“Causes of death”: Nightmarish details of the life of the star of “The Return of Mukhtar” have become known. Natalya Yunnikova - biography, information, personal life Quarrel with parents and breakup with husband. "You are not my daughter"

Alexey Shutov is an actor who is remembered by many viewers for his role as Maxim Zharov in the TV series “The Return of Mukhtar.” Let's study his biography together, creative activity and personal life.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Shutov (actor) was born on July 20, 1975 in one of the largest Far Eastern cities - Yakutsk. He is Russian by nationality. His mother and father have nothing to do with the world of cinema and theater.

About acting career Alexey Shutov dreamed with early age. At school, our hero played sports and attended various clubs. And in the 5th grade he enrolled in the nursery theater studio, opened at the local Palace of Pioneers. The boy constantly disappeared at rehearsals and abandoned other classes. His performance at school changed in the worst side. The parents tried to get their son to stop going to drama school. But Lesha was not going to give up the main dream of his life.

Education and theater activities

After graduating from school, the native of Yakutsk packed his bags and went to Moscow. He managed to enter VGIK on his first try. Alexey Shutov was enrolled in a course headed by A. Filozov and A. Dzhigarkhanyan.

During filming in the series, the actors had to live in three cities - Moscow, Kyiv and Minsk. In 2012, the 8th season of “The Return of Mukhtar” (NTV) was presented to the audience.

Initially, the serial hero Shutov had the rank of senior lieutenant. But for successfully completed operations, his superiors promoted him to captain.

Continuation of film career

In 2014, two films with Shutov’s participation were released - the melodrama “The Stars Shine on Everyone” (Peter) and the psychological detective story “Maya” (Markov Roman). Then there was a short break in filming.

In 2017, Alexey’s fans will be able to see him in the melodramatic film “Unlucky”. It is not yet known what role our hero got in this picture.

Personal life

With my future wife He met Ekaterina in 1998, on the set of “The Barber of Siberia.” The girl has nothing to do with theater and cinema. At the time of meeting Lesha, Katya was an artist of the Kremlin Ballet. She was going to work and saw a film crew. Like many of her colleagues, the girl became interested in what was happening.

After some time, Catherine went to Theater “D” (Dzhigarkhanyan) to watch the production of “Ali Baba”. And I met Alexey again. Even then they realized that they were mutually attracted. After Lesha and Katya started dating, our hero decided to get acquainted with the work of his beloved. He saw the ballet performance “Swan Lake” for the first time. Young actor was filled with a feeling of delight. Soon, Ekaterina and Alexei were involved in the production of “Foam of Days,” directed by S. Vinogradov.

In the early 2000s, the couple entered into a legal marriage. Now the couple is raising common daughter Dashenka (b. 2006).

  1. Alexey Shutov is a wonderful cook. He demonstrated his abilities on the program “Culinary Duel” (NTV). In 45 minutes, the actor made three dishes - Brussels-style tomato soup, salad with pork and potatoes, and fruit with chocolate sauce.
  2. On the set of the series “Efrosyne,” the make-up artist gave Alexei Shutov wounds that looked like they were inflicted by a bear. Everything turned out very natural. However, removing this makeup caused pain for the artist. The glue stuck to the skin tightly. It took a long time to scrape it off using an alcohol-based bandage.
  3. Daughter Dasha came to Kyiv when the filming of “The Return of Mukhtar” was underway. The girl met her dad's colleagues - Lesha Moiseev and Natasha Yunnikova. And the performer of the role of Mukhtar, a dog named Yax, became a true friend for her.


Hard work, responsiveness and punctuality - Alexey Shutov possesses all these qualities. The actor's biography (personal and creative) was discussed in detail in the article. Let's wish him more bright and memorable roles, as well as endless family happiness!

Alexey Moiseev – Russian actor theater and cinema, whose popularity was brought by the role of operative Alexei Samoilov, a police officer of the department of internal affairs, where the famous service dog Mukhtar serves, in the detective television series and in the continuation of this serial television film “Mukhtar. New trail."

Alexey Valerievich Moiseev was born in Moscow in June 1974. There were no artists in his family, but everyone loved cinema. When Alexey was in 8th grade, dreams of an acting profession were already present. Therefore, my aunt, having seen a newspaper advertisement from the Mosfilm studio that boys with blond hair were needed for the film “Lessons at the End of Spring,” informed her nephew about this.

Alexey Moiseev went to the casting, but seeing a huge crowd of fair-haired peers, he decided that the idea was useless and left with nothing. The mother did not approve of her son’s act and explained that if he gave in to difficulties every time, without even trying to overcome them, he would not achieve anything in life. Alexey went to the auditions for the second time and passed them. True, he was entrusted with the role not of the main character, but of one of the prisoners sitting together in a cell. The central role was given to Valery Nosik, with whom fate brought Moiseev together later, in the film “The Return of Mukhtar.”

And after finishing filming in Oleg Kavun’s drama “Lessons at the End of Spring,” Alexey Moiseev finally confirmed his plans to become an artist. He began to seriously prepare for admission and went to training courses. But after graduating from school, the guy failed the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School and the Shchukin School. But he was taken to the Shchepkinsky Theater School.

Moiseev completed his studies less than a year and realized that he didn’t like it here. Therefore, Alexey prepared and entered Shchukinskoye. He took a course with a wonderful mentor. Already in student years the aspiring artist tried his hand at the play “The Duel,” which was staged by the rector of the school.

After graduation performances and graduation, Alexey Moiseev was accepted into the troupe of the theater named after.


During the first two years after the end of “Pike,” Moiseev appeared on the stage of the V. Mayakovsky Theater and collaborated with the Moscow Art Theater.

The cinematic biography of Alexei Moiseev continued to develop simultaneously with the theatrical one. He appeared in episodes of the films “Attention, Witches!”, “French and Russian Love” and several more. And he got a prominent role in the film “Let's Get Acquainted!”, directed by Igor Shavlak and Sergei Borchukov. His hero Stas turned out to be a bright and memorable character. This project was a good springboard for future career young artist.

At the beginning of his career, Alexey Moiseev did not expect big roles. The actor starred wherever he was called. Working on leading role in "Treasures of the Dead", he appeared in episodes of the top-rated TV series "Truckers", "Moscow Saga" and "1941". It was a wonderful experience, because real stars of Russian cinema played in these projects, and it was interesting and educational to watch their work on the set.

Star role, which made Alexei Moiseev a recognizable and popular actor, came to him along with the series “The Return of Mukhtar”. Here the young artist got the image of Alexei Samoilov, an investigator at the Shchukino Department of Internal Affairs. The tape had big success. Moiseev appeared on screens from seasons 3 to 8 and was busy filming this project from 2006 to 2014.

The actor’s partner on the set was , who played the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova. And if for Alexei Moiseev the role in the series “The Return of Mukhtar” became a springboard, then Natalya, after leaving the film about a service dog, was practically no longer invited to filming.

The fate of Alexei Moiseev’s partner in filming and everything else was tragic. In 2017, Natalya Yunnikova fell into a coma, and soon the woman passed away. According to some rumors, the woman hit her head; according to others, the actress suffered a stroke.

In parallel with the filming of “The Return of Mukhtar,” Alexey Moiseev appeared in other films. Viewers saw Moiseev in the multi-part films “Family Dinner”, “ Women's stories", "Turkish March", "Gift of God" and "Harmony of Desires".

Alexey Moiseev continues to play on the theater stage, often appearing in enterprise performances on various stages. The actor also writes fairy tales for children.

Personal life

During his student years, the young actor, as he admits, had many affairs and was very amorous. Sometimes these romantic adventures distracted him greatly from his studies and put him on the brink of dropping out of the university. But the love affair lasted only until he met the only woman who became his soul mate.

Now Alexei Moiseev’s personal life has settled down. His wife's name is Olga Chereshneva. Together they raise three children: son Nikita and daughters Dasha and Lisa. Alexey adores his children and tries to spend as much time with them as possible. They are the ones who inspire my father to write children's fairy tales.

After participating in the series “The Return of Mukhtar,” Moiseev got a shepherd dog. She is the granddaughter of the serial Mukhtar. Pet Everyone adores him, considering him a real member of the family.

The actor maintains an account in “ Instagram", where she regularly posts her own everyday photos and footage from filming and from the theater stage. The actor also shares with subscribers photographs of handicrafts made with his own hands.

The artist also tries to popularize healthy image life. The actor adheres healthy eating and is engaged in natural bodybuilding, which he also tells fans about on Instagram.

Alexey Moiseev now

In 2016, the actor received the role of Semyon Svetoforov, the father of the family in the TV series “The Svetoforov Family.” The film tells the story of a happy family, whose life is strongly connected with the State Traffic Inspectorate, as their telling name predicts. Grandmother regularly leads excursions to the museum of the State Traffic Inspectorate, and grandfather and his grandson, youngest child married couple leading together educational blog about the rules traffic.

In addition, the family faces classic everyday problems. The older children become rebellious teenagers, the husband and wife solve their own problems.

Also in 2016, the actor returned to the role of operative Alexei Samoilov, which made him famous, in the new season of the detective television series “Mukhtar. New trace”, which is actually a continuation of the series “The Return of Mukhtar”. The main character of this series, as always, is the official German shepherd Mukhtar, who works at the Shchukino police station and helps police solve both complex and dangerous cases and simple household thefts.

In 2017, Alexey Moiseev joined the crew of another crime series. This is a series about the investigative and analytical department, which is equipped with last word technology. The emphasis of the plot is on how to use evidence and the latest devices such as thermal imagers, psychophysical state sensors, as well as devices that detect electronics at a crime scene, investigators accurately reconstruct the course of events in ill-fated moments.

Alexey Moiseev appeared in the series only in the second season and played the role of Maxim Gusarov.


  • 1994 - “French and Russian Love”
  • 1995 - “Young Lady Peasant”
  • 1999-2003 - “Simple Truths”
  • 2000 - “Border. Taiga novel"
  • 2001 - “Truckers”
  • 2003 - “Treasures of the Dead”
  • 2004 - “Moscow Saga”
  • 2006-2015 - “The Return of Mukhtar”
  • 2007 - “Turkish March”
  • 2008 - “Gift of God”
  • 2009 - "1941"
  • 2013 - “Moscow. Three stations"
  • 2013 - “Chess Player Syndrome”
  • 2014 - “Charity film project “Geroevsky”
  • 2016-2017 – “The Traffic Light Family”
  • 2017 – “Mukhtar. New trail"

"Natalya Yunnikova fell into a coma. On September 26, the actress died in a Moscow hospital without regaining consciousness. According to the ex-husband of the actress - director Anton Fedotova, she had a stroke. On September 30, Yunnikova was buried at the Perepechinskoye cemetery.

The day before, journalists published last interview Natalia Yunnikova. Before her death, the actress spoke for the first time about true reasons leaving the series “The Return of Mukhtar”. According to Natalya, on the set she began an affair with a colleague. The actress fell madly in love with young man named Alexey, and he, in turn, simply played on her feelings. The star endured this for three years.

Natalia Yunnikova and Anton Fedotov

“Lesha stood on his knees, begged to be with him, surrounded him with attention, called him his beloved and only one. It’s hard to resist such pressure - I gave up. And then it turned out that this was just a game: at first he lied that he was divorced, then he promised that he would leave his family... I fell in love so much that I lost control of myself: he sends me - I cry and whine, curled up on the bed, and he beckons me with his finger - I run to he’s like a little dog!.. And we work on the same site, and there’s nowhere to get away from each other,” admitted Natalya Yunnikova.

Also one of the reasons was the lack of communication with my own son. “I could no longer see my child two days a month. She told the producers: “Kill me or shoot me, but I’m finalizing the season - and that’s all!” And she left the project,” the actress told the magazine "Caravan of Stories Collection".

Let us remind you that on September 22, Natalya Yunnikova, while in her house with her mother and son, lost consciousness. After the incident, doctors placed Yunnikova in the intensive care unit of one of the capital hospitals. The actress suffered a massive brain hemorrhage, and doctors had to put her in an induced coma. The doctors did not give any forecasts and only said that Natalya was in serious condition.

Natalya Yunnikova on the set of the series “The Return of Mukhtar”

According to the actress, she had several reasons to leave the series, including communication with her son and unrequited love with a colleague on the set

Shortly before her appearance, the star of the series “The Return of Mukhtar”, actress Natalya Yunnikova gave a long interview to “Caravan of Stories”. In it, she talked about why she decided to act in films rather than perform on stage, and also stated several reasons why she left the series.

The actress said that she really wanted to see her son Roland as often as possible: filming took everything away from the woman free time, and the boy had to go to school:

- I could no longer see my child two days a month. She told the producers: “Kill me or shoot me, but I’m finalizing the season - and that’s all!” And she left the project.

Also, during the filming of the series “The Return of Mukhtar,” Natalya met a colleague with whom she began an affair. The actress admits that Alexey “fooled her head for three years”: he surrounded her with attention, called her beloved and only one, but in fact he was married.

- I fell in love so much that I lost control of myself: he sends me - I cry and whine, curled up on the bed, and he beckons me with his finger - I run to him like a little dog! He will pet you, give you a kiss, and bam, another kick in the ass! But we work on the same site, and there is nowhere to escape from each other.

Yunnikova admits that she lent him money, although there was no help from him. It was very difficult for her to move away from “sick love”:

“I spent three years enchanted.” One day I sat on the windowsill, looked down from my eleventh floor and thought: “Why live if he doesn’t need me?” And at that moment, my son’s voice came from the corridor: “Ma-am!” It was as if I was hit with a cold shower - I immediately went down to the floor. Roland saved me.

She says that she scolded herself for these thoughts - about a year ago, Natalya was admitted to the hospital, where she spent two days, and news appeared in the press with the headlines “Actress Yunnikova died.” The actress’s mother was seriously scared then.

- How I scolded myself later: you have to be a complete person to allow even the thought of suicide! Don’t think about what kind of pain I will cause to my loved ones... I understood the main thing - we must not despair and live on, at least for the sake of our loved ones.

Until the very end, the actress dreamed of finding her man and having more children. However, she failed to meet her love.

- The worst thing for me is that there is no love now. Nobody believes that I am lonely and not rich. It seems to everyone that Yunnikova is in chocolate: “You’re too smart, you don’t need anything, you’re self-sufficient.” And I am an ordinary woman who wants ordinary female happiness. I really want more children... It would be so great to walk down the street with a real man and be proud that I have such a wonderful husband. But where can I get it?

Natalya was born in Lipetsk on February 25, 1980. WITH childhood She was distinguished by her extraordinary activity and desire for creativity. The girl did not like to sit still and attended many clubs and sections. Learning new activities was her favorite thing. But her main dream was to become an actress; the future television actress persistently strived for this goal.

The path to the dream

Since childhood, Natalya dreamed of a career in cinema. From a very young age she loved to play different roles and be photographed in various images. After school, the girl sends applications to theater universities Moscow. From educational institutions, who chose her among many candidates, preferred the Higher Theater School to them. Mikhail Shchepkin (and, probably, never regretted her choice). Her student days were fun and happy: the girl could do what she dreamed of. There she met her future husband, Anton Fedotov.

Young Natalya Yunnikova did not begin her career as an actress right away. After studying, the girl got married. The wedding was celebrated calmly, without unnecessary pomp, with the closest relatives. Instead of honeymoon I went with my husband to Israel to visit his parents. She worked as a presenter on television, since the roles that were offered to her were superficial and did not require special acting. The girl wanted to show what she was capable of, to express herself to the fullest.

When Natalya started having problems with her husband in 2007, and new war in Israel, decided to take the child and return to Moscow. There I had to start a new career; The girl no longer wanted to return to the role of TV presenter. At first she played episodic roles. It was necessary to show your talent, perseverance and perseverance. Natalya Yunnikova can be found in several episodes of films: “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova”, “Tatiana’s Day”. In the last series, it was planned that Natalya would play the central character, but unexpectedly they chose another girl. The actress was not upset; she knew that her role would come up.

The main performance that brought Natalia all-Russian fame was the role of Vasilisa Mikhailova from famous series"The Return of Mukhtar". The image of the fair sex in the role of an investigator who fights criminals stuck with her. From now on, Natalya was offered images of a similar focus.

But talented person is not limited to one role. The actress starred in the television series: “Corner of Paradise”, “Lights” big city" and others. There were smaller roles in other films that she performed. Natalya was not afraid to try herself in different roles.

What did Natalya Yunnikova die from?

Natalya died on September 26, 2017. The girl fainted in her own home, hitting her head hard. The incident was caused by the fact that the star did not pay attention to health. She was hospitalized, but the actress could not be brought back to life. This outcome was unexpected, but friends suspected that the girl was ill. Natalya was only 37 years old.

Health problems and the cause of death of Natalia Yunnikova

The actress intended to build a career and devoted her strength only to this, which subsequently became the cause of Natasha’s death. The star's overwork was noticed by her work colleagues, who advised the girl to undergo an examination. She ignored their advice, because she wanted to provide for her son and did not find time for herself. The actress’s friend Alexey Moiseev told the press about suspicions about his girlfriend’s health; he was worried about this, but his friend ignored his requests to be thoroughly examined by a doctor.

In 2016, doctors began to warn Natalya about problems with the heart and cardiovascular system. They never got through to the actress - she ignored all the requests of doctors and relatives to undergo thorough treatment.

All this led to an unexpected misfortune happening to the actress. She, as usual, was doing household chores, cooking in the kitchen for her family, and suddenly fell. During the fall, she did not have time to protect herself with her hands and received a strong blow to the head. Mom and son, who were in the next room, immediately ran to the kitchen. The blow caused the girl to lose consciousness. Doctors examined Natalya and came to the conclusion that the fall and blow provoked severe hemorrhage in the brain.

Acquaintances of the actress hoped that Natalya would feel better in the near future. There were no changes. The doctors' decision was to put the star into a coma. Doctors put her on a ventilator. Natalia was supported by her family, ex-husband Anton Fedotov. He gave permission to carry out these manipulations.

The actress remained in this state for several days. Natalya's death occurred in the hospital. The girl could not be brought to life. Doctors said that in such cases it is almost impossible to help the patient survive.

Natalya Yunnikova’s child went to live with his father after his death.

Talented actress loving mother will remain a warm ray in the memory of her fans and relatives. Her talent is undeniable, it’s a shame that the girl said goodbye to life at a young age.

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