The benefits of biobalance. Bio Balance product line assortment

All products are made from high-quality raw materials - whole milk obtained from cows of leading farms located in ecologically clean regions of the country. The “highlight” of Bio Balance fermented milk products are special organisms, special live bacteria LGG. These biologically active bacteria, when influencing the digestion process, “correctly” regulate it, eliminating the consequences of poor nutrition. The development was based on the results of numerous scientific research, which demonstrated the beneficial effects of bacteria on human immunity.

Initially, Bio Balance fermented milk products were developed for a female audience with an average income level. But in practice it turned out that a younger audience, girls and young people with in an active way life. Therefore, the visual image of the brand was restyled, as a result of which the product began to look more modern.

Bio Balance product line assortment

Kefir Bio Balance is a profile product, it can be considered the main one, it is bought more often by girls and middle-aged women. The product is significant in that it has unique ability put the work in order gastrointestinal tract V short term. The slogan of this product is “Alive for Life.” Indeed, kefir biobalance with live bacteria is relevant for metropolitan residents who are constantly busy and do not have the opportunity to eat properly. BioBalance easily saves the situation - one glass of BioBalance returns a person to good health and gives energy for a full life.

The Bio Balance brand also produces drinking fermented milk products, thick yoghurts, kefir, tan, and curds.

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Fermented milk products from the famous brand BIO BALANCE are one of the most popular products that are in stable demand among customers. Without exaggeration, these products can be called “best sellers”, so they are always on our online store and this product is always available for order. Polite store employees place orders quickly and will definitely provide you with the most profitable proposition by order content and price. To find your way around a large selection of products, look through the product catalog. You can place your order yourself, if this is more convenient for you - there is an online application on the website. Or call the indicated numbers and the manager will help you order the selected products. Our store managers will pack high-quality products beautifully and correctly, and our own delivery service will deliver them to the address.

ABOUT trademark Bio Balance

Products under the Bio Balance brand were first produced in Ukraine in 1998. Currently, the brand belongs to the Unimilk company, one of the leading producers of dairy products in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The highlight of Bio Balance products is special live LGG bacteria, which, according to the manufacturer, actively influence the digestion process and eliminate the consequences of poor nutrition. This conclusion was made based on the results of numerous scientific studies.

Initially, Bio Balance products were designed for middle-aged women with an average income level. Subsequently, a restyling was carried out aimed at attracting a younger audience. As a result, the visual image of the brand has become more modern and dynamic. The design now uses photorealistic images that are attractive to both loyal consumers and new audiences.

Drinkable and thick yoghurts, kefir, tan, and curds are produced under the Bio Balance brand.


Delicious and healthy kefir
This is the third year I’ve been drinking kefir only biobalance - the taste is excellent, it works well on my intestines, really beneficial bacteria are working. And I constantly buy Biobalance curds - the kids’ favorite treat.


Since childhood, I didn’t like kefir, they stuffed me with it and forced me to drink it. But as I grew up, I realized the usefulness of this product. Now in fasting days For myself, I drink Bio Balance and it feels light and satisfying.


At one time I suffered from a stomach disease. And this kefir yogurt helped me a lot in a timely manner. Now I don’t remember the discomfort and problems.

When writing a review, try to describe

Healthy nutrition is extremely important for the body. Therefore, many food manufacturers are beginning to offer customers a variety of healthy foods. Special attention devoted to drinks. Now you can find "Bio Balance" kefir on store shelves. What it is? Is this drink really good for the body? Are customers happy with it? Numerous reviews from those who have tried the drink will help you understand most of the questions that arise. It is by them that you can determine how good the product is. Just don’t be surprised if opinions contradict each other - everyone has their own view of Bio Balance. How many people, so many opinions. Typically, reviews only help to highlight the pros and cons of a particular product, but you will have to draw conclusions about whether it meets your expectations yourself.

Product Description

What is "Bio Balance" kefir? This is a drink that contains many biologically active elements. You could say it's kefir-based yogurt. It is a thick white liquid for oral administration.

"Bio Balance" is produced in bottles. The manufacturer indicates that this product is ideal as food for those who are planning to lose weight. Also, this product should act on the intestines, normalizing its functioning. But is this really so? Is this drink dangerous?


The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of Bio Balance. Based on this, we can draw some conclusions about the benefits and harms of this product. The manufacturer indicates that “Bio Balance” kefir composition is only natural, it contains probiotics. And indeed it is.

This kefir drink contains micro- and macroelements - zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron, chlorine, copper, cobalt, calcium and molybdenum. There are also various vitamins present here. For example, A, C and B. Bio Balance kefir also contains choline. Nothing suspicious.

Only some studies indicate a low content of lactic acid bacteria. There are fewer of them than normal. This raises doubts about the benefits of drinking the drink. Could it be that a nutritious and healthy product has some indicators below the norm? Because of this feature, a small group of buyers are usually skeptical about Bio Balance.

Indications for use

It's hard to believe, but this product has indications for use. In general, “Bio Balance” kefir with probiotics is simple healthy eating. And you can drink it whenever you want yogurt or kefir. But certain medical recommendations also apply.

The thing is that this product, as already mentioned, normalizes intestinal flora. This means that if you have digestive problems, Bio Balance is recommended for use. The absence of fat makes kefir dietary. From this it follows that the product is recommended for weight loss.

Of course, "Bio Balance", among other things, simply enriches with vitamins human body. If there is a shortage nutrients you can also try this kefir. It will definitely fill the vitamin deficiency.


Bio Balance receives positive reviews for its availability. Buyers indicate that you can buy this product in any supermarket without any problems. Yes, such kefir is not sold in pharmacies, because there are no medicinal properties he doesn't have. This is simply healthy eating for every person.

And yet there was some negativity. True, it’s difficult to call negative reviews as such, because it all basically comes down to the following. Often, customers simply do not have time to buy a drink - it is quickly sold out. After all, the manufacturer claims that it is tasty and useful remedy, which enriches the body with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, buyers try to buy this particular product, but it tends to run out. This phenomenon does not make the “latecomers” very happy.


The taste properties of "Bio Balance" please many. I can't say that it's very delicious drink. Rather, he is not an acquired taste. After all, not everyone likes the taste of kefir! Therefore, you should not be surprised at the mixed opinions on this matter.

The taste of the Bio Balance drink is... kefir-like, that is, it is light and a little sour. But that doesn't make it unpleasant. If you like fermented milk products, you will not have any complaints about the taste. To understand how well a drink suits your preferences, you need to try it once. Only then can one judge taste qualities, you won't be able to please everyone.

A little negative

But not everything is as good as it seems. The thing is that there are some negative aspects that do not have the best effect on the rating of the drink. They make you doubt the benefits of the product. What worries buyers?

This has a long shelf life. Suspiciously long. If the manufacturer claims that “Bio Balance” kefir is beneficial for all health, and even without the addition of “chemicals,” then the drink should not be stored for a long time in a refrigerator. The product we are considering is stored for about a month in a cool room.

Some particularly vigilant buyers noticed that the products have several manufacturing plants. And different composition is indicated. In one version, you drink kefir with the addition of whole milk, and in the other, with dry milk. At the same time, the price of the products is the same. The rest of the composition is completely consistent. A suspicious phenomenon that repels some. But not many buyers pay attention to these differences in composition. The drink is no different in taste and properties - the aroma remains the same with both whole milk and dry milk.

Benefit or harm

So, is kefir Bio Balance good or bad? Benefits and harms of this product for the body are quite ambiguous. To be honest, this complex issue. Especially considering the minor product flaws. In general, the manufacturer and many buyers indicate that this particular kefir drink has a positive effect on health. Only the composition sometimes contradicts this. And some studies have shown that this kefir is not so healthy. No, it's not harmful, but it's also positive influence does not have a serious effect on the body.

The thing is that there is not enough in Bio Balance. This does not allow us to call the drink healthy. Rather, it simply does not cause harm, like, say, chips. But there is a normal amount of bifidobacteria here. And it pleases. "Bio Balance" is truly a kefir drink.

Is it worth taking it? It all depends on your desire. If you want delicious kefir, which will help improve bowel function, try these products. "Bio Balance" is first and foremost dietary food. Often recommended for weight loss. As for the reviews, customer ratings for Bio Balance kefir, as you can see, earn different results. Not the healthiest, but not the most harmful drink that you can buy at affordable price in supermarkets. For lovers fermented milk products This product should be to your taste.

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