Farewell statuses with a loved one. Sad statuses about life

He is so ... so desired, mysterious, unusual, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited ...))) my VACATION

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What I want most right now is to be at the airport and hear that my plane is leaving for the sea in a few minutes...

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Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than a packed suitcase at sea...

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Most of all I want to go on vacation a month before and 10 months after it.

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Summer... sun... sea... beach... children... bags... husband... luggage... room... bunk... shower... clamor... was there a vacation - you'll understand...

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

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It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And if I want to, I'll freak out and leave. To the cottage. I will water, weed, dig...

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After have a nice holiday I need to rest for another week.

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All good things come to an end sooner or later ... The moral of this fable is this - Khan came to leave ((

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On the last day before the vacation, I had to go sideways to work - a satisfied smile did not creep through the door.

The degree of tan is determined by the whiteness of the ass relative to the rest of the body.

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There are two photographs on my passport. On the first one, I'm sober, and the second - so that they let them out of Turkey and Egypt ...

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My girlfriend talks all the time about a trip to the Canary Islands. And I don't mind... Let him talk.

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For our tourists, everything that is not nailed to the floor in the hotel is a souvenir!

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Everyone who has returned from vacation must have a friend who will slap on a burnt shoulder and ask: "Well, how did you rest?"

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they sit at a different computer.

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From vacation, as well as from hard drinking, you need to get out gradually))

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Stop a moment, you're on vacation!!!

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Holidays come and go, but you never want to work.

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A Russian person's vacation lasts 2 months, since he prepares for a vacation for two weeks, and comes out of it for two weeks.

Tears and hysteria - that's such a drama. Gained 4 kilos while on vacation...

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Nothing is more tiring than someone else's rest.

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Cheer up on a dull, gray, winter Friday! Write an application for a vacation with colorful felt-tip pens!

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Russian vacation - two weeks on the beach and 50 weeks aground.

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Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now ...

Statuses about work with meaning

It's good to work two jobs! Lots of money! But not because they pay a lot - but because there is no time to spend.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Never before has a person been so close to perfection as when writing a resume!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Thursday is better than Sunday! Because on Thursday tomorrow is Friday, and on Sunday tomorrow is Monday!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

If you don't know how to work with your head, work with a shovel.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Work ennobles a man, but idleness makes him happy.

If your office is often entered without knocking, hang with inside on the door is a target for darts.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

- What should a specialist do for a salary of ten thousand rubles? - Nothing ... And even a little harm!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life.

In our country everything is PAYABLE: to be born!, to study!, to be treated!, to die! - Is there anything for FREE? - Yes... Work!!!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Work hard and pay your taxes honestly. Thousands of workers in the state apparatus are counting on you.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

The specifics of life in a metropolis is such that some workers get tired before they reach work.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o Chief, remember! White (not tanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

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I still can’t figure out: do I have a job, or does my job have me? ..

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

It will become completely bad - call. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if each other.

Some idiot is now cutting his veins, trying to die, and at this time somewhere a child is dying, who so wanted to live ...

Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I will go. I've been looking for the key for a long time, but it's not to that to the heart.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with ...

I've heard a lot in life - promises, vows, but the best thing I've heard is silence. It has no lies.

There are moments when the best lighting for your further path is a flaming bridge behind you!

No one knows what is really in the soul of a person who always smiles at everyone ...

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree over trifles.

Some people have something to remember, while others only have something they want to forget.

Resentment will go away, trust will not return.

We are often dissatisfied with life, and often we do what we take revenge only on those who are hurt ... For those who do not care ...

People who hurt us don't want to hurt us, they want to hurt themselves!

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Some time will pass! And you will go to my page ... Perhaps, it is not at all accidental ... Look at my photo, where I smile sweetly and gently. And it will hurt you when you realize that I will never be closer than on the monitor ...

They got it with their own: "everything will be fine." It will, I know ... But I feel bad now ...

Sometimes we say the most frankly as a joke, so that no one understands that this is true ...

What a pity that the memory can not be killed. She alone ruins our lives. How painful it is to remember everything and live ... With a ridiculous phrase: "Time heals"

It's hard when a person is in your thoughts more often than next to you.

Bitter tears quietly fell on the pillow ... I'm not your love, but just a toy ...

Hiding tears behind dark glasses Bad mood behind the smiles broken heart for a beautiful face. And people think that everything is always fine with us ...

In our world, in order to be loved, you need to have beautiful breasts, ass, face, and the soul is just ... a public toilet.

I know that ships sometimes sink in the sea. They, like me, swam into someone's heart, but could not get out of there.

Not to miss. Not to wait. Do not believe. Not to love. Does not work.

It's so painful, embarrassing. It's so hard if you love and you see that everything is fine for him.

You will open your whole soul to him, and he will "clearly ..."

And it doesn’t seem to be sad ... And it doesn’t even hurt ... It’s just empty in my soul ... And tears involuntarily ...

When it's bad because of one person, sick of the whole world ......

Sometimes the happiest moments become the saddest memories.

Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

Just don’t cry, just don’t break loose ... You need to smile, just smile ...

Friends say in my ear: “Everything will be fine, don’t just lose heart!” I nod to them dryly: “Everything will be fine” ... And I fall, fall, lose heart ...

All life is a series of partings, but it hurts the most if they don’t even bother to say goodbye to you.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

You are in the middle of a meadow, there are billions of stars in the sky..
Do you think I broke up with him for nothing?
- In a place where you feel good, they don't ask questions.

If a person is destined to be near you, he will be. No matter under what circumstances you broke up, and no matter how much time has passed.

“Separation is what it is:
not expecting anything
we shudder not from a knock,
but from hope in him"

Bulat Okudzhava

Breakups are not to be feared. And in the distance you can love deeply, and near you can quickly part.

In order to get to know a man well, you need to part with him. Olga Anina.

Perhaps, in the end, all life is a series of partings. But it hurts the most if they don’t even bother to say goodbye to you. Life of Pi

"If you finally decide to leave any place, think about where you are heading, and not about what it was high time to say goodbye to."

Elchin Safarli

Never try to return someone who once abandoned you.

Always talk about the grief of the abandoned. Have you ever thought about those who leave? Anna Gavalda

You need to be able to leave on time. So that after your departure they sigh not with relief, but with regret.

Never go back. There is no point in going back. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts sank. Even if it pulls you to where everything was so nice, don't go there ever, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this - forget it, you never go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, once they left you. They killed faith in the soul, in love, in people and in themselves. Live just what you live and even though life is like hell, look only forward, NEVER GO BACK ...

Omar Khayyam

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

Sigmund Freud

People sometimes leave, even if there is nowhere else to go.

so hard to find the right words to keep you. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I understand the futility of these attempts.

Who cries at the station must pay a fine.

Longing for a person who has been abandoned or left us, as it were, decorates with a halo the one who comes later.

No matter how strong you are
Don't part with your loved ones.

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They say that the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity, probably it is, but sometimes it the only way survive...

I don't feel lonely, but I feel abandoned.

Let go without letting go of the heart.

Leaving is always much easier than staying.

Perhaps all breakups are like jumping off a cliff. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you'll have to let go.

Saying goodbye comes before realizing your feelings.

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Sometimes only memories remain from a person, but everywhere ...

When people leave, let go. Fate eliminates the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

You won't know what it is real love until you want to get rid of it.

Sometimes only one person's life changes with a change of phone number. Someone who will never call again.

It all started as usual and ended as usual. Big and bright love was canceled for technical reasons.

The absence of your presence in my life does not bother me anymore.

Distance is not so scary when it is in kilometers of the earth, and not in kilometers of the soul.

When you want everyone to leave, it's easier to leave yourself.

Separation and meeting are the two main parts from which someday happiness will be formed.

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Separation inflames heart passion ... To someone who is closer.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.

Two weeks, that's all we had. Two weeks to fall head over heels in love with you. And now we are parting for a year, but what is a year of separation for us if we had these two weeks.

We would not appreciate life if we did not know death. We would not appreciate meetings if there were no separations.

Every time we part with someone we care about, we hope that the Universe will reward us for our selfless choice.

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When you leave, leave and don't think about returning, but I'll say goodbye and hope.

After parting with a person for an hour, you can then look for him in eternity.

Closing the door behind you, I realized what a moth feels when a candle is blown out in the room.

It is impossible to leave so that no one suffers.

Her kisses froze on my body like snowflakes on an icy window. Somehow it got cold. Now I understand. Parting kisses lose their warmth. In them, the cooled tenderness of parting ...

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Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but strengthens a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but kindles a fire.

Separation is sweet sadness.

Separation and meeting are the two main parts from which someday happiness will be formed.

The certainty that we are loved softens the suffering of separation.

Of all the injustices of fate, separation is the most terrible for hearts. (As-Samarkandi)

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Separation only strengthens the power of those we love. (Romain Rolland)

In separation, three-quarters of the grief is taken by the one who remains, while the one who leaves takes away only one quarter. (Ibn Hazma)

The collection includes quotes about people leaving your life for self-knowledge and development. And here is the first expression: Between there is a god and there is no god lies a whole vast field, which a true sage passes with great difficulty. Anton Chekhov, Notebooks (1897)

Too many people break down without even knowing how close to success they were at the moment they lost heart.

Even at the very bottom there are holes in which you can fall. Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

Heroine: The girl in the book who drowns and is rescued by the hero and marries her a week later; but if it happened ten years later, she would have preferred a lifeline - and he, too. Mark Twain

If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito at night. Dalai Lama

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep - it means he really is special!

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you won't be able to.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. S. Connolly.

Don't tire yourself out thinking about what others think of you.

Love is like a sticky disease: the more you are afraid of it, the sooner you catch it. N. Chamfort.

Be kinder whenever possible. And this is always possible.

Either you rule the day or the day rules you. Jim Rohn

To love is not to look at each other, to love is to look together in the same direction. A. de Saint-Exupery.

If you want to collect honey, don't ruin the hive. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

Love preserves beauty, and the body of a woman lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatole France

We should not let our past program our present and future.

Wisdom is not only to solve the problem correctly, but also to solve it in a timely manner. V. Zubkov

He is the first one I love, and most importantly, the first one who believes this. Yanina Ipohorskaya

Never buy a thing, seduced by its cheapness, such a thing, in the long run, will cost you dearly. Jefferson Thomas

My dear, good, beloved, dear! You are the light in my window, you are my love!

The goal that a person pursues is always hidden. A girl dreaming of marriage is dreaming of something completely unknown to her. A young man who yearns for fame does not know what fame is. What gives meaning to our actions is always something totally unknown to us. Kundera M.

Happiness is when nothing hurts.

Personal meaning is generated by the existence of a person, life ... Leontiev A.N.

To love is bliss; hate is torture. All the law and the prophets are centered in love for God and neighbor (Matt. 22:40).

If nothing else helps, finally read the instructions!. Axiom of Kahn and Orben

The only way to live is to let live. Mahatma Gandhi

If you don't get better, you get worse.

Every person has three characters: one that is attributed to him; one that he ascribes to himself; and, finally, the one that is in reality. Victor Hugo

what goes about women, but the rumor depends only on themselves. P. Beaumarchais.

If you want someone to stay in your life, never be indifferent to him! - Richard Bach.

While love is alive, it draws strength from itself, and sometimes from what, it would seem, should kill it: in whims, in severity, in coldness, in jealousy. J. La Bruyère.

He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. Friedrich Nietzsche

Everyone is exactly as happy as he knows how to be happy. Dina Dean

If fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

What can be said about a man who spent a thousand and one nights with a woman, listening to fairy tales? Alexander Cumor

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students. E. Berlioz We accomplish feats for those we love, and those who need us love us even without any feats.

An affectionate calf sucks two queens. Russian saying

A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one to whom the question is addressed. Frankl W.

It's hard to get into history, but it's easy to fall into it. M. Zhvanetsky

Love leaves like a true gentleman, without saying goodbye, in English,

If love demands nothing, it is only because, as it seems to it, it already possesses everything.

The more comprehensive the meaning, the less comprehensible it is. Infinite meaning necessarily lies beyond the comprehension of a finite being. This is the point where science gives way and wisdom takes over. Frankl W.

Life is a worn out concept, it is necessary to refresh it, to reveal its content as a culture of personal relationships. Mikhail Prishvin

Respect yourself and love yourself, only after that you can truly love and respect another.

In the syrup of compliments, ego flies are hopelessly bogged down. Yuri Tatarkin

If life does not seem to you a great joy, it is only because your mind is misdirected. L. Tolstoy

Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves. Lev Tolstoy

The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to dominate him, without the desire to use his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that has been revealed to us. . Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

In the dictionary of love there is no word too. Luciano De Crescenzo

The next queue always moves faster. Observation Ettore

  • Do not be sad! After all, every minute is non-refundable and non-refundable.
  • Sadness can be used, because it unites people stronger and faster than joy ...
  • If your friend is sad, thinking about life - support him in this, because, God forbid, he will then think about death!
  • Sometimes I feel unbearably sad, but in general life goes on as usual. (Haruki Murakami)
  • Sadness suddenly gripped my heart.

  • Life is just a long road to death...
  • And you know what's scary? when your parents live in the same apartment, but at the same time they hate each other more than anything in the world... and you look at it and can't do anything...
  • In darkness there is no difference between the absence of light and the absence of darkness.
  • It's a shame that there are very few people who will take it and write just like that, for no reason or reason, simply because they are bored.
  • He is in her soul, and she is in his Odnoklassniki!

  • Sometimes it seems that people with a sad look understood something in this life or went through its severe trials and pain.
  • I have no bad habits, except for one ... The habit of making mistakes in people ... Honestly, it would be better to smoke.
  • You look like the end of the world - after you there will be nothing.
  • In our radiant sky there is always a dark spot - and this is our own shadow.
  • Sometimes one phone call changes the whole situation. However, a phone call that didn’t ring out also changes a lot.

  • When rage doesn't want to be alone, it takes sadness along with it. Together they come to anger, which also hides sadness and hides powerlessness.
  • Man's hope wears out. Over time, it, like an old coat, is covered with holes and blown by the cold wind of reality.
  • Life is beautiful even when tears flow down your cheeks... But when you cry, you don't think so.
  • The worst thing is to feel like an exhausted old man in the body of a young man.
  • My boy, here it rains for days. And love dies by causes. You burn me with prostitutes, I will burn you with dear men ...

  • Today life in again gave me a powerful kick in the ass for my childish naivete, as if hinting that she knew her place in this ill-fated and cruel world.
  • Hearing hurtful things from loved ones is doubly painful. Because deep down you know that what you say is true.
  • Our life is like in a chicken coop - move your neighbor, shit on the bottom one.
  • The worst thing is when you want to cry, but there is nothing. I want to speak, but no one.
  • Life goes by so quickly, as if it is not interested in us.

  • Everyone in life had such a moment that they stumbled and fell. Here you lie and think that there is no more left to fight ...
  • Bitter coffee and a cigarette. Cold morning and sad evening. Silence of the phone and music in the headphones. Tomorrow it will be cold again...
  • Having touched all the ugliness of our life out of the corner of our eye, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it wakes up.
  • There is simply not enough warmth, for which you do not need to pay with nerves.
  • Life is like a phone without a network. At first, you look for her long and hard, but when you catch her, the understanding comes that no one is waiting for your call.

  • I wish you happiness and a smile on your face, I wish you to meet your soul mate. Want? so that you are happy, even if not with me. Love breaks us, but we are strong with you.
  • I have discovered the most effective antidepressant... it's tears...
  • Sometimes you just want to cry, cry for no reason, realizing that you have lost a lot of things ... but everything could have been different.
  • It seems to be happy .... but not quite, everything seems to be there ... but something is missing
  • It is said that sadness exists by itself. Satisfaction from her can be obtained by sharing your sadness with another person.

  • A soulless beautiful doll with a piece of ice instead of a heart, empty, with cold eyes and a proudly raised head ... This is how I became ...
  • Love at a distance…. painful, difficult, long, unbearable, lonely...
  • I feel bad, sad and suddenly became terribly empty ....
  • The worst thing is when you open his page, and there is no status there.
  • Morning. Bed. Alarm. It's time to get up. School. Friends. I am going home. Everything is as always ... Lunch. Lessons. Phone calls. The outside. Friends. Another evening without you House. Dinner. Internet. Bath. Bed. I turn off the light. You see, you are not on this list.

  • Pick up the pieces of your heart so that those who faithfully follow you do not get hurt.
  • No longer a friend or even an enemy, you are now like EVERYTHING. You are just like that now.
  • It's sad to meet those people who knew everything about you... even the most secret... and now, passing by, they don't even say hello.
  • Depression is when a castle in the air collapsed and crushed its builder..
  • Rain, sleet, disgusting.... the streets are empty. Well, where are you, lovers of rain, "in which you can hide your tears"?

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