A mouth full of trance. Transvestites in Thailand. Why is it not easy for such people in Thailand?

Scrolling through the pages of fashion magazines, from where stunning beauties gaze languidly at us, few would think that some of them were quite recently... men. Hard to believe? The most beautiful transvestites in the world they surpassed many women in attractiveness and charm, and some of them also became quite famous personalities.

Jenna Talakova

In October 1988 in Canada there was a boy is born named Walter Talakov. No one could even imagine that one fine day teenager Walter would start taking hormones, and at the age of 19 he would finally turn from a handsome young man into beautiful girl. Subsequently, Jenna said that already at the age of 4 she felt like only a girl and looked at boys with primary classes schools.

Jenna Talakova gained fame thanks to the scandal surrounding her person at the Miss Universe Canada competition. The girl became a finalist of the competition, one of 65 lucky participants, when the news about her “male” past had the effect of an exploding bomb. Jenna was disqualified, citing the fact that only those who are born female can participate in the competition. It was thanks to the resonance caused by this incident that Donald Trump subsequently allowed drag queens to participate in the Miss Universe pageant.

Jenna believes that the disqualification taught her to be strong and not give up and go towards her goal. On this moment the recognized beauty is preparing to release her own reality show and is actively fighting for transgender rights.

Carmen Carrera

The rating of “the most beautiful transvestites in the world” is continued by a sultry Latina. Carmen was born in 1985 in Puerto Rico as Christopher Roman. The now famous model achieved her first fame by taking part in the popular trans reality show “RuPaul's Drag Race”, despite the fact that at that time she was still a man. Thanks to her charm, Carmen Carrera quickly attracted everyone's attention and became a style icon.

Subsequently, Carmen starred for numerous fashion magazines, including the popular W magazine. Nowadays, the transvestite model takes part in fashion shows a lot, acts in commercials and solos as a burlesque performer. In June 2015, Carmen Carrera became the happy wife of Richard Torres, whom they had known for more than 6 years.

Candy Darling

Candy Darling was born back in 1944 in New York, USA in the family of an alcoholic father. Before her gender change, she went by the name James Lawrence Slattery and spent hours in fascination sitting in front of the TV, watching old hollywood movies and copying the style of their favorite film actresses of that time.

At the age of 16, she took cosmetology courses, and her first same-sex relationship happened around the same time. sexual experience"with the seller of children's shoes in his store." She dressed in women's clothes, took the train to Manhattan, where she spent all nights having fun with the local bohemia.

It was there that her fateful acquaintance with Andy Warhol took place, who later cast her in his film “Flesh” and gave her main role in the film "Baby Riot". She was noticed, and from that moment her dizzying journey began actor career– she starred in many films, including with such world-famous stars as Sophia Loren and Jane Fonda. Candy died of leukemia at the age of 29, a huge crowd saw her off last way. In 2010, James Raisin made a documentary about this wonderful actress.

Janet Mock

Janet was born in 1983 in a male body and lived until she was 18 under the name Charles. They lived in Hawaiian Honolulu, her family was very poor - already as a teenager, Janet had to earn a living by prostitution. She was the only one in her entire family to attend and graduate from college.

Janet Mock started as editor of People magazine, but her career grew brightly and rapidly. Currently, Janet Mock is a popular American writer, television presenter, activist and journalist. She has her own television show and autobiographical book, and is the editor of the popular magazine Marie Claire. Janet happily realized herself as a woman - in 2014, her beloved Aaron Treadwell proposed to her.

America's Most Beautiful Drag Queens - Laverne Cox

This sultry brunette's birth name was Roderick Laverne Cox, who, by his own admission, never felt happy in a man's body. Laverne's childhood and youth were difficult, full of bullying and ridicule from classmates. This depressed the boy so much that at the age of 11 he attempted suicide.

But all's well that ends well, and now Laverne Cox is a recognized beauty, producer and actress, who received an Emmy Award in 2014 for one of her roles, and in 2015, Time included her in the list of the most influential people planets. Laverna also became the first transsexual woman to become a producer and host of her own show.

Laverne Cox's dream and main goal is to make a movie about transvestites so that the world can see them as they are: in need of understanding, protection and love - like all ordinary women.

Claudia Charriez

The most beautiful transvestites periodically end up in scandalous stories. Model Claudia Charries was a participant in “America’s Next Top Model”, but did not make it to the end of the show. After it turned out that Claudia was actually a man, she was miserably kicked out of the project.

Charries became a member trial– she accused her friend of beating her. But as it turned out during the hearings, Claudia previously provided certain “services” and does not have an impeccable reputation.


The most beautiful transvestites are also in South Korea. Singer Lee Kyung-Ip was a fairly popular artist, but he always dreamed of changing his gender. After medical examinations, he was allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

Now this is the spectacular model Harisu, who has achieved extraordinary success on world catwalks and has finally fulfilled her cherished dream.

We can talk at length about intolerance towards various minorities in Russian society, but the situation of people who feel that they were born in someone else's body is often especially intolerable. Alena Soiko asked four people who have either already changed their sex or are just preparing to do so. All of them are at different stages of this difficult and painful process for themselves and for those around them.

Gender correction is a multi-stage procedure, which is built according to the following scheme: hormonal therapy - surgical correction of the genital organs - change of documents. For a year or longer, the transsexual is observed by a psychiatrist, who must confirm the diagnosis of transsexualism. At this stage, the doctor excludes schizophrenia and other diseases of a psychopathic nature. After this, a special commission of doctors issues a referral for gender correction and change of documents. Before surgery, transsexuals take hormones for a long time. And after it they receive documents that confirm that the person now has a new name and a different gender.

Natalya, 39 years old

Permission from the commission was received for gender correction and change of documents. A course of hormone therapy was administered, but no operations were performed.

I've been since early childhood I realized that I was a girl, but I was born a boy. To meet my parents' expectations, I began to play as a boy. That is, I just learned to be one. For example, I remember how in the sixth grade we ran a hundred meters, and the boys said to me: “Why are you running like girls?” And I watched them run and tried to copy their movements.

For a very long time I tried to meet society's expectations. First she played a boy, then she portrayed a man.
So I wanted to start a family. But I was able to do this only as a man, I have two children. And it’s very difficult to go for gender reassignment with your family. For many years, I gritted my teeth and continued to play at being a man just for the sake of my family.

I came out to my wife 10 years ago... Around that moment I made my first attempt at gender adjustment. And when the first changes began to appear due to hormones, my wife told me: “You know, choose, either we will be together and you stop this, or, please, change, but let’s break up.” And as a woman, I naturally chose family. I went into depression for many years, somehow coping with it with varying success. But a year ago I came to a situation where own life stopped meaning anything to me. I realized that this couldn’t go on any longer. I told my wife about this. She reacted like this: let me endure all this as long as I can. For now he endures. I don’t know whether we will be together or separate, time will tell. This is how we live as a family.

My wife and I live like friends. I still play dad in front of the children, to the best of my ability. Although they feel everything. The eldest periodically calls me “my dad,” and the youngest, when my grandmother comes to visit, tells her: “Grandma, look, our dad is a girl, he has a pigtail.” In kindergarten, when I come to the men’s, the children constantly ask: am I a mom or a dad? Recently, one boy said to the others, looking at me: “No, my mother didn’t come for me.”

A year ago I went on hormones again. Since winter I have been me. And at work since spring, I am me. I told my colleagues, I opened up to my friends, in general, I was lucky here. Often people, when they change gender, quit their jobs and move to another city. Nothing has changed for me. At work, I’m a director, I said very simply: “If you don’t like it, you can quit.” Nobody quit. I no longer have a dad, and I don’t want to tell my mom because of her age. Of course, she would never throw frying pans at me or kick me out of the house. But I’m afraid that she will begin to reproach herself: that she did something wrong during pregnancy, that she raised her somehow wrong, and all these doubts will only affect her health. However, it cannot be said that she does not see anything. Yes, I come to her completely dressed in men's clothes, but she sees my nails, my long hair. She says: “Oh, you have such nails, any girl will envy you.” But now I’m very glad that I didn’t tell my parents anything when I was a child. They would have taken me to some specialist, and he would have given me a diagnosis of some kind of schizophrenia.

Evgeniya, 38 years old

She is taking hormones and has no permission to change her documents yet.

Only at the age of 30 did I have the opportunity to access the Internet, so I learned about transsexuality and met a transsexual friend who, like me, was from Stavropol. Roughly speaking, this is how I lived long years with something I didn’t know the name of.

And this began to manifest itself, like everyone else, from childhood, the clothes were attractive, they were more emotional than boys, not as lively as they were, and did not know how to fight back. It was hard at school, I was constantly bullied and bullied. What is there to talk about? When I was studying, there was a boy in our class with slight disabilities, and during one of the breaks he was raped in the toilet. There was such a contingent at the school. And when I started to grow my hair a little, people came up to me on the street and asked: “Aren’t you a cunt?”

There, changing your appearance means signing up for problems. Therefore, I only started actively taking hormones here. Yes, I take hormones on my own, I don’t trust our doctors, who still focus on female physiology, although it is a little different for transsexuals. I’m not afraid to take it on my own, because I don’t belong to the category of people who want boobs right now and right here.

This year I changed the photo in my passport, because everyone usually reacted to the previous one like this: “Girl, this is not your passport.” WITH new photo I haven’t been able to get a job in my passport for a year now. At my last official job, I was simply hounded. When did it start to change appearance, problems started. I received threats, my correspondence was hacked, which was printed right on my desk so that I knew that it had been hacked. That's the attitude. I just had to quit. Now I haven’t been able to find a job for a year, I’m getting rejected, rejected, rejected everywhere. If I start saying on the phone who I really am, some people immediately hang up without listening to the end. And if I come for an interview, then as long as I don’t show my passport, everything goes fine.

Today I had an interview, called on Friday about working as a courier, from 15 thousand, I don’t aim for more. I contacted the director of the company directly, everything was fine, he asked if I worked. Then he scattered: “Please come for an interview on Monday, if everything is fine, you can start working right away.” And when she arrived and began to explain what difficulties I had with my documents, the following phrase was said: “You know, we also have department heads here, they may have problems with this case, I’ll call you back tomorrow.” Of course he won't call back. And if it’s conscious, then I’ll still get another refusal. I'm just desperate, to be honest.

I live on rented apartment with my friend, I don’t know what to do. And I don’t know how to change the situation. Everything needs money. The commission that issues permission for gender correction costs 35 thousand. Surgery to remove the testicles - another 25 thousand. That is, it turns out that in order to change my documents, I need to earn money, and in order to earn money, I need to get a job, and because of these very documents, no one will hire me. Everything is a vicious circle. If it weren’t for my friend, who actually pays part of the housing for me, I would simply die on the street.

This is what pushes transsexual women into prostitution, and not because we are so depraved. Where should a person go? Return to the province? They can kill you there, which has happened many times. And where should I go? To prostitutes? So I'm old. That's it, all I can do is get under the train. Now I live on my mother’s pension.
So tell me, what difference does it make what kind of passport it is when you carry cartridges? I'm tired. If I don’t find a job, there will be no other choice but to step onto the rails. What else can I do? I won’t return home, there is no work, no life.

Alexander, 30 years old

I changed the documents, carried out the operation “up”, the operation “down” was not carried out.

At the age of 12, I realized that something was wrong with me. And at first it was all about orientation. Then he became convinced that it was not her fault. But I didn’t really know anything about transgender people. And from 12 to 24 I tried to build a normal life, so as not to adjust anything and live like everyone else. By character, by psychological characteristics I love order. And so I tried to do everything as it should be. I got married, started a family, and had a child. I did this because I believed that in this way I could most fully work out my original gender identity. And I'm sorry that we couldn't save the family. After all, I think my daughter wouldn’t care how many dads she has - one or two. It is much more important for a child to be loved. I have no relationship with my child.

At the age of 24, I realized that I needed to do something, I passed the commission and changed my documents two years ago. As a result, the whole procedure took me six years. As you understand, it is important to look at the patient in dynamics in order to rule out schizophrenia or split personality, for example. Rule out any psychiatric illness altogether, make sure it is transsexuality and not something else. There are two commissions in Russia: in Moscow, where many are rejected, and in St. Petersburg. In Moscow they screwed me up, I left for St. Petersburg. On these commissions they usually harass you for a long time, for years. This is a test of how ready you are and how much you need it. You must be socialized and adapted. Naturally, presentable appearance and having a job are a plus. But, unfortunately, in the case of transsexuals, the discrepancy between documents and appearance in Russia is very serious. When I walked around like a man, with stubble and a mustache, they didn’t even hire me to clean the toilets. I just rushed and started hormone therapy before I changed the name in my passport.

About the parents. In principle, nothing particularly critical, they just make me very shy. Of course they wish this didn't happen. Due to full-time education and the inability to work full-time, I temporarily live with them until I save up for rent again. We have practically no communication. I try to be away all day as much as possible: I arrive an hour before they go to bed and leave an hour after they wake up. And if there is a conversation, it’s only about their affairs, they don’t want to hear anything about my affairs.

For me, the moment of truth is fundamental. A relationship with a girl involves sex; naturally, before sex, you need to make the person aware of what he or she might see. This does not mean that I tell everyone I meet about my gender reassignment, but if I want to be friends with a person, communicate more closely, he should know about it. This is a kind of test for me: a person takes this into account, we continue our communication, but we never return to this again, this means there is contact. And if I myself do not tell the truth, this means that the person cannot be anything to me other than a mediocre acquaintance. For me, this is also a test of the adequacy of those around me.

If my dreams came true, I would have a separate apartment, I would not have to rent. And I would have had a second operation a long time ago. The top two years ago cost 100 thousand, the bottom - 300. For me this is a lot of money. I wish I had them.
Well, and one more already impossible dream: to be accepted into the monastery. Yes, I sometimes think about joining a monastery. But, unfortunately, given the attitude of the church towards people like me, this is impossible.

I must clarify the topic of the monastery. I'm just in the community. Almost all free time I spend there helping with something or just talking to people. There is Cultural Center, where we all gather. And the brothers hold masses and other events - reading the Bible, watching films, and just coming down, albeit for a short time, to chat with us. I feel calm there. Perhaps these are the few people I really love. Some of them don't know about my transsexuality, but I promised the priest that I wouldn't tell them so as not to shock them. But I talk to them about LGBT issues, although this is of little use, rather intolerant opinions prevail there.

Yana, 23 years old

She seeks permission to change documents without gender correction and refuses hormone therapy and surgery.

I learned that transgender people exist at the age of 20, but from about 12 years old I was a transvestite, although I considered myself sick and stubbornly continued to fight it. But I stopped when I was 20. Now I act publicly, go to all sorts of actions, I have many Orthodox opponents who are ready to throw stones at me in the most literal sense. My relatives don't support me. The news itself was received extremely uneasy, completely uneasy. They still say that I need treatment, that normal people they don't behave like that. That, at worst, I can walk like this at home, since I’m so impatient to be a woman, but not in public places. They attack my active position on this issue, saying that all this activism is useless and that people like me will always be treated poorly in our country. I have a different opinion and do not believe that Russia has any special path. IN Western countries activists have gone through the same stage of hatred, and someday we will overcome it too. In my opinion, achieving rights for LGBT people is possible only after a change of government, which is why I am involved not only in transgender activism, but also in politics.

What really worries me? On the one hand, this is, of course, the existing transphobia in society. On the other hand, this is a procedure for changing the name and gender in documents - for example, I was denied a name change because the name “Yana” does not correspond male in my passport. If a person does not have documents that match his appearance, then he faces discrimination where a passport is required, for example, when applying for a job, renting an apartment, on trains, airports... So far double life I live. To where they know me male name, I have to come in men's clothes. Although living in Moscow is a great privilege, I walk the streets here and no one looks at me. Since it is a huge city, it is rare to run into people you know here.

I go to university dressed as a man, although some people there know about my activism. When I walk in a skirt, I am not afraid that I will meet any of them. But in general, I don’t really care who knows what about me. What can they do to me? Kicked out of graduate school? This is unlikely, as an activist I will raise a scandal, no one needs this. I am planning to come out in the near future, I just hope to find a suitable reason, I would like it to be a change of gender and name in the passport.

) and John Hodge ("The Beach" "Darkness Rising").

Dramatic Thriller "Trance" filmed jointly by companies from Great Britain and France. The world premiere took place on March 27, 2013, in Russia the film was shown on April 4, in America on April 5. Main roles in the film by Danny Boyle "Trance" played James McAvoy("X-Men: First Class", "Wanted"), Vincent Cassel(“A Dangerous Method”, “Black Swan”), Rosario Dawson(“10 Years Later”, “My Boyfriend from the Zoo”).

The plot of the film Trance

Simon(James McAvoy) - auction employee and part-time robber. Together with his accomplices, he steals Goya's painting "Witches in the Air". The cost of the masterpiece is estimated at 20 million dollars. During the operation, Simon is hit in the head with a blunt object and loses his memory.

His accomplices, who never found out where Simon hid the stolen painting, hired a hypnotist Elizabeth(Rosario Dawson), which turned out to be not so simple.

During hypnosis sessions, it turns out that Simon once dated Elizabeth, but he was constantly jealous, so their relationship reached a dead end. The girl was unable to get rid of her obsessive lover, so she used hypnosis to make him forget everything. Also, in retaliation for her torment, she forced him to play cards at high stakes, after which he went bankrupt, mired in debt and, as a result, got involved with a gang.

Elizabeth, with the help of the same hypnosis, finds out from Samoin where he hid the painting, and he is forced to kill the entire gang led by Frank(Vincent Cassel). Naturally, she takes the painting for herself.

Production of the film Trance

Movie "Trance" based on the 2001 English television film of the same name, directed and written by Joe Ahearn. He offered Boyle in 1994 to make a film based on his script, to which the eminent director then replied that it would be difficult for a novice screenwriter. As a result, after a few years Danny Boyle asked for it myself Joe Ahearn about cooperation.

For the role Frank played by Vincent Cassel , were considered Michael Fassbender(he turned down the role due to conflicts) and Colin Firth. Heroine Rosario Dawson offered to play Scarlett Johansson, Melanie Thierry And Zoe Saldana. James McAvoy I also wanted to turn down the role at first Simon, because he saw him only as a victim.

“We were supposed to shoot in Manhattan and with an English actress,” says director Danny Boyle in an interview, “but then we changed the shooting location to London because of Olympic Games, and only then we looked for an actress in Spain, France, America. Well, Vincent Cassel fell on our heads completely by accident. He turned out to be free, and he was interested in our picture. As soon as I found out about this, I immediately jumped on the train and went to him for negotiations. Vincent, of course, is an incredible actor. I like his style of play. He is original, he has his own plasticity, his own language. He's great, one of the best actors in the world, I think. And I am terribly pleased that he starred in my film.

Filming "Trance" started in 2011 in London. The finished film was not released for a long time, as Danny Boyle participated in the preparations for the 2012 Olympics.

Critics responded favorably to Boyle's new film, noting it was "stylish as always."

"I always try to find a surreal element where the actors join in singing a song that we haven't created yet," continues Danny Boyle. - I am a surrealist, and my painting is surreal.

Wrote music for the film Rick Smith from the group "Underworld", which has previously collaborated with

This year has a bountiful harvest of transsexuals, including the transformation of Kim Kardashian's stepfather Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner. However, there are many transsexuals, but far fewer celebrities. Today we will tell you about the most famous transsexuals on the planet who made history.

Caitlyn Jenner

Former olympic athlete, reality TV star and stepfather of the famous Kim Kardashian, after an official statement and gender reassignment surgery, turned from Bruce to Caitlyn in 2015

Laverne Cox

Laverne became famous thanks to her filming in the popular American series “Orange is the New Black”, in which she played the role of Sofia Barset. Laverne becomes the first transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award

Janet Mock

The former People magazine staffer transitioned at age 18 and publicly came out as a woman to Marie Claire magazine in 2011. She has since become a spokesperson for trans rights with her memoir series, Redefining Realness, published in the New York Times.

Andrey Pejic

Andrey gained popularity as a male supermodel, who could show off both masculine and women's clothing. In 2014, he changed his gender and stated that from now on he wants to be perceived as a woman

Caroline Kosay

British actress and model who auditioned for the role of a Bond girl for the twelfth 007 film For Your Eyes Only and was a model Playboy magazine in 1980

Jenna Talakova

Canadian model who made headlines in all the famous publications and broke all barriers. In 2012, she competed for legal eligibility to compete in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. Well at least she won the title of Miss Congeniality

Alexis Arquette

Born in the famous acting family Arquette goes by the name Robert. Alexis has played supporting roles in several films, and her transition from male to female was chronicled in the 2007 film Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother

Isis King

Isis starred in seasons 11 and 17 of the reality show America's Next Top Model. She was the first transgender woman to compete on the show, and has become one of the most visible transgender people on television.

Chaz Bono

The only child of Sonny and Cher (yes, that same Cher). Chaz (born Chastity) documented his transition from female to male in the 2011 film Becoming Chaz

Sylvia Rivera

An American drag queen, gay activist and transgender rights activist, Rivera was one of the founders of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance. Sylvia has been active in helping transgender people in need, including homeless drag queens and black transgender people

Christine Jorgenson

Born George William Jr., Jorgenson fought in the US Army during World War II, and underwent a series of gender reassignment surgeries in Denmark after her service.

Candy Darling

Candy was born a boy named James Lawrence Slattery. Candy Darling was an American transsexual actress who starred in the films Flesh (1968) and Baby Riot (1971), produced by Andy Warhol, and was also a muse for the rock band The Velvet Underground

Carmen Carrera

Reality TV star, model and burlesque actress with amazing curves that any woman would envy

Ian Harvey

Born with the name Janet, Harvey is a transgender comedian who changed his gender at 32. Harvey rose to fame through his work with Margaret Cho, with whom he toured and starred as a regular member of her off-Broadway comedy revue

Lana Wachowski

He is one of the most successful film producers in the world (one half of the duo formerly known as the Wachowski brothers). She helped create the wildly successful Matrix franchise, as well as dozens of others. famous films, including "V for Vendetta" and "Cloud Atlas"

Lea T

Born a boy with the name Leandro, in 2014 Lea was chosen as the face of the famous Redken brand, which produces professional hair cosmetics. This made her the first transgender model to be the face of an international cosmetics brand.

Raffi Friedman-Gurspan

Is the first transgender person to be hired at The White house. Raffi was appointed by Barack Obama in 2015 to perform outreach duties and help recruit directors

Nadia Almada

Born Jorge Leodoro, Almada is a British reality TV star who became the first transgender person to win the show's fifth season. Big Brother" in 2004


Born with the name Jacques Charles Dufresnoy, she took the stage name Coccinelle (" ladybug" translated from French) before entering show business. In 1953, she became famous as a transsexual dancer performing at the art cafe Chez Madame Arthur. She was the first public advocate for sexual rights in Europe, where she was a national celebrity and famous club singer.

Balian Bushbaum

Yvonne Buschbaum was once an Olympic athlete from Germany specializing in pole vaulting. In 2007, Yvonne announced her retirement from big-time sports and began preparing for a gender change to later become a man named Balian. Balian took part in the German version of Dancing with the Stars

Loisa Lamers

In addition to her irresistible appearance, Loiza is the first transsexual to win Holland's Next Top Model in 2015. The main prize of the show was a contract with the Touche Models modeling agency for 50 thousand euros

Nature sometimes plays very cruel jokes on people. In medicine there is the concept of transsexuality. This happens when a person’s gender does not correspond to his psychology. As a result, the unfortunate person is forced to suffer, faced with a lack of understanding from family, friends, and society as a whole. Many people experience severe depression, often leading to suicide. However, with the development of medicine there appeared new way solve the problem of.

Doctors are now helping with gender reassignment surgery. As a result, a person begins a new, albeit difficult, life. And the fate of the most famous transsexuals is on everyone’s lips. After all, they are already an integral part of modern society. Surprisingly, not all of them needed doctors to change their sex; for some, simple therapy was enough.

Balian Bushbaum. In 1980, a girl, Ivanna Bushbaum, was born, who faced a difficult fate. Growing up, she took up pole vaulting. Ivanna’s career included the European Junior Championship, performance at the Olympics, silver and bronze at the European Championships. However, injuries stopped his career in 2007. It was then that Yvonne decided to change her gender. Therapy began, and a year later an operation was performed, as a result of which a man, Balian, was born. The name was taken from the blacksmith from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven".

Buck Angel. This man is a very influential character in the society of people of non-traditional sexual orientation and transsexuals. Buck is actively involved in the porn industry. In 2007, he even received an Adult Video News Award as “Best Performer of the Year.” But the man is quite multifaceted. He also serves as an advocate, lecturer, writer and educator. Buck is currently launching his own production company. Angel said that from childhood he grew up a tomboy. Not knowing anything about the existence of treatments for gender dysphoria, he suffered, drank and took drugs. Working as a professional model didn’t help distract me either. But in the porn industry, Buck was able to realize himself. His dual nature allowed the birth of a new genre in gay videos, including transsexuals. After all, Angel didn't do that. surgery by changing genital organs

Lauren Cameron. This American woman is a famous activist, photographer, and writer. Lauren does not hide the fact that he is a transsexual. Moreover, he works a lot on creating self-portraits and simply portraits of the bodies of other people like her. Cameron once described in some detail the physiology of his transition from woman to man. Lauren's photographs provide an opportunity to examine the bodies of transsexuals. This allows outsiders to make sure that there is nothing wrong with it. Lauren was born in 1959 in California. At the age of 16, Cameron realized that she liked women. But this was met with hostility in the small town. In 1979, Lauren moved to San Francisco, where over time he became dissatisfied with his own female body. There Cameron became interested in photography, which found critical acclaim.

Ian Harvey. This American chose a career as a comedian. And Ian uses his transsexuality as material for his own shows. His performances often feature people of non-traditional sexual orientation, including Margaret Cho. Already with early years Ian realized that he wanted to be a man. But only at 32 years old was he able to completely transform. He began his career in stand-up comedy in 2002. Harvey then created his own show, and toured the world from 2006 to 2009. Since 2009, Ian began solo career, he plays in the theater, acts in films.

Lucas Silveira. This man was born in Canada. Then he was given the name Lilia Silveira. He went down in history as the first openly transsexual whose rock band was signed by a major label. Lucas sings, plays guitar and writes songs for Cliks, and recently released a solo album. Lukas felt the desire for the other sex already in three years old. Later, he asked his mother to buy him a penis, just like his brothers. It took years to suppress his true personality. At 17, Lucas decided to become a lesbian to ease his pain. But over time, Silveira decided to take radical surgical measures. Since then, the singer has agreed to hormone therapy, which can change his voice.

Rocco Kaiatos. American hip-hop rapper Catastrophe also serves as a producer. He is the first openly transgender hip-hop artist. He was born in 1980. The girl grew up strange, disrupting her lessons. Everything changed with the help of a rap reading competition, which Rocco won at the age of 17. Rocco's work is aimed at showing the place of a transsexual in modern society. It raises thorny issues of self-esteem, gender identity, and personal space. The singer, with the help of his parents, performed a series of operations on himself, removing his now unnecessary breasts. Rocco became the hero of many shows and documentaries. Since 2009, he and a friend have been publishing the first magazine for transsexuals.

Thomas Beaty. The name of this Arizona resident has recently spread throughout the world. After all, this was the first man to become pregnant. Beaty was born in Hawaii in 1974. However, until the age of 25 it was a woman. Upon reaching this age, Thomas began taking hormones. This gave him facial hair, a rough voice and modified genitals. In 2002, Beaty underwent a mastectomy and became legally a man. But he decided to leave the female genitals. After all, Thomas's wife, Nancy, could not get pregnant. Then Biti himself decided to act as a mother, and an unknown donor was called to help. As a result, Thomas was able to give birth to three children, after which he returned to his previous hormone therapy. The medication has enlarged his clitoris so much that he can now have sex with his wife. That story thundered throughout the world. But due to customer prejudice, Beaty's business failed. Now the family, in addition to fame, also has huge debts.

Ryan Sullans. The girl's original name was Kimberly Ann Salans. She was born in 1979. Since 1999, Ryan has lectured on proper nutrition And healthy image life. Today he is an activist in the movement of sexual minorities. Ryan is a public speaker, traveling extensively throughout the country advocating for the rights of others like him. Sallans also advocates for changes in the health care system. The process of transition from woman to man lasted for several years, ending in 2005. At the same time, the gender was changed legally. Sullans appeared on Larry King's show, gave numerous interviews about his gender transition and wrote a book about it.

Andreas Krieger. A girl was born in 1966. Fame came to Heidi Krieger in athletics. An athlete from the GDR began taking anabolic steroids as prescribed by team doctors starting from adolescence. In 1986, Heidi won the continental championship. And the girl’s appearance is becoming more and more masculine. However, injuries did not allow Krieger to realize her potential in sports. She retired from acting in 1990. Gradually, Heidi realized that she felt like a man. In 1997, she underwent gender reassignment surgery, also changing her documents. This is how Andreas Krieger was born. He is married, has a daughter and runs a small shop in Magdeburg. A transsexual testified against team management involved in doping. In honor of Krieger's story, a medal named after her appeared, awarded for the fight against the use of prohibited drugs in sports. Andreas himself states that he does not regret taking anabolic steroids at one time. After all, this way he was able to better understand his essence.

Chaz Bono. Famous American performers Sonny and Cher, who performed as a duet, had a daughter, Chastity Bono. She was born in 1969. Already at the age of 13, the girl realized that she liked not boys, but her girlfriends. The tabloid press talked about Bono's lesbian inclinations until she herself openly declared it at the age of 25. From 2008 to 2010, a woman made her way to a man. As a result, both gender and name were legally changed. Chaz is currently studying musical career, writes articles and books, acts as an activist in the organization of sexual minorities, acts in documentaries. Now Chaz Bono is absolutely happy.

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