;
3. NanoCAD;
4. FreeCAD;
5. QCAD.

Having studied the principles of drawing in one of the programs, it is not difficult to switch to working in another program. Drawing methods in any program are not fundamentally different from each other. We can say that they are identical and differ from each other only in convenience and the presence of additional functions.

Technical requirements:

For the drawing, it is necessary to indicate dimensions sufficient for manufacturing, maximum deviations and roughness.

The technical requirements for the drawing should indicate:

1) Manufacturing and control method, if they are the only ones that guarantee the required quality of the product;
2) Indicate a specific technological method that guarantees that certain technical requirements for the product are met.

A little theory:

A drawing is a projection image of a product or its element, one of the types of design documents containing data for the production and operation of the product.

A drawing is not a drawing. The drawing is made according to the dimensions and scale of the real product (structure) or part of the product. Therefore, to carry out drawing work, the work of an engineer with sufficient experience in producing drawing work is necessary (however, to beautifully display a product for booklets, it is quite possible that you will need the services of an artist who has an artistic view of the product or part of it).

A drawing is a constructive image with necessary and sufficient information about dimensions, manufacturing method and operation. You can download the drawing presented on this page for free.

A drawing is an artistic image on a plane created by means of graphics (brush, pencil or specialized program).

The drawing could be like an independent document, and part of the product (structure) and technical requirements related to surfaces processed together. Instructions for joint processing are placed on all drawings involved in the joint processing of products.

For more information on drawings, technical requirements for design and indication of manufacturing methods, see GOST 2.109-73. See the list of standards for the development of design documentation.

Information for ordering drawings:

In our design organization You can create any product (both parts and assemblies), which will include a drawing of the Earth as an element of the design documentation of the product as a whole. Our design engineers will develop documentation in the shortest possible time in strict accordance with your technical specifications.

For ease of installation, any electrical cable is made with multi-colored insulation on the cores. When installing standard electrical wiring, three-core cables are usually used (phase, neutral, ground).

Phase ("L", "Line")

The main wire in the cable is always the phase. The word "phase" itself means "live wire", "active wire" and "line". Most often he is strictly certain colors. In the distribution panel, the phase wire, before going to the consumer, is connected through a residual current device (RCD, fuse), and phase switching occurs in it. Attention! The bare phase is no joke, so in order not to confuse the phase with anything else, remember: the phase contacts are always marked with the Latin symbol “L”, and the phase wire can be red, brown, white or black! If you are not sure about this or the wiring is arranged differently, then purchase a screwdriver with a simple phase indicator. By touching the bare conductor with its tip, you can always find out whether it is a phase or not by the characteristic glow of the indicator. It’s better to immediately contact a qualified specialist.

Zero ("N", "Neutre", "Neutral", "Neutral" "Zero")

The second important wire is the neutral, popularly known as the “wire without current”, “passive wire” and “neutral”. It only happens blue. In apartment distribution panels it must be connected to the zero bus, it is marked with the symbol “N”. At the socket, the neutral wire is connected to the contacts, also marked with the sign “N”.

Ground ("G", "T", "Terre" "Ground", "gnd" and "Earth")

Ground wire insulation can only be yellow color with a green stripe. In the distribution panel it is connected to the grounding bus, to the door and body of the panel. In sockets, grounding is connected to contacts marked with the Latin symbol “G” or with a sign in the form of an inverted and briefly underlined letter “T”. Typically, grounding contacts are visible and can protrude from sockets, becoming accessible to children, which sometimes causes shock to many parents; however, these contacts are not dangerous, although sticking your fingers there is still not recommended.

Attention! When working with live electrical networks, there is always a high probability of injury to a person. electric shock or fire. Even if an RCD is installed, it is strongly recommended to follow all safety precautions! It is known that the special design of such a switch checks the synchronism of the phase and zero operation, and if the RCD detects a phase current leak without returning some of its percent to zero, it will immediately break the contact, which will save a person’s life; however, if you touch not only the phase, but also zero, then the RCD will not save you. Touching both wires is deadly!!!

Before you understand where and how grounding points and the common wire are depicted, you need to understand what they are.
According to the definition, the common wire (ground, body) denotes the point at which the electric potential is taken to be zero. According to this, all other values ​​in the circuit are measured relative to this point, called the common wire.

As a rule, the common wire in circuits is the one against which all circuit voltages are measured. In electronic circuits, this function is not always carried by the negative pole. There are many circuits in which this function is assigned to the positive wire, while for circuits that have bipolar power supply (that is, power supply via the +-Upit system), the common wire is the common point of the power sources.

In other words, the common wire of the circuit can be called the conductor on which the most big number pins of the entire circuit. This concept was precisely introduced in order to simplify the process of drawing and reading circuits (after all, instead of laying conductors to it, a sign consisting of a vertical line going into the middle of a horizontal line is often simply drawn), at the same time this allows you to save space on the circuit drawing.

In relation to small-sized electronic circuits, which are made on boards using printed wiring, the common wire (also known as grounding) is made in the form of a copper substrate. In addition, conductors for this purpose are on printed circuit boards, as a rule, have a fairly large area (much larger than that of other conductors). In relation to any electrical (or electronic) circuit, the common wire (aka ground) is such a convenient thing that reading any circuits if they do not have this element is significantly difficult and inconvenient.

For circuits designed to operate on high speeds, it has long been an axiom that every square millimeter of a board that does not have radio-electronic components or conductors should be filled with a polygon intended for a ground wire. If this is not done, the result can be very disastrous. However, there are cases in which it is quite difficult (and sometimes impossible) to follow these rules (for example, when the installation is quite dense). To overcome this complexity, it is necessary to reduce the installation density, thereby allocating more space for the “common wire”. An example of maximum filling of a grounding (ground) polygon can easily be any printed circuit board industrial type(for example, the “signet” of any tape recorder or TV). If you need to find the common wire on such boards, then by poking at the conductor with the largest area, we will get to the common wire.

With numbers it’s a little different, although it’s also not complicated: here it’s enough to calculate the point at which those necessarily present in almost every digital circuit capacitors (non-polarized) installed in parallel with the power supply of each digital chip.

Typically, in industrial automation, all systems have both an analog and a digital part. For this reason, interference induced by the digital part of the circuit may occur. In order to get rid of the interference induced by the digital part of the equipment on the rest of the circuit as much as possible, the common wire of the analog part is disconnected from the digital part as much as possible, making sure that the “ground” from the “digital” is connected to the “ground” from the “analog” only at one single point, located as close as possible to the common wire of the power source. And they are designated differently: AGND– common wire of analogue type, then, as, DGND– respectively digital.

Now let's figure out how it is customary to designate on diagrams different kinds common wire and grounding points.
According to the ESKD, the point relative to which all voltages and currents of the circuit are measured is considered common and is indicated by a vertical line touching a short horizontal line (sometimes they extend from this line short lines, tilted to the right). The point to be connected to the ground electrode is designated in the same way, with the difference that two more are located under the horizontal line, forming a triangle in total with the first (the second is shorter than the first, and the third is shorter than the second).

In foreign circuits, in addition, there is also a distinction between the common wire of analog and digital types: the analog common wire is indicated in the form of a vertical dash ending with a filled equilateral triangle, the apex of which is directed downward, whereas in digital form this dash ends only with the outline of such triangle. In any case, if a separate common wire is used for digital and analog, then on the diagrams the developers try to indicate what type of common wire is used: AGND or DGND.

P.S. If you have anything to add to the article, write in the comments.

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