Is the Polish mushroom poisonous or not? A note for mushroom pickers: how to recognize a Polish mushroom and how it is useful. Beneficial properties of Polish mushroom

Description and different kinds Polish mushroom. Beneficial features for the body, as well as undesirable consequences. Interesting Facts about the name and origin. Secrets of cooking dishes with mushrooms.

The content of the article:

Polish mushroom is a representative of the Mokhovik or Borovik genus, and is also distinguished in separate species Imleria, belongs to the Boletaceae family. It has a semicircular cap, later cushion-shaped, up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is durable, does not come off and is smooth to the touch, chocolate brown in color with a shiny sheen. The pulp, which is firm, yellow-yellow white, and on the cut it turns a little blue, but then becomes a light shade again. The leg is about 12 cm long - dark and brownish. The spore powder is olive in color. The mushroom is edible, with a pleasant smell and mild taste. It can most often be found in Western Ukraine, the Baltic states and Western Belarus, growing mainly in coniferous forests from June to October. Also has such nicknames as noble moss, bruise and oleshek.

Composition and calorie content of Polish mushroom

With a low calorie content, it is healthy and satisfying. Contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins and is considered a good remedy.

The calorie content of Polish mushroom is 19 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.7 g
  • Fats - 0.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1.5 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.2 g;
  • Ash - 0 g.
Vitamin composition of Polish mushroom per 100 g:
  • Choline - 38.7 mg;
  • Vitamin PP (NE) - 7.956 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 21 mcg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.21 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 3.294 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.359 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.145 mg.
Mineral composition of Polish mushroom per 100 g:
  • Selenium (Se) - 3.6 μg;
  • Manganese (Mn) - 0.21 mg;
  • Copper (Cu) - 144 mg;
  • Phosphorus (P) - 151 mg;
  • Potassium (K) - 320 mg;
  • Sodium (Na) - 19 mg.
This mushroom contains zinc, which makes it sufficiently valuable product, which stabilizes digestive system body. The mineral complex, in addition to a large amount of zinc, also consists of fluorine, sodium, manganese, calcium and copper. The Polish mushroom contains some mono- and disaccharides and amino acids. Water capacity reaches 90%. A huge amount of vitamins such as C, B, A and PP.

Its properties are reminiscent of the deer White mushroom, as it contains an abundance of microelements. Therefore, there is not even any doubt that he is inferior to representatives of the first class.

Beneficial properties of Polish mushroom

Polish mushrooms, like all other relatives, have a lot of healing properties. Oleshek has long been famous for its ability to relieve swelling. And the great abundance of vitamins (B1, B2, B9, B12, C and PP), as well as minerals (phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium) further increases its competitiveness in the mushroom market.

Specific healing and beneficial features:

  1. Good diuretic. This mushroom helps cleanse the body in case of kidney diseases, for example, renal failure. Oleshek in an ideal way relieves swelling, bruises and abrasions. With it you don't need diuretics.
  2. An effective weight loss product. The noble mushroom also allows you to improve your figure; thanks to this low-calorie and body-cleansing mushroom, it is not difficult to lose a couple of kilograms in a week.
  3. Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. This mushroom prevents memory loss and has a positive effect on mental activity.
  4. Strengthening the body's integumentary system. Thanks to the abundant amount of vitamins and amino acids, the skin, nails, and hair are under reliable protection in the form of a deer.
  5. Sedative for nervous system . This mushroom has the best effect on nervousness and apathy, it strengthens the body and has the ability to revitalize nerve cells and even improves the body's performance. This happens due to B vitamins.
  6. Cleansing the body of toxins. The noble flywheel contains chitin, which allows you to remove unnecessary toxins and metal salts from the body. And also, thanks to the melanin they contain, these mushrooms are a good natural antioxidant.
  7. Immunity stabilization. The beta-glucans contained in the mushroom are a good foundation for the body, and this substance helps to avoid cancer.
  8. Renewal of the cardiovascular system. The Polish mushroom contains a large amount of nicotinic acid, which strengthens the heart muscles and vascular walls.
  9. Accelerates the metabolic process. Oleshki will be useful for those people who dream of burning calories and will be useful for losing weight. That's why nutritionists recommend them to overweight people.
  10. Balances the body's nutrition. A person can easily receive microelements such as zinc, copper and iron daily if he regularly eats these mushrooms (at least 3 tablespoons of boiled mushrooms).
  11. Excellent tonic. If you dream of minimizing Negative influence bacteria on your body, then the noble moss fly will become a universal medicine.
  12. Natural antibiotic. To successfully combat diseases, pharmacists use oleshek, as it contains a substance called boletol.
If a person includes in his diet dishes with such an ingredient as the Polish mushroom, then it will not only renew his body completely, but will also help improve and speed up the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion, activate the work of the brain, revive memory and relieve fatigue. And the fact that in past times broth with Polish mushroom was brought to sick people more often than chicken broth is also an important argument in its favor.

Interesting! Polish mushroom contains the same amount of vitamin B as grains and even vegetables.

Harm and contraindications to consuming Polish mushroom

Although fly mushrooms are considered one of the harmless mushrooms, it is worth remembering general features absolutely all of them: it is prohibited to collect them near polluted and noisy roads, various enterprises, since they tend to absorb toxic and harmful substances.
  • Consequences of exposure to harmful substances. Because of abilities Polish mushrooms absorb toxic substances from the soil, it is not recommended to collect them near production plants and polluted highways.
  • Slows down the work of the stomach and intestines. Many people know that these mushrooms should never be consumed raw, but it is worth remembering that slightly undercooked or boiled mushrooms can also cause colossal harm to the body, and especially the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Possibility of poison entering the body. A fairly small number of mushrooms are similar to the Polish one, but there is an exception - the satanic mushroom. To avoid this problem, you just need to know certain features. For example, the color of the cap of the brown flywheel may change in contrast to the harmful species.
  • Low digestibility. Like all mushrooms, if Polish is consumed in large quantities, it will take a lot of effort for the stomach to digest it. Abuse can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body.
  • The influence of harmful wormy mushrooms . If you find an overgrown mushroom, you should throw it away and forget it, since age has an adverse effect on it: its fibrous structure and large pores. These things also affect the taste, it becomes bitter.
But in general, the noble moss has no strict contraindications, other than, of course, individual intolerance. In addition, there are no harmful analogues. Therefore, it is quite attractive to mushroom pickers.

Recipes for dishes with Polish mushroom

Oleshek is very similar to a porcini mushroom - both in aesthetics and in taste. It can be classified as a universal product. Mokhovik is perfect for any table, as it has excellent taste. List of dishes: from soups to casseroles.

Here are some popular and special recipes:

  1. Magic casserole. For this simple and tasty dish, you need to boil Polish mushrooms, then fry them with onions. Then add 100 g of crushed crackers. During frying, add mushroom broth. This mixture is poured into a mold that is pre-sprinkled with breadcrumbs. After 30 minutes of baking, the dish is ready.
  2. . Even a cook with no experience can prepare such a dish. Place the chopped Polish mushrooms in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, add potatoes and spices, chopped carrots, peeled tomatoes and bell pepper. We wait 10 minutes - and the soup is ready. Enjoy the pleasant taste and don’t forget about sour cream.
  3. Marinated mushrooms. First, Polish mushrooms need to be boiled and then packaged in jars. During this, prepare the marinade and pour it in. Then we roll up the jars and send them for storage, and you can delight your loved ones with this wonderful taste.
  4. Homemade sauce. A healthy and satisfying sauce that will decorate and enrich any dish. On a frying pan with butter put finely chopped mushrooms with onions and simmer them. A minute before cooking, add various seasonings to taste and cream. You can also add dill. Real jam!
  5. Polkas in sour cream. Many people note this recipe as unusual. Initially, you need to fry the mushrooms and put them in pots, then you need to sprinkle with flour, pepper, add sour cream and pour wine. After 25 minutes of putting it in the oven, take it out and sprinkle with grated cheese and bake again for 5 minutes. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent.
  6. "Makaronchik". An easy-to-prepare and simple recipe that will please all housewives. Place the mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, with boiled pasta and beaten egg in the oven. We also put fried deer with onions there. The next layer is again pasta and grated cheese. Set it at 190 degrees for 20 minutes. We delight ourselves and our loved ones with a hot and juicy dish.
  7. Mushroom zrazy. This cooking method is interesting not so much for its ingredients as for its process. Boil potatoes and carrots together. At this time we will prepare the filling: take boiled mushrooms and chopped onions and simmer it. Next, after the potatoes and carrots are cooked, make puree. Wait until it cools, then add flour and knead the dough. Spices to taste. We make small cakes out of it and put 2 teaspoons of filling. We pinch it like a dumpling. Sprinkle the zrazy with flour and place it in a preheated frying pan. Fry each side for 3 minutes. An excellent dish for both a hearty lunch and during Lent.
A large number of different recipes will surprise your family. Unlike the porcini mushroom, there are fewer problems with the flywheel and it is easier to get. And the taste features will not disappoint.

There are quite a lot of facts about the Polish mushroom: history of origin, distribution features, diversity in names. He got his Russian name due to exports in the 18th century, namely from Poland to Europe. The Polish name is Pansky mushroom. Due to the extreme similarity of the flywheel with the porcini mushroom, they were confused. This fact was often taken advantage of by dishonest traders.

Often for its healing and valuable properties people call the Polish mushroom “the king of moss mushrooms.”

It is considered surprising that deer are used as food coloring, despite their seemingly inconspicuous coloring. Therefore, they often become interesting for manufacturers.

The Polish mushroom is often consumed boiled or fried. It is worth remembering that before use it must be carefully prepared: freed from soil, pine needles and leaves, then rinsed and cleaned the stem. But it is not recommended to remove the skin from the cap.

Many mushroom pickers rate moss mushrooms to the highest standards, as they can be dried, frozen, salted and pickled. This gorgeous mushroom is considered simply a delicacy that is accessible to every person. He is rich enough useful material and minerals, as well as vitamins. But, unfortunately, it can rarely be found in forests. Oleshki are common in Europe and Far East in coniferous areas.

When properly stored, they do not lose their beneficial properties for six months.

Watch the video about the Polish mushroom:

The noble mushroom is considered valuable almost on a par with the porcini mushroom, thanks to its qualities, minerals and vitamins. Its special feature is that it has no poisonous analogues, which can complicate the life of even a professional mushroom picker. Unusual recipes and centuries-old history make it attractive to buyers and gourmets.

(Xerocomus badius) The Polish white mushroom is one of the most common species of the Mokhovikov genus. Other names for the mushroom are; brown mushroom, Pan mushroom, chestnut moss mushroom. Polish The mushroom is edible, belongs to the 2nd category. IN Western Europe this mushroom is considered the best edible mushroom used in cooking; fried, boiled, salted, dried. However, dried Polish mushroom does not have such a strong aroma as white mushroom, although in terms of similarity it completely resembles a white mushroom, which is why it got the name Polish white mushroom.

Description of the mushroom


The Polish mushroom is common in the forests of Europe, North Caucasus, Siberia, Far East. Found in conifers, less often in deciduous forests, next to spruce and pine. Sometimes it grows on the bases of trunks and stumps. The mushroom season lasts from July to October.

Mushroom cap

The Polish spruce mushroom has a cap that reaches a diameter of 12 cm. The mushroom cap is initially cushion-shaped, convex, and later almost flat. The color of the cap of the Polish mushroom can be brownish or chestnut-brown, with young mushrooms having a matte suede surface. The tubes are yellow-green and turn blue when pressed. The pulp is yellowish, turns blue when broken, then turns brown, with a pleasant smell and taste.

Mushroom base

The stem of the mushroom is cylindrical, solid, sometimes narrowing or slightly widening towards the base. The color of the leg is light brown, lighter at the base.


The Polish mushroom is edible, used in many mushroom dishes, and is also suitable for drying and pickling.

Fleshy fruiting bodies representatives of the boletaceae family differ: white boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus. The Polish mushroom, which has great similarities with There are several Russian names for this mushroom, chestnut mushroom, pansky mushroom, and brown mushroom, belongs to the same family (genus of moss mushrooms). The semicircular and convex cap (becomes flat with age) (from 4 to 15 cm in diameter) has a dry and smooth skin that does not come off and becomes sticky in wet weather. Its color is chocolate brown, dark brown or chestnut brown.

The mushroom has a pleasant smell. The color of the pulp is whitish or yellowish, slightly blue when cut, and then again becomes light on the cap and brown on the stem. It has a mild taste. The tubular layer (the color of the tubes is yellowish) can be attached to the leg or free. The fibrous stalk has a cylindrical shape, reaches a height of up to 12 cm and a thickness of up to 4 cm. The mushroom is more often found in coniferous forests and less often in deciduous forests.

How to cook Polish mushroom? It can be prepared for future use: pickled or dried. It can be used in culinary dishes, like white, moss or butter, and can also successfully replace them. It is used to prepare soups, appetizers and main courses. There is a big risk, so you need to use only familiar and old mushrooms collected in environmentally friendly places.

Recipe 1

For the main course they use chicken and Polish mushroom. Cooking boils down to frying them and baking them in the oven with pasta. Ingredients:

  • 200 Polish mushroom caps, cut into 1 cm thick pieces;
  • 4 (boneless), skinned, cut into strips 1 cm thick;
  • 1 onion, diced;
  • 250 ml dry white wine;
  • 250 g spaghetti;
  • 2 ½ cups sour cream;
  • 250 g grated Parmesan cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • pepper;
  • 1 small bunch of parsley;
  • 1 small bunch of basil;
  • 3 tablespoons chopped almonds.

Polish mushroom, cut into slices, season with salt and black pepper. Add a little oil to a saucepan, heat it, add mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Remove the mushrooms and set them aside. Place the chicken pieces in the same saucepan and fry until browned. Take out the chicken and also set it aside. Boil spaghetti in salted water, drain the water. At the same time, fry onions in a saucepan, then put chicken and mushrooms in it, pour in white wine and sour cream, combine the mixture, bring to a boil and evaporate the liquid volume by half, remove from heat, add finely chopped herbs and half of Parmesan cheese. Mix the mixture with pasta. Place in a baking dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and drizzle with oil. Place in an oven preheated to 210 C and bake for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with toasted almonds and serve.

Recipe 2

You can use Polish mushroom to prepare a hot appetizer. Ingredients:

  • ½ cup toasted breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup finely chopped parsley leaves;
  • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped;
  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • 4 rather large mushroom caps;
  • 2 tomatoes (cut into halves);
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Parsley and garlic are mixed with breadcrumbs, half the butter, salt and pepper. Leave the mixture for an hour. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Grease the baking dish with butter. Place ¼ of the prepared mixture in each mushroom cap and place them in a mold and sprinkle with the remaining oil. Season the tomato halves with salt and pepper and place in the same mold. Bake covered or covered with foil for 40 minutes.

Recipe 3

Polish mushroom will add to the soup mushroom taste and aroma. For 4 servings of soup you need:

  • 250 g fresh mushrooms, cut into pieces;
  • ½ onion, cut into half rings;
  • 1 medium sized carrot, cut into strips;
  • 1 sweet cut into strips;
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped;
  • 2 large tomatoes (blanch in boiling water and remove the skin, then cut into halves with plastics);
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 1 sprig of dill;
  • green onion feather;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • sour cream.

Mushrooms along with bay leaves are placed in a saucepan with cold water, heat to a boil without a lid on high fire, reduce heat and cover with a lid. All vegetables, oil and sea salt are added. Cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave aside for 10 minutes. Pour into plates, sprinkle with dill and green onions. Served with sour cream.

Walks in autumn forest give you a chance to breathe fresh air, enjoy the beauty of nature and pick mushrooms. Going to " quiet hunt", you need to navigate the edibility of mushrooms. In our article we will talk about one of them - Polish.

Edible or not

It has several names - it is pansky, and chestnut, and also “the king of moss mushrooms” or olechek. Belongs to the second category of edibility. In appearance it is very similar to boletus, they are often confused. It's very tasty and useful product. But, unfortunately, it is not very common among mushroom pickers.

Botanical description

Moss mushrooms are classified as tubular mushrooms due to the tubular flesh of the cap.


In young moss mushrooms, the edges of the cap are curled down, while in mature moss mushrooms, the edges are curled up. It looks cushion-shaped, 10-14 cm in diameter. The color can be chestnut or brown, a little lighter or darker. Removing the skin is not easy.

Tubular layer

The tubes are yellowish in color. At the junction with the leg it has a small depression. The length of the tubes is about 2 cm, they have small pores, which, when ripe, become larger and change color to yellow.


Polish mushroom is sometimes called white Polish, but this is not entirely correct. This name appeared because of the white color of the flesh of the cap. Sometimes it can be yellow. If you press the pulp, its color changes to blue. The smell is mushroom, very pleasant.


The leg, smooth and sometimes with small scales, is slightly thicker at the base. Its height is more than 10 cm, and its diameter is about 3-4 cm. The color can be brown or brown. The pulp is dense and turns blue when cut.

When and where to collect

Deer do not grow everywhere. They do not tolerate drought well and prefer northern climates. Therefore, they can be found in Europe or the Far East.

Oleshki form mycorrhiza with roots coniferous trees. They can rarely be found under oak or chestnut trees. You need to look for moss mushrooms in coniferous forests, in clearings covered with moss. They practically do not grow directly near the trunks.

The season for collecting them begins when the whites and boletus are almost gone. Moss mushrooms grow in groups at a short distance from each other. They prefer acidic soil.

Important! It should be remembered that mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb everything from environment. Therefore, they need to be collected away from roads and various enterprises.

What can be confused with: look-alike mushrooms

The Polish mushroom is similar in appearance to gall fungus, variegated flywheel and green flywheel. But all these specimens are edible:

The only one dangerous double considered a satanic mushroom. To his distinctive features applies:

  • the cap is gray or green. Tubular layer - red;
  • leg with a mesh pattern, brick color at the bottom and orange at the top;
  • When damaged, the pulp first turns red and then turns blue.

Important! Pulp satanic mushroom affects the respiratory center and causes paralysis.

Chemical composition

The calorie content of moss fly is about 18 kcal. It has about 1.8 g of protein, 0.7 g of fat and about 1.4 g of carbohydrates.

Deer have a very rich vitamin and mineral composition. It includes almost all B vitamins - B9, B6, B2, B1.

In addition to them, there are:

  • choline;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin C.

Oleshek is 90% water. It contains mono- and disaccharides, as well as more than 10 amino acids (for example, theanine). This amino acid reduces blood pressure and has a calming effect.

Did you know? Polish mushrooms contain higher levels of B vitamins than vegetables and grains.

In addition to the listed compounds, the composition also includes:

  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper and other elements.
Mushrooms contain chitin, which can cleanse the body.

Use in cooking

Moss mushrooms, although they belong to the second category of edibility, are considered a delicacy. You can use them to make soups and salads, pie fillings and pizza. They are fried, dried, pickled and frozen. During the cooking process, a pleasant aroma is felt. When properly stored, this delicacy retains its properties for about 6 months. The protein content is equal to meat, so it can be used for vegetarian dishes.

Did you know? Food colors are obtained from moss mushrooms, mostly yellow, and if you use a mordant, then orange or golden.

How to clean

Before preparing the oleshka you must:

  • clear of twigs, dry grass and other debris;
  • trim off wormy places and remnants of mycelium;
  • there is no need to remove the skin from the cap;
  • rinse gently several times in running water;
  • soak for several hours in salt water;
  • Rinse a few more times.
When soaked in a salty solution, they will not be so tiny; if there are worms left, they will die, and all the excess will settle to the bottom.

How to cook

Some people believe that the Polish mushroom can be fried instead of boiled. But it's better not to take risks.

How to marinate

Most often, moss mushrooms are pickled. For this we need:

  • 1 kg of deer;
  • oil (sunflower or olive).

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 5 pieces. carnations;
  • 50 ml vinegar.

The cooking process is as follows:

It should be stored in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar). Bon appetit!

We are very glad that we suggested where you can find Polish mushrooms and how to distinguish them from others, including poisonous ones. Have fun both in collecting them and in delicious dishes, which you can cook with them.

(lat. Boletus badius) - a type of mushroom, in various classification systems attributed to the genera Boletus (Boletus) or Moss fly (Xerocomus) or isolated in separate genus Imleria. The Polish mushroom belongs to the section of tubular mushrooms and the inside of its cap has a tubular structure.

Polish mushroom: appearance, description

  • hat with a diameter of 3-12 (up to 20) cm, hemispherical, convex, plano-convex or cushion-shaped in maturity, flat in old age, light reddish-brown, chestnut, chocolate, olive, brownish and dark brown tones (during rain - darker), sometimes even black-brown, with a smooth edge, in young mushrooms with a folded edge, in mature ones - with a raised edge. The skin is smooth, dry, velvety, in wet weather - oily (shiny); cannot be removed. When pressing on the yellowish tubular surface, bluish, blue-green, bluish (if the pores are damaged) or even brownish-brown spots appear. The tubes are notched, weakly adherent or adherent, rounded or angular, notched, different lengths(0.6-2 cm), with ribbed edges, from white to light yellow - in youth, then yellow-green and even yellowish-olive. Pores are wide average size or small, monochromatic, angular.
  • Leg 3-12 (up to 14) cm high and 0.8-4 cm thick, dense, cylindrical, with a pointed base or swollen (tuberous), fibrous or smooth, often curved, less often fibrous-fine-scaly, solid, light brown, yellowish-brownish, yellow-brown or brown (lighter than the cap), lighter at the top and base (yellowish, white or fawn), without a reticulate pattern, but longitudinally streaked (with stripes the color of the cap - red-brown fibers). When pressed it turns blue, then turns brown.
  • Pulp dense, fleshy, with a pleasant (fruit or mushroom) smell and sweetish taste, whitish or light yellow, brownish under the skin of the cap, slightly blue when cut, then turns brown, and eventually turns white again. In youth it is very hard, then it becomes softer.
  • Spore powder olive-brown, brownish-greenish or olive-brown.

Where does the Polish mushroom grow:

The Polish mushroom grows mainly in the coniferous forests of Eastern and Central Europe, but it is also found in the mountains and foothills of the North Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. You can also meet him in Central Asia. But in the forests middle zone Unfortunately, he is not such a frequent visitor to Russia as he would like, but nevertheless he comes across him. But the Polish mushroom bears fruit throughout mushroom season, from the beginning of June to the end of November , often when other noble porous mushrooms are no longer found.

The Polish mushroom is looked for near old trees. It appears around trunks, in openings and clearings. Almost never found directly at the foot of trunks. If you find yourself in coniferous forest, go to the oldest part of it, look for clearings covered with moss, examine the slopes of the ravines. They grow in small groups: if one is found, then there will be others nearby, at a short distance. The “catch” must be carefully examined for worms. One wormy mushroom in a basket will “infect” healthy ones in a few hours.

The Polish mushroom itself is not at all small mushroom and some of its specimens reach impressive sizes and weights in order to be able to impress the successful “hunter”. And the aesthetic appearance and natural beauty of this mushroom will not leave anyone, even a seasoned mushroom picker, indifferent.

Consuming Polish mushroom:

Edible, many mushroom pickers consider its quality to be very good. Used in many mushroom dishes, and also suitable for freezing, drying and pickling.

Take a close look at what the stem of a Polish mushroom looks like in a cross section. If you can see holes made by pests, cut the cap in half. If you see the same holes in the flesh of the cap, feel free to throw it away if the lesions occupy a small part, trim off damaged areas. And remember, even the Polish mushroom can become poisonous if it is old or completely eaten away by worms.

Similar species, nutritional and medicinal value of the Polish mushroom:

In nature, it has similar counterparts:

  • Firstly: motley flywheel (Xerocomellus chrysenteron), which is noticeably different from it with its yellowish-brown cap, which cracks with age, while revealing red-pink flesh;
  • Secondly: moss green (Xerocomus subtomentosus), which is also noticeably different from it with the same cracking golden-brown or brownish-green cap, with exposed light yellow flesh and a lighter leg. But it’s good that both of them are edible, and also from his “former relatives,” so in case of unintentional confusion, nothing criminal will happen.

According to their own taste qualities and caloric value Polish mushroom belongs to edible mushrooms second category and tastes very much like hogs to (or White mushroom ). Although, as already noted, it is not always assigned to their genus and may also belong to the moss fly. However, no matter what, the Polish mushroom is a wonderful, tasty and very healthy mushroom, and it is a pity that it is not so often found on the mushroom picker’s path. True, this makes it even more valuable and desirable! For example, in Chinese traditional medicine, dried Polish mushrooms have long been used to reduce arterial and venous pressure, as well as for weight loss or simply as a sedative. And all because recent laboratory studies have shown that Polish mushrooms contain the amino acid theanine, contained for example in green tea. Why do they have antioxidant activity , because theanine contributes to many useful processes in the body, for example:

  • promotes relaxation and calm;
  • suppresses the negative effects of caffeine;
  • increases anti-oncological immunity;
  • provides a neuroprotective effect;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • promotes weight loss.

Or like this interesting thing: Polish mycologists and researchers themselves discovered that “their” Polish mushrooms are good hyperaccumulators of soil contaminants, including salts of heavy and radioactive metals (mercury, cobalt, cadmium and lead) and a method for using them for cleaning is currently being developed soil in places of its contamination (Chernobyl, Fukushima and others).

What else to read