Weather forecast based on natural signs - predicting the weather based on local and folk signs. Signs of good weather. Signs of improving weather Signs of bad weather

The first folk signs appeared a long time ago, when people still did not know where certain natural phenomena came from and how they were connected to each other, they sought to unravel the secrets of the world around them and lift the veil of its secrecy. The unknown is a scarecrow ancient man and he carefully tried to remember those natural phenomena that preceded a thunderstorm, blizzard or flood. Thanks to this, it was possible to predict the weather, the future harvest or impending bad weather. Signs were created over centuries and passed from generation to generation. They became part of folk tales and songs. Their knowledge often saved lives and helped make it more convenient.

Scientists still cannot explain many folk signs, however, they always turn out to be true. For example, birds fly south in the fall, but what prompted them to do this and what law of nature invariably calls them to leave their native lands and go to dangerous journey it is still unknown exactly. This once again proves that learning folk signs about the weather is not only exciting, but also an important activity.

Signs of inanimate nature


There are many interesting folk signs associated with spring that help you find out what the weather is expected and how soon the long-awaited warmth will come.

  • For example, if the snow begins to melt in mid-March, it means that the warmth will not be long in coming.
  • Fluffy frost in the morning also foreshadows the imminent onset of warm days.
  • If the sky is filled with bushy clouds of blue color, which means we should wait for warm rain.
  • Long icicles, like sharp swords, foreshadow a protracted spring.
  • A bright and clearly visible glow around the moon framed by stars at night indicates cool and windy weather.
  • If the weather is dry at the beginning of spring, then a good harvest is worth waiting for, and if it rains often, then the farmers’ labors will be in vain.
  • An early thunderstorm in March speaks of long cold weather, and loudly singing birds herald the early arrival of spring. If the first thunderstorm appears in April, it means that the summer will be warm and rich in nuts.


Summer signs help you find out what the harvest will be like, predict the weather for the next day, and even for autumn and winter.

  • If the summer is rich in warm nights, then you should expect a good honey harvest.
  • If dew does not appear on the grass at night, it means it will rain during the day.

Predict winter weather according to the following folk summer signs:

  • Frequent summer rains and sunny autumn promise a long winter.
  • Each foggy morning in August marks one of the winter snowfalls.
  • Dry summer means cold and little snowy winter.

You can find out about the weather the next day in the summer by the following signs:

  • If the sky is covered with high cumulus clouds during the day, it means there will be a night thunderstorm.
  • Signs of clear weather include evening dew and a clear sunset.
  • If the wind gradually increases in the evening, it means the weather will worsen.


In autumn, the weather blooms with new colors and can tell a lot about the coming bad weather or tell about the coming winter.

  • It is believed that the more colorful and unique the ironing will be Golden autumn, the colder and snowier the winter will be.
  • Thunder in the autumn sky heralds warm and sunny weather, while October thunder heralds a winter with little snow.
  • portend warm autumn and frosty winter, if during Indian summer You can see hanging cobwebs everywhere.
  • However, not only cobwebs portend good weather, but also a snow-white blanket of frost in the morning, as well as blue sky, covered with rare clouds.
  • In autumn, snow may fall, which can also be used to predict the weather. For example, if it fell at the beginning of autumn, then spring will be early. The first snow that falls during the day melts quickly, and if it happens at night, it will cover the ground with its thin blanket for a long time.
  • A golden sunset in autumn certainly foreshadows good weather the next day.
  • If the moon in the sky is clear and bright, then the weather will be windy, and if it is blurry and pale, then you should prepare for rain.
  • It is believed that if in the fall often it's raining, then spring will also be very rainy.


In winter, people always especially monitored the weather and created signs that helped predict the first frosts and snowstorms.

  • For example, if the weather was gloomy during the day, but cleared up in the evening, then you should expect frost.
  • You can also predict the weather by the smoke coming out of the chimney. If it spreads low above the ground, it means that the next day there will be bad weather, and if it stands like a pillar, it will be a fine day.
  • If the clouds move quickly across the sky in winter, it means there will be good weather If the clouds are moving against the wind, it means the day will be snowy.
  • A thaw is usually predicted by large snowflakes and water appearing on the ice. Snow pellets also indicate warming.
  • Heavy snow falling in the morning foretells good weather during the day.
  • By the weather in winter you can find out what the summer and harvest will be like. If the winter turned out to be cold and dry, then you should expect a dry and hot summer. A lot of snow portends a rainy summer.
  • A lot of hanging icicles indicate a good harvest of vegetables.
  • If the coldest days of winter fall on Epiphany, then you should expect a big harvest.

Plants are also an important folk sign. They tell us about the weather no less accurately than inanimate nature.


  • When birch sap flows well from a birch tree, you should expect a rainy summer.
  • In spring, the weather for summer can be determined by the order in which the buds ripen. For example, if the birch tree blossomed earlier, and not the alder, it means that the summer will be dry.
  • If the dandelion began to bloom in early spring, then you should wait for a short summer.
  • The budding oak and the blossoming bird cherry warn of cold weather.


  • If there are a lot of berries in the summer, then you should wait for a cold winter.
  • If the summer yielded a good wheat harvest, then the winter promises to be blizzard.
  • You can safely expect a warm autumn if pansies, daisies, yarrow and clover have not yet bloomed at the end of summer.
  • If the plants close their flowers and the burdock begins to bloom its thorns, then you should wait for rain.
  • An increase in the aroma of flowers also portends bad weather.


  • If the forest rowan pampers you with its wealth, it means that autumn will be a rainy autumn. And if this tree blooms late in the spring, then the autumn will be long.
  • Ripe viburnum with still green leaves indicates a warm autumn.
  • If the foresters rejoice big harvest nuts, but no mushrooms, then in winter there will be a lot of snow and severe frost.
  • A large number of cones on pine and spruce also indicates harsh winter. If there are a lot of cones at the top of the spruce, it means that winter will end quickly, and if at the bottom, you should expect early frosts.
  • Abundantly born hazel foretells a long and frosty winter.
  • Birch trees turning yellow from above in autumn predict an early spring.


in winter most of flora is in a state of sleep, so most often the weather at this time of year is determined by signs associated with inanimate nature or animals.

  • ABOUT sunny day says the fluffy frost on the tree branches.
  • If the snow falls before all the leaves have fallen, it means the winter will be harsh.
  • A large number of acorns also portends a frosty winter.
  • Falling on wet ground leaves indicate a warm winter.

Signs about the weather involving animals and birds

Animals, like plants, actively react to changing weather and the changing seasons of the year, so they can also be used to determine changes in nature.


  • A large number of mice in the spring indicates a poor harvest.
  • You can think about possible snowfall if you encounter a white hare.
  • Meeting a woodpecker in March means late spring.
  • If blackbirds have arrived, then you should be afraid of frost.
  • There are a lot of tits near the house - to cold spring, and if crows bathe in puddles in March, it means that warmth will come soon.
  • Bird nests built on the sunny side warn of a cold summer.
  • If the rooks and larks arrive early, it means that the spring will be warm and the harvest will be rich. However, if the birds arriving from warm regions are very well-fed, it means that spring will be cold and long.
  • The low flight of swallows warns of rain.


  • If you can clearly hear the cuckoo singing in the summer, you should expect good weather that will last for quite a long time.
  • Flies also foretell fine days if they actively buzz and fly.
  • The high flight of a swift, swallow or lark indicates sunny weather.
  • The loud chirping of grasshoppers in the evening also heralds a warm day.
  • If the ants are actively working and hardly hide in the anthill, then you should wait for good weather, and long threads of the web will tell you that it will last.
  • If frogs are actively jumping along the road and worms are crawling out of the ground, you need to wait for rain.
  • The chirping of sparrows signals improved weather.
  • Sparrows bathe in the sand - to the cold, in puddles - to the warmth.


  • If the geese have flown, you should expect snow soon. Low flying birds warn of cold winter, and high-flying ones - about warm.
  • If a poultry constantly hides its head in its feathers, then the cold will come soon.
  • The appearance of mosquitoes at the end of autumn indicates that a warm winter will come.
  • The cobwebs creeping across the plants warn of a harsh winter.
  • If moles hide a lot of straw in their holes, the winter will be frosty, and chickens molting in early autumn foreshadow a warm winter.
  • Numerous mouse holes warn of a snowy winter.
  • If severe cold is approaching, squirrels store especially large reserves of nuts.


  • Surprisingly, the weather in winter is judged by crows. If they sit on the ground, it means they should wait for warmer weather, if they are located on the lowest branches of trees, then the weather will be windy, and if they croak loudly with the whole flock, then it will be frosty.
  • Crows and jackdaws circling in the air anticipate snow. If in the morning hours a crow sits on the top of a tree and caws loudly, it means there will be a blizzard.
  • Flies flying around the room in winter foreshadow a thaw.
  • If a cat in the house is actively hiding in the most warm place, and the chicken in the chicken coop is standing on one leg, which means severe frosts are coming.

Modern weather forecasting methods

For modern weather forecasters to compile accurate forecast weather, you have to work hard, because for this you need to compare a lot of data about nature and weather factors over a large area.

The most common method of weather forecasting is synoptic. It means observing such natural phenomena, such as: temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed. All this data is plotted on a weather map and analyzed by weather forecasters and a computer.

Weather balloons, which are a ball with sensors, also provide important weather data. They are launched twice a day and thus learn about the temperature and pressure high above the ground. A sharp change in these indicators portends a change in weather.

Why do signs still remain relevant today?

Despite the many modern methods weather forecasting, unfortunately, they are not accurate enough. Data about nature and its condition are constantly changing and it can be difficult to keep track of their fluctuations. Often a person has to rely on his own feelings and folk signs, which are an accumulation of centuries-old wisdom.

Wildlife and the world around us constantly prompts and warns about future changes in nature, and sometimes this happens much faster than forecasters make forecasts. Therefore, folk signs will never lose their relevance and will always be our reliable pendulum in the sea weather phenomena. Their knowledge will allow you not only to be closer to nature, but also to know about its changes.

Since ancient times, observant people have discovered various signs of changes in local weather and learned to use them. As a rule, with the help of such “signs” you can predict the weather for 6-12 hours, but some signs can help predict for a day or two. As a rule, there are 4 types of weather: clear and dry (hot in summer, frosty in winter, but always sunny), unstable weather (cloudy with clearings, heavy rains or blizzards), cloudy weather without significant precipitation and bad weather with heavy precipitation. As we know, clear weather is typical for anticyclones, unstable - for cold air masses after the passage of cold fronts of a cyclone, cloudy - for the area of ​​dominance warm air after passing warm front cyclone, blanket precipitation is characteristic of an approaching warm front in cyclones. Each type of weather has its own characteristics.

Signs of persistent clear weather:

1. If dew falls shortly after sunset in the summer, it means the night and the next day will be clear.
2. Smoke from the chimney swirls upward - to clear weather, even if the sky is overcast.
3. If in the summer morning the sky is clear, and by noon cumulus clouds appear, the number of which grows and reaches its maximum values ​​by 3-4 pm, and then their number begins to decrease, then the night is expected to be clear. Also, well-defined cumulus clouds predict warm and clear weather.
4. If a gentle wind appears in the morning, which intensifies during the day and subsides in the evening, then that night you will be able to observe the starry sky. (People also say: “if the wind dies down at night, there is no rain”).
5. If after a clear night fog falls in the lowlands, which turns into ragged stratus clouds, it is quite possible that by lunchtime it will disappear and the next night will also be clear. If the weather does not clear up by noon, then the night will be cloudy.
6. One of the most famous signs of clear weather is a clear sunset, when the Sun sets not in the clouds, but in the horizon - which means the night will be clear.

Signs that unsettled weather is approaching:

1. If dew does not fall in the evening, it means it will most likely rain at night. (Sometimes, very rarely, in very dry weather there may also be no dew, but this does not indicate worsening weather).
2. If the growth of cumulus clouds has not stopped in the summer afternoon, and they have taken the form of towers with a flat top "anvil", there is a high probability of a thunderstorm.
3. If the sky is not piercingly blue, but rather whitish, then the weather will most likely worsen.
4. Wind that increases in the evening in clear weather indicates that the weather will most likely deteriorate sharply at night.
5. If it doesn’t get colder after the thunderstorm, then you shouldn’t expect clear weather.
6. Smoke spreading along the ground means worsening weather.
7. If in winter, after a clear day in the evening, the sky becomes covered with rolling clouds, you should expect warming and inclement weather with rain or snow.
8. If distant objects seem closer, it means the weather will soon deteriorate.

Signs of bad weather:

1. Sure signs of bad weather are cirrus clouds. Their appearance indicates that in about 20 hours the weather will completely deteriorate.
2. A sure sign that after 10-12 hours it will rain or snow is the appearance of altostratus clouds that cause halos to appear around the Sun or Moon.
3. If the Sun sets in a cloud, expect prolonged bad weather.
4. A characteristic feature worsening weather are clouds that seem to float against the wind.
5. If the heat subsides in summer and gets warmer in winter, then the period of clear weather has ended.
6. The night wind changes its direction counterclockwise - sure sign approaching cyclone.
7. Pressure drops - bad weather.

Signs of improving weather:

1. If, after prolonged bad weather, the continuous veil of clouds contains gaps, the clouds disintegrate, then the weather will soon improve. The improvement in weather looks especially impressive when in the evening in the west the rays of the setting Sun break through the gaps in the clouds.
2. If during rain or snowfall the wind increases and changes its direction counterclockwise, the bad weather will soon end.
3. Cold weather during bad weather is a sign that the cold front has already passed and the weather will improve.
4. A rainbow appears in the evening - the weather will clear up at night. In general, there are many signs associated with rainbows, for example, a morning rainbow, on the contrary, portends bad weather, a high rainbow predicts wind, a low rainbow predicts rain, a quickly disappearing rainbow gives a clear sky, and a rainbow that lasts for a long time - cloudy.

It is important for a person going on a trip to know the weather forecast. Good to use also local signs and weather signs. It is necessary to notice several signs, then the prediction becomes more reliable. Some folk signs have a scientific basis, others are only partially explained by science, and others belong to the group of false, dubious and contradictory. Here are some folk signs of the first two groups.


The appearance of isolated cirrus clouds in the morning and their disappearance by midday is a sign of good weather.
In summer, the correct course of cloud development is: the appearance of cumulus clouds in the morning, their increase in number by noon, spreading in the evening and turning into stratocumulus.
In the coastal zone, during the day the wind blows from sea to land at night from land to sea.
The air temperature is correct diurnal cycle: increases during the day, decreases at night.
In the morning and evening, smoke from the chimneys rises vertically - wait for good weather.
There will be dew at night and by morning - during the day there will be a bucket.
Golden and pink shades of dawn - there will be a bucket during the day.
A silvery glow in the sky means good weather.
Dry haze on the horizon means good weather.
The green color when the stars twinkle means good weather.
When the sun sets, it drops below the clear horizon - tomorrow there will be a bucket.
The radio charges in the receiver are not frequent and not strong, they intensify somewhat during the day - the weather will still be good.
Turning the wind clockwise means good weather.
Wind rotation clockwise before noon and back after noon means good, stable weather.
Strong wind during rain - wait for the weather to improve.
If at noon there is a light wind, but not calm, the weather will not change.
If strings in musical instruments break, it will be dry.
Clear at noon - clear in the evening.
There are no clouds all day - the weather will be stable.
High clouds coming from the east mean good weather.
The clouds move, deviating to the left from the wind, which is observed near the ground, towards good weather.
If cumulus clouds have sharply defined edges, good weather will persist.
If gaps appear in the clouds for a long time rainy weather, the weather will improve soon.
The appearance of cirrus stationary clouds in the form of curls (horse manes) means good weather.
Weakening rain in the evening means better weather.
Heavy rain at night or in the morning with light winds - expect clearing no later than noon.
A large circle with a diameter of up to 20° near the moon means dry weather.
A “ruddy” evening and a damp morning mean good weather.
Red sky in the evening - good weather.
The sun rises from behind a cloud - good weather.
Evening rainbow - to the bucket.
If the rainbow turns from multi-colored to white, the rain will soon stop.
Sharp distortions of the contours of the solar disk at sunrise and sunset indicate good weather.
A gentle blue sky means stable good weather.
At night it is warmer in the forest than in the field - good weather.
It is warmer on a hill at night than in a lowland - good weather.
Fog spreads across the ground - expect good weather.
Dawn rises on the very horizon - good weather.
If the clouds go against the wind near the ground, then this indicates an imminent change in the wind: it will blow in the direction in which the clouds are going.
Fog in hollows and over swamps means good weather.

If in clear weather a thin layer of cloud builds up and then thickens and increases in quantity, then after 10-15 hours the weather is likely to worsen.
Cloudy weather with precipitation will persist if the air temperature changes little during the day, the wind is fresh and does not change its strength and direction.
Abnormally increased visibility means bad weather.
The swell and wave begin to go against the wind and intensify - leading to bad weather.
Abnormally increased audibility of sounds in the air means a change in the weather.
Smoke from the chimneys spreads below - to bad weather.
The appearance of circles around the Moon and the Sun is a sign of bad weather.
Strong twinkling of stars at night means worsening weather.
A bright red dawn in the morning means rain.
At night and in the morning summer time no dew - the weather worsens.
Sunset in the evening into thickening clouds means rain.
If the Sun, setting behind the clouds, does not appear before disappearing beyond the horizon (“does not take off its hat”), then the next day we must expect a rainy day; weather.
If the fog rises, it will rain.
The dawn rises above the clouds - towards the wind.
After a long calm, the wind blew - expect rain.
The wind does not subside in the evening - leading to rain.
Salt gets damp - bad weather.
Strings in musical instrument going down - to the rain.
Smoke spreads along the ground - to precipitation and thaw.
Lightning in the west - expect rain.
The sky in the lambs foretells a good morning, but there will be rain later.
A cloudless sky during periods of unstable weather means bad weather.
Wavy clouds in the sky mean bad weather.
High clouds coming from the west mean bad weather.
Clouds move, deviating to the right from the wind that is observed near the ground - towards bad weather.
If cumulus clouds do not clear by evening, rain is possible.
Cumulus clouds in tatters - towards the wind.
The higher the top of a cumulus cloud, the greater the chance of thunderstorms.
A thunderstorm of dark blue color brings rain, steel and gray - hail.
If a rain cloud makes noise, there will be hail or rain.
White and black clouds during the day mean precipitation.
Heavy rain and wind in the morning - don't expect good weather in the afternoon.
If the sky does not clear on a rainy day, expect rain tomorrow.
If it starts raining in the afternoon, it may last for a day.
A foggy circle near the Sun means a blizzard.
A small circle around the Moon means precipitation.
Clear visibility of the Moon means bad weather.
Clearly visible ashen light of the Moon means bad weather.
Green dawn is a sign of drought.
A bright red dawn means precipitation.
A pale sunset and a ruddy morning mean bad weather.
The first lasting snow falls by nightfall.
If snow falls in the fall when there are still leaves on the trees, it will soon melt.
Thunder in April is an early and harmful (with the return of cold weather) spring.
Thunder in late autumn means late winter.
Shining from behind the clouds means bad weather. Near the Sun, a pillar means precipitation. The stars “jump” - towards the cold. Rainbow in the morning - expect rain in the afternoon. If a white rainbow turns into a colored one, the rain will intensify.
A whitish sky means rain. Gray sky in the evening - before the rain. Red Moon - for rain. Reddish Moon - towards the wind. Warm nights mean bad weather.


Signs and signs of good weather

If the bees are early morning flying for prey, it will be a good day.
If chickens hide from the rain, it will soon stop.
Swallows fly high - to dry weather.
Tireless flying bats after sunset - to clear weather.
If grasshoppers are loudly chattering late in the evening, tomorrow will be a good day.
Pushing mosquitoes in a column towards the bucket.
The bright glow of fireflies indicates good weather.
If dung beetles are in large quantities are anxiously flying low above the ground, then the next day we should expect good weather.
If the spiders are on outdoors They work diligently and stretch long threads or straighten a torn net, we must expect good weather.
To observe leeches as “weather predictors,” they are kept in a glass jar with sand, half filled with water. Before clear and calm weather, leeches are calm and usually remain at the bottom of the jar.

Signs and signs of bad weather

Before the rain, leeches stay near the walls of the jar, partially sticking out of the water. Before strong wind they swim restlessly and quickly. Before a thunderstorm, leeches wriggle convulsively and, crawling out of the water, try to attach themselves to a dry place.
Clover brings its leaves closer together, bends down - in front of bad weather.
When the dandelion squeezes its ball, it will rain.
Flowers smell stronger before it rains.
If in the morning the bees do not fly to the field, but sit in the hives and buzz, wait for rain.
Late flight of bees in the evening portends bad weather.
Ants hide in nests - in anticipation of a thunderstorm or heavy rain.
If the lark is not heard from dawn, it will rain.
Cattle greedily eat grass in the evening - expect rain the next day.
If chickens walk in the rain, it will continue to rain for a long time.
Swallows fly low to the ground - predicting rain.
If frogs jump on the shore and croak during the day, expect rain.
Fish jump out of the water and catch midges above the water - wait for the rain.
If a mole makes high piles of earth, you have to wait for bad weather.
Crows scream - for rain.
If during a drought the fish stop biting, it will soon rain.
If the spiders in the open air are lethargic and inactive, and do not care about repairing the web, then bad weather is expected.
Before a strong wind, the cross spider itself breaks off the main threads of its web and hides.
Before the rain, birds preen their feathers, a chicken flutters in the dust, flies begin to bite painfully, and a duck screams.

Signs of weather change Signs of weather change in summer. The weather never changes suddenly. Any change is always preceded by certain signs, which we simply do not pay attention to, and then we are surprised that the weather took us by surprise. Our task is to learn to see these signs and be able to interpret them correctly. Let's start with what is very important role Clouds play a role in determining what weather will happen in the near future. Spindrift clouds. This cloudiness refers to high clouds (8-10 km). Cirrus clouds take a variety of forms: feathers, curls, parallel, tangled or fan-shaped stripes, etc. The appearance of a small number of such clouds does not bode well. They usually dissipate by mid-day. But when cirrus clouds, as if stretching out from one point on the horizon, come from the west with noticeable speed, and at the same time are replaced by denser ones - cirrostratus, and then cirrocumulus clouds, you can expect the imminent arrival of a cyclone and a change in the weather. The faster the clouds move and their shape changes, the longer the rain will be. Cirrocumulus clouds look like scattered small piles of cotton. "Curls" can be various shapes and placed either as a single mass or separately. This is usually a sign of cloudy weather without precipitation. Cirrostratus clouds resemble a veil and give the sky a whitish or milky hue. They form haloes (circles) around the sun, moon, and stars, but do not cover them. This is a sign of thickening and decreasing cloud cover. This often indicates that bad weather is approaching. Altocumulus clouds refer to medium cloudiness (3-7 km). White or gray clouds in the form of wings, tufts or parallel stripes (“mottled sky”) may appear in small spherical or even round masses. The sun peeks through the upper layers. The appearance of such clouds usually indicates the approach of a cold front with showers and squalls. Altostratus clouds appear as thin white or gray patches across or partially covering the sky. The sun shines through them, like through fog. Such clouds foreshadow light rain. Stratus clouds are low clouds. These are the clouds gray, similar to fog rising above the ground. They cover the sky with a gray veil or in the form of separate ridges, cover most of it and portend bad weather. Stratocumulus clouds are gray, whitish clouds with darker areas. Consist of flaps or rounded masses arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Occasionally accompanied by rain. Nimbostratus clouds. Powerful, dark gray masses. Low ragged clouds (ragged-nimbus) often appear below the main cloud layer. With such cloudiness, rain or snowfall should be expected. Clouds vertical development. First of all, these are well-known cumulus clouds. These clouds belong to the clouds of vertical development. Outwardly, they resemble pieces of cotton wool or whipped cream floating across the sky. Their tops are convex, reminiscent cauliflower. Most often, such clouds appearing in the second half of the morning mean good, stable weather. The number of such clouds can be considerable, and they can cover almost half of the sky. Usually in the evening their ranks begin to thin out, and by sunset they completely disappear. But in some cases when high humidity they begin to grow rapidly upward and take the form of vertical columns. These are powerful cumulus clouds. Such a cloud is a dense, heavy mass. They are already saturated with moisture and often have a rather dark shade. From such a cloud it may well begin to rain. Again, in some cases, the top of such a cloud can rise so high that frozen water droplets form a smoothed flat top - an “anvil”, which spreads across the sky in the form of a fan of cirrus clouds. These are already cumulonimbus clouds, they carry showers with thunderstorms and hail, and even hurricane winds. Steady good (bucket) weather in mid-latitudes European Russia, Ural, Western Siberia, Belarus, the Baltics, Ukraine and Fennoscandia has the following characteristics: the pressure fluctuates slightly during the day or rises slowly and steadily; the air temperature gradually rises after sunrise until 14-15 hours, and after sunset it drops sharply; the night is cool or even cold, frosts are possible until the beginning of June; heavy dew falls in the evening; fog spreads across the lowlands and over the water; in the morning the sky is completely clear or with almost motionless cirrus or cirrostratus clouds, melting before noon; in the second half of the morning the appearance of cumulus clouds; with increasing temperature - their development, up to majestic communities and numerical increase; the maximum development of clouds will be at 14-15 hours, and at sunset they will gradually disappear clear night and starry wind: complete calm at night, light gusts before sunrise, then a gradual increase in wind up to moderate or even fresh as the air warms up; wind weakening towards sunset until calm; the wind reaches its maximum at 14-15 hours in the mountains there is a clear alternation of mountain-valley winds (during the day the wind blows from the valleys to the mountains - rising currents, and after sunset - vice versa) on the coast of the seas and large lakes (a strip of 10-15 km) there is an alternation of day and night breezes (during the day the wind blows from the sea to the land, and after sunset - vice versa). These weather signs are characteristic of local air masses. They stay within the same area for a long time and are not disturbed by air intrusions of a different origin. But in summer, in hot weather, an intramass thunderstorm can occur in the local air mass. On such days, in the morning you can feel the oppressive heat - “soaring”. Atmosphere pressure falls quickly. Cumulus clouds develop into powerful tower-like shapes and become a bluish-black thundercloud with white wisps or swirls along the front (squall vortex). Such thunderstorms usually have a small area. If the thunderstorm does not pass by, then the thunder that was heard from afar becomes stronger, and the intervals between lightning flashes and thunderclaps become shorter. The wind subsides and a pre-storm calm sets in. As the cloud approaches, the wind reappears, first in the form of light blows, and then grows to squall gusts. The wind can reach hurricane force. It begins to rain, in some cases with hail. But after such a thunderstorm, the weather is clear and good again. Deteriorating weather. The following signs indicate this: atmospheric pressure is falling, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly; it is believed that the slower the decrease, the more stable the bad weather will be, and vice versa, the daily temperature variation is smoothed out, the difference between day and night temperatures decreases, the night coolness is less noticeable, the earth almost does not cool after sunset, therefore fog does not rise even in the lowlands, dew does not falls at sunset, cumulus clouds are replaced by cirrus and cirrostratus clouds, most often as if fanning out from one center; moving at a speed noticeable to the eye, they gradually cover the entire sky in a thin cover of cirrus clouds, circles appear around the sun and moon (halo) - a sign of thickening and decreasing cloud cover and the imminent arrival of precipitation, the wind “blows the night dawn”, that is, it does not stop after sunset in the mountains and on the coast the alternation of mountain-valley winds and breezes is disrupted at night or in the morning it begins to rain. These are all signs of the passage of a warm front - the front part of the warm and humid air mass. Such bad weather typically lasts 2-3 days or even more. Another type of storm is a cold front. Signs of its approach: atmospheric pressure drops, the red color of the evening dawn, in which traces of cirrus clouds located far to the west can be discerned; a dark stripe most often covers a quarter or even a third of the horizon in the evening; moving quickly, it covers the entire sky and breaks up with rain, sometimes with hail and squally winds, altocumulus clouds in a tower-shaped form or in the form of ragged flakes indicate the approach of a cold front with deteriorating weather and wind movement of higher clouds deviates to the left in relation to lower ones; after the front passes, the wind near the ground also turns to the left, after which sometimes a short-term clearing occurs in the mountains - strengthening of the upper wind, acceleration of the movement of clouds over the tops of the mountains, formation of lenticular-shaped clouds at the tops; Sometimes in mountainous areas the passage of a cold front with strong winds can occur without clouds, with clear sky; Bad weather is recognized by the characteristic snow “flags” on the ridge. After the passage of the cold front, clear weather sets in cold weather with the winds of the northern quarter. Signs of improving weather: blood pressure rises; the temperature drops in the evening and acquires a normal diurnal pattern; gray ragged clouds of bad weather disappear, and windows appear in the veil of stratus clouds, through which you can see the blue sky with motionless cirrus or cumulus clouds; uniform continuous rain degenerates into small, sharp gusts; fog rises in the lowlands; the wind is weak and uniform in bad weather, intensifies, but, having dispersed the clouds, subsides by the end of the day; the sunset is clear, the night is clear and cold; The alternation of mountain-valley winds and breezes is restored. In addition to these signs, there are indirect signs of weather changes: a rainbow in the evening portends good weather, in the morning – rain; the appearance of two or three rainbows - continuous rain; a bright rainbow - to bad weather; the greener the rainbow, the longer the bad weather; if during the rain a rainbow appears and the blue color in it is weakly expressed, and the yellow color is bright, this means good weather; the rainbow is directed from north to south - to rain, from east to west - to good weather; a high and steep rainbow means wind, a steep and low rainbow means rain; if the rainbow quickly disappears after the rain - good weather; salt and tobacco become damp before the rain; fog spreads across the water - to good weather, rises from the water - to rain, disappears after sunrise without wind - to good weather; if the Milky Way is full of stars and bright, it means good weather, if it is dim, it means rain; beetles are hiding in holes, and midges are crawling into your face - wait for the rain; A black woodpecker screams in the summer - it means rain; sparrows bathe in dust - predict rain; ants are hiding in an anthill - there will be heavy rain soon; early in the morning the lark is not heard - it means rain; fish jump out of the water and catch insects flying over the water - predicts rain; seagulls gather on the shore and begin to make noise - to bad weather; before the rain, wildflowers smell stronger than usual, and the dandelion closes its cap; if the woodlice (“star grass”) does not open in the morning and keeps its flowers closed all day, it will rain; if the bindweed flowers close, it means it will soon rain, and if they open in cloudy weather, the weather will soon improve; if at night the stars twinkle strongly, and in the morning the sky is covered with clouds, then there will be a thunderstorm at noon; if on a cloudy day before sunset the sun suddenly shines brightly, there will be prolonged bad weather; the bright glow of fireflies means good weather in the morning; if during sunset the solar disk is larger than usual and red, it will be windy the next day; if grasshoppers and cicadas chirp animatedly in the evening, and mosquitoes and midges hover in a column, the weather will be good. The listed signs must be considered all together. Each of the signs, taken separately, does not mean anything and can only lead to confusion. It should be taken into account that in some areas there are winds of local origin, such as “suloi” or “barguzin” on Lake Baikal or “bora” in the Novorossiysk region. When planning, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the weather conditions of the area you are traveling.

// Folk signs for the weather

  1. Whitish clouds over the water, quickly disappearing at sunrise - indicate clear weather.
  2. Whitish clouds over the water, quickly disappearing at sunrise, indicate clear weather.
  3. Heavy dew in the morning means good weather, no dew means rain.
  4. In December there are seven weather conditions: it blows, blows, swirls, tears and sweeps.
  5. Wind in stripes, gusts - to calm weather.
  6. An evening rainbow means clear weather, a morning rainbow means rainy weather.
  7. In the evening, grasshoppers chirp loudly - a sign of good weather.
  8. The visible movement of clouds against the wind is a sure sign of bad weather.
  9. In March, clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
  10. In the anthill, the passages are open and the brisk movement of ants on the heap is noticeable - this means good weather.
  11. There are a lot of ants around the anthill, which means the weather is good.
  12. In stable weather, the spines of thistle corolla leaves take a horizontal position, and in cloudy weather, a vertical position.
  13. A tall and steep rainbow means good weather, a low and flat rainbow means bad weather.
  14. The rooks are playing - the weather will be good.
  15. A double (triple) rainbow is a sign of rainy weather.
  16. Hot during the day, cool at night - good weather.
  17. If a stork stands on both legs, shakes its wings and hides its long beak, it portends a storm and bad weather.
  18. If hares shed for a long time in the spring, wait for the cold weather to continue.
  19. If there are a lot of ants around the anthill, the weather is good.
  20. If the weather is constant in the first week of August, then the winter will be long and snowy.
  21. If it is raining and the chickens are walking around the yard, it means the weather has deteriorated for a short time.
  22. If the clouds float fast and high - sure sign: be good weather.
  23. If a spider leaves the nest and makes a new web, it’s due to the weather.
  24. If a lot of spiders are visible, the weather is good. The spider intensively weaves webs - to dry weather.
  25. If at cloudy weather In the evening, cloudiness decreases, the wind subsides, visibility improves - towards frost.
  26. If in clear weather distant objects are unclear, as if in fog, it will rain.
  27. If a rainbow is visible in the evening, then the weather will be good, and in the morning it will rain.
  28. If February is rainy, then spring and summer will be the same, if it is weathery, then there will be drought.
  29. If a seagull lands on the water, expect good weather, but if it stays near the shore, then expect changes that are not for the better.
  30. The crane (near the well) creaks - signifies a change in the weather.
  31. The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain or snow.
  32. Frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth.
  33. When Milky Way shines, then the weather will be good. When it seems that the stars seem to be running in it, then there will be wind.
  34. The bark that cracks a lot in the spring on birches and other trees predicts long, good and dry weather for the future.
  35. Crake fights in the evening - depending on the weather.
  36. A cat licks itself - to bad weather. The cat washes itself, licks its paw - to the bucket; Buries the muzzle - to frost, or - to bad weather; sits in the stove - to frost, bad weather; scraping the floor - to the wind and snowstorm; tearing the wall - to bad weather. Sleeping soundly - for warmth: lying with its belly or snout up - for warmth.
  37. Red clouds mean rain. In the midday wind - to gusty winds and bad weather. If at the same time the rays of the sun darken, then expect a thunderstorm.
  38. Short term weather forecast
  39. A circle around the sun that does not separate when disappearing means good and dry weather. If the circle breaks, then there will be wind from the side of the ring break. If the circle is dark, in winter it foretells cold, in summer it foretells rain and wind. The circle is greenish or reddish before sunrise or sunset - rain or wind for several days.
  40. The cuckoo crows - the weather will be good.
  41. A heap of clouds with the rising sun means variable weather.
  42. A horse, while grazing, constantly strives to go out onto the hill - to a change in the weather.
  43. Few stars are visible - this means cloudy weather.
  44. Few stars are visible - to cloudy weather and rain; and from where the rays of the stars will be long, from there the wind will come.
  45. The woodlouse blossomed in the morning and remained open all day - for good weather.
  46. Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather.
  47. Shepherds determine the approach of bad weather by the wool of sheep - it becomes wet before the rain.
  48. Spiders weave webs - the weather will be dry and cold.
  49. Roosters crowing after sunset until late in the evening promises good, stable weather the next day.
  50. Before it rains, bees do not fly far from the hive, but before good weather they fly in flocks to the field.
  51. Before the onset of wet weather, leather items become flexible and soft, salt becomes damp, tobacco becomes damp.
  52. Birds are tufting - a sign of bad weather.
  53. A rainbow across the river means the weather will be good, a rainbow along the river means there will be heavy rain.
  54. The rainbow stands from north to south - for rain, from east to west - for good weather.
  55. The rays of the rising sun of different colors indicate cloudy or rainy weather. Also foreshadows a yellow, white, or green sunrise.
  56. Northern winds in August bring dry weather.
  57. Strong draft in the stove - for frost, weak - for wet weather, red fire - for frost, white - for thaw.
  58. The stars shine strongly in the summer - to the heat, in the winter - to the frost. Getting dark means variable weather, wind and thunderstorms.
  59. From what date in October there will be a year (good clear weather, a bucket), from that date spring will open in April.
  60. In the morning, the woodlouse blossomed and remained open all day - for good weather.
  61. Dry branches falling from trees in dry weather mean rain.
  62. Fog spreads across the water early in the morning - the weather will be sunny.
  63. A dull month means damp weather. Clear - to dry. In the blue - to rain; in red - to the wind, with ears - to the frost.
  64. The decline of the river is due to rain, the profit is due to the weather.
  65. The dandelion has a feathery ball - to dry and warm weather, and pulled into a bun - to bad weather.
  66. In the morning, fog rises, forming clouds - to rain, and if it falls to the ground - to dry weather.
  67. In the morning the fog spreads across the water - the weather will be good.
  68. Lapwing screams in the evening - for clear weather, flies low - for long dry weather.
  69. The bright glow of fireflies means good weather.

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