Description of birthday according to the lunar calendar. Lunar birth horoscope

The influence of the Moon, located in the sign of Scorpio, is quite contradictory: on the one hand, lunar Scorpios are spiritual personalities, on the other, they can be frantic in the feelings that motivate their actions. These people are able to demonstrate great self-control, skillfully hiding their true feelings However, most of them are driven by strong emotions, but they deny their motivating role.
If something causes discomfort to lunar Scorpios, they do not “lose themselves,” but steadfastly cope with their feelings. They can demonstrate their restraint, politeness, restraint and even caring, as long as some important strings of their soul are not touched. Until a certain time, they hide their dissatisfaction under the mask of external calm and friendliness. But when the cup of patience Lunar Scorpios dries up, they are capable of exploding even because of a trifle. At such a moment, those around them are faced with a completely different side of their personality - open aggression, evil sarcasm and ruthlessness. Most often this happens when these people are faced with unjustified refusals or insults that hurt their pride.

Lunar Scorpios are endowed with enormous willpower, observation and developed intuition, their judgments are deep and accurate, and phenomenal memory is their gift and curse. Usually it helps them in the professional sphere, but also does not allow them to forget emotional traumas. Sometimes these people do not forget the insult at all and wait for years for the right moment to take revenge on the offender. However, this does not mean that lunar Scorpios are cruel and vindictive people - they are simply able to remember at any moment how to feel the pain that was once inflicted on them for the first time.
Moon Scorpios have to face obstacles and difficulties more often than other signs. In their lives there is often some kind of secret problem related to health or family.
Possessing natural magnetism, lunar Scorpios without any effort on their part attract the opposite sex. However, this ability can sometimes lead to complications in their personal lives, as a result of which some Scorpio moons marry more than once. On love relationship These people can also be influenced by their closeness - it can be difficult for them to trust someone, it is unusual for them to open their soul to another person.
Professional pride is noticeable in all endeavors of lunar Scorpios. They are assertive, ambitious and capable of being good leaders and administrators.

Lunar angels. Calculate your lunar birthday - find out your patron

Every woman is a bit of a witch by nature, say magicians, and therefore, with a minimum of effort, she can make any of her wishes come true. I wanted to get Good work- Please. I wished to have a smart, kind, caring man nearby - no problem... But what needs to be done for this? - you ask. Try calling on your lunar guardian angel for help.

Your lunar day

29 guards (based on average number of days lunar month), exhibited by the night luminary, each with his own gift, each with his own character, stand in defense of all representatives of the fair sex. To find out the name of your personal patron, you need to find out what day of the lunar calendar you were born on. To do this you need to use the table.



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Let's say you were born on April 2, 1963. The new moon in April 1963 (29th lunar day) fell on the 23rd. Subtract your date of birth from it:

Now from 29 (the number of days of the lunar month) we subtract the resulting number (21):

This means that your birth occurred on the 8th lunar day.

If you were born, for example, on April 27, 1963, it will be enough to subtract the date of the new moon from this date:

Amulet of happiness

Each guardian angel has its own sign that can be used as a talisman. Let's call it a talisman of happiness, because it really protects the fair sex from troubles and disappointments, being the guardian of their well-being and an assistant in all matters.

The best way to restore or maintain a connection with your angel is to carry with you a lucky charm cast in silver or, in extreme cases, cut out of paper.

But in order for the talisman to actively influence your destiny, you need to perform a special ritual. On the night of the full moon, go outside or onto the balcony (at worst, go to an open window). Holding the sign you made in your hand and looking at the night star, say these words: “The moon above the dark earth, millions of stars in the emptiness of the Universe, through this symbol of light and darkness give me hearing to hear the truth, sight to see through illusion, voice to determine the mystery. Give me the key to unlock the gates of eternity and enter the temple of fate. What has been started, let it be completed, what has been said, let it be accomplished.”

After this, holding the sign to your chest, say with inspiration: “In sorrow and in joy, night and day, be with me, angel of the sky and the moon, angel of the stars and beauty, angel of happiness and love.”

It is done! Now the amulet of happiness has completely found its earthly incarnation. Carry this magical sign with you constantly, and the forces inherent in you by nature will awaken and work with full efficiency.

It remains to find out which guardian owns which lunar day, what he gives to his wards, and what a woman can receive from this or that guardian angel.

29 brothers

1st day the moon is under the protection of HAVDALA. He brings good luck in all matters and resists any evil. To women under his protection, he gives agility, dynamism and quick thinking. If you have not noticed these qualities in yourself before, carry the AVDALA talisman with you - and then you will definitely become swift, tenacious and perspicacious.

2nd day is in charge of VALSAR - the wisest angel of the lunar sky. He endows his students with not only a flexible mind, but also the ability to use it correctly.

CARDO owns 3rd day of the moon, and at the same time public opinion. His wards can count on the best place in earthly life. In addition, this angel is responsible for women's health.

4th day owns FUPRES - savior of desperate souls. He knows many ways to find and keep love and will willingly reveal them to you. Women born on the 4th lunar day will never be lonely.

Patron 5th day— RAPEL. It gives prosperity, ensures and foretells good luck. If your affairs are in disarray or need more attention, this lunar guardian will help you get all the grunt work done and/or find something without which your success would be incomplete.

Guardian 6th day— LOVEKOR. For those born on the 6th lunar day, it is enough to carry its sign with them in order to emerge victorious from everywhere. In addition, these ladies are capable of great deeds.

With the arrival of Fezhal on 7th day The best and brightest time is coming. A woman who enjoys the patronage of this angel of conscience is able to obtain all earthly goods and wealth, and exclusively through honest means.

Day 8 is under the authority of DYTOLA, the patron saint of lawyers. The sign of this guardian gives protection to his wards and ensures their integrity.

9th day ruled by YUMAS - the genius of children's dreams and the angel of pure souls. The guardian of all little girls in the world, he ensures that their desires are fulfilled, and also helps to cleanse the souls of adults.

On the 10th day moon YANAS, the genius of the labyrinth, turns his gaze to the ground. By asking him for help, you will be able to find a way out of any confusing situation.

On the 11th day NOROT, the angel of love and marriage, descends to earth. He patronizes legal spouses and mothers.

DOROL - hero 12th day. If you decide to open your own business or change your occupation, then you cannot find a better ally: turn to him for help, and he will open up new spaces and associated opportunities for you.

On the 13th day the ball is ruled by PAGRUS, in charge of all earthly unions and associations. The angel generously rewards his charges with sociability and cheerfulness, which makes them the soul of any company.

14th day took MUSAF under his wing, responsible for the fulfillment of pure and innocent desires.

KOVAS - angel 15th day, promotes implementation in real life chaste thoughts.

ZENOR - lord 16th lunar day and the animal kingdom. He protects his charges from the dangers associated with wildlife. Women born on this day do not have to worry about traveling through the wild savannah, snake bites, or attacks from predators.

NEDO - guardian 17th day, genius of hope and expectation. He is the patron of all expectant mothers.

On the 18th day of the moon FEL comes. He gives his goddaughters power over the people around them.

Day 19 protects SOMEN. Being the spirit of compromise, he reconciles enemies and protects his lovely charges from conflicts.

With the coming 20th day of the moon power passes into the hands of MALARA, the most independent spirit of the lunar legion. This quality is also passed on to those ladies who are lucky enough to be born on this day.

When it's your turn 21st day of the moon, FERSAS, a warlike and ferocious destroyer and conqueror of hearts, becomes its guardian. He helps to defeat enemies and restore justice.

Two twos in the personal calendar of the Moon are the sign of GIBERA. The one who was born on the 22nd lunar day, will never need anything. However, that representative of the fair sex who will carry his talisman with her also has every chance of strengthening her financial position.

Day 23 is in the power of TIBA - the protector of women's whims and changeable moods. Do you want your whims to be fulfilled? Keep his sign with you.

Day 24 passes under the sign of ROSAL. This angel gives his charges all earthly blessings and advantages. Its main task is to excite love, bring success and happiness.

On the 25th day ANVAR, responsible for women's intuition, appears on the stage. It gives ladies flexibility of mind and quick thinking. It also makes sense to turn to him when you need to make a profitable deal or get a certain amount of money.

26th The guardian angel is called upon to heal all women's diseases. At the same time, SADEN relieves you of unnecessary worries and troubles, protects you from enemies and frees you from captivity and imprisonment.

On the 27th day The triumphant MATER comes to the moon. Honor him, do not forget to keep his sign with you, and you will emerge victorious from the most difficult and confusing situation.

On the 28th day the angel of peace VASHET appears in heaven, who is responsible for restoring order and tranquility. He has the power to reunite families and strengthen alliances. Remember this when, God forbid, you quarrel with your family to smithereens.

And finally, 29th Last but not least, VYDASH is the angel of rebirth, the most peace-loving and friendly lunar spirit. This good man will save you from many troubles and troubles; if you happen to ask him about it, he will be the one who will protect you from any dark forces.

Ruling planets WITH scorpion: Mars and Pluto.

Talismans WITH scorpion: beetle, scorpion.

Scorpio Personality: Introverted, observant, passionate, sexual, emotional, strong-willed, persistent, tenacious.

There are two types of representatives of this zodiac sign: the low, underdeveloped type, symbolized by Scorpio, and the developed, spiritually completed type, symbolized by the soaring eagle. It is rare to find a middle ground between these two extremes.

People born under the sign of Scorpio have an uncanny ability to analyze almost everything in the world, to get to the essence of every matter. There is a certain paradox: those around them perfectly see the results of their work, but for some reason they do not pay attention to them. Not all employees can understand what exactly Scorpio does at work.

You can call them fighters on the invisible front. Since these are secretive individuals, they do not always like to tell others about their true profession. Scorpios can be safely classified as manipulators, as they quickly recognize everything dark sides a person and are able to achieve complete and unquestioning submission on the part of the desired object. Scorpio's income is changeable.

He reaches greatest success in managing other people's or partner's finances and resources. He never takes life lightly; everything he does, he does seriously. Scorpio can be a bioenergeticist, a magician, a healer. Scorpio from birth gets a strong body, full vitality and energy, but this may be wasted over time and they may become overweight.

Scorpio cannot always understand what exactly is required for his body. Also, representatives of this sign are very sexual, and therefore, when they are still small, it is worth considering that puberty occurs very early and the child should be explained from childhood about correct sexual relations in a simple form. Family Scorpio immediately strives to take a leading position.

They suppress any points of view and related initiatives, and if a person is too intrusive, then a long and persistent process of suppression begins until full condition when a person cannot do anything else. They are thrifty and economical and always strive to create a strong and stable material base.

Also involved in planning issues family budget and how much can be put into the bank for safekeeping. With children, Scorpios are domineering and strict parents, however, they are always ready to help in difficult times and will never offend anyone.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, March 19, 2019

On the date 19.03.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 13th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Virgo ♍. Illumination percentage Moon is 96%. Sunrise Moon at 16:10, and sunset at 06:26.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 13th lunar day from 14:40 03/18/2019 to 16:10 03/19/2019
  • 14th lunar day from 16:10 03/19/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 19, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)

Moon in a sign Virgo. The time is favorable for any painstaking work that requires a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all directions financial activities, with a serious approach, will bring corresponding material rewards like never before.

Any banking and real estate transactions are successful. Trade, purchasing and intermediary activities are going well. Studying, advanced training and any self-improvement are also fruitfully promoted.

13th lunar day (+)

March 19, 2019 at 12:00 - 13th lunar day. A day of self-analysis. If you manage to sort out your mistakes and learn a lesson from them, then you will have a real opportunity to raise your authority and strengthen your position in the eyes of the people around you. A surge of creative energy and activity is very likely.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere it begins favorable time to carry out planned activities, solve difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

In the second lunar phase may be useful physical exercise, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is a suitable day for physical activity (athletes and summer residents should take note of this). The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with charging.


To find out the lunar day, you will need to calculate the so-called lunar number of the year. Each year has its own lunar number, for example, 2001 corresponds to the number 7, 2002 - 8, 2003 - 9, and so on. The lunar number of the year increases in order and can be from 1 to 19. If the number of the year is 19, as for example in 2013, then the number of the next year is again 1, etc. So, the number of 2014 is equal to 1. That is, if you count, the lunar number of 2020 will be equal to 7. Let’s denote it as L.

Now to the lunar day, all that remains is to substitute all the numbers into:
For the date March 2, 2020, the preliminary calculation result will be: N=(7*11)-14+2+3=68.
Why preliminary? Because there are 29.5 days in the moon. Therefore, you need to subtract 30 from the resulting number several times until the result is less than 30. 68-30 = 38, subtract 30 again, you get 8. This means that March 2, 2020 will be the eighth lunar day.

Video on the topic


The lunar calendar does not coincide hourly with the solar calendar. The new lunar day does not begin at 24:00, but at some time sunny day. Therefore, on March 2, 2020, at some time of the day, the eighth lunar day will be replaced by the ninth.


  • how to calculate lunar day
  • how to correctly calculate the monthly calendar
  • Lunar birthday

Every day lunar cycle It has a certain energy and carries its own information. How to use this information depends only on the person himself. Lunar rhythms can be used for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones, increasing or restraining activity depending on the phase of the cycle, directing your energy in the most appropriate direction.

20th lunar day: what is it like?

This day is associated with internal transformation, discoveries and insights; it is not without reason that its symbol is considered to be an eagle, looking at the world from an unattainable height and seeing what is hidden or indistinguishable to others.

On the twentieth lunar day it is good to take especially important decisions, requiring overcoming internal barriers, moving to a new stage in development, be it the beginning of education, entry into new position, change of field of activity. This is also the day of results - all efforts and measures taken earlier lead to natural results. Perseverance and perseverance will bring good results, but you should not put undue pressure on other people, so as not to make envious people and ill-wishers.

The 20th lunar day is suitable for concluding any kind of contracts and for public speaking.

20th lunar day good for both privacy and collaboration- find mutual language it will be easier with the environment. It is better to avoid conflicts - a quarrel started today risks dragging on and bringing a lot of trouble to both opposing sides. Avoid pride and arrogance, accept the recognition of others with a certain amount of humility.

A variety of spiritual practices are recommended - for example, meditation on this day will help you see an unexpected solution and find a way out of a difficult situation. Contacts with teachers and mentors will be successful - on this day you can receive unexpected but useful tips and recommendations, important information.

Moderate physical activity, staying on fresh air on the twentieth lunar day are especially useful. You should avoid any abuse and extremes - it is better not to eat heavy food, especially of animal origin. Alcohol and smoking on this day are especially harmful, but if you decide to give up alcohol or tobacco, part with bad habit the best day is today.

It is believed that on the twentieth lunar day the organs of vision and back are vulnerable - do not make significant physical efforts, do not overstrain your eyes.

Give preference to fresh food, products that do not require heat treatment. The day is favorable for fasting, therapeutic fasting, starting a diet. Any cleansing procedure will be beneficial; you can visit a bathhouse or sauna. A haircut done on this day will lead to a long period of decreased interest in life and worsening mood. But you can plan operations and medical procedures associated with violation of the integrity of the skin - wounds inflicted with a scalpel during this period heal faster.

The twentieth lunar day is the time of the waning of the moon. At this time you should

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